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The Lady of the LakeTHE LADY OF THE LAKEIWho would have guessed that they would find each other. Living each day in their own little worlds. Each needing craving and full of desire for a person they’d never met but knowing none the less that they were out there and believing that God would bring them together. That was the way it was for our two star crossed lovers. Him a Swagsman, a vagabond, a biker, and as many things he could find to do to win himself acceptance and put food on the table. But as is the fate of most all dreamers not real successful and any of them. She on the other hand worked and took good care of her c***dren whom she loved beyond life it’s self. She kept a clean home, fixed nutritious meals, and worked regularly on a cleaning business for other families. This was our two lonely souls. Searching everyday for that spark that something in a strangers eye that would instinctively tell them that is my mate. I will find comfort here. That is the person I’ve waited for. But as the fates would have it…..twas not to be. Both of them stumbled thru life in sweet oblivion waiting. One day he got an E-mail from a stranger giving him a list of free dating sites. He looked upon this with a skeptical eye. Nobody gets anything for free…there’s always a catch. But something moved him; so he tried. He had tried other dating sites with the standard dribble….”Looking for a long term relationship educated and financially stable man…”. But this time…he thought “I’ll just speak the truth. I’ll say exactly who and what I am and what I’m looking for.” He thought and wrote…..he told of his situation how he was not expected to live. How he was taking an extreme amount of medication. He told of the “side effects” of one of the important medications…Viagra. Now most women have heard of Viagra and know that it is used for erectile dysfunction. (Can’t get the penis up and hard) But in his case it was used to dilate the blood vessels to lower his internal cardiac pressure which started after diagnosis at nearly 5 times the norm. But even though used for cardiac pressure it still made his penis erect and hard. He wrote about his feelings and his refusal to hurt someone with the promise of a long term relationship when he knew that may not be possible….the doctors said he had a 97% chance of NOT living four more years. He told everybody everything. She heard from a friend about this free dating site and said might as well. She didn’t know what she’d find: along term relationship, a friend, a lover…. You see there was a feeling inside her that she kept hidden. She did not speak of it with her c***dren. She did not speak of it with her friends. But she knew it was something. She knew it was a hunger that she had known since she was just a girl. Something about a man and a woman. Something about sex. Her thoughts often drifted to that place where she felt satisfied. Where she felt fulfilled as a woman. Where her mind could run with her bodies desires….free unfettered not bound by social conventions…She did not know when she filled out the questions on the form for the dating site that she would find this freedom she had sought for so long. One day he got a message it said that she commended him for his courage and thought he was unique for being so forward and up-front about what he wanted. He wrote back immediately. He could tell this one was different. He told her that he could not give her a long term relationship and why…She said “that was ok she understood and would accept him for what he was. He knew he had to have her. Some how some way she was going to give herself to him…openly freely and completely. He knew too that he to would know feelings he had never known before. But How…????IIShe found him different but not necessarily attractive. But something about him made her feel warm inside. Kind of a smile that radiates from within. He would send her messages and E-mails and Instant messages. She was flattered by the attention but she was a little afraid at how he made her feel. She had fantasized and daydreamed before of the perfect act of love. She felt it, she wanted to live it but the accepted social norms said that you do not meet a man and open yourself up to him completely. He said that when he kissed her that she would want have him right then right now. It scared her because she believed that it could just be true. Since she had begun writhing back and forth with him she had become more aware of her hand neck breasts back legs vagina and even her butt. When she would take a shower or a bath her hands and soap and wash cloth had a feeling on her skin. When she would think of him she would notice that she was feeling like her body was preparing for sex. Her eyes , her ears, her nose and tongue became so sensitive….The light now formed beautiful pictures. The Sounds around her now instead of just noise now made a kind of music she never noticed before. The aromas around her suddenly had depth and made her aware of the subtle scents carried on the wind. Her tongue now tasted with a relish she wondered why. She wanted more…she knew….She wanted him. She wanted to taste his kiss, his skin, and to inhale his aroma. She wanted to hear him speak and feel the sounds of his voice….But most of all she wanted to touch him….her hand her skin her soul and spirit…..Yes….that was it….Him…..the thought of him turned her on. But what would he think of her ? Her body had aged. Her youth had nearly gone. Gravity had done its damage….How could she face him ?….She was hungry for sex….It had been a while since she had given herself to a man who knew how to accept the gift for what it was. What if he couldn’t satisfy her ? What if his appetite did not match hers ? What if he pulled away ? What if he thought she was a slut ? What if she was too kinky for him ? How could she be sure. She would just have to wait. Some how some way if they were to find each other they would…..She ached because she knew she needed him and she wanted him now. IIIHmm he thought of her….She was sure cute….that face and that smile…and even thru the t-shirt and jeans she wore in the picture he could tell she was really built. canlı bahis şirketleri And that blonde hair…He’d always had a thing for blondes…But most of all the way she wrote…she got him all turned on just in a few words….She was hot…a real package. He knew if he ever tied into her it would be the ride of a lifetime. She knew how…and when she’d move she knew when and why….and how much for full effect. He could not stop thinking about her. But he found her on a dating site…she was bound to find other men that were better looking than him. Men who were bigger stronger better looking and better endowed…Men with jobs who could offer her and her c***dren a long term relationship. He was kinda short. He didn’t have much of a physical build. The liver problem had bloated his belly to the point that he looked like a telletubby. And he always thought his penis was too small. He thought really….What if she thinks I’m not handsome enough ? What if she thinks I’m too kinky ? What if she doesn’t have his appetite for sex. What if she says I’m just a perverted dirty old man ? But every time he got naked he thought of being with her. He could almost feel her skin on his…He could almost feel her touch on him and him touching her. Every time he thought about her he could feel his body get ready for sex. But he believed that if they were meant to get together they would…until then he should just wait and see….But the truth was …He ached for her…he needed her and he wanted her nowIVOne day she said I’m free next Tuesday….Would you like to meet for coffee ? His response was direct…Yes. I would love to meet you but what about your k**s ? I know you want to know me much better and pass muster before I meet then too. She said my friends said they would babysit for me that day. Both of then knew that it would not take a day to meet over coffee. Tuesday came and both of them were a bit crazy. Both of them scrubbed their bodies, brushed their teeth, and yes both of them shaved and made sure every hair was in place or gone. The best perfume and cologne were pulled off the shelf. And the clothing selection for projecting just the right image. The time grew near for that cup of coffee. Finally both of them made sure they had certain things just in case…something were to happen. And both of then prayed it would. As he walked thru the door of the coffee shop…he knew he looked good…He had ridden on his motorcycle wearing his travel leather armor. He ordered a espresso and sat down to wait. She came in a few minutes later dressed in some nice shorts and tank top with flip flops. Her make up was perfect her hair shone in the sun and her smile made her glow. She saw the biker and walked over to sit down…he stood up and showed her a seat…hmm she was impressed, a gentleman. He looked so tall and strong in the motorcycle boots and the leather armor. He looked at her and his skin began to flush. She was more lovely than even he imagined. “Would you like to order ?“ he asked. She said “Oh just get me something nice and cool”. He returned to the table her eyes followed him all the way there and back..He could feel them on him which made him feel even more self conscience. As he was reaching out she reached out and their hands met across the table. When skin touched skin the room became electric. A person could feel the sexual tension in the air. So, how are you doing today ? She asked. Pretty good he said ..It was a long ride up here…I’m still kinda vibrating. With a sly smile she said Vibrating ? I would enjoy that. He replied well just get close enough and you should be able to feel it. Her response started the engine….How close would I have to get…to enjoy the vibrations ? He couldn’t believe it. Here she was…the woman he had wanted for so long…So he stammered Either on top or below me. She squeezed his hand. The walls all came down. Both felt all the feelings they had been holding back for so long. He smiled and said I’d really like to kiss you….She said …Here..? Think you can wait till we get back to my place ? No…I don’t want to wait anymore…She smile and said I don’t want to wait anymore either…but once we start I will want to finish….Ok….He smiled and said that sounds good to me too. Are you sure ? Yes Are You ? Then they finished their coffee and hand in hand walk out the door. I’ll follow you..Drive slowly ok ? I don’t know if I can at this point…as she turned with a smile and a skip in her step. VNeedless to say the drive from the coffee shop to her house was a brief one. She, still skipping, went from her car to the front door where she waited for him to shut down and lock up the motorcycle. She had the key in the lock as He walked up. He heard the lock click and saw the door open and she stepped in and he followed. The house was an older place, well worn but clean. Now not to say she was any clean freak by any stretch of the imagination. Her art on the walls was mostly knock offs but one picture had a definite sexual feeling about it. She had kicked off her flip flops when she came thru the door and had unbuttoned her shorts. She came to him to help him with the heavy leather armor. She said :” How can you wear this stuff ? Isn’t it hot ? He replied Yeah, but it’s sweat or bleed. She saw the coat and pants were all one piece zipped together and then the pants had zippers down the sides. She kinda liked the sound of the long zippers….It made her giggle a bit as she did one of the legs. He unzipped the jacket and began to unzip the long zipper around the jacket attaching it to the pants. He turned so she could unzip the other leg. Again she giggled at the sound of the long zipper. And with that the coat and pants just fell away. He just stood there dressed in underwear motorcycle boots and a t-shirt. She looked at him and smiled. He saw her smile which made him smile and made his body start reacting. She said “All those zippers and I just have this little one on my shorts.” She unzipped her shorts…The fell to the floor. She stepped out of them wearing only a little pair of panties and a tank top. He liked what he saw…Which of course made his bode move a bit more…She canlı poker oyna could see the movement in his underwear. She looked closer at the underwear. It had pictures of a V-twin engine and the words pure power written under them. She said I really like those….I want to keep them as a trophy…His face made a questioned expression…..VIHe then walked toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She looked up and as she did he looked down and their eyes met. Any person could feel the power growing in that house. He looked deep into her bright blue eyes and moved his head closer, she began to tremble slightly as he lifted her gently to him. Their lips met and the world stopped for a moment. This was it. They had found each other. They both knew what they had and pressed on to allow all the emotion to pass between them. As the emotions flowed thru their lips they closed their eyes and the reality came apart. All of the bonds that hold all things together disappeared. They were floating there in a time and space of their own creation. The kiss continued as the fires of passion began to build. Their lips parted and their fluids started to flow. His tongue sought out her tongue as the two tongues touched they told each other that they were about to mate. The tongues began their long task of discovery of the other person. First the tongue then the teeth and the lips. His hands moved from her waist one to the small of her back the other to cradle her head. They stood together not wanting their lips to pull apart. They now even thought as one; a creation of their aloneness and desire inflaming passions. They opened their eyes and looked deep at the other…His hands went to the hem of her shirt and as he lifted it her arm as if instinctively lifted to allow its removal…..Her near nakedness caught in his throat his mouth slightly open she looked at him and laughed took his hand and led him to her bed room. Once in the bedroom he sat on the edge of the bed and removed his boots and socks. She kneeled on the bed behind him and lifted his t-shirt away. She wrapped her arms under his arms and around his chest and began to kiss and nibble and taste his neck. She rubbed his chest as she kissed and nibbled; it felt nice under her fingers. She loved the scent of his cologne which had faded some since he had put it on several hours before. And she reveled in the flavor of his skin. She smacked her lips as she pulled him down on the bed. She then sat on him just below his belly. She leaned forward and brushed her breasts across his chest and kissed him this time. He wrapped his arms around her with one to hold her head and one at the small of her back just above the hem of her panties. Her kiss was every bit as profound as his but now the passion had flared as her lust was released. She pressed her lips into his, her lips parted as her tongue whipped out. She began to gyrate as her teeth took hold of his lip. I’m not sure but I even think I even heard a growl. Her eyes were not open or closed but now useless as vision was not needed anymore. As she moved she kissed his neck and chest and what she could reach of his arms. She kissed then licked then sucked then put her teeth on his man bobbies as she did she laughed. As he held her he rolled over on top of her. He looked at this woman lying nearly naked in front of him and smiled…. He kissed her gently on her eyes and nose and lips….their lips parted and he could feel the heat and power in her breath…He kissed her neck and nibbled a bit to her ear…and in a voice made only from the sound of his breathing….he said “Your body is perfect, You and I are meant to be here now, I am for you….now cum cum cum with me. She turned her head and in a breathless voice she said Yes…..As she did she reached her hand into his underwear and found his penis nearly hard and oozing with precum….She looked at him and licked her lips and smiled. He kissed her neck again and kissed and nibbled his way down…….when he got to her breasts his hand move to one and he began to (need) her like a well experienced baker of bread….slowly rhythmically as he nibbled his way to her other breast. He took the nipple between his teeth and bit down till she made a sound indicating that she felt it…the he began to suckle this woman….not like a c***d will suckle a mother but like a man who wishes to stoke the fires of passion and free any and all lust she may have wanted at sometime in her life to feel……. He suckled her as he massaged her other breast…..First on then the other….Soon she was moving….as if caught up in the same rhythm…and from within came a moan….of pain, of pleasure, of release….He could feel her body tense and release….until her whole body was there in the same time being suckled, being a woman. He then kissed his way down her side and across her belly…she quivered each time a bit of flesh was taken into his lips tasted and he moved along. As he got to her belly….he paused…..”I have waited a long time to be with her like this” ” I just love the taste of her flesh and her aroma” With that he took a deep long breath….He could hear her heart beating and her breath staggered as it was…..He put he face into her belly and felt the warmth of her soul….Then he turned his head and put his ear on her belly button and wiggled his ears….her breath stopped and he knew he had touched her…her eyelashes would curl from this. Now he turned his attention to her panties…..soft slick fabric….with a slight wet spot and perfume…..he dropped his head to just above her……. he drew another long breath….Hmm she is nearly ready…..his hand ran along the outside of her leg till he had gone as far as he could reach then slipped over to the inside of her leg and felt her all the way to the edge of her panties……She felt him and wanted him so……she spread her legs wide to allow him generous access to all that the panties held. He slid his fingers lightly over the fabric of the panties until he reached elastic waistband….He then slipped his hand under and lifted his wrist so that the panties would be slid down as his hand move. She fell the fabric begin to stretch güvenilir bahis under the wight of her on them….She lifted her hips so the panties could slide away. He pushed them down and he lifted her legs and snatched them with her feet and flung them away. Again she spread her legs for him……He move his hand over her vagina and felt her wetness she now let loose with his touch. He slipped a finger inside her….she lifted with the entry…and then settled down to a gentle movement that she was not even aware of. He move his finger around and back and forth….then another and another… he move his hand out he parted her labia and exposed her clitoris…..he moved his head so that his mouth could : feast upon her, indulge her delights and make the fires of passion burn hot and free all lusts she held within. He moved his body between her legs so access to her was assured. He sucked and nibbled her clitoris as he placed his fingers in side her….He felt her juices flow like a river…..Down to her butt….Every so often he would catch some of her liquid and dab it on her butt hole….Soon she was completely wet her skin soaked with her fluids…As he continued to suck and nibble her clitoris he began to slide a finger into her butt…around and back and forth soon she relaxed….as she did he used an additional finger first one then two then three…Her eyes were closed now….she made only gluteal sounds as her mouth laid open as this onslaught of pleasure continued. She was moving but she did not know or control the movements…..Her breasts were ready ….. Her vagina was ready….. Her butt hole was ready…… soon they would consummate. He slid his underwear off and said to her…”Here’s your trophy” I don’t think she heard him. He tossed them into the air……He then arched his back and slid his hand over his penis….He too had been flowing juices…..He was ready too. He moved in close to her and wrapped his arms around her thighs. He lifted gently; as his penis touched her labia….Her eyes suddenly opened for a moment….She smiled and lifted her hips so that he was already sliding in. He pushed his hips forward…..feeling her as he entered. She wrapped her legs around his back and her arms around his back and pulled him in closer. He slid all the way in…his back was arched and her back was arched up. He looked down at her…she saw him looking and smiled. He loved her smile…he leaned forward and kissed her gently….As the kiss turned into kisses they held themselves together….one within the other…..feeling the creation for the construction of life. He knew he would never feel like this again. She too knew this moment would be unique. Both wanted to keep the moment just a bit longer until finally their instinctive nature made them move. So slowly….just enough to change the feelings…Then more….circles at first culminating in full thrusts….the length of his penis plus the movement of her hips. Each stroke became a provider of feeling that motivated the next. Building feeling on feelings….a slow soft stroke followed by a fierce downward plunge followed by a powerful grinding of each other….This was repeated over and over. This SEX was wonderful. Both of them had enjoyed other partners but never like this. He knew what she wanted and was pleased to deliver. She could anticipate his every move, as he would thrust in she would already be lifting her hips to meet him. As he would begin to withdraw she would move down and forward so as to cause a suction to occur to pull him down and in as he began the next stroke. They even opened their eyes at the same time. The words spoken between them were few….mmmmm your wonderful, oh your perfect, oh my god I’ve never felt like this before. and how did you know I loved that….. At intermittent intervals they would stop and hold still just to feel the other….being elated they would kiss a long passion filled communication of pure pleasure passion and lust. There was nothing between them nor would there ever be again. Both of them wanted to fully experience the other. He slid out of her and she knew what was next. She lifted her hip and pulled her belly forward so as to present her butt to him. He pulled her close and laid the head of his penis right at the hole and pushed slightly…she took a deep breath and pushed herself toward him as his penis moved into her. When he was fully inside her she tightened her muscles and griped him…He moved and she moved in unison. Not like the Vagina where it was a where each moved nearly opposite Now they moved as one her moving down as he would withdraw and then up when he would thrust again. As the passion builds she willingly submits. She smiles and pulls back…and with a quick motion she turns over and lifts her butt. Again he enters and moves now she moves up and down…She can feel the power held in his penis. So much like a woman to accept a man as he displays his power in his thrust and the hardness of his penis. She feels his rhythm increase she feels the arch of the thrust grow deeper and deeper….She knows he is close……She moves in anticipation os his release. As he penetrates her for the last time…she exclaims “CUM ALL OVER ME” …As a drop of sweat drips from his forehead he pulls his penis out….She turns over and lifts herself to receive his cum. As he leaned back and stroked himself she began to cum too… as his penis releases his cum she shivers and is consumed by her orgasm Then the first ejaculate he puts on her vagina to flow down to her butt hole, then as the second ejaculate, he places on her belly, the third on her breasts and she rocks forward to take him into her mouth….He lays forward as she lays back so that his penis remains within her…as her mouth sucks tickles and lifts him to extasay and Euphoria. VIINever before has either of them experienced so much uninhibited feeling. She opened herself to a virtual stranger and he has adored her…let her feel as a woman for the ages and brought her to submission to her mate. He met her for coffee with a dim hope of meaningless sex and instead has enjoyed the experience of a lifetime. Her smile warmed his heart while her yielding spirit touched his soul. The passion shared and the lust they released will stand as the outstanding moment in their lives. The past now meaningless as the future nonexistent…leaves both in a moment that will last in their memory forever.SWAGSMAN55

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