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When Saturday night came, Ashley and Monica went to the sushi restaurant to meet up with their new friends. After being dropped off by their Ubers, they entered the restaurant and greeted the hostess.

“Hi!” said Ashley as she approached the hostess. “May we have a table with Vicky or Christine?”

“Of course,” said the hostess. She brought them to a section where both requested waitresses could serve them.

Ashley and Monica took their seats, waiting to see their new friends. They sat around, waiting in anticipation for their young new friends. Suddenly, Vicky appeared from a crowd of people and came straight to the table.

“Hi, ladies!”

“Hey Vicky!” the girls responded with excitement.

“How are you two doing?”

“We are good!” said Ashley. “We are glad that we can come to see you!”

“I’m so glad you decided to come!”

“Of course,” said Monica. “Where is Christine?”

“She is here, somewhere,” said Vicky. “She’s probably busy, but she will be back.”

Vicky looked around the restaurant, trying to spot her friend. Suddenly, she spotted her from across the room and quickly waved her over.

Christine darted over with a big smile on her face. “Hey, Monica! Hey, Ashley!”

“Hey, Christine!”

“I’m so glad you two are here!” said Christine. “And you both look so beautiful!”

Ashley and Monica were not as dressed up as they usually were. Ashley was wearing a black blouse with tight khaki pants and high heels. Monica was wearing a white tank top with tight blue jeans and white heels. Despite not putting as much effort into their outfits as they usually did, they were incredibly flattered to receive such a sweet compliment from Christine.

“Thank you!!!” they both cheerfully responded.

“I will get you two some waters,” said Vicky, before leaving.

“And I will see if I can get you both a free drink,” said Christine.

Ashley and Monica were excited after talking to Vicky and Christine. When the two servers left the table, they discussed how much they enjoyed seeing them.

“They are so awesome,” said Monica.

“We should hang out with them more often,” said Ashley.

Vicky returned with two glasses of water for the girls. “Will you just be drinking tonight? she asked.” Or are do you plan on eating, as well?”

“We just planned on drinking,” said Ashley. “But we’ll see what happens.”

“Sounds good,” Vicky responded. “I’ll leave a food menu on the table, and you just let me know if you change your mind.” She then smiled politely at them before walking away.

As she left, Christine arrived with a bottle of cold sake. “I got this for you! It’s free, but don’t let anybody know I got this for you!”

“You are the best!” said Monica. “We won’t tell anyone!”

“Thank you so much!” said Ashley.

Before Christine could step away, Monica stopped her to ask a question. “So, what time do you get off tonight?” she asked. “We want to have a couple of drinks with you.”

“Do you and Vicky drink?” Ashley asked.

“We do!” answered Christine. “We can’t drink on the clock, but I will be off in about thirty minutes.”

“Will you have a drink with us when you get off?” Monica asked.

“I will! Christine exclaimed. “But I just can’t get drunk at the place that I work,” she said with a laugh.

“I understand,” said Ashley. “We are going to continue drinking at my place afterward. You two can drink as much as you want there.”

“That sounds so fun!” said Christine. “Thank you so much for the invite!”

When Vicky returned to the table, the girls asked if she would be able to drink with them after work.

“I don’t get off for another hour, unfortunately. But Christine can join you, and I can keep being your server until we leave.”

“Will you drink with us when we go to my place?” asked Ashley.

“That sounds great to me,” said Vicky. “I drove today. Christine and I carpool. So, I can be the designated driver if you need it.”

“That would be great!” said Ashley. “Monica and I usually get Ubers when we go out drinking.”

“I can take you home, no problem,” said Vicky. “Thank you, once again, for inviting us over.”

“No problem,” said Ashley, with a wink.

It didn’t take them long to finish the cold bottle of sake. Ashley and Monica were surprised at how much they enjoyed it. Then they began ordering mixed drinks as they started to have an enjoyable time. As they began to get drunk, the girls started having a conversation about how cute Vicky and Christine were.

“You know, they aren’t as similar to Jane as I thought they were,” said Ashley.

“You’re right,” said Monica. “They are a lot bubblier and more talkative than she was. Especially when she first started working with us, and she was shy and timid.”

“Yeah, they aren’t that shy, but they do seem pretty innocent.”

“I agree! They are even younger than Jane. And they are excited to hang out with older women like us!”

“That’s so cute!” Ashley said. “They are so young that they view us as older women!”

“Hopefully, we can show them a good Göztepe escort bayan time,” said Monica.

“I’m sure we will,” said Ashley, with a sly smirk on her face.

By the time Christine was done with her shift, Ashley and Monica had already finished several drinks. The two coworkers were already drunk when the young waitress joined them at their table.

“You look cute, out of your waitressing stuff,” said Monica.

“Thank you!” Christine responded while blushing. She had taken off her apron and her waitressing top and was now wearing a white tank top with black slacks. “I appreciate the compliment, but you are just being nice. These clothes are not flattering at all! I have a change of clothes in Vicky’s car. I can change quickly.’

“Don’t worry about it,” said Ashley. “We aren’t judging you for your work clothes.

We know you just had a long shift. You can borrow some of my clothes if you want to get comfortable in my apartment. I have a lot of t-shirts and shorts that I can spare.”

“You are way too nice!” said Christine. “I might want comfy clothes when we get to your place.”

Ashley and Monica were now getting pretty drunk. They began to get pretty touchy with the cute and small Christine.

“You seemed so excited to hang out with us,” Monica pointed out, as she put her hand gently on Christine’s thigh.

“I am!” said Christine. “You are both so cool! You are working women, and you both seem successful. We admire that and look up to you both.”

“That’s sweet of you to say,” said Ashley as she put her hand on Christine’s other thigh.

Ashley and Monica couldn’t get enough of the compliments from Christine. They kept asking her questions and giving her attention. They bought her a drink, hoping to loosen her up even more. After just one drink, Christine was already feeling tipsy. The girls offered her a second drink, but she tried to refuse, thinking it might not be a good idea just yet.

“Come on!” said Ashley. “We will take care of you.”

“Yeah! Just have a good time with us,” said Monica. “Plus, Vicky said she is driving us, anyways.”

“Okay, okay, okay! But only if Vicky is okay with it.”

When Vicky got to the table Ashley and Monica urgently tried to convince her to let Christine continue drinking with them. She didn’t want Christine to get in trouble, but she also realized how much fun she was having.

“Okay. Just one more drink for now,” she replied.

The girls all cheered!

“You can put it on my tab,” Monica willingly offered.

“Thank you!” said Christine with a sweet smile.

“No problem, mama,” said Monica. She then gave Christine a quick and playful hug.

Vicky returned with another round of drinks, but after she set them down for everybody, she also brought out a plate of sushi that was cooked tempura style.

“What’s this?” Ashley asked.

“This is basically fried sushi,” Vicky responded. “This is good for soaking up alcohol.”

“But we didn’t order this,” Monica said, with concern on her face.

“I know,” said Vicky. “I’m buying this for you guys. I want you to eat.”

“Thank you!” shouted all three girls.

“You are the best!” Monica yelled with gratitude.

“You are so awesome!” shouted Ashley, also grateful.

Vicky smiled before leaving the table. The three girls were left there with their food and drinks. They didn’t realize how hungry they were until they started eating the sushi that Vicky bought them.

“This is so good!” Monica cheerfully said as she took another bite.

“Yeah, that was nice of her,” said Ashley.

“Yeah, it is, Christine agreed. “She is young like me, but she is very generous and caring.”

“How long have you two known each other?” asked Ashley.

“We have known each other forever,” explained Christine. “We went to school together. Now we go to college together. And we are even roommates!”

“Do you live in the dorms?” asked Monica.

“No, but we have an apartment right next to campus. We share a one-bedroom apartment.”

“That sounds fun!” said Ashley.

“Do either of you have boyfriends?” Monica asked.

“I am single,” Christine responded. “I had a boyfriend, but it just didn’t work out. I got too busy in college, and we broke it off.”

“That sucks,” said Monica. “Sometimes, relationships are hard when you are busy with school and work. You need to find someone who is understanding of your situation and respects how busy you might be.”

“That’s exactly how I feel!” Christine agreed.

“What about Vicky?” Ashley asked.

“She actually hasn’t been in a relationship in a very long time.”

“Why is that?”

“I think it just takes her a while to trust somebody.”

“Sorry if this is too direct,” Ashley started. “But, have either of you had sex before?”

“Neither of us have had sex,” said Christine.” I guess we just haven’t found anyone that we can trust so intimately.”

“Do you masturbate?” Ashley asked.

Monica quickly slapped her on the arm. “Ashley! That might be private!”

Christine Escort Caddebostan quickly became red.

“You do!” Ashley quickly realized. “It’s ok, sweetie,” she said, as she rubbed Christine’s back.

“I do! But I never talk about it!”

Although Monica tried to get Ashley to respect Christine’s privacy, she was suddenly turned on by the thought of a young waitress masturbating.

Ashley was now giggling. “Do you know if Vicki masturbates?” she continued.

Monica again playfully slapped Ashley’s shoulder. “Oh, my God! You’re so bad!”

“Umm…I don’t know,” Christine answered. “I’ve never really asked her.”

“I’m going to ask her when she gets to the table,” said Ashley.

“No, please don’t,” said Monica.

“Yeah, you might want to wait until she starts drinking,” said Christine. “Remember, she doesn’t have any alcohol influence yet,” she said with a laugh. “Once she starts drinking, you can ask her anything!”

“You’re right,” Ashley agreed, as she remembered that Vicky wasn’t drinking yet

“But you have a good point. Since you and I are both drunk, I can ask you this without any shame or judgment.”

“Oh no,” Christine and Monica both thought to themselves.

“Have you ever done anything with another woman?”

Goosebumps started to fill Christine’s body. “I never have, but…”

“You’ve thought about it, haven’t you?”

“It’s just…” She began to stutter, but she quickly took a deep breath and composed yourself. “Because I’ve been drinking, I will admit this to you. Last week, I might have overheard you both talking about your experiences with Jane.”

Both Monica and Ashley were now blushing

“I was surprised at first from your lesbian experiences. But the more you talked, the more turned on I started to get. After that, I started thinking about what it would be like to be with another woman.”

“You little naughty girl,” said Ashley, half-joking.

“You were eavesdropping!” Monica joked.

“I didn’t mean to,” said Christine. “But your stories got more and more erotic. I just couldn’t stop listening.”

Ashley asked, “Did Vicky overhear us, as well?”

“I’m pretty sure she did,” said Christine. “But maybe you just have to ask her yourself.”

“Oh, I definitely will,” said Ashley. “And I’m not waiting until she gets any alcohol inside of her. I’m going to ask as soon as she gets back to the table.”

Christine wasn’t sure why she was so nervous about it, but she grew anxious as she awaited Vicky returning to the table.

Ashley wasted no time. As soon as Vicky returned, she asked, “So Vicky, did you hear what Monica and I were talking about last week?”

“What do you mean?” Vicky asked, in confusion.

“Well, your friend here told us that she was eavesdropping on some of our stories.

We were wondering if you overheard them as well?” Ashley folded her arms and looked at the young waitress as if she had an attitude.

The girls quickly realized the answer, once they saw Vicky’s face turn red. “Well, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop,” Vicky responded. “But, I did overhear you talking about a girl named Jane.”

“Uh-huh!” Monica said, slowly joining Ashley with the accusations. “And what exactly did you hear about Jane?”

Vicky tried to hide the humiliation and redness in her face. “I just heard… I heard that she was great.”

“Don’t play games with me,” Ashley interrupted. “Did you hear the story about her fucking me with a strap-on?”

Vicky was now filled with anxiety. She couldn’t believe that she was being called out like that. It wasn’t like her to talk about such a private matter, especially with people that she just met. But she was backed into a corner and had to admit the truth.

“Oh, yes. I heard that” she said, looking down to the floor.

Then Monica jumped in. “Did you hear the story where she kept denying my orgasms?”

“Umm…” Vicky quickly began to stutter.

“You know the one where she made me beg her to allow me to cum? And then she stuck a plug in my ass and rubbed my pussy until I came?”

“I uhh…maybe….Yeah, I heard those stories.”

“You sure OVERHEARD a lot of the stories. I mean, you overheard the ENTIRE stories!” Ashley pointed out.

Vicky was caught red-handed. She couldn’t deny it anymore. “Yeah, I guess I listened to the entire stories.”

“So, why did you listen to the whole story?”

“Umm, I don’t know. It was like…I just couldn’t stop.”

“Did it turn you on?” Ashley asked.


“That’s okay!” said Monica. “You don’t have to tell us if you’re uncomfortable.”

“It’s just…I did like the stories…but I’m…”

“You’re what?” asked Ashley. “Not a lesbian?”


“Have you ever thought about being with another woman?”

Vicky became more anxious than ever before. She had never felt so directly called out. “Ummm…”

“That’s okay,” Monica assured. “You don’t have to answer. And we won’t judge you either way.”

Christine was shocked to see her friend so lost for words. Bağdat Caddesi escort She knew that Vicky wasn’t one to talk about sex, but seeing her stumble over her own words so nervously made Christine see her in a completely different light.

Ashley decided to take it up a notch. “You don’t have to answer that,” she said.

“But, do you want to know what Monica and I did after we left last week?”

Monica was red, but Christine and Vicky were at the edge of the table. They did everything they could to keep themselves from begging Ashley to reveal what happened.

Christine then let out a subtle moan. “Did you…?”

“Maybe,” said Ashley, with a wink.

“Can you tell us?” Vicky quietly asked.

“Oh!” Monica squealed in surprise. “Vicky, your naughty side is coming out!”

Vicky quickly became nervous again, almost regretting that she opened her mouth.

But in the end, she didn’t regret asking because she needed to know what happened.

“Maybe our sexual frustrations boiled over,” Ashley hinted.

Both Vicky and Christine looked like they were trying to contain their excitement.

Monica became so excited; she couldn’t stop herself either. “Maybe I went over to her place, and we tried some of those sexy things that we talked about earlier. Just to compare who had the hotter experience.”

Christine’s eyes lit right up. “Who had the better experience?”

“Look at how naughty you are!” Monica joked.

“Let’s just say, we both had an amazing experience,” Ashley answered.

Both Christine and Vicky were red in the face, thinking about how sexy it must have been for the two beautiful Latinas to fuck each other last weekend.

“So, have you ever kissed a girl?” Ashley asked Vicky.

The young waitress was nervous and red in the face. “I haven’t,” she anxiously answered.

“How about you?” Monica asked Christine.

“I haven’t either,” Christine responded.

Neither girl was daring enough to try something as adventurous as kissing another woman. They were young and innocent, but the idea sparked their interests.

“Would you ever consider kissing another woman?” Ashley asked.

Vicky nervously responded, “I don’t think I’m brave enough.”

Christine, being a bit tipsy, loudly responded, “I want to, but I just haven’t had the courage to yet!”

Ashley and Monica laughed and giggled together. They enjoyed hanging out with the two younger waitresses and discovering just how innocent they were.

“Would you ever consider having sex with a woman? Ashley asked.

Both girls became incredibly nervous, not knowing how to answer the question. “Maybe,” they both answered, with scared voices.

“Have you ever even thought about it before?” asked Monica.

Vicky tried to deny it, but Christine quickly jumped in. “Okay, don’t judge me, but I’ve been thinking about it ever since you two told all those stories last week.”

“Christine!” Vicky shouted. She was so surprised that Christine would admit such a thing.

“I bet you’ve been thinking about it too!” Christine shouted back at Vicky.

Vicky tried to deny it, but the girls could see it written all over her face.

“What have you been thinking about, Vicky,” Ashley asked. “And don’t even try to lie. I’m tired of that good girl act.”

Vicky took a deep breath before answering. “I just really enjoyed those stories that you both told. I imagined that intern, Jane, doing all those things to you. All the things that you talked about before. Then I began to imagine what it would be like if it happened to me.”

“You haven’t even met Jane,” Ashley mentioned. “But we can tell you all about her.”

“Yeah, and all the naughty things she has done to us!” Monica added.

Both waitresses looked really excited and turned on.

“Maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll get to see Monica, and I demonstrate some of those things on each other.”

“Really!?” they both asked, getting nervously excited.

“Definitely,” said Monica. “We actually weren’t done deciding who had the sexier experience with Jane.”

“We were missing a few toys,” Ashley said in her sexiest voice.

“Maybe you two could even help us judge who had the better experience.”

Vicky tried not to moan aloud, but Christine couldn’t help herself. “Oh, my God! Christine said. “We can do that!” she answered, breathing heavily.

Vicky agreed with Christine’s response, but she didn’t want to say it aloud. Her shift couldn’t have ended soon enough. She counted down the rest of the minutes as she looked forward to hanging out at Ashley’s place. As soon as Vicky clocked out, she rushed back to the table and yelled, “I’m done!”

The girls cheered and were excited to move on with the night.

“Christine, should we get changed?” Vicky asked.

“You two can get changed at my place,” Ashley quickly offered.

“But I’m such a mess in these work clothes,” Vicky said.

“You look fine,” Ashley assured.

“Yes, you both look so cute!” Monica added.

The young girls both blushed from the compliments. Ashley and Monica then followed the girls to Vicky’s car.

Although Ashley and Monica weren’t too drunk, they were in no condition to drive. It was a good thing that Vicky was a designated driver for all the girls. Ashley sat in the front with Vicky so she could help with directions while Monica sat in the back with Christine.

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