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Dan looked into space as he taped the young athletes ankle. Something he had done hundreds of times. The young guys at the college were good for him. The ever present banter and camaraderie were always a welcome part of his day and since loosing his wife to cancer more than a year and a half ago he loved the personal connection he had with many of the athletes.

He volunteered here at the college after retirement from his own physical therapy practice and still being relatively young at 62 he wasn’t ready to give up being active.

“Ok Jeff there you go, leave that wrapped until after you’ve iced it after you get home.”

“You’re the man Dan.” It was getting to be a bit of a joke with some of the guys. Jeff got up from the table and gave Dan a pat on the back in appreciation of his skills in taking care of his ankle injury.

Zach, one of the other trainers had asked Dan to stay and take a look at a nagging groin injury.

“Thanks for staying after work to take a look Dan.”

“It’s not a problem, does the whirlpool seem to be helping at all.”

“It is, but it’s aggravated by everything it seems. It’s tight and its tough to get loosened up before I go for a run.” Zachs expression changed when the hot water hit that critical part of his anatomy as he got into the pool. “It seems my 40’s are not as resilient as my 30’s”. He laughed.

“Well stretch it both before and after, and ice after for sure.” Dan paused putting away supplies.

They chatted about several topics including how the college football team was performing this season.

Zach had been a friend to Dan since before the passing of his wife and would stop by his house frequently while out on his afternoon run to check in with him. They had become trusted friends as well as colleagues.

“Do you massage it when it gets tight?”

“I haven’t been, I guess I’m just not sure of the effectiveness of it I suppose.” Zach had gotten out of the pool and was drying off.

“Come over here and lay back on the exam table and let me have a look.” Dan walked over to the table Zach was pushing himself onto.

Zach was a little nervous about having this sensitive of an area prodded and felt by his friend. He had never let on or talked to Dan about his relationships or orientation or anything of that nature even though there had been some attraction for Dan.

Being bisexual wasn’t something he felt comfortable divulging to his colleagues let alone the students. The assumption was that since Dan had been married to a woman that there would never be anything romantic or sexual between them.

But still the attraction was there and he really didn’t want to have to explain getting a hard on while having his groin examined.

“Ok lets have a look.” Dan pushed up the leg of Zachs shorts and started to feel for tightness in the muscles of his upper inner thigh.

“Yeah, these are very tight, your not going to want to run before getting loosened up. Let’s see what we can do.”

With that Dan started to push and kneed those tight muscles. His hands brushing Zach’s balls occasionally and as he pushed and rubbed deeper and more forceful into the muscle tissues causing Zach’s hips to move about the table some and with it his cock flopping around in his loose fitting gym shorts.

Zach closed his eyes while Dan’s fingers worked on his groin. Partly because he was trying to divert his thoughts away from the sensations he was getting from the attention his groin was receiving, and partly because he couldn’t help but enjoy the attention.

He felt his cock getting hard and started to panic. “How could I let myself get carried away?” He thought.

“Listen, Dan…I’m going to have to run, I didn’t realize it was getting so late.”

Zach lowered himself off of the examination table and rushed to the lockers to get dressed without saying much more.

Dan was disappointed in himself. “How could you let it go so far Dan? What were you thinking?”

It was troubling to him because he valued his friendship with Zach and he didn’t want to jeopardize it by wanting more than what was there. He didn’t want it to become awkward, and surely he didn’t want to become known as the lecherous old man that volunteered in the training room.

Zach left embarrassed that he had let himself get carried away with his attraction towards Dan. During the last several months in lending an ear to help Dan with his grief he had become fond of him. So far it had just presented itself as friendship even though if he were honest with himself it was becoming more than Bolu Escort that.

Dan was dealing with all the emotions of loosing his wife pretty well, he missed her but while she was sick he grew weary of watching the cancer take its toll and draining the life out of her. When she passed it was in part a relief she wasn’t suffering anymore.

But the other part hurt. Sometimes it seemed unbearable. The loss he felt would have overwhelmed him had he not had a good friend to confide in and lean on.

Zach was instrumental in helping him deal with the loss and guilt he had of feeling some relief. He also was helping him move past it and not become paralyzed by it. And Dan was grateful for it. It certainly was healing for him to be able to feel at ease in sharing his thoughts and his deep emotions.

Dan went home and was cooking dinner and reflecting on what had transpired in the training room. He was a mix of being a little embarrassed and also excited that it was becoming apparent that his friend liked it. It was obvious that he was getting an erection and that gave Dan some hope he would again feel desired by another person.

Zach went home and readied himself for his evening run. His thoughts captivated by his friend getting him hard by massaging his groin. Surely he had to know what effect it would have on him. Did he just imagine his hand inadvertently brushing his testicles? I mean it did happen. But was it on purpose? Because he is a trainer after all. At times it is required that he address a problem with a groin and that’s going to put his hands close to another man’s junk.

But still he had never had one of the other trainers “accidentally” touch his balls before. And it was that thought that occupied his imagination. He set out on his leisurely run through the aging neighborhood with well established trees that overhung and met in the middle of the street. The old neighborhood had the charm of a well kept college town with the mix of its age and the youthfulness the students and staff brought it.

Dan made one of his favorites, crab fettuccine. He liked making it. The combination of the smell of the crab cooking in its wine sauce and the garlic bread under the broiler and sipping a Grenache Blanc while he cooked it. It seemed to be a meal that appealed to his libido as well.

He wasn’t sure if it was the shell fish or more likely the memory of going out with his wife and enjoying a romantic sea food meal out on the wharf and coming home and making love all night. But nevertheless it had an effect on him.

Zach’s run was more leisurely than usual. Maybe it was that he wanted to take it easy on his groin injury, but more likely what he was processing mentally. He felt a tug to drop in on Dan.

But given that he rushed out of the training room earlier he wasn’t quite sure what to say.

He felt the excitement of the possibility of his and Dans friendship moving beyond just being friends but also the apprehension from the possibility of misunderstanding what he was hoping were advances from Dan.

He found himself standing in the street facing Dans house paralyzed with indecision. Unable to make up his mind whether to approach the door or not. The sweat dripped from his face and a brief panic overtook him when he saw Dan open his front door and come outside.

“Are you going to stand in the street and risk getting hit by a car? Or do you think it might be better to come in and join me for dinner?” It was just like Dan to erase tension with his dry sense of humor.

Zach’s anxiety instantly lifted when he got close enough to smell the combination of Ron’s dinner mixed with the breeze of ocean air of their seaside community. A comfort came over him that was familiar, Dan had always had a way of recognizing and being able to ease tension. It’s one of the things that made him so appealing.

“It’s unfortunate the extremes a guy has to go to to get an invite.” He laughed as Dan met him half way with a brief familiar hug.

“I have pasta on the stove and bread in the works, why don’t you jump in the shower while I make a salad.” Dan motioned to the back of the house.

Zach was in familiar territory, he had spent a lot of time at Dan’s home. It wasn’t the first time he had showered there. This time however he thought maybe it was time to test the waters some.

While Dan cut peppers and cucumbers for the salad he could see Zach undressing in the master bedroom through an open door. When Zach had used the shower before he had exhibited a little more modesty, the closest Bolu Escort Bayan he had come to seeing Zach naked was when he used the whirlpool in the training room.

Zach being 20 years younger and being a runner his physique reflected both his youth and the effort he put into his running. Dan couldn’t help but steal a glance as Zach got ready for his shower.

Dan put the bread under the broiler and finished the salad and put it on the table along with the pasta. He poured two glasses of wine to go with the meal.

Zach came out with bare feet and wet hair wearing a pair of Dans shorts and one of his favorite T-shirts from the college. “It smells amazing in here, I’m glad I stopped by.”

“Me too, it would be a shame to not share this.” Dan patted his friend on the back and motioned him to the table.

They enjoyed the fine dinner and the conversation came easy, they were well into the second bottle of wine and both of them felt a little less apprehension from earlier in the day. Dan suggested they jump in the hot tub.

“I think it may help your injury, and I know it makes my back feel better.” Dan suggested as he pulled the cover off of the steaming tub. “Go ahead and jump in while I get us a brandy.” Dan had an Italian brandy he loved to have as a nightcap.

Maybe it was the wine and maybe it was what had transpired earlier in the day, but while Dan was pouring the brandies Zach stripped off the borrowed shorts and shirt and as he got in the tub he hoped he wasn’t making a mistake.

Meanwhile Dan’s desire grew as his gaze lingered on the younger man’s naked form as he undressed from the kitchen window.

Any anxiety he had dissolved when Dan came back with the glasses with the golden liqueur in them and stripped off his shorts and shirt. His cock at half mast bounced as he got in the tub.

The warm water felt good against Dan’s bare naked flesh. Zach could not help, but get a good look at Dan’s manhood anchored by his orbs as he entered the hot tub.

“Here’s to good friends becoming better.” Zach raised his glass and was met with the clink of the two glasses toasting.

It might have been the lowered inhibitions from the wine, but without a doubt both of them had desire for the other on their mind.

“Let’s check that groin.” Dan reached over and placed his hand on Zach’s thigh.

Zach responded by spreading his legs and opening himself to Dan’s magic touch, as soon as Dan squeezed Zach’s thigh his cock responded just as his hand strayed to grasp its fullness.

Zach raised himself onto the edge of the tub and spread his legs exposing himself fully to Dan as he moved between his legs while he rubbed the inside of his thighs.

Dan had been wanting this for a long time, he grasped his friend’s hard cock in his hand. He paused to admire its bulbous head that now had a bead of precum forming at its slit.

Not being able to keep himself from it any longer he lowered his mouth over it and savored the smooth skin and spongy texture.

Zach took a sip of the bronze liquid in his glass and closed his eyes and let his head fall back allowing a moan to escape his mouth. He savored the sensations of the blow job he was receiving. He had hoped he would have this with Dan. Their friendship meant a lot to him, he knew in that moment it would never be the same. He opened his eyes and his lust filled gaze now focused on his friends eyes that looked up at him while he bobbed his head. Dan’s tongue swirled and explored over and around Zach’s cock head while their eyes were caught on each other, searching and exploring the other’s emotion of this intimate act of desire and pleasure.

Dan’s lips sealed around the girth of Zach’s rigid member, they were slick with the natural lubrication it provided. His desire was for more than just the act itself, it was what he longed for. The intimacy of the two men grew as did the desire for the impending climax building in Zach.

Dan’s hands held onto Zachs hips that lifted and flexed while the cock head in his mouth swelled and started to spasm and jerk spewing it’s hot globs of pent up gooey liquid pleasure. Jet after jet after jet of the molten goo leapt from the end of his swollen sensitive cock. Zach’s hips gyrated and thrust with every convulsion. Dan instinctively knew to lessen his efforts, knowing Zach’s cock head would be ever so sensitive now. He lightly sucked and licked the little bit of cum that still oozed from it while it softened.

Dan stood after swallowing most of Zach’s cum and pulled Zach close Escort Bolu to him as the two men locked in an embrace. Zach’s cool wet body melting into Dans warm dripping nakedness, the two met in a passionate kiss that passed the remaining globs of white love liquid between them. Zach’s tongue danced and lightly probed his friend’s warm tongue and lips. There was a bond of intimacy that seemed to ease and comfort them as they embraced.

Zach could feel the pressure of Dan’s growing hard on press into the softness of his own softening but still half mast cock. Both their bodies offered the other its warmth and comfort. “Make love to me, I’ve waited so long for this,” Zach said almost pleading.

The two dried themselves off, but both men didn’t bother to dress, leaving their clothes on the patio floor. Taking Zach by his hand, Dan led Zach to his bed where he lowered himself between Zach’s spread legs. They continued their embrace and exploration of each other. Dan’s rock hard cock found the cleft between Zach’s butt cheeks and probed his puckered hole.

Dan reached into the night stand and with a snap the lid opened of the silicone lube he kept there. The silky liquid was quick to warm as Dan pressed his swollen cock head to its target and he slowly pushed and eased into Zach.

Zach relaxed as he accepted the instrument of his pleasure. His legs spread, he rolled his hips up to provide the deepest path. A groan escaped his lips as he was filled with the slippery pleasure of being penetrated.

“Ooooooohh…mmmmmph…” his hips met each of Dan’s thrusts now and the pace quickened and their bodies slapped together.

Dan quietly grunted and moaned with each dive into Zach’s inviting embracing tunnel. His passion became animalistic and loving at the same time. He was deeply passionately kissing Zach while driving the full length of his hard swollen cock in and out of Zach. He thrust repeatedly to the hilt into the object of his lust. Over and over his balls slapped Zach’s flexed ass as they swung and pounded him with a rhythm they both fell into.

Zach gripped the sheets tightly as his ass was being conquered. The sound of Zach’s moans and Dan’s grunts mixed with the sound of the bed thumping filled the bedroom. Dan placed his mouth over Zach pushing his tongue down the younger man’s mouth, muffling most of his moans.

He could feel his climax begin to boil deep inside of him, he wanted it. He wanted the release of all the desire and passion he had felt for so long. The culmination of how he had felt for so much time. He was on the verge of passing his love seed into Zach…he tried to hold back extending their pleasure as long as he could, but it would not be denied as he stiffened and thrusted with the tempo of his ejaculation. Each spurt caused a flutter inside of Zach causing him to moan each time Dan’s hot semen squirted into his depths, his cock repeatedly twitched and pumped with the velocity of a much more youthful man.

After filling Zach’s insides with his seed, Dan covered in sweat collapsed onto him, his heart pounding in his chest. While recovering from their mutual orgasms they tenderly kissed each other. They held each other as Dan’s softening cock slid out of Zach, it was followed by just a small trail of Dan’s cum as Zach’s hole adjusted to not having a cock in it. His hands embraced and stroked Dan from his shoulders to as far down his ass as he could reach. He relished the feel of Dan’s fuzzy butt on his fingers. And loved the feeling of submissiveness of having him between his legs.

Shortly after their passionate lovemaking, the two men fell asleep peacefully with Zach spooned tightly by Dan’s warm embrace.

Early into the morning, Dan woke from his slumber as he felt Zach slowly break from his embrace. Still groggy he caught a glimpse of the younger man walking naked towards the bathroom.

Zach entered the shower and turned on the hot water, but soon he felt his new lover’s hand on his shoulder. With his back to him, Zach led Dan’s hand to his groin, “It feels like it’s getting better now,” he said. They showered together continuing their exploration as they washed each other under the hot waters spray, taking time to kiss and enjoy each other’s bodies.


After the warm morning shower, both men dried each other, but didn’t bother to getting dressed. Dan asked Zach how he liked his coffee. The pair retreated back to the bedroom with a cup of the hot elixir.

Both of them lay uncovered holding each other on Dan’s bed as the morning sun beams warmed them as it showed through the outside tree branches and through the window panes of Dan’s old home. While the house and bed felt familiar, they both felt as though there was a new beginning for the two of them.

A big thank you to Annabelle Brito for your editing and input.

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