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Lesbian Land’s End (Part 11)Landra and Kea got so excited with Dena’s call that they started to look around the hotel room without knowing if it was better for them to finish breakfast, get a shower, gather their things and get ready to go or just stop for a minute and get things focused. They did the latter; Kea sat on the bed, took Landra’s hand and gently pulled her to sit down beside her, “Hey, Landra, let’s take a breath and get calm. I think we better think about how we should organize ourselves now. What time is it?” Landra took a look at the clock on the night table, “It’s eleven thirty. Dena will be arriving at about four thirty, so we have five more hours to go.” Kea took a sip of coffee; it was so cold now… “We have to get dressed, gather and pack our things, check-out, catch the boat back to Crownsbridge, get to your apartment -I need a shower- and be at the bus station at four thirty…whew!” Landra was getting exhausted with just hearing the things they had to do, “Yeah, whew! Let’s keep calm. OK, the boats leave every hour. If we hurry, we can catch the twelve o’clock one. It won’t take us more than 15 minutes to get dressed, packed and check out. Then about five minutes to hurry to the pier and we’ll be in time…” Kea was thinking that Landra’s timing was a bit optimistic, but nevertheless it was a good plan. She jumped up, “OK, Landra, so let’s get our asses moving!” Landra also jumped up and gave Kea a teasing slap on her butt, “Yeah, badass, let’s move!”It took the girls exactly three minutes to get dressed, grab their things and fit them in their bag. Then they ran down to reception. Minia was at the desk, (with a jokey, singing tone) “Good morning, girls! I hope you had a great stay at the spa…” Kea blushed a bit, “Oh, we sure did!” Minia put on a naughty smile, “And I think you enjoyed your breakfast as well…” Landra and Kea were guessing that she knew about their ‘thing’ with Tesela this morning. Landra looked at the clock; it was twenty to twelve, “Yeah, a great breakfast indeed… We’re a bit in a hurry because we want to catch the twelve o’clock boat to Crownsbridge… Do we have any charges?” Minia kept smiling, “No girls, none at all. Dena got it. So, I hope you come back soon…” Landra and Kea gave Minia two kisses and fled saying goodbye, “We would love to come back. You and Tesela are great masseuses!” And they ran down the main steps aiming to the way that led to the village. While they ran, Kea was recalling Minia’s last words: ‘I hope you come back soon’ and she suddenly felt a stroke inside her; for the first time since she arrived at Land’s End she was aware that her time here was numbered, exactly five more days. And a shadow of sadness covered her heart. During the short boat trip, Landra got aware of the sadness in Kea’s face while she looked away at the ocean horizon, “Hey Kea, is everything OK?” Kea turned her head to Landra, “Yeah, I’m OK. It’s just that I was thinking about how fast time goes by…” Landra put her hand on Kea’s shoulder, “Time can be our enemy or our ally… it’s up to us.” Kea smiled and kissed Landra’s cheek, “In that case, I want time to be ours…” The grey veil that had covered Kea’s heart for a few minutes seemed to suddenly disappear. She definitely didn’t want anything to spoil the time left, so she took a deep breath and held Landra’s hand tight. The siren sounded announcing the arrival and the two girls got off the boat. Once on the pier, Landra stood still, “So, it’s almost twelve thirty. We’ve got four hours until Dena arrives. We can go to the apartment, shower, get changed and tidy things up a bit. And maybe we can have a bite before Dena gets here…” Kea put on a face of surprise, “I can’t believe you can think of eating now! That huge breakfast is going to last several hours for me…” Landra laughed (with a teasing tone), “Yeah, but we spent a lot of energy as well…” Kea laughed too, “Well, why don’t we think about that later on? Let’s go now.”They calmly walked to the apartment, showered, changed, got things tidy and then sat down on the sofa; they were exhausted. Landra leant her head on Kea’s breast, “Since we got to Crownsbridge yesterday, we haven’t stopped.” Kea caressed Landra’s black, curly hair, “Yeah, a lot of excitement…” Landra joked, “…and a lot of sex!” They both laughed and cuddled in relax. It was two o’clock, so they decided to snooze for a while. Landra set the alarm clock for three o’clock and they let themselves go.When the alarm sounded, Kea and Landra both jumped in fright. They were obviously in deep dreams, so they woke up with a sense of disorientation. “Oh my god, Landra, what a scare!” Landra rubbed her eyes, “Yeah, I was completely lost.” Kea took her hand, “You’re not lost; you’re here, with me.” They kissed sweet, long and deep, tasting their tongues and lips as if it were vanilla fudge. It was a sensual, loving kiss, more than any other kissing they had had since they met. Since the first one, there had always been intense passion but this one was especially significant. For the first time their mouths were expressing the deep feelings of their hearts and, also for the first time, they kept whispering to each other with their lips tight together, “I love you Landra.” “Kea, I love you.”They kept kissing and kissing, savoring the taste of their mixed saliva, only interrupting the bliss with their whispers of love. Three minutes? …four minutes? …seven minutes? They lost the count of time. Suddenly, the phone rang. Landra took it. It was Iria, her godmother.-“Hello, Landra! How are you doing?”-“Oh, fine Iria. Kea and I were just relaxing a bit before going to meet Dena at the station” (Kea silently laughed in the background)-“So you already know she’s going there.”-“Yes, she phoned us this morning.” (Kea kept containing her laughs)-“And is Kea enjoying Crownsbridge?” bahis siteleri canlı -“Oh, yeah, she loves it!” (Kea couldn’t avoid a burst of laughter…) “We went to Windport yesterday…”-“Great! I love that village! Look, tell Dena that before going to the Tax Office, she has to go to the insurance office to get a document she’s going to need; the guy in charge already knows about it…”-“OK, Iria, don’t worry, I’ll tell her. And how is Terio?”-“Oh, he’s recovering very well. His appetite is getting better by the minute!”-“Well, that’s a good symptom! Give him my best regards, and to Tano too.”(Kea had already stopped laughing and was telling Landra to give Tano and Iria her regards too)-“Oh, Kea is telling me to send you her regards as well!”-“Thank her and tell her that I wish her a great time there. So, bye, bye and take care.”-“Bye, Iria. Take care too.”As soon as Landra hung the phone, they both burst into laughs. “You were about to make me laugh in Iria’s face, Kea!” Kea kept laughing and choked trying to talk at the same time, “I… was just imagining the formal and nice time …Iria thought we were …having instead of all …the naughty stuff …we were doing!” Landra couldn’t stop laughing now, “Well, I …didn’t lie …everything I said …was true!” They both hugged and fell on the sofa laughing and kissing. Then Landra interrupted, “I’m having an idea. We still have time. Why don’t we go out and get some nice stuff to offer Dena a great dinner?” Kea stood up, “Great idea, let’s go!”Landra and Kea walked down to the shopping streets and bought nice treats, wine and desserts for the dinner. They also got aromatic candles to set up a cozy atmosphere. When they finished, they decided to stop for a cappuccino and cupcakes. Then they set off to the apartment and put all the things in the cupboard. They planned to keep everything in secret to give Dena a surprise. After all, she had been so generous gifting them with the amazing stay at the spa. They decided that, after going back to the apartment once they picked Dena up at the bus station, Kea would ask Dena to go for a walk with her for an hour or so to show her around while Landra would stay home preparing everything to surprise Dena with an awesome dinner. They both agreed that it was a great plan. It was four o’clock, just in time to get to the station and meet Dena.When Kea and Landra got to the station, the bus from Land’s End was entering the lot. They ran to the platform, waiting for the bus to park. It came to a full stop, the door opened and the people started to come out. When Dena finally walked down the steps with a huge smile on her face, Landra and Kea couldn’t believe their eyes: Dena was wearing a beautiful yellow dress, white sandals, a cute white shell necklace and she had put on a subtle touch of lipstick! She was looking absolutely gorgeous and she walked down the bus steps like a movie star. Landra was out of breath, “Oh my god, Dena, you look beautiful. What happened to the tomboy?” Dena, radiant, blushed cutely and smiled. Kea was also overwhelmed and stammered, “Dena, you’re incredible… beautiful… amazing!” Dena finally ran to the girls and hugged them tightly with her great smile, “Oh, it’s just that I wanted to cause you a good impression!” Landra held Dena’s shoulders back, giving her a good look, “And you surely did impress us, I almost didn’t recognize you!” For the first time in many, many years, Dena was wearing feminine clothes. She had decided to do so because she honestly had felt the need to expose her hidden feminine profile to her dearest friends.With the excitement still in the air, they walked out of the station. Landra gave Dena Iria’s message about going to the insurance office and, as it was near the station, they decided to go there first. Dena got the papers she was going to need for tomorrow and they continued to the apartment. Dena quickly summarized the situation back at Land’s End, “Terio is recovering very well and feeling comfortable at the inn. Tano and Iria calmed down and everything seems to be going fine. I’ve been helping around and when Tano asked me if I could come to Crownsbridge, I thought it was a great opportunity to meet you girls. So, how is everything around here?” Kea smiled with satisfaction and Landra gave Dena a cute kiss on her cheek, “You can’t imagine how many things we’ve done in one day!” Dena smiled back, “Well, yes, I can imagine…” At that point, they had arrived to the apartment. Dena left her bag in the room and the three girls sat on the sofa. Dena was eager to know, “So, tell me all about your stay here…” Kea and Landra began to describe all the things they had been doing since Kea got to Crownsbridge: the shopping, the lunch at Windport, the walk to the lighthouse, the spa session at the pool, the massage session, the fabulous dinner at the hotel and the incredible breakfast encounter with Tesela. Dena was listening with her eyes and jaw wide open, realizing how intense and exciting her friends’ schedule had been, “Well, I see you did take good profit of my gift. Great, that’s just what I wanted!” Landra held Dena’s hand, “Kea and I want to tell you how we appreciate your generosity with us…” Kea held Dena’s other hand, “Yeah, we’ve been constantly remembering you with such gratitude, surprise after surprise!” Dena stood up, took a spin, and faced her two friends, “And what do you think of my new look?” Landra gave her an applause, “Bravo! I just can’t believe it, the last time I saw you with a dress you were a little girl… What made you do this?” Dena stammered a bit, “Well, as I said before, I wanted to surprise you and it seems that I did!” Kea stood up and gave Dena another spin, “Look at this, you look awesome! And you certainly did surprise us, not only with your look today, but also with everything you arranged for us canlı bahis at the spa hotel…” Landra also stood up, “OK, ladies, nobody’s hungry here? Why don’t you take Kea for a walk and show her around town while I prepare something for dinner?” Dena thought it would be better to stay, “I don’t know, shouldn’t we all help?” Kea tried to convince Dena, in order to keep up with Landra’s plan, “Oh, come on Dena, I’d love to have a coffee with you downtown…” Dena gave in, “All right, Kea, let’s go. You’re sure you don’t need help, Landra?” Landra insisted, “I’ll be perfect, go on… be back in an hour or so.” So Kea and Dena set off and Landra began to prepare everything for the surprise party.The afternoon was splendid, warm and pleasant. Kea and Landra went walking down the main street that lead to the medieval bridge. “It gives its name to the town”, explained Dena, “there’s a coat of arms with the king’s crown carved on each side of the middle of the bridge.” They walked on it and Kea leant over at the middle to see the crown. On the other side of the river, the street opened up into a big square with a park and a Romanesque church. Further on, there was a prom that went parallel to a nice beach with palm trees and benches. “Do you feel like walking on the sand, Kea?” Dena took of her sandals and entered the beach, followed by Kea who also took off her shoes. They took a nice walk along the shore and stopped at a terrace to have a coffee. When they finished, it was about time to go back to the apartment. In the meanwhile, back home, Landra had everything ready. She set a beautiful table, hung colored garlands from the ceiling and prepared trays with cold cuts, several types of cheese, fois gras and slices of smoked salmon. For dessert, fruit salad and chocolate cake. Then she lit 25 aromatic candles putting them on different spots all over the room. She had just finished when the doorbell rang. It was them. Landra turned off the lights, put on one of Dena’s favorite jazz CDs and went to the door.The door opened, Dena stepped in and Kea and Landra cried: “Surprise!!!” Dena was overwhelmed and she began to cry with joy. Landra was moved with Dena’s tears, “Oh, Dena, you’re crying… come on, this is a party; we’re going to have fun!” Dena sighed, “I know, it’s just that I’m so surprised and happy. I didn’t expect such a thing…” Kea wiped off Dena’s tears with her fingers, “We wanted to give you a nice treat in appreciation for what you did for us!” Landra took Kea and Dena’s hands and pulled them into the apartment, shutting the door, “OK, girls, let’s sit on the sofa and relax from this first excitement. The three sat down. Dena gazed around the room looking at the candles, the garlands, the beautiful table with all the delicious treats and noticed the music, “Wow, you two are amazing! Thank you!” Dena hugged Kea and Landra and she started to cry again. This time it was Landra who began to wipe off Dena’s tears, “Hey, what’s all this crying? I never saw you cry…” Dena sighed again with a smile. She stood up, turned around and sat on the coffee table facing Landra and Kea, “OK, I have something to tell you…” Landra and Kea put on a face of concern. Dena continued, “Since Kea got on the bus yesterday morning and with you, Landra, out of Land’s End too, I felt very lonely and I started to missed you both so much. I know it’s stupid, but I began to realize that I felt something special and different for you, something that I’ve never felt before… These past days I’ve seen how you two began to fall in love, how you were so happy and needed to be together so much. That’s why I arranged all those things for you at the spa. But, at the same time, I got aware of the fact that I was so lonely, that I’ve been so lonely for so many years and that my attitude, my tomboy appearance, were only a pose, a defensive pose. And, deep inside myself I felt the need to let my feminine soul come out and be like you because I realized that one can be feminine and happy while remaining a lesbian…” Landra and Kea, in silence, kept listening very carefully. Dena continued, “That’s why I decided to dress like this to meet you, I needed to know how it felt.” Landra, who had been Dena’s best friend since they were k**s, was so surprised, “And how do feel, Dena?” Dena stood up and waved the bottom of her dress, “Strange, in a way, but good, very good now that I’m with you two.” Kea got up, took Landra’s hand and pulled her up too, and they both went slowly towards Dena, each one tenderly holding one of her hands. Then the three girls interlaced their arms around their shoulders and got their faces very near to each other. Landra spoke up, “We met when we were 13 and we’ve been best friends ever since. And even though I discovered my sexuality with you, we have always kept an invisible barrier between us, as if we had a sort of a pact of silence. But the truth is… (stammering) I’ve always loved you. (brief silence) Ok, I said it…” Dena couldn’t believe what she was hearing, “Why didn’t you tell me before, Landra? And, what about Kea?” Kea was surprised and confused, “Yes, what about me?” Landra suddenly realized that her words were creating some kind of misunderstanding, “I love you, Kea! Intensely! But I also love Dena… I love both of you.” Dena looked at Landra and Kea directly into the eyes, “Listen you guys, I didn’t come here to spoil anything nor to make things complicated. You two love each other, you can notice that from miles away…” Kea put her hands behind Landra and Dena’s heads and pushed them even closer to hers making their three foreheads stick together, “OK, so here we are, the three of us, opening our hearts, right? So, I also have something to say: I fell for Landra since we met five days ago and now I know I love her. But I must confess that once I began to know Dena, I felt bahis siteleri a strong attraction to her, with the only containment of my feelings for Landra. Dena, tell us sincerely, do you feel something for me?” Dena didn’t expect such a question, “I think you’re amazingly awesome and gorgeous… Hey, this is getting a bit crazy!” Landra squeezed Kea and Dena’s cheeks, “Crazy, yes …and very interesting: three girls in love!” She started to kiss the other two girls sweetly and sensually. And, from that point, something changed in their lives.Suddenly, all knots were released. Kea, Landra and Dena let their senses loose and the three began to offer and receive all the intense caresses, pampering and kisses they had been holding back until now. There they were, standing in the middle of the living room with their faces together interchanging sensual kisses. Their lips and tongues melted like butter with their warm saliva and it was impossible to know who was who, in fact, they were one. Six hands and thirty fingers came up to help with the kisses, joining the luscious smooching, fondling, playing and interlacing webs of wetness. Eyelids, earlobes and necks also became targets for their licks and kisses. Everything was going smoothly and slowly until Kea put one hand under Landra’s dress to her butt and the other hand under Dena’s to her but too, sliding her palm inside the panties and feeling the warmness of their ass skin. Then she let the side of her hands go deep into both of their cracks. Dena and Landra pushed back their butts to let Kea’s hands get deeper between the cheeks, until touching their assholes. Kea got really turned on with that, so she grabbed both panties from behind and pulled them down to the ankles. Landra and Dena got rid of them with a toss of their feet and they both went towards Kea, lifting up her dress and taking it off, revealing her cute blue panties and bra. Dena sweetly pushed Kea back and made her sit on the sofa. Then, Landra approached her and began to massage Kea’s boobs, noticing how hard her nipples were. Meanwhile, Dena took off her dress too, exposing her braless, small tits and huge erect nipples. When Kea saw that gorgeous naked body, she quickly took off her own bra and panties and Landra did the same. So now, they were all naked, hot and aroused. Dena kept standing, squeezing her nipple with one hand and rubbing her hand on her pussy with the other while she watched how Landra was bending over Kea on the couch, exposing her beautiful dark asshole while she sucked Kea’s tits. Kea looked at Dena, noticing how she was there watching and rubbing, “Hey, Dena, you’re not a spectator anymore. We want you here with us!” Landra turned around and grabbed Dena’s hand pulling her towards them. Kea was still sitting on the sofa, her legs wide open, her pussy shining and her nipples hard like hazelnuts. Dena squatted and set her pussy on one of Kea’s thighs. Landra did the same on the other thigh. Their pussies were so wet, that they began to slide easily on Kea’s smooth skin. While they did so, they bent over Kea and began to kiss all together again, but now with intense passion and lust, eating each other’s mouths while Landra and Dena balanced their hips moving their pussies back and forth on Kea’s legs. One hand of each went on her boobs and the other hand of each went down to her soaking pussy, letting their fingers diddle Kea’s clit and pleasure her vagina. Kea put her arms behind Dena and Landra’s neck, making them come closer and began to rock too. The three girls were now engaged in a swing of joyful bliss all over. Their rocking, breathing, sighs and gasps followed the rhythm of the jazz music and Kea let loose of the other girls’ necks stretching down her hands to squeeze and push their asses with the same compass, sliding their pussies swiftly on her thighs. She also felt Dena and Landra’s fingers leading her own pussy to frenzy, “I don’t know you, but I am flying to heaven!” Landra smiled naughtily, “Let’s fly together…” Dena dripped a string of saliva down on Kea’s thigh, “Flight to Cloud Nine …about to reach destination!” The rocking, stroking and breathing began to get faster and faster, deeper and deeper. Landra opened her eyes, “Open your eyes too, girls, let’s watch each other while we come …please! I want us to be together …please!” Kea and Dena obeyed, their six eyes were shining with sensual love, mutually fixed, mutually observing, mutually aroused. A wave of magical madness invaded their three bodies while they tightened all their muscles without losing sight of their eyes. “Go, go…” “Yeeees…” “Holy shit!” Their three mouths opened at the same time with a long deep gasp, announcing the release of their glorious ecstasy. And then there was silence. Only the music could still be heard in the background. Drops of sweat were falling down their cleavages, backs and foreheads. Threads of treasured liquor garnished pussies, thighs and fingers. Sparkles of joy filled their eyes. After a few seconds, the tightness let loose, the breathing came back to normal, but the eyes kept fixed and observing. The three smiled with their lips and eyes. They were finally together, deeply together and they sealed their arrival with a deep, loving triple kiss. They stayed that way for a while, in silence, listening to the music and feeling the pleasure invading every portion of their bodies and souls. Then, Kea, as usual, spoke out, “I don’t know you guys …but I’m freaking hungry!” The three girls burst into laughs. Landra stood up, “Yeah! I didn’t do all this work for nothing!” Dena also jumped up, “You’re right, let’s get to it! I’m starving too!”Landra, Kea and Dena naked and pleased as they were, went to the table and feasted for three hours on that banquet, talking and laughing with complete happiness. When it came to dessert, Landra brought a bottle of champagne. She opened it with an awesome pop, filled the glasses and proposed a toast, “From this day on, may we three share together the blessing of love and friendship filling our lives!” Kea and Dena lifted their glasses, “Aye!”

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