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Kevin’s StoryKevin’s StoryChapter 1It was nearing 6:30 when Kevin Nielsen heard the Jeep Wagoneer pullinto the garage adjoining the kitchen. Moments later, the doorbetween the two opened, and Heather, his mom, lurched through witha bag of groceries in each arm. Kevin jumped down off the high stool he’d been on saying “Here, Mom,let me help with that.” He grabbed one of the bags, then leaned indutifully for her kiss on his cheek.”Thanks, sport,” Heather said. “Mmmm, smells good. What’scooking?””Ragu, again,” he said wrinkling his forehead in a frown. “I wishyou’d teach me more stuff to make so I could have a bigger rep-repa- repatore.””Repertoire,” she corrected, as she began putting the groceriesaway, “nice try though. Listen, Kev, I don’t mind simple stuff. I’m thrilled that you take it upon yourself to make anything. Honestly, you don’t have to, I can still cook, you know.””I know,” the youth said, “and some nights, like when I havepractice, I have to let you. But you work so hard, double shiftssometimes, that I just want to help.””You help more than is healthy for a 14-year-old,” she said, “youshould be out to all hours with your friends, making me mad, insteadof hanging out with your old Mom.””Oh, Mom, 34’s not old. Just well-seasoned.””I’ll ‘well-season’ you, you little squirt,” she laughed aiming aplayful smack at his head. Then she let her hand linger on histousled brown hair, his father’s hair. Jack had been gone six yearsnow this coming January. It wasn’t fair to the k** to have to growup like this. It had been extremely tough on both of them to losehim so suddenly – another victim of a drunk driver. To the worldhe was just an old statistic now, but Heather and Kevin still feltthe void. She smothered Kevin in a hug.”Hey, I’ve got to stir this sauce,” he called out, muffled in herbosom.”Okay,” she said absently, then left to clean up for supper.Kevin watched as his mother left the kitchen. Her nurse’s uniform was still crisp and white as when she left that morning. He lovedher uniform, the white shoes, the white hose climbing those greatlegs up to that nice looking… Kevin shook his head abruptly. Hecouldn’t believe he was sitting here analyzing his Mom’s body thesame way he and his friends analyzed their teachers and the girls. And yet, didn’t most of his discomfort at being hugged stem frombeing smothered between two large breasts? They certainly werebigger than any other… he shook his head again. “Concentrate ondinner,” he told himself.Upstairs, Heather was changing out of her work clothes into thesweats she usually wore around the house. As always, she stood infront of the full length mirror as she stripped. She was in no waynarcissistic, but derived pleasure from the clothes on her bodyrather than her body itself.To all outward appearances, she looked like an everyday nurse,except for a few details. Like the high heels she wore to work,despite the fact that all other nurses in her unit had long sinceswitched to the more comfortable sneakers. Or the old navy bluecardigan which had been Jack’s. But these were minor compared towhat was underneath.The cardigan lay on the bed, the dress in a pool about her feet, andHeather gazed into the mirror at what remained. The high heels didgive way to the hose Kevin had admired, but they were not the pantyhose anyone would expect, but real stockings, climbing from hertapered ankles to the middle of her creamy white thighs, held inplace by a lacy white garter belt. Her panties were all of lace aswell, save for the crotch, and Heather could clearly see the darkblack of her pubic hair through the lace. Above her waist, the silkchemise hung from thin shoulder straps, caressing her chest and stomach. Sensuously she lifted this over her head to reveal the brabeneath. Although this too was lacy, it was nowhere near asattractive as the other pieces. This is because most sexy bras weremade to fit women with figures slightly less endowed than Heather’s40-28-38. Her sexiest bras were half-cups, which just would not dofor daily work wear. Heather’s fascination for sexy undergarments grew out of her teen-age desire to appear more feminine. It had been this penchanttoward femininity which had attracted Jack to her in an age whenmost women were trying to out-man the men. He had introduced herto the world of sexy negligees, naughty and nice underthings,peignoirs, camisoles, teddies, body stockings, garter belts andeverything. It was the only thing about their sexual relationshipwhich had been more than pedestrian. She would model sexy thingsfor him, they would flirt and tease each other, but it always endedthe same, Jack on top, grunting, rolling over, snuggling a bit, thenfalling asleep. It was not as bad as it sounded, he was a wonderful man, but hissexual imagination began and ended at lingerie. In the time sincehis death, Heather had tried to have relationships with other men,who also appreciated her taste in underwear. But of the few shetook to bed, none was ever interested in more than his own pleasure. She stopped dating, and began to believe that all the wonderfulthings she’d heard about sex were mere myth.Now, she sought her own femininity which had attracted Jack to her in an age whenmost women were trying to out-man the men. He had introduced herto the world of sexy negligees, naughty and nice underthings,peignoirs, camisoles, teddies, body stockings, garter belts andeverything. It was the only thing about their sexual relationshipwhich had been more than pedestrian. She would model sexy thingsfor him, they would flirt and tease each other, but it always endedthe same, Jack on top, grunting, rolling over, snuggling a bit, thenfalling asleep. It was not as bad as it sounded, he was a wonderful man, but hissexual imagination began and ended at lingerie. In the time sincehis death, Heather had tried to have relationships with other men,who also appreciated her taste in underwear. But of the few shetook to bed, none was ever interested in more than his own pleasure. She stopped dating, and began to believe that all the wonderfulthings she’d heard about sex were mere myth.Now, she sought her own relief whenever she felt the urge. Inaddition to her wonderful underthings, she had a vibrator whichshe’d ordered from a catalog. It was plain, utilitarian, but it gotthe job done for her, which no man ever had. The only extravaganceshe allowed herself was periodic trips to Victoria’s Secret. “Secret, indeed,” she mused, for now that Jack was gone, no one butshe knew of her taste in clothes. Not even Kevin knew, for she handwashed everything in her bathroom when he wasn’t home, though sheoften wondered exactly why she hid this from him.But dinner was waiting, and u*********sly imitating her son, sheshook her head to clear her thoughts, changed into some plainunderwear and her sweats, and headed downstairs.-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+Kevin’s StoryChapter 2The next day was a school holiday, so Kevin slept in as Heather leftthe house for work. Later he woke up, got some breakfast, did thedishes and sat down in the living room. He felt lazy to not bedoing anything, and tried to think of a chore to do that wouldreally please his Mom. He decided to try doing laundry, it didn’tlook too hard.He ran upstairs to grab the hamper from the bathroom, brought itdown to the basement, shook it out and began separating colors. Henoticed, however, that the uniform his Mom had on yesterday was notamong the dirty clothes. Knowing she’d never wear the same clothestwo days in a row, Kevin ran back up to her bedroom, figuring she’dleft it there.He found it in a heap on the floor, along with several other things. With a jolt, Kevin realized that they were underthings, the likesof which he’d never seen before. In amazement, he discovered thegarter belt. The chemise he ignored, but when he came to her braand panties, he began to feel a not uncomfortable tightening in hisgroin as his penis began expanding against the front of his pajamas. Unsnapping the pants, he let it pop free as he handled the silkysexy underwear. His eyes bugged out in amazement at the size of thebra, which a small tag advertised to be 40-DD. He had always knownthey were big, but…wow! The panties were barely a wisp in hishand. Tentatively, not knowing what drove him, Kevin brushed thefabric of the panties against his prick. The silky smooth fabricfelt electrically cool against his hot cock. The pattern of thelace ground erotically against his prick-head and his whole memberjerked and throbbed with excitement. He wrapped the crotch aroundhis rod and began slowly stroking himself, meanwhile holding andstaring at the bra. His imagination began to run away with him. He imagined what his mom looked like nude, her long dark hair fannedout around her head, her green eyes smoldering, her large breastshanging off her chest. He recalled the feeling of those breasts onhis face, and his young cock suddenly dumped its seed into thecrotch of his mom’s panties. Startled, Kevin dropped the bra and panties, then hurriedly mixedthe clothes back up in what he hoped was an approximation of howhe’d found them. Jumping up, he pulled up his pajamas and fled theroom. Back downstairs, he mechanically sorted and washed theclothes, with confused thoughts running through his head all thewhile. He loved his mom, but not that way. Or did he? He likedthe feel of her, the smell of her, and he especially liked the ideaof her in (and out of) those sexy clothes. He hoped she wouldn’tnotice the dried spunk on her clothes but would just wash them out. Thoroughly confused, he finished the laundry, then went out tosoccer practice, where he could forget about all that stuff.Later that afternoon, Heather arrived home to an empty house. Themarkerboard on the fridge said “Soc. Prac. Luv U -K” in Kevin’sfamiliar scrawl. She smiled over that, then headed up the stairs. Whenever Kevin was away, she could really dress up in her favoritethings, then relax with her vibrator. She decided a nice bath wouldbe in order to start. But once she was undressing in the mainbathroom, she noticed the hamper was missing. Perplexed, she headeddownstairs to find it empty next to the wash machine with all theclean clothes neatly stacked on the washer and drier. “What a greatk**,” she thought as a surge of love and pride filled her eyes withtears. It wasn’t fair, no 14-year-old should be that responsible. He should be enjoying his youth more. And yet here he was takingon more responsibility on his day off. She wished she could dosomething for him.Back upstairs, she decided against the bath. The done laundryreminded her about the stuff she had to hand wash in the basket inher closet. Returning to her bedroom, she gathered up the clothesshe’d thoughtlessly left on the floor yesterday, piled them on thevanity in her smaller private bathroom, then ran a sink full ofwarmish water.As she picked up the panties, however, she noticed the peculiar,scaly stain in the crotch. She wasn’t extremely experienced, butshe did recognize dried cum-stains when she saw them. At first shewas taken aback, then she was angry, finally she was slightlyamused. “That k**,” she thought, “It’s nice to know that he’s anormal teen in some respect. Sometimes I forget he’s just enteringpuberty and not a grown-up. I’ll have to have a talk with him,though.” Quickly, she finished washing her things, then hung them from therod of her small shower. She returned to her bedroom and stripped,then slipped into her outfit du jour: black fishnet stockings, a redgarter belt, red panties with side ribbon ties, and a red half-cutpush-up bra. Over this she wore long silk dressing gown. Next shedarkened the room, drawing the curtains and turning out the lights,save for a small lamp on her night table. For a while she loungedin the armchair with her eyes closed, luxuriating in the feeling ofthe clothes on her body, especially that of the silk over hernipples. After a bit, she stood, and headed over to the full lengthmirror. She teasingly dipped her gown, showing first one, then theother shoulder. Sashaying back and forth, she continued to teaseher reflection, alternately dropping each shoulder to display moreand more flesh. Once again, she was delighting not in the view ofher own body, but of the lingerie.Finally, she dropped the robe altogether, and began running herhands over her body. From her thighs, the tops of the stockings,under the straps of the garter belt, up over her waist, under herbreasts, over her nipples, up to her shoulders her hands tracedtheir path, then back down. This caressing became more insistent,then one hand stayed at her crotch, as the other moved to herbreast, and the caresses became localized. In a near daze, sheuntied the bows at her hips and luxuriously drew the panties frombetween her legs, making sure every possible inch of silk ran overthe inflamed lips of her pussy. As the last bit of silk flicked offher clit, she shivered and knew she was ready for the vibrator. Silently she cursed herself, as usual, in her hurry to view herself,she had neglected to move the armchair in front of the mirror. Quickly she did this, then grabbed the vibrator and settled intoposition.Heather began with the toy the same way she had with her hands,rubbing it all over her body at the lowest setting. Again shelocalized her ministrations, first on her breasts. The tinglingsensation flooded out from her nipples, spreading warmth throughouther body. She moved the vibrations up two notches, then lay themachine between her breasts and squeezed them together. The bra gotin the way, so with an expert flick of the wrist behind her back,she sprang the clasps, then pulled the cups away in front. Herpendulous breasts barely sagged at all with the removal of thesupport. She pushed them together around the buzzing instrument. The insistent vibrations set off waves of ecstacy in her pussy. Shefelt herself getting more and more excited, so she throttled thevibrator back a notch and began running it between her pussy lips. A minute of this had her ready for much more, so she angled the endout, aiming the tip for the center of her moist womanhood andplunged nearly the whole length into her pussy. Once it was firmly embedded, she dialed it up to full power, andthrew her head back in ecstacy. The vibrations coursed through herbody, rattling her very brain with their erotic intensity. Theyseemed to pulse throughout her, but seemed most insistent in hererogenous zones. Her nipples cried out to be squeezed. Clampingher thighs together to hold that pleasure dispensing instrument inplace, she rocked forward on the chair and grabbed at her tits,kneading and pulling the flesh. With abandon, she grabbed one inboth hands and heaved the nipple up to her mouth. Sucking wildly,she dropped one hand to her crotch and, almost delicately, slippeda finger down on her clit. The confluence of erotic stimulation wasabout to drive her over the edge. As she approached her orgasm, she felt herself fiercely wanting acock, any cock, to be ramming into her instead of this lifelessplastic. She wanted it to fill her fully, then spurt its seed allover her, to run down her face and tits and stomach and pussy andthighs, to dry all over her and her wonderful lingerie. Unbidden,but not entirely unwelcome, the thought of her son Kevin sprayinghis warm goo into the crotch of her panties sprang to mind. At thatinstant, she was swept over the edge and with a long, thin, teeth-clenching wail, she came in ecstacy!Minutes later, after catching her breath, she lay flat on her backon her bed, staring up at the ceiling. Although her routine had notvaried, this orgasm had been one of her best in months. Embarrassedeven though she was alone, she wondered if her thoughts of Kevin hadanything to do with it. “Don’t be ridiculous,” she told herself,turning red in embarrassment and anger, “You can’t feel that wayover a f******n-year-old. He’s much too young. No self-respectingwoman would have anything to do with such a young man.” But he was a nice k**, and so mature for his age. There were somany ways he could be hurt by unscrupulous women out there. Itwould be terrible if he turned out like those other jerks I’ve sleptwith, only interested in their own pleasure. I could teach him somuch. And who would know? I love him so…..”Stop it!” she now told herself out loud. “get your feelings undercontrol, Heather. Not only is he so young, HE IS ALSO YOUR SON! That would be i****t. Now snap to it and let’s get going.”She hopped out of bed, almost physically thrusting the thought fromher mind. She changed into her regular clothes, washed the lingerieshe’d just used and went downstairs to fix supper.-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+Kevin’s StoryChapter 3Although she had no desire to pursue her thoughts of that afternoon,Heather realized that evening that she would have to discuss thestains she found in her panties with Kevin. She had no problem withhis masturbating (especially given her own proclivities in thatarea), but it would not do to have him jacking off in her pantieswhenever she wasn’t looking. For one thing, the harsher scrubbingnecessary would ruin some of the more delicate items. For another,it just wasn’t right for a son to do that with his Mom’s under-clothes. For a while she thought she might buy him some panties forhim to use for that purpose, but that didn’t seem like the rightsolution.Finally, when she went in to kiss him goodnight she decided to speakto him. She sat down on the edge of his bed, facing him, and said”Kevin, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.””Yeah?” he answered, tentatively.”Um, yes, well, I really appreciate your doing the laundry today,but um,” she pulled the previously soiled panties out of her pocketand held them out, “it’s, uh, not really polite for a young man tomasturbate in a lady’s underthings and not to wash them out.”Kevin blanched, then covered his face with his pillow. “I’m sorry,”he wailed, muffled by the pillow, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to doit. I don’t know why… I’m sorry.”Heather’s heart melted to see him so distraught. “Honey, honey,no,” she said gently, trying to pull the pillow away from his face,”I’m not upset. I’m not angry. I understand. It’s okay.”She pulled the pillow away, but the boy covered his face with hisarms, still mortified.”Kevin, it’s alright,” she leaned down and hugged her son, kissinghis forehead, then sat up. “There’s nothing wrong with masturbat-ing, and I’m not mad about that.”He peeked out one eye. “You’re not?” he sniffed, hopeful but stillunbelieving.”No, of course not,” she insisted, pulling his arms down, thenbrushing away one stray tear. “It’s just that Mommy has someexpensive underwear, and she’d hate to see it get ruined that way.” Heather knew her little underwear secret was out of the bag anyway,so she decided not to pretend about it anymore.”I know,” Kevin said, “I didn’t think about that. Mom, I didn’teven know you had such nice stuff.””Well, I do. It’s my special secret. And now you share that secretwith me. Can you keep my secret, Kev?””Sure, Mom, of course I will. But what’s it for? I mean, why doyou have special underwear and regular stuff?””It makes me feel nice to wear it. It makes me feel…” Heatherpaused.”What? How does it make you feel?” Kevin insisted.”Oh, boy,” Heather thought, “I’ve done it now.” But she decided notto lie. It was important to her that she and Kevin maintain an openattitude about sex. She wanted him to be able to talk to her aboutanything. Kevin would sense if she were lying, and so might notdiscuss things frankly with her in the future. So…”It makes me feel sexy.””But Mom, you’re already the sexiest woman I know, you don’t needanything else to do that.””Thank you, Kevin, I appreciate that. But I don’t look at myselfthat way and frankly, you shouldn’t either.””I’m sorry, but I can’t help it,” he said earnestly. “I reallythink you’re beautiful and I love you.””I love you too. But like I said, I don’t feel sexy until I’mwearing that stuff. It makes me feel feminine. Besides, you mustfind it sexy, too. After all, look what you did to it.”Kevin blushed deeply, but to his credit didn’t squirm or retreatbeneath the pillow again. “Um, it wasn’t so much the panties, itwas the bra.””Hmm, that bra wasn’t so special,” she said.”Well, it’s just, I’d never known, well, I mean, I uh, uh,” Kevinfloundered and dropped his head.Heather put her hand on her son’s shoulder and said gently, “It’sokay honey, you can be honest with me about anything. I’ll answeryou honestly, too.”Without looking up Kevin said in a strangely deep voice, “I neverknew how big your breasts were and the tag said 40-DD and I thoughtabout you and it excited me.”Heather was not as taken aback as she might have been. Guiltily shethought about her own fantasies that afternoon, them pushed themfrom her mind.”It’s alright,” she said, then tried to deflect her son’s agitationwith another tack. “Is there anything you want to ask me?”Kevin was silent.”Anything, honey, I mean it. Would you like to know when I startedwearing these things?”Kevin nodded.”Your Dad first bought them for me. He’d have me model them. Theyexcited him, too.””Do they excite you?” he asked.”In a way.””Do you masturbate?””Uh, yes, I do,””Really?” Kevin picked up his head, and sounded surprised.”Yes, of course, it’s not some terrible thing. Everyone does it. Now, Kevin, I don’t want you ever to be ashamed or frightened to askme about anything having to do with sex. Is that clear?”Kevin nodded.”Is there anything else you want to tell me?””Ummm.””It’s okay, honey, what is it?””Ummm, all this talk about sex and stuff has made me hard.”Heather was surprised, then laughed at herself a little. She HADsaid “anything””Uh, hmmm,” she said, “and what about that?””Well, I don’t know, I just thought I’d tell you,” he said.”Okay, fine,” she said, but felt that there was more to it thanthat. “Did you want to show it to me?””Well, umm, I don’t know, kind of, but I don’t know if it’s okay.””Of course it’s okay,” she said, “remember, there aren’t any secretsabout this type of thing between us, okay?””Okay,” he said.Kevin was thoroughly confused. First of all, he was confused by thefeelings he’d had about his Mom that afternoon. The mortificationover being caught had given way to her gentle attitude and he wasrelieved to see she wasn’t angry. But the tenor of the discussionhad recalled to him all those feelings from before, and he couldhardly take his eyes from the panties she held. He remembered theirfeeling against his throbbing young cock, and that cock hadreasserted itself under his blankets. Moreover, although she was only wearing a baggy sweater and jeans,he could see the swell of his Mom’s breasts under the black cableknit, and by the way they moved when she did, he thought she wasbraless. This only served to increase his hard-on, and now hewanted nothing more than to show it off to this woman he adored. And although part of him believed it was wrong, she was sitting heretelling him that they could discuss anything about sex.So without further ado, he flipped aside the blanket. His Momseemed to gasp slightly as bulge in his pajamas became visible, thenhe unsnapped the pants and it popped out. For a moment, the two ofthem looked at it as it stood there. The Heather swallowed and saidquietly, “Very nice.”In fact, it was more than very nice. For a 14-year-old it wasextremely nice. Almost seven inches long, it was still ratherskinny. It jutted up from inside his pajamas, curving back slightlyas it neared the flaring head, which just now was an angry shade ofred.”Does it hurt you now?” Heather asked him.”A little,” he said, “’cause it’s so hard.””What’s made it this hard?” she asked.”Just talking about this stuff,” he said, then paused and admitted”and you.””Me?” she said, surprised.”Yes,” he said simply, “I can’t help it, you just do.””Does it normally go away by itself?” she asked.”Not usually, I have to masturbate it.””Go ahead, then,” she said.”Now? In front of you?””If you like, I’ll leave,” she said, making as if to get up.”No,” Kevin protested, his mind racing, “you can stay if you want.”Kevin really wanted to do this for her, but he couldn’t shake thepersistent feeling that it wasn’t right. In fact, it was thisfeeling which made it that much more exciting. He wasn’t aware ofthe term “i****t” and it’s full implications.Heather was, though, yet she still felt compelled to see thisthrough. It was clear that Kevin had to work through thesefeelings, and to turn her back on him now may do irreparable harmto his feelings and their relationship. Yet when that young toolsprang into illegal bahis view, she couldn’t suppress an inward shudder ofexcitement. Her thoughts of this afternoon returned, and she didn’tquite have the strength to banish them again. So she sat andstayed.Wordlessly, Kevin began to stroke his cock. His rhythm was fast andfurious, and the already red skin began to turn redder from thefriction. In a way it hurt, but his feelings were such that he hadto stroke this monster down quickly. His Mom winced to see theforce with which he attacked his rod. “Stop, Kevin, don’t” she said without thinking. “You’ll hurtyourself that way, is that how you always masturbate?””Usually.””Here let me show you.”And before she knew it, her hand was wrapped around his young cockand she was lightly, gently stroking it up and down. Kevin wasshocked, but before he had a chance to protest, the feelings fromhis groin rendered him speechless. It was incredible! Just thefact that having another hand not your own do this was terrific. But to do it so well! It was several minutes before the novelty ofthat situation allowed him to realize that it was his Mom jackinghim off.For her part, Heather realized too late what she was doing. Butthat realization only came in a small, rapidly shrinking part of hermind. The rest of her consciousness was devoted to that magnificentboy-cock in front of her. She didn’t see it as her son, but as theanswer to her yearnings of the afternoon. What remained of hernormal state of mind had already begun to rationalize the actionanyway. It was only a hand-job. They weren’t having sex. Besides,if she let him go on masturbating like that, he would rub himselfraw. She would show him the correct technique and that would be it.Kevin continued to revel in the feelings. His hips strained off thebed. He was unused to such light, caressing ministrations, and theelusiveness of his Mom’s grasp was driving him crazy. Normally, hepounded himself quickly until he came, but this was a whole newlevel of pleasure.His Mom speeded up her strokes, but only increased her pressurelightly. Kevin had fallen into a rhythm beneath her hand, buckingup as she slid it down. Reaching out with the panties still heldin her left hand, she caressed his balls softly. The brown hair onthem seemed barely there, it was so soft and downy. She felt hisnuts churning beneath the fabric.Kevin felt the added stimulus and knew he couldn’t hold back muchlonger. Already she had jacked him far longer than he normallylasted, because the lighter pressure counteracted the added eroticbenefits of the situation. But the moment of truth was at hand.Without warning, he arched his back one last time, then fired hisload up into the air. Spurt after spurt of hot cum fountained intothe air to land on his belly, or his Mom’s hand. She continued tostroke him, firmer now that the added cum provided some lubrication.His spurts subsided to dribbles, welling up from his cock with eachof her downward strokes. Finally they ebbed to nothing. Quickly,almost clinically, she cleaned him up with the panties still in herhand, pulled up and buttoned his pajamas, kissed him once, firmlybut quickly on the lips, and left him to sleep.The kiss startled him out of his stupor, but by the time Kevinrealized what was going on, his Mom had gone. He was dull withsleepiness, and his young mind still had not registered thebizarreness of what had occurred, and so he snorted satisfiedly andslipped off to sleep.Heather’s mind, on the other hand, was awhirl. She couldn’t believewhat had just happened. But the human mind is a mysterious object,and when confronted with an unpleasant reality, often rationalizesaway the unpleasant parts. This process had already begun duringthe hand-job, and Heather retreated gratefully toward that versionof events: it was a normal part of sex education.To help things along, however, Heather headed toward the kitchencabinet where she kept her liquor. Usually, these bottles werebrought out only for guests and parties, but in an uncharacteristicmove, Heather poured herself two fingers of scotch on ice andslurped it down.Back upstairs, Heather noticed the twice-soiled pantied were stillin her hand. She was about to simply throw them out, but for somereason, sniffed tentatively at them. Immediately, the familiar odorif male sex filled her nostrils. It had been months since she’dlast smelled that, but the pheromones did their work. Her kneesweakened, her breasts ached to be touched, and her pussy turnedmoist.Her armchair was still in front of her mirror, but she ignored it. Instead she flung off her clothes and bounced onto her bed. Layingthe cum-soaked panties near her head, she reached for the vibratorand turned it on. Ignoring her regular routine, she buzzed it tohigh and slid it into her moist pussy. Leaving it there, shekneaded and sucked her own mammoth breasts, pulling and mauling atthem like a man would. She quickly built toward her climax, and asshe felt it becoming inevitable, she turned her head toward thepanties, almost sticking her nose in her son’s cum, and inhaleddeeply. She came then, thrashing silently in ecstacy on the bed. This intense orgasm lasted almost a minute before subsiding, andeven then several short pulses ripped through her pussy likeaftershocks of a climactic earthquake. She barely had enough energyto flip off the switch, leaving the inert vibrator inserted in herpussy, before falling into a deep dreamless sleep.-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-Kevin’s StoryChapter 4Kevin woke up the next morning inordinately happy, but as so oftenhappens to the waking mind, he didn’t immediately remember why. Hefelt the sheets rub against his morning hard-on, and then hesuddenly recalled the events of the previous night. His alreadyswollen member seemed to get even harder. He hopped out of bed and,with his swaying boner leading him on like a divining rod, went offin search of his mother.Heather, for her part, woke with a feeling of guilt, albeit a smallone. But as she showered away the sweat of the previous night, herrationalizations completed themselves, washing away the guilt aswell. By the time she had dried off and was getting dressed, shehad convinced herself that grabbing hold of her son’s dick andmasturbating him to orgasm was an integral part of his sexeducation. She ignored the fact that it had turned her on as well,since it was not germane to the idea of teaching him.In her confusion the previous night, Heather had not closed herbedroom door all the way, and as Kevin approached her room, he couldsee his mom framed in the crack between the door and the jamb. Shewas just fastening her bra at that point, and the view wasbreathtaking. Since he had no idea what he was going to say to her,he decided not to enter, but simply to observe her getting dressed.Already she was in her bra and panties, but, strangely, Kevin wasnot disappointed not to see her naked. To a 14-year-old, underwearwas as good as naked, and when the underwear was as nice asHeather’s…He stood transfixed, drinking in the view. Inside her room, Heather bustled about putting on her garter beltand slowly pulling up her white stockings so as not to run them. Kevin stroked his rod as he watched her, and began to reallyappreciate her taste in lingerie.Finally, as she slipped into her uniform, she caught sight of hisshadow in the hall. At first she was irritated, then she simplysighed to herself and let it pass. A little voyeurism never hurtanyone, especially in view of what had already passed between them. But she resolved to speak to him again that evening.When Kevin saw that his Mom was done dressing, he decided not toknock and enter, but rather to return to his own bathroom and jerkoff. After that, he went downstairs for breakfast to find thatHeather had already left.That evening, Heather returned home to find that Kevin had onceagain prepared dinner, although this time it was steak and bakedpotatoes, with a tossed salad. “Kevin!” she squealed in surprise,”how on earth did you manage all this?”Kevin proudly related to her that he had called his aunt longdistance to get instructions on the preparation as a surprise forher. “I just wanted to have a special Friday night supper,” hesaid.Heather gratefully sat down to start on her salad, while Kevinclumsily (but adorably, she thought) finished the meal and servedit. To her continued surprise, he went to the ‘fridge and produceda bottle of wine, which he served her with great ceremony, butserved himself only a Pepsi. He smiled engagingly when he sat downopposite her, and they dug in to the meal. When they were almost done, and Kevin was leaning over to refill herglass, Heather realized that he was acting exactly as if they wereon a date. The shock of the realization almost made her choke ona mouthful of steak. She saw the danger inherent in such aviewpoint, but at the same time she was touched and flattered. Kevin was acting very courtly, almost like a caricature of a suavemovie suitor. She resolved to talk to him after the meal about thisand other matters. But Heather had to admit that it was the nicest”date” she’d had in quite awhile. No other man ever cooked for her,or treated her with such respectful affection. It’s too bad,really, that Kevin wasn’t older, and not her son….Kevin insisted on doing dishes himself, so Heather carried her wineinto the den and sat down on the couch. A few minutes later heappeared, but she noticed he had changed into his pajamas and robe.”Kevin, I’d like to talk to you,” she said.”I’d like to talk to you, too,” he said, sitting down next to her.”It’s about last night, and dinner, and this morning, too.””This morning?” he asked.”Yes, I saw you in the hall.””I’m sorry, Mom. I didn’t want to bother you, but you looked sonice I couldn’t help but watch. I should have asked you, first.””Yes, you should, but that’s not the point…””Would you have let me?” he interrupted.”What?” she asked, confused.”Watch you dress. I mean, you did say we could be honest with oneanother.””Uh, yes, I guess so…””Great, I really appreciate this Mom.”By now, Heather was thoroughly confused. Perhaps she shouldn’t havedrunk so much wine. But she couldn’t for the life of her figure outwhat Kevin was driving at. Plus she’d lost the thread of what shewas going to say.”Appreciate what?” she asked.”This honesty stuff. I was really confused about sex and stuff, andit really helps that I can talk to someone I trust. I love you,Mom.””Oh, Kevin, I love you, too. I’ll always be here for you. You knowthat.””I know, and last night was really special to me. That’s why I madesuch a nice dinner, to kind of say thanks. It really helped me.””Good.””In fact, I’d like to show you what I’ve learned. I’m much betterat jack-uh, masturbating now. I practiced today. Can I show you,please?”Totally taken aback, extremely confused and feeling a little hornyfrom the wine, Heather barely nodded before Kevin stood in front ofher. He pulled his robe back behind his hips. She could alreadysee his hard rod tenting out the front of his pajamas.Kevin unsnapped his pants and let them fall around his ankles. Asshe did the previous night, Heather gasped slightly. She was amazedthat such a large organ could grow from the loins of such a slimbody. Kevin kept his left hand on his hip, holding the robe out ofthe way. He dropped his right hand to his blood-engorged rod. Heather shivered involuntarily as his first stroke brought forth aclear drop of seminal fluid. Her wine-clouded mind retreated to thenow familiar rationalizations for her actions, but her bodyresponded honestly: her nipples hardened under her blouse; herrespiration increased; her tongue moistened her lips quickly,nervously; she shifted forward in her seat, her knees partingslightly; a slow warmth suffused through her body, accompanied bya wetness in her pussy.Kevin seemed not to notice these subtle changes; his eyes were halfclosed as he smoothly stroked his rod. His lidded gaze looked half-sleepy with lust, and seemed concentrated on his mother’s heavingbosom. Three buttons had come undone on her blouse, and he couldsee the creamy tops of her breasts and the thinnest line of her brapeaking out of the top. As she shifted forward in her seat, hiseyes were drawn to her stockinged legs. He remembered the eroticvision of the morning: his mother slowly pulling up the whitestockings. Heather lay back in the chair, her gaze totally focused on that handpistoning on that rod. u*********sly, the fingers of her own handcurled as they had the night before to stroke that penis. Thetactile memories flooded through her, exciting her even more. Shewanted to drop her own hand between her legs, but seemed to lack thewill to do anything voluntarily.Mother and Son faced each other, each experiencing physicalstimulation, but the mental stimulation far outpaced that. Bothwere wrapped in memories, she of him the night before, he of herthis morning. In his mind’s eye, Kevin followed the progress of thestockings she pulled on this morning, over the ankle, up the smoothcalf, over the knee. Heather recalled each individual stroke shehad applied last night, the feel of the warm flesh beneath her, thebump on her fingers of his glans.Kevin became more excited as his eyes travelled up her leg, seeingthe stocking gliding over that creamy thigh. As the stockings inhis vision came to their end, his mental gaze travelled up hismother’s thigh to the white panties snugly nestling their prize. He felt himself start to cum.Heather recalled tightening her grip, stroking faster, and her ownorgasm approached.With a strangled cry, Kevin pitched forward slightly, his left handsupporting him on the back of Heather’s chair. He angled his dickdown, not wanting to spray cum all over his Mom’s face. A huge wadfired down onto the white-stockinged thigh of his fantasy.Kevin’s cry almost broke Heather’s concentration, but when she feltthat hot, gooey cum hit her leg, she arched her back up, threw herhead back, and gasped out her orgasm. Spurt after spurt of cum landed on those thighs, each one searingit’s way into Heather’s orgasm. No man’s cum, in her pussy, downher throat, between her breasts, had ever put her over the edge likethis before.As Kevin finished coming, he opened his eyes and looked down intohis mother’s face. Heather was still in the midst of her orgasm,with her head back, her eyes closed and her lips parted. Withoutthinking, her dropped his mouth to cover hers. His mother kissedhim back hungrily. Suddenly, her eyes flew open to stare into his. Startled, Kevin pulled back, grabbed up his pants, and ran from theroom.Heather still wasn’t quite all the way back. Her surprised glancehad not been because her son was kissing her, but because a kiss hadin no way figured in that fantasy place where she was reliving lastnight. With Kevin gone, she still was wrapped in lust. She ran herhands over her thighs, revelling in the sensation of hot, sticky cumgiving way to the small rough mesh of fibers of her stockings. Shecontinued to massage the cum into her legs, then she picked up onehand and examined the goo all over her fingers. Dreamily, sheexamined the way it clung to her fingers. Then she seemed to cometo a bit. She got up, went to her room, stripped off her clothesand hopped in the shower. Still partly dazed, she went to sleep.-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-Kevin’s StoryChapter 5The next day was Saturday. Kevin woke up not knowing what toexpect. He was certain his Mom was not happy about what hadtranspired the night before. Whether or not she would mentiontroubled him. But even if Heather let it go, Kevin was stillconsumed with guilt.He padded downstairs, still in the robe and pajamas from theprevious night. This time, however, his robe was belted tightlyshut. Heather was in the kitchen,also in her robe, humming toherself while fixing breakfast.For her part, Heather was not mad at her son at all. She felt thatwhat had transpired between them so far was simply furtheringKevin’s sex education. She was also feeling guilty, however, forenjoying herself so much in the process.She turned around from the stove and started slightly. Kevin hadcome into the kitchen and sat down without even saying hello. Nowhe was seated at the table with his head in his hands.”Good morning, Tiger,” she said cheerily.”Mmmf, mornin’,” he said without raising his head.Heather immediately became concerned. “Are you okay, honey? Areyou sick?””No, I’m fine,” he said, and left it at that.Heather shrugged and turned back to the stove. A few minutes later,she shoveled some eggs onto his plate. Without looking up, he tookhis fork and began eating, still holding his head up with the otherhand. Heather was puzzled, but let it be for now. She tried tomake conversation a few times, but Kevin’s monosyllabic answersrebuffed her attempts.After only a few mouthfuls, Kevin rose, sc****d his leftovers intothe trash, the dashed upstairs again. Perplexed, Heather finishedher own breakfast, and cleaned up. As she washed the few dishes,she wondered if perhaps Kevin was mad at her for what had occurred. Certainly, she hadn’t encouraged him last night, but you never knowhow k**s might interpret things. Finishing the countertop, shedried her hands and went up to talk to him.Kevin was in his bedroom, back in bed but still in his robe. Theshades were drawn and the room was in deep shadow. Heather came in,pulled his desk chair over alongside the bed and sat on it. “Kevin,honey, what’s wrong?”Kevin lay with his head muffled in his arms “Nothing,” came thebarely audible reply.”Are you worried about what’s been happening between us?”There was no answer from the teenager.”Have I done anything wrong, anything to hurt or offend you?””Oh, God, no!” he groaned.”Then what’s wrong? Why won’t you talk to me?””I shouldn’t have done that last night. It was terrible of me.””What are you talking about?” she asked. “It was not terrible ofyou at all. Didn’t anything I said to you before get through? It’sokay for you to ask me about these things and for me to teach you. If I were upset, believe me you’d know.”Kevin lay silent for awhile, digesting this.”Kevin?” she prompted.With his face still in his arms, Kevin gulped, “But you don’t do it. Only me. I feel like it’s not right if you don’t do it.””Do what, Kevin? Do you mean masturbate?””Yes.”Heather had to laugh at that, but was careful to make it a friendlychuckle lest she hurt her son’s feelings further.”Oh Kevin, of course I do. Everyone does.”Kevin lifted his head, surprised. “You do?!””Of course, silly. Like I said, everyone does.”Kevin seemed to forget his problems with the fascination of this newpiece of information. He flipped over and sat up, crossing his legsIndian style. “But, I don’t understand. Women don’t have, youknow, a thing.”Heather had trouble concentrating on an answer, because she couldsee Kevin’s prick pushing against his pajama bottoms. It neverceased to amaze her how quickly and with what little stimulationteenage boys got hard. Grown men for that matter. “Prick,” shesaid, half to herself.”Huh?” “Prick, cock, dick, these are all terms for penis, Kevin. You canuse them with me. I told you the other night, you can ask meanything. You don’t have to call a prick a ‘thing’.””Well, what are the terms for your ‘thing’?””Well, vagina is the clinical term, but many people call it a pussy,slit or cunt. But for some reason I don’t like the term cunt.””Then I won’t use it. But still, how does a woman jack off?””Well, she can use several methods. She can simply stroke her pussylips, inserting her fingers or an object in her pussy. Or she canconcentrate on her clit and bring herself off with her finger. Somewomen can cum merely by stimulating their breasts. Most women usea combination of those methods. Do you follow me?”Kevin had been nodding his head slightly at her explanation, asthough he understood. But when Heather asked him point blank, hehad to truthfully answer “Uh, no.”Heather frowned a bit in thought, then said “Are you familiar withfemale anatomy?””No.””Hmmm. Kevin, honey, would you like Mom to show you?””Yeah!” he grinned enthusiastically.Heather frowned again, a bit concerned over his eagerness. But hewas young and inexperienced. His curiosity was understandable. Besides, a young man could get himself in trouble trying to discoverthe mysteries of a woman’s body, either by exploring unsafely withsomeone his own age or as the toy of an older woman. Or merelythrough voyeurism as he displayed this morning. That could get himin trouble with the law if he got caught. No, it seems that thisway was the only course.So Heather stood up, untied the sash of her robe, and let it dropto the floor. Kevin’s eyes got wide as saucers as he beheld hernearly naked body. As it happened, Heather was wearing a normal,though lacy, bra and panty set. She reached behind her back, undidthe clasp, and let the bra drop to the floor. Kevin gasped as hebeheld those magnificent mammaries. Heather simply reached down andpeeled off her panties, stepping out of them. There was no coynessin her style, since her aim was not to excite but to educate. Nevertheless, the circumstances were such that both mother and sonwere getting extremely excited. Somewhat wobbly, Heather sat downon the chair again, facing her son on his bed.”Okay,” she said, soft and low, “these are my breasts, obviously.” She hefted her pendulous tits toward Kevin. “They are also calledtits, boobs and other things. This area is called the areola, andthese are the nipples. This area becomes engorged with blood andthe nipples become stiff when a woman is excited.” Heather noticedher nipples were in exactly that state so she hastily added “…orcold.”Next she parted her knees and guided Kevin on a tour of her pussy. “This is the pubic hair, this area is the mons, these lips arecalled the labia majoris. If I pull them back…like so…you cansee the labia minoris and the clitoris, or clit. It is analogousin structure to your penis, although it does not excrete urine orcum. It does become stiff with blood, as does the whole area.”Heather had been looking down at herself as she spoke, and now whenshe raised her head she saw to her consternation that Kevin hadpulled out his cock and was softly stroking it. With a bit ofprideful detachment she noted that his technique had improved, butmost of her mind was beginning to glaze over again with thatfamiliar lust. “Kevin, you’re doing that much better, now.””Thanks, Mom. But could you show me, please, how you do it.”Although reluctant, Heather could hardly say no, since she hadencouraged this learning experience. Besides, it would feel good.So she leaned her head back in her chair, placed her feet well aparton the edge of Kevin’s bed, closed her eyes, and dropped one handto her crotch, one to her breasts.Kevin gasped, and almost came at the erotic sight before him. Hismom’s long black hair hung mostly off the back of the chair, but afew locks were laying over her shoulders and curling around thosehuge breasts. Like most boys his age, he was extremely fascinatedwith those tits. And to see his mom’s hand kneading her owntitflesh, that same hand that had rubbed his cock, was nearly mind-and cock-blowing. So he gripped his penis hard, almost painfully,and stopped stroking. He directed his attention now tho thefascinating apparatus between his mom’s legs. That clit wasextremely interesting. As Heather stroked her fingers between herlips, that little nub of flesh had already poked further out. Henoticed how every time she touched it, she quivered involuntarily. Still holding onto his cock, he leaned closer for a better look.It took very little for Heather to leave everything behind and startup that hill to the heights of orgasm. Already, during the courseof her conversation with Kevin, she had started to drip her lovejuices into her panties, a highlight she had omitted from her tour. But those slick juices let her fingers fly around the whole area,and pretty soon she felt her first orgasm coming on. She haddeliberately not concentrated on her clit, because she didn’t wantto lose it totally in front of her son. But she desperately wantedto.Fascinated, Kevin leaned closed, scootching his butt between hismother’s outstretched legs. Soon he was sitting on the edge of hisbed, his legs hanging down and his nose nearly in his mom’s pussy The sharp tangy smell of a woman’s arousal assailed his nostrils,which flared trying to catch every whiff. Her head still back, hereyes till closed, his mom was beginning to squirm her butt acrossthe chair seat. u*********sly, Kevin reached one hand forward…Heather began reaching youwin güvenilir mi for that orgasm, wanting it to be donequickly so she could return this day to its normal channels. It wasgoing to be perfect, a quick little cum to take the edge off. Laterin her own bedroom she could cut loose. But now she was straining,nearly there… just about to… “Yes, I cumming!” she thought,then……..POW!!!!!!! her orgasm jumped up to incredible levels as her son’sslender fingers locked onto her clit. Heather’s head shot forward,her eyes wide open, to see Kevin between her legs, two fingerspressing against her clit, his pajama pants around his ankles, hishuge boy-cock in his hands. The orgasm kept growing in intensity,pant after pant of air coming from her mouth, wide open in a silentscream. Then she caught her breath and moaned “OH, OH, YES! KEVINDON’T STOP… YOU’RE MAKING MOMMY CUMMMMMM!”Kevin’s fingers danced among hers, bringing his mom to the heightsshe’d taken him to two nights before. His fingers were becomingslick with her juices. He kept jiggling that clit, his bonerthrobbing in his hand, but not ready to cum yet as he held it tight. Finally, Heather gaspingly was able to beg him to quit. Heimmediately stopped and sat back. Afraid that he had hurt oroffended her, he backed off uncertainly. Heather lay her head backagain and caught her breath. Then she opened her eyes and sat up. She could feel her juices on her thighs as they rubbed together. Aware that Kevin’s manner showed uncertainty, she leaned forward,put her hand on his, and whispered “Thank you, that was wonderful.””Was it?” he gulped, “you liked that?” “Oh yes,” she said, her voice soft, sexy, husky. “It was very nice. Do you see now how women ‘do it’?”Kevin simply nodded.”Okay, since you were so helpful to Mommy, she’d like to pay herbaby back. Would you like me to make you cum?”Wordlessly, he nodded again.Heather slipped onto the bed beside her son. “First, take off thistop,” she said, helping him to unbutton the pajamas. The pantsalready lay in a heap on the floor. He shrugged the thin cottonmaterial over his shoulders, and was as naked as his mother.”Lie back,” she gently instructed him. Kevin obeyed. Heather thenleaned up on one elbow, and grasped his velvety hard rod with herright hand.Slowly, softly, she began to stroke her son’s penis. As she did,she spoke softly to him. “It was very nice what you did for Mommy,Kevin. You made her feel so good. That’s the most important partof sex between two people. Each should be interested in thepleasure of the other. I’m so proud of you for having such a matureview.”Kevin heard these words only distantly. So did Heather for thatmatter, as if someone else were speaking. Both their attentionswere focused on that jutting, shuddering cock: he from within, shefrom above.But she kept up the litany, all the while increasing her pace. “Kevvy, you’ve been so good to Mommy, taking care of things whileshe works. I love you without it, but I love you even more for it. I want to teach you so much. I want to make you so happy.”Kevin’s eyes were slitted nearly shut, unfocused, wandering. Suddenly they locked onto one of Heather’s tits dangling close tohis face as she leaned over him. It jiggled and swayed in time tothe movements of her delicate hand. He leaned over and sucked thenipple into his mouth.Still speaking softly to him, Heather was startled by the suddenextra contact: “Yes, honey, Mommy wants you to feel good. Shereally -OH- yes, Kevvy! That’s so nice. Suck Mommy’s titty whileshe makes you feel good. Mmmm, you’re such a good boy. I can tellyou’re going to cum soon. Go ahead honey. Come on, let it loose. Oh, yes, suck Mommy’s tit. Cum, baby. Cum for mommy. Come on, do it. Oh, yes, come on. Oh, Yes! That’s it, you’re cumming! Ohgood boy! My good, big boy is cumming for Mommy! Oh sweetie,that’s so beautiful!”Kevin’s first spurt of cum shot up in the air and landed onHeather’s cheek. The rest seemed to simply flow out, running allover her fist and his cock. She continued to rub him, massaging hiscum all through the light fluffy pubic hair. Leaning forward tokiss him, her tit popped from his lips. She covered that still openmouth with hers and kissed him deeply, longingly. She could feelthat first squirt of cum running down her cheek toward their lips,so she broke the kiss so as not to let it interfere. Kevin fellback exhausted, and began to drift into sleep. His last image ofwakefulness was of his gorgeous mother, her bountiful breastsswinging free, as she stuck her tongue out to lick his cum off her cheek.Kevin’s Story Chapter 6Naked as the day she was born, Heather padded back to her bedroom, her robe over one arm, soaking up the cum drenching her hand. As on her previous sexual encounters with Kevin, her mind was rationalizing away her guilt at what had just occurred, to wit: she had stripped and masturbated for her son; he had touched her clit and made her cum; she had gotten into bed with him naked and masturbated him to orgasm while he nursed on her breast. The right synapses were firing to write the whole episode off to education again, except for the fact that when some of her son’s cum spurted on her cheek, she had caught it with her tongue as it dripped down her face. But she was conveniently forgetting that last fact, acting as if it had been done u*********sly.However, as she stepped into her shower and began rinsing away the sweat and spunk of their encounter, Heather finally admitted to herself that these “lessons” were not selfless acts of altruism: she really enjoyed the sex acts she had performed with her son. On the other hand, they were not selfishly motivated, either. She truly loved Kevin more than any other man she’d ever met. He was a gentleman, a good friend and a considerate lover, so far. Plus it was clear he adored and desired her. As the tepid spray began to turn cold, Heather finally thrust the rationalizations away from her mind and admitted to herself that she loved Kevin and wanted to have sex with him…. in ALL ways.”But that’s i****t!” her conscience screamed, and once again, her mind went to work smoothing its own ruffled feathers. What’s so wrong with i****t, she thought. It’s not as if I’m forcing myself on him, nor is he averse to these encounters. In fact, he has initiated one of them, on their “date” last night. In fact, he loves me and I love him, not just as mother and son but *that* way as well. To withdraw from this if he wants to continue would irreparably damage our relationship, especially if he wants it to continue. By that same token, to force myself on him if he wants to stop WOULD be wrong, and that WOULD be i****t. I must make it clear to him that any time he says “Stop,” I will. Any time he wants to end this aspect of our relationship, it will end. But until that day…..Smiling to herself in an u*********s exact imitation of the Mona Lisa, Heather shut off the shower, toweled herself dry, and headed into her bedroom. There she donned her best white stockings. Her white garter belt, half-cup bra and panties were trimmed in red satin, with little bows holding the panties together at her full hips. She pulled on another robe over this outfit, then got a bowl of warm water and two washcloths.She retuned to Kevin’s room to find him sleeping lightly, just as she had left him. The early afternoon sun filtered through his thick curtains, casting spotlights on the floor where dust motes awoke and danced up into these beams. Other than that, the room was cooly shaded.She sat in the same chair next to his bed where only an hour before she had taken her son on a guided tour of her errogenous zones. The sticky cum of their last encounter was congealing over his groin, stomach and thighs. Heather took the washcloth and dipped it into the bowl of water. She wrung it out and began gently scrubbing up the mess on her son’s body.Kevin immediately woke up, as she knew he would. “Mom?” he said, softly.”Yes, honey,” she replied quietly, “I’m just cleaning you up a little.” But Kevin’s cock stirred underneath her persistent ministrations, which she continued long after he was clean. Soon he was fully hard again. “Ahh, youth,” Heather thought, and then again, “Ah, YOUTH” with a hungrier cast to her eye.Kevin lay there quietly with his hands behind his head, gazing at his beautiful mother. He noticed she was back into a robe, different from the last one: more lacy, less utilitarian. But he did not comment. Rather, he just watched and waited, a little expectantly.”Are you convinced now that I’m not mad at you?” she asked him quietly, not looking away from her task.”Yes,” he said, in the same gentle tone.”Are you happy about the things that we’ve done together?” she asked.”Yes.””Are you comfortable with what we’ve done?””Ye-es,” he said, but with a touch of hesitation.”Well, you should be, there’s nothing wrong with it. When two people love each other, they should enjoy making each other feel good. Do you want to stop?””No!” he said quickly.”So you want to continue? Because if you don’t we can stop. Any time you say, honey, we can stop.””Oh, no, Mom,” Kevin insisted, “I don’t want to stop. I love you.””I love you, too,” she said. All this time, Heather had concentrated on cleaning him, although he had been clean a while ago. Now she stopped, looked her son straight in the eye and said, “Do you want to do more?”Without hesitation, Kevin answered, “Oh, yes, much more. Mom, I want to do everything with you.””Okay, honey,” she said. Without another word, she took another washcloth and dried him off. Then she put washcloths and bowl aside, stood up, and took off her robe. If he had not already been hard, Kevin’s cock would have jumped instantly to attention. As it was, it nearly leapt off his body at the sexy sight of his mother. For a brief second, Heather stood proudly as her son’s wide-eyed admiring gaze took her in. Her nipples poked out above the half-bra, her flat stomach and sleek legs both seemed to point like road signs to the triangle hidden beneath the panties. Kevin gasped in admiration.Heather sank down on the bed next to her naked son. Taking him into her arms, she kissed him, deeply, passionately, lovingly. Instinctively, Kevin wrapped his tongue around his mother’s as she thrust it into his mouth. Her heavy breasts mashed against his chest, molding themselves to conform to the curves in both their bodies. Like small daggers of flint, however, Heather’s nipples dug into her son’s flesh. Despite all that had gone before, the nudity, the masturbation, the orgasms, this kiss was the most erotic thing that had happend to either of them. Dimly they felt their bodies nestling deeply into one another, but for the moment, the kiss was all.Kevin’s hands began to traverse his mother’s body. Beginning at her shoulders, they lightly travelled up and down her back. After a bit, he moved them down and began to rub her ass through her panties. More and more insistently he rubbed, as their kiss continued and got hotter. In fact, the deeper the kiss, the harder he rubbed and kneaded, and the more he did that, the hotter Heather got, until she was undulating her entire body against his in unconstrained passion.Kevin’s hands found the bows at her hips and instinctively knew what they were for. Soon, his hands were rubbing her bare ass cheeks and the front of her panties was sliding back and forth over their genitals. Its thin material was all that separated Heather’s pussy from her son’s cock, and it was rapidly becoming soaked as mother and son both exuded their natural lubrications.Finally, with a groan, Heather broke the kiss and lifted herself up. “Oh, honey,” she gasped, “I’ve just GOT to have you.” With that she reached down and snatched away the flimsy panties. Now Kevin’s cock lay nestled between his mother’s slick pussy lips. Heather ground her pussy against that long thin cock, rubbing its whole length between her inflamed labia, as she supported herself with her hands pressed against her son’s shoulders. Kevin, for his part, took loving nips at her breasts as they swayed between them. Finally, he just grabbed them with his hands and pressed his lips feverishly around the engorged nipples.Heather moaned and tossed her head back, her long black hair whipping back to fall down her back. But as she lowered her head again, it cascaded over her shoulders, down her breasts and into her son’s face. For some reason this sensation was extremely erotic to Kevin, and he bucked his hips involuntarily under her. As Heather bounced slightly into the air and came back down, she realized that *the* moment had arrived. She sat up a bit straighter, and Kevin whimpered slighlty as her breast tugged free of his mouth. She then got up on her knees and reached down. Her hand encircled Kevin’s cock, and she shuddered at the now-familiar feel of it in her grasp. She pulled it up slightly, then had to reposition herself as she realized that there wasn’t enough clearance between them for her to position it correctly. After an eternity of seconds, she had that flaring head positioned directly beneath her moist womanhood. Mother and son paused briefly, looking into each other’s eyes. Simultaneously they whispered “I love you.” Then she let her weight sink back down and slowly, lovingly, deliciously took her son’s virginity.+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-Kevin’s Story Chapter 7Soft, wet, warm, tight. Magical, mystical, emotional, powerful.Incredible. Unbelievable.Such was Kevin’s return to his mother’s womb.He had always dreamed that sex would be great, but had thought of it as a physically superior form of masturbation. The emotional and mental aspects, however, were what was blowing his mind. Lust was great, but lust with Love, that was … beyond.Heather, for her part, had had lust with love, and lust without, so these were not new things to her. Right now, love was there but lust was dominating. Her hips whipped up and down smoothly, her pussy gripping that long thin cock. Waking from an almost-stupor, Kevin began responding, thrusting deep on her downstrokes, slapping his hips against hers as he kneaded her fleshy titmounds.Then, on one particularly quick downstroke, she felt him bottom out, as his cockhead nudged her cervix. It wasn’t painful, but the sensation was entirely new: NO ONE had ever reached so deep. It triggered another new feeling for her: a vaginal orgasm. It was deeper, somehow, than her other orgasms. Stronger but….buried. The effect on Kevin, however, was immense. He felt her vagina ripple like the ground in an earthquake as the shock-waves of orgasm ripped through his mother’s groin. At that, he couldn’t hold back any longer, and began to cum. Both Heather and Kevin were grunting deeply from the effects of their orgasms. His breath came out in low, hard gasps in time to each spurt from his cock. Each spurt was milked forth by a ripple in her pussy, so like a well-timed but badly oiled machine, they moaned, jerked and spasmed in unison.Finally, Heather collapsed on her son’s chest, kissing him again as her hair curtained around them. “I love you, baby,” she breathed. “I love you, too, Mom,” he said back. His cock, though softening, was still buried in her pussy. She could feel him shrinking inside her, but she hoped they were not done yet. “Can you go again?” she asked hungrily.”Oh, yeah,” he said eagerly.With that she lifted her hips slowly off him, enjoying the feeling as his now- limp cock slipped from her hole, and examined his flaccid tool. “Hmm, this needs some work. It looks dead, but I’ll bet I can resuscitate it.”Kevin’s eyes bulged in wonderment. He thought he knew what was coming next, but it seemed too much to hope for. Too much? Hell, just seeing Mom naked seemed like too much 48 hours ago. Now he’d just… just… alright “fucked” is the term, he’d just fucked his mother. A mother-fucker, that’s what I am, he thought happily. And now it seemed….Heather leaned closer with a hungry look in her eye. Kevin shivered deliciously as her warm breath panted from her parted lips and bathed his wet cock. Closer she moved, then closer still. Now her head was pillowed on his thighs, and she was holding his cum-covered cock in one hand, turning it this way and that, for all the world as if she were surveying a hot dog and wondering where to take the first bite.Suddenly, in the space of a breath, Heather had engulfed her son’s cock in her warm mouth. She bobbed her head, sucking him in, then pulled back while still applying suction, so that Kevin’s cock was stretched from his groin while her tongue and lips caressed every inch of it. With him stretched like that, Heather looked like a bird trying to coax a worm out of the ground. But despite the incongruity of the image, Kevin felt life stir in him as the blood rushed back into his dick.Before taking him into her mouth, Heather inhaled the musky scent of their mixed love juices, and immediately was overwhelmed with lust. Although she had never eaten another woman before, there were many times she had performed this same service for a lover and tasted her own juices. In fact, she often licked her vibrator clean after it had been inside her. So Heather was no stranger to the tangy mix which filled her mouth on the first suck. She loved it.But within three head-bobs, her son’s dick was clean as a whistle, and Heather started laving her saliva all over his hardening rod. As he came to full hardness, however, she felt him shift under her. She was vaguely disappointed that Kevin wanted to fuck so soon; she had decided to suck him off and drink his cum. But seconds later she realized that he wasn’t ready to fuck, he was merely shifting around so that his head was opposite her crotch. He was going to eat her! She pulled her head back and swallowed a mouthful of saliva before saying, “Kevin, honey, Mommy’s awfully messy, are you sure you want to do that?”Kevin realized what she was referring to, but it didn’t bother him. “It’s only the same stuff you’re licking off me, right?” he asked.”Yes,” she replied. Then gasped as he sunk his tongue between her pussy lips. “Mmmm,” was all he said, then “This ain’t half bad.””Isn’t,” she replied dreamily, “Isn’t half bad.” Then returned to her own sucking. For several minutes only the sound of wet slurps, licks, gasps, and groans filled Kevin’s darkened bedroom as mother and son sixty-nined. Heather marveled at the mature, caring attitude her son showwed as a lover. NO man she had ever been with would eat her out once he had come inside her, but many expected her to give them head after the first round to get them up for the second. She never faulted them for it, but was glad her son was different. Of course, he was like that about everything. Then her mind whirled as Kevin centered his ministrations on her clit.Pulling back she encouraged him. “Oh, yes! Kevin, don’t stop… Oh, you good boy. Unnnh! Oh you’re soooo good at eating my pussy. Ohhh, YESSS! DO IT! Make, Make me…. Unnnh! Oh, yeah, yeah, oh OH OOOOHHHHH YOU’RE MAKING MOMMY CUMMMMMM!” and she exploded, seeing stars, hearing bells and cumming wildly. As she came down off her plateau, Kevin continued to lick her gently, cleaning all around her pussy without stimulating her too much. With a touch of pride Heather thought, “My son’s a natural born pussy-eater.””Thank you honey,” she finally breathed, “now lay back and let Mommy do you.”Kevin reclined with his hands behind his head as before, only this time his head was pointed toward the foot of the bed. Heather drew up on her knees between his legs, and dropped her mouth back down on his spit-covered shaft. She began a steady up and down motion, taking more of his cock deeper each time. Kevin urged her on.”Yes, Mom, oh yeah. Oh, that feels great. Oh, pull your hair back, yeah that’s good. Yeah, I wanna see you suck me. YEAH.”Heather had to keep pushing her hair back over her ears to allow her son to see what she was doing. Finally she flipped her long dark locks over to one side and turned her head slightly, giving him a three-quarter view while coincidentally applying some corkscrew suction to his rod. This elicited a louder moan than usual, so she continued that motion, twirling around and down each time. His slim young shaft was too long for her to get completely in her mouth, so as she stimulated his balls with one hand, she wrapped the other around the base of his cock and pumped him some more. Pretty soon she could feel him start to tense up and she knew his cum was imminent. She was determined to give him the maximum pleasure, so as she felt him begin to build, she opened her throat and bobbed her head down as far as possible, taking him deep into her gullet and massaging him there.Kevin nearly leaped out of his skull at his mother’s deep-throat action. The cum literally fleww from his rod and pumped directly down her throat. Heather jerked her head back involuntarily as a drwoning feeling over came her. She snorted quickly, trying to keep her son’s dick in her mouth, but his young load bulged her cheeks out faster than she could swallow, and she had to pull back to catch her breath. Her hand kept pumping him however, and Kevin watched in amazement as spurt after spurt of his seed splashed off him mother’s eye’s and cheeks and hair and, as she pulled back, her pendulous tits.Heather could not believe the amount of cum her son was shooting. When he finally stopped, she sat back on her haunches, then swallowed what she had in her mouth, then looked down at the gooey mess coating most of her upper body, then looked at her son. “You’re a MESS,” he said, then they both broke out in gales of laughter. It was true: pearl drops of cum hung suspended in her hair. Small trickles ran down her cheeks like tears. A trail dripped from her mouth, down her chin and onto a breast. Her chest was covered in his slimy goo, and both hands were drenched. “Oh, well,” Heather laughed, “it’s a shame to let this go to waste.” She began licking her fingers, savoring every taste of her son’s jism. Kevin got up from the bed as she grinned at him and said, “Mmmm, finger-lickin’ good.” Kevin smiled at her, but did not laugh. Instead, he retrieved the washcloth Heather had used to clean him earlier. The water in the bowl was cooler by now, but he rinsed the cloth, wrung it out and gently began to clean his mother off. In wonderment she stared at her son, so tenderly cleaning his lover off. He wiped her chest and tits, not in a sexual manner. He cleaned her face and arms, turning her and holding her almost exactly as she had cleaned him when giving him baths as a c***d. Finally, when she was no longer coated with her son’s cum, he put down the washcloth, took her face in her hands and kissed her gently. “I love you, Mom. Thank you.””Oh darling,” she sobbed, “thank YOU.” Then they lay together, holding each other tenderly as they fell asleep.+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-Kevin’s Story Chapter 8The rest of that Saturday passed normally and quickly. They both woke from their nap refreshed and happy. The air of tension which had permeated the house was replaced by one of relief and a kind of expectancy, as both Heather and Kevin looked forward to furthering their sexual relationship.While Kevin cleaned the house a little that afternoon, Heather went shopping and brought home the makings for Kevin’s favorite dinner: ribs and french fries. The two cooked dinner together, then ate it at the same table where they’d had their “date” the night before. Then they cuddled together and watched TV, as they had done on countless nights before, but with one not-so-subtle difference: both were naked. As the Saturday evening shows played out, mother and son idly stroked and cuddled each other. They would make out during commercials. It was only 8:30 when Kevin said, “I’m tired, I think I’ll go to bed now.””Oh, you’re right,” Heather giggled, “It’s way past MY bedtime.” Then hand in hand they went upstairs. At the top of the stairs they faced one another. “Your place or mine?” Heather asked lighlty.”How about your’s?” Kevin suggested, “mine’s a little small.” And so they went to bed and made love, then fell asleep.Sunday passed in much the same way, with mother and son fucking and sucking whenever they felt like it, moslty in the bedrooms or the den. They never put their clothes back on the rest of the weekend. At one point, Heather was standing at the kitchen sink doing dishes, wearing nothing but an apron. She looked out across the back yard into their neighbor’s yard and saw Mr. McHenry mowing the lawn perabet while Mrs. McH tended her flower garden. They were an older retired couple who at times had given Heather disapproving looks when she would dally in her back yard with some beau. “What would they think if they knew about me now?” she thought, then half-wished they could look over and see her naked. “I’ll bet they’d both have a stroke.”Then she jumped as she felt Kevin wrap his hands around her and grab hold of her tits. He snaked his tongue into her ear. “Whatcha doin’?” he asked innocently.”Waiting for some stud to come fuck me,” she replied wickedly.Kevin dropped a hand beneath the apron and noted that his mother was dripping with lust. “Your wish is my command,” he said, then buckled his knees, grabbed his mom’s hips, slipped forward and rose up again, impaling Heather from behind.”Ohhh, KEVIN,” she breathed. She bent over the sink as he started sliding in and out. Her tits dipped into the sudsy warm water before her, and the feeling was incredible. Then she straightened a little to create more friction on her son’s pistoning cock. Kevin’s hands returned to her tits, and mashed them all over, slipping all around the sudsy mounds. His palms slid freely over her nipples, hyper-exciting them. Heather flipped her hair back from her face, and caught sight of Mr. McHenry walking his grass clippings over to his compost heap. She knew he probably couldn’t see her, but just being in an open line of sight to the neighbors while fucking her son gave her a delicious feeling of wickedness. Clamping down on her son’s rod with her pussy muscles, she started to shake in orgasm. A few minutes later, Kevin fired another load up his Mom’s pussy, then walked shakily over to the kitchen table and sat down. The strain of keeping his knees bent while fucking was a bit much for him. Heather came over and knelt before him to lick his rod clean. “You know,” she said, “I think the McHenry’s saw us.” “What!” he said, alarmed, but his prick involuntarily started at the idea.”Relax,” she said, “I was just k**ding.” Then she kissed him turned to finish the dishes.* * * * * * * * * * * * * *The next morning was tough on them both. Heather had to leave earlier than Kevin, and so was dressed and nearly ready to leave when he awoke. He came downstairs and sat on the couch, naked as was now usual, and hard as a rock.Heather was putting on her second earring and heading for the foyer closet for her raincoat when she caught sight of her son sitting awkwardly on the couch. He looked a touch comical with his sleepy eyes, his tousled hair and a long slim hard-on poking up out of his lap. He looked like a lost, horny puppy. “Poor baby,” she said, “Mommy’s got to go to work.””I know, I’ll just *miss* you is all,” he said, but with a little of the wicked gleam returning.She walked over to kiss him good-bye, but as she bent over him, he ran a hand up under her skirt and cupped her pussy through her panties. Heather shivered in ecstasy, then made a quick decision. “Okay, ONE cum, and then it’s off to school, do you understand, young man?””Yes ma’am,” he grinned, trying to sound contrite but pleased beyond reason.”Fine then, where do you want to deposit your load, in my hand, in my mouth or in my pussy?””Well, if I cum in your hand you’ll have to wash them. And if you give me a blowjob your make-up will get ruined. Sooo…””Okay, fine,” she said briskly, “you may fuck Mommy in her pussy.” It was the first time all weekend that they had talked like this, as if he were a much younger c***d. But Heather really enjoyed it. She reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties. Leaving them around one ankle, she knelt on the couch, resting her forearms on one arm of the couch and facing away from her son.Kevin got onto his knees behind his mother. It was an interesting view, as she was full clothed and wearing her London-style raincoat. The only incongruity was the frilly panties around one ankle. He lifted up the skirts of the coat and placed them on her back. Then he started to rub her stockinged legs.”Hurry up, please,” she called back in a businesslike manner, although the tremble in her voice betrayed her excitement. “Yes, ma’am,” Kevin said, lifting her skirt and displaying her lovely round buttocks and pretty pussy. He knee-walked in, then placed one hand on her back to hold the coat and skirt out of the way. With the other hand he rubed the head of his cock between her pussy lips. They were dripping wet. With one long, slow push he sank his cock into his mother’s pussy.”Ahhhhh,” they both sighed.Kevin grabbed hold of his mom’s hips and began a quick steady stroke. Unable to act detached any longer, Heather reached a hand back and began to diddle her clit. She knew Kevin would cum quickly and wanted to be with him. But he was a bit too quick for her. With a final thrust and a long gasping sigh, he buried himself to the hilt and let his orgasm flow throbbingly into his mother’s love hole. Then he quicky withdrew and sat back on the couch. “I’m done,” he announced.”I’m not,” Heather panted, her fingers flying over her clit.”But, Mom, you’ll be late,” Kevin teased.”Then come on and help me,” she growled.Wordlessly, Kevin leaned over, stuck his face in his mom’s ass, and shoved his tongue up her pussy.”Gaaaaah,” she cried, as her orgasm swept over her.Kevin withdrew and she stood up, pulling up her panties and smoothing her skirt. “Okay,” she said. “Fine,” she said. “That’s it. I’ve got to go.””Bye,” Kevin grinned, his shrinking cock flopping over on his thigh.”I love you, honey,” she said, then left for work.* * * * * * * * * * * * * *During the week they fell into a sort-of routine. Each morning she would take care of his hard-on. Sometimes still in bed, sometimes together in the shower, once she knelt on the kitchen floor and blew him while he ate his breakfast. They would spend the day dreaming about each other, then hurry home and get it on some more. They discovered after a burned supper on Monday that it was best to wait til after dinner to get too involved. Oddly enough, though their love- making was varied, they didn’t get beyond oral sex and intercourse. Heather figured they should wait until the weekend to try new things, whne they had plenty of time (and energy).Friday after soccer practice Kevin rushed home. He’d started skipping his after-practice showers because one thought of his mom made him hard as a rock, and that could get embarassing in a shower full of guys. Since it was Friday, he was looking forward to a long night, and weekend, of sex, because during the week they’d had to go to sleep earlier.But when he got home, he was surprised to find his mother dressed. All week long the most she’d had on when he came in was oven mitts. “I’m sorry honey,” she said, “I forgot I had invited the Foreman’s over tonight.” Two weeks before, Etta Foreman, a co-worker who was marrid to one of the staff MDs, had arranged this get-together so she could introduce Heather to her cousin, Lyle, who would be visiting. Kevin was extremely disappointed. He ran up to the shower and didn’t even feel like masturbating. He came down in a little while to find Heather serving drinks to Jim and Etta Foreman, and Etta’s Cousin Lyle. He politely said hello, then faded from the room.A little later his mother called from the kitchen, “Kev, can you come here a minute? I need a hand.”As soon as the kitchen door swung shut behind him, Heather grabbed him and gave him a huge, tonsil-searching kiss. “Don’t worry, honey,” she whispered,”Lyle’s a dweeb and Etta’s a bore. Jim’s a corpse, but I don’t wonder with Etta gabbing like that. We’ll feed ’em and get rid of ’em.” Then she rubbed her hand down the front of his pants. “Then we’ll take care of this.”This perked Kevin up considerably, to the point where he even went out and tried to socialize with the Foreman’s: Nurse Gabby, Dr. Dead and Cuzzin Dweeb. All through dinner, his mother shot him meaningful glances, serious looks while she ran a stockinged foot up his leg under the table. The Foreman’s were oblivious to the mother-son footsie that went on.After dinner, however, as they had dessert in the den, Dead Jim shocked Kevin and Heather by waking up and saying. “Y’know, back when I was in ‘Nam…”Kevin said, “Uh, I’ve got to study,” and abruptly fled.”Serious boy,” Etta remarked, “to study on a Friday night. Go ahead, dear.”Within 20 minutes, however, Heather had had enough. Dr. Dead had launched into a monotonous recitation of his exploits, which apaprently Lyle the Dweeb had never heard before, because he asked many questions which sent Jim off on interminably dull tangents. “If you don’t mind,” she said, “I’ve got to finish dishes. No that’s all right, keep going, I’ll be right back.” and she escaped to the kitchen.As she pushed open the door, Kevin was seated right in front of her on the edge of the kitchen table, eating a slice of pie. He was already in his pajamas. Unable to help herself, Heather sat down in the chair in front of him, fished out his cock and began blowing him.”Hey, great, are the Foreman’s gone?””No,” she said around a mouthful of cock.”What?” he cried.”Don’t worry,” she said, “they think I’m doing dishes.””I did them already,” Kevin said.”Great, then I’ll do you, instead.”Kevin thrilled to the idea of fooling around with his mom while two rooms away the guests suspected nothing. Heather did too, it was a logical extension of her thoughts about the Mchenry’s last Sunday. It was always that little idea of the forbidden and dangerous which tantalized her. She decided to really get daring.She jumped up and said, “Get down.”Kevin hopped off the table and stood with his back to the door, his cock wagging out of his pajama bottoms, as his mother quickly shucked her panties and tossed them into a cabinet. “Okay,” she said, “put that chair there. You stand there between the chair and the table. If anyone tries to open the door, it will push the chair into you and stop. Sit down and act like you’ve been sitting there the whole time. In the meantime,” she hopped on the table, lifted her skirt and spread her legs, “come fuck your mom.”Kevin grinned as he follwed her instructions to the letter. Within seconds the tableaux was set and Heather’s ankles were locked behind her son’s back. She gripped his shoulders and leaned back as Kevin, his hands on her waist, pumped steadily in and out. Over their quiet grunts and sighs they could occaisionally hear the Foreman’s two rooms away. Once the guests erupted in laughter, and Heather’s pussy constricted around Kevin’s cock. After a few minutes, Kevin felt his balls start to churn. “Gonna cum,” he grunted.”Me, too,” Heather said, biting her lip. Seconds later, mother and son both came as his molten white fluid poured into her spasming matronly twat. Then Heather lay back on the table, exhausted, as Kevin flopped on top of her.”I could go again,” she said.”Me too, Mom.””Wait here, I’ve got an idea.”Heather walked back into the den and Dr. Foreman paused as they all looked up at her. Feigning a concerned look she said, “I’m sorry, but I have to call it a night. Kevin’s got a terrible head-ache and I need to take care of him.””Poor fella,” Dr. Foreman said solicitously, “I hope he’ll be okay.”Heather felt a twinge of guilt, but only a twinge as she said, “Thank you for your concern.”As they were leaving Etta remarked, “Comes of studying too much on a Friday night.””Yes, but he’s learning SO MUCH,” Heather dead-panned, then froze as she felt a trickle of her son’s sperm leak down her leg toward the hem of her skirt.”Are you alright, dear?””Oh, fine, I just feel a little headache coming on myself. Goodnight.” she hustled them out the door, then fell against it laughing quietly after it shut behind them.”Mommmeee,” Kevin called fron the other room, “I’ve got a HEAD-ache.” Then they both dissolved in gales of laughter.* * * * * * * * * * * * * *Later that evening, Heather lay between Kevin’s legs and was nursing his hard-on back after they had fucked again. She decided to try a little something *different*.”Are you up for a new sensation?” she asked her son.”I’m up for anything,” he returned.”Okay, scoot your ass down here and hang your legs off the bed.”Kevin complied, and Heather knelt between his feet. She resumed sucking him off, using extra saliva.”That’s great, Mom,” Kevin said, “but apart from the blood rushing to my feet I don’t feel anything new.” “Okay, wiseguy,” she said, lifting her head and fisting his slick cock, “What was the first thing about me that turned you on?””Oh, jeez, that was so long ago,…OW, stop squeezing… okay, okay. It was your titties.”Heather lifted her heavy tits one in each hand and mashed them together around her son’s cock. Massaging them up and down she said, “How do you like fucking Mommy’s titties, son?””Ohhhh,” was all the answer she got.So she kept right on going, slowly massaging her tits up and down his rod. After a while she said “Can you cum like this?””I think so,” he said.”Let’s try it another way,” she said. Then she hopped up on the bed and lay down next to him. “Come here and straddle me. That’s it.”Kevin quickly got the idea and lay his rod between her massive tits. Heather pushed them together from the sides and Kevin started fucking into the natural tunnel her cleavage made. As his long prick poked through near her chin, Heather lifted her head and began sucking the tip on every stroke. She couldn’t get her mouth around it quickly enough without scr****g her son’s sensitive skin with her teeth, so she settled on wetting her lips and making them into an ‘O’. Kevin caught on and began aiming the head of his cock for that moist ‘O’ and was rewarded with the sensation of plowing through tits, then air, then lips with his enflamed glans.Pretty soon, however, he picked up the pace and started to ignore her mouth, instead pushing his cock into her tits with short, quick strokes. His flowing precum kept him lubricated enough to quicken the pace. Heather urged him on, “Oh, yesss, baby, fuck mommy’s titties. Fuck ’em hard. Fuck ’em fast. Oh, your mommy loves your big hot cock. Shoot that jizz all over my tits… shoot your cum in mommy’s face….Yess…”And with a grunt, Kevin complied. His jism splashed all over her chest, between her heaving tits, against her chin, over her lips and face….everywhere. As he slidback down her body to lay between her legs, his mother hefted one cum-coated tit to her lips and began sucking it frantially. Kevin began to apply finger stimulation to her pulsing twat, as he lowered his face to her other tit and licked and sucked his own cum from it. This made Heather hotter than ever, and mother and son both licked his jizz from everywhere they could reach. Finally, Kevin droppd his lips to hers and gave her a deep kiss. Heather felt him trickle a load of his own cum from his mouth into hers, just as ehe hit her clit. The ensuing orgasm shook the whole bed ash she nearly flipped her son off her in the ferocity of her cum.As they both drifted to sleep, Heather thought, “What an incredible lover.”* * * * * * * * * * * * * *The next morning, Kevin woke to find his mother gone. A note on the fridge said she got called in to work, so she had to leave quickly. Kevin was almost mad about misssing his morning cum, but then he remembered just exactly how much hs mother had given of herself to him, and he couldn’t be upset.Instead, as the morning ran on, he decided to do something noce for her. So he fixed a quick lunch of leftover roastbeef sandwhiches, and caught the bus for the hospital.Once there, he headed up to Heather’s floor and began to look for her. At the ward desk he found out she was down the hall, medicating a patient. He found her applying the hypodermic to a man’s IV. The man seemed asleep, but his breathing was labored. As the shot took effect, though, his breathing smoothed and deepened.”Hi honey,” she said when she looked up and saw him there.”Is he okay?” Kevin asked.”Well, he’s in a lot of pain from some broken bones, but nothing life- threatening. The morphine we just gave him should knock him out for a couple of hours. What brings you here?””I brought you lunch,” he said, holding up the bag.”Great, hold on a sec.” Heather picked up the phone and called the desk, “Sal, I’m going on break to have lunch with my son, okay? Thanks.””Where should we go?” Kevin asked.”How ’bout right here? Mr. Jacobs is out for at least two hours. We could sit on the edge of this other bed and look out the window.””Cool,” he said.So Heather pulled the curtain between the beds and they shared their sandwiches. As they finished up and were stuffing the scraps back into the bag, Heather said, “Well, that took all of ten minutes. What should we do with the rest of the hour?” She’d meant it as a rhetorical question, but the same thought struck them both at the same time.”Uh, I missed you this morning,” Kevin said.”Uh, I missed you, too, honey. Did my little darling wake up all nasty and hard.””Oh, very hard, and there was no Mommy to make it go away.” They had fallen back into that speech pattern, which excited them both.”And what did you do to make it go away.””Nothing, it’s still here.””Well, we had better do something about it before Mommy’s little boy bursts.”Kevin stood up and unzipped his pants. He had to open the waist band, too, just to get his legthening rod out, but he had no underwear on. For her part, Heather opened the top few buttons of her uniform and pulled her bra beneath her tits, which pushed them together and up and out. Then she shucked her panties and stuffed them in the pocket of her cardigan.”Come here,” she breathed, “let Nurse Mommy make that swelling go away.” And she sucked Kevin into her mouth. Kevin let his pants drop around his ankles as he put his hands on his mother’s head, guiding it back and forth as she sucked him off.Heather’s hands grabbed hold of her son’s ass as she stuffed him into her mouth. She kneaded and rubbed his taut butt cheeks while she sucked. Then, she dropped one of her hands between his legs and caressed his balls. The other continued to knead his young ass. Suddenly she recalled certain details taught to her by one of her lovers, and decided to try it on Kevin.With his head back and his eyes closed, rocking back and forth, Kevin was lost in the feeling of his mom’s eager mouth around his hot dick. He wanted to cum soon so he could eat her pussy and then perhaps fuck before her hour was up. Meanwhile, she was doing great things with her hands as well. Suddenly, her hand behind him slipped a little and tickled his asshole. He jerked forward a bit, almost gagging his mom, but the index finger persisted. Actually, once he got used to the idea, it felt kind of good. He pushed back against it a little, when suddenly it disappeared.Just as suddenly, it reappeared between his legs, brushing past his balls, where it could get a better angle. Kevin pushed against it again, and suddenly it had slipped past his sphincter. It didn’t go deep at first, it just sat there, letting Kevin get used to the feeling. Instead, Heather intensified her sucking on the front end. As Kevin got used to the finger up his ass, he relaxed and got back into the groove of the blowjob. This allowed the finger to penetrate further and further. Kevin really started to get worked up, and soon he could feel the cum gathering in his nuts. Just as he hit the brink, that finger got all the way in and Heather tickled her son’s prostate. With a loud groan, Kevin jammed his cock deep down his mom’s throat and came like crazy.Heather had expected just such a reaction and was prepared. As Kevin had the hottest cum of the week, his mother calmly gulped and swallowed. Finally, when he was spent, she removed her finger and dropped his softening rod from her mouth.Kevin sank to his knees with a groan. Heather lifted his chin and kissed him, letting a little of his cum trickle into his mouth. Kevin shivered deliciously, then kissed her back, hard. He kissed her repeatedly on the lips and face, then her neck, finally dropping his attention to her tits. He licked and sucked and tongued the nipples, meanwhile sending his hands down to spread his mom’s thighs and began working on her pussy. Finally he lifted her legs over his shoulder, and as she sighed tremulously, dropped his mouth to her twat.Slowly and easily, at almost a leisurely pace, Kevin worked his tongue up and down her slit, between the lips slightly, then out. Heather leaned back on one elbow, keeping one hand wrapped up in her son’s hair, holding him close to her mound. Not that she needed to, because Kevin was a glutton when it came to eating pussy, or rather a gourmet.Every so often he’d flick her clit, causing her to jerk lightly. He also began to range further afield in his licking until before Heather even noticed, her son was licking her asshole as well. In a little bit, however, he concentrated exclusively on her pussy, much to her disappointment.That disappointment was short-lived, however, as hi own index finger soon replaced his tongue at her back door. In much the same fashion as she had done to him, Kevin intensified his licking of his mother’s twat as he slipped his finger into her rectum.What he didn’t know was that women don’t have a prostate like men do. Nevertheless, Heather enjoyed the feeling of having her ass full of her son’s digit. In the past, several lovers had tried anal sex with her, and while the manual part was always fun and stimulating, their cocks had been a bit too thich for comfort. Too thick. If only their cocks were thiner… Suddenly, Kevin shoved his finger deep and attacked her clit with lips, tongue and teeth. Startled, Heather was surprised into a very hard, fast orgasm. The quickness of it left her wanting much more, however.”Are you hard again?” she whispered.”Like iron,” he replied.”Good, hold on,” Heather ducked around the curtain to check on Jacobs. “He’s deeply out, she said. Then she hit the controls to raise the level of the bed. Kevin noticed that she had a tube of toothpaste in her hand. Toothpaste?Noticing his look, Heather said, “It’s petroleum jelly. There’s a tube of it in every nightstand.” She quickly squirted some in her palm and began jacking his cock with it. “Mom,” he whispered, “aren’t we past the jack-off stage?””Don’t *you* be a jack-off,” she said, coating his cock liberally with goo. Then she turned around and leaned over the raised bed. “Okay, honey,” she said, “fuck Mommy in the ass.””All-RIGHT,” Kevin said, “this looks like fun.” Without further ado, he pressed the head of his cock against his mom’s sphincter and began to push in.”Easy, slowly,” she gasped. “We can do this, but it has to be slow.”Following her instructions, easing in when she said go, waiting when she said stop, Kevin soon had most of his cock embedded up his mother’s ass. As she suspected, the full feeling was not uncomfortable, her son’s skinny cock going places that other men’s cocks had been too big to get. As he started a slow, in- out movement, she felt no pain, but a deep different pleasure she’d never felt before, as if her pussy were being stimulated from insode out, back to front.For his part, Kevin could not take the tightness of his mother’s anal passage for very long. About five minutes into it he said, “M-Mom, I’m gonna cum s-soon.””Okay, honey,” she said, almost serenely, “you go right ahead.” But she dropped her fingers to her clit to try to get there too. As Kevin slowly pumped into her ass, never varying his speed, she could feel her own climax coming on as well. Kevin beat her too it, but not by much. Still pumping slowly and steadily, he felt the cum pour from his dick in what felt like a steady stream. He gave a long sigh as it did so, almost as though relaxing from a tensed up posture.Heather’s climax was also long, deep and satisfying. She groaned in appreciation when she felt her son’s spunk flooding her bowels, then trembeld and started cumming herself. As she came down a little while later, Kevin pulled his dick out of her ass, causing one last shiver of delight from his mom.Minutes later, they were both fully dressed and Heather walked her son to the elevator. As they passed the desk, Sally asked Heather, “Did you give that morphine to Mr. Jacobs before you went to lunch?””Of course I did, why?””It’s just that the patient next door buzzed a while ago and said that there was an awful lot of groaning coming from his room.”It was all mother and son could do to keep from cracking up on the spot. “I’ll check on him right away,” she said, “Bye’ honey, thanks for brining me lunch.””I’ll see you at dinner,” he said, as the elevator arrived. “I’ll have a special *dessert* ready for you tonight.””What a great k**,” Sally marvelled as the elevator doors slid shut.”He is that,” Heather agreed, almost to herself, “he is that indeed.”THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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