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Girl TalkI always looked forward to Tuesday mornings. In the four months since Jim and I moved next door to the Waltons, I’d grown very close to Betty and we took turns inviting each other over for coffee.This particular Tuesday Betty wasn’t her usual self. She brought a tray of coffee and cookies from the kitchen and sat down beside me on the sofa. She seemed distracted, as if something was on her mind.“Are you okay, Betty?” I asked her. “Is everything all right?”“I’m fine,” she replied, “it’s just that — ”Her voice trailed away. I didn’t press her to finish the sentence. I waited, sipping my coffee.“It’s a little hard to talk about, even with a good friend like you. It’s not that I don’t trust you, Laura, but — ” She stopped and took a deep breath. “Please, please, keep this to yourself.”“Of course. You have my word.”“Well, I’ve had a really bad morning. Matt woke me up a little after six and wanted to, well, you know, make love.”I hoped that my facial expression didn’t betray my surprise and uneasiness. Although we gossipped about everyone and everything, we’d never gone down that particular road.“I told him I was sleepy,” she continued, “but he insisted that it was urgent. To prove it he pulled back the sheets and showed me his — I don’t know how to put this — ” Betty paused and I waited, nodding to indicate that we were on the same page. She sighed again.“Oh, what the hell. He showed me his boner. I thought that a quick wank would satisfy him, but he brushed my hand away and said he wanted to — er, fuck me from behind. Sorry for the language.”“It’s okay. I don’t mind.”“Thank you, Laura. Anyway, I was still half-asleep and my vage wasn’t ready. No foreplay, no nothing. I licked my fingers and reached between my legs — I was on all fours — and tried to moisten myself a little, but once again he brushed my hand away and started pumping real hard.”“It must have been uncomfortable.”“Uncomfortable doesn’t begin to describe it. You see — maybe I shouldn’t tell you this — but Matt has — what I mean is — he has a really big cock.”She stopped and looked at me, gauging my reaction. Whatever she saw reassured her, and she went on, “Even at the best of times, it’s all I can do to accommodate him, but on days like today it’s downright painful.”“Oh, dear. I can only imagine what it must be like.”“It’s not nice, I can tell you. There’s nothing romantic about it. So, anyway, there I was, my face buried in the pillow, praying that he’d hurry up and shoot his load. Usually he’s very quick, but today, of all days, he decided to take his time. It went on for, like, forever. And then he made me roll over and fucked me the usual way.”She stopped and I said the first thing that came into my head. “So how long did this go on for?”“About ten minutes. It was no fun, I can tell you. I’m not even sure that Matt enjoyed it. When he came, he just grunted and pulled out, leaving me to rush to the bathroom and rinse myself out. Next to the pain, maybe that was the worst part.”“That is so, so sad, Betty. Is it always like that?”“Pretty much. I can remember a college friend telling me that she’d made out with Matt and that he had an incredibly large dick — like, porn-star large. I was looking forward to my first date with him, and got really excited when I felt his cock through his pants. But when he fished it out, my first thought was, would it ever fit inside me? I tried to go down on him, but my jaw began to ache. It was all I could do to keep from gagging.”“Did you guys do it on the first date?”“Not if you mean, did we fuck. I gave him a handjob and promised I’d let him go all the way another time. Which is what I did.”“And it hurt?”“Like hell. Boy, did it hurt.” She saw the expression on my face and added, “Don’t get me wrong, it’s not always like that. If he takes it real slow until I’m good and wet, and if I can keep things under control, it’s not so bad. Which is why I like being on top — being able to adjust the depth and the angle, if you know what I mean.”“I do. Jim’s just the right size for me, so I’ve no complaints there, but I did fuck a couple of guys with really scary cocks.”“At the same time?”I laughed and Betty laughed with me. “No way! But I know what you mean about keeping control.”“And while we’re talking dirty, have you ever done it with more than one guy, Laura?”“I’ve done it with three, but I was drunk at the time and it wasn’t anything like the stuff you see in porn videos. One guy fucked me while I jerked and sucked the other two. Not my finest hour. Please don’t tell Jim.”“My lips are sealed. You don’t know how good it is to get this off my chest. Isn’t that pathetic?”“Come on, kurtköy escort what are friends for?”Betty leaned over and gave me a hug. “Thank you.”“Please don’t take this the wrong way, but how big is Matt? Have you ever measured him?”“Have I ever measured him?” she snorted. “No need. He loves measuring himself, and makes me take photos of him doing it.”“I don’t understand.”“He’s got it into his thick skull that his cock is still growing. He’s convinced that it’s even bigger than it really is.”“What’s that — some kind of insecurity?”“I’ve no idea. But if you’re asking me how big he is, he’s almost ten inches, though he likes to think he’s more than that. And he’s very thick. That makes a world of difference.”“So what good does measuring do?”“I honestly don’t know. But he gets off on posting the photos to adult websites.”“What?” I gasped.“Yes. He uses a stupid username and posts close-ups of his dick, so it’s not as if anyone’s going to recognize him, but he gets really turned on reading the comments from other users. Do you want to see what I mean?”“Yes! I’m dying of curiosity.”“Well, I can send you links to some of the websites, but maybe it’s quicker if I go get his laptop. He keeps all his pics on it and I know the password. While I’m about it, how about some more coffee?”“No, I’m good.”Betty went away and came back a few minutes later carrying a laptop and a power adaptor. “Just a minute while I plug this in. The battery’s on its last legs and doesn’t hold a charge for very long. Okay, here we go. I hope you’re not disappointed.”“Whoa! That’s one seriously huge dick.”Betty was steadying the laptop on her knees and clicking one image at a time. After four or five she put the computer on the coffee table, right in front of me, and started a slideshow. I leaned forward to get a closer view.“Hit the spacebar to stop the show,” she said.Betty had been right. Photo after photo showed close-up views of Matt’s erect cock. In many of them he was either holding a plastic ruler alongside the shaft, or a tape measure along the top.“I know what you’re thinking, Laura. It looks longer than it is because he’s pressing the ruler into his crotch.”I reached out and tapped the spacebar. In this particular photo Matt was holding a piece of paper next to his cock, a piece of paper with something scribbled on it.“What’s it say, Betty?”“Oh, some dumb message to a user called astrogirl. Matt’s convinced it’s this beautiful girl in Romania, but it could just as well be a fifty-year-old gay guy in Chicago.”“But what’s the point?”“Good question. Maybe you should ask Matt. Seriously, though, some of these weirdoes ask him for personalized photos.”“I see.” Actually, I didn’t see. I was too busy watching the rest of the slideshow for Betty’s words to sink in. “Oh, is that the end?” I asked as the slideshow finished. Betty laughed. “That was just one folder. There are dozens more. But if you’ve seen one photo of Matt’s dick, you’ve seen them all. Do you really want more?”“Well, perhaps not. But do you ever take other photos? I mean, not just his dick.”“Yeah, lots. But I’m in some of them and I don’t want to spoil your appetite.”“How do you know you won’t do the opposite?”“You are a glutton for punishment. Okay, give me a second.” She brought up a photo of Matt posing naked in the kitchen. “I need to pee,” she said. “If you have any questions, save them for when I get back.”I was glad she’d left me alone with the laptop. It gave me time to compose myself. I have to admit I was disturbed by the photos of Matt. It was like seeing something I wasn’t supposed to see — an invasion of his privacy. I told myself I was being silly. If Matt was okay with posting photos of his junk for the world to see, what difference would it make if I saw full-length photos? Four or five shots of Matt were followed by pics of a naked Betty, standing, sitting, and lying down. She had a nice figure but the expression on her face, or the lack of expression, gave the photos an unreal air. It was clear that her heart wasn’t in it. Betty came back into the room at almost exactly the same time that the next photo came up.“Oh!” I said despite myself. “Is that — ?”“Yes, that’s me. Or to be more exact, that’s my pussy. Sorry you had to see that.”“No, I’ve been admiring your nude photos. You look great. But why the close-up?”“It turns Matt on, and believe me, it’s not worth arguing with him.”“Does he ever — ?”“Post them online? Probably. He promised he wouldn’t, but who knows?”I cycled through several very intimate photos of Betty’s crotch. I couldn’t think of anything suitable to say, so I said nothing. Betty got up and said she ataşehir escort was going to make some more coffee for herself.“Well, if you’re making a fresh pot, then I’ll join you.”While Betty was away in the kitchen, I came across a photo that made me hit the spacebar a little too hard. It was a naked woman, and it wasn’t Betty. She was lying on a bed with her legs spread wide, pulling open her cunt and grinning at the camera. Large saggy breasts and an even larger waist, definitely on the chubby side. I ran through several photos of the same woman, and then clicked my way back, taking another look at all of them.Betty came back with two cups of coffee and several slices of carrot cake.“Who’s this?” I asked, pointing to the screen.She took her time answering. It wasn’t until she’d made herself comfortable on the sofa that she said, “One of Matt’s old girlfriends by the name of Sheila. It’s a long story. Are you sure you want to hear it?”“If that’s okay with you, Betty.”“Matt would kill me if he found out, but I feel like sharing it with someone, instead of keeping it bottled up. Strictly between you and me, okay?”“Of course.”“It started about three months ago, not long after you and Jim moved next door. Matt had been particularly rough several days in a row, and I couldn’t take any more. I broke down and cried. That got him riled up and I kind of lost it. I told him that if he wanted to stick his fat dick into somebody’s cunt, he could go fuck someone else, and I wouldn’t care a shit. He went ballistic and drove off in his car. This was about nine in the evening. I found out later that he’d gone to some seedy bar and phoned every woman he could think of. Anyway, he ended up fucking Sheila. The next day he told me where he’d been and what he’d done, and challenged me to do something about it. He was still furious. He said that Sheila was a far better fuck than I’d ever been, and dozens of other cruel things. I didn’t know what —”Betty stopped and I could see her upper lip trembling. A teardrop formed in the corner of one eye, and then another. A minute later she was bawling her eyes out, and I was holding her tight, trying to comfort her. I struggled to find the right words to apologize for opening up such a deep wound.Betty let go of me and sat back, dabbing her eyes with tissues she’d pulled from a box on the coffee table. “No, Laura, I’m glad I showed you the photos. I feel so much better for confiding in you. It’s taken a weight off my mind.”“Any time, Betty. Whatever I can do. Do you mind me asking if this is still going on?”“I don’t know and I don’t care. Matt and I don’t talk about it. For all I know, he might be banging some other slut. Which makes this morning all the more hurtful. If he’s fucking fat whores with floppy cunts, then why does he have to inflict himself on me? You’ve never seen him in one of his foul moods, Laura.”The last part didn’t make sense, but Betty’s distress was obvious.“Tell me, Laura,” she said, “what would you do if you were in my place?”“About Sheila?”Betty shook her head.“About Matt?”“More than that,” she said dejectedly.“Oh, dear. Is it really that bad? You’re not seriously considering — ”“I don’t know what I’m considering, but I can’t see us going on like this for much longer. I brought up the idea of counselling and he blew up in my face. You know, Laura, I was a horny little bitch before I got married. I loved sex and fucked dozens of guys. Okay, so they weren’t all hung like Matt, but they more than made up for it in other ways. Some of them were really, really nice. I often wonder what would have happened if — ”She began crying again, and I did my best to comfort her.“I know I’m feeling sorry for myself, Laura, but I can’t help it. I have needs, just like everyone else. Sure, I can always finger myself, or use a vibrator, but I miss a little tenderness. A little kissing and cuddling before and after. How about you and Jim?”The question caught me off-guard. “You mean sex? I guess it’s pretty average. But, to be honest, we don’t do it as often as I’d like. Jim’s going through a bad patch at work and it’s taking a lot out of him. He comes home exhausted and falls asleep in front of the TV. If he can stay awake I sometimes give him a leisurely blowjob, just to cheer him up.”“That’s so sweet of you, Laura. I can picture the two of you doing it. You wouldn’t have any photos, would you?” She smiled and I smiled back.“No, I haven’t. At least, not that kind of photo. But we do have some photos we took on a camping trip last year. We went skinny-dipping in this beautiful lake up in the mountains, and took a few photos of ourselves. I’ll bostancı escort show you the next time you come over.”“I’d love that.”She sighed and a faraway look came into her eyes. “Jim’s a lucky guy. If I were him I’d be humping you twice a day, morning and evening. You have legs to die for and boobs to match. What are you, a Double-D?”“How did you know?”She smiled. “Observation and guesswork. I can’t wait to see your nudie pics.”I have no idea what made me say the next thing I did.“Would you like a quick flash?”Betty grinned and nodded enthusiastically. I began to pull my plaid shirt out of my jeans but changed my mind. I stood up and turned to face Betty, unbuttoning the shirt slowly and slipping it off my shoulders. I dropped it onto the sofa and reached behind my back, unhooking my bra.“There you go. Meet the girls.”“Wow! You have beautiful tits, Laura. Simply stunning.”I decided to go all the way and wriggled out of my hip-hugging jeans. Kicking off my panties I struck a pose, pouting my lips.“I love your bush. Matt made me shave mine when he took those photos, and I couldn’t wait for it grow back.”She jumped up from the sofa and in seconds was standing in front of me, stark naked. We took our time looking each other over, and I became self-conscious. How on earth had we come from discussing Betty’s marital problems to standing naked in the middle of her living room?Betty didn’t give me time to think. She clapped her hands and said, “Hey, let’s have some fun. Come on, there’s something I want to show you.”“But what about our clothes?”“They’re fine where they are, come on!” She tugged on my hand and I followed her across the room, up the stairs, and into the master bedroom.“Go on, sit down on the bed,” she said as she opened one of the closets and bent down to pick something up. She couldn’t have been more than four feet away from me and the back view left nothing to the imagination. “Got it!” she exclaimed as she straightened up.She crossed over to the bed and sat down, placing a white shoe-box between us. It was full of gaily-colored sex toys.“This is one of my favorites,” she said, picking up a pink vibrator. “It’s really simple, no speed control, but it’s just right.” As if to demonstrate, she twisted the knob at the base and applied the tip to her left breast. “My nipples are super-sensitive. I hate it when Matt pinches them.”“So Matt’s a groper?” It was a dumb question, but I was feeling awkward, sitting there without a stitch of clothing, watching Betty stimulate herself.“He does whatever he feels like. If I ask him to stop, he usually does, but a few minutes later he’s doing it again.” She moved the vibrator over to her right nipple, describing lazy circles around it. It began to perk up.She turned the vibrator off and placed it on the bed. From the box she pulled out a butt plug made of clear plastic with swirls of colour inside. “You know, I used to love anal before I met Matt. Now there’s no way I’m going to let him anywhere near my butt-hole. That’s why I love this pretty little thing. You know what I’d really like to do? Stick it up Matt’s butt. Or even better, one of the big toys like this one.”She put the plug aside and reached into the box, pulling out a large ribbed dildo.“How would he react?”Betty laughed. “He’d scream with rage.”“So he wants to do it to you, but not the other way around?”“Exactly. How about you and Jim?”“Are we talking about anal sex?”“Oh, that and other things.”“Well, I wouldn’t say that Jim and I are great fans, but sometimes I get into the mood for it.”“What about the other way round?”“Not so often. Sometimes I finger his prostate while I’m jerking him off.”“Matt would never let me do that, not that I’d ever want to.”She pulled a small red bullet from the box, untangling the cord. “I love this one too. It’s small enough to fit me front or back, and it’s great for tickling my nipples or my clit. What about you, Laura? Are you into toys?”“Sure. I’ve got one like that,” I said, pointing to the pink vibrator on the bed, “and last year Jim bought me a huge silicone dong, just for fun. One of those that looks absolutely real, with veins and everything. I’ll show you when you come over.”“I’d love that.”She smiled and began putting away the toys. When she’d finished she moved the box aside and looked at me. “Thank you for turning my day around, Laura. I feel so much better now. I’m glad we did this.”She leant closer to me and palmed my left breast, lifting it up an inch and then letting it drop down. “It makes such a difference knowing that I have someone to talk to.”“Any time, Betty. Any time.” I reached out and gave her shoulder a squeeze. “You know where to find me.”“Can you stay for lunch, or do you have something planned?”“Nothing until two o’clock.”“Great, then let’s go downstairs and get our clothes. How does a chicken salad sound to you?”“It sounds great.”

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