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Ashlee motioned Penny to take a seat at the table again. “Sit down, Penny. I am ‘appy to learn you complied with our wishes. We can now proceed and make all of us very successful!”

Penny smiled and chuckled, genuinely happy at Ashlee’s excitement; her hands waving around creating big circles to illustrate their future successes.

“Thank you, Ashlee. I am sorry for how I reacted before. This is all new for me.”

“I understand, Penny. Remember you were ‘and-picked by me because I could see you would understand and embrace our cause. You…”, pointing at her, “will make millions of men and women the world over fall at your feet. They will want the skin complexion you do. The success you have. And they will buy Lait Maternal products as part of their life routine.”

Nodding, Penny offered another thank you. Just as she was about to ask a question, the door opened. A cute lab tech came in and passed a manila folder Ashlee. Leaving as quietly as she entered, she smiled at Penny and almost blushed when she saw Penny smile back.

Looking through the file, Ashlee smiled wider than Penny had ever seen her smile before.

“C’est magnifique! Penny, your milk is perfect for us! These results are the best so far. It seems that Adeline’s milk unlocked some genetics that even we did not know you possessed. This is the best news of the day!”

Before Penny could again respond, Ashlee turned and knocked on the glass wall of the office and motioned the same tech over. “Bring me the portfolio.” The tech knew immediately what to do and returned with what looked like a photo album. A very nice photo album with leather bindings.

“Ashlee… can I ask…?”

Ashlee looked at her and nodded, clutching the album.

“Again, I am sorry. This is all new… what does that mean… I mean… the results you were looking at?”

“Ah, yes yes. Explanation. I assume you know things already. Just in the same way you reacted when your body absorbed Adeline’s milk into your body. Your milk can do the same thing… with an even stronger… eh, how you say… more potent dose.”, again with the hand gestures. “This means we can use your milk for our line of products and can begin production soon.”

“The barn…” Penny whispered.

Ashlee sat forward. “Yes, Penny. The barn. Where you will donate your milk to us, and where I ‘ear you will be assisting Adeline tomorrow.”

Penny gasped. Although it had been less than 15 minutes ago, she completely forgot about Adeline’s milking the very next day. Ashlee could see the look of fear and uncertainty and reached her hand across the table to touch Penny’ arm.

“You will do fine, Penny. As I understand from your questionnaire when you first applied, you have not ‘ad sexual contact with a woman before, yes?”

“Yes… I mean No… Yes… I haven’t been with another woman like that.” stumbling over her words.

“You will be a natural, Penny. You will be a fast learner and soon will have no problems with pleasuring any woman I tell you do.” Ashlee said in a very authoritative tone. She was smiling, but her piercing eyes would have turned Penny to stone if given the chance.

All Penny could do was nod. Her heart beating out of her chest. Ashlee slid the photo album over to Penny.

“Open and look. You will choose your pussy slave now.”

Penny thought better to ask her to explain. She knew full well what the pussy slave was for, remembering Adeline’s talk with her. She quietly opened the album. Her eyes opened wide as she looked at page after page of nude photos of young women. There were headshots, full body shots, close-ups of their faces, breasts, pussies, and asses. Each girl had just a number. No name. Just a number. Penny took in a deep breath and looked through each girl’s pictures. She wasn’t ‘into’ women so no one really turned her on like that. About half way in, she focused on a girl who looked just as scared as she felt at that very moment. She could see in her eyes the uncertainty, the fear of the unknown. She was pretty. Dark skinned with a generous allocation in the breast department and a nice hourglass figure. She wasn’t skinny. Slightly overweight. Yes, this was the girl for her. Looking up at Ashlee, she put her finger on the photos.

“This one. She can be my…” fighting the words but knowing she had no choice “pussy slave. This girl will be my pussy slave.” She had no idea why, but it seemed easier to say it the second time.

Ashlee slid the album back to her and turned it to look at the girl.

“Ah, yes. Louisa. She will be a good match for you, Penny. She… came to us… without knowing the sexual touch of a woman either, but she eats pussy like a pro now. There is one thing you should know about Louisa, Penny. She was… in her life before we saved her… a domme. A good one by all accounts. She ‘as a ‘slave’ who is inseparable from ‘er. We do not normally allow this but we allowed ‘er to keep ‘er slave. Even though she is one ‘erself now. You actually get two slaves!”

Penny sat Bostancı escort back, confused. “Why would she be a pussy slave now if she was a domme before?”

Ashlee was quick to answer. “Fell on ‘ard times. She is a domme in ‘er mind, but when it comes to other life decisions she is still a timid, naive girl at ‘eart. One of our employees was a ‘regular’ who got quite close. When she ‘eard about her situation, she offered ‘er to work for us. It ‘as been a transition for ‘er. I assure you she is not as scared today as she looked when she posed for those photos at the beginning but is perfectly capable of being molded to you and your needs. ‘er ‘slave’ is a good friend of ‘ers. It is an odd situation, but they will fill you in when you meet with them and become acquainted.”

Penny nodded. More questions flooded her mind than answers.

“Louisa and ‘er slave will begin their conditioning at once. They will be completely addicted to you and your milk, Penny. You will meet them ‘opefully tomorrow if their conditioning goes well. Now though, you must rest. You ‘ave a big day tomorrow at the barn. I am very excited to see ‘ow you do!”, clapping her hands together, like this was a standard day at the office… which Penny could quickly see was reality.

“So I am free to go?” Penny asked.

Ashlee nodded as she got up. “You will not orgasm, Penny. If you come ‘ere tomorrow ‘orny then you will be much more engaged when it comes to discovering Adeline and ‘er pussy. The quicker you please ‘er, the quicker your life will be easier ‘ere, yes?”

“Yes, Ashlee.” Penny said as she got up and left with them. As she walked with Ashlee to the elevator, she realized Bee hadn’t been there the whole time. She was so consumed with what was happening. Ashlee handed the album to a tech, instructing her to start Louisa’s conditioning. When they were back on the office level, she also instructed security guards to fully activate Penny’s badge.

Penny left in a daze. All these thoughts, emotions, questions, and fears swirled in her head like a tornado. She didn’t know it at the time, but she was exhausted. She made herself a sandwich when she got home and quickly retired to bed.

Penny awoke the next morning in the same daze she was in when she hit the sheets the night before. The barn… was all she could think about. She was more nervous about the barn than all her previous job interviews combined. She ate light, showered, and applied the all-over body cream again, which definitely improved her mind and shoo’d some of the butterflies away. She hardly remembered the drive in, but got there safely and in one piece.

Once she got in the building, she passed security and was soon feeling that weird gravity-feeling as the elevator took her down to the lab level again. Like deja-vu, everything was exactly the same… like she had never left.

“Penny!” Ashlee said rather loudly, breaking her out of the trance-like state of uncertainty she was in. Hugging her tightly and kissing her on both cheeks and threading an arm through her own, motioning her to walk with her.

“Come, come, come… you ‘ave a big morning ahead of you. We must get you prepared to ‘elp Adeline with ‘er milking this morning. There is much to do…” as they went back to the elevator and went down one more level.

This level was a little ‘darker’ than the one they left. Not as much light and there was a definite lack of clean, pristine, medical-grade stainless steel. A lot of wood and darker metals. Walking down the corridor, a large glass wall caught her eye to her left. There were the ‘stalls’ where some milk donors were already being milked. She could see Adeline off to the side getting prepared. Her body was gorgeous, but seeing her naked was a treat. She couldn’t take her eyes off her even if she wanted to… you know, being trained to want her and all. At the end of the hallway, she was scanned into a large prep room. It looked like a large locker room, with lockers for clothes, showers, benches, and a seating area.

“This is the preparation area, Penny. For pussy slaves.” making sure to highlight the last two words. Ashlee walked over to a nearby table, and returned with a tall glass of milk.

“Drink this, Penny. All of it.” which Penny did. It was sweet and definitely breast milk. And she could tell by the effects it had on her almost instantly, that it was Adeline’s milk. Her mind swirled as she finished the glass, almost in a ‘drunk’ state as she felt happy, and all her thoughts sped around her mind like little clouds speeding past her eyes. She smiled and relaxed, feeling at ease.

Ashlee took a seat in a nearby leather chair, with Bee following her, kneeling in front of her with her back to Penny.

“Normally, Penny, our pussy slaves are prepped by our techs. But, you are different as you, a pussy slave… also have a pussy slave. So she… or… they… will prepare you today. Please welcome Louisa and Scarlett, your pussy slaves.”

A door opened as she snapped her fingers Anadolu Yakası Escort and in walked two beautiful creatures. Penny instantly recognized Louisa. Her plump, dark-skinned slave she chose from the photos. Her pictures didn’t do her justice. Her dark chocolate skin radiated perfection. She had generous breasts. Probably an F cup at least. She had a toned tummy, with hips, legs, and an ass to die for. Scarlett, on the other hand, was a surprise. She was a petite asian thing. Smaller breasts, though definitely not ‘flat’. She followed close behind Louisa, but when they both stood before her and Scarlett stood next to Louisa, she could quite clearly see ‘she’ had a penis that was locked in a steel chastity cage. They both stood in front of her, gazing into her eyes with big smiles.

“Uh… hello to you both. I am Penny.” They both nodded.

“Louisa, Scarlett. You will prepare Penny. You understand and studied the protocol?” Ashlee said in a stern tone. They both nodded, “Yes, Miss Ashlee.”

Louisa started to unbutton Penny’s shirt as she watched herself being undressed. Louisa began removing Penny’s clothing item by item, and handing them to Scarlett, who was very delicate in folding and putting her clothes away neatly in a nearby locker. Penny stood there, knowing she would normally turn away and shun the unexpected touches, but the euphoric mind-state she was in was quite willing to let things happen the way Ashlee intended them to be. She moved her arms and legs when needed to let herself be stripped naked by these two girls.

“Penny, just like you crave Adeline’s milk, Louisa and Scarlett crave yours. Do not be alarmed if they stare at you and your breasts. It is ‘ow their minds now function. They are your slaves and will do anything for you. They crave your milk, Penny.”

Penny nodded to Ashlee and gasped as she noticed Bee now naked. Still wearing her chastity belt, she was kneeling in front of Ashlee, who had also removed her skirt and hooked her legs over the arms of the leather chair. Her hand was firmly on the back of Bee’s head, pressing it against her bare pussy. Her mouth hung open as enjoyed Bee’s expert tongue, as well as she watching Penny’s voluptuous naked form come into view, clearly enjoying and appreciating all that she saw. Was Ashlee a voyeur? Most likely.

Louisa and Scarlett started rubbing more body lotion onto Penny’s skin. Starting at her neck, she closed her eyes and felt four hands start to spread more of the warming, white cream onto her. Massaging it into her. She heard gasps and moans from Ashlee, as well as playful hands applying the cream to her breasts. A lot of cream there, before moving down to her tummy. Scarlett moved behind her and started applying cream to her back and shoulders while Louisa stayed in front of her. She felt her fingers tweaking and pinching her nipples as the other rubbed the cream over her tummy and hips. Meanwhile Scarlett was rubbing the lotion onto her plump, bubble butt, with her hands snaking between them to rub her delicate rosebud. Penny instinctively changed her stance, parting her legs, inviting more attention there. As she felt all the hands applying the cream to her legs, she felt Louisa press her nose against her landing strip as she ran her tongue across her swollen clit. Looking down, she could just about see the forehead of the young vixen under her tummy, hitting all the right places with her tongue.

“Do not cum.” Ashlee ordered as she pointed to the belt Bee was wearing. Clearly, Ashlee got pleasure when it came to denying orgasms. Penny simply nodded as her mouth hung open in response to Louisa’s eager tongue. It was dancing a waltz with her clit that was mesmerizing. Penny grasped Louisa’s hair and held her head in place as she greedily wanted more pleasure without sending her over the edge. She had to quickly pull Louisa away from her as she felt Scarlett snake a finger into her asshole, followed by a second as her back hole gratefully accepted the gift of penetration. As her inner ass was being explored, she looked down at Louisa’s eager face, smiling at her as she saw her lips and mouth wet. Louisa’s eyes opened widely and focused on Penny’s left breast… a drop of milk hung to the nipple, clinging on for dear life. She wanted it and opened her mouth widely, sticking out her tongue. Penny squeezed the nipple and let the drop fall from her right into Louisa’s mouth. The only thing Penny could equate it to was giving someone a tip as Louisa quickly got up and knelt about a foot away, as if her job were done.

Scarlett, however, was not done, and was determined to add a third digit. Ashlee saw Penny wincing and realized what was happening.

“Enough. The armbinder.” Ashlee commanded. Immediately all pleasure stopped. All fingers removed. All tongues retracted. Louisa and Scarlett returned with the armbinder. A leather sleeve with a long line of buckles. They gently guided Penny’s arms behind her back and slipped the sleeve up them, effectively keeping her arms behind her. Kadıköy Escort The buckles were fastened one by one so that Penny’s arms were immobile. Lastly, a leather collar with a ring in front was fastened around her neck.

Ashlee rose and hooked her finger through the collar, walking her to a nearby set of doors.

“The arms being bound are so you focus on the pussy and not yourself. We could use rope or ‘andcuffs, but these leather armbinders look so much more sexier, yes?”

“Yes, Miss Ashlee” Penny responded, following her. Panting and groaning at the last edge, coming to terms that she wasn’t cumming any time soon. Her big, beautiful body followed Ashlee obediently through the doors to the barn.

Inside the barn, Adeline was already in position. She looked so sexy on all fours in the metal cage. Her breasts, Penny yearned to suckle from, held away from her body by mother nature’s own gravity with suction cups applied. Adeline looked back and giggled.

“Hi Penny. I can’t wait for his. It’s been so long since I’ve been milked like this. I can’t wait to feel you tasting and teasing me.” as she nodded to a nearby tech who blindfolded her.

Ashlee led Penny to a spot behind Adeline and motioned for her to kneel on a comfy-looking set of cushioned leather knee-pads. Belts and buckles held her legs in place in a kneeling stance. Various electrodes were applied to her breasts. Three on each one; one to the left, one to the right, and one directly under the nipple. Another was stuck on either side of her pussy, while 2 more were applied to each ass cheek.

“This is for while you are training to please women, Penny. Adeline must not cum under any circumstance while she is being milked. Adeline ‘as a remote control. If she feels you are close to sending ‘er over the edge, she will press and you will get a shock. This is so you learn ‘er. Eventually you will not need the shock electrodes but for now, they will remain. If she should shock you, you will immediately stop, count to twenty and begin again.” Ashlee explained.

With a nod, Penny was wheeled forward on her pads until her nose was within an inch of Adeline’s already-dripping pussy. The strong aroma of a woman in heat permeated Penny’s nostrils as she looked in awe at the pussy of the woman she was infatuated with. Her mind went into auto-pilot as she felt nothing more than the want and need to please this pussy. She was panting and stuck her tongue out.

“Just make love to it, Penny.” Adeline called to her from her visually-deprived state. “Imagine it is someone you want to make out with. French kiss it and taste it. Make love to it, Penny. Try to use my sounds and body spasms to know when to ease off. I have a shock remote but I hope I don’t have to use it too much.”

“Begin!” Ashlee commanded the tech. Within a few seconds, the milking machine whirred to life and the suction on Adeline’s breasts began. Penny took a deep breath, leaned forward with her tongue out and moaned as she tasted her first pussy. She pushed her tongue inside fully, letting her taste-buds be engulfed and overcome by this new, unfamiliar taste. With her lips pressed against Adeline’s pussy, Penny felt overcome with emotion and lust as she inhaled deeply, smelling her lover’s musty asshole and her wet sex that needed teasing. Penny’s hot breath against Adeline’s pussy caused a sharp intake of air as she experienced this new tongue.

Penny planted lots of little kisses all over her lovers pussy before seeking out her slit once more. She so desperately wanted to use her hands to part Adeline’s lips, but realizing she couldn’t forced her to use and train her nose and tongue to maneuver around the object of her desire. Arching her neck back, she found a way to slide further under Adeline to hone in on her clit. Trying to recall any and all lesbian porn she had ever seen, she sucked the clit fully into her mouth like a vacuum and used the tip of her tongue to tease and flick it. She licked her slit from front to back, back to front, sucked her labia, and tongue-fucked her pussy, trying to see what Adeline liked and what she didn’t. She seemed to respond best to the long licks using the flat of her tongue and made a mental note to do that more often.

Settling into a good rhythm, Penny listened to Adeline’s breast pump coercing milk from her nipples, as well as feeling her body movements as she used her tongue to pleasure her. Getting lost in the feeling, she lost all sense of time. A sharp jolt of electricity snapped her back to reality. She cried out from the currents coursing through her breasts, pussy and ass.

“Too much, Penny. I was about to cum. Do what you were doing… just slower.” Adeline explained.

Penny simply nodded and tried to count to twenty. It felt like the longest twenty seconds of her life. Her prize. Her pussy to worship was an inch in front of her. Penny may have cheated and plunged her tongue back in after reaching nineteen, but it didn’t seem to affect anything. She tried to go slower and thought it best to just savor this new-found role in her life and enjoy it. Soon she closed her eyes, and drifted back in auto-pilot mode as the whirring of the machines created a subtle rhythm to follow. Adeline’s breathing was at a steady pace as her head hung low, just relishing the treatments.

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