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MY VIRGINITY LOST IN THE STORMMY VIRGINITY LOST IN THE STORMBy : VoyeurKingNOTE : This story is entirely true and was experienced first hand by yours truly. This is the tale of how I lost my virginity, and might give you some insight on the feeling of magic, excitement, and sexual hunger and desire of my youth. The names of the characters have been changed to protect their identities, and the dialogue isn’t verbatim (it was almost 9 years ago) – I have not made any additional editing to spice it up – This is how I lost my V-card.As I woke up, the sun beamed light through the tiny slits of the blinds to my window and cast a pattern of shadows on my bedroom floor. I glanced around for a clock to check the time before remembering that I probably hadn’t unpacked it. We barely had any furniture yet, and boxes stacked on top of one another s**ttered in my room and trailed around my dresser into the hallway. It had been just under a week since moving from the Orchards, NJ to Ballenger Creek, and although it was a much nicer neighborhood I still didn’t want to leave all of my friends behind in the first week of summer vacation. It was only an hour away, but I had nothing to do all summer, didn’t know anyone, and It was the summer between 8th and 9th grade. As my friends were off everyday riding bikes, going to the pool, forming friendships, flirting with girls and trying to figure out which ones went to our school, I would be stuck here alone in this new house trying to keep myself from dying of boredom. My parents both work in DC and are always gone by 6am and home around dinnertime, so I guess its just going to be me in this big house all summer long.I pulled myself out of bed to the window and peered through the blinds. A jogger, k**s in their yard across the street, an old lady gardening, and the neighbors dog. I let the blinds snap between my fingers and groaned; “Worst summer ever.”I Shuffled down the hallway and moved into the kitchen, poured some OJ, grabbed a banana and stepped out onto the back porch. It was cool out for a June morning, and the trees rustled in the strong wind. The overcast sky to my right looked incredibly dark. Our house sat on the corner lot, and there was only one neighbor on the right side of us; the “Garrison’s” or so says my Dad. Past our porch and to the left of our backyard was just a verdant overgrown wooded area of trees, casting shade over most of my back yard. I hadn’t noticed this before, but from this view I could see the neighbors to the right had a pretty decent sized swimming pool with a diving board. That’s when I noticed her. She was sitting in one of the pool chairs with her knees propped up and a laptop on top of them. Her tiny yellow shorts revealed her long golden legs and feet. She looked very toned and I could tell immediately she was attractive. Her shirt was a baggy over-sized white t-shirt with some words scrawled across the front and back, probably from a school event or something. Her hair was brunette, perfectly straight and fell in choppy angles around her face. I didn’t know if I should say something, hide, or run back inside to spy on her from the kitchen. I felt the blood flow to my bulge and grabbed my dick over my boxers. “Holy shit.” I muttered to myself as I realized I was standing twenty feet from our new neighbors daughter shirtless in my underwear and was not to far away from having a full on erection. Without thinking I set my OJ down on the glass table making a “clink” sound that gave away my position.She turned and looked left towards me, first glancing at the hand touching my underwear, then up to my face, and then stared at my face for a moment. I struggled for something to say, anything to say. I thought for sure she had seen me grabbing my dick and would be offended or weirded out, but she just waved her hand and said politely in a high pitched playful voice “Hey, good morning!” I racked my brain for a quick and clever response or something funny to say but all the came out was “Hi, good morning” back to her.She folded her laptop shut and grabbed her bottled water and stood up. She was tall, and thin, and definitely around my age. “You must be the new neighbors.” She said. “My name is Sarah, we’ve lived here forever. My Dad said that you guys moved here from jersey I think?”“Uhh, yeah” I responded nervously. “We lived in the Orchards, about an hour away, but moved here because of my parents jobs. You must be one of the Garrisons?”She laughed and stood there with her legs crossed, playing with her hair with both hands “Ha yeah, that’s us. Your house was empty for so long, maybe it will be nice to have neighbors for a change. School starts in 2 months and I’m always so bored in the summer out here.”I felt my pulse in my boxers pick up speed “I know what you mean, I left all my friends behind and have no idea what I’m going to do all summer. At least school starts late out here, this year Ill be a freshman at Ballanger Creek High so I can’t wait for that.” I said sarcastically.She nodded “Cool yeah I start there this year to! I have a few friends going also, it won’t be so bad.” A rumble of thunder off in the distance cut her off and lightning streaked across the sky a couple miles away. “Looks like a storm is coming.” She said, gathering her things. “Well it was nice meeting you, It will be a nice change having someone around here my age.”“Yeah, definitely.” I replied trying not to sound too excited. She turned and opened the sliding glass door to her house.“Ok well, see ya around!” she chirped and walked back inside, shutting the door behind her.My dick was throbbing inside my boxers which the neighbor-girl just saw me in, and I thought from the angle she was standing she couldn’t see my waist or anything below, but now I wasn’t so sure. What if she caught a glimpse of my hard on? I grabbed my shaft at the thought and it pulsed back in response. The Rain clouds above our backyards were rolling in thick. I picked up my OJ and banana, walked back into kaçak iddaa the kitchen and set everything down on the counter.Lightning flashed and lit up the sliding glass door to the backyard as I looked back. I grabbed my dick over my boxers. I was sooo hard! Unbelievably hard! Of all the people we could have moved next to – this girl? The rain picked up and I bounded up the stairs towards the office and stopped at the bathroom to pick up the hand lotion on the way. Almost as soon as I brought the Internet browser up – the lights, digital clock, and computer screen went blank. I could hear what was once droning news coming from the TV downstairs go silent. The power was out. I got up from the desk and looked around the office. My Dad had papers and documents s**ttered all over the desk and anything that had a flat surface. Boxes and files stacked everywhere. I knew he had a collection of PentH magazines somewhere, and since we hadn’t completely unpacked yet, it had to be in here. I searched for a couple minutes and found a stash of about thirty various magazines dating from 2002-2004 and pulled out one of the newer ones.“This will have to do.” I whispered to myself and shrugged. Since the lights were out it was really dark upstairs and I certainly was not about to beat off by candlelight, so I went back downstairs to the living room with my magazine. I sat down and slid my dick out from between the slits in my boxers and started to thumb through the pages as thunder rumbled off in the distance. After about two minutes had passed, I put the magazine aside. All I could think about was Sarah and I was staying rock hard doing it. Her dark eyes, her bronze skin…I was getting ready to cum when there was a deafening BOOM that came from the backyard. It was followed by a CRASH and the sound of cracking and rustling. I jumped up so fast I forgot to tuck my dick back in and scrambled towards the back of house to investigate the racket. One of the bigger trees on the right side of our backyard had been struck by lightning and most of it was toppled over the Garrison’s fence and leaning into the pool, while the trunk stood bare and smoldering. The rain was still pouring and there wasn’t any actual fire, just a bunch of smoke. It looked like the fence had taken the worst of it, but it was hard to tell from where I was in the kitchen. I ran into the laundry room and threw on some shorts, a hoody, and some sneakers and headed out for the back porch. As I opened the screen door, Sarah, the next-door neighbor, stood right in front of me soaking wet. She had changed from her previous top from a baggy t-shirt to a tight fitting black spaghetti strapped tank top that squeezed her breasts together. I didn’t notice this the first time I saw her because of the t-shirt, but her breasts were massive. She was barefoot and still in the same shorts from earlier, and she had to be freezing. I stood in the doorway trying to think of something to say and was once again at a loss for words at how beautiful this girl was. Her hair was wet and her nipples barely poked out from behind her shirt. “This is crazy, are you going to let me in?” She almost yelled over the rain, although her teeth were chattering. “Yeah sorry” I stuttered and stepped to the side. “Let me get you a towel or something.” “That’d be great.” She chattered, crossed her arms and bent her knees, shivering. I walked into the laundry room and searched the dryer for a towel. My mind was racing. My pulse was racing. My cock throbbed and I could feel my erection was still there. I grabbed a towel and headed back towards her. “See!” she said enthusiastically “I told you it was going to storm! Look at the fence! My family is going to freak out! And the Pool!” I laughed and handed her the towel “Yeah, you called it. I can’t believe you ran over here like this. You must be freezing.” She wrapped the towel around her body and looked out the window. “Well they said on the radio that we were under a tornado warning, and then the power went out, and then the lightning struck the tree and I guess I got a little scared. I hope you don’t mind if I hang out with you over here for a little while.” I felt my dick tip swell a little. “Of course I don’t mind, why would I?” I said while trying to make eye contact. Her nipples were piercing through her wet t-shirt, and her breasts would jiggle a bit with every movement she made. “I don’t know.” She laughed cheerily, dried off, and wrapped the towel around her body. “Maybe you have a girlfriend or something, maybe you think I’m the crazy next door neighbor girl.” We both laughed and I watched her juicy young breasts jiggle from behind the towel. “Well, you ARE the crazy girl from next door, and I don’t have a girlfriend, so you can stay.” I said with more confidence in my voice than I thought possible. “Good!” she said with a huge smile, which was followed by a couple seconds of intense eye contact. “I should call my parents.” She said, breaking the silence. “If your parents are anything like mine, they will be freaking out over this. They are probably scared and if I don’t call them soon, they’ll probably have the swat team at my door before the storm is over. Can I use your phone?” She asked politely.I handed her the phone and she dialed as I turned towards the fridge and listened to her half of the conversation. They went on for a couple minutes about the extent of the damage and how to contact my family. The rest of it was Sarah reassuring them that she was fine incessantly. When she was done she handed me the phone and unwrapped the towel. “Your turn.” She said and folded the towel on the counter. After dialing my Dad’s number and getting through a couple secretaries, I finally got to his voice mail. I left him a brief message that went something like “Storm…lightning…tree…fence…don’t worry, we’re ok” and left Sarah’s family’s information. As I finished the call and hung up she jumped up and sat on the counter top, dangling her bare feet as bets10 the swung back and forth. Her hands were touching the counter and she leaned forward, exposing her cleavage as her arms pushed her tan breasts together, still glistening from the wet of the rain. She smiled and I smiled back and it felt like I had been hypnotized. “Sooo, what do you want to do?” She asked breaking the tension. “This storm looks like its only getting worse. Do you have a radio or something?” All I could think about was what was under her clothes. “Umm, yeah.” I managed to respond. “I think there is a battery powered one in the living room.” She hoped down from the counter and started towards the hallway. “This way?” She asked with her head turned over her shoulder. I nodded and started behind her. Sarah’s ass was so perfect it could literally stop traffic. Stop the super bowl. Stop a fucking war. It bounced from side to side in her yellow shorts probably two sizes to small. I could see she was definitely not wearing any underwear, and started to wonder if that was on purpose.When we got to the living room she stopped in a weird way, almost frozen. I kept walking past her to the handheld radio on the bookshelf, picked it up and turned around to face her. Her eyes were so wide and still they looked like she saw a ghost. “What?” I asked giving her a raised eyebrow kind of look as a wide grin spread across her face. Her eyes met mine and flashed down to the couch, then back to me. I looked down at the couch and saw my Dad’s PentH magazine staring back at me with a volumptuous, fake titted model spread eagle on the cover. I dropped the radio and jumped for the magazine, but she was to fast. She snatched it up before I was even close and clutched it against her chest. “Oh my god, is this your…were you?” She stammered and peeked at the cover again. “NO! I mean no, no, no. It’s just my Dad’s he’s..he just..” I spoke nervously and could feel my face turning red before she interrupted my excuse.“He just leaves his porn out in the living room for everyone to see? Yeah right!” She laughed and started to flip through the pages. The smile on her face was so wide you would have thought it was Christmas and her birthday at the same time. I snatched the magazine out of her hands and put it behind my back. “Seriously, you were NOT meant to see that. I’m sorry if…” “But I want to!” She interrupted. “I want to see it!” I was so shocked and taken back by her I didn’t even know how to respond. “I’m just curious.” She reassured me. “I think you are cute, but we don’t need to have secrets. I’m curious about what you masturbate to. I wonder what you like.” She said this so playfully and cute and I couldn’t believe my ears. Her voice sounded like music. She thought I was cute, that’s a good thing. I felt the blood rush into my penis and it surge forward begging for some type of interaction. I knew right now, at this very moment was my time. And if I fucked it up, I would regret it forever. So I briefly collected my thoughts, told my dick to chill, and responded the only way that I could. “Well, I didn’t jack off yet haha. And I’m not necessarily into the women in that magazine. It’s just one of my Dad’s old ones. The power is out, there is no internet, and you interrupted me!” I said in a teasing way and hope she responded well. Her eyes danced from mine and down to my cock, back and fourth. It was pretty obvious she was looking, and she wasn’t trying to make it a secret. My dick stood at half-mass through my basketball shorts and was begging me to take action. She looked at me with eager eyes, blushing and biting her bottom lip.“Are you a virgin?” She asked a little nervously still biting her lip. I stuttered out a response. “Me? Umm no. I mean, well I’ve done it once before. This one girl…” – “Shut up!” she interrupted with a smile. “Haha its cool you don’t have to lie. I’m a virgin to. My ex boyfriend and I used to do other stuff and he almost put it in one time, but he moved a couple months ago. I kind of want to know what its like, ya know?”My mouth started to salivate and I stared at her breasts and felt like a dog in front of a steak. Her long bronze legs crossed at the ankles started to move towards me. “I umm…Do you?” I kept stammering. “Shhhh.” She whispered and put her finger over my mouth. “Don’t worry, this will be our secret. And plus, we need to practice before high school!”I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but at that moment I let go. I was going to lose my virginity right fucking now. She grabbed my hand and ran upstairs, giggling and asked “Which one is your room?” I pointed to my door at the end of the hall, and by the time we had got there she had already taken off my t-shirt and I stood in the doorway. I have a pretty slim build, but am respectably hung for my size, and I could tell she was impressed by the wide eyed look she gave my bulge through my boxers. My dick was getting harder, and bigger, and she laughed and whispered “Wow.”She rubbed her hand on the outside of my underwear and the fabric brushed against the head of my penis. It throbbed back violently in response and grew rock hard in a matter of seconds. She grabbed my boxers by the waist and slowly pulled them down while dropping to her knees at the same time. My cock caught the elastic on my shorts and flopped upward towards my body. Sarah’s doe eyes looked up at me and she smiled, opened her mouth, and just barely nibbled the tip. I gasped in excitement, and my dick surged again. Her tongue started at the base of my penis and she slowly d**g it up the shaft a few times before she laughed and looked up at me again. “Like this?” She asked in a giddy voice.I smiled back, nodded, and my head fell back as she swallowed my massive hard on, twisting her head from side to side and bobbing up and down.Right then I thought this was the best thing I had ever felt, and couldn’t wait to get inside her pussy. She choked a little on my shaft and I smiled back in response. bets10 güvenilir mi My cock was dripping wet and this had quickly become one of the messiest BJs of all time. My dick was covered in saliva as she started to stroke it with a tight grip and engulfed my entire ball-sack into her mouth. She stroked my wet cock upwards as her tongue danced around inside her mouth and all over my balls. I let out a loud moan and thought about cumming, but quickly pulled my dick out, grabbed her and pulled her to her feet. She was surprised that I started to manhandle her a bit, and I could tell she definitely liked it. I flipped her around and bent her over and she let out a little squeak of an “Oh!” She was still dressed in her skin tight tank-top and tiny yellow athletic shorts, and I could see she was a little wet. I grabbed her ass cheeks and set my dick between the cleavage of her ass on top of her tiny yellow shorts. She felt my hard on and I bent over her back, grabbing her titties and massaging them. We stumbled over to the bed, clumsily making out and groping each other all the way down. I pulled off her shirt, exposing her glorious round breasts and greeted both erect nipples with a good sucking while I started rubbing her shorts over her clit. “Ooohhh.” She moaned and contorted in ecstasy as I fondled her body. She had the build of a young Greek goddess with dark skin and massive young breasts. I slid down and kissed her belly and slid her shorts off. Sure enough, she went commando. I stared face to face with her bare pussy that looked as if a hair had never touched it in its life. Her pink lips were closed tight and I spread them softly with my tongue. “Oh my god. Holy shit!” She whispered and gripped the sheets with one hand and my hair with the other. My tongue swirled inside her pussy and started flicking her clit. She moaned so load it almost scared me and she arched her back, taking at a contorting angle. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop!” She begged, so I went faster. After about 30 seconds of her looking like she couldn’t breathe, the color started to return to her face and she almost shouted. “You’re going to make me cum!” So I kept massaging her clit soft and fast with my tongue as she collapsed into the fetal position. Her legs shook violently as if she was having a seizure and I wondered if that was standard protocol for the female orgasm.“Wow.” She said again, her voice shaky and unsteady. “That was, like the best orgasm I’ve ever had.” I looked at her, proud of my accomplishment and started stroking my dick that was still throbbing and stiff. She sighed and tried to catch her breath. “I’ve only cum from masturbating before, but that was…that was amazing!” I smiled back slowly stroking my erect member.She crawled over, kissed me on the mouth, and whispered in my ear. “Want to put it in?” My heart pounded and I almost just came in my own hand right then, but I kept my composure and flipped her around so she was on top. Her long brown hair and massive breasts hung in my face as she climbed on top of me. I grabbed one in each hand and felt my dick slide inside of her. She was extremely tight and we started out slow, but soon I had stretched her pussy out and my dick was wet and sliding in and out. She bounced on top of me and whined in pleasure as my body stiffened up. I was sure this was the hardest my dick had ever been, and it was about to bust serious volcano style. “Let me get you from behind baby.” I asked sweetly and she demounted and assumed the position.Her ass up in the air and her big eyes looked back at me as I shoved it in hard without any hesitation. She gasped as I ravaged her and fucked her as hard as I could, just like all the times I had imagined. Her ass bounced on my dick and I let her do the work for a minute while I watched. She was so sexy and her bubble but was perfect and round. I reached down for her breasts and cupped them each in one hand. I felt my dick enlarge and surge with semen. I shuttered a bit, and the head of my penis grew inside of her. I burst with a huge amount of cum and watched her ass shake as I groped her hanging breasts from behind. She let out another loud moan and my dick was pulsing more semen out every few seconds. I pulled it out and could not stop cumming. She turned around to face me, and got the second half of a huge load drizzled across her chest. I managed to whisper “Open.” And she opened her mouth wide for me to deposit the last of my seed. I shook my dick and the remnants of cum and pussy juice on to her boobs, then sliding my dick all around the mess while she started to laugh a little. “That was fun.” She said as she gleamed a huge smile. I collapsed on the bed in exhaustion and tried to catch my breath. She curled up next to me, playing with my limp penis with her hand as it started to deflate. “Maybe we can do this again?” She asked and looked up at me. “Definitely.” I answered and gave her a kiss. “Well, I have got to get cleaned up so I am going to take a shower, but you don’t go anywhere mister! Its not even eleven AM and we didn’t even eat lunch yet!” I chuckled a little and agreed. “Plus, my parents don’t get home for another couple hours, and we still have a lot of practicing to do!” She got dressed and I walked her out as she ran through the rain back to her house next door. I had lost my virginity, and I couldn’t have asked for a better girl to do it with. EPILOGUE – This took place in the beginning of the summer break of 2004 on one of the stormiest days of the year. Sarah and I continued to have our sexy rendezvous and “practice” sessions two or three times a week all summer. When school started, she got a boyfriend and started hanging with a different crowd then me, so I guess I really was just “practice” to her after all. But I don’t mind, it was a great summer I can look back on and I must say after all – that girl taught me how to fuck for sure! Our families remained friends for a long time and I would sometimes see her when we would BBQ and party when I would come back home from college. We never really talked about that summer afterwards, but there’s always that gleam in her eye…that “we have a secret” look. And with some girls, you just can’t trade that for anything.

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