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Pausing a moment, in the midst of wiping down the bar top. I decide I need a break, it’s been another long night, the crowd has now gone. My clean up is almost complete. A mountain of glasses washed, a cooler packed, juices chilling, towels stacked.

I dim the lights, a cold lemonade in hand. I take an unaccustomed seat at the bar. Turning completely around. Resting my back against the edge. Sipping quietly, reflecting on the evenings’ events. listening to the bubbling sounds of the tub.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the door open, and a silhouetted figure enter. The darkness swallows the shape as the door closes. Oddly enough I could have sworn I locked the door.

The sound of heels click, as the figure moves through the shadows. Nearing me, I squint, more curious as the hint of perfume hits me.

Stepping into the light, taking her all in from top to bottom. Her hair looks amazing, clad in a long coat, like a black trench but tighter, form fitting. Black stockings cover what little of her sweet legs I can see, ending in a pair of high heels, black and dangerous.

She takes an assessment of me, and does not seem displeased. When our gaze meet, there isn’t the usual bashful or uneasiness between us. Her eyes are determined, like a cat stalking.

Cautiously she approaches, I haven’t moved a muscle. She steps in the space between my knees, leaning forward. First resting her hands on my thighs, then leting them glide up, past the belt, presing on to my abdomen, across my chest. Cooing, as the fingers of her right hand, trace cirlces on the skin at my open collar. The left glides up my arm until she removes the glass from my hand.

Bringing it to her mouth, noting I haven’t taken my eyes from her. Taking a long drink, placing the glass on the bar behind me, then seductively licking her lips.

Her hands resting on my chest as she leans in, without hesitation, like a flash, I feel her hands at the back of my neck, as her lips are upon mine. Almost in concert, do our mouths open, I can taste the lemon on her tongue. An endless series of sensual caresses take place. From long slow sweeps, short fast fluttering, darting, suckling sweetly.

Every moment my hunger for her grows. Heads turning, pressing into one another. Feeling her fingers curling in my hair, raking her nails, digging in. My eyes rolling back in ecstasy.

Suddenly, she pulls back from me. Eyes wide, trying to find out what is wrong, gasping for breath.

A wicked grin forms as she steps back. Lithe fingers, undoing the belt of her over coat. With a hush it lands at her heels.

Before me….stands my desire.

The high heels, thigh high stockings, delicate lace panties of intricate design, a majestic corset, her bosom threatening to spill out with each breath. All items black as midnight.

By an almost inaudible “…wow…” that I barely and breathlessly manage, she undoubtedly is aware of my feelings. Truthfully I must shift a bit in my seat, as the tightness in my pants grows uncomfortable.

With a look of wanton invitation, her hand reaches out for me. Hand in hand she leads me over to the couch. Trailing behind in tow, watching her saunter, hips, her ass, moving side to side, hypnotic.

Impassioned and overcome, I can not wait, as I step in and enwrap her, pulling her to me, my lips on the back and side of her neck. She place her hands on mine, guiding them over the corset to her breasts. Shifting her hips back slightly, to rub herself over my ever growing excitement. Raising one leg behind her, hooking around my leg, letting the shoe tip gliding up and down my calf.

Tilting her head back, resting it upon my shoulder, Kocaeli Escort moaning as my teeth skim over her skin.

One hand, fingers wide, squeezing her bosom passionately but tenderly. As the other goes down to find the edge of the black lace. Following the patterns, tips tracing.

Cooing in a voice I have never heard from her before, “Tear them.” Perplexed, my hand pauses. Instantly I hear her repeat “Tear them off!”

I don’t want to damage the dainty garment, but my desire overcomes me, as I grip the light material in my fist, ripping it from her now quivering body. Her gasp, almost masks the sound of the Velcro on the panties.

When she reaches back, small but strong hands, on my ass, grabbing tightly. Her bare bottom, sliding over me, pressing harder.

Licking up her neck, kissing and biting, nibbling on her lobes. Panting and gasping. Tasting her skin, inhaling her scent, feeling her heat, and the sounds she makes drives me wild.

Slipping my hand in to the corset, caressing the whole breasts thumbing the aroused nipple affectionately.

Unusually slow fingers run through the soft damp hair I have just revealed. My eyes close as she shutters at my touch, so close to her sex.

Letting my fingers run over every spot caringly. So hot and wet, so slick with passion. How I hunger for her.

A single fingertip glides through the soaked lips to her swelling clit. I start to stroke over it, back and forth, using an array of pressures, different speeds, even taking the time to circle it slowly and teasingly. With each variation, I am rewarded with a gasp or a moan, a yelp or a cry. How turned on I am by her pleasure, but really I want more!

As if she could read my mind, she lets go of my ass, and unhooks her leg from mine. Pulling from me, taking the two more steps forward to the couch, turning to me and sits. Raising her hand up, curling a finger, becoming me. Nearing she presents me with an open palm, a sign to stop, so I do.

As she sits, I stand before her. I gaze down as she peers up. An aching and wanting in our eyes. Her hands start on my waist, I reach out to her. Quickly she takes hold of my wrists, bringing them back to my sides. Then slowly she wags her index finger at me in a “no-no” fashion.

I smile as her busy hands pull out my tucked in shirt. With a suddenness unexpected, she rips the shirt open. The buttons fly everywhere. I don’t know who was surprised more, but the look on her face shifts from surprise to delight as she looks upon my bare chest.

Her lithe fingers and open palm gliding over my chest. I blush a bit, as she looks over my body. Her eyes sparkle. In a blink I feel her lips, so hot, pressed to my skin, as she pulls the shirt down my arms. I quake at her loving bites and the sensation of her tongue dabbing and licking.

My head tilts back, looking to the ceiling. As my belt is loosened, it is closely followed by the unbuttoning of my trousers. I suspect what is next, so I slip out of my shoes, just as my remaining garments are pulled from me.

Again standing there, awaiting as she inspects, loving the way she looks at me, over every inch.

Looking down to see her kiss me softly on my inner thigh. all around my manhood, taking great delight with each kiss how I throb, incredibly swelling more. My hardness before me, eyes darting up to mine with a grin.

As my lids lower, her searing breath washes over the very tip of me. Passing between her lips, entering her mouth, so hot and wet, feeling like liquid fire. Taking me in, enveloping me. The suction bringing the walls in. Starting a slow pace, gliding up and down. I cry out in pleasure, Kocaeli Escort Bayan her hands, one clutching my bottom as the other cups under me. Rolling them in her palm, tugging gently, nails dragging on my softest skin, so close to my hardest.

Mesmerized and excited by her aggression. I find my hips arching slightly with each pass of her mouth. her moans traveling through me, the vibrations sending me reeling. My hands on the sides of her head. Fingertips slipping through her hair. Riding the movement of her steady pace. Eyes never leaving mine, feeding off my expressions. My body shaking, tells her I could be close, but she won’t have that yet.

Pulling her mouth back slowly, in a long hard stroke, the tip of her tongue, fluttering a long the bottom length of my shaft, till finally breaking contact with a loud and delicious slurp.

Eyes wide on her as she grins up at me. My saliva soaked member feels the coolness of the outside air. my hand caresses her cheek, her head turns and kisses my palm.

Taking hold and drawing down the front of her corset, revealing her bountiful bosom, my mouth actually opens in disbelief. Watching me marvel at her magnificence makes her giggle as she scoots closer, cupping them, enveloping me. My hips begin to drive in and pull back automatically, sliding my full length. Her breasts surrounding me, nipples pointing and hard. My mind racing with pleasure, still wondering what I did to deserve such attention.

Ooohing and ahhing with each pass, her tongue brushes my tip as it nears. Throbbing, swelling during each stroke.

Minutes of intense attention go by, my loins ach for her, I must have her. Sexy and sweet, innocent but seductive, aggressive but gentle. All woman… all mine.

With an easy touch to her shoulder, she looks up. My eyes, deep, with a look of quiet longing, a look of yearning, a pleading for her.

How easily does she set the fire in me. She knows she could continue and bring me to the edge, but happily she shares my want. Hips arching back, my hardness, unsheathed from her voluptuous breasts.

Sliding back from the edge of the couch, bringing her legs up and apart, baring her essence to me. The heels of her shoes pressed, digging in, threatening to puncture the upholstery.

Oh how good she looks!

I desperately want to return all the delights she has given to me so far. Swiftly I swoop in, drooping to my knees, my mouth is on her heated core, licking and sucking on her saturated softness. A loud gasp from the shock then her hands immediately on the back of my head, pulling me to her, balling fists of my short hair, her hips gyrating into my mouth.

Driven by her scent, thick, dusky and rich. My head bobbing and turning wildly. My tongue a frenzy over her clit. Her moisture covering my face as I hungrily have at her. Moaning louder every second I devour her sex. Letting loose my tongue, plunging deeply into her furnace.

A quick yelp, followed by a rapid secessions of cries. Looking up, her back arching, head turning right and left, hair swishing wildly. Her breast heaving. My mouth making sweet love to her.

Thrust after thrust of her hips, suddenly stop, back bowed, her hands, so strong, pull me so tight and close unto her, I feel if I have become one with her. A crescendo of cries, rising higher and higher, pierces the night as her body tenses. A shutter, then the shaking uncontrollable.

Brought to the very edge, the peak, cresting a tidal wave of ecstasy, crashing down into and through her, as she is washed away in orgasmic delight.

Wave after waves of after shocks roll through and follow. Taking tender Escort Kocaeli and loving care, I slow the intense attention, I have been showing this amazing woman. This woman of unparalleled joy and bliss.

Softly kissing on and about her sex, watching as her arched hips sink back, incredibly slow. The goddess’ form, recontouring to the shape of the couch.

Hard labored gasps, eventually replaced with a steady rhythm, she finds the energy to lift her lids. Glowing, a sense of contentment. But where I see a look of tranquility and peace in her eyes, she sees the storm in mine.

Rising up again, she to moves, wordlessly. Turning up on her knees, back to me, leaning over. Taking hold of the top edge of the couch.

Inching my way forward, my hands, sliding up her thighs to her sexy bottom. Stepping up with my left foot, resting at the outside of her left knee.

Taking hold, fingers spread, thumbs pressing in circles. Feeling the grazing of the high heels several times, urging me on, as do the moans.

Leaning in, tip, swollen, hard, beseeching, letting it glide, rotating my hips, soaking the head. savoring the touch, enjoying her body responding to me. Bucking her bottom towards me, gyrating and an almost silent whine of the word “…now…” Enlightening me to her growing impatience.

Pressing up against firmly, not quite entering. Our bodies quivering with anticipation. Never wanting as much as this before.

Driving in a single determined thrust, not as gentle as my nature governs, but not as animalistic as my loins demand. But an intoxicating balance.

An onslaught of sensations occur at once. in concert we moan loudly. Engulfing me in her sweet embrace, taking me in, a welcoming that causes me to shutter to my very core. Blinded by the heat, hips arch forward at impossible angles, my head snapping back, buttocks clenched, feeling myself swell inside of her, throbbing. Her grip tightens over me in response.

Incredibly slow, retracting immeasurably, easing back, only to go forward. Much faster, craving that initial contact again. Her head snaps back, I feel the edge of her hair whipping over me. My want seizes me, my pace hastens, thrusting, gliding in to the fire. My hands firmly gripping her hips. selfishly I pull her on to me again and again. Loving her moans. How she arches her bottom back and up at me.

Independent action from our hips. Bodies slapping, soaked in our excitement. Collision after collision. fighting to breath. Driving harder and deeper. Wanting her. never like this before. all my energy, every bit of my being with each thrust. Every pass trying to become one with her.

Calling her name, now, quietly at first, but as I near the edge, louder and she can hear my voice tremble. I can feel my body quake with hers. She starts to cry my name in response. My body in a frenzy. Both of us knowing we are so close.

My brow, glistening with sweat, gasping for breath. the shaking starts as I cry for her name one last time. Yielding myself, with all I have left, both of us letting go, our release, shuttering through us in unison. As I throb and pulse deep within her walls filling her, wave after wave, so hot, feeling her contractions, tightening on me, during her own orgasm, milking me of every drop as she moans over and over.

Moving, with what little strength, I can muster, leaning in, my chest to her back, arms wrapped around, holding her to me, guiding her, laying her on her side. The two of us still intertwined. Gently stroking her hair, kissing the back of her head.

Slowly drifting off into an orgasmic induced slumber.

Sometime later, I wake to a gentle kiss upon my lips. Eyes open, on her, now reclad in her long coat. “I just wanted to thank you for the lemonade.’ Followed by a soft smile and a light blush.

I lay there in utter awe, watching as she walked to the door, heels clicking. Looking back for a second, a sly wink, and then she’s gone.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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