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The ClinicMy throat was dry as I approached the door to the clinic. I wondered what it would be like, would it be cold and clinical or warm and sensual, would there be a lot of people around, would I be alone, what would it be like.I opened the door, and stepped inside, I was in a reception area that was empty except for a receptionist. I hesitated a moment and then she looked up from her work and asked me if she could help me. I told her my name and she looked in a book and said that the doctor would be with me shortly and would I please have a seat.I sat down and picked up a magazine and leafed aimlessly through it, my mine racing on what lay ahead, I could hear soft music playing over the speakers, and the air was heavy with the usual scent of a doctors office. As my mind wondered I was startled to hear my name being called… I looked up and a young lady in the white uniform of a nurse was holding the door open and asking me to follow her. I stood, took a deep breath and followed her down a hall, walking past several examination rooms, finally she stopped, told me to go in, and sit on the table. She took my blood pressure, asked me a few questions about my past medical history, then said the doctor would be in shortly.I sat there for what seemed like the longest time, when finally I heard a soft knock at the door, the door opened and in stepped a young man, in his early thirties. He introduced himself as Dr. Snyder, we exchanged a few pleasantries and then he asked me what I knew about the research they were doing, I said not much, just that the ad had alluded to research into feminine sexuality. He said that was correct insofar as it went. He said more specifically they were doing research into various methods of women achieving orgasm, and measuring the speed, intensity, and subjective feelings the woman was experiencing during the buildup to orgasm and during the actual orgasm. He went onto explain that the various methods they would be comparing were masturbation by the subject, masturbation using a vibrator, induced by the doctor using clitoral massage, plus a new method they were testing called electro-stimulation. He must have seen my reaction when he mentioned electro-stimulation, because he said, ” I can see you have a question about electro-stimulation.” I said yes, and that I had never heard of it before. He said it held great promise in their studies so far it appeared to be a very pleasant and efficient way to induce an orgasm. He told me that if I decided to proceed, he would explain it in greater detail to me at that time. My mind reeled, what had I gotten myself into, it all seemed legitimate enough, and I had come this far, should I get up and head for the door, or should I stay, after all could it be so bad, getting paid for enjoying orgasms, but would I be able to come with some stranger watching me, touching me, in ways and places only special people had ever touched me before. I hesitated only a moment before I heard my voice saying, I guess I want to be a part of your experiments.The doctor said he was glad that I had decided to take part, he said he would leave for a few bit and that I could put on a gown and lie on the examining table and he would return in a moment. He left and I began to undress, I slipped my blouse off and quickly unzipped and took my slacks off, I looked down at my breasts, wondering what the doctor would think of them, I had always thought they were cute breasts, medium sized with nicely shaped nipples, well no time to wonder now, I figured I had better get the gown on so I slipped my panties off, slipped on the gown and got onto the table. The table was cool on my back as I lay back. It seemed like only a few minutes before I hear the door open and the doctor returned. He stepped along side the table and did the normal physical exam, checking my heart, listening to my lungs, looking into my eyes, nose, ears and throat. Then he told me to put my feet into the stirrups that he was putting on the table, he took each foot and lifted it into place, then told me to scoot down so my bottom was right at the edge of the table, there was a video camera on an adjustable arm suspended from the ceiling over the table and a bit to one side, the doctor reached up and pulled it down and positioned it so it was right above his shoulder and aimed right at my genital area and as he did so I could see my lower abdomen and vulva appear in the monitor, the doctor turned on a light and adjusted kırıkkale escort it so it illuminated my genitals, the warmth from the lamp felt good.He quickly slipped on a pair of latex exam gloves and I could both see and feel as he placed his fingers on the lips of my vulva and spread them apart. I had never looked at myself like this and was surprised by the moist pinkness of my inner lips, as he spread them wide exposing my vaginal orifice. His finger pushed upwards and my clitoris slipped from under its hiding place as his fingers continued to open and massage me as he examined every fold of my vulva. He took his fingers from my vulva and I could see him picking up a tube of lubricant from the table that was beside him, I know he was getting ready to examine me internally. I watched fascinated as he squirted a generous amount of lubricant onto his fingers and then before I had time to savor the moment I could hear his soft voice telling me to relax, at the same time I felt the coolness of the lubricant, as his fingers eased themselves into my vagina, I relaxed my lower abdomen and breathed deeply and I must confess it was a bit uncomfortable for a moment until I adjusted to the sudden intrusion, he placed his other hand on my abdomen and I knew he was checking my ovaries and uterus. Then as suddenly as they had entered his fingers were withdrawn, and I was empty again.He wiped my lips dry with a tissue and stripped off his gloves and came around to the side of the table. He told me everything looked fine with my physical and if I was sure I wanted to proceed he would explain the details of electro-stimulation to me. Well with his ministrations during my exam I was sufficiently aroused that I was in no mood to back out now. I nodded my head that I wanted to go ahead. He said he would step out of the room and get the equipment and then he could show me the equipment as he explained the procedure to me. He left and in what seemed like only seconds returned with a small box and attached to the box by a electrical cable was what looked like some sort of probe.He pulled a chair up next to the table I was lying on and started telling me about the electro-stimulation procedure. I listened with eager ears as he explained that the procedure consisted of inserting a small electronic probe in to the woman’s rectum and which then delivered a small current to her uterus and entire genital region. He went on to explain that this caused the muscles surrounding the entrance to the vagina and the entire valvular region to contract slightly. And that the rhythmically pulsing of this current would cause a women to rapidly archive an orgasm. He went on to explain that the procedure had first been discovered and used in artificial insemination of cattle and sheep. They invented and perfected the equipment while researching ways to collect semen from bulls and rams. It seems that when the probe is inserted into the rectum of the bull or ram, and a rhythmic stimulation is given the a****l develops an erection and then ejaculates quite readily. Apparently the a****ls would even look forward to the treatment as evidenced by their having erections before the collection was even started.I wondered if he could see my breath becoming deeper as he told me about the procedure, if he did he certainly didn’t let on. He held the box up in front of me and I could see that it had two knobs on it with a meter of some sort. This is the heart of the stimulator he was saying, this knob controls the maximum intensity of the stimulation, it is what is known as a step control in that there are ranges, each more powerful then the previous. And this knob enables me to gradually apply the stimulation and increase the intensity to the maximum allowed in each range. What we usually do is start out on the lowest range and deliver several stimulations at that range and then slowly increase upward through the ranges, depending on the subjects reaction. I guess he could see the puzzled look on my face at that statement, because he went on to explain that some women react much more strongly to the stimulator then others, some orgasm quite readily and others take a bit more teasing before they achieve orgasms. He said he could tell what effect the stimulations were having on the subject by observing their genitals, listening to their breathing, etc. Plus some women would verbalize what they were feeling and what they needed, such as whether they escort kırıkkale wanted him to hold the stimulation on a bit longer or wanted it a bit harder or a slower rhythm or a faster one. Then he showed me the probe, the thing was black about an inch in diameter and about 5 inches in length. and had two silver electrodes running the length of it. He said they inserted the probe into the woman’s rectum with the electrodes positioned upwards so they stimulated her uterus and vaginal area. This minimized any stimulation of the spinal area which tended to cause the leg muscles to contract.He asked me if I had any questions before we started, and I asked him what the contractions felt like, He said it had been described my most women as a tingling sensation, with an urge to bear down. He reassured me that anytime during the procedure if I was uncomfortable or wanted to stop all I had to do was say so and he would stop the stimulations immediately, but that all the women so far had been very pleased with the experience. He said well if you have no more questions why don’t we get started. He moved down to the end of the table between my opened legs which were still in the stirrups, and seated himself on a stool, placing the stimulator on the table next to him. I could see him once again pick up the tube of lubricant and apply a generous gob to the probe. I heard his voice saying “I am going to insert the probe now, bear down, and relax”. I felt his fingers spreading my cheeks apart and felt the coolness of the lubricated probe against my anus. “Breath deeply” I heard him saying and felt the probe pressing inward. I gasped a bit as I felt myself stretching to accommodate its size, I could see it slipping into me in the monitor above, it was about 2/3’s of the way in and I had never been filled like this before. Just a little bit more I could hear him saying in his reassuring voice, “just breath deeply”, then as if by magic I felt my anus clamp down over the smaller diameter of the cable and knew the probe was fully inside of me. I felt the urge to bear down, at the same time I hear him saying “you are probably feeling like you need to expel the probe aren’t you.” I gasped a “yes”, and he said “just hold on a second and when I give you the first stimulation that urge will pass.” I looked down, I could see my whole genital area in the monitor, my spread lips and the black cable disappearing inside of me.”Alright I am going to deliver the first stimulation, it will be a small one just to get you used to the sensation, and to settle the probe in.” No sooner had the words came out of his mouth when I felt a tiny tingle deep in my belly, and felt my anus contract, a small gasp escaped my lips at the suddenness and feeling associated with that first pulse. It started so suddenly and then as suddenly as it started it was gone, and the urge to expel the probe was noticeably lessened. “There that wasn’t so bad was it”, he asked in a way that I could tell he didn’t expect a reply.Alright now we will get started for real, are you ready? Just try to forget I am here, relax and enjoy your experience, if you want a stimulation to be longer or firmer or the interval between stimulations to be shorter or longer, just whisper to me and I will abide by your wishes, only you know what you are feeling. Or if you want me to be totally in control that is alright also, he told me. I nodded my approval and closed my eyes.I lay there in that office, with a probe in my rectum, waiting for what lay ahead. Then it was upon me, I felt the tingle inside me, my anus contract, the stimulation grew in intensity as the doctor rotated the power dial, and I was aware of a tingling down the backs of my thighs. I felt my vulva swelling as a rapid sense of arousal rushed over me. Then the stimulation relaxed as he rotated the knob back. “Very good”, I heard him saying, then I felt the tingle and the grip of the stimulation again. The slow rise as I felt the blood filling my tissues making them sensitive to the slightest touch. I could feel my lips spreading as my clitoris swelled and emerged from beneath it’s hood, and my inner lips engorged with blood. I sensed a urge to thrust upward to intensify the feeling but I resisted, wanting the doctor to be in control, wanting to abandon myself totally. I fought to retain my slow breathing, and to keep my abdomen relaxed as I knew that would intensify the feelings I was experiencing.Somehow I never expected kırıkkale escort bayan it would be like this, happen so quickly, I was not worrying about the doctor being here watching me, I was just abandoning myself to the delightful sensations the probe was eliciting from within me. I lay there trying to relax, not to rush what I knew then was the undoubtedly the ultimate conclusion. There was no doubt in my mind as to whether I would be able to achieve orgasm through this method, with each stimulation the doctor administered I was moving farther along the blessed climb to the peak when I would slip over the edge. I could feel the intensity growing stronger, more insistent, controlling me longer, feeling my anus contract tightly around the cable, my lips, and clitoris swell as body reacted to the delightful rhythmic pulse. I felt so open, so wet, I was rapidly developing an empty feeling deep inside of me, an almost aching feeling inside my vagina, needing to be filled. I have sometimes got this feeling when I was masturbating myself, and had found that if I inserted my finger into my vagina and massaged the front wall it would result in my rapidly coming to a climax.Something drew me to open my eyes, I wanted to see myself in this aroused state, and when I looked upward into the monitor I was not expecting to see what I saw, my vulva was swollen almost to the bursting point, my lips spread, my inner labia swollen and an almost fiery red in their arousal. A copious stream of clear lubrication was oozing from within me, I never dreamed I could produce so much lubrication, it was bathing my lips making them glisten in the examining light. Then I heard a slight click and another stimulation gripped me and I grunted as the peak grew quickly and surpassed the previous surges. My belly was craving relief from this torment and I wanted to orgasm, I waited for the peak to pass, but the stimulation didn’t lessen, and I remained there, for moments till I felt the grip lessen. I knew I was close, the urge to thrust grew with each passing stimulation. I heard the Dr. whisper, “you can thrust if you feel the need to”, and when the next stimulation came I let myself go and felt my buns contracting as my hips involuntarily thrust upward searching for the fulfillment of penetration. I almost shrieked at the sensation that flooded upward as I responded to the urge to thrust, my feeling were multiplied many times.I remained there, legs rigid, hips thrust upward off the table as wave after wave of orgasmic contractions cursed through me, far stronger and more intense then anything I had ever known. I knew Dr. Snyder and the electro-stimulator were in control of my orgasm, accentuating the intensity, and duration of my contractions, and I hung there in that blissful state, a moan escaping my lips from the delightfully exquisite sensations I was feeling in my genital area. I don’t know how long that orgasm lasted, but gradually the contractions lessened in intensity, and length, and I sagged back to the table, totally spent. I lay there, my breath coming in gasps from the tremendous orgasm I had just experienced, other then my breathing the room was quite. I was totally spent, I became aware of the doctor’s voice telling me to bear down that he was going to remove the probe and to relax, I relaxed my sphincter and felt a tug as he pulled on the cable, then felt the probe slip free.I lay there on the table recovering from my orgasm as the doctor busied himself making some notes on a chart. Finally he finished and by that time I had more or less recovered from what was one of the most wonderful orgasms I had ever had, and he turned on his stool to face me and we talked a bit more. He asked me if I would like to take the stimulator home with me to try on my own. To which I quickly answered with an affirmative “Yes”, I could think of nothing I would rather do. He told me he would like for me to keep notes of my experiences and feelings, which setting and techniques resulted in the most pleasing sensations, etc. He also told me that on the way out to stop and make an appointment for a couple of weeks and we could talk about my experiences on my own and try another method.With that he got up and said his farewells and headed out the door. I lay there on the table a bit, reflecting on my visit, then got up used a Kleenex to dry myself a bit, then slipped on my panties, and dressed. I picked up my friend for the next two weeks, tucked him under my arm, grabbed my purse, opened the door and headed to the reception station.I would like to tell you about my personal experiences with the machine, and my other visits to the clinic but that will have to wait until another time.The

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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