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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 535 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH � PART 535 by Rob Williams Chapter 535 � “THE FAMILY THAT PLAYS TOGETHER …” IN THIS CHAPTER New to the tribe, innocent young rookies Vic and Noah are slowly coming out of their shells physically and sexually. They have a lot to learn, so gypsy boss Randy takes them under his wing and gives them their first hot gym workout � then introduces them to the joys of sucking cock. Later, a family dinner party ends in wild group sex, and the rookies find themselves in the thick of the action. ___________________________________________________________________ IN THE PREVIOUS CHAPTER After Randy’s rage-fueled rampage, where he had verbally attacked and insulted some of the younger boys, he had endured punishment from several men of the tribe. Then he submitted to a long grueling anger-management session with the tribe’s therapist Doctor Steve. The combination of punishment and therapy had worked, and as he drove back home from Steve’s house in the late afternoon he felt much better about himself. The doc’s long talk with him had helped straighten out his muddled mind. Steve’s non-judgmental approach made Randy see things objectively and learn to control his anger-related impulses. One of Randy’s major regrets was his harsh treatment of the newly-hired office boys, Vic and Noah. They were na�ve kids, insecure about many things, especially about their physical appearance, with their skinny bodies and plain, nerdy, looks. Randy would normally have been gentle and protective of boys like this, but in his angry tirade he had terrified them. The two young rookies had initially described themselves as asexual � just good buddies, but when they glimpsed other guys making love they started to explore their own sexuality, with encouraging results. When Randy got back to the tribe’s compound after his day with Steve, he saw Vic and Noah come running out of the office, their workday over. He knew immediately there was something different about them � an ease, a confidence, and more laughter than before. The glow on their faces made them almost handsome. And Vic had his arm round Noah’s shoulder, physical contact that Randy hadn’t seen in them before now. When they saw him they didn’t flinch, as they had before, but smiled and came over to him. “Hello, sir,” Vic said. “Have you just come from seeing Doctor Steve? Did he help?” Randy grinned at such a bold question. “Yeah, a whole bunch. He’s a great shrink. You should go see him sometime soon. He helps a guy think straight, get rid of all the garbage and realize what’s really important in life.” “Actually, sir,” Noah said, “Vic and me have been doing a lot of thinking lately and, we made a few discoveries.” Vic added, “We’re getting our heads straight, but we’d like to improve our bodies too. We were thinking of checking out the gym in the basement, but we don’t know much about exercising and you said you might help us to …” “Say no more, kids,” Randy beamed. “You’ve come to the right guy. Hey, no time like the present. How about a short session right now, just to show you the ropes, eh?” They hesitated, saying they didn’t have any gym clothes. “No problem,” Randy smiled. “The shorts you’re wearing will be fine and you can just take your shirts off so they don’t get sweaty. I never wear a shirt in the gym.” Downstairs in the tribe’s gym they stopped and looked round nervously at all the equipment. “I know,” Randy smiled, “Intimidating your first time, uh? But don’t be shy. Usually before working out I sit down with new guys and we talk about their goals. I’d like to get to know you better. They sat down on benches facing each other and it was soon clear that the boys wanted to tell Randy about their first fumbling attempts at sex. Vic said, “See, it all started when Bob kissed me …” Noah added, “And then Vic kissed me, sir. Felt kind of weird at first but then we, like, jerked each other off. We’ve done that twice now, sir.” “You have?” Randy grinned “Yes, sir, but we’re still not sure. You prob’ly think we’re dull and boring and I guess we are kinda nerdy, `cos we like to research things before we get into them. We usually take notes.” Randy’s eyes sparkled with amusement and his heart went out to these earnest kids. “So you wanna research sex, eh?” “Yes please, sir,” Noah said. “The boys all say that you know more about sex than anyone, that’s why you’re the boss, so we thought we’d ask you.” “I feel flattered, boys, though I’m not sure it’s sex that makes me the boss. Oh, I dunno, maybe so. OK, so what questions you got for me? Fire away. And, er, no need to take notes.” Nervously, Vic began. “Well, sir, we’ve watched lots of the guys here make love, but one question we’d like to ask is … like … well, what does another guy’s cock taste like?” “Wow, that’s kind of a loaded question, Vic. See, it’s not so much the actual taste, though you could describe that as kinda musky. It’s really, well, sharing something real close with your buddy. It’s not all that different from what you’ve already done � jerking each other off, otherwise known as mutual masturbation. Sucking cock is called a blow-job, and when you do it to each other it’s called sixty-nineing � but, er, you don’t have to write that down.” The two boys looked up into Randy’s smiling blue eyes, like students at the feet of the master. Feeling secure under his steady, attentive gaze they became bolder. Vic frowned. “And sir, that thing where one guy puts his penis in another one’s behind.” “Better known as butt-fucking,” Randy smiled. “Yeah, that’s the one, sir. Well … that seems kinda, different. Like, why do they do that? What does it feel like? Does it hurt?” “More loaded questions, kiddo, too deep to go into here. The guy you need to ask about all that is Bob. He has that nice, tender touch that has guided lots of kids through the mysteries of sex. I’ll talk to him and have you come up for dinner one evening.” “Really, sir?” Noah said wide-eyed. “Thank you, sir,” Vic added. “OK, kids, we gotta start the workout. Shirts off.” Randy pulled off his own T-shirt, stood up and towered over them in just his shorts. They gazed up at him in awe, then slowly got to their feet. They looked at each other nervously and shyly pulled their shirts off over their heads. Acutely self-conscious about their pale, thin bodies they folded their arms across their chest. “Sir,” Vic said, “we don’t wanna get all muscly or anything. It’s just that we feel embarrassed about taking our shirts off and …” Moved by these insecure young kids, Randy gently pulled their arms away from their chests and they held them stiffly by their sides, heads bowed, unable to make eye contact. Randy put his hands under their chins and gently raised their heads to face him. “Vic, Noah, don’t you ever let me hear you say you’re embarrassed about yourselves. All guys are different � some dark, some blond, some thin, some muscly as you call it. But no boy should ever feel ashamed of what he is. Brandon and Bob think you’re terrific guys, and I do too.” “Really, sir?” they said together with bashful smiles. “Yes, really. Exercise will make you feel good about yourselves and it doesn’t need to be about muscles. So let’s cut the crap and get to work, right?” “Right, sir,” the boys said happily, unaware that they were starting to fall under the gypsy’s spell, like so many boys before them. ========= CHAPTER 535 ========= THE GYM COACH Vic and Noah were understandably nervous. This was the first time they had ever been in a gym, and the equipment intimidated them. But Randy was a reassuring influence as their gym coach, explaining the purpose of each piece of equipment and letting them try it for themselves. They quickly lost their inhibitions and Randy was rewarded by increasingly eager smiles as they worked. “We’re not gonna do a full workout, guys � think of this as an orientation. After an aerobic warmup I’ll set you up with light-weight exercises, enough to make your muscles ache afterwards. That’s a good thing � commonly known as `no pain, no gain’. It’s one of the good kinds of pain � along with a few other kinds,” he grinned playfully. The boys were intrigued not only by each new exercise, but by the closeness of the shirtless gypsy, especially when he stood behind them to adjust their position and their grip, pressing his bare chest against their backs. There was something sexy in the kind, blue-eyed smile of this macho construction boss who, as they knew well, was capable of fierce physical action. When his arms were wrapped around them from behind it felt like a mix of instruction and protection. Randy took them through an hour of non-stop work, including basic light-weight bench presses, dumbbell curls, cable flyes, and chin lifts, of which they managed only three before collapsing to the floor laughing. That’s when Randy finally called a halt, with an enthusiastic, “Good job, guys, you worked really hard. A few more sessions like that and you’ll be hooked. Yeah, working out can become addictive � one of life’s good addictions. “Now I warned you that you’re gonna ache, today and tomorrow. That means your hard work is paying off. We should probably start with, like, three workouts a week and build up to more if that’s what you feel like. So tell me, how do you feel?” “Really good, sir,” Vic smiled. And Noah added, “Makes you feel kind of, alive … you know, like your body’s tingling.” “That’s it,” Randy grinned. “Take a look at yourselves in the mirror � like this. Randy stood beside them, raised his arms and flexed his biceps in a bodybuilder pose. The boys tried to imitate him and Randy felt hugely warm and protective of these smiling young rookies giggling at themselves flexing their mini-biceps. The boys exchanged looks again and Vic turned to Randy. “Sir, all that exercise feels kinda sexy too � like gives us … what d’you call it … boners?” “That’s the word, kids. Always makes me horny as a toad.” “Sir,” Noah ventured, “do you think … is it possible for you to …?” Randy quickly interjected, “If you’re gonna ask what I think you’re gonna ask, kiddo, the answer is no. I know when I first met you the other day I boasted that when I work boys out in the gym, I reward them for hard work by fucking them in the butt. But that was me just shooting my mouth off. I later promised you I would absolutely not touch you after our workouts. It’s way too soon for that … one day maybe in the distant future.” They looked somewhat daunted and Randy flashed a gleaming smile. “But that’s not to say you can’t get your rocks off. I mean you could jack off in the mirror, or jack each other off like you’ve already done. Sex after a hot workout can be real good.” Again an exchange of looks and Vic took a deep breath. “Sir … like, what about that, whad’ya call it … that blow thingy?” “Blow job?” “Yeah, that’s the one, sir,” Noah smiled. “Could you show us how to do that? I mean, you’ve showed us all those other exercises.” “Oh, I don’t know about that, kids. I’m not sure if you’re ready for that. I got into enough trouble with you guys already, I don’t want either of us to mess up again. Bob would go apeshit.” “But sir, you won’t get onto trouble for teaching all those gym exercises. Why would this be any different? Uncle Mike told us everything’s OK provided everyone wants it … consensual, he called it, I think. And we do want it, sir.” “Hmm… You mean, like part of the workout?” Randy frowned doubtfully, then broke into a smile. “I guess I could just show you how it works and then you two take it from there. But I won’t touch � no physical involvement. You still got those boners?” “Yes, sir,” they chorused brightly. “Well, OK. It starts out something like this …” THAT BLOW THINGY Vic and Noah looked up earnestly at the big boss, waiting for instructions. To others it might have seemed strange to seek instruction on how to suck each Didim Escort other`s cock, but these boys were methodical, by-the-book brainiacs, a quality that made them such competent office assistants. They were the polar opposite of impulsive Randy, and that threw him a bit off-balance as he smiled down affectionately at their eager upturned faces. At least, he grinned to himself, they were not actually taking notes. “Right, so let’s start with something you know, something you’ve done before. What did you do the last time you felt this horny? Standing side by side they looked in the mirror. They smiled shyly at each other and unbuttoned their shorts, fumbling nervously. They reached across and pulled out each other’s cock. “Damn,” Randy grinned, “they are hard � decent size too.” They took hold of their buddy’s cock and began stroking it. “OK, so you’ve done that before, but this time you’ve worked out so hard and worked up a head of steam, and that deserves more than just a mutual jerk-off.” “That’s what we thought, sir,” said Noah. “We figured that the level of a boy’s energy equals …” “You gotta stop figuring, kids. You can’t just add up facts and figures and end up with a blowjob. You have to feel the need, and I can see that you do. Forget the equations and do what comes naturally. OK, let’s see. Vic, get down on your knees.” Vic knelt before Noah and looked up at Randy. “Is this right, sir? How far forward should I lean? What’s the best angel to …?” “Hey, hey, time out, guys. Let’s sit down.” They all sat on benches, the boys gazing at Randy’s amused blue eyes. “Kids, sucking cock ain’t just another gym exercise. Sure, with cable flies and dumbbell curls, I can tell you exactly the right position and angle, but dudes, we’re talking blowjobs here � it ain’t geometry. It ain’t adding up a row of figures, dividing by the number you first thought of and bingo, you get the right result. Keep that in the office � seems you’re real good at stuff like that. But, kids, we’re talking sex here.” They looked confused. “Think of this as art, not math. You gotta feel it, not think it. OK, here’s what I mean. Look at each other � into each other’s eyes. You’re looking at your buddy, your long-time friend, and you’re feeling sexual attraction for the first time. You’ve already jerked off together, remember how that felt? Vic, tell me what you’re thinking.” “Sir, I wanna make Noah feel good.” “Great answer, kiddo. OK, so while I was talking your dicks have gone softer. So as you look at your buddy think about what it would feel like to lick his cock.” The boys smiled at each other and relaxed. There was something about being here in this room with this man that made them feel warm all over. It was his voice, his eyes … his kindness. As they gazed at each other they felt closer than they ever had before � and their cocks got hard again. Now they were engrossed in each other, and Randy was just a hypnotic voice over their shoulders. “Vic, kneel on the floor over there in the corner. Focus on your buddy’s hard dick … and do what you feel like doing. It’s up to you, now.” Randy watched Vic crawl forward slowly on all fours toward Noah, who was stroking his cock. Randy was pleased to see that the boy had the instinct to stroke carefully to avoid premature ejaculation. When Vic came close, Noah pointed his cock at his buddy’s face and Vic pushed out his tongue and touched the head. Tasting the musky drops of pre-cum he recoiled and looked up at Randy standing behind Noah. “It’s OK, kid. You only do what you want. Do you want more?” “Yes please, sir.” Randy was pleased to see that Vic addressed those last words to Noah. Yeah, they both wanted it alright. The next time Vic put out his tongue he was more eager as he licked the head of his friend’s cock. Noah’s heart was beating wildly. “That feels so good, bro. I wanna put it in your mouth … can you do that?” “For you I can, dude,” Vic smiled. And so he did. He opened his mouth wide, leaned forward and pushed his mouth over the head of his buddy’s cock. He paused, then pursed his lips round the shaft. “Aaah!” Noah gasped, looking down at his friend’s face clamped to his cock. That feels … it looks … so hot dude. Almost makes me wanna cum � but I can hold it back. Can you swallow some more?” Vic eased his mouth further down Noah’s cock but when it touched the back of his throat his gag reflexes made him choke and he jerked back, tears running down his cheeks. He looked up at Randy and said, “Sorry, sir, I couldn’t …” “It’s OK, kid, perfectly natural the first time. Now why don’t you let Noah have a go?” Eagerly they scrambled to change places and Noah, on hands and knees, stared at the pre-cum oozing from Vic’s cock. “No pressure, kid,” Randy said above them. “Only do what you want to.” Excited by how it had felt, Noah was more confident. He actually managed to suck the cock a few times before he too gagged and pulled off. Vic gasped, “Dude I almost came that time.” “Good job, boys,” Randy said. “You both wanna cum, I know, so here’s what you do. Lay on the ground in opposite directions …” “We know, sir,” Vic said. “We watched the twins do it.” Randy heart went out to the kids, eager as playful puppies as they rolled on the floor and ended up facing each other’s cock. Eagerly they leaned forward, opened their mouths and stuffed their cocks inside. Randy heard their muffled moans get louder until finally they both choked on each other’s pent-up load of cum. They coughed, then rolled over and kissed, with semen oozing from their mouths and running down their chins. A FAMILY OCCASION They heard slow handclapping above them, rolled over on their backs and grinned up at the bare-chested gypsy smiling down at them. “Did we do it right, sir?” “Boys, there is no right or wrong in this. The point is, did it make you feel good?” “Yes, sir,” they chorused emphatically with beaming smiles. “Then you did it right. You’ll get more confident the more you do it � assuming you do want to do it again.” “Of course we do, sir,” Vic said vigorously. “And then that butt thing we’ve seen other guys do?” “Hey, whoa. Not so fast, kids. Remember Uncle Mike told you to take it slow. This ain’t a Disneyland ride where you get to the end and stay so you can go round again. You gotta take a break and get off the ride sometime. Life ain’t all about sex.” Randy grinned. “Well, a lot of it is, I s’pose. If a guy’s feeling horny all the time.” “Like you and Bob, sir?” “Well sure. We fuck a whole lot � or as Bob would say, we make love often. Talking of which, I said you should talk to Bob about other sex stuff you might wanna get into down the line. How about dinner tonight?” he asked impulsively. Their shining eyes answered for them and Randy grabbed his cell phone and called Bob. “Hey buddy. Yeah I’ll be right up, we just finished down here. … Yeah they’re fine … No I didn’t, they did it all themselves … I’ll tell you later. Look, I know it’s last-minute, buddy, but I’d like them to come to dinner tonight if that’s possible.” At the other end Bob chuckled. “Randy, that’s the eager-little-boy voice I can never say no to. Matter of fact, it`s going to be a family dinner up here tonight � you know, us two, the twins, Will and Seth, Pablo and Tyler. We can stretch eight into ten easily � good job you built us this large dining room. “Matter of fact, it would do the boys good to sample family life like ours. I don’t think they’ve had much of a family themselves in the past � it’s been just the two of them. And in case you’ve forgotten they are currently sleeping in our guestroom so in a sense they are already part of the family � for now anyway. Make sure they dress nicely. You know how I am about that at dinner, and I don’t want them to be embarrassed. As for you, wear a shirt. That’s what passes for `dressing nicely’ with you.” “Asshole,” Randy grinned. “See you in a minute.” “OK, kids, it’s all set. A family dinner in the Boss House � ten of us. There’ll be Bob and us, the twins, young Will and his dad Seth, and my boy Pablo and his boy Tyler. Most of them you know � except Pablo, not so much. Great guy.” “Er what should we wear, sir?” “Ah yeah, Bob mentioned that. Casual’s fine � like jeans and a decent shirt or T-shirt. Anything but a tank top. I’m the only guy who can get away with that � sometimes,” he grinned, recalling Bob’s disapproving expression. Randy tossed them a towel to wipe the cum off their faces, and ruffled their hair, always his sign of affection. “You done good today, kids.” They went upstairs feeling pleased with themselves � the boys because they had pleased Randy, and Randy because he was once again playing his favorite role � protector and mentor to boys. THAT OLD BLACK MAGIC When Randy came into their living room Bob looked up from his desk and smiled, aware of a lightness in his step that he hadn’t seen since Randy’s damaging rampage. “So, my guess is that everything went well in the gym with Vic and Tyler, eh?” Randy sprawled in an armchair and snapped open a beer Bob had left for him. “Buddy those kids are really cool. I tell you, they would bring tears to your eyes.” “Your eyes too, you big softy,” Bob chuckled. “They were so eager to learn. But get this, dude � they wanted all the i’s dotted and the t’s crossed � hell, they even wanted to take notes.” “Like the efficient office assistants they are,” Bob said “Yeah well, I soon talked them out of that, especially when we got to the sex part.” “Oh, there was sex, then?” “Duh. The workout was the usual rookie thing � you know, treadmill, light weights � but it still left them horny. They were curious about sucking dick, so I taught them. You would have laughed, they kept wanting to know if they were in the right position, the right angle and distance. I thought they were gonna draw diagrams. So I told them it was not a geometry lesson, they had to feel it and do what comes naturally.” “Did you, er, join in this blowjob exercise?” “Give me a little more credit than that, buddy. I swore I would not touch them sexually � though I got a feeling they wanted to.” Bob sighed, “Of course they did, Randy. That old black magic you weave so well.” “So I left it to them and they ended up sixty-nineing on the floor. It was all a bit fumbled and ragged but their eyes gleamed like they just discovered wonderland. They were so cute, Bob, I really got off helping them.” Bob smiled at Randy’s childlike enthusiasm and knew exactly what caused it. More than he cared to confess, Randy had been shattered by his own reckless attack on the shy new boys. He had undergone punishment by Mike and Bob and suffered the disapproval of the tribe. But the only thing that could lessen his guilt was to personally make amends to the boys themselves by taking them under his wing and earning their respect. “You know, dude. I really hated that those boys were scared of me. You know me, I love taking care of the boys, especially insecure, timid kids like that. But I don’t think they’re scared anymore. I think they actually like me and look up to me.” “Of course they do, Randy, don’t sell yourself short. All our boys idolize you, and now these two have fallen under your spell. But one word of caution. They must do only things they really want to do � discover their own feelings they might have buried up to now. My guess is they are so in thrall to you they would walk over hot coals if you told them to. Sex is new to them and it’s important they take it slowly � try new things because they want to, not because they’re trying to please you. They have to let it come naturally.” “That’s what I told them � and that’s where you come in, bro. See, next thing they wanna know is what Noah called the butt thing.” Randy chuckled. “‘Why does one guy `put his penis in another guy’s bottom? How does it feel � does it hurt?’ So I said they should ask you.” “Gee, thanks a lot buddy. So I’m the Didim Escort Bayan one who’s gotta explain butt-fucking to them. That calls for a lot of tact.” “Which is why you’re the perfect guy, dude. You’ve got more tact in your little finger than I have in my whole clumsy body. You can even give them a demonstration if you like. They’ve already watched us fuck, Zack and Darius too, so they know what `penis in bottom’ looks like.” There was a knock at the door and Will came in, in his apron and chef’s hat. “Hey, Red,” Randy grinned, “how’s it hangin’?” “Ah good, William,” Bob said. “Now are you sure you can handle ten for dinner here, you included, of course?” “Duh. We’ve handled dinners for more than twice that big, sir, and that big round table in your dining room seats ten. The twins will be doing the regular dinner for all the guys in the garden before joining us, and I’ll be in your kitchen here, sir.” “But you’ve gotta have help, Will, you can’t do it alone.” “Er, that’s why I came to see you, sir, `cos I had an idea. What if you ask Vic and Noah to help as my kitchen assistants?” Taken by surprise Bob glanced at Randy … and then broke into a broad smile. “William, you’re a genius. That’s perfect. They’ll be feeling nervous about dinner with a family, so what better than asking them to help prepare it? Make them feel part of the family before we even sit at table. Wait here Will and I’ll call them in.” Bob called Vic’s cell phone and when they came in they were a bit nervous at being summoned. But when Randy smiled at them they relaxed. “Guys,” Bob said, “I want to ask you a big favor. We’ve got two dinners going here, the regular one down in the garden that the twins are preparing, and the family one up here that Will is catering. But there will be ten of us here and that’s a ton of work for one chef, so …” “Do you want us to help, sir?” Noah asked eagerly. “I know how to cook `cos I cook for Vic and me all the time � in his apartment or mine. Bob smiled. “That would be a huge help, guys, it’s just what I was going to ask you. Will is the chef de cuisine as we call it, so you would be his assistants. OK William?” “Thanks for offering, guys,” Will said. “You’ll have to wear one of these dark green aprons and white chef’s hats � it’s kind of the uniform in the kitchen here.” “That’s cool, sir,” Vic said. “And you don’t have to call me `sir’. Bob calls me William and Randy calls me Red, but all the other guys call me Will.” “OK, Will,” Vic beamed. “We’re all yours.” The three boys left and Bob grinned at Randy. “I see what you mean, Randy, they’re changed boys. That magic spell of yours is powerful stuff.” BREAKING THE ICE In the kitchen Will kitted the boys out in aprons and hats, then looked them up and down and smiled. “Very professional, dudes. OK, let’s get to work.” Once he had assigned jobs to the boys they worked as diligently as they did for Brandon in the office. They adapted so quickly that there was time for talk as they worked. They were bursting to tell someone of their experiences with Randy in the gym and Will listened with an indulgent smile. He was surprised that they talked so openly about sex. When they first came to the tribe they were reluctant to even mention the word, but somehow the floodgates had opened, and Will guessed that Randy had a lot to do with that. In little over an hour, the first and second courses were ready, and before they wheeled them into the dining room Will said, “There’s something I have to explain, dudes, a kinda ritual in the tribe. When the food has been served Randy will get up and thank the chefs, and I’ll show you what we do.” Will demonstrated the traditional elaborate bow and they rehearsed it a couple of times. Then it was time to serve. Vic and Noah had been so engrossed in the kitchen they were unaware of the guests arriving, so when they wheeled the food carts into the dining room they were taken aback to see the group sitting at the large round table. Randy had an empty chair on each side of him that he had reserved for Noah and Vic. On either side of Bob sat the twins who had finished serving dinner outside. There was an empty chair beside Seth for his stepson Will, and Randy’s adopted son Pablo was sitting with his boy Tyler. For a moment the new boys were intimidated by the noisy family group, but then Randy stood up and banged a knife against a glass. “Listen up, guys. As always we give a big thank-you for the chefs who’ve put on this spread. And today, in a special guest appearance, we have two new assistant chefs. So give it up, guys, for Will, Vic and Noah.” When the cheers began Will murmured, “That’s our cue kids.” They stood in a row, Will between Vic and Noah, and in unison (almost) they raised their chef’s hats high and swept them down in a dramatic theatrical bow. Will’s bow was impeccable, the boys not so much, and Noah dropped his hat and scrambled to pick it up, intensifying the cheers from the group. The new boys blushed, with beaming smiles. The ice was well and truly broken. GRANDDAD? The new boys sensed that Randy’s deliberately placing them on either side of him was a signal to the group that he approved of them and liked them. He chatted with them to put them at their ease, and to get to know them better. Bob watched and felt a wave of affection for Randy. This is how he loved the tough construction boss best, when he revealed his gentler side, nurturing and protecting young kids, especially boys taking uncertain steps into a confusing new world. Randy was talking about their living arrangements. “So you’ve been buddies for a long time and you live in the same building … but in separate apartments? How come?” “It’s always been that way, sir,” Noah said. “They’re small studio apartments, small single beds and, well, I guess …” Vic jumped in. “What he’s trying to say, sir, is we were scared by the idea of living together and, er, sharing the same bed.” Randy chuckled. “And you didn’t know why that scared you � but now you do, am I right?” “That’s about it, sir,” Vic smiled. “You’re very smart about people aren’t you, sir?” “Some people would say so, yeah � other guys not so much,” glaring straight at Bob who stifled a smile. “So now you know yourselves better and know what you like, you gonna live together?” “We, er, we’d like to,” Noah said, “but …” Randy cut him off. “Hey Pablo,” he said to his boy a few seats away. “You know those storage rooms above the office? Do we still use them for storage? “Not much,” Pablo said. “They’re mostly empty. Before they were storage rooms they used to be a small apartment that guys used occasionally to crash in after working late or got too drunk at dinner, or both,” Pablo smiled his crooked Mestizo grin. “How much would it take to turn them back into an apartment again?” “Piece o’ cake, sir. Coat of paint, update the plumbing, install a few more electrical circuits, stuff like that. Two weeks tops.” “Good, thanks kiddo.” He turned to Vic and Noah. “How about that, guys?” “About what, sir?” “We make you an apartment over the office? We’ll even put in a king-size bed. You hear that, Bob? What do you think?” “Bob knew that it was a done-deal if Randy wanted it, so he said, “Terrific idea, I’ll check it out with Brandon. Only thing is, living above the office the boys could get called anytime, day or night, if urgent action was suddenly needed in the office.” “Oh we wouldn’t mind that, sir.” Vic said eagerly. “We could be kinda caretakers, Brandon could call us anytime.” Randy gave a satisfied grin. “Good that’s settled, then. Couple a’ weeks and it’ll be ready for you to move in. In the meantime you stay where you are, living in our guestroom upstairs. OK, any other questions, anything you’re not clear about?” Noah frowned. “Well there is one thing Vic and me were wondering about, sir – you know how we like to get all the details straight. We’re confused about the family. See, Pablo is your adopted son, right? And Tyler is Pablo’s boy?” `That’s it. So where’s the confusion?” “Well sir, Vic and me were doing the math and, like, what does that make you? Tyler’s granddad?” Randy threw his head back in a full-throated roar of laughter. “Kiddo, like I told you in the gym, leave the math in the office. Some things in life just don’t add up, and they sure don’t add up to the G-word. I love you, kid, but that’s the end of question time � too scary.” He turned to Will. “Hey, Red. Are we having your rhubarb pie today?” “For you, sir, anything.” Bob sighed. “I think you speak for us all there, William. For Randy, anything.” “Now you’re talking,” Randy laughed. “Later, buddy.” A TEST OF MACHISMO Randy’s high spirits were infectious, and the family gathering was especially merry and boisterous. The wine and brandy flowed as nobody had to drive anywhere afterwards. After a long, hard day on the construction site, Pablo and Seth were more than usually frisky. Randy had been gone all day at Doc Steve’s house, which had made extra work for chief mechanic Pablo, and Seth, one of the other site managers. `Work hard, play hard’ was the motto of these men, especially macho guys like Pablo and Seth.” They worked together well all day but, like many dominant alpha males, when they relaxed there was always a competitive edge to their kidding around. Seth was a rough-hewn hunk who always rose to a challenge, and Pablo had always felt a need to prove himself worthy of Randy and live up to his self-appointed title of `boss’s boy’. And naturally in this family, the friendly rivalry almost always revolved around sex. As the well-oiled group relaxed over coffee and brandy or Scotch, Pablo and Seth were locking horns on the subject of what makes a man a man. “It’s all about his sexuality,” Seth grunted. “How a guy fucks.” “Not necessarily, dude,” Pablo objected. “It can be the opposite � about how he gets fucked. I mean, look at my dad Randy. Yesterday he got butt-fucked by Uncle Mike’s boy Larry. Pretty demeaning eh? But not if you’re a real man like Randy. He came out of that with his image stronger than ever � still the big tough leader of the tribe.” “I don’t get where you’re going with this, dude,” Seth said. “My boy Will has fucked me in the ass and I’m still the same guy I was. Do I look like a bottom guy to you? I don’t think so. I doubt if you could say the same thing if your kid pounded your ass. Tyler’s a great kid but I can’t see you letting him fuck you, the boss’s boy, in public, with all the guys watching.” The other guys were listening avidly to this exchange between the two macho men. The boys were excited, but Bob was nervous it could get out of control. He knew the effect too much liquor had on these guys � they got boastful, impulsive and combative. But not Randy � he loved this stuff � two macho guys working up to some kind of fight, impulse control be damned. He leapt to his feet. “Hey guys, that’s a challenge if ever I heard one. Can two tough top guys get their asses ploughed by their own boys in public and come out the other side with their masculinity intact? That, men, is the question.” “Er, wait a minute,” Bob cautioned. “Shouldn’t we consult the boys? Maybe they wouldn’t be comfortable with this.” “I think it’s hot, sir,” Will grinned. “I love fucking my dad. We’ve never done it in public, but I’m proud of us and I don’t care who watches us.” Bob looked questioningly at Tyler who said, “Same goes for me, sir. Pablo is the hottest man I know, and getting fucked by his boy can’t change that.” Randy was triumphant. “There’s your answer, Bob. Besides, it’s all in the family � a family of hot horny guys. And you know what they say � the family that plays together stays together. So let the games begin!” FAMILY REUNION Seth and Pablo walked over to a clear space in front of a mirror and shook hands, friendly opponents before a contest. For dramatic effect they stripped naked and knelt side by side on all fours Escort Didim facing the mirror � the Mestizo mechanic and swarthy construction worker. Randy grinned at Tyler and Will. “You ready, boys? You sure you want this?” “Yes, sir,” they said in chorus. There was no way they were going to let their men down. They got up from the table, shook hands and pulled each other into a warm hug and kiss. The boys were good buddies, with no sense of rivalry between them. They just wanted to have fun. They stood behind their men and pulled out their cocks, which had been hard ever since Pablo and Seth began sparring at the table. They smiled at each other, then at the men in the mirror, and dropped to their knees. Randy stood at a distance, a self-appointed referee, while Bob and the twins Kyle and Kevin, watched from the table, with Vic and Noah. Bob said quietly to Vic and Noah, “You OK with this boys? It’s just the guys letting off steam, and you don’t have to stay and watch.” “Oh, we want to, sir,” Vic said, his face shining. Noah added, “It’s kinda cool to watch tough guys getting fucked by their boys. We remember watching Darius do it to Zack.” Kyle tossed a tube of lube over to Will, who spread it on his cock, then passed it to Tyler to do the same. “Lubed and ready to go,” Randy said. “OK kids, they asked for it, so take it away � let ’em have it.” Pablo and Seth grinned at each in the mirror, then at their boys kneeling behind them. “Don’t hold back, boys,” Pablo said. “Make us proud.” Will smiled at Tyler beside him. “You ready, dude? Let’s go together � a big one to start.” “Aaagh,” the men hollered as their boys’ cocks slammed into them, then pulled back and drove in hard again. Will gazed into Seth’s blue eyes reflected in the mirror. He loved feeling this close to his step-dad, after their troubled past, which they had both managed to relegate to ancient history. This role-reversal felt especially intimate, and performing in front of the other guys in response to Pablo’s challenge heightened the sense of being a team. Tyler was less secure than Will, but he was devoted to Pablo, idolized him, and wanted to show the other guys that he was a worthy boy to the boss’s boy. So both boys obeyed Pablo’s command to `not hold back’. They knew this was all about machismo and it was up to them to prove their men could take whatever they dished out. So they fucked their masters harder than they ever had before On all fours, the mechanic and the wildman stared at each other in the mirror, determined to tough it out with no sign of weakness. Their muscular naked bodies bucked under the onslaught of their boys’ shafts that pistoned inside them. The onlookers were surprised at the strength and determination in Will and Tyler, matching each other in the ferocity of their fuck. “Damn, will you look at those kids go,” Randy said to the onlookers. Then to Vic and Noah, “You guys OK?” “Yes, sir,” Noah said, his sparkling eyes riveted to the spectacle. “Sir,” Vic asked. “Can we touch our cocks?” “Sure you can � but I got something better in mind for you kids.” He glanced at Bob who looked uncertain. “Guys, you remember in the gym how your buddy sucked your cock? How would you like to feel a macho top-man’s mouth round your dick?” “Yes please, sir,” they said in unison. Randy went over to the action and said, “Pablo, you missed out one thing earlier when you said I got fucked by Larry. What you didn’t say is that I got spit-roasted by Larry and Mike. Only fair you guys should get the same treatment. Kids, get you asses over here.” Their hearts pounding Vic and Noah obeyed and Randy eased them into position, standing in front of Pablo and Seth. They pulled their dicks out of their jeans and Randy reached down, grabbed Pablo’s hair and pulled his face forward onto Noah’s cock. Noah groaned as Randy did the same for Vic, pushing his rod into Seth’s open mouth. The boys looked bewildered at first, but Will grinned up at them as he fucked. “Looking good, dudes. Give it to them � fuck their faces while Tyler and me pound their butts.” It took mere seconds for them to get into the rhythm, and when they looked down at the rugged faces eating their dicks, they almost emptied their loads in their mouths.” Randy warned, “Don’t cum, yet, kids. A ways to go yet. You OK with this?” They nodded eagerly, eyes shining. This was beyond their wildest imaginations, face-fucking two of the top men of the tribe. Bob was still uneasy. He said quietly to the twins, “What do you think, guys? You think they really want this � being in the spotlight like this? Or are they doing it just to please Randy? “Sir,” Kevin said. “Kyle and I have seen that look in each other’s eyes many times. Believe me, they want it.” Kyle grinned, “Talk about feeling part of the family. That is what you wanted, sir.” “Thanks, guys. You’re right as usual.” “If it makes you feel any easier, sir,” Kyle added, “we can take the spotlight off them and make them less self-conscious. There’s safety in numbers.” “So if you’ll excuse us, sir,” Kevin said. The twins smiled at each other in that wordless communication they had perfected, got up from the table and walked over to the action. The twins kissed each other � always a prelude to sex � then separated and lay on the carpet on either side of Pablo and Seth. They lay on their backs, sideways on to the action, and slid headfirst under the arched bodies of the men getting spit-roasted. The cocks swinging right above them slapped against their faces as the men got reamed at both ends. Lying head to head on their backs, the twins opened their mouths and sucked in the men’s long, thick shafts.” “Shit damn,” Randy said, sitting down next to Bob. “Have you ever seen anything like that? Those guys wanted to prove their masculinity, and this is how to do it. Hell, it’s more than a spit-roast. They’re getting their asses pounded by the young redhead and his buddy Tyler, while their faces get fucked by the new rookies. And underneath them, their own dicks are being sucked off by your twins. Buddy, that is what I call a family reunion.” Bob smiled at him. “Randy, sometimes you come out with a turn of phrase that makes everything seem perfectly normal.” “Hey dude, we never did go in for stuff that’s `perfectly normal’. Too boring. My love for you is not normal. It’s a trip to the moon and back every time.” “So, er, as this is the family reunion, Randy, don’t you think that we, as heads of the family, should join it?” “You read my mind, stud. Come on, let’s put the icing on the cake.” They got up and went over to the heaving mass of limbs, emitting sounds of slurping, ecstatic moans and muffled groans. Randy ruffled the hair of Will and Tyler as they fucked, while Bob stood behind Vic and Noah and kissed their necks. He looked across the heaving mass at Randy who glanced down at the twins’ identical rock-hard cocks pointing straight up as they lay on their backs, their faces obscured under the bodies of Pablo and Seth. “Shame to let those boners go to waste, bro,” Randy grinned. “We should take care of them.” “Right there with you, buddy.” They knelt on the floor, Randy beside Kevin, Bob beside Kyle � though who knew the difference? With one last smile at each other they bent down and let the twins’ cocks slide into their mouths. And so the heads of family joined the family reunion that could in no way be described as normal. Nor could it be described as boring. The group-fucking, sucking and slurping got more intense, heading for the inevitable climax. And everyone sensed that when the bosses had joined the celebration it was a sign they could all, at long last, unload their pent-up passions. When it finally came, the climax was ragged and prolonged, as first one, then another groaned loud and poured their juice into whatever orifice had been the object of their lust � butts, mouths or faces. By tacit consent they waited until the last ecstatic moan had echoed round the room and every last drop had been swallowed, before the whole pyramid collapsed like a house of cards, a mass of flailing limbs and jubilant laughter. PAIRING OFF At last, one by one, the men extracted dazedly themselves from the pile. Pablo and Seth shook hands, Will and Tyler hugged, and Bob made straight for Vic and Noah. “Boys, that was kind of extreme even for this family. Are you OK? I hope it wasn’t too much for you.” “We loved it sir,” Vic grinned. “We’ve never been part of anything before, but we really felt part of this. Thank you for including us, sir.” “Sir,” Noah said, “we gotta help Will clear away the dinner table. We’re still kind of his kitchen assistants.” “No, no,” Bob chuckled. “This can all be left until tomorrow. At times like this, guys usually pair off, go to their own beds and curl up together until they fall asleep. Pablo and Seth will go off with their boys, and the twins will go to their apartment over the kitchen. It’s what Randy and I will do, and I hope you two do too in your guest room upstairs.” And don’t forget, in a couple of weeks or so you’ll have a brand new apartment of your own above the office.” They both threw their arms round Bob, then went to Randy and did the same. “Thank you, sir,” Noah said. “Thank you for everything today. We love you sir.” They blushed and scurried from the room. The other men said their thanks and goodnights and Bob and Randy finally went to their own bed in the master bedroom. “Quite an evening, eh buddy?” Randy said, wrapping his arms round Bob. “I was really happy for the new guys, they seem to be fitting in well at last. And you’re up next, dude. You gotta introduce them to the delights of butt-fucking � or as they would say, `putting their penis in another boy’s bottom’.” “Yeah, yeah, all in good time,” Bob chuckled. “But we’ll let that little saga simmer for a while. But Randy, you worked wonders on them today, and I’m impressed that you kept your hands and your dick to yourself. Still, your methods made me nervous, but I somehow think your brother Doc Steve would approve. Neither one of you plays by the rules.” With that settled and left to simmer, as Bob said, the men turned their attention to other brewing stories in the tribe. Randy said, “Talking of docs, a couple a’ days ago I ran into Doc Chad. You know, we haven’t seen him and his man Adam in a long time.” “I’ve been thinking the same thing, Randy. We should invite them to dinner. Except right now Adam’s in Sydney for a week at his airline’s head office, and their boy Nate is spending most of his time with Jamie, assisting him on Grady’s movie. So Chad’s all alone.” “Not quite, bro. Chad has company most afternoons. He told me he is gonna be treating Hassan for lower back problems. The Marine first went to the medics at his military base, but as it’s Doc Chad’s specialty Hassan will be going to his house regularly for treatment.” Randy smiled his roguish smile. “Hmm … picture that … the lover and the boy are away and handsome Chad is spending afternoons with the big stud Marine. Now there’s a thought.” “Randy, enough with your lurid imagination, get it out of the gutter. You know Chad and Adam are rock solid. They’re monogamous and never fool around. That’s the way Chad wanted it. There’s no story there, so you can put it out of your salacious mind.” “Monogamy,” Randy grinned. “Now there’s a concept I never really understood. You think it really exists?” It does with Chad and Adam. Nothing could tempt those two � not even a drop-dead gorgeous Marine captain. So don’t `hmm’ me. You’re barking up the wrong tree there.” TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 536 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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