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Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 353 by Rob Williams A TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 353 By Rob Williams IN THIS CHAPTER: Randy’s boy Pablo has matured from a feisty kid to a macho young stud, the company’s chief mechanic. The young colt Randy has raised rears up as a stallion, flexing his sexual muscles by dominating his master, then Randy’s superman lover Bob. The muscle-jock mechanic strides away, leaving behind him the gypsy construction boss sprawled naked on the floor smothered in jizz, moaning, “Holy fucking shit.” CHAPTER 353 � “THE YOUNG MECHANIC FLEXES HIS MUSCLES” ************ In the previous chapter ************* The weekend at Mike’s house in Palm Springs had started out as one long montage of horny men releasing their pent-up sexual desires. Middle-aged Mike and his new boy Larry had proved beyond doubt that their relationship was here to last when a rejuvenated Mike overcame his age-related insecurities and fucked his boy. Their guests, the cop Mark and fireman Jason, hot and horny after a grueling training exercise at the nearby Marine base, couldn’t wait to get their hands on each other and in a macho challenge between cop and fireman they had mesmerized the spectators with a pornographic display of raw, rugged man-on-man sex. And then there was the handsome Marine captain Hassan and his boy Eddie. Hassan took Eddie out to his remote house in the desert where he thrilled him with an erotic fantasy in which a nervous boy comes out to the house to service the husky Marine and, in an unexpected twist after an erotic massage, the boy ends up fucking the muscle-stud soldier. Afterwards, as they lay on their sides propped on their elbows gazing at each other, Hassan grinned, “Well, kiddo, that was some trip eh? Maybe we can pick it up again after we’ve eaten dinner together.” Eddie grinned mischievously. “Even the bit about the soldier’s young sex slave chained up in the dungeon, sir?” Hassan laughed, “Maybe later, kiddo, depending how we feel after we’ve rested and eaten. On the other hand, we might be so tired by then we’ll just wanna curl up in bed and watch a movie on TV until my handsome boy falls asleep in my arms. But right now I wanna hear all the gossip about what’s been happening in L.A. since I left.” “Well, sir,” Eddie said with wide-eyed enthusiasm, once again the talkative kid Hassan loved so much. “Me and the boys were talking and we think there’s something going on with Randy and Pablo, something about Randy giving Pablo a lot more responsibility.” “Yeah, kid, well I’d say that’s overdue. Pablo’s not a boy anymore. He’s what, 25 now? Same age as Darius, the oldest of the senior boys? Hell, you only have to look at the guy. He’s not that young grease monkey anymore in those old dungarees held up by one strap. He works shirtless in old blue jeans and boots and he looks damn hot, a real muscle-stud mechanic. “I’ve seen the way Randy looks at him and I wonder what he has in mind for him. It’ll probably involve Bob too. Hell,” Hassan chuckled, “everything with Randy involves Bob.” “Anyway, kiddo, we’ll see how that turns out when we get back. In the meantime we’ve got the weekend ahead of us with Mark, Jason, Mike and their boys, and we’ll have a blast. But tonight it’s just you and me, kiddo, out here in the desert in the middle of nowhere, and I think it’s time we rustled up some chow. Dinner and a movie? What d’you think?” Eddie flashed his lopsided grin and saluted. “Aye-aye, captain.” ********************* CHAPTER 353 ********************** After Hassan and Eddie’s wild sexual fantasy the next scene in their trip out here was one of domestic bliss as they prepared dinner together, laughing, kidding, elbowing each other away from the stove and Eddy complaining loudly when Hassan fumbled the salt and spilled it all over the floor. During dinner they talked about Hassan’s plans for Eddy’s future, and when they had eaten and drunk their fill Hassan put in a DVD and they sat together on the couch watching a movie. Hassan put his arm round Eddie who rested his head on his master’s chest. It was clear that, after the day’s excitement, Eddie was growing sleepy. Hassan stroked his hair and said, “I reckon that `soldier-chains-his slave-boy-to-the-dungeon-wall’ epic will have to wait for another day, kiddo. I’m taking you to bed.” “Mmm,” Eddie murmured, snuggling closer. “Yes please, sir.” The soldier picked Eddie up in his arms, carried him to the bedroom and laid him gently on the bed where he promptly fell asleep. Carefully, so as not to wake him, Hassan took off the boy’s clothes then gazed down at him as he lay naked on the bed, breathing peacefully, that lopsided smile on his face as he slept. The stoic Marine was not an emotional man but now tears flowed down his cheeks as his love for the boy overflowed in that silent room deep in the desert. Hassan realized now that he had only ever loved two people in his life � Mark and Eddie. But his love for Mark was different, a love between warriors forged in the crucible of war. The cop and the Marine were equals whose passion found expression in raw man-on-man sex. But Eddie, this sweet, affectionate, playful kid was his boy, his boy to love, protect and nurture, a boy who loved him totally and unconditionally. He was a boy to hold in his arms and fall asleep with, as he did now. The rugged Marine, his toughness mellowed by his love for the boy, undressed, lay beside him and pulled the covers over them. “Mmm,” Eddie purred in his sleep and snuggled closer as his master’s strong arms folded round him. *************************** They woke late the next morning, made love again, and then tidied the house before leaving to rejoin the other guys at Mike’s house. As Hassan locked the door behind them Eddie looked wistfully at the lonely sun-bleached house and said, “Will we come here again, sir?” “Sure we will, kiddo. Lots of times.” Eddie grinned, “And will we, er, get a look at that dungeon in the basement, sir?” “Oh yeah, but be careful what you wish for, kid, `cos you’ll be seeing a lot of that place. Next time when you’re down there and look in the mirror you’ll see a naked boy chained to the wall waiting nervously to hear the footsteps on the stairs of the horny Marine captain coming back to work his sex-slave over again. And just the sight of the shirtless soldier will make you shoot jizz all over the floor, the first of many orgasms as you fall in love with your captor.” “Sir, when you talk like that you make my dick so hard I wanna cream my shorts.” “Go ahead, boy, knock yourself out. Won’t be the first time that group has seen you with a wet bulge in your shorts.” They thought they would be too late for breakfast but they needn’t have worried because Mike’s house also roused itself late after the previous day’s sexual exertions. Breakfast had just been served outdoors by Larry and Ben and when Hassan and Eddie came in they found places waiting for them at the table. They were greeted with much laughter and lewd comments. “Hey, guys,” Mark grinned. “So, soldier, you took mercy on the boy and unchained him. Thought you’d leave him in that dungeon so you’d have him on tap ready to service you.” “Nah, that’s for next time, buddy,” Hassan smiled, but beyond that he offered no details of what they had done. He was usually tight-lipped about his sexual exploits. But not so Eddie who’s mouth ran a mile a minute with the boys. “Dudes, you will not believe …” he began, and treated them to a blow-by-blow description of his adventures with the Marine. And so, now that all the men had indulged their sexual lusts and got their rocks off multiple times, they could settle down to the next few days of fun and relaxation. Mike looked at the group with a fatherly smile, happy that his house was the setting for the enjoyment of these extraordinary men. Inevitably the conversation soon turned to tribe gossip, notably the subject of Randy and Pablo. Hassan said, “Like I said to Eddie, that’s quite a change going on there. Have you guys looked at Pablo lately? He’s not a kid anymore. The little grease monkey has grown into a strapping young stud, handsome, sexy and built like a brick shithouse. Of course he’s always modeled himself on Randy and, boy, he’s right up there with him now in the alpha-male category. “Yeah,” Mark agreed, “it’ll be quite an adjustment for Randy, but nothing he can’t handle, I bet.” ********************************** And, of course, back in L.A., the change in his boy was not lost on Randy himself. Also, his lover Bob had noticed the way Randy looked at Pablo these days � with immense pride mixed with something Bob couldn’t quite put his finger on … lust, maybe, or something like it? But Bob knew better than to get too involved in Randy’s feelings for his boy and adopted son. And now, on Monday morning, while Mark and the guys were still at Mike’s in Palm Springs, Randy was back at work on the construction site as usual. He was in his trailer office waiting for Bob to drop buy and go over some budget details. He stood at the window surveying the site as he often did as boss of the whole outfit, watching the crew work, the pace, the teamwork, looking out for potential trouble spots that called for intervention by the boss. But today he was in a contemplative mood as he waited for Bob, thinking mostly of the men in his life. He thought of the five young brothers he had raised and protected single handed as a family of itinerant gypsies in inhospitable West Texas. Now, in recent years in L.A., his two great loves were Bob, first and foremost, and then his adopted son, Pablo. And it was Pablo he focused on now as he gazed through the window. Boy, had he grown up! He remembered all that time ago when he and Mark first came across the plucky young kid working as a mechanic in a small run-down gas station in the desert. As a youth he had been moved from one foster home to another and was alone in the world, working for the three brutal Baxter brothers who abused the young kid who had nowhere else to go. Until Randy met him. Randy and Mark had trashed the three thugs and Randy had said, “You’re not alone any more, kiddo. Let’s go.” Randy smiled to himself now as he recalled how Pablo had climbed on the Harley motorcycle behind him and Randy had grinned back at him. “We ride fast, kid, and it’ll take two hours. You think you can hold on tight to me for that long?” Randy would always remember the boy’s reply. “I’ll hold on tight to you for as long as you want, sir.” And the boy had held on to Randy ever since, looking up to him, idolizing him and molding himself on his hero. Randy had legally adopted him as his son and made him his chief mechanic on the worksite. And of course Randy made love to him often � and Pablo loved it. From the first day Randy had been mesmerized by the sight of his perfect bubble butt � `an ass that could make grown men weep,’ as Randy always described it. Often in the middle of the workday, horny as hell, he would watch from his trailer, as he was doing now, and would yell to the boy to “get your ass in here, kid.” He would throw him across the drafting table, pull his dungarees down and fuck that gorgeous ass. Then Pablo would go back to work, pumped with pride and joy at having serviced the man he worshipped. Even as he thought of all of this now Randy’s cock was rock hard in his jeans, but somehow he hesitated to call Pablo in and relieve his lust as he had done so often in the past. There had been such a change in his boy. Of course it had been a gradual maturing process but it seemed to Randy that he had changed from boy to man almost overnight, breaking out of his chrysalis and spreading his wings like a strong, proud butterfly. Maybe it was something as simple as a change of clothes. Ever since Randy had known him Pablo had always worked in old dungarees, held up by a single strap over one shoulder, and always naked underneath. It had defined him in Randy’s mind as the brave oil-streaked young kid he had met working tirelessly as a mechanic against frightening odds in that deserted place. Then one day recently Pablo had shown up for work shirtless wearing old greasy jeans and muddy work-boots. It had been a transformation and Randy did a double-take, thinking for an instant that a hot new crewman had joined the team. And even now as he stared at him awestruck from the trailer, Randy found it hard to believe the change and stroked his own bulge, murmuring out loud, “Such a fucking stud.” Pablo had always had a great body, sculpted by grueling gym workouts with Randy. But now with his new adult image, it was as if the young jock had stepped right out of the pages of a porn magazine, ruggedly handsome with a body that wouldn’t quit. His bare torso was that of a junior bodybuilder � broad shoulders, bulging biceps, ripped abs and a slim waist and hips hugged by his beltless jeans. The old, worn jeans were creased at the crotch which bulged sexily under the greasy denim stretched over his muscled thighs. And then there was that ass � still the same bubble butt that rose up below the slim waist and curved outward in perfect globes before curling under to his legs. Hanging out of the back pocket was a greasy rag that Pablo occasionally pulled out to rub the sweat from his face. His features too had matured from a mischievous boy to a rugged male, but still with that same exotic Mestizo look � square jaw, high cheekbones and thick black hair that fell over his forehead and came straight down at the back to cover the sexy nape of his neck. The crooked smile was still there too, but the urchin grin had given way to a confident seductive smile that could entice any man into yielding to his macho sexuality. “He’s one fucking gorgeous son-of-a-bitch,” Randy breathed, “and he’s my boy.” Randy’s kid brother Ben was Pablo’s assistant mechanic, but today, in Ben’s absence in Palm Springs, Darius was giving Pablo a hand. The two had been lovers almost since the day they met. Darius was a gorgeous black muscle-stud with a notorious 10-inch dick and Randy grinned at the memory of Darius’s first meeting with Pablo when he had said, “Sir, my dick and that ass, a match made in heaven.” They had been a match ever since and Randy watched them now, both shirtless and streaked with grease, two young men nearing the peak of their youthful manhood, working together, joking and horsing around. Darius must have said something really funny because Pablo suddenly threw his head back and roared with laughter, his prominent Adam’s apple bouncing in his throat. It was such a glorious sight that Randy mechanically ripped open his pants, pulled out his stiff dick and began to stroke it as he watched. He wondered if Darius still mostly fucked Pablo �10-inch schlong in bubble butt � or whether Pablo, flowering Eskişehir Escort into maturity and no longer the natural bottom boy, now flexed his muscles and plowed the black stud’s ass. Man, that would be a sight to see, and the image made Randy pound his dick harder. The two mechanics were working on a truck and Pablo had unlatched the hood, pushed it up and held it up high so Darius could lean over the front for a close look at the engine. “Holy shit,” Randy gasped. Darius was bending forward with Pablo standing right behind him, arms upstretched propping the hood open. As Pablo craned forward to look over Darius’s shoulder he pressed against him and Randy heard them laugh as the bulge in Pablo’s jeans squashed against Darius’s butt. In high spirits they made a game of it, Pablo exaggeratedly grinding his crotch against Darius’s ass that pushed back onto it. But it was not a game to Randy as his previous image of Pablo fucking now came into sharp focus in his mind. Of course, he realized, the macho stud Pablo must often fuck his hot black lover. Maybe they even did it like this when they worked alone on the site � two hot, muscular mechanics stripped to the waist, Darius in black jeans, Pablo in his dirt-streaked blue jeans. Randy’s imagination took off and he pictured the rugged Mestizo rubbing the bulge in his pants as he watched his black buddy work, bent over the engine of a truck, muscles rippling in his broad back. He fantasized about Pablo striding up to Darius and yanking his jeans down over his ass. He would rip open his own pants, yank out his stiff rod, spit on it and plunge it deep in the black man’s ass. “Yeah, do it boy,” Randy growled softly as he pounded his cock, lost in the fantasy. The vision was vivid in Randy’s mind as he now looked at Pablo’s raised arms, his V-shaped lats sloping down to his slim waist, and imagined those hips slamming against Darius’s black butt. “You gorgeous mother-fucker,” Randy moaned, “yeah do it, stud.” He heard them laughing and in his mind the laughter became howls of ecstasy as Pablo’s cock pistoned in his buddy’s ass and he yelled “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, man … I’m cumming … yeah … aaagh!” Randy saw white liquid slam against the trailer window and run down the glass. He blinked … and came back to reality. It wasn’t Pablo who had shouted and busted his load � it was Randy. Through the film of semen he looked through the window and saw the two mechanics facing each other now, laughing and shoving each other like playful young colts flexing their muscles. “Beautiful, isn’t he?” Randy whirled round at the sound and saw Bob standing in the doorway. *************************** “Damn, I love watching you jerk off that great hunk of meat,” Bob chuckled. “Fuck you, man, I didn’t know you were there.” Bob shrugged, “If you want privacy you should learn not to leave the door ajar. Luckily it was me watching you get your rocks off.” He came forward and stood beside Randy at the window. “And if you had just let me know you were gonna do it I’d have joined you jacking off to the sight of that beautiful young man. What? Were you fantasizing about Darius’s 10-inch pole sliding into the Pablo’s ass?” Randy grinned, “Other way round, man. I know better than anyone how irresistible his butt can be, but looking at the macho jock now I could only think of him pounding ass.” Bob was expert at sizing up Randy’s moods and he now saw some uncertainty mixed with the lust in his eyes. “Er … when did you last haul him in here, pull his dungarees down and plough his ass, buddy?” Randy shifted uneasily. “Not for quite a while. If you’ve noticed, dude, he don’t wear his dungarees anymore so somehow it wouldn’t seem …” he shrugged, “I dunno …” “When was the last time you made love to your boy, Randy?” “Dunno,” he frowned, still staring out the window. “Can’t remember.” He turned back to look at Bob and said, “Shit, buddy, I dunno what’s happening. The boy is growing up so fast, becoming that alpha jock you see out there, I … kinda feel out of my depth.” Randy looked pleadingly at Bob. “Buddy, it almost feels like I’m losing him � or he’s losing me, or both. He’s not a boy anymore, maybe not my boy. I mean, what does a self-assured, dominant stud like him need with a master anymore? If I were to yell at him to get his ass in here do you really thing he would come running and pull his pants down for me to fuck him like the eager young kid always use to?” Bob smiled. “Randy, we both know the answer to that. Look, in every relationship the dynamic shifts over time. It happened to us! Remember those days when you would punish me, like the time I had sex with Lloyd and you tied me behind your truck and dragged me naked across the sand of the desert?” “Shit, man, why do you have to bring that up? Those days are way in the past when I was terrified of losing you. Our relationship has changed a lot since then … a whole lot better.” “And that’s exactly my point, Randy. OK, all these years it’s been you, the King of the Gypsies, and his eager young boy worshipping his hero. That kid idolized you, copied you in every way � his looks, his physique, body language and even your anger, always quick to throw a fist. And that out there is the result, the result you wanted � a confident, proud young buck, a leader of men like yourself.” “That’s just what I’m saying, dude,” Randy protested. “He’s a man now, not that young grease monkey who who’d drop his pants whenever I ordered him to. He don’t need me anymore.” “Randy, you miss the point. Typical you … you leap from one reality to a conclusion that’s completely illogical … all in your mind. Like the time I fucked with Lloyd and you assumed I was leaving you and you tied me up and punished me like a caveman dragging me to your cave.” He saw Randy wince, and continued, “I know, I know, that’s all in the past. But the point I’m making as that you’re wrong to assume that just because Pablo has shed his dungarees and grown into a hot alpha male, he doesn’t need you anymore.” Bob paused to let that sink in. “Randy, ever since you rescued the boy from those thugs in the desert he has lived to make you proud of him. You’re his hero and always will be. You made him what he is and he’s still trying to emulate you. What I see out there is a younger version of you … same look, same gestures, same values. Man, when he’s working with young Ben he protects and nurtures the boy just as you’ve done for Pablo all these years.” Bob smiled. “Hell, he’s even learned, as you have, that not every problem can be solved by a right hook to the jaw. And, to answer your earlier question, yes of course Pablo would come running if you shouted for him to come in. The only difference now is that you wouldn’t yell at him and you wouldn’t order him, you’d ask him. And you probably wouldn’t call him in for a quick fuck, but for a cold beer. “Pablo is still your adopted son and still your boy, Randy, which brings me to my last point � I promise. You say you haven’t made love to Pablo for some time because you’re not sure how to. But how do you think Pablo feels about that? The man he loves, lives for and lusts for has stopped taking him to bed or even bringing him into his office. Don’t you think he’s a bit scared you’ve stopped loving him? And maybe he’s right.” “Fuck you, man!” Randy shouted angrily. “Hell no, that’s not right. I damn well love him more than ever and sure, I wanna fuck with him. Shit, didn’t you just watch me blasting a load of jizz over the window just looking at him? Sometimes you can be a real asshole you know that?” Bob smiled. He had deliberately provoked that outburst as a call to action, and had got the reaction he wanted. “Randy, you don’t have to convince me but that gorgeous young mechanic out there. All I need from you right now is to go over those budget figures, so let’s get to work.” Randy smiled at him. “Fuck, man, you can always get under my skin, you know that? Sometimes I think you do it deliberately.” “Only when it’s necessary, Randy. OK, the budget.” ******************************** Despite the thoughts racing in his mind Randy managed to focus on the numbers Bob was explaining. He trusted his lover implicitly with the financial side of the company. Randy was first and last a construction worker and all he wanted was to make sure that his pet projects were included in the budget. When they were finished Bob got to his feet and Randy grinned up at him. “Shit, still the most gorgeous guy on the planet. You’re the one I should throw across the drafting table and ream your ass.” “Down boy,” Bob laughed. “I gotta go back to the office and show Jamie how to post these new figures in the computer. But … after dinner, big guy, I’m all yours.” “Damn straight, you bet your life you are, man.” Randy stood up and pulled Bob into a tight hug. “Thanks for the pep talk, buddy. Lot to think about.” As Bob left the office and walked across the site he glanced over at Pablo. Hell, the guy sure is a gorgeous hunk of man, Bob thought, not sure whether his own hard-on in his slacks was caused by Randy or Pablo. Probably both, a thought that made his cock even harder. Pablo looked up and gave him a jaunty salute. “Hey, Bob, how’s it going?” Bob waved back, aware of Pablo’s use of Bob instead of sir. He kinda liked the sound of it. In the trailer Randy tried to review the numbers they had worked out but he couldn’t concentrate. After half an hour he gave up, stood up and stretched as he gazed out the window. Darius had gone back to his own project leaving Pablo to unload a new engine block from the back of a truck that had just delivered it. The block was secured by a rope that ran up and over a pulley. Randy watched Pablo work and his heartbeat quickened as he stared at his boy heaving on the rope, his straining muscles rippling and gleaming with sweat as he slowly raised the engine off the truck, swung it out and lowered it to the ground. “Fuck he’s gorgeous,” Randy moaned. Impulsively he left the trailer and forced himself to stroll casually across the site, inspecting things here and there before winding up close to Pablo. “That the new engine block for the backhoe?” he asked casually. “Yes, sir. Heavy son of a bitch … took all my fucking muscle to unload it.” Even his voice had got deeper, Randy noted. Pablo’s pumped body was heaving, sweat pouring off him, and he pulled the rag from his back pocket and wiped it across his face, streaking it with oil. “Yeah, I watched you manhandling it,” Randy said. “Very impressive.” “Damn,” Pablo grinned, “suppose it never crossed your mind to come and give a hand … sir.” “It did, but I preferred to watch you struggle,” Randy chuckled. “You looked good. But now you look like you could use a beer. Got time for a break?” “Sure thing, sir.” Pablo followed Randy into the trailer and closed the door behind them. ******************************* Randy pulled two beers from the small fridge and they sat side by side on the couch looking down at the spreadsheets strewn on the low table before them. “Thanks,” said Pablo, taking the beer from Randy. “Sorry, I must stink of sweat, sir.” “Don’t bother me none, dude. Quite the reverse. Now, see these spreadsheets here? Bob and me were going over the expenses for the new project we’re starting. Bob does most of this shit but you should get familiar with them if you’re gonna become …” He checked himself. “Well, I jumped the gun a bit there, but me and Bob will explain all that later.” They studied the figures for a while and Pablo asked a lot of pertinent questions that impressed Randy. But Randy had had enough numbers for one day and leaned back on the couch and turned to face Pablo. “So how are things going with you, boy? Long time since we had a talk.” “Yeah it is, sir.” He grinned, “I was even starting to think you were getting a bit tired of our little meetings here in the trailer.” “No!” Randy said sharply. “You mustn’t think that, boy … you must never think that. It’s just that … shit, boy, it seems that in the last couple months you’ve suddenly sprouted up and changed from that greasy kid into a real gorgeous hunk of man. You’re not that young punk in dungarees I used to haul in here and butt-fuck when I got horny.” “Yeah,” Pablo chuckled, “I did shed those dungarees after all these years didn’t I? They didn’t seem to go with what I felt inside … you know, sir, a tough, confident guy with my good buddy Darius.” Then he frowned with a look of alarm. “But, sir, I am still your boy, aren’t I. I don’t ever want that to change. I mean, you’re my hero, sir … I’ll do whatever you …” “Hey, cool it, big guy,” Randy laughed. “You’ll always be my boy and I’ll watch you grow and love you for it. I’ll always lust for you, boy, and we’ll fuck like we always have.” “Sir, do you wanna fuck me now like we used to?” “Er, not exactly, man.” Randy stood up and pushed the low table away from the couch. He paced the room restlessly and Pablo, still shirtless, leaned back on the couch, arms stretched along the back of it, his beer in one hand, legs wide apart on the floor, his manspread stretching his jeans over his thighs and the bulge at his crotch. He grinned that sexy crooked grin up at Randy and said, “So what do you want, man?” Randy looked down at the macho, confident young jock, at his arms spread across the couch, at his manspread showing off his bulge, at the grinning, cocky face, his deep voice almost throwing out a challenge. “Fuck you, boy,” Randy said, “you are so fucking gorgeous. This is what I want.” Randy fell on his knees between the young mechanic’s spread legs and buried his face in his crotch, breathing in the stink of sweat and greasy denim. “Shit damn, buddy,” Pablo said. Always the fantasist he felt a bit like they were a couple of straight construction guys on a break getting their rocks off. He ran his fingers through Randy’s thick black hair, clamped his hand behind his head and pressed his face down in his crotch. “Hey, if that’s what you want, stud, you got it. Chow down on that cock, man.” The deep, dominant voice (like everything else in Pablo, copied from Randy himself) turned Randy on even more and he ripped open his boy’s jeans. One thing that hadn’t changed was that Pablo, who had always been naked under his dungarees, now wore nothing under his jeans so Randy had a clear shot at the young jock’s stiff cock. He yanked it out, bent down and swallowed it all the way down his throat. “Oh shit,” Pablo growled, “that feels so fucking great. “Yeah, eat your boy’s cock, man … eat it.” Pablo grabbed Randy’s head in both hands and pumped his face down on his cock, taking pleasure in the sound of the construction boss gagging on his thick shaft as it Eskişehir Escort Bayan pistoned in his mouth. With one hand Randy grabbed Pablo’s balls round the scrotum and squeezed them.” “Aaagh … fuck you, man. So that’s how you wanna play it, a trial of strength, is that it? Man, you taught me good and you know I can take as much pain as you can.” Randy pulled off his cock briefly and their gleaming eyes met. “Is that so, boy? Well try this for size.” He let go of the young stud’s balls, reached up with both hands and twisted his nipples savagely. “Fuuuck!” Pablo howled and reflexively reached down and gave his master’s tits the same treatment. It was inevitable that these two dominant, aggressive men, one a junior copy of the other, would end up challenging each other in a contest of equals. The construction boss increased the pressure on his boy’s tits and sucked his cock faster and deeper down his throat while the tortured mechanic gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw, his head thrashing from side to side as he flexed against the pain inflicted by his boss. In a savage reprisal he dug his fingernails into Randy’s tits, making him scream into the gag of his cock. But in the end it was not pain that made them stop … both of them knew the other could endure any pain the other dished out. It was the sensation Pablo felt in his cock slamming against the back of Randy’s throat and bringing him to the cusp of a massive orgasm. “No!” he howled and shoved Randy’s mouth off his cock seconds before he would have lost his load inside it. “I’m not gonna let you suck me dry, man. I’m not finished yet.” He jumped to his feet and stared down at Randy on his knees looking up at him with wild-eyed lust, spit running from his mouth and down his stubbled chin. “Fuck, you look hot,” Pablo growled, brought to the peak of sexual desire by the fantasy of going mano-a-mano with the master he had hero-worshipped since the day they met. They both knew deep down that this was the inevitable climax of Pablo’s training to be as tough and dominant as Randy, the natural contest flaring up between master and boy, teacher and pupil, until man and boy emerged as virile, sexual rivals. Randy had trained his boy for this, to be like him, as strong and competitive as him, with the same magnetic sexuality. His breath heaving, Pablo reached down and with one hand grabbed the sweaty tank-top Randy always wore, yanking him up onto his feet. Then he spun him around, pushed him against the drafting table and forced him to bend over it face down. He ripped open Randy’s jeans so they dropped round his boots, and pressed the head of his spit-wet cock against his ass. “Look up,” Pablo ordered. Randy raised his head and stared into the wall mirror behind the table at the sight of the bare-chested, muscular mechanic piercing him with his blazing eyes. “Get a good look, man. That’s your boy, the young kid you rescued, saved his life, taught him, trained him and made him your son. How many times have you called that boy in here, thrown him over this table, ripped down his pants and rammed your dick up his ass. And how many times did that kid beg for more `cos he worshipped you and loved you to fuck him? “But take a good look, man. Your boy’s not a kid anymore, he’s grown up, grown up in your likeness, a tough son of a bitch like you wanted. Yeah, I’m just like you … strong body, tough mind … and a great fuck. And now it’s payback time. Time for me to thank you, sir, for all you’ve done for me, to prove I’m the man you wanted me to become. “I love you, sir. I love you more than any man could love a man. Yeah, I’m just like you, even to those words you always yelled to me in here … `I wanna fuuuck!'” With one savage thrust, just like the master, he rammed his cock into the depths of his master’s ass. Randy howled, feeling the same sensation, the same ecstatic pain that he had always given his boy in this very place. His head fell forward but Pablo grabbed his long hair and pulled it back to face the mirror as he ramrodded his ass. “Look at me, man. I want you to look at the man your created. Like the master who creates a monster and the monster ends up running wild. But I’m no monster, I’m your boy, your son, your man, your lover … and I’m fucking the master I love.” Even as the merciless rod rammed his ass Randy was mesmerized by the sight of the man he had created, the boy he loved, pounding his ass just like he himself had done so often to that tough young kid. “You like that?” Pablo said. “You like your boy’s dick up your ass? Remember how I begged for more? Let me hear it. I wanna hear it from you, just like I used to.” “Fuck yeah,” Randy howled. “Fuck me, man. Fuck that ass … harder, more … please … I love you, man … Jesus Christ I love you … such a gorgeous stud. Yeah, fuck me … please sir … I love you, sir.” Sir! That was the word � the word Pablo wanted to hear from Randy, and he focused all his strength on his man’s ass. He grabbed Randy’s tank and yanked his back off the bench until the thin cloth ripped and he fell back down, his body writhing as his boy jackhammered his ass. Suddenly Pablo used one of Randy’s classic moves on him. He flipped him over onto his back on the table, his legs cartwheeling through the air, his cock still deep in his ass. Randy’s legs were hooked over Pablo’s shoulders and the savage jock fell forward and pinned his arms to the table while his shaft pistoned mercilessly in his ass. The big gypsy was in a blur now, aware only of the incredible sensation in his ass and the pornographic sight of the greasy mechanic above him, dripping sweat on him as he pounded ass. “Now you know how it feels, big guy,” Pablo panted. “This is how Randy fucks. Exactly how he fucks. I should know … he trained me. And now I know how my master felt every time he called me in here and got his rocks off reaming my ass. And it feels fucking great,” he yelled. Pumped to the max with testosterone and adrenaline, Pablo picked Randy up bodily off the table turned around and threw him on his back on the floor like a rag doll. Randy howled as the cock yanked out of his ass and he lay exhausted on the floor. Pablo pulled off Randy’s boots and jeans and said, “Yeah, that’s how I want you now � the big gypsy boss naked at the mercy of his mechanic, his own son.” He bent down and flipped Randy over on his hands and knees. Quickly he knelt behind him, grabbed his hips and once again drove his shaft deep inside him. “Aaagh!” Randy howled, staring up at the other wall mirror, at the wild expression on the chiseled features of the handsome Mestizo ramrodding his ass. In his daze he recognized the out-of-control look that he himself had when he got carried away fucking ass. “No,” he moaned. “No more … I can’t take any more, man. I’m done.” “You’re done when I say you are,” Pablo growled, again mimicking words he had often heard from Randy’s mouth. Randy fell forward on his stomach in a futile effort to crawl away from the rod driving into his ass, but Pablo pressed down on the small of his back and trapped him. “Please, man, I’m finished. You’ve fucking reamed my ass and I can’t take anymore. You’re gonna make me bust my load real soon.” Pablo pulled out, flipped Randy on his back, pulled his legs over his shoulder again and pressed the dripping head of his cock against his hole as he had at the beginning. “OK, you know how this goes, man … you taught me. You don’t cum until I say you can. You showed me how to taunt a man … like this.” He slid his cock back inside Randy’s ravaged ass, but slowly, gently this time. Randy sighed a ragged sigh and moaned, “Oh shit, don’t do this to me, man. I’m so fucking close I gotta cum. Please man … cum inside me.” Pablo grinned, “You know what it takes, man, what you always made me do.” “OK … OK, you want me to beg? Please … cum inside me, man. Let me shoot my load. You make me so hot, I’m so fucking close … I’m begging you.” “You said the magic word, buddy. OK, another page from your playbook � that thing you do with Bob. He leaned forward and pinned Randy’s wrists to the floor above his head. Then he bent lower so their faces were inches apart. “Now look into my eyes, buddy. You see yourself reflected in them? But here’s the best part. I’m the image of you, sir. My body, my thoughts, they are yours. My eyes are yours … it’s like seeing yourself on your own eyes. We’re the same, sir. We’re one.” The union between man and boy was complete. As the cock slid slowly in and out of his ass Randy was mesmerized by Pablo’s burning eyes and his hypnotic voice saying, “I love you, sir. This is my way of showing you what you created and of thanking you for protecting me and loving me all these years. I cumming, sir … cumming inside you.” Randy gasped as he felt warm juice pouring inside him, soothing the tender membrane of his ravaged ass. He looked up at Pablo, at his crooked smile, and moaned, “You’re a beautiful man, kiddo. So fucking beautiful. Yeah … here it comes, boy. Oh fuck … fuck … aaagh!” His cock reared up and sprayed semen up onto Pablo’s chest, then over his own � stream after stream in an explosive orgasm that left him shuddering and exhausted on the floor. “See,” Pablo grinned down at him. “You always boast that you can make a man cum without touching himself. And now you know I can too … just like you.” He leaned down and kissed Randy tenderly on the lips, then pulled back and frowned. “Now, let me think … what did you always do next after you’d fucked me in here? Ah yeah, I remember.” He withdrew his cock, shook the drops from it and stuffed it back in his pants. He stood up, buttoned his jeans and pulled the rag from his back pocket. He wiped the sweat from his face and the cum from his chest, stuffed the rag back in his pocket and said, “OK stud, back to work.” Pablo left the trailer and strode back to the truck, leaving behind him the gypsy construction boss sprawled naked on the floor of his office, smothered in jizz and moaning, “Holy shit … holy fucking shit.” ******************************* There was a postscript to this pivotal event, added, not unexpectedly, by Bob. After Randy had pulled himself together and put his jeans and boots back on he stood up unsteadily and looked out the window. After the earth had shaken under his feet in here he half expected the site to be a shambles, so it was a surprise to see everything proceeding normally � the work was progressing, crew working harmoniously together and Pablo was calmly inspecting the engine block he had offloaded from the truck. But Randy couldn’t join them. Pablo’s performance in here had shaken and thrilled him and he couldn’t just resume work as if nothing had happened, even though Pablo had been right that, in the past, when he had finished fucking his boy he had always matter-of-factly done up his pants and gone straight out to the site and back to work. Not this time. His thoughts were in a whirl, trying to process what had just happened � the remarkable change in Pablo and the homoerotic image engraved in his mind of the young muscle-jock, his own boy, dominating him sexually like a stallion in heat. So he put his head out the door and called for Darius. Darius had become a major player on the construction site, not only Randy’s assistant but a foreman, able to pinch hit in any situation where a worker needed help. As he came in the astute boy, always with a nose for drama and gossip, stifled a grin when he saw Randy with the shredded remains of his tank hangin over his chest and smelt the overpowering odor of semen. “Er, Darius. I gotta cut out a bit early today and Zack’s on the other site today so can you hold the fort for me for the remaining hour or so?” “Not a problem, sir,” Darius grinned. “Everything’s pretty routine now, so leave it to me.” “Thanks, man.” Randy went out of the trailer and Darius grinned to himself as he watched the boss walk a bit unsteadily to the gate. He would get the scoop later from his buddy Pablo. Bob was working at his desk in the master suite when Randy came in and immediately knew something fairly dramatic had happened. “Hey, buddy. Everything go OK with Pablo?” `Sure,” Randy said casually. “Why do you ask?” Bob switched off his computer, leaned back in his chair and laughed. “Randy this is me, your old pal Bob. Now tell me what the fuck happened.” It was a relief for Randy to open up to his lover and Bob sat silently throughout the rather disjointed account of the scene in the trailer. “Good,” Bob said when he had finished, “I’m glad to hear it. I sensed that something of the kind was in the wind which is why I made an arrangement for this evening that I hope you approve of. See, with Mark, Jamie, Jason and Ben still out in the desert at Mike’s, the house is pretty empty tonight. Adam and Nate are going across to Zack’s house for one their, er, leather nights, so the only ones here for dinner will be us, Pablo, Darius and the twins. “So I thought of inviting Pablo and Darius for dinner up here. The twins will cook it as usual, serve the food in here and join us. Just the six of us � nice and intimate.” He raised questioning eyebrows and Randy shrugged, “Sure, why not?” Bob frowned at him and Randy said, “Sorry, buddy, all this stuff kinda knocked me sideways. It’s a great idea, man … perfect in fact. You always have your finger on the pulse don’t you?” They stood up and Randy took Bob in his arms. “You’re OK with this aren’t you, man? I would never do anything that hurt you, you know that, don’t you?” “Of course,” Bob smiled,” and I think what’s happened between you two was not only inevitable sooner or later but essential. Kind of dramatic too, like the master creating a monster that ends up dominating the master.” “Yeah,” Randy grinned, “that’s what Pablo said.” “Besides,” Bob added, “I might even have a little plan of my own that’ll seal the deal.” He pulled away and wrinkled his nose. “In the meantime, buddy, you should jump in the shower. All that grease, sweat and jizz � you’re a fucking mess.” ********************************** That evening, before going up to the master suite, Pablo and Darius dropped into the kitchen to help the twins … and to gossip. Of course, the subject was Pablo’s earlier game-changing encounter with Randy in his trailer office, so by the time dinner was ready all four boys had hashed over all the details. The twins loaded the big food cart they often used to serve meals to individual rooms, and the other two loaded a smaller cart with drinks, coffee and dessert. They wheeled the carts up the ramp Randy had built to accommodate the wheelchairs of Brandon and Brian. And when Bob opened the door he was impressed to see Escort Eskişehir that the boys had all dressed up for the occasion, or what passed for `dressed up’ in this house � clean, crisp T-shirts and jeans for Pablo and Darius and matching blue polo shirts for the twins. Bob had even persuaded Randy to wear a white dress shirt which, hanging loose over his muscular frame, did nothing to detract from the swarthy gypsy’s raw masculinity and smoldering sexuality. The dinner in the men’s private dining room was a rousing success as the two bosses of the tribe and four senior boys talked animatedly over a wide range of topics. The meal took on the air of a celebration as the events in the trailer were still fresh in everyone’s mind and they knew that a major bridge had been crossed by Randy and his boy. But the subject was not actually discussed directly. The reason for this was that the boys were not sure of Bob’s feelings about the event. Universally loved and respected, Bob was Randy’s lover but now Pablo had assumed an even greater role in Randy’s affections. Once again it came down to the delicate balance of every relationship, with its shifting dynamics as men changed and boys matured. With his finely attuned social antennae Bob was aware of all this and did not want the topic to become the elephant in the middle of the room. So at the end of the meal when they were all pretty well lubricated by wine, and the brandy was flowing, Bob cleared his throat. “Er, guys, there’s something I want to say. We all know what happened between Randy and Pablo this afternoon but we haven’t actually mentioned it here at this table. And I suspect the reason for that is that you’re all not sure what I think about it, am I right?” “I’d say so, sir,” said Darius, always the most talkative of the bunch. “Right, well I could try to explain my feelings but I always think actions speak louder than words � pack more of a punch.” He grinned, “And I do not mean that literally, though it may be the kneejerk reaction of a certain man and his boy among us.” When the laughter died down Bob resumed. “So if you would indulge me, I suggest we all move into the bedroom.” There was an air of expectancy and several swelling cocks as they all shuffled next door to the master bedroom. Darius, Pablo and the twins sat together in the long couch by the bed and Randy drew up a chair. Bob stood facing them, his back to the bed, and smiled, “OK, guys, I promised you action.” Slowly he unbuttoned his beige dress shirt all the way down and shrugged it off his shoulders so it hung down from his waist, still tucked in his slacks. There were muffled gasps all round as they gazed at the shirtless muscle-god with his sculpted torso and the handsome, chiseled features of a Superman. Bob pulled his shirt out of his waistband and let it drop, then unbuckled his elegant brown belt and kicked off his loafers. He unzipped his slacks, let them and his shorts drop and stepped out of them, standing before them buck naked, his magnificent cock swinging between his legs. The five men stared in admiration at the dark-haired icon of homoerotic beauty, and Bob looked from one awestruck man to the next as if contemplating a choice. They all assumed that he was about to select Randy to prove to them that their love was as solid as ever. So they were stunned when Bob stretched out his hand and smiled, “Stand up please, Pablo.” Pablo hesitated, blinked as if he had misheard, then rose to his feet. Bob pulled him into his arms and kissed him on the mouth as the stunned jock tentatively ran his hands over Bob’s shoulders and flexed biceps. Bob pulled away and smiled into Pablo’s exotic almond-shaped eyes. “Pablo … I would like you to make love to me.” Impulsively Randy grabbed the arms of his chair about to stand up but Darius restrained him gently and murmured, “Please wait, sir.” Bob turned and smiled at Randy, then lowered himself onto the bed and lay on his back. He wrapped a hand round his cock and after only a few strokes it was standing up hard as a steel rod. Pablo’s cock was rock hard in his jeans and he now knew, and shared, what Randy felt when looking down at his naked lover. The young stud’s muscular body raced with adrenaline and he felt the same sexual urge that Randy always felt. As a younger boy Pablo had worshipped his master’s lover from afar, knowing he was out of his reach. But he had grown up to become a confident alpha male and he was his father’s son in every way, even to his lust for the naked Superman lying before him. So many times Bob had lain trembling with desire looking up at Randy, and now it was almost the same, only this was a younger copy of his lover, in looks, dominance, raw sexuality … and in what he did next. “Holy fucking shit, man,” Pablo growled. “You are one gorgeous fucking man.” He stripped off his shirt, fell to his knees by the bed, leaned forward and swallowed Bob’s rod clear down his throat. “Aaah!” Bob threw his head back and gasped as he looked down at the handsome Mestizo face with his lips wrapped round his cock, pounding it with the ferocity he had inherited from Randy. “Shit, man … oh shit, you’re gonna make me shoot.” Pablo pulled off quickly and grinned down at him. “Not yet, big guy. Not till I say you can. Not till I’ve given you what you want.” Pablo was playing the part of Randy, behaving as he would, even if that meant burying his natural respect for Bob under an impetuous surge of lust and sexual domination laced with obscenities so typical of Randy. He leapt to his feet, kicked off his sneakers, ripped open his jeans and towered naked over the shuddering man. “I know what you want, stud. I know everything you want. Starting with this.” He turned his back to him and flexed the cheeks of his ass, the spectacular white globes that he knew no man could resist. Then he leapt on the bed, stood astride Bob’s chest and flaunted his muscled body. “You want it man, don’t you? Tell me you want it.” “Oh yeah, I want it,” Bob moaned. “You are so fucking gorgeous … just like your dad.” “Yeah, and I fuck like him too. I fucked him today, ploughed his ass, and now I’m gonna fuck his lover too. But first, I wanna know what you’re gonna feel when my cock slams in your ass. Will it feel like this …?” The naked mechanic dropped to his knees across Bob’s waist … and sat down hard on his cock, making it drive deep in the hot depths of his ass. Bob’s eyes opened wide and he yelled, “Fuck … fuuuck.” Pablo bounced up and down on his cock and grinned, “Yeah you like that ass, don’t you, stud. The perfect ass. Your lover can’t get enough of it … fucks me all the time. He shoves his huge prong in my ass and now you get to feel what he feels.” Bob was being driven wild by this powerful young muscle jock fucking his cock. He reached up and ran his hands over his chest, then dug his fingers into his pecs, howling with the incredible sensation of his own cock pistoning inside the flaming hot ass. Knowing the effect he was having on Bob Pablo grinned down at him and said, “Now I’m gonna make you shoot your load, big guy … you’re gonna pour your jizz deep in my ass.” “No!” Bob pleaded. “Not yet … I wanna feel your dick inside me, man. I want it so bad, I …” But Pablo reached down and twisted Bob’s tits and he bounced faster on his dick. “No, please, man … oh fuck that hurts, I love it, aaah … aaagh … aaaagh!” Bob shuddered and arched his back, thrusting his cock deeper inside Pablo’s ass as his cock exploded, his shouts of ecstasy echoing round the room. In a daze he was only dimly aware at first of the ass being yanked off his cock, of his legs being pushed on the air, and of the cock pressing against his hole and … “Aaagh!” He screamed again as the steel shaft drove into his ass, pulled back and slammed in again. Pablo grinned down at him, “Another thing my dad taught me … make `em cum first, then fuck `em in the ass. Hurts more that way and they’ll love it. So here goes, stud. Enjoy.” The fuck was classic Randy, everything that Pablo had learned from the master, pile-driving the man’s ass to the brink of orgasm, then pausing to deny him release before cranking it up again. The onlookers gasped at the spectacle of the hot muscle-jock pounding the ass of the captive Superman � the stud mechanic they knew from the construction site fucking the boss’s lover. They cast anxious glances at Randy but his eyes were shining, a satisfied smile on his lips as he watched Pablo, the young colt he had raised and trained to be tough and dominant, now emerging as a thoroughbred stallion, pounding his lover’s ass with the same savage force he himself used. And Randy knew what Bob was feeling, the same ecstasy he felt when Randy gave him the same caveman treatment. Randy wondered if Pablo would finish him off the way he always did. Of course he would. He was still his boy wasn’t he? The wild fuck was reaching its climax and Bob moaned, as Randy had moaned earlier, “Please, man, I can’t take anymore. Please, cum in my ass … I wanna feel your juice in my ass.” Pablo slowed the pace, leaned forward, pinned Bob’s wrists to the bed and smiled down at him with his sexy, crooked grin. “So you’ve had enough, eh stud? But you know what I wanna hear … what my dad makes you say.” He slammed his cock in deep and Bob yelled, “OK, OK, please … please, sir, finish me off … I’m begging you.” “Ah, the magic words,” Pablo grinned, slowing down to a slow gentle fuck. “So now I’m gonna do what my dad can always do. I already made you cum, then hammered your ass, but I can make you cum again without touching yourself. You know how in the end Randy slows down, looks deep in your eyes and makes you cum because you love him. So will I.” His voice became deeper, hypnotic, his cock still sliding slowly in his ass. “But you know this ain’t the end. Now I’ve got a taste for your ass I’m gonna tell my dad I want more of it. So he’ll call me in and we’ll both work you over � first him making love to you and fucking you, then me, and then both of us, both cocks inside you � father and son making love to you together. “See, I always envied my dad having a lover like you. The most beautiful man in the world, he calls you. I was only a kid, you were way out of my league, so I respected you and lusted for you from afar, but now I’m a man, a man just like my dad, and I’m fucking you just like my dad. “I’ve always wanted to do this, sir, `cos I love you. I’m gonna cum inside you now, and you’re gonna cum because you love me too, just like you love my dad. Look at me, sir … at my face, my body that Randy made. He made me and he loves me, and so do you, don’t you?” Bob was drifting in the same enchanted world where Randy always led him, not sure if he was hearing the voice of the father or the son, unsure which cock was making love to his ass. It was all the same. “Yeah, I love you, Pablo. Of course I love you. I wanna cum for you, man.” “Of course you do,” Pablo smiled, with the same arrogance as Randy. “So do it, man.” He bent down and kissed Bob, and they shared each other’s breath as their cocks erupted together � Pablo in the ass of his dad’s lover, Bob gazing up at his lover’s beautiful son. There was silence in the room as Darius and the twins were mesmerized, not quite sure what they had witnessed but knowing it was something magical. Pablo and Bob smiled at each other until their breathing subsided, then Pablo rolled off him and lay on his back by his side. He looked over at Randy and the awestruck boys and grinned, “Hey guys, your turn now. You’re not gonna make us do all the heavy lifting are you? Come on, let’s see what you got.” The rowdy jock’s sense of fun broke the spell they were under and they smiled at each other and stood up. Randy led the way, standing with Darius on one side of the bed, while the twins stood on the other. They looked down at the amazing sight of the two naked musclehunks, Randy’s lover and Randy’s boy. They opened their pants and pulled out their cocks that had been hard ever since they came into the room. “OK, guys,” Randy said. “We can’t let them have all the fun. Look at them, let’s show them what we think of them. You ready?” It only took a few strokes before semen began to pour onto the couple. Amid raucous laughter four jets of hot jizz rained down, splashing on their muscular bodies and sculpted features, a baptism of sorts for two men who, in making love, were paying their tribute to the lover of one, father of the other � to the King of the Gypsies. ********************************** Later that night Randy and Bob were lying in bed talking out the wild day they had just lived through. Randy said, “Pablo’s turned into quite the young stallion ain’t he? I could see he turned you on a whole lot.” He turned to face Bob and grinned. “Buddy, he’s so much like me, you, er … you wouldn’t ever think of dumping me for a younger model would you?” Bob laughed, “Randy you sound like we’re playing out some kind of soap opera?” “Well aren’t we?” Randy smiled. “Ain’t that kind of what our life’s become? Just imagine the dramas that are playing out in this house right now… “Pablo and Darius are downstairs in bed, the two of them so macho they’re probably fighting about who fucks who. The twins are in their apartment so turned on after watching Pablo fuck their master that they’re getting into god knows what together. And across the street the two leathermen � Zack, and that Aussie hunk Adam � are playing their macho games with ropes and shackles, while Adam’s Aussie-boy Nate watches to see which of them comes out on top. As dramas go you can’t top that for plot setups.” “Yeah,” Bob chuckled, “but you can bet those guys are all in hog heaven. I’d be more concerned with the other houses. From the gossip I hear, Tommy up in the hills at Steve’s house, and Danny at the Grady House have been kinda down in the dumps lately. It’s my belief they’re feeling a bit isolated in their grand houses, sort of cut off from the tribe. They need to find boyfriends for themselves � get a little romance going in their lives.” Randy sighed. “Well, buddy, even you can’t sort out all their lives for them. Anyway, right now it’s just the two of us and we’ve had a helluva weird day. Damn, we’ve both been shagged rotten today by that stud mechanic of mine so I guess it’s up to me to prove to you who the real master is around here.” “The older model, eh?” Bob chuckled. “OK, bossman, show me what you got.” ******************************** TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength � Chapter 354 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, all the many chapters, with extras, including pictures and biographies of all the characters. Click on the `Our Story’ tab to read the current chapter, or click on the green button to browse all the chapter synopses. Enjoy

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