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The little PrinessThe Little Princess.Part One.Julie had always liked to be the centre of attention even as a little girl and due to the fact she was a pretty c***d and an extrovert she more than often was just that. Growing up the only c***d to a mother and father several years older than her friend’s parent often were, in a nice little house on a nice estate not quite up market but with pretentions to be, Julie had all the inclinations to be a brat. If she wasn’t a brat she was most defiantly a snob as were both her parents who called her their “Little Princess” which of course she loved. Educated first at the local Junior School and then the local High School the Little Princess was bright and popular with both her teachers and fellow pupils as well.Losing her virginity to a boy her own age at a party at fifteen wasn’t what Julie had planned for herself; the physical act lasted just a few seconds. Just long enough for him to “break her in” hymen broken and gone forever but not longer enough to give her any pleasure in fact just the opposite. It was also her first “scare” as her period was two weeks late and the fucking he gave her may of only lasted ten seconds but he did cum his full sack load up her a fact he was telling anybody who’d listen missing out the part about the ten seconds.The fact was all her friends, well almost all of them were “doing it” so she didn’t want to be the odd one out so she did it. The second time was with her supervisor at work as a Saturday girl in one of the local supermarkets. A few years older than her at twenty-four Mark Ascot was the Deputy Store Manager tall but by no means good looking in fact just the opposite he was ugly. Plus he would often tease the Little Princess about being a little virgin and just a few weeks after being broken in Julie told him that she wasn’t a virgin at all. So after he’d responded by telling her to prove it the Little Princess did just that. She was being taken to a storeroom kissed and groped for all of thirty seconds down came her jeans and knickers then his fingers and then after bending her over a sack of potatoes’ his cock found its way inside her almost virginal cunt. This fucking lasted a lot longer not ten seconds it was ten minutes most of which he grunted and told her she had “a fucking tight cunt” and “a great arse” which wouldn’t be the last time he’d tell her that.Each Saturday was the same until she left her Saturday job after taking her final school examines a few months later. Go to work Saturday morning by eight AM be given her tasks for the day by Mr Ascot which included first one then two visits a day to some storeroom and bending over some box or sack of something. It was during this time Julie began to understand she was the one with the power and not him. After all she was the one giving him sex although she’s come to look forward to his not insignificant cock and balls pounding her petite frame as he fucked her always from behind.Before the age of sixteen the Little Princess that by saying no to being fucked she could often get more than if she said yes and so it was with Mark Ascot. If he wanted to fuck her she wanted more pay and she didn’t want to clean the toilets or work in the staff canteen and as he wanted an easy fuck after she’s refused him sex just twice, she got what she wanted.The Little Princess first job was at the local town council working as an office junior she didn’t want to go to college and had no future plans for further education whatsoever. However; one day a week she’d attend to local College of Further Education sent by her employers to learn typing and bookkeeping. Weekends she’d go with friends mostly to parties when they could get an invite and if she was paid enough attention maybe she’d “go upstairs” or “outside for fresh air” sometimes she fuck them but not often other times she’d wank them off.It was after one of these trips “upstairs” at a party that she had her second scare but this time she wasn’t just late she was pregnant. A nervous trip to the family planning clinic and an even more anxious wait for the results confirmed her condition and a tears and a lot of drama a termination was arranged. As she was now s*******n but only just the clinic would not be mandated to inform her parents as they would have been only a few weeks earlier. To get around her two night stay in a clinic she informed her parents that she’d been awarded a trip to council seminar for outstanding work and when they bought her a new outfit and suitcase to celebrate she didn’t even blink but she did complain about the colour of the case.Two weeks before her eighteenth birthday at another party she met Dan he was tall and a little chubby bordering on fat. The fact was that she wasn’t over eager to go upstairs with anybody after getting caught plus the fact that her body was “incompatible” with the birth control pill she didn’t want to take the risk of getting pregnant again. Not only did she like the attention Dan showed her well after all Julie liked being the centre of attention, she also liked the fact he didn’t try to get into her knickers once she’d told him she “wasn’t like that.” Not that she was a virgin but she had only ever fucked five men one of which got her pregnant a fact Dan was totally unaware of believing that she was in fact a virgin.Two years older than Julie at nineteen Dan had his own bedsit and worked as a violator at a local car dealership and one he was twenty he was promoted to a “Junior Salesman” which came complete with the use of a car. By this time he and his Little Princess were courting and officially a couple. Dan would drag to his best mate Robert that his girl was a virgin before he met her and how he’d “broken her in” himself and would also brag to his friend how he’d taught her to suck his cock even though she spat his cum out which he thought was funny. Robert or Rob as he was known never tried to disillusion his friend as he knew what he was telling him about the Little Princess was crap, not that he’d listen if he had done. The fact was she wasn’t a virgin he hadn’t broken her in but his was the only cock that she has sucked and she never had the intention of swallowing as long as she lived. She didn’t like sucking cock but saw it as something she just had to do.They married when she was nineteen and Dan was twenty-one they settled in a nice house on the same nice estate as her parents and his car selling prowess got him promoted to sales manager within just two more years. The Little Princess had also gained her own promotion and by the time she was twenty-five and Dan twenty-seven they had moved house to another part of the nice estate, the good part as she liked to call it and they were planning a family. By the age of just thirty not only had they moved again to an even bigger house on their nice estate the Little Princess had two princesses of her own. The two girls would grow up and go to the same school as she’s done no doubt Julie and Dan could not be happier.The Little Princess was happy because she had a nice home on the nicer side of her nice estate, she was married to a nice man who had a nice job, had two really nice little girls. The only part she didn’t like but she put up with was her husband being so boring he was nice but worked most weekends and late nights and when he came home all he wanted was a nice rest in front of the TV and have a nice rest. The quarterly injections she got at the family planning didn’t always work and their second c***d’s arrival was in fact a direct result of that. So towards the end of each quarter Dan had insisted on using what he told her was the world’s oldest form of contraception which he was the one to break her in. The first time he’s fucked her in the arse it hurt and hurt her a lot and she cried afterwards. He didn’t bring it up again until nine month later as she’d refused trabzon escort him sex other than a wank weeks before she was due another injection from the clinic for the third quarter running. This time he promised her he’d be gentle and use lots of Vaseline and he did and unlike the last time he didn’t bang it into her and as she lay on her side and it gave her stomach ache afterwards she put up with being “fucked in the arse” she didn’t like it but she did it always making certain she wiped his cum away from her cunt when he’d finished she wasn’t taking any more chances.Linda her long time friend and former school mate would make fun at every opportunity of boring Dan. The pair of housewives made a regular habit of “doing Friday nights” on the town. One Friday it was another friends “hen party” and so they all put on fancy dress just for fun and that started the trend. Every week they would hit the town but once a month wear fancy dress. At only five feet tall and weighing just seven stones (98 pounds) the Little Princess looked very authentic as a schoolgirl and was once refused admittance to a bar because of it. She only ever wore a skirt if it was part of her fancy dress proffering tight jeans to show off her tight bum of which she was very proud.In fancy dress or in tight jeans the Little Princess was often the centre of attention and by the end of Friday nights often quite drunk. It was dressed as an Elf the first time it happened she was walking across a car park to get a taxi with some guy who’d been paying her attention all night one minute and in an alleyway bent over holding a wheelie bin the next as he fucked her. Afterwards as she wiped this man’s cum out of herself worried that Dan would want sex when he got into bed with him, all she could remember was the fact that as she bent over and he lifted her Elf costume up at the same time as kicking her legs open she told him “Not in my arse, not in my arse.’’ Climbing into bed with her nice husband she was aware that he was in fact awake and did want to fuck her. Panic overtook her and she reached behind her buttocks and grabbed hold of his cock and without hesitation told him “No, fuck me in the arse tonight fuck me in the arse.” Fuck her in the arse is just what he did hard and fast turned on by the fact his Little Princess had asked for it and furthermore he’d not restrict it to the last couple of weeks of each quarter, he couldn’t wait to tell Rob who no doubt would be impressed.The following Friday she was once again paid a lot of attention by the same man who’d bent her over a wheelie bin. One of the first things he said to her was “So you take it up the arse then Julie?” She’d left her house at 8 PM and at 8.25 she was being asked that she blushed but didn’t answer and he took that for a “Yes.” Unlike the previous week she didn’t acquiesce to his advances and arrived home at 2 AM climbed into bed with Dan who drew her towards him as she did and she felt the tell tale cold touch of Vaseline being rubbed on her tight arse hole. As he fucked her slowly at first she remembered to groan as she’s done the week before and as he fucked her, Julies mind went back the previous Friday in the alleyway and she reached behind her took hold of her husband’s hand and guided it to her clit, he rubbed and she came his fingers and her mind doing the work.There were several more dalliances with other men some young some a lot older than her but she liked to think she was discrete, she wasn’t at all but her reputation was getting established she just didn’t realise it or she chose to ignore it. One night out once again dressed as a schoolgirl which was ironic she was chatted up by a man a few years younger than her now aged thirty-six who she in her drunken state she thought she recognised, she did it was her oldest daughters teacher. As he fucked her he told her that he’d heard she like it up her arse and did she want it in there now? She didn’t answer and didn’t object when she realised he was about to fuck her there which he did. Mindful of the fact Dan would fuck her there later she told him “Cum in my mouth, cum in my mouth, please cum in my mouth” something he was pleased to do. Later as Dan did indeed arse fuck her telling her how loose she felt tonight her mind went back to the fucking’s she’d had in various alleyways and she felt herself starting to cum , how things change.Dan’s best friend and confidant Robert had left the garage several years before and set himself up working with another man making and selling security products. The other man was the engineer and ran the production side as he’d been in the industry over fifty years. Although in his seventies when this partnership was formed by now he wanted to retire and Dan offered to buy into the business and so he did. A second mortgage was taken out on the house and Dan left his job as now Sales Director and went to work as Robert’s partner.At first it went well and sales lead by both partners went through the rook. Then things started to go wrong nobody was looking after production or the cash flow and too much money had been leaving the company as a result of both partners awarding themselves massive pay rises. They tried to get the old partner to return but he wasn’t interested and the company almost closed.It was the company accountants who came to the rescue suggesting they find an investment partner a “white knight” who would invest and save the day in return for a share in the company. The only trouble being nobody they knew was interested and the company was tottering on the verge. Luckily a white knight was found in the form of Toby Whitehall who had bought and sold as well as rescued several companies turning them into profitable firms once more if in fact they ever had been in the first place.Toby Whitehall was a man in his mid forties, educated, prosperous and highly intelligent he wasn’t tall and even with his salt and pepper hair was quite a good looking man to boot. He also had a reputation of being a hard man to deal with once the legend goes he bankrupted his own brothers company to enable him to buy it on the cheap. After a week looking into the books and the way it was ran he told the two owners that he was willing to make an investment as he believed the company was viable. However; he’d need to make certain changes and would demand 51% of the company in return.The two partners agreed and a new partner was taken on board. On his first day he sacked the office manager, works manager, two of the four office staff, both partners PA’s which didn’t go down well as they were both Roberts sisters. On the up side it was suggested that one person be employed to be both Office Manager and PA to the Directors. After a short interview the Little Princess Julie was given the job much to the disgust of the remaining founders. Robert announced that he was taking a well earned holiday and would not be back for a month and left. An investment of two-hundred thousand pounds had been placed in the bank the day Toby Whitehall had joined the company and it came to the Little Princess on her first day in the company to tell him that sixty-thousand of it had been withdrawn from it by Robert the day he left on holiday, he wasn’t impressed.That evening after a worried conversation with her husband the Little Princess mind wasn’t put at ease when he told her that Toby Whitehall was only one of two partners and as such he could be out voted and that he and Robert knew what they were doing however; she wasn’t so sure and was even less certain after ease dropping on the conversation between the two friends later on. It occurred to her that if things didn’t go as Dan had projected they would then they could be in a bad position.The next morning she was as was her habit in the office for 8 AM and soon afterwards Toby Whitehall called and asked her where escort trabzon he was and what time he would be in the office. After telling him that he would be in about 11 AM he asked her to ask him to join him in his office and also asked if she would attend as well. Dan arrived at 10.50 and she told him only for him to go straight out again and not return until 2 PM this time with Robert who looked like the cat who had got the cream. They both marched huge smiles on their into Toby Whitehall’s office and Little Princess was asked to join them straight away she was apprehensive to say the least. The conversation was led by the ebullient Robert who was at his cocky best. When asked why sixty-thousand had been taken out of company funds his answer was simple. “I took it because as a founder member of this company and partner I had the right to take it and I took one-third as my right as the owner of one-third of the company.” Followed by “I’d like to point out that we managed this company quite well before you came along and that together we can out vote you any time we feel like it, do you understand?” Julie thought Toby Whitehall was about to explode, instead he just smiled only to me asked by Robert “You think that is funny?” “What I think is funny my thieving friend is your grasp on reality.” Whitehall continued “This is not a partnership it is a Limited Liability Company. A Company I may add that I own 51% of and you two between you 49% and what you have done is in fact i*****l in short nothing short of theft or in plain speaking you have stolen sixty-thousand pounds from this company. That is what I think is funny and I may add the Police Fraud team to whom I have spoken are impatient to talk to you about.”Robert and his lifelong friend who was sat next to him took in what was said and both fell silent. Toby Whitehall’s phone rang and he answered it saying out loud “OK ask the gentlemen to come to my office please.” Looking at Robert he told him “It looks as if they will be able to talk to you quicker than they thought” not a trace of a smile on his face.As for Dan although he hadn’t said anything to justify his old friends’ actions he’d not spoken out about them either a fact that was pointed out to both him and his Little Princess however; it was also pointed out that it was a business that had great potential and that he was more than willing no he was eager to continue to work with the two of them if they could get over the unpleasant episode with Robert and work with him to build it to where it should be. Otherwise he’d be happy to close the company and take the loss which he’d was certain he’d be able to set that off against the profits made by others he owned. It took them seconds to agree it was best to work together.As for Robert well the law is the law as they say and it is blind. Robert didn’t have a leg to stand on he also didn’t have the sixty-thousand pounds anymore having paid off several outstanding debts. However; what he did have was a house, car and other items which were ceased and sold within weeks and although he escaped prison he was banned from being a company director for ten years and declared bankrupt. The only job he could get was once more a car salesman at a garage he was once the Sales Director.It proved a wise decision to work with Toby Whitehall whose business acumen was far better than the previous management and Julie was really enjoying working with or maybe it was for him. Not once did he try and flirt with her no matter how tight her jeans or trousers were and at one stage she was convinces he may be gay because of it. It was only when his wife drove into the car park in a new Porsche 911 all legs and short leather skirt that she realised he was far from it. Julie took an instant dislike to Judy Whitehall as soon as she walked into the office and opened her mouth, the feeling was mutual neither hid the fact from the offset.Friday nights on the town continued and although did get drunk every week she didn’t end up getting screwed that often in fact hardly ever. In fact she was being quite a good girl or so she told herself until one day she just could not stop herself and she gave into temptation in the form of a rather hunky looking plumber who became her “Friday night regular” separated from his wife he had a two bedroom flat he rented above the block of shops on the nice estate she lived on closer to her parents house than her own which was on the “nicer side” of the nice estate. Friday nights would end with him screwing her stupid and sending her home to her husband in a taxi at 2 or 3 AM.The Little Princess “affair” with Pete the Plumber lasted several months until one day he announced he was returning to his wife and c***dren but he’d keep seeing her Fridays if she wanted? She didn’t and she told him that in no uncertain terms. The fact was she wanted to be the centre of attention and not his wife and she wasn’t happy she wasn’t. A two week family holiday courtesy of Toby Whitehall who gave them access to his Villa in France. One thing that shocked our Little Princess as much as it pleased her husband was the array of erotic photographs of Judy Whitehall some bordering on pornographic that adorned the walls in the Master bedroom. The holiday was followed by another two weeks staying at home and a further weekend at her husband’s sister’s wedding meant that she’s not done a Friday night for six weeks and she was ready for one as was Linda who was now divorced now for the second time.The harassment started the following Monday first on her phone then via the email account she’d set up so she could speak to him without being found out and then by phone calls to her work. Pete the Plumber playing the classic role as the lover scorned first it was quite flattering if not a little c***dish as he sent her snap shots of his erect cock reminding her of what she was missing. Then as she stuck to her guns it began to get more ominous and then even threatening. On edge 24/7 and her nice little world about to collapse around her she was desperate Linda could offer no help, should she come clean to Dan? The harassment continued “Meet me or your husband will find out what a slag you really are” as well as “Do your k**s know what a whore you are?” Both messages were accompanied with crude photos taken on his phone of her sucking his cock or legs wide open as his cum seeped out of her, Then finally a selfie of him and her oldest daughter that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. After getting that she just sat at her desk and broke down in tears.Suddenly a strong hand took her by the arm and lifted her out of her chair and towards his office, it was Toby Whitehall. Asking her what on earth was the matter she was unable to say a single word and his words just made her sobbing worse. As she looked up from the hanky chief he’d given her she saw he had in his hands her mobile phone and reached up and tried in vain to grab it back. The entrepreneur spent almost an hour searching her phone and none of her protests had any affects on him whatsoever. “OK” he told her “I can see your problem and as far as I can see you have three solutions to this. One you can resume your dalliance with his man and hope he gets tired of you. B you can come clean to your husband and hope he will forgive you and not divorce you which I believe would be the case as he’s not the most level headed of men is he?”Her sobbing began to subside and she managed to get some resemblance of thought back into her head. “You said three solutions?” she muttered. Handing her back her phone he took the now useless hanky chief off her and handed her another.“Yes I did” he told her “You can let me deal with it for you and I can and will make it all go away. However; it will come at a price Julie I am not in the habit of doing things for nothing nor am I in the practice trabzon escort bayan of deceiving my fellow Directors as you are fully aware. The choice is up to you, now I suggest that you go home for the day turn off your phone and make up your mind what you want to do none of the choices are brilliant but then again some are better than others. If you choose option one or two I will see you in the office tomorrow if you decide on three then ring me from home at 9 AM, but remember all three options come with a cost including option three you understand?” Yes she understood and up she went as she left her desk the phone rang she recognised the number off the caller ID it was Pete the Plumber.The Little Princess tossed and turned all night she didn’t even object as she normally would have when Dan wanted “bum sex” as he’d started to call it and hardly made a sound as he “did” her. There was a point that she even found herself weakly sobbing as he fucked what he called her “tight little bum hole” telling her so as he “did” her. Early the next morning after getting zero sleep she got up at 6.30 and cooked him breakfast he was seeing clients in London for a couple of days so at 7 AM a taxi arrived and took him to the station. After driving the girls to school instead of going straight to the office she went home and at 9 AM she rang Toby Whitehall she’s chosen option three.Toby Whitehall wasn’t shocked to hear from her in fact he was clearly expecting it. The Little Princess had no idea how he stopped the harassment from Pete but he never contacted her again and when she saw him which was very rare he looked the other way. Things stayed the same for the Little Princess at work but for few weeks she didn’t venture out Friday nights Toby Whitehall had not mentioned the price for helping her nor was he anymore less stand offish than he’d been before.One wet Monday afternoon wearing an even shorter skirt than normal Judy Whitehall floated into the office and went straight into her husband. When she left Julie was summoned in to see her boss. He apologised for his wife’s manors pointing out that he’d punish her later for not being polite, which made her laugh out loud telling him that she didn’t think his wife liked her only to be told “No she doesn’t but then again she doesn’t like anybody” which only brought more laughter. When she was asked by him “Did you like her dress?” her response was “No, not really not my cup of tea at all.”Now it was his turn to laugh. “She’s a bit of an exhibitionist my dear wife, she liked to be looked at but then again so do you, don’t you?” It was something she denied only to be told “Oh come on now Julie if you wore those trousers any tighter you’d be wearing them on the inside of your skin and if they were anymore restricting around your backside the blood would be cut off from them.”She started to protest but he put his hand up to stop her instead he handed her a file containing at least two dozen glossy photographs of her some of them taken on Pete the Plumbers phone others of her getting fucked in some alleyway or another by various men some she recognised others she just didn’t. “I told you that there was a price to be paid Julie didn’t I and I also pointed out that option three maybe a price you’d may find hard to pay, did I not?” She just looked at the photographs and nodded.“You see I like to know everything about the people I go into business with and I was intrigued about you which is one reason I wanted you to work here with me.” She sat in silence starring at the photographs. He continued “I don’t disapprove of your Friday nights on the town Julie in fact I approve and you will continue to play your little games without any threat of exposure OK?” Once again she didn’t say anything which he saw as an agreement. “The only difference will be that I will be taking control of you, shall we say you baser instincts much as I have done for the whore I am married to.’’She could see the shock on her face and once more as she tried to say something he stopped her. Instead he went to his PC turned the screen towards her and clicked onto what looked like a website which in fact was what it was. This site contains all the photos of you I have shown you together with at least another fifty more, it gives times, dates, names and even locations of your little adventures. Now this site isn’t online at the moment it is just available to me right now” she remained silent and shocked.“Now” he continued “it is clear to me that you like your little adventures and that you are from all accounts and of course from the photographic evidence quite the little slut.” He paused to see her reaction there wasn’t any other than the tell tale sign of tears beginning to form in her eyes. “Now I don’t see that as a bad thing at all and after all I am married to a whore although it has to be said she wasn’t a whore when I met her. In fact she was married to a business colleague and also just like you just a slut. I was the one to turn her into the whore she is today, any questions so far?”The tears were starting to fall down her cheeks unable to speak she just shook her head and he continued. “Now this is what I propose my little slut, you will do as I say when I say and all will be well. You can continue being a slut and in actual fact you will become an even bigger slut than you are right now and for which you will be rewarded, clear?”She was again confused and simply looked at him blank faced. Sensing her bewilderment, his frustration began to manifest itself. “It is simple” he began “You will do what I say when I say it no matter what it is, you will wear what I tell you to wear it and you will not wear things I prohibit you to do so. You will do what I tell you to do without hesitation, you will act the way I tell you to act and perform the way I tell you to, Do that and you will be rewarded. Fail to do as I tell you or perform the things I tell you and you will be for want of a better word punished, is that clear?” The Little Princess was listening but was unable to compute what he was telling her so again she just shook her head the only thing she heard that she did take in was the word punished. “Punished what do you mean punished?” she asked him.“That would depend on the scale of your misdemeanour my little slut” he began “It would range from a mild tongue lashing on one end to me releasing your website and letting the world know what a slut you really are is that clear?” She nodded but he saw she didn’t understand what he was saying.“OK he began again let me ask you some questions answer them either Yes or No OK?”“OK” she nodded.“Be truthful or you will be an internet star before the end of the day you understand?”“Yes.” She understood that part at least.“You have been fucking men while you were married to Daniel correct?”“Yes.” “So far I can show you have fucked at least ten men you understand?”“Yes.”“I am sure there were more than ten wasn’t there?”“Maybe.” Her voice quivered.“Yes or no only slut, I will ask you again were there more than ten men to fuck you?”“Yes.” This time more clearly.“That makes you slut doesn’t it, slut?”“Yes.” Quietly.“You liked the cock didn’t you slut?”“Yes.”“Do you want to remain married slut?”“Yes.”“Are you willing do what it takes to remain married?”“Yes”“Do you want to be an internet star slut?”“No.’’“But you fucked more than ten men didn’t you slut?”“Yes.” Tears were now flowing down her face.“That makes you slut doesn’t it?”“Yes.”“Say it tell me what you are say it say it now?”“I’m a slut.”“Say it louder slut?”“I’m a Slut.” Loud and clear through the tears almost defiant.“Say it louder slut?”“I’m a Slut.”“Do you want people to know you are a slut?”“No.”“Will you do anything to stop you being exposed slut?”“Yes.”“If I told you to get on your knees and suck my cock would you do it slut?”“Yes.” She heard herself saying.Toby Whitehall walked to her chair unzipped his Savile Row suit trousers and took out his cock and looking her straight in the face told her “Suck my cock you slut.” And the Little Princess got on her knees and sucked his cock.To be continued.

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