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This is a bisexual story, but there is no bisexual rubric on Literotica. It could also be in Exhibitionism. I think, however, that the most appropriate place to put it is in Erotic Couplings. Let me know what you think, if you like, via your comments, please.


“Good morning,” I said to the hunky, naked man in my bed. “Would you like some coffee?” I had met him the night before. He had got me drunk, had taken me home, and he had enjoyed my body as much as any man ever had.

I remember liking him enormously. Probably that was the alcohol that always made me amorous, but you never know, do you? Maybe I had finally found a good man? Do I believe in sex at first sight? Apparently yes, I do, at least when I’m sufficiently drunk.

The man held his head, and said, “Oh my goodness yes, and some aspirin too, if you have some?”

I got him coffee and two aspirin. I also gave him a large glass of water, saying, “You may be dehydrated. Besides all the alcohol you consumed last night, you donated a large amount of your special bodily fluid to my nether regions.”

“I did, didn’t I?” he said. “I’ve never met a woman like you before. My God, you can fuck.”

I winced at his crude language. “Do you remember my name, lover?” I asked, because I had not remembered his. I had checked his pants and found his name was Mark Stevens, by fishing his driver’s license from his wallet. This was an advantage of waking up first. Another advantage was to cover myself with panties and a T shirt.

“Grace,” isn’t it? I smiled at him, sadly shaking my head.

“You fucked me silly, and you do not even know my name?” I teased.

“It’s not Grace?” he asked. I shook my head no. Sometimes I use the name Grace, and maybe I had done that when I met him the previous night? I could not remember. I use the name Grace as a precaution. If the man turns out to be a dud, or nefarious, better he has a false name than my real one. It’s paranoid, I know, but so what?

The result is that a lot of my old lovers still call me Grace. It’s kind of awkward to explain why I had told them my name was Grace in the first place. My girlfriends always smile when they hear a man call me Grace. They know exactly what has gone on between us.

“I’ll tell you what. If you want to try again, why don’t we fuck this morning, and maybe my name will come back to you?” I proposed.

Mark seemed to find that proposition agreeable. I’m the type of girl men love to fuck, even though I’m not important enough for them to remember my name. “Maybe Grace is the name of your girlfriend?” I teased.

“I’m between girlfriends,” Mark said. “I’m sure you told me your name was Grace last night. Since I’m between girlfriends, I’m wondering if you are available?”

“What do you think?” I asked. “I’m naked under my robe, and that was your doing, Mark. I’m not the kind of girl who does that with a man if I’m committed to another man.”

“Good to know,” Mark said, smiling.

Mark drank his coffee and his water and also ate the toast and jam I made for him. His head gradually cleared, and we began to discuss the previous evening. We had met at a party my friend Sally had thrown. Mark had been invited because he was a friend of Sally’s partner. I had recently had a bitter break-up with my boyfriend, when I learned he had cheated on me, and I was in the market for some casual sex. It’s a great way to get over a man, or at least it is for me.

At the party Mark seemed taken with me, or perhaps he had simply been taken with my cleavage, it was hard to tell. I have great cleavage, and I was showing plenty at the party.

Mark tried to get me drunk, always getting me refills or new drinks, and matching me, drink for drink. He succeeded to get me drunk, even very drunk, and as I said, liquor makes me amorous. Mark ended up taking me to my home, and taking me to bed.

I was trying to remember what he told me about himself, but only some of it was coming back to me. He too had a recent horrific break-up with a woman, and so we were both falling into bed on the rebound. This was not a good way to start a promising relationship, but hell, it was fun.

Mark and I together drank three or four cups of coffee each, and then added Tylenol to the aspirin. Our heads began to clear, and Mark’s hands began to find their way into my robe. I pushed his hands away, saying, “Why don’t you take me out to brunch before you ravish me again, Mark?”

We got dressed again, and at Mark’s request I went braless. At my own design, I wore a top that revealed a Yalova Escort lot of cleavage. Without a bra, however, the well positioned viewer got a real eyeful of my boobs. I suspected Mark not only enjoyed it, but that he liked having a woman on his arm that other men might leer over. I was only too happy to comply, especially given how wonderfully the man had fucked me the previous night. I must have climaxed at least three times, thanks to his talented mouth, fingers, and cock.

This was New York, so Mark took me to a nice brunch place that was both crowded and noisy. Mark told me his ex was there, and a little later I noticed my ex was there, too. I thought of the movie Casablanca, when Humphrey Bogart muses, “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.” Both our exes were there? Talk about bad luck.

We each pointed out our exes to the other, and we each checked out the other’s ex. Shit, Mark’s ex was a gorgeous woman, and she had a rugged man hanging all over her. Most people consider me good looking, and I’m dynamite in bed, but I could not compare with Mark’s ex. Suddenly I felt intimidated and outclassed. Mark would never go for me if that was his taste in women.

As if he could hear my thinking, Mark said, “You know, Grace, I’m the envy of every man here. There’s not a man in this room who does not want to stick his hand in your blouse and grab your fantastic boobs. I’m the lucky one who gets to, though, right?”

“That means a lot to you, does it?” I asked.

“And how. I love having the hottest woman in the house,” he said.

“What about your ex? She’s much prettier than I am,” I said, kicking myself right after I said that. I hate it when I reveal my insecurities.

“You’re so much hotter than she is, Grace. Pretty does not beget sexy. You’re pretty and sexy. I love that in a woman,” Mark said, and I was all smiles. Mark was a smooth talker. That meant I could not trust him, but on the other hand it also meant I could enjoy it.

“Want to slip off your panties, lover?” Mark asked. I was wearing a short skirt and no hose and already felt compelled to hold my legs together at all times.

“Would that mean a lot to you, Mark, if I did that?” I asked.

Mark gave me a huge smile. “Yes,” he said. “A lot,” he added, with emphasis on the word ‘lot.’

“It’s not just because your ex is here, too, is it?” I asked.

“She can wither away and die, as far as I’m concerned. It will, however, drive your own ex crazy. He’s been trying to get a peek at your boobs, you know,” Mark said.

“Yes, I know,” I said. It’s strange I thought. My ex enjoyed my boobs for over a year, on a daily basis, and now he wants a peek? I guess all men like to enjoy a flash of boobs on a woman when it’s illicit to do so. I was flashing too, big time.

I lifted my hips and slipped my panties off. I handed them to Mark across the table. A few men at the neighboring table saw my panties cross the table to Mark’s hands and smiling face. I glued my knees together. Our food arrived.

We ate lustily, sexily, looking into each other’s eyes, and making each bite look suggestive as hell. Mark was going nuts looking at me, knowing I was naked under my low-cut blouse and short skirt, right there in a crowded restaurant. He was enjoying the way my ex was leering at me. “I don’t think your ex is over you yet,” he said.

“Well, I certainly hope not,” I said. “I want him to know what he lost.”

“Let me molest you when we leave, and he’ll lose his mind,” Mark said.

“Molest me? Here? In a crowded restaurant?” I asked.

“Yes,” Mark said, in all simplicity, practically drooling at the prospect.

“I guess I can’t deny you anything, can I Mark?”

“God, I hope not. Grace, you are a most amazing woman,” Mark said.

“You’d better buy me another Bloody Mary, lover,” I said. “You know, to get me in the mood. I’m more amorous when I have a nice buzz.”

“Three Bloody Mary’s” Mark said, when he got the waitress to come over. Even the waitress looked down my blouse!

“Why did you ask for three?” I naively asked.

“Two for you, one for me. I want you good and buzzed. I want you amorous,” Mark replied.

We drank the Bloody Mary’s, finished our food, and Mark paid the check. I did not even try to split the check, because I wanted Mark to collect on the sex a woman implicitly promises when she lets the man pay the entire check.

We rose to go, and Mark began to caress my boobs. I let him. As we walked past the table where my ex sat, he lifted Yalova Escort Bayan my skirt to caress my bare bottom. I just giggled, as he exposed me to the entire lunch crowd, or at least to that part of it that was looking at us. We strolled out of the brunch place with his arm on my bare ass, and the smile of the Cheshire Cat on his face. I felt like a tramp. Maybe I actually was a tramp?

Mark walked me back to my apartment, all the time molesting me on the sidewalk. At one point he pulled me into him and kissed me lovingly. As we kissed, he unbuttoned my blouse almost completely. Only two buttons at the bottom remained to hold it together. My blouse kept blowing open in the breeze, exposing my boobs, nipples and all, to whomever was walking towards us on the busy sidewalks of New York. I was too drunk, and too infatuated with Mark to care.

When we got back to my apartment, he stripped me naked, and he positioned me leaning over the arm of my couch, fucking me from behind. The blinds were up and the lights were on, and we could easily be seen by my neighbors across the way. I was becoming fairly sure that was Mark’s intent. This man had a serious problem about exposing his women. Okay, that was his problem. What the blazes was my problem, that I was happily letting him humiliate me this way?

The doorbell rang while we were fucking. I pushed Mark out of me, and Mark told me to answer the door naked. This was too much, and I grabbed a robe. The two people at the door were my ex, and Mark’s ex. Holy shit.

“Won’t you come in?” I said, in my most hospitable voice. “I’ll put on some coffee.”

“Were we interrupting anything?” Mark’s ex asked. I smelled of sex, I was sure. Probably the whole apartment smelled of sex.

“Yes, but it’s okay. Mike is always welcome, and so is any friend of Mike,” I said, still incredulous at just how beautiful Mark’s ex was. It just slipped out as I said, “You’re really quite beautiful.” I was furious at myself for having let that slip out.

“Thank you,” she said. “I can’t give Mark the exhibitionism he craves like you can, though. That was quite a show at the brunch place.”

I blushed. I did not know what to say. “We wanted to torment Mike,” I said.

“It worked,” Mike said. “You have hitherto unknown talent at torment. I wish I had known you were an exhibitionist, Grace. I never would have let you get away.”

“That turns you on, too?” I asked. What is it with these men? I wanted to ask him why he bopped that floozy if he had wanted to hold onto me, but I stayed silent.

“All men secretly want their women to be exhibitionists,” Mark’s gorgeous ex said. “Only a few of us are willing to be one though, and even fewer can pull it off. You are one.”

Mark, now fully dressed, joined us. “Hello, Gloria,” he said to his ex.

So, her name was Gloria, I thought to myself. ‘Gloria in excelsis Deo,’ shot into my mind. ‘Glory be to God on high.’ Gloria was gorgeous, but she was a mortal woman, not a god. At least I was fairly sure she was not a god. Maybe she was? Beauty such as hers was other worldly. Get ahold of yourself, I yelled silently to myself.

We all sat together like mature adults. I was silently wishing Mike would have a heart attack, and that Gloria would turn out to be a vampire or a shape shifter from outer space or something. My stomach was turning knots, as we continued with our banal adult conversation, and I made grilled cheese sandwiches, a small green salad, and coffee for all four of us.

Finally, I could stand it no longer. “Why are you here Mike? Why are you here, Gloria?”

“At the brunch place this morning, Gloria and I must have thought alike, because when you left we both ended up following the two of you,” Mike began. “Gloria thought I was following her, and perhaps stalking her. Probably a lot of men stalk such a beauty as she, so she confronted me, and we discovered we had the same mission.”

Gloria was blushing furiously as Mike related this. “We saw you naked through the window, and engaged in, engaged in…uh…”

“You were busy with each other,” Mike interrupted, saving Gloria some embarrassment.

“Yes,” Gloria continued, “and at that moment we both realized we each wanted you back. I want Mark back before you fall for him too hard, Grace. Mark is irresistible, as you may have already suspected, and I don’t want to see you, or anyone, hurt due to my stupidity by letting him go.”

“Now that I know you are willing to exhibit yourself, lover, I want you back, too,” my cheating ex Mike said.

“I’m Escort Yalova afraid you’re both too late,” Mark said, in as gentle a tone as he could muster, I’m sure.

I was stunned, even amazed. First, I was flattered that Mark could prefer me to a siren like Gloria, especially because she seemed to be a sweetheart, too. Okay, she may have cheated on him, but hell, she was worth giving a second chance, I should have thought.

Second, I was stunned Mike would want me back after he had seen me fucking another man through my living room window! Wow. One of my issues with Mike had been his excessive jealousy.

“Speak for yourself, Mark,” I said, and three sets of eyes turned to me. Gloria and Mike were smiling, and Mark’s face was a picture of dismay.

We were all silent for a spell, and then I said, “Can you give me a day or two to think things over, Mike? Are you okay with that, Mark? And Gloria, can we have dinner tonight, just the two of us?”

Everyone was silent for a while. It was super awkward. Gloria broke the silence. “Let’s meet at the new Italian place on Second Avenue and East 9th Street, at 8pm. I’ll make a reservation.” She rose from the table, looking longingly at Mark. I agreed, gave her a hug, and she left.

Mike said, “I’ll let you and Mark hash things out. I hope you are willing to take me back, Grace,” he said. “Good luck, Mark.”

I hugged Mike, with Mark carefully watching as Mike stroked my ass while we hugged. I let Mike’s hands go where they wanted to go. I owed him that much. He left after the rather long goodbye hug.

When we were sure they were gone and out of earshot, Mark said, “You really love Mike, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I said.

“You should go back to him,” Mark said.

“You should go back to Gloria. She is a wonderful woman, despite being so goddam gorgeous.”

“I know,” Mark said.

“So, here’s the deal. You have until 6pm to fuck my brains out and use me anyway you can think of. I am yours to do with as you please. I offer you complete submission. However, at 6pm sharp it’s over between us, and you had better have given me plenty of climaxes by then if you know what’s good for you.”

“Why 6pm? What happens at 6pm?” Mark asked.

“That gives me two hours to recover, to get over you, and to get ready for my date with Gloria. I’m crazy about you, Mark, so it may not be easy for me to get over you. Am I nuts for letting you go back to Gloria?”

“What makes you think I want to go back to Gloria?” Mark asked.

“Your eyes. If you had seen your eyes when you looked at Gloria, you would know. Gloria saw them, too. Any woman would know you love her and adore her,” I said.

“Could Mike tell from my eyes alone, too?” Mark asked.

“All that Mike saw was that you lust for me. That’s true, too. Everyone knows you lust for me. Lust is not the same as love. Now you only have five hours to enjoy my body, lover. Do you want to start?” I asked.

At 6pm sharp Mark left. I was bruised, exhausted and totally used. I took a long bath, carefully washing Mark’s cum from my body, wondering how he had managed to get it in so many places? Once again wished I had a bidet and I tried to douche myself as best as I could.

I got out of the bath, dried myself, and drowned the smell of sex with perfume. I dressed to be sexy, but not to flash my boobs or too much skin. I brushed my teeth, used some mouthwash, removed the taste of Mark’s cum, and left to meet Gloria.

After dinner I took Gloria home and I had my first lesbian affair. I knew she had wanted my body. That too I could see in her eyes. I must confess, sex with Gloria was beyond amazing. It’s not just her other worldly beauty. That woman has talent coming out of her ears. The next morning, as we lay in bed kissing and snuggling, we both agreed to go back to our men. We also agreed the men never had to know about our little lesbian romp.

Gloria and I remained friends, and occasional lovers. I went back to Mike until he cheated on me again. Mark dumped Gloria again when she cheated on him again. It was hard for Gloria. Being so strikingly pretty, men came after her on a daily basis. How many times, after all, can a girl say no?

I now have a new man Camilo and I’m happy. He even knows my real name is Sarah. I use Grace when I’m not sure about the man, and then eventually I reveal my true name. Camilo still calls me Grace, though. He says the name fits me.

Gloria it seems has a new man every week. I think she now knows that Mark was special. Eventually she’ll find another Mark, and maybe she will have learned her lesson and not cheat on him? In the meantime, the one constant in her love life is me. I will always be there for her. I’m a girl that a girl can count on. Don’t’ get me wrong, I love Camilo, too. I have a big heart, and there’s a lot of room in it.

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