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Chapter 12: Nya

Nya returned home in her car. The sun still could be seen in the western sky. It felt as if she had been up for hours. But, to her credit, her task had been completed. Her mission accomplished. She knew she should be feeling joy knowing he was finally hers but instead, she felt stressed. Perspiration covered her body. She couldn’t remember feeling more worried than now. Even though everything had gone according to plan, she could not find the inner peace she desired. Sitting in the parking garage, Nya pried both hands off the steering wheel and held them in front of her. They trembled uncontrollably.

“Relaxed Nya. Relax. You have to relax. You did it. The worst is over. You got him!”

She sat for what must’ve been 10 or 15 minutes trying to calm down. All the self-talk did little. She couldn’t stay here forever. Willing herself, she made her way to the front door, quietly unlocked it, and walked purposely into the kitchen.

She could hear rustling in the bedroom. He probably knew she was back. For as much as she wanted to see him, she needed time to settle her thoughts.

In a progressively more excited voice, she spoke. “I can’t believe I did this. I can’t believe I did this! I can’t believe he’s here!” Indeed she had and indeed he was. Nya had created a quandary that was indeed surreal. She had captured the man of her dreams and secretly hauled him away. She had gotten what she had always wanted but in the process, had compromised her integrity and violated the law. She sat gulping down the last of her wine not knowing what to do next.

“I do want him!”

“But at this price? Doing what you just did?”

“I’ve wanted him forever. I know I have.”

“But he’s not yours.”

“He will be. In time he will be.”

The back-and-forth conversation in her mind continued between the good angel and the evil demon. One told her, in so many words, to take him home. The other kept reminding her he was the missing person in her nearly perfect life.

Nya finished off half a bottle. The alcohol had a settling effect. She no longer felt the urge to scream. Stripping out of her clothes, she filled the tub and took a relaxing hot bubble bath.

It was another half-hour before she slipped out of the tub and dried her body. Finally, she felt ready. It had taken an hour for her nerves to calm and her lust to rise to the surface. The time had come to see, once more, the man who had given her so much pleasure.

Opening the bedroom door, she stood unashamedly at the entrance. She was beautiful. The outline of the door framed her curvy body perfectly. She knew Tyler had to be lusting after every curve and contour of her sexy form. Indeed she was hot. She knew it and so did he.

Tyler lay in the same position as when she last saw him. He had no choice. The tie holding him to the anchor bolt didn’t permit any movement, especially with the bedpost pressed against the middle of his back. Nya watched as his eyes widened for the first time in real recognition. She was the one who had done this. She could see the drug was no longer affecting his ability to think.

“Yes, Tyler, I brought you here. I needed to.”

His expression turned to surprise, puzzlement, and even anger. Even though she was right here. Even though she stood naked, and even though she was built like a playboy model, Nya never saw the look of desire she wanted to see.

Her eyes scanned his form. His cock had lain limp but began to stir. Seeing the lock, she scurried away, only to return with cutters.

“Let me take care of this. I want you free. I want you to show me how big your cock can get. What did she do to you?”

Working at the lock and then the ring, she cut through both restraints. “That’s better.” Nya gently stroked his shaft. She felt warmth as fresh blood filled his member. The fact that he responded so quickly brought a smile to her face.

She touched his cheek. “Hi, Tyler.”

He muffled some indiscernible response, to which she nodded as if understanding.

“You’re not going to like this but I need to get this done. Finding a pair of cutting shears in the nightstand she used them to cut away his shirt.

“Sorry, Tyler, but I want you naked.”

Producing a phone she snapped several pictures. Some were close-up shots. Others framed his entire body within the borders of her screen.

“I know blackmail is an age-old plot to gain leverage but it’s one that works. I want to make sure you don’t get any ideas about leaving.”

He yelled through the tape. No matter how hard he tried, the tape held fast and his words remained barely audible.

“Are you uncomfortable?”

Tyler shook his head vigorously.

“Does the tape hurt?”

Tyler indicated it didn’t.

“Your legs? Your back?”

He shook his head vehemently.

“I’ll give you a break in a bit but first I want to do something.” Lying beside him with her face inches from his now hardened penis, she stretched her body lengthwise beside his.

“Smell my pussy, Baby. Come closer.” Nya parted her legs Escort Bayan and waited. Tyler didn’t move. She waited and again ordered him between. Tyler shook his head.

“OK, have it your way. Sooner or later you’re going to bow to my wishes.”

Forcefully she grabbed hold of his hair and yanked his head. Clamping it in place with her thighs she squeezed until he stopped resisting.

“That’s a good boy. Now stay there while Nya makes you feel good.” She grabbed his cock and pulled it toward her mouth. Slowly and lovingly she took him.

Tyler felt the warmth of her mouth. There was nothing erotic about any of this. His body ached. His hip was killing him from laying so long in one place. He couldn’t believe she had deceived him. She had betrayed him and extricated him against his will. He hated her for doing this. But despite it all, he could not keep his cock from getting hard. He couldn’t separate the hatred he had from what she was doing. The sensations her mouth, tongue, and throat felt so good. The longer she sucked, the more her scent permeated his nostrils. She was dripping with desire, and he could do nothing to free his head from between the vise that held him. Adding to the irony was the familiarity of her odor. He remembered that smell. He associated so much good and fun with it. God, she was making him feel good. “Ahhh, stop this!” He screamed into the tape.

Nya moaned. “Mmmm.”

His cock felt glorious both in her hand and in her mouth. It was so big, so fat, so long and so wonderfully hard. It was perfect. More than anything, she wanted to make him cum. That had been her intention from the start. But while sucking and thinking of what his sweet cream would once more taste like, she remembered the words of her mentor. “Don’t let him or you will lose him.” Bree was right. She was always right. Nya could see he wasn’t really in the mood. Although his body responded as any healthy male body would to the sight and smell of a beautiful woman, his heart wasn’t where she wanted it to be. Deciding to deny herself, at least temporarily, of the eruption she wanted to bring about, she sucked him only until his balls moved tight against his underside.

Tyler felt the sudden coolness of air against his manhood. He felt her legs part. He pulled his head free. Nya moved around to face him.

“If you make any noise whatsoever, I will remove your balls.” She held the cutters for him to see. “Tyler, don’t make me do that. Please don’t.” She watched him nod. “Will you be quiet if I take the tape off?” He nodded a second time.

It took some doing and she was certain the tape all but stripped the top layers of skin from his lips and cheeks. She sat cross-legged and faced him. He said nothing.

After tiring of waiting she spoke. “I want you to talk! You’re starting to make me feel ill about everything I’ve done.”

“Why did you? Why did you do this?”

Nya said nothing. Instead, she looked stoically down at her captive.

“I mean, really, Nya. What are you trying to prove? Do you think you can kidnap me without me getting upset? Do you think you can make me be yours? Do you think you can force me to give you my heart?”

She answered softly. “I want you to open your heart to the possibility.”

“What we had back then was great but we both knew it wasn’t of our own doing. It was all because of Bree.”

“And you can honestly tell me you didn’t have feelings for me? You can tell me that?”

Tyler looked away. After a moment he spoke. “I had feelings. Of course, I had feelings. But that doesn’t mean this is right? There’s nothing right about this.”

“I don’t want to hear that.” Tears began forming in her eyes. “I loved you, Tyler. I didn’t want things to end when school ended. That’s why I kept texting and calling. Why didn’t you answer me? Didn’t you listen to all of the voicemails I left?”

He shook his head slowly. “No. I didn’t.”

“Why!? Why didn’t you!?” She asked angrily.

“Because I knew I couldn’t keep doing that. I knew I was about to graduate and go to PT school. I couldn’t keep up with what Bree wanted.”

“You broke my heart. That’s what you did. I kept waiting for you to call or at least text. I waited for you, Tyler. I waited for a long time.”

“I’m sorry. Maybe I should have listened to your voicemails. Maybe things would have been different. But I can’t change our past.”

“But we can start over. We can try again. We are together now.”

“We can’t.”


“Because I’m in love.”

“Don’t give me that shit! You are in love with a girl who locks you inside a car like you’re some little boy? You’re in love with a lady that locks your cock to that ring-thing around your nuts. Are you in love with a woman who pierces your cock and puts a ring in it? That’s not love, Tyler. She’s not right in the head.”

Tyler shrugged. “I am in love,” he said in almost a whisper.

Nya shook her head. She wanted nothing of this. “No. No! No! You aren’t!”

“Please let me go. Please?”

“No!!” She stood and stormed Bayan Escort out of the room.


The home at 63 Cheshire, the house was abuzz with law enforcement vehicles. They questioned and re-questioned Destiny. They dusted every surface the intruder may have touched. They ran facial recognition software in the hope of discerning who was behind the mask. They combed the neighborhood, asking if anyone had seen an unfamiliar black woman of about 5′ 2″ during the past few days. They checked Destiny’s surveillance footage as well as video recordings from all neighboring houses in an attempt to get a better look at whoever it was who drove off with Tyler.

Destiny was certain this was a kidnapping. There was no doubt in her mind. The detective who interviewed her wasn’t so sure.

“We’re keeping all options open, ma’am. It’s standard operating procedure. We approach every missing person’s case this way.” He said without emotion.

Destiny reviewed the video again in her mind. It made her wonder. He answered the door and laughed. He didn’t protest when she told him to sit down while she poured the wine. They conversed freely and even toasted to past events. They left the house together and then drove off without any sign of confrontation. “Was this someone who he had been secretly interacting? Did he know her password and was he spending time communicating with her using a secret email address?

“Officer, are you going to see if there is anything of interest on my laptop?”

“Do you think we will?”

“I – I don’t know. I would hope not but I was thinking about your comment about this not being an abduction.”

“Do you have any reason to think Tyler may have been unfaithful?”

“He was once, but I thought he was beyond going there again. I thought that was nothing more than a stupid fling.”

“When did that take place?”

“Earlier in the year.” Destiny watched his eyes widen ever so slightly.

“I’ll get one of our IT guys on it right away. May we use your office?”

“Use whatever you need. I just want you to find him and find her.”

“We will catch this person.”

It was the one sentence “Destiny continued to hang on. She had no idea who this woman was. By all accounts, it seemed to be someone Tyler knew. Destiny couldn’t help but think this bitch was Nya. Who else could it be? It wasn’t Addisyn and it definitely wasn’t Cydney. He had never mentioned another dark-skinned woman.

As the hours passed, the search expanded to those employed at the physical therapy clinic, North High School, Tyler’s friends and acquaintances in college and graduate school and even to Destiny’s friends. When Destiny finally went to bed late that evening, she had heard nothing. They hadn’t found a reliable lead to follow. Worse of all, she couldn’t be certain Tyler hadn’t been a part of his disappearance.


When Nya returned she was drunk. Tyler could smell the alcohol from afar. Without speaking, she reached behind and cut the tie that held him to the eyebolt. She unlocked the cuff from one ankle.

Tyler straightened his leg, doing his best to not say anything his knee screamed when he tried straightening it. The muscles in the front of his thighs felt as if they were about to split in two.

“Get up.” She pulled at one arm. “Get up. Get in bed.”

Slowly he got to where she wanted him. “Now lay back. No, over there.”

Tyler watched while she tied his free leg to the bedpost. As soon as she was finished she did the same to the other. Even with his legs somewhat free, he still felt so uncomfortable. His hands dug into the small of his back but at least she was trying to make him more comfortable.

Nya brought a bottle of water to his mouth and let him drink his fill. After feeding him pieces of chicken, she made him drink more. “Now lay back. Because you’re being an ass I need to do this.” Wrapping a chain twice around his neck, she somehow clipped it to the wrought-iron headboard overhead.

“I’m going to fuck you and you aren’t going to stop me.”

Her speech revealed the effects of whatever it was she had been drinking. Tyler watched while she brought his cock to an erection. It didn’t take her long at all. He couldn’t believe how his body betrayed him. He saw Nya looking at him as if gloating at what she could make his penis do.

“Ready?” She asked. It wasn’t a question but more of a statement of fact.

Pulling him inside her tight pussy, she humped his cock. He could do nothing but lay there and let her do whatever she wanted. He couldn’t sit. He couldn’t twist. He couldn’t push her off. He couldn’t do anything but wait for her to finish.

“If you keep shutting your eyes, I’m going to cut your sack open this far.” Nya separated the distance between thumb and finger about a half-inch.

Tyler didn’t test her threat. It gained him nothing by testing her will. In time, his body caved to what she was doing. No matter how much he wanted to be somewhere – anywhere – else, Escort he couldn’t deny she was incredibly sexy. She looked hot and she had seductive powers even he couldn’t run from.

Ugggghh. Hmmph, oooohhh,” she grunted. Her orgasm milked his cock and tightened hard around it. Nya halted. Her hands remain pressed against his chest. Her eyes squeezed shut.

“Oh Goddd, it feels good to have you back on there.” She relished in the sensations of his thick pole.

After the surges of pleasure passed, she focused her attention on him.

He could see in her eyes the desire she had for him. Her look saddened him. He wished he could reciprocate but Destiny remained the love of his life and he couldn’t give his heart to two at once. As a result, all he felt was emptiness regardless of how sexually stimulating her body made him feel.

“You make me feel so good, Tyler.” She began moving once more. This time she leaned forward until her forehead touched his. Her hips pumped. Her ass rose and fell. Tyler smelled alcohol. He heard her breathing quicken. He felt his ability to resist wane.

“Ohhhhh,” she cried. “Ohhhhh!”

Tyler arched into her pumps. He needed release. His body begged to cum.

“Ohhhhh!!!” She cried louder.

And then it happened. Nya’s body shook while a second wave of pleasure rocketed outward from her sex.

Seeing her climax became too much. He too erupted, spilling his seed. Pulse after pulse jettisoned against the back wall of her tunnel. His body was built to ejaculate and he didn’t disappoint.

Nya felt him filling her. “Mmm, mmm,” she whimpered. Tears spilled from her eyes. She was overjoyed at his response.

Nya came to his cock. Licking and sucking, she slurped up the thickening cream. Responding like a starving child to the sight of food, she seemed to not be able to get enough.

And as before, Tyler could only watch. His shaft never even softened. “What is going on with me?” He wondered. What he didn’t know was he had drunk water tainted with the fine grains of a crushed blue pill.

Nya lay on his belly, her face directed toward his Washington Monument. Closing her eyes, she rested. Tyler let her be. He needed time to himself. He needed to think. He needed to figure a way out of this quagmire. He needed to get back to Destiny!

Time passed. Nya woke, and as before, climbed back on the saddle and mounted him.

“Please don’t,” he pleaded.

“One more word and the tape goes back around your mouth.”

Nya rode him until he came again. This time, however, she didn’t cry. This time she held his face between both hands and looked deep into his eyes. She wanted to see inside him. She wanted him to know she could see beneath the outer shell that was his resistance.

“You want me. You can’t deny it,” she hissed.

Tyler shook his head. Nya did her best to prevent his head from moving.

“I’m going to make you cum again just so I can see that same look.”

“Nya.” He cut his words short but not short enough. Thirty seconds later his mouth was covered with strips of silver-gray tape.

Tyler was fucked twice more before she left him to watch TV. Before releasing his legs, she clipped a padlock to the chain around his neck to ensure it couldn’t be removed. She put the other end through the eye-bolt in the floor.

“You can go to the bathroom if you want. You better go because you’re not getting another chance before morning.”

That night he slept fitfully. With his neck chained to the headboard and feet to the post, Nya cuddled next to him. Stroking his cock and keeping a grip around his hardness, she remained content. Eventually, sleep overtook them both until the morning sunlight penetrated their sleep.

“I’ve got to go to work,” she said stuffing his face with scrambled eggs. “Do you want to be zip-tied to the floor or chained to the bed?”

“Can’t I wait for you in there?” He pointed to the living area.

“Not a chance. Not after all the attitude yesterday.”

“Bed.” “I thought that’s what you would choose. I’ll turn on the TV so you have something to help pass the time.”

“Thank you. It would be even better if you let me go home.”

“Shut up! I’m sick of hearing you whining and complaining. You should be thankful I haven’t made your life uncomfortable.”

“They’re going to find me. Destiny knows too many people. She’s got more money than you can ever imagine. They’re going to find me.”

“Let them try. You think I’m so stupid, don’t you? Well, let’s see them look.” She said staring at him with a menacing frown. “Tell you what, how long do you think it’s going to take them?”

“A week at the most. And when they do, you’re going to end up going to jail. If you let me go, I won’t say anything – not even to Destiny?”

Nya shook her head. “I’ll make you a deal. I will give you that week. Let’s see if they find you. If they do, I’ll live with the consequences. But, if they don’t, you’re mine forever.”

“No way. That ain’t happening.”

Nya stared smug-faced at him. “You know what they say, the first 48 hours is the most important time frame to find someone. After that, chances go way, way down.” She smiled triumphantly. “And here we are, with 24 hours almost gone. Your highfalutin girlfriend doesn’t have a chance in hell of finding you.”

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