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Meg Brown and the principals officeMeg Brown and the Principal’s OfficeA short story of one Chapter.Meg Brown had always been a good girl, even at home her parents had no real reason tospank her. She had been over her Mothers knee a few times but that was years beforeand was all but forgotten. Her primary school used the old fashioned over the kneespanking and the cane for the naughtiest boys and girls but never severely and Meg hadmanaged to avoid it.Now she was eighteen and was looking forward to college and a career and perhaps evena good husband and perhaps c***dren of her own.Meg had only three months left at high school and she knew the principal was very strictand used the cane on both boys and girls of all ages.The sound of the cane could be heard as she passed his office and it made her tummyfeel strange when she heard the sounds and in her mind she could almost see inside theoffice and the unfortunate girl with her knickers either around her ankles or off altogether.How humiliating she thought,to be exposed to Mr Spencer’s view! And she knew the canereally hurt because she had seen the red stripes on other girls’ bottoms in the schoolcloakroom . Everyone insisted on seeing and it was customary to show the marks toanyone interested.The cane was of course the last resort for Mr Spencer and he only punished a girl or boyafter several warnings. Meg would have been horrified if it were her, but she wasfascinated by the whole thing.Perhaps she even had a secret longing to be exposed and caned very hard in MrSpencer’s office? The very thought made her tremble with an erotic fear and she oftenhad a damp patch in her white, very skimpy knickers when she thought too long about it.Meg was a straight “A” student and always got her homework in on time. She was a goodnatured girls and everyone liked her. Always polite and courteous, there wasn’t really anychance that she would ever get the cane now and in any case only the very naughtiestgirls ever did.It was a warm June day and the sunlight was streaming through the largeclassroom windows on the ground floor. Dove High School was a very old school datingback well over a hundred years and was set in beautiful grounds with willow trees andpretty flower beds nurtured lovingly by the old Irish ground keeper.Back in 1909 when the school had opened for the first time things were very different.Dove High had been endowed by a very wealthy lady , Mrs Constance Craddock, the wifeof the famous industrialist Leopold Craddock and it was an all girls school. Even then itwas a privilege to be selected to be allowed to attend.In those days two hundred girls attended in the traditional school uniform designed by MrsCraddock herself, a red blazer and white blouse with black patent leather sensible shoes,the official school tie and even the new white bloomers. All refined ladies wore them andthese were made in New York City by special order. Not as large as Mrs Craddock’s ownbloomers but smaller and lighter and much more suitable for a young girl.As was the fashion in those days the knickers were of course ‘open’ for hygiene purposesand fresh air. A white straw hat with a red ribbon and bow completed the picture.In each of the seven classrooms there were double desks and folding bench seats fortwenty two girls and a large desk for the teacher, of whom five were men from the finestuniversities and two were ladies from Yale.Each class room had a hook above the teachers desk and on it hung a “regulation” canemade from the finest rattan, again imported from New York. Girls were caned for theslightest infringements of rules or even talking in class.The board of Governors had decreed that six strokes of the cane could and should beadministered in the classroom at the Master’s discretion; the girl to be punished had tolean against the Masters desk, remove her bloomers and receive the correction there andthen.For more serious kuşadası escort offences, such as failure to complete homework or persistent chattering,a girl would be sent to the principal for twelve strokes of the cane or up to fifteen whacks ofthe paddle, also on the bare bottom.Things had changed now and each year the Governors had a meeting to determine schoolpolicy. In 1959 the governors decided to allow a limited number of boys into the school.The motion to ban the cane was defeated by 27 to 3 but the amendment was adopted toallow only the principal to administer it with or without a recommendation from a teacher.Each year since then the motion was proposed and defeated by a large majority.The cane was here to stay.Meg was day dreaming . It was such a pleasant day and Mr White was talking aboutNathan Hale which Meg already new all she needed to know about. She yawned andcould so easily have fallen asleep right then and there.She wasn’t even listening as a girl entered the classroom and whispered something intoMr White’s ear.“Thank you “ said Mr White as he sat down thoughtfully .“Meg Brown” said Mr White “Mr Spencer wants to see you in his office right now”!“Me” said Meg with a stunned look on her face.“Yes Meg, you.“ said Mr White“It seems” he said “that you didn’t hand your homework in this morning.”“But sir, I did “ said Meg “I remember handing it in.““Well you’d better go and sort this out with Mr Spencer Meg” said Mr White.Meg stepped towards the door and made her way down the long corridor, past the libraryas if in a dream .“This can’t be happening.“ she thought.She distinctly remembered doing her homework the night before. She walked more slowlynow as she remembered her Father telling her to start her homework before it got to late.Meg always completed her homework . It never took her long, perhaps an hour at most,but she was watching one of her favourite TV programs. She would soon polish it of rightafter the program finished.Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks! Had she done it? The seeds of doubt nowblossomed in her head. Meg had been awfully tired.“Oh cripes!” she thought with a sudden realisation. “I didn’t do it.“Meg mouthed the words “Oh fuck!” but of course she didn’t say it.She now had to face Mr Spencer and explain herself. She would do it as soon as she gothome, or even stay over at school. She could do it in under thirty minutes if needed.’Oh! the shame of it!’ Meg’s face went red . Being sent for by the Principal was somethingthat happened to other girls, naughty girls; girls about to be caned or paddled!The little red light above Mr Spencer’s door was red, which meant knock and wait. Whenthe light turned green she knew she could enter. It was then that Meg heard the soundthat always made the butterflies in her stomach churn with a strange fascination; thesound of a boy – or even a girl – being caned on the bare bottom!“Whackkkkkkkkkk!” came the sound Meg dreaded and yet was drawn towards over andover in her mind.“Thwaaccccccckkkkkk!” again, and Meg heard a girl say “Outchhhhhhh!”.It sounded like Sarah Trotter but she could be wrong . Sarah Trotter was often in thePrincipal’s office because she was one of the school’s naughtiest girls.Meg could imagine Sarah was even now bent over Mr Spencer’s desk with her big bottomin the air displaying everything and getting caned to boot!After what seemed to be an hour, but in fact was five more minutes, Sarah emerged fromthe office rubbing her bum and there was a hint of a tear in the corner of her eye.“Oh.” said Meg, “It was you then.““Well well! I never thought I’d ever see you here, Brown.” she said smiling.“It’s not what you think.” said MegThe light turned green and Meg entered. Mr Spencer was sitting at his desk and his fiercerattan cane was on his desk, still warm, so to speak!Meg was almost certain she could worm her way out of this dilemma, it was simply escort kuşadası anoversight after all.“Your homework, Brown.“ said Mr Spencer. “Where is it”?“I’m awfully sorry sir.” said Meg, “I forgot to do it. I can do it straight after lessons sir – Ireally am sorry, sir.”“Forgotten to do your homework?“ said Mr Spencer. “Well, there’s a novelty.”“However, since it is your first time…” said Mr Spencer. Molly sighed with relief and herknees went weak.“I shall give you only six strokes of the cane!“ said Mr Spencer.“Oh noooooo sir – please sir – you can’t, sir. “ said Meg, starting to blub.“Over the desk, please, Brown. I will remove your panties.”“I can’t, sir.” said Meg, “I really am sorry, sir.”“If you refuse the cane you will not be allowed to graduate and if you don’t graduate youcertainly won’t be taking up your place at college next year.” said Mr Spencer.“Would you like me to telephone your Mother?“ he continued.“No sir. Please don’t, sir.” said Meg.“Look at it this way, Brown.“ said Mr Spencer, “Over my desk now, and, since it’s your firsttime, I will not enter this caning into the punishment book and there will be no mention of iton your permanent record.”“This is like a bad dream.” though Meg, “A nightmare in fact.” The hundred butterflies hadsuddenly become a thousand. She wished now she had taken the opportunity to visit thelavavtory when she had had the chance.There was no real option for Meg. How could she tell her Dad and Mum she wouldn’t begoing to college and not even graduating?“Onto the desk, Meg.” said Mr Spencer, “ NOW”!In a daze, Meg clambered onto the desk, and Mr Spencer positioned her as he required.“Hold fast on to the far edge.” said Mr Spencer and, as Meg leaned over to comply, shecould feel her short skirt ride up, exposing her vulnerable, barely-covered bottom.Meg just wished a hole would appear in the floor so that she could disappear down it.Mr Spencer was an old hand at this and had caned hundreds of girls and boys and hisroutine never varied. He flipped Meg’s skirt even higher and Meg felt the cool air on herthighs.“Keep your bottom up, Meg.” said Mr Spencer, and, almost as if in a trance, Meg did asshe was told. She could feel Mr Spencer’s hand on the waistband of her skimpy knickersas he slowly eased them her down, beginning to expose her bare bottom.“Oh, please sir, can’t I keep my panties on? They are ever so tiny.“ said Meg.“Caning is always on the bare, Meg.” said Mr Spencer “You should know that.”Slowly, so very slowly, her panties were lowered. As they revealed Meg’s lovely bottom thegusset stuck to Meg’s arse and needed an extra tug. Meg’s bottom hole was slightly stickyas most girls’ were, but a very pretty shade of dark pink.The panties were really covering nothing at all now, but the rules were rules after all, andhad to be followed. lex dura, sed lex.Slowly, and again sticking to Meg’s pussy, the panties were finally removed and the targetfully exposed. Meg’s face was as red as red could be.“Not as red as her bottom is going to be.“ thought Mr Spencer as he examined Meg’spanties carefully. There was the slightest hint of a brownish stain on the cotton gusset anda white patch of still slightly damp juice as well.“Quite normal.“ said Mr Spencer.Meg had never felt so humiliated or exposed in her life but in some corner of her mind aflicker of excitement was burning. Mr Spencer opened Meg’s bottom cheeks for the checkhe always performed at these times. Her anus was in perfect condition, albeit a littledamp, and opened all too freely. Her vagina seemed in order as well and Mr Spencerobserved the hairless labia and really quiet damp pussy hole. Once again, perfectlynormal.Mr Spencer flexed the cane and said “Are you ready, Meg”?“Will it hurt much, sir?”“Yes,” said Mr Spencer “of course it will hurt girl! The cane is supposed to hurt – and morethan a little! Now spread those legs a little kuşadası escort bayan wider, girl, I like a large target!“Meg complied with a quiet moan of disbelief. Mr Spencer could see everything!The first of the six stinging strokes caught Meg exactly in line with her anus and she nearlyshat herself!“Ooowwwwwwwwwwwww!” cried Meg, “Oh, sir!”The second landed a second later, barely a millimetre from the first.“Oooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!“ yelled Meg and a drip of pee dropped from herpussy.Then the third landed on the left arse cheek, stinging like fury and Meg struggled to holdback an enormous fart!”Arrrrggggggggggggggghhhhhhhh! Ouchhhhhhhhhhheeeeee!”The fourth landed squarely on her right bum cheek and Mr Spencer could clearly seeMeg’s anus expand and her vaginal juices start to flow. He had seen it all so many timesbefore, and took no heed of Meg’s obvious distress.“I think you will be needing to visit the bathroom after this, Meg.” said Mr Spencer.“Yes, sir,” said Meg “I shall, sir”The fifth stroke landed in her vaginal region and she clenched her bottom cheeks as firmlyas she dare to prevent a catastrophe.“Ewwwwwwwweeeeeeeee! Owwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”She was leaking badly now from both holes and her legs began to shake as she tried hardto maintain her position. Mr Spencer made her wait for the last stroke as he swished hiscane and admired his handiwork at the same time!Meg was in real distress now as she needed to both poop and pee – and quickly!Tears were rolling down her face as she prepared for the final stroke of the horrid cane!The final stroke swished onto the overhang of Meg’s bottom, just at the crease of herthighs and her poor bottom hole nearly exploded!“Yarrrrrrgggggggggggg! Argggggggggggggggg! Oweeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” screamed Meg,her bottom was red and, she was sure, glowing, but she stayed in position until MrSpencer told her she may ‘dismount’.With a sharp slap of his hand on Meg’s fine arse, he finally allowed Meg to clamber downfrom the desk as best she could.“There you go, Brown,” said Mr Spencer “that wasn’t all that bad, was it?”“No, sir.” replied Meg, in a rather unconvincing tone.“I think you’d better run now.” said Mr Spencer.Meg flew from the office without even pulling her stinky panties back on. She had morepressing needs at the moment! She was so thankful that there was only one other girl inthe toilets who was taking a dump while whistling away tunelessly .Meg made it in the nick of time as she released the poop from her tender anus and shepeed noisily, like a horse .“Fuck me!” said the girl in the opposite stall “Have you been caned, Meg?”“Shut the fuck up, you!“ said Meg, angrily.Finally she wiped her bottom and returned to class. Nothing was said and she took herseat without a murmurMeg arrived home at her usual time. She had decided to tell her parents nothing of theevents of the day. Her bottom was still smarting and well striped but the butterflies werestill tickling her tummy and working their way downwards to her pussy.Sally Brown, Meg’s mother, was fresh out of a soothing bath and was wrapped in a hugefluffy towel. As she turned around Meg thought she could see her Mom’s ass and itseemed to Meg that her own Mother’s bottom was a little red. It was probably just the hotwater…Back at the school Mr Spencer was leafing through old volumes of ‘The Punishment Book’and was amazed to see the numerous entries for a Sally Brown.Meg told her Mother she needed to lie down and took to the stairs leading up to herbedroom; her pussy was tingling badly now and was in urgent need of some attention. Onher dressing table was a green folder; the folder contained her homework, perfectlycompleted, together with tomorrow’s homework which wasn’t yet started.There are times in everyone’s life when a decision is made; sometimes it is a good oneand sometimes it is not so good. Meg made her decision and she knew she had to stick toit now, whatever the consequences. She picked up the entire folder and its contents,walked downstairs to the basement where the furnace was blazing.Taking the folder in both hands, she threw it into the flames.Copyright clearly, 2010.Edited by areola_blush, 2010.

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