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470 mothers ruin.470 mothers ruin.Ok well were here playing I spy, on an average family in an average street in a town just off the M6. The date is 2019, and the world is running fairly smoothly dad (Jim)works a two-shift pattern 6 to 2 or 2 to 10 at the sex-toy factory as line supervisor on the production line specifically making on his line vibrators. Mum (Amy) does a morning cleaning job at the office block in the same complex 6 till 8 am getting to work on the bus on weeks when he`s not in on earlies. They have two c***dren a pretty girl of 17 named Beryl, who is about to leave for collage, and a son of 16 one Tony who is a bit of a swat, and at the moment into sex at every breath, or at least he would be given half-a- chance.Tony attends the local grammar school, and…well, don’t get any silly ideas about grammar school lads, they are as randy as those at the other schools, but they tend to wear uniforms, and are more polite. (I of course was not a grammar school lad, and if I offend anyone …tough titty!)Jim is slightly older than his lovely wife, Jim is 64 and Amy just 45, he met her at a village fete, 18 years ago, and it was love at first sight, sex at the first opportunity and instantly a pregnancy and marriage in that order! As it happened, they ‘rubbed along’ well enough, oh they didn’t set records as the most loving couple in the world, but they did manage not to quarrel too badly and their daughter was a miniature of her mother, a pretty brunette, who like her mother was a quick learner. The boy followed a year later almost to the day, a young Dennis the menace…they were Jim`s pride and joy.He got promotion to line supervisor after a long time fitting unbalanced weights in the motor department, and as soon as the k**s were old enough to leave alone, she got work as a cleaner a couple of hours each day to aid the income. As a rather curvy brunette, with a 36d chest she caught the eye of the managing director, who fancied her rotten though he being in his 80`s, it is doubtful if it was ever more than flirtation, he favoured her a little and she became one of the factories 5 home testing ladies, testing new products at home, and submitting written reports each time, a lucrative game, though she would have done that for free if she had been asked!Anyway, back to the story. It was February, snow threatened, and the world was grey. Tony the boy, had a shock when he found his sister, was soon to go off to collage not least as he had a thing about the girl.He knew a lot about his big sister, and his mother, both for that matter, their sizes, gleaned from their underwear from the laundry basket in the bathroom, and their virginal smells too again from the same source. A month back his sister had had sex for the first time, indicated by a change in smell and the big give away…semen in her panties, had told him that. Who`s semen well that he was yet to find out, but he knew the look of semen as opposed to her own discharges, as he made enough of his own each night thinking over the adventures of the alanya escort day, his 6inches in hand!It was his hope to catch his sister naked… or his mum for that matter, god knows he had tried, but neither of them had been caught out…yet! But now he knew that time in Beryl`s case was fast running out she had announced she had been accepted at a particular collage in Sussex from Easter.It cut down his available sexual targets by half! And his mum was pretty careful. Beryl however was less careful and once he had had an odd glimpse of her knickers as she dressed when her door had blown open, and on another occasion her shorts had split, and she had rushed off to change. But a good look, a real look at her body, now that had eluded him.At school he had had the usual birds and bees crap, as it happened by a rather nice mistress Miss Webb.She had not shown the least embarrassment, had shown the film and explained about masturbation (they all knew that bit) periods, (that was new) intercourse, (that was hopeful) pregnancy, birth, and infections (woops dodgy) in a bland sort of in X year the romans invaded and stayed to Y sort of way.It was perhaps academically the right way to go about the lesson, but come on, 28 young men about 15years old, in a room with a shapely, (at least to them) 22year old teacher talking about the one subject all boys dream of… most of them when they left were carrying books low and at the front, and their eyes had rested on her jumper, more than the way to the door! The whole business had in fact informed some, inflamed others and set loose 28 more randy lads who thought they knew it all.Their school was an all-boys affair, and meeting girls, was not so easy here, oh there was a few about, but they either were well prepared for the lads by mum, about defending their honour or were right little whores, about who the bit about infections put the lads off of! That left mums and sisters, and Beryl was the obvious target! His efforts had doubled, and back in January things had changed when he had found those stained Knickers.The goal posts suddenly had moved, he thought if she was at it with her boy-friend, she could be at it with him… Dad was on late`s, mum having done tea was out at her friends for a Tupperware party, when he decided to try his luck, and boldly he knocked on Beryl`s door. She called him in but when she saw the look on his face instantly regretted it, knowing her chat with her mate on twitter was over! “what do you want little brother?” she was sat on her bed, long legs out in front of her, in a white tea shirt and pink shorts, her laptop on her lap. To him she was a picture. “Can we talk sis?” she moved over her legs and he sat on her bed, eyeing up the leg of her shorts as he did. She held up her hand and said “Wait, I shall shut this down,” she fiddled about with the keyboard for a second, then lay the whole thing on the bedside table the screen having gone back to basic showing a picture of her favourite pop star.He started rather hesitantly, by telling alanya escort bayan her of his frustrations, and of the lesson and his problems, and things picked up speed from there, she laying patiently listening to his tale of woe.She said she had gone through something similar herself, and they became very frank. He explained that “he knew she was having full sex with someone!” which took her back a bit as she thought that was a secret, so she said, “how do you know that little brother, has someone seen us?”He laughed and said that, “he had seen the evidence!” By now her face was a blush of pink, then she blurted out that, “she didn’t want mum finding out!” which suited him fine, “he said there was no need for that… if!” she eyed him with a look that said she knew when she was beaten. “You`re not screwing me brother dear, don’t think it…” he said, “he hadn`t asked to do that had he, no, he wasn’t at that stage, he just wanted to see and perhaps touch, that was all!” she looked relieved, then said, “Is Mum out” his answer of “yes at Maurine`s for a Tupperware party,” which seemed to ease things, “Dad`s 2 to 10, so we`ve a while and I don’t want to risk upsetting them either, or you Beryl, your my sister and I love you, but I want so much to see you and touch you…”She melted, “take off your own clothes first and let me see what you’ve got, Benny has only a little dick, and he`s tried but he`s so tiny…!”Before the sentence had finished, before her stood her brother naked as the day he was born, his 6” prick thick and proud and very much in evidence, hard as a rod.Her eyes fixed on the thing and her jaw opened.“I will never call you little brother ever again,” she promised, Benny isn’t half that length and he doesn’t have that skin at the end…wow, can I touch it, please?”It was not the reaction he had expected, but he nodded his willingness and she swung her feet to the floor and sat regarding his stiffness and gently caressing him with soft and warm hands. She pulled back the foreskin gently, it was the first hand other than his own that had touched him, and it was too much for the lad. Before he could warn her, the erect tool spewed forth his seed, young and virile direct on her shorts and tea shirt. He was apologetic, even embarrassed but she grinned and said, “bloody hell littl`… (she was going to say little brother, but amended it to ‘t’) it appears ‘Benny , whoever Benny was, had never managed to bless her in such a way or so well and she was not only amazed but thought it a giant compliment!She lifted off her damp tea shirt, revealing her 30 b`s encased in white, then she slid down and off the shorts. His eyes bulged, a tiny thong in red was revealed, something new to him, always those in the basket were white and frilly! He gulped, and she shrugged, she had seen herself before, she stood and slowly slid down the thong. His eyes, became riveted to her crutch, she was actually naked, not that he had seen any of the vital bit`s yet but Beryl, his gorgeous sister, was undressing and it escort alanya was for him… her little brother… his jaw slowly fell, and she grinned turned and told him to “undo it then, I can see you want too!” want too, she had no idea how much, fumbling fingers found the strap, and after a second the bra fell to his unskilled hands. He kissed her shoulder, and she shivered, then clasping the loose white bra to her breast she turned to face him. Her still sat on her own bed, he standing naked and mesmerised. Slowly her hands fell from her chest, the bra stayed for but a second, then fell away, her breasts exposed her nipples a rosy pink hue, stiff and welcoming. He stood hands at his sides, his prick rapidly returning to an erect state, she was lovely, and her breast were beyond his vocabulary. She reached for his hand, led it to her nipple and he knew he could explore, the soft skin that nipple, oh extasy, beyond wordsHe cupped the breast, felt its weight, amazed at the softness, suddenly becoming aware there was two, and he was so amazed he hadn’t brought the second hand up yet! With both hands now he cupped the pair, amazed at her allowing him these liberties after all this time. He leant forward, more by instinct than anything else, and his lips brushed her right nipple in a kiss, that became much more, he suckled, chewed and slobbered at that nipple for a long minute or two, her head fell back, his assault a fantasy, truth to tell she had had for a while this fantasy, perhaps not with her brother, but it was magic.She lay back, her legs opened, to his absolute amazement there, revealed at last, was his ultimate goal the bits Miss Webb had glossed over, the bits he and his mates had tried so desperately to see on mothers, sisters, aunts and cousins for so long.He actually asked if he could touch her down there, her answer was to hold herself open to let him see, and a nod… god this was amazing, the lips, that hood that button, he got closer, his breath on her sex hot and exciting, his tongue extended, just about to touch the slime covered nub…when from downstairs came a call of “I`m Home k**s”Instantly the moment vanished, exchanging glances she scrambling for her dressing gown and he snatching up his clothes and running for his room. Beryl first to react called down “hi mum, you OK your early?” the sounds of his scurrying away had Amy looking puzzled, but then remembering her own youth her own brother, their own games and she smiled.She said, “there was not a lot I wanted, but I thought I would come home and see what you two were doing!”It was a mischievous comment and she knew it had hit home by the blustering reply from her daughter, that “erm I think Tony had dozed off, but I am revising!”If she could have seen mothers smile down-stairs she would have known the lie was out. the moment passed at least for the youngsters, though Amy`s memories of her youth…Jim rolled in at 10.30 tired from his long shift, the youngsters were still in their rooms, Amy at the table, a fresh pot brewed, she served him a mug, her smile both welcoming, knowing and sensuous. He knew she had been aroused by something, but he fleetingly wondered if he would ever find out what, though he didn’t really care much the k**s were abed and he was going to reap the benefits…

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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