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An unusually stunning redhead named Chloe had filled the occupancy of the apartment adjacent to 472 B, in late April. Only seeing her in passing, Alex found her to be thought provoking. She wasn’t an a-typical attraction he was used to flaunting at his side, but there was an unmistakable way about her that he just couldn’t ignore.

Chloe was for the most part, a free spirited individual who didn’t rely on social norms to value her existence. Her view of the world was educated and uniquely analyzed. The type of persona she exhibited when walking through a room was playfully sexual and intriguing. Chloe could attract attention to herself without even trying. She was in fact what her friend once stated her as being, “the worst kind of cock-tease.” The sexuality she exuded was so intertwined with her personality that she was blissfully unaware of the thoughts that men had about her. Her self assurance kept most men at a distance for not knowing how to approach her, and an over abundance of boys who befriended her in hopes of her choosing to make them a man.

Taking certain delight in spoiling the men she had been with, Chloe was always handed the role of the “teacher”. The distinction was never made clear that she didn’t have to play this role, that there were better roles to adhere to. It wasn’t until the last encounter with a pupil she had been tutoring for six months that she put her foot down to the idea of welcoming a boy into her bed again.

While squinting with the light of morning welcoming her from the window, she felt the hard, pulsating rhythm of her wake up call against her silk and lace panties. With a smile she turned to him and slowly taunted the still sleeping pupil with a light stoke of her hand on his cock in hopes he would awake to fulfill her. Still not waking, she drew her head under the covers to begin licking the head of his cock diligently in small circles, suckling the first hint of pre-cum before devouring him fully into her mouth. To this, there was reaction of him starting to awake to her subtle demand to play with her. There was a slight moan and shift of his body to roll on his back allowing her more room to pleasure him. Enjoying her breakfast in bed she became more indulgent in her efforts to obtain his submission to her appetite. Echoing into her ears she heard an exasperated, “stop!”

Caught off guard she ceased all activity and reported back from under the covers to see what was wrong. His blue eyes were tinted with a cloud of anger that made her heart sink and breath halted. “All you do is objectify me, that’s all I am, a penis to you,” he snapped at her. ” I can’t handle you being this way all the time. I need my space.” With that he facilitated a spree of “house cleaning,” gathering what few items he had there before heading out the door. Chloe was taken aback by the events of that morning not knowing if she would be able to recover from such an absurd blow to her ego. Her friends lifted her spirits finding delightful amusement that she had caused her male counterpart a “sexual breakdown.” The student made calls in attempt to reconcile, but alas his messages were left unanswered. This was back in February, now September it has proven to be the longest stretch of time she had gone without sex. Chloe was beginning to think she was going to have to pull her hair up and get out the books for class to be brought back to session.

There was very little time in Alex’s work schedule to maintain any type of “normal” relationships. An overachiever not wrenched by materialism, he enjoyed the small amenities his apartment provided. One bedroom, wood floors, and an ambience of history that could not be explained, just acknowledged. The apartment building itself was built in the 20’s atop what once was the state’s first amusement park. His view out of the living room and bedroom were of the tree-lined riverbank below.

Living there for almost five years, he was anticipating the oncoming season already evolving in the trees. Alex had fleeting relationships with many women thru the time he has lived in his manor. He pursued his “toys” through the use of his seductive charms. Women that were chosen were not only based on physical attributes, but other qualities that would enter into his realm of sexual fantasy. Submission through adapted sexual identity was the core basis in this altered fantasy life. Knowing oneself, allowing the most intimate vulnerabilities be exposed without abuse or mistrust leads to the possibility of limitless pleasure. From the moment he first had seen Chloe he could envision her being with him, letting him open that door for her so they could feast upon each other’s pleasures.

Alex headed down to the laundry mat that was kept under lock and key. He hated using the facility as it was drearily dark and the odor of wet musk inhabited the clothes he would wear. It was considerably late and the options were not available to go somewhere else. There was a chill in the air, but still warm enough to be able to wear a long sleeved shirt without being cold. He approached the laundry room surprised to see the Kastamonu Escort light on. The flashes he had of being stuck in there with someone was the ultimate punishment, for there were only two washers and he had at least three loads when throwing bedding into the mix. “The bedding can wait,” as he mentally prepared himself for making this as painless as possible. Taking a deep breath in, Alex turned the knob of the door and went inside.

His eyes darted back and forth looking, expecting to see another sitting or perhaps, pouring detergent to start a load. There was no one, just a laundry basket of folded clothes and a running dryer. Alex set down the large canvas laundry bag, opened it and began to fish in his pocket for enough quarters to start the load. He completed his task of getting out the detergent, filling the washers, and letting the machines work their magic. Alex had just sat down in the 70’s styled orange, rounded, plastic chairs they had as a courtesy when he glanced into the basket of clothing on the table beside him. What caught his eye, were a pair of dainty panties folded on top. They were a pale yellow; see through with small, embroidered flowers and lace adorning the upper band that emphasizes the curves of the hips. His mind was flooded by the image of a faceless body that would gladly model the panties for him if they were there for him to ask to do so. Alex only had a few seconds to create his illusion when he heard the click of the doorknob and weight of the door being opened. The panty fixation dissipated quickly from his mind upon being startled as tried he to maintain normal composure.

With a gust a wind nipping behind her, Chloe entered the laundry room. Her eyes grew large and a smile enveloped her face as she saw Alex sitting there. Chloe had a book in hand and her cheeks were flushed with rose tinting from the change of temperature from outside. “Hello,” Chloe offered as she walked to the dryer and put her book and keys down. She turned to him and said, ” It’s about time we have a formal introduction instead of cautious smiles when we see each other out in the hall.” She walked to him and offered her hand, “I’m Chloe. May I have the pleasure of knowing your name?” she said playfully as Alex extended his hand to meet hers. “Alex…”as he drifted into distraction while studying her.

She was wearing a worn white men’s undershirt with no bra. As the shirt clung to her it wasn’t see through, but he could see her nipples were hardened from coming out from the cold. Distinctly pointing erect, he could even make out that they were a light pink in color. He couldn’t hide from his interest in her with his eyes glued to her chest. Alex was caught in embarrassment when his eyes met hers and she had acknowledged, just with her eyes that he had been staring. To his delight, she winked and bit her bottom lip in a seductive smile. Turning away, with a hint of a laugh she opened the door to the dryer she had been using.

Checking to see if everything was dry, she bent over a bit to reach inside. Alex inscribed her curves into his memory. Panning down a whole other wave of lust ensued when he focused on the plaid skirt that she was wearing that hit her standing about four inches above the knee. Stockings. Alex was having a hard time being overwhelmed by the brutal attraction he felt towards her.

Reaching inside the dryer, Chloe sighed and went to close the door. “I have fed this beast four times and my comforter still isn’t dry and now I am out of change (sigh, pause). Could I please beg upon you, given you have the resource to do so, loan me 75 cents to finish my load,” she inquired. “Of course,” Alex said as he stood up and went in his pocket to get her the change amount required.

“I know where you live and can come to collect payment anytime, even the middle of the night when you’re laying in bed all cozy and warm,” Alex baited to her. “Perhaps….” Chloe said as she turned on an even bigger smile then the one she was wearing before. Alex was enthralled by this woman whose earthy scent of a spray or possibly lotion was intoxicating to him.

“Well, I’m off,” Chloe said as she turned to grab her book and keys again.

“I hope you’re not leaving because of me,” Alex stated disappointingly as she started walking towards the door. “You’re silly, of course not. It’s beautiful out. There’s a spot along the river where there is a bench where I hide when I need reflection. In this case to read and enjoy the night air.” She started to face him again and threw in, ” besides, who would want to sit in here?”

“Well that is not challenged by all means,” Alex said and then paused. ” Forgive me, but I have to ask how you’re not out there freezing in well,” as he motioned his hand down to indicate her clothing choices, ” and how do you read with no light?”

“Penlight,” as she held her keys up to show him the silver light attached to her key chain. “The chill I think is invigorating, and besides I have my own way of staying warm.” Chloe took three steps towards Alex and handed him her book.

“The Kastamonu Escort Bayan Eroticism of the Spoken Word,” he read aloud. Without time for him to process what he read, she interjected, “It’s a collection of short stories and poetry from different perspectives about sexual encounters, identity, so on.”

The thought of her implying that her idea of staying warm was to electrify and moisten with excitement caused Alex to start to have an arousal growing in his pants. ” You can join me if you would like,” she said moving closer, “I could use the company.” Her eyes sparkled with the inclination that he may be interested in more flirtation.

” I will join you on one circumstance,” he was hesitant to say but persisted, ” that you read to me.” Her body had a tingle as she could feel her wetness slide across her lips and onto her panties as she approached him, stopping within inches and leaning over to whisper to him, ” I think that is a feasible request, worth the 75 cents you gave me.”

They both laughed as she stepped back, and grabbed his hand to lead him, “You carry the book, and I will carry the keys. Fair right.” She batted her eyes smiling mischievously as she pulled for him to go. Alex was in dire anticipation of what would ensue over the course of his encounter with her.

As Alex is guided into the chilly night air, his mind is a flutter, taken back by his good fortune of not going to another laundry mat on this particular evening. Chloe walking slightly ahead, makes a few glances back at Alex with a smile adorning her face. “Just up ahead..,” Chloe said as they were walking along the riverbank. Still in hand, they made their way to a lone picnic table dusted with a few leaves and hidden from the moon by a tall maple tree. Chloe stepped up onto the bench and made herself a seat atop the cement table. Slowly crossing her legs, trying to be a bit revealing to Alex who is now standing in front of her, Chloe remarks, “A picturesque view for a night-time story.” Alex just stands there taking her in, as the small fragments of moonlight beam through the branches above seem to bounce off of her flowing hair. “Well….” Chloe taunts as she taps the table beside her, “have a seat, my dear.”

Alex smiles looking down at the ground for a second before walking up closer to her. He gently guides his hands along her knees and has Chloe very willingly uncross her legs for him. Sliding his fingertips along the smooth stockings she is wearing, he grabs hold of her legs, rolling his hands somewhat inward to part them. Alex stares at Chloe contently as he further explores her with his hands now running down the length of her calves to her ankles. Smiling he lifts up her feet and re-positions them about a shoulder width apart on the bench below. “I think I will sit,” Alex said with a slight chuckle as he climbed between her legs to have a seat on the bench.

Chloe’s whole body seemed to be awakened at once by this gesture of having Alex sit before her, almost a willing subject for her to act her desires out upon. Alex was pleased as he raised his hands to again meet her thighs, this time exploring upward, grabbing the hem of her skirt raising it out of his way. To Alex’s delight, he found her to be wearing thigh highs, trimmed in a thick lace band. Attached were the unmistakable clips of a garter belt. “A very picturesque view indeed,” now smiling very happily up to Chloe showing his enthusiasm by her choice of attire. “Do most women dress in this way to do their laundry, because if so I had no idea what I have been missing out on.” Taking a second to pause and then throw in, “I guess my brief thought of you wearing this ensemble because of the possibility of an encounter with me is out of the question.”

Chloe laughed awkwardly as she could feel herself start to slowly rock back and forth on the table to release some of her pent up frustrations. Alex took notice of Chloe’s obvious excitement as he tilted his head to the right side, lying it upon the inside of her thigh. Moving her skirt up more, he stopped when her thin black lace panties were visible. Chloe could feel the breeze against the little wet spot now seeped onto her panties. An electrified chill went up her spine as his head started in inch closer to her aching pussy. “So,” Alex said with a hint of sincerity, “are you going to read to me now?”

Chloe, flustered and almost to the point of begging him to touch her reached these words out to see if they would grasp him to give into her wishes, “Well, how could that possibly happen with such a beautiful distraction awaiting between my legs….. Why don’t you narrate a story to me, giving me a very through demonstration about the art and technique of seduction through the use of touch.” Her eyes widened and pulse began to quicken as she playfully bit her bottom lip awaiting his response.

“Really,” he grinned. “There is no real need for narration, just a little instruction every now and then.” Alex began to massage her thighs. His cock throbbing now with his yearnings of her as he felt the Escort Kastamonu two inches of visible skin on her upper thigh before meeting her panties. A kiss on her bare flesh, one leg then the other. Chloe could feel how soft his lips were. Back to the first thigh, parting his mouth open a bit. Teasing her with the slightest inference of his tongue before aggressively kissing her, nibbling her skin making her gasp and moan slightly. He was on the crease of her panties, trying to find her erogenous zone to drive her to a further level of ecstasy. Chloe was close to panting as her body instinctively knew to respond by wrapping her hand around the back of his head while her body rived to meet each elongated kiss. Alex loved the way she smelled and very much desired to taste her. “Lie down,” Alex instructed in a curt tone as he dove further into kissing her.

Chloe laid down having her hands fall beside her, tossing the book and her keys off the side of the table. She was smitten by him, not knowing how they had come to this point by the slight flirtation they shared. This kind of attention bestowed upon her was more than welcomed as her moans began to grow louder with the forcefulness of Alex’a mouth. His kiss more intimate as he began to share the passion he would have towards her as if he were kissing her mouth, pleasuring himself with the warmth, wetness of her pussy. Feeling him grace with his cheek the wetness he created, Chloe crept a sigh of “please,” hanging in the air. It didn’t go unnoticed by Alex the spot on her panties he was making grow. He couldn’t resist, but to kiss her there, taste her for the first time through her lace panties.

Alex wrapped his hands around the outside of her legs pulling Chloe closer to him, cradling his hands on the inside of her thighs. Chloe again gasped, not being able to speak, taking only short breaths that she had to hold because her excitement was so great. Her body shaking with a cold breeze, Chloe grabbed onto the side of the table and thrust herself against his face. He was relentless treating her like there was no thin layer separating the two. Her eyes closed, head tilted back towards the sky, she didn’t even know she was crying out, “please…..please..” Alex tortured her until his mouth was completely damped by her excitement. Alex pulled away and he started to get up from his seat. Chloe looked down at him as he took a standing position once again in front of her. He reached for her hands to help pull her up to sitting position. Chloe leaned forward grabbing his wrists to guide them to her waist. Staring into his eyes she pulled him closer by wrapping her hand around the back of his neck. Getting close enough to feel his breath, she brought her lips to his.

Kneeling on the bench, with one arm clinging to her mid-back the other upon the side of her face, he pressed himself against her. Chloe held onto him tightly kissing him so passionately she had no thoughts, just feelings consuming every nerve in her body. Chloe craved for him to be inside of her. Alex ran his tongue down the side of her neck as Chloe whimpered and shook. He went back to her mouth for only a minute before again pulling away to stand. “Now, you are to stand up and come down here where I am standing,” Alex said as he motioned his hands to point at the ground. She obliged by standing on the bench and stepped down as he moved back. “Good,” taking his hand to move her hair away from her face. Chloe bent to kiss him again only to have Alex shake his head no. Disappointed, Chloe let out a childish huff accompanied by a smile.

“Now, sweet girl,” he said as he started to walk to her side, “you are to strip off all of those dastardly articles of clothing except for the garter belt and stockings.” She turned to the side to see his smile as he again took a seat, now beside her facing the river. Chloe looked around, only now with the request to remove her clothing, noticed how cold it had become. “I’m waiting,” Alex coaxed, leaning back with his elbows on the table anxious for the show to begin. Chloe walked a few steps toward the river before turning completely around to face him. A sigh as her mind filled with a thought of not going through with it was quickly dissipated when she saw a smile return to Alex’s lips. With a peculiar daunting look at Alex, Chloe reached for the side of her skirt to find the zipper.

“No, first the shirt,” Alex baited as he continued to grin. Another, more playful shot from her eyes, Chloe slowly found the taunting of a strip tease to be in order. Spinning around with her back once more to Alex, Chloe began to sway her hips to a song that she had in her head for the majority of the day. Sultry, world beats, she got swept away by the internal music playing and started to dance. Counter clockwise circling of her hips while her back arched her chest forward. Her hands on top of her head, she ran them down the back of her neck, lacing her fingers rolling her eyes up to gaze at the stars. An unusually clear night. Her hands found their way to the front of her neck, as she turned her head to the side to peak at Alex through the corner of her eye. He remained collected although he wanted her in a way he had never wanted another woman, something about her that just completely captured his imagination and lust. Chloe smirked and returned her head to the front, running her hands down her chest and onto her breasts.

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