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Female Led Relation – just a butlerPART ONEMy wife, Sarah is a CFO in a mid-size company. She often works long hours and I’m left alone in the evenings, and I watch television, work on our old house, and hang out being somewhat lonely.In November Sarah’s dad died after having been a little sick. Wewere shocked and her mom decided to move in with us. I beganhanging out with the mom. She was still quite attractive andmore than average sexy. She was not as slim as Sarah, but shewasn’t fat either. I would call her luscious. She has dirty-blond hair cut shoulder length and I liked the way it movedaround, it attracted attention to her face. She had a very nicesmile but her face changed to look serious by turning her lipsstraight or even downward when she asked for something. I knowbecause I saw that look a lot.Slowly she began asking me to do things. We both tired of eatingout and it became my job to fix dinner and wash the dishes. Idon’t know how that came about but a theory is that it was myhouse and I knew where everything was, I was the logical one,and at first she stayed with me and helped, then less and less.That led to her claiming the remote. Since I had kitchen duty,she got into the family room first and picked up the remote.Then TV watching became 100% less entertaining to me. We watchedlots of shows that are,I guess, made for women. Mostly boring. Atfirst I was too polite to object.Then it began when we relaxed “Some coffee would be nice,” sheasked after I sat down. Then she would ask: “Bring my slippersplease.” Then she would ask: “Please put them on for me.” Thiswas a little erotic but then: “Don’t leave my shoes there, putthem away.” She also began ‘relaxing’ beyond what would be’proper’: taking off stockings, adjusting her brassiere cupseven unhooking her bra.Perhaps I looked, but how could I not. But all the while, I nowrealize I was being lured in and she was pulling the linetaught.She asked me to run her a bath. I protested that she could runher own bath, and immediately regretted my phrasing of it. Inhindsight I now realize how Machiavellian she was. Earlier shelet me watch a rerun of ‘Law and Order’ instead of another homeremodeling show so I would be interested in the TV and bereluctant to leave.Kathleen went immediately to Sarah complaining how ‘unpleasant’and uncooperative I had become. Sarah, nearly in tears asked mewhy I couldn’t be nice to her mother. Of course I promised Iwould be very nice and suddenly out of the blue the words camefrom her mouth, “Please try to be obedient”.I nearly exploded “Obedient, what are you talking about, this isour house and she’s a guest!”, but I held my tongue.The evenings were now tense. Who knows what she would ask me todo, I tried to work later than I normally would. She seemed tosense that I voluntarily was working overtime because shequestioned me pointedly and I have trouble lying even underthese circumstances.In December, just two weeks from Christmas our company closeddown. I wasn’t in financial trouble because my wife earned avery good salary and we had been saving for years, and investedour savings. Kathleen was also very wealthy from her latehusband’s pension and insurance proceeds and the sale of theirhouse. But I needed a job fast or I would spend all day withKathleen.It was decided, by Kathleen, but she manipulated it so that itseemed like Sarah and I decided that I would not seriously lookfor work until the first of the new year. We would enjoy theChristmas to New Year vacation. Then the next day, it turned outmy wife’s company was getting a new computer system and shewould have to work during the anticipated Christmas break. Sarahgaily said: “Kathleen and you will get to know each other verywell during the break”.The very next morning Kathleen came into my bedroom andannounced that there would be no sleeping in. “There is muchwork to be done,” she said.She had dismissed the cleaning service because she said: “Sinceyou aren’t working it was silly to pay someone to do what youcan easily do.”This was so ridiculous, first I was out of work temporarily,second I didn’t do house cleaning, and third this was myvacation. But I’m naked under the sheets and she is standingabove me giving orders. If I kept quiet maybe she would leave.But she didn’t.She pulled off the sheets, grabbed my arm and almost pulled meout of the bed. I tried to grab for some clothes but sheinterfered: “Here, wear these, no point in wearing dress clothesto do housework”, she said handing me blue jeans and a t-shirtthat she must have searched my wardrobe for, because I didn’trecognize them.I was embarrassed being naked in front of this woman, she wastotally dressed even wearing stockings and high heels. Icouldn’t argue while being naked. Then there was this otherweird thing of becoming aroused, I guess by being naked in frontof this woman. I didn’t want her to see the evidence of myarousal.She hurried me into the jeans and almost dragged me out of thebedroom without any underwear, my keys or wallet. “Let’s getgoing, no time to waste,” she went on.Downstairs she had me get out the vacuum, but I had to go to thetoilet and I said so, she said, “since this is your first day Iwill allow it, be quick.”I was so outraged but I really had to go so I said: “Why thankyou, that’s very kind,” hoping she didn’t hear my sarcasm.I vacuumed for what seemed like hours. I needed a rest. I walkedinto the family room and said: “I’m taking a rest.”Kathleen said nothing but got up and went into the hall. A fewminutes later she came back and said: “You did a fair job inmost of the places but we will go over the rest.”I had difficulty keeping quiet. This was my house and she wasinspecting my work.After resting for only a few minutes, Kathleen said: “Go into mybedroom, make the bed, clean the counters and vacuum, I will bein to inspect your work.” I start getting up slowly when shestarts yelling, “Come on lets go, I want action now.” And shegrabbed my arm and pulled me up as if I were a c***d.I was so outraged, I didn’t know what to say, so I just wentalong. Her room was a mess, clothes were s**ttered around thefloor, her underwear, her shoes, the dress she wore yesterday. Istarted by picking up the dress and folding it over the chair,then I picked up her panties, and I don’t know what caused me todo it but I picked it up and sniffed it and of course she walkedin at that moment. I froze like a deer in headlights.”What are you doing you disgusting dog?” she screamed at me. Shetook long steps across the space and slapped me. I stumbled. Shepushed me down and took the dropped panties and rubbed it in myface all the while yelling at me; “You are a complete pervert,how could my daughter marry such an a****l?””I’m sure she will divorce you””Nobody would want to live with such disgust”She was breathing hard and kneeling on my chest. On one level Iwas getting aroused having her sitting on me. I was getting aview of her large breasts, at one point I saw up her skirt toher panties. She was wearing stockings with garters which weretwisting her panties, I had the disturbing thought that thebitch was attacking me while I’m studying her underwear.She took a breath and slapped me again screaming: “Pervert.”I said: “Aren’t you overreacting?” And this drove her intoanother tirade of slaps and name calling. I decided to be quiet.Hoping she would cool off and we could talk about the situation.Kathleen got up and blatantly began adjusting herself from theexercise. She pulled up her skirt and adjusted her stockings.She wriggled her brassiere from side to side. Then she says:”Get finished in here, you better do a good job and then we willtalk.””Yeah you’ll talk” I thought. I was getting more and morearoused. What was going on here I wondered.I worked hard, I picked up all the clothes and hung her dress,put stuff in the hamper, cleaned the counters, arranged hershoes in the closet, made her bed and vacuumed.I went into the family room and collapsed on the sofa.Kathleen screamed: “Get up! When you come into a room I’m in, youdon’t sit or flop down on the sofa!”I jumped up.That wasn’t good enough for her. She yelled: “Stand straighter,look straight ahead. There that’s better. We’ll have to practicethis.”I asked myself, “how did I get into this? What should I do now?”After what seemed to be a long time she told me I could sit.She started: “So you like my panties…”I interrupted: “It was just a moment..”She yelled: “Don’t interrupt me again..”She said: “So I saw that you liked my panties, and took theliberty to indulge your disgusting lust when you thought no onewas watching. I have contempt for such people but in your case Imight find a use for such as you.”PART 2Kathleen said: “It is no longer a question of your role here asthe husband. You will be a domestic live-in. Like a maid. Youwill be very closely supervised.””Do I have any say in this? What will Sarah say?” I asked.Kathleen said: “I’ve talked to Sarah and she was going todivorce you but I convinced her we could make use of a sexpervert.”I was dumbfounded; I thought we had a good marriage. I couldn’tbelieve Sarah was going to divorce me. “You’re lying,” I yelledat Kathleen.In an instant she was attacking me, slapping and punching. Itried to grab her and pin her arms and we fell to the floor. Sheended up on top and started slapping me yelling: “You never talkto me that way, you scum.” The slaps were coming harder thensuddenly she jumped off and ran into the kitchen.She came and jumped on me still lying on the floor, and startedshoving a cake of soap into my mouth. At first I was caught bysurprise and the soap was between illegal bahis my teeth and I tried to get itout, I finally succeeded but bits had broken off and were in myteeth and throat. This tasted terrible and made me feelnauseous. I got up to get some water.I had no fight left in me, I just wanted to get the taste out ofmy mouth. Kathleen followed me: “Not so fast Jim, I want to knowif you now regret being so rude to me?”I couldn’t say anything because my throat and mouth were burningand it was all too much, it was making me feel nauseous…She continued: “This is a punishment for little c***dren, butmaybe it will help you remember who you’re talking to. I willwash your mouth out whenever you speak to me disrespectfully.Do you understand?”I didn’t answer because my mouth had an awful taste and mythroat hurt.She pushed me into the counter and screamed: “When I ask you aquestion you answer me.” Then she slapped me twice.I was feeling sick and I couldn’t answer and I didn’t even knowwhat she was asking.I began crying. Then she grabbed me and half carried and draggedme into the family room and shoved me onto the floor.I laid there and sniffled. She sat on the sofa across from me. Icould see her shapely legs and her legs were spread just wideenough so I was getting aroused again.She began to talk in a nice conciliatory tone: “I’m sorry thatsoap didn’t agree with you. But I want you to become a goodservant. My methods are very strict and at times painful. But itwill get the results we need. You life here won’t be too bad.You will have lots of housework to do, Sarah and I will makepersonal demands, but you can handle all of that in half yourtime. We will travel together, you’ll have two women on yourarms, and you’ll get good food, not a bad life.”I listened to her amazed at the change in tone. Suddenly I heardthat maybe Sarah wasn’t leaving: “You mean Sarah won’t divorceme?” I asked.In the same pleasant tone she replied: “Sarah could not put upwith your attitude any longer and was or I should say isplanning a divorce. I told her I would change your attitude andlife here would be different. She said she would wait and see.What I have in mind for you is that you will be totallydependent on us and in exchange we will be able to use you howwe wish. All you have to do is agree to this arrangement.”I said: “I’ll do anything to not lose Sarah.”Kathleen said: “That’s very sweet, but let me be clear, you havealready lost her. It may be possible to persuade her to keepyou. Do you understand that you may not possess her or me. Butwe may possess you. This is a great privilege for you. I hopeyou can live up to it.”I said: “Tell me what I have to do.”Kathleen smiled, “It’s very simple, do exactly what Sarah or Itell you to do. It’s a great honor and keep that attitude 24/7.I will have many tasks and rules for you which you will learn orsuffer as you have this morning. Are you ready to get started?””Yes,” I said.”Let’s get started with ‘Yes madam’, and when you address meit’s ‘Miss Kathleen’, understand?” she asked.”Yes, madam,” I corrected.”Let’s check my room and the vacuuming I asked you to do,” shesaid.”Yes madam”, I said.She smiled and helped me up. She walked around her room,examining the counters and looked in her closet and seemed to bepleased.I was very affected by this ability to please her. “I’m goingcrazy,” I thought. “I don’t want any more soap or slaps,” Ifurther thought. But if avoiding punishment was the goal I couldjust leave. But I stayed.She said: “I’m pleased with what you did here, it shows exactlythe initiative I require. If you do everything with enthusiasmand creativity, I won’t have to be hard on you. But remember Iam very strict and very attentive to detail, and I don’t mindmaking you suffer to get what I want.”She said: “To get off on the right foot, I’m going to give youseveral experiences that will impress upon you the environmentwe will have. Pull your pants down.”I hesitated for an instant and when I saw another slap coming Ihastily pulled down my trousers. She then sat down on a chairand patted her lap. I hesitated and I could see she was gettingimpatient and then I crawled over her lap.She had picked up one of her shoes and started whacking away. Icouldn’t help struggling and screaming but she carried on. Ifelt I must be bleeding and broken but finally she stopped andrubbed my butt with her hand. It felt like it was all there.”That was an introductory lesson, one of the rules is thatwhenever you get a spanking, you will then stand in the cornerto think about why you got spanked. I want you to think abouthow you talked to me, and what further punishment would beappropriate. When your corner time is up we will discuss it,”she conversationally said.I was completely at a loss for words. I was putty in thiswoman’s hands. I had become incredibly sexually aroused and feltsuch lust for her. “Whatever she wants to do to me is okay,” Ithought. I had traveled to another world, lying across her warmlap begging her to stop spanking me, she totally owned me. “HaveI fallen in love with her?””Now get up and stand in that corner there across from my bed.Don’t pull up your pants, it is a humiliation for you and maybea titillation for me. Whenever I put you in the corner, there isno talking and no moving. Resolve yourself that you are there tothink about your behavior which got you there and commit toimproving it.”Here I was, an executive merely five days ago, and now my mother-in-law had me standing in the corner in her bedroom with mypants around my ankles. I could hear her moving around behindme. I tried not to move, I guess I was going to try to “improvemy behavior.”I couldn’t determine how long I stood there, she left the room,then came back, I thought she would let me out, then she leftagain, this happened several times. “What kind of furtherpunishment should I ask for?” I wondered. These and otherthoughts kept going through my mind. My legs and back weregetting sore but I didn’t move. She had said not to!Kathleen came very close behind me. She placed her hand on mybehind and asked me, “Does it still hurt?”I said: “Not much, thank you Madam.”She kissed me on the neck and said: “I’m so proud of how youhave changed your attitude. You will make Sarah and me veryhappy. Okay no more talking, you have another half hour to goand remember no moving.”I didn’t think I could stand another half hour but to pleasethis woman I would stand there for the rest of my life. Then Iheard: “You may turn around now.”I saw her sitting in the chair where I got spanked, her skirtwas hiked up and she looked so desirable. I could see herpanties, and her breasts where straight out. She looked sopowerful.She said: “Come here and kneel in front of me.”I had the opportunity to look up her skirt but I didn’t out ofrespect and just looked at her knees.She grasped my hair and placed my head between her knees andsqueezed. I had never been in such an erotic situation before, Ihad trouble breathing. It was somewhat dark but I was caught inthis incredible place, maybe I can even smell her. We stayed inthat position for what seemed like a long time.”What punishment shall I mete out to someone who behaved as youdid?” she asked me.I couldn’t speak nor think for that matter because I was soaroused.She asked again and her tone was getting harder and impatient.I tried composing myself, “Madame I will do anything you ask,I’ll stand in the corner all night, you can beat me until Ibleed, I’ll do chores from morning to night. Anything you wish.””I am very pleased with your new attitude,” she said, while shestroked my cheek, where earlier she had slapped me.”Are you good with tools?” she asked me.I said “yes ma’am, I can fix cars and bikes, do electricalwiring and carpentry.””I don’t have anything so complicated in mind,” she said.She opened a drawer and took out a ring bolt with a long screwattached.”I want you to attach it to the wall so it won’t pull out,” shesaid.”Where would you like it Miss Kathleen?” I asked.”Can you tell where there is a stud?” she asked.”There is an outlet here on the wall, and usually they areattached to a stud on one side, Miss Kathleen,” I said.”Stand in the corner here,” she said. She made a small pencilmark on the wall above my shoulder. “I want it at this heightfastened strongly, understand?””Yes ma’am,” I said.She left. I got my stud finder and some tools and screwed itinto the wall, I had to use a screwdriver in the ring to windthe last inch into the wall. It wasn’t going to come loose nomatter what it was for, “I should have asked what it was for,” Ithought.PART 3That Night.About 6:00pm on that first evening Kathleen said, “Prepare supperfor Sarah and myself, and prepare something foryourself.”I was confused but took her words, literally. I’m not much of acook but I boiled water and warmed bottled spaghetti sauce andprepared a spinach salad. I put white wine in the refrigerator.I set the table for three and waited for Sarah to come home.I was reading the newspaper in the kitchen when she arrived. Irushed up to her and gave her a big hug and kiss which sheseemed to return. I thought maybe Kathleen wasn’t right abouther planning to leave me.I took her jacket which she was holding and hung it up. I askedif she was ready for dinner. She said she was hungry, and Icalled Kathleen.Kathleen walked into the dining room and asked, “Why did you setthree plates? I told you to fix dinner for Sarah and me.””You said to fix dinner for myself also?” I asked, I wasconfused and afraid.”Remove the extra plate and silverware and glass. Now!” sheordered.I was wondering what Sarah was thinking youwin about all this and Itried to hurry and do it somehow inconspicuously.Of course Kathleen would have none of that, “What do you saywhen I tell you to do something?” she demanded.”Yes ma’am,” I said, now my humiliation in front of Sarah wascomplete. I tried to catch her eye but she was lookingelsewhere.”Serve us dinner,” Kathleen ordered.”Yes ma’am,” I muttered.Kathleen jumped up and slapped me twice. My face started burningonly partly from the slaps but I was overwhelmed withhumiliation in front of my wife. I wished I could be somewhereelse.”Now get the dinner,” she commanded.”Yes ma’am,” I tried to say loudly but my voice was catching inmy throat.I brought in the bowl of spaghetti, and the sauce and the salad,and Sarah and Kathleen looked at me and they waited. “Did theywant something else?” I wondered. Then it came to me: “Would youlike me to serve you?” I asked.”Of course, why are you here, is there some wine?” Kathleenasked.”Yes ma’am, I’ll get it,” I said still breaking up a little, Iwas still blushing. I brought the chilled wine in and knewbetter than to just put it on the table, “May I pour?” I asked.”May you pour what?” Kathleen demanded.I was about to answer, “this wine” then I realized and said:”May I pour, Miss Kathleen?”Kathleen said: “Would you like to offer Miss Sarah some winealso?”I suppressed sighing and said: “May I pour Miss Kathleen andMiss Sarah?”Kathleen said: “Very nice, yes, please pour some wine for us.”I did and almost ran into the kitchen.Immediately Kathleen came after me and said; “A good waiterdoesn’t leave his diners without asking if they want anythingelse.””I’m sorry madam,” I say.Then she takes my arm and drags me back into the dining room.She lets go of my arm and sits down, picks up her glass andsmiles at me.”Is there anything else, madams?” I manage to say.”Kathleen says: “Nothing right now but why don’t you just standby in case we want something.””I was going to start cleaning the pots,” I said.”No, dearie, we want you to wait on us, stand tall, andstand still. When we are finished, you can clean up,” Kathleensaid.I felt stupid just standing there. After a few minutes theystarted talking and ignored me.Kathleen said: “He agreed to what we discussed.”Sarah said: “I didn’t think he would.””He said he did it for you,” Kathleen said.Sarah looked at me and said: “He is such a dear. How did youknow Mom that he would agree?”Kathleen said: “I’ve seen the way he opened doors for you,gathered your clothes, helped you put on your coat, waited onyou and then he seemed willing to do it for me, I think he willbe happy in his new role.”Sarah said: “How can he be happy doing housework instead ofbeing a big boss?”Kathleen said: “Maybe happy isn’t the right word, is a mothhappy to fly into a flame? He has no choice.”Sarah said: “It’s the sex.”Kathleen said to Sarah: “Ye-es.”Kathleen said to me: “Pour more wine Jim.”Without thinking: “Yes ma’am” And I poured the wine. They weredrinking it pretty fast especially for Sarah. In the old daysSarah and I split a bottle with Sarah getting a glass and Idrank the rest and then the rest of Sarah’s glass which wasstill half full. I was hoping they would leave some for me.Sarah said: “I couldn’t go on with the sexual demands; they weremaking me feel inadequate.”Kathleen said: “This is the right way; we all get what we need.”I was amazed, at what Sarah said, I never took advantage of her,I’m not some kind of r****t. I love her, what’s wrong withwanting your wife. I didn’t think they wanted me to join theconversation.Sarah said to me: “I love you Jim, but I want the sex only whenI want it, I don’t want pressure to have it, like if you buy mean expensive dinner, I feel I have to perform for you. Thatcreates a lot of stress on me.”I said: “But Sarah, I never wanted to force you, which would bethe last thing in the world, I thought you liked me to craveyou.”Sarah said: “That’s the problem Jim, you never knew when Iwanted it and when I didn’t, maybe it was my fault, but it justcouldn’t go on.”I said: “So what are we going to do?”Kathleen said: “When Sarah wants sex she will tell you. When youwant sex you will just continue wanting. And I will warn youright now, begging or nagging is not allowed.”I said: “I’m so taken by surprise, but isn’t there some otherarrangement than I become your waiter?”Kathleen said: “You don’t yet understand, it’s not a waiter wewant, it’s a total slave who will adore us and do whatever wewant whenever we want it.”I was incredulous. “Slave!?” I said.Kathleen said: “You’ve been spanked, stood in the corner, andended up lusting for me, what do you think that was all about?”Kathleen continued: “We are offering you a wonderful gift thatyou know you want. You get to live 100% with us. Everyminute of your day will be spent pleasing us. We will of coursetake every opportunity to find fault and punish you in the mostinfantile and bizarre manners that we know you crave.”Kathleen changed her tone: “I want you to clear the table, cleanup the kitchen and dishes, then report to us in the den. Don’tbe slow. I haven’t heard any ‘Miss’ or ‘Ma’am’ from you. Thistime it’s just a warning. Now move it!””Yes ma’am,” I said almost as a reflex. Sarah was lookingstraight at me. “May I take your plate miss Sarah?” was all Icould get out. I was full of thoughts; at least the kitchen willallow me to think.”You can take my plate too, slave boy!” said Kathleen.I took the dishes, sc****d the food into the disposal and putthe dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned the counters, the tableand the floor, all of it easy if not mindless.Was it true that I wanted to be their slave? What a concept, Ihad managed 21 professional programmers and engineers. What willthis be like? I thought maybe I would be managing two women andmyself. I had been paying bills, and managing the finances,would I still do that? Sarah didn’t say we would not have sexany more, only that she would be the one to ask for it. Willthere be sex with Kathleen; what will Sarah say? There’s somewine left in the bottle. They didn’t say I couldn’t have it.After I finished I went into the den and found a seat.I just knew I would hear from Kathleen and she didn’tdisappoint: “When we’re sitting in a room like this you don’tjust walk in! You show recognition that we’re here in a modestway like a little bow.””How about a curtsy?” Sarah said.”Can you curtsy, show us,” Kathleen said.I got up and tried to curtsy, I felt really stupid. The winemade it easier.”You should curtsy to both of us. So if we’re sitting here youcurtsy to me then to Sarah,” Kathleen said.I curtsied twice. I saw that there was a gleam in Sarah’s eyes.Kathleen asked: “Is there more wine?””No ma’am,” I answered.”I thought there was some left,” Kathleen said.”I drank it ma’am,” I said.”Sarah, I don’t think we gave him permission to drink wine. Whatshall we do about this?” Kathleen said.”Get stripped off now, Jim, totally naked, do it now!” Sarahsaid.I quickly took off the few clothes I had on, including my watch.Sarah’s eyes had a glint that I was familiar with; “On yourknees here!” she said pointing to the floor in front of her.”Now take off my shoes and stockings,” she ordered.I quickly took off her shoes, then pulled down her panty hosewith her cooperation and took a little risk and removed herpanties, as soon as I did that she grabbed my hair and pulled meinto her and I did what came naturally. Lick her.I could tell she was coming then when she finally came, shepulled on my hair harder and I got back to work. I could tellshe was coming again, and she did but she was still pulling onmy hair, “This couldn’t be my wife,” I thought.After the fourth climax I was released and she fell backwards onthe sofa making satisfied noises. I was a little out of breath,and would have been happy to relax, but I noticed that Kathleenwas staring at me.I was uncertain what to do. I tried, “How can I serve youma’am?”Kathleen said: “You may take my clothes off, do it gently!”I took off her high heels, I hadn’t noticed until then that theywere stilettos as before, and then I discovered she was alsowearing stockings again. I had to remove her panties first and Iwondered what she would do if I sniffed them now. I wasencouraged to do this because she lifted herself so I couldproceed. I was beginning to fumble with her garters when shegrabbed my hair and I was drawn into this strange pussy.Just five or six hours ago I was a pervert and slapped forsniffing her panties, now my face was buried in it. How strange,I thought. She was slower than Sarah but after a while I couldfeel the signs, but this time I just kept on, after the secondtime she pushed my head away.I waited maybe only a few seconds, when Kathleen said: “Don’tput any clothes on and go stand in the corner where youinstalled the hook.”I felt like I received a kick. I started getting up, Kathleensaid: “We have to settle our accounts over the unauthorizedwine.”I knew protesting anything was useless.Kathleen said, “You should also curtsy when leaving ourpresence, don’t forget.”Picture this, I am totally nude, these two women are somewhatspent from sex, that I provided. I’m a little surly.Kathleen says in a not nice tone: “If I observe reluctance oranger, I will add it to my list; you better go before you’re inreal trouble.””Yes ma’am,” I said and did two curtseys.PART 4Why do I have to stand here I was thinking, when she walked inand said: “You have to stand here because you are stillpresumptuous. You take wine without asking, you act arrogantbecause we responded to your a****l youwin güvenilir mi acts, you are not behavingthe way I want.”I could tell she was sitting in the chair, and continued: “Youwill come to understand that we expect total subservience ineverything.. Do I make sense?”I decided I better answer: “Yes madam.””Why were you so slow to answer; were you thinking about thequestion?””No ma’am, I thought I wasn’t allowed to talk when I stood inthe corner, then I realized you were expecting an answer.””I’m glad you understand that I have rules that need to beinterpreted. Well I have some equipment here that you willappreciate,” she said.Then I felt a collar being placed on my neck. The front of thecollar had a snap dangling from it which she snapped onto thering I had screwed into the wall. Then she pulled my handsbehind me and I felt handcuffs going on.”Now I can leave you here to think about our relationship,” shesaid. “After you determine that you are well tethered I want youto not move or make any noise.” She turned off the light andclosed the door.I did as she said, and verified that I could not get loose, sosimple and so tight. Then I stood still for what seemed a verylong time.Then I heard her come into the room, the light went on, and Icould hear her moving around and undress, I think I could tellshe was dropping her clothes on the floor. I heard her pullingthe covers off the bed. I wondered if I was going to stand hereall night. I wondered if she was looking at me or reading amagazine or had fallen asleep, then the television went on. Thiswasn’t fair, I thought. I made dinner, I cleaned up, I performedsexually, and then I get punished? O yeah, I had a little wine.The TV went silent, Kathleen said: “I guess you think this isn’tfair.”It seemed she could read my mind.”Understand that it’s not about fair, it is about: you are ourslave and we are your Goddesses. Always think that way,” shesaid.”My goal is to make sure you understand that intellectually andemotionally,” she said.”I have to be very strict for the process to work, and it suitsme. I also have a bitch streak that you will get to know,” shesaid.”If I had fallen asleep all night it would have been better thanletting you off without any punishment,” she said.”You may become afraid of me. Fear is a form of respect. This iswhat you need, what you want and I promise you will get. “Anddon’t think that Sarah will protect you. She has come to agreewith my program. She thinks I saved her marriage,” she said.”I wouldn’t mind letting you stand there all night, remember youtold me you would, or was that sexual lust talking, but you haveto get up to see Sarah off in the morning,” she said.I was happy to hear that, to get out of standing here, to seeSarah, good news.But then nothing happened. Then I could hear soft snoring. Iwanted to yell to wake her but I didn’t dare. I was afraidalready. How long have I already been standing here, what timeis it? I was miserable.I guess I began to doze when I felt the snap being removed fromthe screw eye. She used the dangling snap and chain as a leashand dragged me into the bathroom and forced me onto my knees anddragged me between her legs and she peed.”Lick me,” she said.Okay, this was new for me, I tried not to hesitate, the sexinessof it all began inflaming me and I dove in and licked and lickeduntil she shuddered and pushed my head away.She took me to her bed, covered me and got in. “The handcuffsstay on until morning,” she said and we went to sleep.I woke earlier than Kathleen, my arms hurt, the handcuffs chafedmy wrists, and I was incredibly horny. I gently rubbed myselfagainst the bed then stopped. What would Kathleen do if she wokeand caught me humping the bed?I couldn’t even adjust the sheets because my hands werehandcuffed behind my back. What if Kathleen oversleeps? Do Ihave an obligation to wake her in time to be up for Sarah? Whatcan I do for Sarah anyway?Kathleen woke up, checked the time, remembered I was there,looks at my erect member and grabs it, “You haven’t beenindulging yourself have you?” she asked.”No ma’am, good morning Miss Kathleen,” I said, trying to changethe subject.She gets out of bed, totally naked. I was getting so horny withall this intimacy and I wasn’t getting any sex. Kathleen hadcome three times, Sarah four times, and me zero. Definitelyunfair.Still naked, Kathleen finds some clothing in a drawer and itlooks like a pair of long pants. She unlocks my handcuffs and Iwant to rub my wrists.But Kathleen interrupts that: “put this on!” she ordered.It’s sort of a girdle and it might be sized for her, but it’sdifficult to get it onto me, I manage, but it’s really tight.Kathleen says: “You will always wear that so I don’t have toworry about you getting into unauthorized behaviors. You shouldthank me for this because if I caught you playing with yourcock, I would beat you senseless.”Then there is a pause, and I know I have to answer: “Thank youMiss Kathleen.”She thoughtfully looks at me and says we’ll have to go shopping.Then she dismisses me with: “Report to Miss Sarah.”We had been married six years at that point, and had beentalking of c***dren and here I now was “Reporting to Miss Sarah”in some undersized girdle so I can’t masturbate withoutdetection!I walked in and Sarah was in bed sleeping. I quietly went out, Iwent downstairs, made some coffee and sugared it the way Sarahlikes and went upstairs, she was still sleeping.I put the coffee on the night stand and bent to kiss her, whenshe awoke and looked at me.She said: “Did you curtsy when you came in?””You were sleeping,” I said.”That’s no excuse; remember to report that to Mom,” she said.”Why do I have to do that Sarah,” I said. And I knew I hadscrewed up. “I’m sorry Miss Sarah, it’s my first morning and Igot confused,” I said.She said: “That may be so but Mom says we have to be very strictor it won’t work.””What won’t work?” I said.”Loving Female Authority,” Sarah said.”What’s that?” I said.”Mom read that about 5 to 10 percent of men secretly want to bedominated by a woman, but they have difficulty admitting it, andsociety doesn’t exactly recognize it. She decided you were oneof those and thought she and I could make all of us happy if weadopted the practice,” Sarah said.”Did anyone think of asking me?” I said.”I thought Mom was going to discuss it with you,” Sarah said.”Mom thinks you took to it very well and are enthusiastic,”Sarah said.”I just don’t want to get slapped and beat up,” I said.”Then it’s working,” Sarah said.”No, I mean that I would like to be asked, I would like time tothink about it, to discuss the terms, not just be k**napped,” Isaid.”Well, do you want to do it or not?” Sarah asked.”Kathleen said that if I didn’t, I would lose you,” I said.”I talked to Mom about that and she said we could change thingsand it might be fun and you might enjoy it,” Sarah said.”I hadn’t realized you were unhappy,” I said.”I was feeling that we didn’t have a relationship any more,”Sarah said.”But you’re always working,” I said.”You weren’t appreciating what I was doing,” Sarah said.”I told Kathleen I would do anything so that I don’t lose you,”I said.”Mom took that as a yes, I imagine,” Sarah said.Sarah smiled and continued: “So what you have to do now is beuseful to me or get into more trouble, so lets hurry up. Get medressed. What can you do for me.””I have no idea, Sarah,” I said.Increasing her smile, Sarah said: “You will report to mom, MissKathleen to you, that you failed to address me correctly atleast five or six times and didn’t curtsy, now get to work orthere will be more to report.””I’m sorry Miss Sarah, what can I do for you?” I said.”This morning you can watch me get ready, starting tomorrow Iexpect you to help me. I want you to study what I do and figureout how you can do it for me. You can take notes. You willrealize how inept you are, but we will train you, or maybe sendyou to a class,” Sarah said.I just said, “Yes ma’am.”It was a delight to watch her get dressed, I felt like a peepingtom, I wanted to jump her bones so badly, which she would haveseen except for the girdle which held me in. She grew sexier asshe put on more clothes. When she sat at the mirror in pantiesand bra, and I just stood there lusting for her, I wondered ifshe could hear me panting. I was writing down each step to keepmy mind off the sex, and wondered how I could focus on anythingbut her sexiness if I touched her. When she was done I feltexhausted.I made breakfast and served Sarah, standing while she ate. Whenshe finished her coffee she said, “I’m very lucky to have such agood cook for a slave.”I was very pleased that I could make Sarah happy with ag****fruit, orange juice and coffee. But I also thought that I’mnot much of a cook.”Thank you, Miss Sarah,” I said. “May I give you a hug?” Iasked.She just gave me a hug and a hard kiss. She reached around andgrabbed my ass. I could see in her eyes that she was horny. ButI didn’t know what to do about it. I kissed her on her throatand back to her lips which were very soft and then her neck.She took my hand and led me into the family room, sat on thesofa and pushed me down on carpet and pulled up her skirt andsaid: “Hurry up.”I pulled down her pantyhose and panties and dove into her pussy.I seemed to be good at this because she started climaxing inminutes and I felt her hand holding my head against her to letme know not to stop. The second time took longer.She said, “Now put me back together.”I did. And I asked, “Should I put this on the list, Miss Sarah?”She laughed.Meanwhile I could feel that my girdle was getting moist from allthis stimulation by Sarah. I wondered what the consequences ofthat would be.I finished helping her on with her undergarments and thenhelping her with her skirt and blouse and helping into herjacket.”You’re a very fine lady’s butler,” she said.And she went out the door.

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