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Babysitter Part 3From: A K little sister AlyssiaBabysitter Part 3 ________________________________My life as Alyssia continues, please let me know if you enjoy it or havesuggestions or just want to chat. I would love to commiserate with otherwriters and readers. I truly appreciated and loved hearing from those whowrote to me and gave me the courage to continue! Thank You. All [email protected] – First DateI’m still laying on the couch where I passed out last night after Paulcalled when I drift awake. I look down my smooth legs to my ankles stillstrapped into the stiletto sandals and try to remember the look on his facewith his trim, sexy body kneeling between my legs slowly stroking his hardcock as he was about put it inside me. Arching my head back, I massage oneof my tiny breasts, my open palm lightly exciting my nipple as my otherhand slides down my tummy, pulling my skirt up, teasing myself through mystraining silky panties then slowly hump my hips up to massage my stillslippery love ring. Amazing, a man fucked me! until he came! We cametogether! I pull my heels up and spread my thighs as I lazily caress myselftrying to remember the feeling of his cock sliding inside of me. In thathalf dreaming dimension I wish he was here with me now. And my phonesings.”FUCK ME!!” Lily squeals into the phone, laughing hysterically. “YOU LITTLETART!!!””Uh,,,” I’m so freaked, my heart seems to fall into my tummy which falls tomy feet. She can’t know I’m lying here like this.”I can NOT believe you!! FUCK! OH MY GOD!!!! Paul Lepprel, Damn you!”I really want to die! This can’t be happening!”My little sister now? Crap, I’d fuck him in a heartbeat. Everyone I knowwants him, sheesh!I want to go back in time….. How does she know?”We have GOT to talk.””Where’s Mom?””SHHHH, you’re in big trouble sister!” she laughs wickedly, “mom’s outgetting bagels or something, don’t worry about her, she can’t hear me, shewont know.”This conversation is decidedly one way, I’m relieved she won’t let me sayanything……..She speeds along “Susan sent me an email this morning wondering that why,if I was home, why didn’t I call her and it’s ok she forgives me, b e c a us e, she happened to see Paul’s car pull in our driveway, AND I got out andled him up to our door, AND we were all over each other, AND she saw mepull him inside, AND the light in my bedroom was on until she fell asleep!”I know you wear my stuff, so it was easy enough to put two and twotogether, and mom was here!”Now I’m in trouble. Susan saw me? With Paul? Now Lily knows!And my heart sinks deeper as I realize Nicole’s dress and shoes areprobably still up there in Lily’s room.”It’s ok, don’t feel too bad, I’ve made out with another girl. That’s whySue better not say anything” she laughs again. “And now I’ve made out withPaul! Thanks! And I didn’t even get to enjoy it! Shit. You know I love you,and tell you most of my secrets, well, you are eighteen, and at least youwon’t get pregnant!”She’s seems to be having alot of fun with this, and she is my big sister,my trusted best friend, the one person I identify most with in life.But I think somehow I’ve attained some sort of status. Yeah, Paul made loveto me! And he called me on his way home just to call! So I decide to havefun with it too. I can’t really deny anything anyway. And I’m so proud andexcited to tell my sister about my experience!!!!”Well Lil, you didn’t really pull him inside, and he was never in yourroom.””Oh my GOD!”, peals of laughter, followed by “what were you wearing?, I’dlove to see your cute little ass in…..””Nicole’s little cocktail dress?” I interrupt.”HOLY SHIT” then for the first time today she’s totally speechless.Then I take it and run…”He’s here now!””AAAAAAAAA” she screams.Silence.”Lil? you ok? I’m joking, he’s not here. But the I still have the dress!””I just can’t fucking believe you!. Bad enough you wear my stuff, buthers?… Well, she does have nice things! You have got to tell me all aboutit! Did he slap your ass? Pull your hair?”LILY!! I squeak, I can feel my face turn crimson, “NO!””Well sister, if you want to play like a girl, you will have to learn totalk about it like one too!” she’s laughing again at my embarrassment.”But really, what’s he like? Was he mean at all? Do I have to come home andkick his ass?”I sigh dreamily, remembering….”No, he’s really fun, nice. I guess he’spatient? I dunno s*s, it was all just really just wonderful!””Are you in love?”I don’t know. Not sure how it would work like that. but I really want tosee him again! Plus there’s Nicole….””Fuck her” she giggles “She’s a dyke, that bitch. That’s probably why helet off steam with you!””Huh?””Oh yeah, everyone knows, rainbow bracelets and everything before she gotmarried!”Yeah, I think, but s*s, I guess I’m gay too, I sucked Paul’s dick, andloved it when he put it in me! And I want to do it again!”Seriously though, he’s not one to fuck everything he sees, even before hegot married, though he could have had any one of us, so consider yourselfspecial.”And that makes me want him more, I do feel special.She continues, “You have got to come up for a weekend. Soon! I’d love tospend some time with you. I’ve been wanting to talk with you about myclothes anyway, maybe help. I’ve always wanted to see how gorgeous youcould be, get all pretty with you! It’ll be soooo much fun with you as mysister!”Go out with the girls maybe”I’m thrilled, but really, this last night has been overwhelming.”Damn, mom’s back, gotta run, want me to tell her about your boyfriend?”she laughs, “I’ll call you when she leaves tomorrow night. Love you.””Thanks Lil, really, it’s a relief, I wanted to tell you how happy he mademe feel, but wouldn’t have known how.””Thank Sue!” she laughs, “but I know the feeling! anyway, we’re going outshopping, maybe one day you can come too!””Not sure I’m ready for that. Love ya Lil, bye” smiling I think I hope shedoesn’t tell mom anything.Oh God I hope he calls!For some reason I feel really feminine and complete walking up the stepscarrying the shoes by the straps. I walk into Lily’s room and there isNicole’s dress is laying on Lily’s bed where I peeled it off. I will neverknow what it is canlı kaçak iddaa to really be a woman, but I’m overcome that I was able tomake myself pretty enough for a man like Paul to want to kiss me and makelove to me! I really need to take a shower, wash my panties, I laugh, twopairs, this skirt and top, and Nicole’s dress. I break out theWoolite!. Hopefully he wants it back soon.He does call later that afternoon. I spent the day in a ribbed sweaterdress and white pumps, (sometimes!), laying on Lily’s bed studying. Everytime my phone sang, or a car went by I got excited, or worried that if hestopped in Susan would be watching. What if she saw me through the window?I kept getting incredibly horny thinking about his face, his lips on mine,my nipples seem more sensitive since last night. I want to feel his handson my waist, trying to remember how his cock tasted, his cum tasted!. Andthe feeling of his cock sliding inside me I just couldn’t quite get ahandle on, but I know I’m feeling empty down there. I had to text some ofmy friends about school, and really didn’t want to get together with any ofthem just in case he called, just so I could wear this dress, these shoesand think of him being here. Although I wondered what would they think ifthey knew I was laying here texting them in my little push up bra, lacypanties andpretty dress. Would they run away? Maybe want to kiss me? Would they lookat me differently if they knew I sucked Paul’s cock, and he fucked me? Whatwould I do if one of them came to my door? Would he want to fuck me too?”How’s my strange woman?I’m so elated, hearing his voice, I’m speechless. uh… I want to blurtthat I want to see you sooo much. Right now!”Alyssia? are you ok?”Oh yes! sorry, I’m just so happy you called!”And I am! I’m just melting, smiling so much, lifted into the clouds.”I couldn’t wait, I’ve been thinking of you all day! Been running aroundand didn’t get the chance till now, but everyone has left me””Oh Paul, me too!” I’ve really felt empty, alone…. “I’ve got to get youthat dress! I’ve washed it, and the shoes.””I know” he laughs “I forgot them on purpose!, but you really didn’t haveto wash the shoes.”That makes me blush and really smile. “Oh really?” I sing.”Yeah, had to make sure I saw you again!”That gives me the butterflies, and a little tingle!”Silly, well, maybe I’ll just keep it? Wait, that wont work” I laughnervously.I don’t know how to approach this, but I take the plunge…I’m um, pretty much free till tomorrow night, though….””Me too, they all went to her mother’s. I’d love to come and pick you up!”and I think I’d love to ride with you again, kiss and touch me in your caragain! But I’m frozen with the thought of Susan seeing me with him again.”Though what?””It might be better if I drove over? Then we could take your car if youwant to go anywhere.”And I have to ask”Did you get in trouble?””Oh no, I just went out for a beer after I took you home early” I canimagine him winking! “everyone was still asleep anyway.””Oh, um, good?” And I almost tell him about Susan, but decide against it,afraid he’ll get paranoid and not want to see me ever again.”I think I understand, I could leave the garage open, like that you mean?””Yeah. maybe around nine?” As soon as it gets dark, I’m on my way!!!”Cool! Alyssia, one more thing. What are you wearing?”I’m floored. “Uh, now or tonight?””Either””A little sweater dress, tonight I’ll try to surprise you!””mmmmmm. Wish I could come over right now! Yes! I can’t wait!”Me too, and me too!Now I’m so nervous again, I call Lily to borrow her car. And she knowsexactly what I’m using it for!”So, what are you going to wear? Oooo this is so fun, my sister has a bigdate! There’s that red one shoulder set he’ll just love you in, gives you alittle hip, more than enough thigh. Wish I could see your cute little assin that!””I’m so nervous Lil, between you, and going to see him””Relax, that’s what sisters are for! We’re going to have so much funtogether! I’ll get you looking good. What about your tits? Do you have toshave your legs?””Nah, I shaved yesterday, didn’t need to though, never really need to” andI smile “and he doesn’t seem to mind my tiny breasts. That top shoulddisguise it a bit anyway.””Wear that white bustier too, that’ll give you a little shape, she laughs,maybe bigger boobs! Once he feels that silk underneath, he’ll rip off yourtop!””LILY!!!!” I really blush, imagining his hands……”Look for those strappy red platforms, I’m sure I left them there” shelaughs, “just for you! I know you love them!””I do, but can I wear them out?. I mean, they’re so delicate””Don’t worry, they’ll take a beating. Going dancing?”I tell her about my plans for smoky eyes, light pink lips. drop earrings.”Maybe do a little darker shade lip, dark red nails, and dab a little ofthat Vera Wang stuff, lightly though. THAT will drive him wild!”And I’m not so sure about this anymore. Before we hang up, I have to ask..”Lil, were you serious about him pulling my hair? smacking my butt?””Oh sister, you are just too cute!” she just laughs.”Love you!””Thanks!”I feel incredibly sexy looking in the mirror, my hair full and foxy,earrings dangling, my bright eyes are glittering with a light gray andblack shadow, cheeks lightly powdered fresh and smooth, my lips pouty andunderstated. The red top hangs loose enough from my shoulder, my othercollarbone exposed, and gives me a little bit of hip, a hint of my flat tantummy, my legs look so long and sensuous and the skirt looks a littleshorter on my thighs and tighter on my hips and butt. My strapped anklesstretched by the heels, my toenails red and sexy enhanced by the red vampof the half inch platforms.Imagining myself looking deep into his scorching eyes, light and sultry Islowly swirl my hips from side to side. Twisting softly on my toes andheels, I slowly slide my hands up my hips to my breasts then glide mywrists together rising slowly up and over my head, my whole body undulateslike a sexy red cobra. My skirt rises as I dance, the bustier flashes as Istretch, radiating my sexuality coiled underneath. I’ve never feltprettier. I feel an emptiness inside my body that I need him to fill.I can’t believe I’m getting canlı kaçak bahis ready for a man to fuck me.I’m scared to death!I grab a purse, and on second though, toss in an extra pair ofpanties…. Driving is an incredible turn on, and I’m so scared someonewill see me, my skirt slides up, my smooth thighs rub together, eachmovement on the pedals a reminder of how sexy the heels are, half wishingthat it was daytime, that a guy would give me a double take, trying to peerinside at my legs as I drive by smiling at him. Sorry, luv, I’m going toget laid! and I can’t stop myself from giggling. What if the door isn’topen? What if I get pulled over? But I feel so sexy and naughty when Ithink of where I’m going! I creep up his driveway, my nerves whipsaw fromarousal to fear, and into the bright garage.And he’s there! Waiting! Smiling! Nice striped shirt, nice khaki pants!,and I’m blushing and nervous and I fumble with the door handle as I’madmiring him, but he comes over and opens it for me, takes my hand and Ifeel his eyes on my body, my legs, my face as he helps me out.I’m speechless, he looks so handsome and masculine, his smooth face, silvereyes, perfect smile. trim body, nice pants, I’m so incredibly attracted tohim!”Alyssia, you’re gorgeous, you make that skirt so sexy, love the top!””Mmm, thank you, hi Paul!” stammering, blushing, melting.I’m so nervous, leaning back against the car, looking in his eyes, bitingmy lower lip. He leans closer and whispers “You even smell pretty”I’m dwarfed by him, my hands are instinctively drawn to his chest as heleans in for a kiss that’s too soft and over too soon. Smiling, he entwinesmy fingers in his and invites me inside.As he opens the door, I swing in front of him and rise on my toes, hold mylips up to his as his arm goes around my waist I kiss him full on his lips,arching my head back, my hair tingles my neck, his lips tingle my spine. Hepulls me close and I stagger backwards through the door with his armsaround me. “I’ve wanted to do that all day!” I gasp.I sit leaning back sipping wine with my legs crossed, elbow on the back ofthe couch, his fingers lightly touching my wrist. Our small talk is goingnowhere. He puts his glass down and leans closer, I pull my hair behind myear, mesmerized by his eyes, his lips. And close my eyes as he leans in andhis lips cover mine. I arch my body to him. As his tongue tingles mine, hishand lingers on my bare thigh, then on my hip, sliding up to caress my barewaist under my top. My breath coming in little gasps as he massages my sideand back through the soft silk of the bustier, his thumb tweaking mynipple. I feel so small in his grasp.Then he does. He slips off my top! I feel so dainty and bold as I arch mybreasts forward as he pulls it up over my head. I’ve never had this muchskin exposed to him, and I feel his heat! And I’m in this sexy lingerie,and he kisses me harder, his hand on my breast, my waist, his arm around myshoulders squeezing me tight and leans in to suckle my breast and tongue mynipple, and I shudder with an increasingly sexual arousal of delight andpassion, gasping as I hold his head to me. I’m in a new dimension withdesire for this man.I kneel on the couch kissing him, rubbing his sexy chest as our tonguesplay, our lips suck and nibble each others. I pull back, smiling, so happy,he pulls me closer kissing my cheek, my ear, my collarbone as I unbuttonhis shirt. I straddle him, my heels heavy over the edge, gasping as hekisses my neck and squeezes me tight. My exposed tummy and chest againsthis bare skin is such a.spine-tingleing thing. I feel so close to him,feeling the heat of his body, I want to be his woman, to share myself withhim. I hold his face and flick my tongue on his chin, his lips, pull back,then lean in to kiss his neck, then his shoulder as he runs his hands up myback, through my hair I get so excited kissing and massaging his pecs andnipples, I’m straining in my panties, my lips and hair slide on the ripplesof his stomach. His body is so sexy and warm. His hand tickles the back ofmy neck as I fumble with his belt. And I know it is growing insidethere. I’m so nervous, but I’m so horny, I can’t wait till I see it! And Ihave to slide my hand inside. My own jerks in my panties as I grasp hiscock, I kiss him hard as I stroke it and he opens his pants and I pull itup. I lean back, just mesmerized, my hand is holding his dick! Again! Andits very hard. For me!”Oh Paul!” I’m speechless.”See what you do to me! I’ve been waiting for this all day!” He smiles.”You a****l!” I laugh “but I have too!”I slowly kneel between his legs, softly stroking it as he wiggles his pantsdown. I’m amazed at how much heat I feel from his bare thighs and crotch onmy exposed shoulders and chest.. And I am so turned on, I’ve got myself allpretty just for him to be hard for me! I feel so sexy kneeling between myman’s legs, in a tight skirt and pretty lingerie, my elbows on his thighs,playing with his cock! I think I was in too much of a hurry last night toreally appreciate his it as I slowly stroke it, looking at the veins, thecurvy arrow where the head splits underneath. I lean in to nuzzle and kissand lick his balls, I feel kindof slutty with them spread over my chin,covering my mouth as I caress around with my tongue with his cock up myface rubbing against my nose. I hold it up to his tummy and lick up thelength to the head. then slide my lips along the side. I’m happy I paintedmy nails, my fingers look sexy wrapped around his dick, and lightlyscr****g at his balls. I know I had this inside me, and want to get moreof it in me tonight! But later. I think the drips on the tip are so sexy, Iflick them, and rub the slippery stuff around the head with only the tip ofmy tongue, looking up and smiling at his handsome face.”You look like you are enjoying yourself!””Mmmm yes!” I mumble sliding my lips down the shaft. “Are you sharing myjoy?””Oh God yes! Keep going!” And I so enjoy making him feel good, and I’mgetting a strong throb deep inside me.I love stroking it while rubbing the head on my lips, my chin, mycheeks. Then I slowly begin to kiss the tip inside my mouth. And as itstretches my lips I know if I touched my own in my panties bahis siteleri canlı I’d justexplode! Little by little I clamp my lips and suck it back out thendeeper. It feels so sexy sliding in and out on the insides of my lips. I’mshivering and lightheaded and I’m sucking alot of it inside.I pull off, and holding it by the base near his balls I lick under the headwith my tongue, then lick around the head. As I slowly suck it in my lipsagain, I caress his balls and gently sc**** my nails on the areaunderneath, sliding my other hand up his ripply tummy and his chest. Hisbody is so incredibly sexy! He gently holds my head and thrusts up gently Ias try to swallow the head. I love kneeling here, making love to him withmy mouth, basking in the heat of his groin, watching his face as his cockjerks and throbs and slides in my pretty lips.”Try sticking your tongue way out” he feels so sexy as it slides opening my throat, but I gag a little, andtry again.He’s my patient teacher, and for a second I think Nicole can get it deeper,but quickly push her out of my mind, he’s here with ME! NOW! And I do lovesucking his cock! I pull back and stroking it quicker rubbing my thumbunderneath the head I suck the head in and out of my lips and he lets out asoft gasp!He puts his hands on my cheeks as it slips from my lips, his cock jerkingin front of my eyes, and pulls me up, kissing me. “Paul, I need you insideme” I whisper, panting, leaning against his bare chest. He turns me around,kissing my neck and shoulders and I’m just floating away as he slides hisnow slippery finger under my skirt and arousing me around my “pussy” andI’m filled with need for him. I slowly gyrate my hips back to his touch ashis finger slowly enters me! I gasp, arching my head back against hisshoulder, gyrating against him as he works it in and deeper and out anddeeper. I’m so filled with lust for him He sits down and holding me by thewaist, he tells me to how sexy I look. My hands on his strong thighs hegently guides my entry to the head of his cock. Somehow he’s already put ona condom and it’s lubed and it’s rubbing against my “pussy” as I pushmyself open for him. I gasp and try to breath as the head pushes in, slowlyraising and lowering myself on my heels and down on it, and it pushes inand then a little more and I’m going crazy. I’m slowly opening my love moreand more and then it pops in! And I’m just about pass out, so much moresexy than before, but it’s still stretching me inside out. He leans forwardholding me as I squeeze the head of his cock in me. Gasping I turn to him”This is what I wanted all day!”I begin opening and accepting more of him, grasping it and sliding up, thenjamming back down deeper and deeper with each push and it’s so electrifyingsqueezing him and pulling up, and then more again, he caresses my hips,kissing my neck and shoulders, It’s so addictive, I’m determined to get himall inside me. I’m just so filled with lust for him, and it feels sogood. And one more push and it’s all in me!! And I can’t move, but my wholebody spasms on it’s own as he holds me in his arms, impaled on his cock,his hot chest against my back! I’m seeing stars again, and all the airrushes out of me but it feels so good! I’m full of his cock, filled withhim! I squeeze his cock tight inside me and slowly rise up a little andslide back down, and the pleasure is so intense. My own cock is just aboutto burst, I feel a hot rush flowing from his cock inside me though my wholebeing. My whole body shudders as I slide slowly up the shaft, squeezing ittight the whole way up in one slow pull with only the head in me and hemoans slowly, softly, “Oh baby, Lissa, that is sooo good” And it is! Onelong intensifying vibration rushing through me. And I’m so filled withhappiness that I am giving myself to him, and he’s a part of me andenjoying me.I slowly squeeze my way back down his cock then up, and soon we have a slowrhythm going, I know these heels are made to fuck in, my legs at theperfect angle to accept his cock. I must be a little used to it, but it’sstill so tight and thick in me sliding up into me and I’m riding him andit’s making my whole body shudder and shake, but I need to keep going andpulling up and jamming myself down and my hair is flying andohhhhhhhhhhhhhh man I can’t stop, I’m almost there, and can’t get there andit feels better and better and building and wave after wave, but not quitecrashing on the shore. He leans back, pulling me with him, lifting mythighs, pulling my heels back so I’m squatting. Then his hands on my waist,kissing my neck and holding my breasts and my whole body is wrapped aroundhis cock driving up into me as he’s pushing me down on it and lifting me upto grind me down again as I gyrate my hips and he’s grunting and it’stwisting in me, and Iturn around to try to kiss his face, but I’m moaning too much as I grindmy hips back and forth and I can’t stop moving and a volcano explodesinside me, the heat slamming from his cock to everywhere then back to mymuscles around his cock, my hips humping with him deep inside me, trying toget more, trying to wring the cum out of him, clutching at the base as Ipush and pull with my hips and my eyes roll back in my head and I think I’mflying away! .I know he hasn’t cum, and I’m still so hard in my panties, and I so want toplease him, want to let him do anything to me, to fully be his woman.”Paul take me from behind” I gasp, “I want you so deep.”He slowly lifts me off by my waist, my “pussy” spasming on his cock thewhole way up, and the and I feel so sexy standing in my heels and bunchedup skirt, my bustier against his body….. His body humping against meslowly as I try to kiss him.But he’s so distracted and whispers “baby…..please…., lick it,I…………. ” and as I fall to my knees he pulls off the condom and nosooner can I open my mouth and grab it with my lips he holds my head andstarts thrusting and I’m stroking it and clamping my lips and licking itthrough my lips and rubbing tight on the vein underneath and I rub myselfand he moans “Oh ……………..Alysssssia!” as his cock pulses up to thehead and he erupts! Into my mouth!, and I’m trying to suck it all out andstroke more out and it’s jerking and he’s thrusting and it spurts and hegroans and thrusts and spurts more and more. And it’s dribbling down mychin as I swallow way too slowly because I’m moaning on his cock andhumping my hand, spurting in my little white panties!

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