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Rachel and Stephanie (part 3 – new temptations)My plans with Rachel are frustrated but another temptation arises.StephanieAlthough Rachel was an attractive girl and was pretty sociable she did not have a large group of friends, she tended to socialise with the c***dren of her parent’s friends. Mom and Dad had a wide group of friends most of whom had c***dren in their teens so there were plenty of people her age to be with.She did have one particular friend outside this group and that was Stephanie. She went to Junior High with Rachel although she was in a lower year and she used to come round to our house a lot.Stephanie was only tw***e and I never quite worked out how or why she and Rachel were friends but they were and they were pretty close. I suspect that Rachel liked being the older girl and being able to have a younger friend who looked up to her.They used to sleep over at each other’s houses loads and were always up to mischief as girls that age will be, giggling behind their hands, blushing and running out of the den if anything at all sexual came on the TV, you know the sort of thing.Stephanie was quite grown up for her age, she was only an inch or so shorter than Rachel and she had started to get a teenagers shape particularly around her hips. She had tiny little breast buds that clearly showed in her t-shirt. She hadn’t started to wear bras so I could not help notice them – more nipple than breast.She had this habit of wearing “Daisy Duke” cut off jeans in the summer months which she nicely filled with her developing hips, more accurately they fitted like they were sprayed on her and showed that she was developing a girls figure.Stephanie was not shy and could be quite forward, even cheeky in a nice way, she and Rachel were always up to something, conspiring to wind up Rachel’s brother Mark – which he hated – or trying to get me involved in their games, which I didn’t mind so much.Their latest thing with me was to try and pin me down and tickle me. It seemed that I was the only one in the family that was ticklish and they would get hours of fun ambushing me and trapping me so that they could mercilessly tickle me until I surrendered and agreed to some sort of forfeit. Perhaps I should describe myself in case you are wondering why an 18 old lad could be bested by two little girls, one barely in her teens and the other younger still. I was actually a natural sportsman – not big as I am a runner but just under 6 foot tall and in good shape – I was pretty proud of my 6 pack to be honest. I could quite easily control both Rachel and Stephanie unless they caught me completely by surprise.However, I had two younger sisters back in the UK and I understood that getting on with siblings is sometimes about playing along with their games – all part of the give and take of family life. Mark never understood this and always wanted to be the “big bad brother” and took himself far to seriously – perhaps that’s why they did not get on very well together.As a result I tended to play along with their game and let them pin me down and tickle me – nothing to do with enjoying having two pretty young girls touching me all over of course !!I have this theory. Girls who are starting to become aware of sex often like to tickle people, their friends and boys they feel comfortable with (often brothers, uncles etc) and that they use it as a disguise for wanting to touch them sexually even if they are not consciously aware of that motive.Guys do the same thing but use “back massages” as their camouflage instead. No one is really fooled if they think about it. What on the surface is an innocent and c***dish game is actually part of their sexual learning and a chance to touch someone in ways they probably could not get away with otherwise.I did notice in these tickle attacks that one of the girls, or even both, was touching me high up on my thighs, even on the inside and sometime right up by my crotch. Once we had started our intimate games I assumed that it was Rachel doing this, teasing me in a situation when I could not really return the favour. In all honest I couldn’t really be sure which of the girls was touching me in this way.A few days after Rachel and I were almost caught by Mom and Dad I was sitting at the dinning table at home having just finished an assignment for school the next day when Mom came over to me and sat opposite.“David, I have a big favour to ask, not so much for me as for Joel and Helen, Stephanie’s parents.”“Oh, what can I do?”“Well, they have their 15th wedding anniversary next Wednesday and are planning to go out for dinner to a place that is really special for them – it’s a couple of hour’s drive away and they need someone to stay and keep an eye on Stephanie.”“Mark is working and Dad and I will be going bowling as usual, after last week I need the practice, and I wondered if you would be prepared to do it. Normally they would be happy for Rachel to go there and spend the evening with her but they think they may be back well after midnight and anyway Rachel is going to her Grandmother for a few days next week. Gran needs company after her recent fall.”“Well, OK I guess but I don’t really know what I would have to do.”“Not a lot really, you just need to be there, make sure that Stephanie is OK, perhaps help her with homework if she needs it and make sure she gets to bed at her bed time. As they are going to be so late back they have suggested that you stay over in their spare room.”“Alright, you can tell them I’ll do it but I don’t know where Stephanie lives and I would like to go there and meet them all sometime this weekend so that they can show me where things are and all that.”“I am sure that will be fine – they will be delighted – they will pay you of course so it will be worth your while but most of all I think they wanted someone that they know and trust and who knows Stephanie – she has sometimes been a bit difficult with sitters, a bit of a brat but I am sure she will be no trouble to you. You are almost like a big brother to her. I think they will also like to meet you formally before then as well so I will try and sort something out for this weekend.”Sadly of course that put paid to Rachel and my plans to go the whole way next week. I had not realised that she would be at her Grandmothers, I hoped she would not be there for more than a few days and that the following Wednesday would be our chance. Until then we would have to make do with just the occasional stolen kiss and passing touch.So, Sunday afternoon found Rachel and me walking around to Stephanie’s house, only a 20 minute walk from home, to make arrangements for the coming Wednesday. I had met Joel and Helen before at parties as they were good friends of my family but I did not know them well and as I said I had never been to their house before.When we got there Stephanie opened the door, brought us inside and shouted for her Mother then dragged Rachel away giggling over some private joke between them. Helen met me in the living room and started to show me around the kitchen, letting me know where everything was that I would need. I was going to be able to use the spare room in the basement den that had its own toilet and shower so that once Rachel was asleep and I was in bed I would not be woken up by Joel and Helen returning in the small hours of the morning.Joel joined us and they both showed me around the rest of the house so that I knew where Stephanie’s room was etc. I was going to be pretty comfortable so there would no issues once I had managed to get Stephanie to go to bed. I had my fears about this though. I knew that Stephanie could be difficult and I was not sure that knowing her would necessarily make this any easier. Without me having to raise the subject, Joel suggested that if I had any issues with Stephanie behaving I should call them in his cell phone, which he would keep on at the restaurant, and he would put her straight.The threat above her head was that anything less than a glowing report from me would lead to Stephanie being grounded with loss of privileges for a significant period of time. I was grateful to know that there would be some sort of lever I could use if Stephanie started to play up. Despite my concerns I really hoped that it would not be necessary and that Stephanie would behave for me. Joel told me that there would be money for pizza and movie hire and that I should help myself to the fridge contents. He knew that I was allowed to drink alcohol at home so stressed that I should not when I was in their house and responsible for Stephanie. I understood why he stressed this but reassured him that it would not be necessary and that I wouldn’t have considered drinking when I was in a position of responsible like this.I was glad that I had spent the canlı kaçak bahis time to go to their house and meet them there and I am sure that they were pleased as well. We finally managed to get Rachel out of Stephanie’s room, they were still giggling as if they were plotting something very naughty and highly amusing. Before leaving Joel and Helen gathered us all in the living room and repeating in front of Stephanie what their expectations were of her and what she risked if she behaved badly and if I gave a bad report on her. Hardly surprisingly Stephanie promised to behave like an angel and was certain she would get a good report from me. As we turned to the front door to leave she gave me a massive conspiratorial wink, which no one else saw. What had that meant? My nerves returned in an instant, I hope she was not planning any nonsense. At least Rachel would not be there as they both egged each other on and of course I had the lever I needed to make her behave if I had to. The start of the week went quickly, school was….well, school, home was quieter in the evenings with Rachel at her Gran’s. I missed the glancing touches we had become accustomed to exchanging and the lustful looks when no one else was around and even the occasional kiss or fondle.Without Rachel around I had to spend more time with Mark, which was always a bit of a chore. He had a very ego centric view of the world which quickly became very boring. At least the week would be broken up but my house sitting duties on the Wednesday.I went round to Stephanie’s house at 6.00 pm as agreed. Joel and Helen were aiming to leave shortly after that as it was a 2 hour drive to the restaurant they particularly wanted to go to, something to do with when they were courting. They were in the hall ready to leave when I arrive and looking very smart, Helen was a pretty attractive woman who wore her years well. If genes were anything to go by Stephanie would grow up to be stunning.Joel gave my the money he had set aside for me and they reminded me that Stephanie needed to be in bed for 10.00 as it was a school day tomorrow. They promised to be quiet when they got home and made sure I had their cell number; and they were off.Once they had pulled away I put my overnight bag in the basement den I was going to sleep in and then went back to the main family room and settled down in front of the TV to see what was on. It was too early to worry about pizza yet and I had already done what little course work i had so there was nothing really to do. Stephanie came into the room, she was wearing some cut off jeans – not quite Daisy Dukes but tight enough to really show off her lovely pert bottom and the gentle curve of her newly acquired hips. On top she was just wearing a gathered boob tube leaving her taut, flat stomach bare so that I could admire the nip of her waist. She looked gorgeous, the tube top clearly showed her tiny breasts off, they were little more than golf balls but in the way she was dressed and how she carried herself I had the clear impression that she was very proud of them and very much liked how they look.Funnily enough she had not been wearing this when I had arrived just a few minutes earlier, I think she had been wearing regular jeans and a blouse. I suspect that she had changed as soon as her parents had left. I wondered why she had done that.”You’re not going to sit and watch the television the whole time are you David?””I don’t suppose so, there is not much on really. Why? Did you have something else in mind?””Well, I thought we could do something together. It’s nice outside and perhaps we could do something in the garden.””OK, anything in particular?” from the experience of two younger sisters back home in the UK I know that playing along with their games not only helps you all to get along but also can result in you having more time to yourself in the long run. I was happy to go with whatever Stephanie had in mind and anyway admiring her peachy bum in those shorts was definitely better than the rubbish on television.”I thought you might help me to climb the big tree we have at the bottom of the garden. Dad doesn’t let me, which of course makes me want to do it more and I’m not quite tall enough to get up into it on my own. Will you help me?””Let’s have a look but if I also think that it’s dangerous then I don’t want any silliness from you, it would not look good for me if your Mum and Dad came home to find you in the ER or stuck up the tree.” I laughed to soften the moment and got up from the sofa.Stephanie grabbed my hand and pulled me across the room, out through the sliding doors onto their large patio. They had a lovely big house on one of the largest plots in the neighbourhood and had been lucky to have retained a number of mature trees in the back. The result was a very secluded garden with lovely pockets of deep shade, which were very attractive on a hot day like today.In the air conditioned interior I had forgotten how stiflingly hot it was outside. Stephanie dragged me across the lawn with both hands pulling me as she walked backward, I pretended some resistance so that she had to lean back and pull me hard to move me.”Come on slow coach, it’s over here.”She dragged me towards a group on big bushes in front of an area of large trees, as we got near a gap came into view which allowed us to pass through the bushes into a clearer area behind in the deep shade under the trees. Although the air was very still here and quite humid it was a lot cooler than it had been on the lawn. It was quite a relief as I was wearing jeans rather than shorts. I had lighter clothes in my bag but had wanted to be properly dressed when I arrived.”Come on, over here, it’s this big one in the middle.” the tree she was taking me to had to be a couple of hundred years old. It was at least 8 foot round the trunk, I certainly could not get my arms completely round it by some distance, and had to be over a hundred feet high. It was a perfect climbing tree.I had always enjoyed tree climbing when I was younger and this was as near perfect as you could get. My first reaction was just to stand and admire it, looking up and up into its shaded heights, planning how I would climb it, whether it would be good for a platform and where I would build it.I walked over and touched it, I loved big old trees like this, there was something permanent about then and so alive as if they had their own souls. It was easy to understand why people in the past had believed in tree nymphs and all those old myths.”It’s lovely isn’t it?” Stephanie had walked up to me quietly and slipped her hand into mine.”I have always wanted to climb it, I used to make dens back here and play houses with my dolls but it was always this tree that drew me here. I have even hugged it. I know it sounds silly but I like it when my body touches it, it’s as if I can feel the life in it””It’s not silly, I know exactly what you mean. There is something fundamental, alive and organic about big old trees like this, just think what has happened under its canopy over the years. People have lived and die, have fought each other and loved each other.”I stood back and again looked up to admire its sheer scale. Stephanie’s hand felt small and warm in mine, I gave it a little squeeze. I then let go, took two big steps forward and jumped up, reaching for a big branch about 8 foot above the ground. I managed to get my hands around it and swing myself up on to it. I stood there, leading against the trunk looking down at Stephanie.”Hey, that’s not fair, it’s my tree and I’m meant to climb it not you.” Stephanie stood below me with her hands on her hips and actually stamped one of her feet, I couldn’t help myself from laughing at such a c***dish gesture. “Come and join me then.””You know I can’t, I can’t reach. It’s not fair leaving me down here.” she actually sounded close to tears with frustration and I hadn’t the heart to wind her up further. Anyway I had only started up the tree because it was there and I could. I didn’t really want to exclude her from it.”Hey, hey, hey. Calm yourself. I’ll get you up here don’t worry.” I sat down on the branch and dropped lightly down to the ground, all my tree climbing experience coming back to me now.Stephanie stomped over to me with her head down and, I think, even with her bottom lip stuck out in anger. “You’re cruel, it’s my tree.” she came right up to me and started to hit me in the chest with the side of her fists, very much a frustrated little girl gesture and actually quite endearing. Partly to stop her hitting me and partly to calm her down, I reached my arms around her and pulled her tightly to my chest, her head coming just under my chin, a perfect height.”Shhh, shhhh Stephanie, calm down. You can climb the casino firmalari tree, I will help you and we can explore it together.” As she started to calm down it was natural for me to stroke the back of her head with one hand while the other rubbed gently up and down her back.”There there, nothing to be angry about.” She was calm now, her little tantrum over but neither of us moved. Standing under this magnificent tree it seemed perfectly natural for us to stand like this both unaware of the intimacy of the moment. I did notice that she smelt nice and she felt good in my arms. Then she pushed me away.”Come on then you nasty man. Help me to climb this tree then.” her mock anger broke the moment but also returned a light-hearted ness and we turned to look at the tree.”I am going to have to give you a leg up I think.” Stephanie walked straight to the tree trunk and reached up above her head, she was clearly a couple of feet short. She lifted her leg behind her indicating she wanted me to give her a leg up from behind.”OK, I don’t think it will work like that but we can give it a try.” I came up behind her and cupped my hands for her to put her foot in. As I straightened up this caused her to not only rise but to move in even closer to the tree trunk until she was pressed against it. Like this she was not able to get up onto the branch.I knew this would happen of course but there was another consequence of this I hadn’t considered. As she struggled to get in a position to grab the branch properly and pull herself up, her fabulous little bottom was pushed right into my face. My nose was dead center between her buttocks. Her delicious backside and the back of her crotch were right there in front of me, I could have buried my face in them if I had wanted to and I have to admit that the thought was tempting and crossed my mind.This young, budding woman, no longer a c***d but not yet full-grown had herself pressed into my face. It was innocent and accidentally done by both of us but there was nothing innocent in my reaction. I felt a tingle in my crotch and to my horror I could feel an erection growing.I know that at the age i was then it doesn’t take much to get an erection but this surprised me. I hadn’t really thought of Stephanie in a sexual way at all but increasingly I was being confronted with her growing womanhood. Her breasts so obvious in her tube top, her stomach so tight and flat, the swell of her hips in their tight cut offs and now the close proximity of her delicious little bottom all combining to arouse me, much to my surprise.I felt her slump a little with dejection.”I can’t get up like this, is there another way you can get me up there?””I did say it wouldn’t work but of course there is another way. I have done this before you know with my sisters back home.””OK smartie pants show me how if you’re so clever.”I lowered my hands so she could slide down the trunk until her free foot touched the ground and I could leave her and stand up.”You were almost right Stephanie, if I am in front of you between you and the tree I can lean my back on the trunk to help take your massive weight,” she jokingly slapped me for that comment. “More to the point you are further away from the tree and better balanced so that you can reach up for the branch and if you need to you can also stand on my shoulders to get greater height.””Come on, let’s try it Stephanie.”I moved between her and the tree and leant back against the trunk. This way I could make a really strong and stable step for her with my hands. I linked my hands together low, between my knees then she came towards me, put her hands on my shoulders and put her right foot into the cup I had made and then stood up transferring her weight to her higher right foot and therefore standing off the ground.I really had not thought about this and what would then happen. Like this she was obviously higher, after all that was the whole point, but what I hadn’t expected was that this brought her chest exactly level with my face. I now had her little budding breasts right in front of my mouth. I could have simply lent forward and taken either one into my mouth. This close to them I could even see the definition of her nipples through her top. Fleshy raised peaks on her beautiful cup cake boobs.Again I felt the stirring in my crotch, my erection returned harder than before.I felt Stephanie trying to reach the branch but as she was not going any higher and I still had her full weight I guessed she couldn’t quite reach.”Can you lift me a bit higher so I can reach the branch?”I raised my hands to my waist lifting her a bit more and to my horror also bringing the front of her tight shorts right in front of my nose. This was excruciating, it was torture. There, no more than 2 inches in front of my nose and mouth, was her denim covered young pussy. I couldn’t resist, I moved my head forward an inch until I was almost touching her and inhaled deeply. I was so close to her now that I could smell her femininity and I even noticed a slight cameltoe that I had not seen before.I hoped she didn’t hear me do that or feel me move, I hoped she was too busy trying to reach the branch to notice. I was convinced I could smell a sexual mustiness to her. Could she be aroused? Was she conscious of our closeness, of how open she was to me? My erection was now staining at my jeans and becoming painfully constricted.And then it worsened again.”David, I can’t quite get a tight enough grip on the branch, can I stand on your shoulder?””Of course you can.” I wonder if she noticed the croak in my voice and wondered why. Well, my mouth was bond dry, my eyes were fixed on the tiny patch of cloth that covered her young pussy.It wasn’t a big step up to put her left foot on my right shoulder but she had to stick her knee out to the side to avoid hitting the tree with it and that opened her crotch completely to my gaze. The only times I had even been this close to a girl’s crotch I was either just about to eat it or had just finished doing so. Now with her totally open to me I could definitely smell her. The distinct odour of an aroused woman, there is nothing quite like it. She was enjoying this and was clearly aware of the intimacy forced upon us.I didn’t dare do anything overt, much though I wanted to, but under the pretense of finding her heavy I leant my head forward and rested my forehead against the bulge of her pubic mound.”Are you nearly up yet? You’re getting heavy.” After a moment’s pause – was this to keep the contact between us? – she moved herself up onto my shoulder and suddenly her weight was gone and she scrambled up to sit astride the branch.”Come on slow coach, what are you doing still on the ground.” she laughed a carefree laugh, teasing me.”Thank you would be more traditional comment you cheeky little minx and I am coming now.” (oh how I wished that was true). “I might shake the branch when I swing up so it would be best for you to sit down with your back to the trunk and to hold on tight.” I gave her a few moments to settle down then walked away a few paces.After discretely adjusting my erection so that it was not painfully constricted, I took a 2 step run up as before and leapt to reach for the branch a short way from where Stephanie was sitting. As before, I managed to catch it neatly and swung myself up to sit astride the branch facing Stephanie and only a foot or so in front of her.”There you are, both of us up now. Before we go any higher do you have much experience climbing trees?””Some, Dad has only stopped me climbing this one because the lowest branches are so high and because it is a pretty tall tree. I have climbed others that are shorter and easier to get into.””OK, all the same, it is best to take it slowly, try to only move one arm or leg at a time so that you always have three points touching the tree. I will climb with you and try to help you to find the best route up.”I gingerly got to my feet, it wasn’t easy without having the truck to steady myself but Stephanie was between me and it. Once I was up I was able to hold onto a higher branch for stability and reach down to Stephanie to help her up.Still sitting on the branch she brought one of her feet up to the branch – doing this again exposed her crotch to me and gave me a perfect view of her pussy encased in her tight denim shorts. I had no control over the fact that my erection was returning again only this time it was only just above her head height and right in front of her. If she looked at it she would be easily able to see it and unless she was totally naive she would know exactly what it was.She put her tiny hand in mine and pulled against me so that she could rise. We were very close together now, barely any room between us and her with her back pressed casino şirketleri against the tree.”Are you OK there, stable?””I think so. ” she didn’t seem totally convinced and still held firmly onto my hand, then as she tried to reach up to hold the branch I was holding she made a big wobble. Instinctively she grabbed me with both arms around my waist. Fortunately I was well braced and pretty much ready for that. She held me tight with her face pressed against my chest.I was able to bring my free hand around her waist all the way to the other side where I gripped her firmly across her lower ribs, just below where I knew her little breasts were.”Careful there.””Oh, god I thought I was going to fall then.” she was of course pressed tightly against me. I had no fear of her falling as I was holding her firmly but I was worried that she would notice my hardness. “OK, I want to go higher now.””Are you sure?””Yes silly, I was just careless, I will be more careful now.” she turned slowly, although she let go of me I did not let go of her until she had turned fully and was now facing the trunk and able to hold it for security.”I suggest that you just go a little higher. You will find that if you stand off the truck a little way you will find it easier to balance.” This is of course true as anyone will know who has done any climbing of any sort, but as perhaps my first deliberate act with Stephanie I did not step back to give her room to stand off as I had suggested.Still holding the trunk Stephanie tried to step back and give herself some room. As a result her bottom pressed firmly back at me. What is more I had also bent my knees slightly so that my erection was at the same height as her buttocks. She pushed back at me, silently demanding more room. Whilst I did move back a little, I did so rather slowly allowing her to continue pressing her firm bottom against my crotch. She must surely have noticed it by now.I don’t know why I did it, she was so young and I had both a girlfriend and also Rachel ‘on the side’ so to speak. Perhaps it was that I was sure I had scented arousal from her or that she had deliberately opened her legs to me so that she could innocently flash herself at me. Whatever the reason I think in that moment we silently crossed a line – both of us.”Alright, you go up first Stephanie.” this was the safest way to do it as I was there to catch her if necessary but of course it also brought her bottom up between us and as she rose it passed just in front of my face.When she paused at the next level I started up behind her, I managed to ‘accidentally’ bang my face against the back of her shorts, my nose perilously close to her sex.We continued like this, moving up the tree and both pretending to accidentally rub or bang against each other. We both knew what was happening although nothing was said.When we were about 40 feet up there was a point where 3 quite big branches came off the trunk at about the same level and on the same side of the slightly diminished trunk.We stopped there. I was cautious about going any higher with Stephanie and the way the branches were at this point created a natural seat. We could both sit on the middle branch, rest our legs on one of the others and even lie back and rest our shoulders against the other. Stephanie had to be nearer the trunk than me where the branches were closer because she was shorter than me.”If this was my tree, I would build a platform here, very little work needed, you could lay some planks across here and make something simple yet safe and solid. You could even sleep up here if you put some sort of railing around it.””Wow, that would be cool, can we do that for tonight?””No Stephanie, it would take far to long to make it safe and stable and I am sure your father wouldn’t approve at all.””Can we just pretend, can we lie here for a few minutes as if there was a platform?””I suppose so but we will have to lie pretty still and make sure we don’t fall through the gaps between the branches.”With that Stephanie slowly and carefully laid herself out across the three branches. Although it did not look terrible comfortable it did at least look pretty safe and secure. Once she was laying down I did the same, laying next to her I was acutely conscious of her warmth and the fact that she was so close beside me, in fact we were touching at a number of points.After a few moments I felt her take my hand again.”David, I feel so safe with you here with me. Thank you for letting me climb the tree and for helping me. Will you help me climb down in a few minutes time?””Of course I will.” I gave her hand a small squeeze, which she immediately returned. “You have to be specially careful going down as that is when many accidents happen. Will you promise to do exactly what I tell you and take it really slowly.””I will. Can we go down now, I am getting hungry and we should order our pizzas soon.” We carefully got to out feet and started to retrace our steps down the tree.I always went first so I could hold her as she descended and make sure she did not slip or fall. I had plenty of opportunities to hold her closely to me, one hand on a branch and the other around her tiny waist or across her taut stomach. Once I even brushed my hand across her breast. She did not comment at all but did sort of jump a little – she was definitely aware of it and her lack of comment indicated that she was not unhappy at the touch. There were even a few occasions when her bottom rubbed firmly over my crotch, where again my erection was full and hard.Despite her growing confidence Stephanie would move particularly slowly on those occasions and the small but deliberate movements of her bottom against me made it clear that she was enjoying the contact and prolonging the times we were pressed together.Far quicker than either of us wanted we were back at the bottom branch again and ready to get out of the tree. I deftly dropped to the ground, bending my knees to take the impact and standing up again to help Stephanie.”Can you jump down like I did?””No way, you’re k**ding, this is far to high for me.””OK then you will have to hang under the branch and I will help you down.” we could of course have reversed what we did to get Stephanie up into the tree but I had other ideas. I wanted to take advantage of the opportunities for accidental contact to continue what we had both been enjoying more and more blatantly over the last half hour or so.I stood beneath the branch waiting for her. She rather cautiously swung down until she was hanging from the branch facing away from the trunk. I came to her so that we were facing each other although as she was so much higher than me I was actually facing the front of her denim shorts. I reached both arms around the top of her thighs and gripped her tightly.”OK you can let go now and I will lower you down.” I could tell that she had done this when I felt her weight increase and I slightly eased my grip so that she started to slide down in my arms, the full length of her body rubbing tightly against me. The friction caused was delicious for me and I was sure it would be for her too.As her chest came level with my face, and my arms were now gripped across her bottom she did something of her own volition that made it clear to me that she was a willing and even keen participant in the sexual contact that had been building between us.As her legs came clear from my grip she parted them and slid them around my waist. I didn’t have to say anything or to encourage her at all. Now she could have simply straightened her legs and stood up but she remained with them wrapped about my waist. My hard cock was pressed directly on the spot where her pussy was. She may have been young and innocent and have never done anything with a boy before but she was clearly showing a willingness to learn.”That was fun Stephanie, thanks for suggesting that. You are a good tree climber after all.” with that I leant into her and kissed her boldly on the cheek but very close to her mouth.She made no move to stand up but remained with her arms around my neck.”Thank you David, I enjoyed everything about that, every moment.” as she said this she tightened the grip of her thighs pushing her self against me. “I felt so safe and protected with your strong arms around me. I never for a moment thought I would fall.”With that she pulled me close with her arms and kissed me clear on the lips. Not the chaste kiss of siblings or the passing glance of casual acquaintances but a deliberate kiss with a fascinating blend of tenderness and passion – a clear signal of interest. It did not last long and did not move to a more adult kiss but the message was clear. She wriggled slightly and dropped through my arms to the ground.She dashed off through the bushes scampering back towards the house.”Come on let’s order some pizza, I’m starving.” all of a sudden she was a little girl again. I sighed, straightened my hardness which was threatening to force a hole through my trousers and followed her back to the house.

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