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my lifeI have never done anything like this before and I will be honest as I can be as it just seem natural for me to lie and I think a lot of people do most just don’t recognize it. One thing that I do know is that I am not very smart although I figured out pretty early that happiness is key to a good life and keeping your body in shape. Now I have been fighting alcohol and d**g addiction since I was 11yrs old I was pretty much a full blown alcoholic by 14 and it was tough getting to 21 years old when I went to rehab although I did straighten up completely for about a year I have demons in me that just like to party so I quit drinking altogether as I was going to kill myself or worse someone else and if you have never had to battle any kind of addiction feel very blessed although we all have our demons as much as I hate addiction it is treatable given the person accepts the help me I just cant seem to get it but without alcohol life is so much easier now don’t get me wrong all I mostly did from 21 until 47 was smoke week to me no big deal although I have been doing going on close to 40 years do I wish I never picked anything up I don’t know the answer because I don’t think I would have made it without it and again you either understand or you don’t about the chaos going on in my head so without the numbing I don’t think I would have ever been as happy as I have been because through the years I have always stayed true to myself and the way I was brought up Yeah I do a lot of sinning or whatever you want to call and I do have a good relationship with what I call God but who is to say doing d**gs and having wild sex just for something to look at mmm wonder why but if its two adults and with me sometimes just one I don’t give a fuck I always cum kırşehir escort when I’m alone if I’m with someone and it just not totally right its hard I can go all night its just Cumming so I need some help in that area so anyway I’m not going to tell you my life story but I have a few slip ups that were scary along the way and as I get older I seem to like d**gs even better now don’t get me wrong I’m not walking around all high all day I have a busy life I run my own company have two k**s they are pretty much gone out of my house at this point but with that my son moved out because I kind of lost control on some halogenic that even now were near the right spelling oh wellhe was out of town but when he got home he had no idea were I was and neither did I so I got clean for a year or so but again I like to party and if I can keep it under control I’m good but as any good d**g addict or alcoholic knows its just a matter of time before we do something stupid so I really try to watch myselfenough of that I don’t really care what people think of me anyway I’m over that shit I try every day to be a good person to everyone and myself and I try to do better on a daily basis and really I think that what life is about helping each other when we can and believe me I don’t like people for the most part everyone seems fake and trying to prove how good they are hell we are all the same some people just have different gifts but that doesn’t make anyone better than the next now there are better human beings as far as not being a complete fucking asshole all the time. Now there are a lot of good people out there still and they are amazing people my father was one and I don’t even come close to him but I do the best I can any given day and sometimes kırşehir escort bayan I don’t do so well but I move on and look at the next right thing in front of me well most of the time I like trouble and chaos to much So here is what I came on here to say all my life I have struggled so when I beat alcohol 27 years ago I found I had to do something positive to keep me going and motivated I was always playing sports no stop surfing skating running constantly so I started working out a and for some reason I was always stronger than everyone even as small as I was so for the next 20 years that’s what I did I worked and lifted weights and I loved it now I still work out but my body hurt because at age 38 I got back on my skateboard and it was amazing I cannot believe I ever quit I will never again unless I just can’t do it anymore so here it is for me I can’t speak for you but my observation over the years is that people that stayed in the gym and in shape always looked good and seemed happier than most. I think the biggest thing is a passion not necessary staying shape it helps but that’s a personal thing some of the happiest people I Know larger than most. I have just been reflecting on it and having something push me has helped me keep my head all these years and I have been having a great life not a lot of money but I’m not money driven I got into off-roading for years just got a jeep so I starting a little again no more huge trucks and even that though I was constantly working on my truck and then we would spend the weekend out in the woods camping and breaking the trucks. I didn’t really realize it until I started skating about 10 years ago I would get on my board and my knees would stop hurting now at this point the arthritis escort kırşehir was getting so bad I could barely walk I still can’t run and barely ride a bike but when I get on my board everything goes away completely pain stress bills lack of sex 🙂 And even though life can be harder now than it ever was that skateboard changed my life again everything just seems better when I’m skating and everyone I skate with all have the same thing so whatever it is try to find your skateboard it may painting whatever it doesn’t matter its living with passion keep everything into perspective.Now I may end up dead from some of the crazy stupid shit I do but I’m living exactly the way I want . Also for me I found out I cannot do relationships again I am a liar I’m very self-absorbed with all the things I have going on everyone says I just haven’t met the right person I think I have twice and I really messed them up nothing like you’re thinking but I just can’t be around people that much I don’t get but I do finally get don’t get me wrong I’m gentleman my mom brought me up right I had a great family I just damaged goods with a good heart Ok fuck it I’m don’t may be a little buzzed now but then again I have never done anything like this and probably never have done it otherwise it’s all perspective and justification although I have a lot of messes in my life I’m so blessed each and every day I have great k**s car jeep home motor cycle they are older but I just keep them running I can honestly say for the most part I am more in tune with myself and my shortcomings and they are just me and if you don’t like me that sucks but that is ok also there are people I don’t like who am I to judge anyone when I’m perfect I will judge others not until thenI love women but I think I love women with a little extra better not entirely sure on this one more of life will tell me about this as time and experience goes on as I’m older now but just coming into my person as a real person not caring what others think anymore at all

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