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My Only Girl”It’s Christmas eve, shouldn’t you be with your family?” a low voice asked, looking oddly at the red head.”Why would I want to be with a group of people who hardly bother to talk to me? They don’t want me there, I assure you,”the red head replied, shrugging her thin shoulders.”Gin, you know that isn’t true. They want you there, just as much as you want to be there, you should go to your family,” hesaid softly, arms snaking their way around her slender waist and holding her closer. Harry rested his head on hershoulder lightly, taking in her lovely scent as they talked.”But I’d much rather be here,” Ginny said over her shoulder, before letting herself melt in his arms. “Hermione’s just hadher baby, and so everyone’s got their hands full…””So this is about Hermione and Ron’s new baby?” He smiled slightly and lightly let his lips press to her shoulder, whichwas exposed due to her thin strapped dress. “Someone’s getting a little jealous?” he questioned.Quickly, Ginny pulled herself out of his strong grasp. “I am not jealous, I have no reason to be jealous,” she said.”Come on Ginny, you know why you’re jealous. You were the only girl in the family, and now there is a smaller girl, no oneblames you,” Harry replied, trying to be civil.”She’s a grandc***d, I’m a daughter, there is no reason to be jealous,” Ginny replied crisply, going into their kitchen andlooking around.They’d been living together for a year and a half now. The war had ended and eagerly they’d gotten back together. It hadbeen a while for them both to become comfortable around each other again, but Ginny finally felt as though they were atpeace. Now she had the problem of her family. Ron and Hermione had married secretly before the final battle, andafterwards they had gotten married for real. Ginny had been invited of course, and so had Harry. After that, Harry tried totalk Ginny into marriage in the near future, but she wasn’t sure. She loved Harry with all her heart, but she wasn’t sure ifshe was ready for that emotional commitment. Besides, she loved having sex with him, why ruin such a good thing?”Okay Ginny, you’re not jealous,” Harry said, emerald eyes rolling even as he said this.Ginny narrowed her own dangerously. “Oh and why aren’t you at the Burrow? Hmm, you’re family there too you know,” shesaid coolly.”I’m spending Christmas with my girlfriend, whether she stays here, or goes to her family, I’m staying with her,” Harrysaid, smiling and walking nearer to her.”Oh,” was all Ginny said in reply as she walked through the kitchen. Flicking her wand she brought out a pair of glasses,and filled them.”If you don’t want to go we won’t go. I want this Christmas to be special for you, so we’ll do whatever you want,” Harrysaid, taking one of the glasses and slowly letting the warm liquid pass through his throat.”Whatever I want?” Ginny asked, her attention slightly heightened, as she looked him over.”Wait what am I getting myself into?” He asked quickly, looking at her with a raised eyebrow.But he never received his answer because Ginny left and walked into the living room. Abrilliant Christmas tree wasdisplayed there, shining it’s many colors. She’d never liked themes on Christmas. Why pick just one color when you canhave them all? Grinning she adjusted a bright red bulb and turned to look at the fire.They were doing well for themselves. Ginny played as Chaser for the Chudley Cannons, and Harry was an Auror for theMinistry of Magic. One of the best Auror’s in fact. At least that’s what she told all her friends.”You know Harry,” Ginny called as she looked at the fire admiringly. “We’ve had sex on about every surface of this flat youwould say right?” she asked.Harry’s blushing face came from around the corner, slowly accompanied by his body. “Hmm? Yeah, maybe… Why?” heasked, his throat going dry as his lips curled upwards.”N-No reason,” Ginny said with a broad grin. “I think there is one place we haven’t tried. Or at least, if we have, I’ve clearlyforgotten and it must not have been very good. You have a lot to make up for now.””Now?” Harry asked, trying to think of some place where he had been lousy. He hadn’t been lousy anywhere! “Maybe wewere drunk,” he suggested innocently, refusing to accept her taunting.”Maybe you’re right,” Ginny said with a content sigh. “Nevermind then,” she grinned secretly for a moment as she walkedback to the Christmas tree, playing with that little red bulb again.”What-what place were you thinking of?” Harry asked slowly, walking up behind her.It wasn’t that they needed a new place to do it each time, it was that Ginny liked finding new places, and trying newpositions. “No it’s okay,” she said with a small smile, orhanlı escort turning to look at him and then turning back to her Christmas bulb.”No really, maybe you’re right and we haven’t quite had sex on every surface of the flat,” Harry said, wrapping his armsaround her waist and lightly rubbing her stomach with his hand.Ginny refused to let herself melt into his arms again. “I was just thinking about a stupid fantasy I had in my mind the firstday we lived here,” she whispered. “I know we might not have done it like we did in my fantasy, but I have no clue if wehad sex there,” she teased.”Tell me where,” Harry whimpered, leaning his head on her shoulder and frowning.”No,” Ginny said, slipping out his arms and escaping into the kitchen. She grinned, looking at him for a moment and thenturning around, if he wanted to know he’d have to force it out of her.Harry seemed to catch onto what she wanted because he followed her into the kitchen, walking slowly. “Mmm can Iguess?” he asked, reaching over to their recently made gingerbread house. He plucked a gum drop off of the roof andput it on her shoulder, licking it slowly just to tease her skin. He stood behind her, pressing his chest against her back.”Go ahead, you’ll never get it right,” Ginny whispered, voice slightly rougher than she had planned for.So he started guessing. “Hmm, kitchen counter?” Ginny shook her head in reply, and he knew why. That’d been one oftheir first places. “What about against the wall in the hallway?” Another head shake. “I give up!” he said.”That was weak,” Ginny whispered. She turned around in his arms, and stared up at him. “You could do better” shetaunted, whispering it quietly in his ear. She seemed to be enjoying her taunting, because she knew it would drive himcrazy. “Try again, go on,” she encouraged.”Er-” Harry blinked, trying to think. “Ceiling?” he suggested. This guess resulted in Ginny laughing, but shaking her headall the same. “Er..” he seemed confused.”I’ll give you a hint, it’s a warm place, in the living room,” Ginny said, licking at his jaw.He knew that she was teasing him now, trying to get him to stop thinking. But Harry was determined, he would figure outwhere this place was, and then he would shag her to oblivion right there! Slowly he glanced around and saw the fireplace, snorting. “Ginny I’m not going to shag you in the fire pit,” he chuckled.”Honestly Harry, don’t be so daft,” Ginny replied, pulling back from her boyfriend for a moment. She waved her hand andpointedly showed him the white rug in front of the fire place. “I’m pretty sure that you can figure this one out Harry,” sheteased.”I-” he glanced to the rug and a smile formed, reaching from ear to ear. “I’m sure we have.. we must have, after a year anda half!” he proclaimed.”But I don’t remember, it must not have been good at all,” Ginny said, leaning against the wall that separated the kitchenand living area.Running a hand through his dark hair, he narrowed his eyes. “It’s always good,” he said defensively. “And you shouldn’tsay such things to your boyfriend,” he added.Ginny giggled and moved towards him slowly, looking at him like he was a wild a****l. “Sorry, but maybe my memory isfading then, after all I am getting old. Maybe you could remind me?” she suggested with a coy smile.”Ginny you’re what, twenty-two, twenty three maybe?” He asked, rolling his eyes. “I’m older than you and even I canremember where we’ve had sex.. if I think about it,” he added.The red head scowled at him, trying her hardest to appear angry. “I’m twenty,” she said blankly. “Maybe all that sex isclouding your brain.””Well you’re only adding to the problem by talking about it,” Harry replied innocently.”Talking about what?” Ginny asked, frowning at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.”Sex of course!” Harry replied.”When was I talking about that?””Just now!” The way she grinned, the way she was smiling at him, she was just begging to be kissed, and he wanted tohelp her.”Was I?””Yes,” Harry replied, squeezing her waist in that adorable way that made her feel important.”You’re sure?” she asked, moving her moist lips to rest on his neck. The warmth of her breath warmed his skin andmade him shiver by instinct.”Not really.. sex is clouding my brain,” Harry whispered, moving his own lips quickly and stealing hers in a possessiveand hungry kiss.Of course Ginny remembered talking about sex, but that was a thing of the past now. Who really cared? She surely didn’t.Especially not while her lips were pressed warmly against Harry’s, both of them fighting to deepen the kiss.His hands were all over her, touching her stomach, rubbing her hips and squeezing the roundness aydınlı escort of her arse. She washardly doing anything less, her fingers tugging at the hem of his shirt, pulling it from his trousers. Ginny pulled her lipsaway from his only to replant them on his neck, slowly trailing kisses down towards his collar bone.Harry moved his hands further down her body, resting them for a moment at the middle of her thigh. He gripped the hemof her soft dress and lifted slowly, stopping only when he felt Ginny nipping at his skin. His hands planted themselves onher waist, the end of her dress still held firmly in his grip.Ginny’s breath hitched in her throat and she removed her lips from his collar. Her hands released his t-shirt, and sheraised her arms to assist Harry with the removal of her dress. The dress had been thin, hardly there at all, but once itwas gone Ginny missed it’s warmth. She knew however, that she would soon forget about the dress completely. Harrymoved forward and pressed himself against Ginny, letting her feel the affect she was having on him.There was a moment, when neither of them moved. Both just resting against each other, relaxing. She breathed in hisscent, and then stared up at him. Harry grinned back at her, his eyes darkened slightly with need. Fingers creeping backtowards his shirt, Ginny grasped it in her hands. If he’d been asked later, Harry wouldn’t have been able to honestlyexplain how his shirt landed in the pile of clothing, some distance from the couple. He also wouldn’t have been able toexplain how one moment he was standing, his girlfriend flush against him, and the next he was was laying on his back,Ginny taking a much more controlling role.Ginny admired the way Harry’s muscles expanded as he breathed. He’d filled in rather nicely over the past couple ofyears, during and after the war. If she was completely honest with herself, she’d say he hadn’t been much to look at whenhe was younger. But she wasn’t being honest, and why should she be, it’d only spoil the mood.She let her bare legs rest on either side of him, leaning down to continue her assault on his neck. She’d never admit it,but Harry knew Ginny had a thing for necks. She liked biting and sucking on his and she loved it when he even so muchas breathed against hers.To be honest though, he really didn’t mind her fetish. Harry let out a small moan as she kissed her way up along hisneck, until she reached the underneath of his chin. Staring up at her he could see the need in her eyes, and he could feelit as well, by the way she was grinding her hips down against his, letting out small sounds of pleasure.Ginny reached behind her back and unclasped the hook of her bra, sliding the light pink lace from her skin anddiscarding it. She’d never had large breasts, but if Harry minded, he never let onto it. If anything, Harry Potter was not abreast man.Closing his eyes tightly, Harry took in a rather quick breath. He wasn’t sure if she was purposely teasing him, or if shewas just trying to feed her own desire. It didn’t matter either way. Groaning softly he rolled her off of him, only to rejoin hermoments later, leaning over her.Ginny stared up at him, looking at his emerald eyes. She smiled at their warmth, and felt an incredible swell in her chest.Harry grinned back at her sheepishly, before pressing his hips against hers, trying to relieve some of the ache from hiscock. He moved his mouth then, trailing it down the curve of her neck, across the valley of freckles, and to the softroundness of her breasts. He started with her left, bringing the nipple to a hard peak, while fondling the right between histhumb and finger.Her knickers were soaked, and Ginny wondered for a moment why Harry was still dressed, well minus a shirt. Shemade a whimpering sound at him and reached for the button of his jeans. His lips met hers just then, and she meltedinto the kiss, her fingers failing at their mission.”Harry,” Ginny said, her voice betraying her with a whine. The grin she received back didn’t do anything to heighten hermood. But Harry seemed all too happy to oblige her and remove his clothing. The jeans were starting to become quitethe annoyance. Sitting back on his knees he quickly popped the small button through it’s hole and lowered the zip slowly,if only to add to Ginny’s frustration.”Come here,” Ginny nearly growled as she sat up again and tackled him back onto the white rug. Harry chuckled softly,despite the fact he’d just been attacked, and rested his hands on her bare waist. Ginny grabbed softly at the edges ofHarry’s trousers and began tugging. She was soon left with a beautiful display of Harry in his bright red and green plaidboxers. tuzla escort bayan She remembered giving them to him last Christmas. Harry sighed as his jeans were removed, and the pressureon his cock was relieved.Wasting no time, Ginny slid her hand inside the waistband of his boxers, and grasped Harry’s arousal tightly. Harry let outa small cry and stared at her, his eyes now a much darker green than than the color he’d been gifted with. Ginnybreathed against his neck again, as she circled her thumb over his head, massaging it with added help of his precum.She knew that meant he wouldn’t last long, but wasn’t in a state for caring.Harry shuddered for a moment and shifted slightly, pulling Ginny’s hand away from his aching member. “I’ll hardly be anygood to you if you keep doing that,” he whispered in a rather deep voice. It sounded strained as well, but Ginny didn’tmind. She nodded at him and kissed her way up his chest, slowly trailing her way towards his lips.There was a pause, a moment for silence, and then Ginny’s lips met Harry’s in a passionate kiss. The intensity soonincreased, both participants fighting to gain access to the other’s mouth. It hardly lasted, for within a couple ofheartbeats, Harry was leaning over Ginny again, pinning her against the floor. He slid a hand down inside of herknickers, finding her practically soaked. He grinned into the kiss but said nothing, his thumb lightly stroking along her clit.Ginny shivered and made another small whimpering sound. She pressed her hips up against Harry’s hand, trying torelieve some of the ache in her core. She reached her hands down and removed Harry’s boxers, watching how easily heaccommodated to help her with her task. She didn’t quite know where they landed, but it didn’t matter much to her at thetime. Harry dipped a finger inside of her core, making her moan again, and she wanted more of it.Harry was throbbing. He felt his cock straining, begging to be wrapped up in Ginny’s pussy. He thrusted his hips againsthers again, feeling the dampness of her knickers against his hard flesh. If asked later, he wouldn’t exactly be able toexplain how Ginny’s knickers ended up across the room, split down the middle. He only remembered pulling at them,and then, when they were finally gone, rubbing the head of his penis along her folds, his fingers long since gone.Ginny grasped one of Harry’s hands, and looked at the shiny coat of her juices on a few of his fingers. She sucked eachfinger into her mouth, removing herself from him in an almost painfully slow way. She raised her hips then, looking athim with need. “Harry please,” she whined.”Please what?” Harry asked, deciding to take this to the last possible minute.”Please fuck me, please, make me scream,” Ginny begged, staring up at him again. She knew he loved hearing hersaying such things, and she knew he loved taunting her. “Please,” she said, her voice so full of lust it scared her.And then there it was again, another pause, another moment for silence. The two of them had gasped at the feeling oftheir connection, and now they just paused, relaxing into the feeling. Harry was the first to start moving again. He stareddown at her and then slowly licked down her neck, until he sunk his teeth into her soft flesh, not nearly hard enough tohurt her.Ginny moaned softly and wrapped her thin legs around Harry’s waist, her feet meeting each other near the soft muscle ofhis arse. Harry started moving slowly, only gradually going faster. Ginny let her head fall back, and her back archedslightly to the feeling, and the sound of his moans. She could hear his breathing, becoming shallower as well as faster.Ginny knew she wasn’t doing any better.His mouth covered hers, silencing the moans between them, but only just. The kiss was harsh, but passionate andloved filled at the same time. Soon Harry could feel her muscles contracting around his cock, squeezing him. Hegroaned in response, watching her falling over the edge. She was so beautiful when she came, a look of pleasure andsatisfaction, at least, that’s what he thought. Ginny cried out as she came, and no sooner than she’d finished, did shefeel the warmth of Harry filling her. She watched him, fighting to keep going as long as he could.Harry fell forward onto Ginny, but she didn’t mind, the weight was comforting. His breathing was heavy still, and shecould feel his heart beating strangely hard against her. Ginny kissed his forehead and then his lips, softly now. They laidthere, and as they stared at each other, that pause came again, for the third time. It was silence, and it was bliss.”I love you,” Harry whispered.”You too,” Ginny said, before she smiled and laid back, relaxing as she felt the heat from the fire pit radiating against her.”You’re always going to be my girl, Gin. My only girl. Let’s go to the Burrow for Christmas.””Okay,” Ginny said, her hazel eyes gazing back into his emerald ones. “Let’s.”

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