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471 mothers ruin471 mothers ruinIt was few days after, nothing had been said, though Beryl and Tony had been a little…well …careful round mother, and Amy noticed Beryl had referred to him as “Tony” or “T” rather than “little brother” her usual way of referring to him, and she was not driving him mad with her jibes as she usually did. Amy`s mind hit overdrive and she chuckled to herselfIt was Saturday, Jim`s football day he would be out all afternoon, Beryl was in getting ready for a date that evening with a lad as yet Amy had not met and Tony was off out somewhere, but had said he would be back at teatime. She determined to reinforce the don’t get pregnant message, so she called Beryl to fetch some coffee and a bun. Casually dropping into the conversation as they sat together, the fact that it was at the girls age “exciting times” and was she looking forward to leaving home? some comments about Boys, and then a bit about young men and getting carried away, all good mum and daughter stuff, Amy then threw in the dreaded question, “Was her daughter still a virgin?” as if to take the edge off the question adding with a grin, that, “at her age she had lost her virginity and had been worrying about pregnancy, till the months end!” the girls jaw dropped.Realising her mother wasn`t angry, in a semi whisper she said, that “she had come close, but luckily not quite!” her mother laughed, then reaching into a drawer in the dresser she fetched out a plastic bag she had put in their before she called the girl for coffee.Laughing she passed it over to her daughter saying, “a mothers little practical present for going away,” then added under her breath” or before if I know anything…” It was a box of coloured condoms, all fun ones with lumps and bumps one that she had on a trial from the factory, part of a big batch being tested.The girl coloured up then laughed and said, “thanks mum, I will enjoy them…” and they began to laugh.Mother riding the moment said, “look, we`ve never talked much on the sex subject, it had not occurred to me to do so, well not till I heard your brother scrambling off to his room when I came home early the other night!” the girl blushed and stammered “erm well, it…” but Amy went on as if it was the most common subject in the world, ”look I and my brother when I was your age… well don’t tell dad, he`s a bit straight laced…but he…well shall we say got curious, and so did I and well…” Beryl broke into a broad grin “you and uncle Jack…really… wow!” It was Amy`s turn to blush, and blush she did, saying, “that’s our secret, girl to girl, so I`m trusting you and you understand why I`m not mad at you for the other night, he like you, needs to learn, but be careful…Ok?”Beryl realised what a risk her mother was taking, in telling her about her youthful love-life. promised that she would not breath a word. Amy asked about the lad that was to take her daughter out this evening, the one the girl called “Benny” and was told he was the lay preachers son from the next village, and as yet he didn’t know she was leaving and that he would be getting the Spanish archer (the el-bow) this evening as he was not up to much as a lover,” he was “a bit previous!”! They laughed, it was two girls laughing together, not mother and daughter, Amy asking Beryl if Tony was better then? to receive the reply, “Well he`s better equipt, but you came home early, so burdur escort I don’t know… yet!” which had them both in fits of laughter. The phone rang, Amy went to answer, and the moment passed, life burbled onSunday came and like Sundays do it went, a snatched conversation in the kitchen as she peeled spuds told Amy that Benny had now gone the way of lost lovers. Tony unwittingly came under the eye of his mother as he sat to table for this Sunday lunch.Lunch on Sunday was the one definite family meal in this house, the special one, the one they all attended if they could. She, Amy, his loving Mother, while serving silently studied her son, was wondering just what ‘better equipt’ really meant though she said nothing.After the meal it was Jim`s moment to snore, it was a tradition he had kept up since the honeymoon and it was sacred, he settled in the living room, the telly on and was soon enjoying a good snooze in his favourite armchair. Amy sat on the sofa and watched the box, and the youngsters by tradition, did the washing up and putting away, mum cooked it, so it was only fair… at least according to dad!It was the first time they had been close for any length, since mother had come home and disturbed them a night or two back. Tony if anything was by now more frustrated than ever, he had been oh so close to his goal, when he had had to trot off to his room at the end of the corridor over the garage extension. He stood at the sink up to his elbows in suds, his sister at his side drying and putting away the pots in slacks and a jumper, it was nearly too much as she dried a saucepan and her breasts jiggled provocatively, how much was showmanship and how much necessity… Well who knows, but jiggle the contents of the platform bra did, under its creamy top! And it had the effect that Beryl knew it would.Just then mother appeared and said, “you will miss your sister on Sundays when she goes our Tony if only for doing the washing up!” then she gave Beryl a knowing wink as the lad replied, “yes I might just, it`s one of the things she`s good at!” Amy gave her daughter a nudge with her elbow and said, “Oh, and what`s the other things then?” that rather caught him out and he coloured up a little and stammered, “I don’t know but there must be something…!” mother laughed, “blimey girl that’s the first time he`s ever come near saying something nice about his sister, you`d best watch how you go with him…Anyway I`m off to Maurine`s back about 5, don’t wake your dad, do something quiet up in your rooms, or you know how tetchy he gets, see you,” and with that she slipped out of the back door. They exchanged glances, once the last pot was rapidly dryed and put away and the kitchen tidy, together they checked on dad, snoring through the film ‘The longest day’, not so quietly playing to itself on the telly, before hand in hand, upstairs they went. At her door she hesitated, they exchanged glances, and she whispered that, “she had something to collect, go on ahead!” then darted inside.He slipped down the corridor expecting her to dab on a bit of perfume or something, but never once doubting she would follow him, it was like some unspoken mutual agreement. In his room he picked up a couple of loose items and stowed them rapidly in a drawer… any drawer…pulled up his bedclothes, and was opening the curtains as she arrived, she had recombed her hair and escort burdur as he suspected dabbed on a whiff of perfume, in her hand she clutched a white plastic bag which she threw down at the bedside. She closed the door quietly and as if a starting gun had sounded, they were off. Like the song…it started with a kiss, a hot lovers kiss, a kiss the like of which Tony had never known, lips hot, arms holding bodies close and as intense as he had ever experienced. They became entwined, no words could express this mutual need, this compulsion this desperate drive. She knew that she needed to slow his rush, and pushed him away a little, though she instantly regretted it, as his face crumpled as if he had been rejected.She reassured him, “Its ok, just slow down a bit or we shall have a mess on our hands again, or on our clothes, and if we change it will be a big give away!” she laughed as he said, “ok lets take them off then…!” Grinning broadly, her top was on its way over her head before you could say ok! clothes were soon flying from both bodies to fall wherever they dropped, his eyes, fixed and glassy, only losing contact with her breasts for an instant as his vest passed before his eyes.Both naked now, they fell on the bed, their hands everywhere, hers holding his tool, his groping first at her sex and then at a breast or pulling her face to his to kiss her once more, caution had been thrown to the four winds. Tired of bending, they swung round, until they lay the length of the bed on their sides, her head in his crutch, her hot lips kissing and fondling at his genitalia, her long tresses tickling his legs. His own face now in a position he would never forget, 3 or 4 inches from her hair covered mons, the intoxicating smell of her wet excitement, sending him their own messages, her clit, pink, erect and shining at him like a jewel in a hooded crown, her dark tunnel of love, between those soft crinkly lips, a gateway to her inner self….one day, oh, one day… Her lips enfolded his foreskin, he knew he wouldn`t last long, and muttered, “oh Beryl, don’t do that if you don’t want a mouthful” he knew she had heard him, as she hesitated just a second, then mercilessly continued, he held of as best he could, but…He felt his balls tighten, then that magic feeling as the sap rises and the whole of your body tingles as that all-important seed throws itself from your body. she automatically swallowed some, savoured some on her tongue tickled her taste buds, amazed at the flavour it bid her swallow the rest, she knew it would not be the last in her lifetime, but what a memorable first…He was about to splutter his apology, when she kissed him once more on the helmet, he knew then she was not unhappy. He in turn kissed her, he kissed her clit, his instinct leading his mind, which he knew wanted him to pleasure this goddess, who was so willingly sharing his joy and her body.At the touch of his tongue`s tip on the soft nub, her hips pushed forward, eager to get more, as she so needed much, much, more.For long minutes the caress continued, wave upon wave of this extasy running through her body like electricity, then to their amazement came that moment, that sublime rush, near to a fit, that top of the big dipper moment of wonderful feelings, her breathing hard panting gasps, eyes rolling, fingers gripping, body shaking, and her voice echoing round burdur escort bayan the room, with a cry of ”oooh yes,” that competed with the sounds of world war two coming from downstairs.They lay his head on her leg, hers on his, sated for the moment, collapsed with the enormity of what had just occurred. She had made a decision… she checked his clock 15.45…time enough. Her mind made up she sat up and reached for the plastic bag. Convinced it was all over he too sat up swung round and up, himself next to her against his pillow and put his arm round her, kissing her, and thanking her for allowing him the experience.She opened the bag, pulled out the box of condoms, all coloured and lumpy, and regarding him carefully, she said, I don’t have any ordinary jonnies, but if you wear one of these, I will let you have me properly, they say it`s painful the first time and if it is or isn’t, I want it to be you who has me first Tony,…Please… will you do it…for me!”He kissed her, with feeling, then asked if she was sure?She held the box to him he picked at random, it was a blue and she opened the packet, with her teeth, blew the wrapper away then slowly rolled the Blue-skin down his shaft, it was mind blowing, his errection, now Oxford blue with tiny lumps all the way down the shaft, it stood stiff as a soldier. At his request so she was in control and could get off easily if she needed, she straddled his hips… he lined himself up with her gash.It was now or never, it was a tense moment but as soon as she was steady, and to a mutual nod, she slowly lowered her hips allowing him to penetrate her body. it was beyond his range of mental capacity, his prick encased in her warm body as suddenly pain shot through her, as her hymen ruptured, the feeling of euphoria disappeared and a searing pain shot through her lower regions it was agony and ecstasy in one quick burst, in one massive rush, as his tool drove home that last inch or so.They lay her face tear-wet but grateful, inches from his own as she absorbed that pain, that wonderful pain, her brother now embedded deep inside her, his stiff but lumpy condom covered errection well inside her body hot and stiff their pubic hair intermingled.Slowly she regained her senses, it was done she was no longer a virgin, she was a woman… she began slowly to work herself up and down his shaft the feelings were such as she had never before come anywhere near too… oh she had fingered herself to a climax a time or two…but this…wow this …Her mind began to hit the overdrive button then he suddenly stiffened and she knew he was filling that blue rubber as her mind went into over-drive this was unbelievable.With another cry of “oooh God… Yessss” perfectly timed as her ecstatic cry and the final music for the attack on Normandie mingled. It would forever be their music…They lay conjoined for a while, him still deep inside her, his prick wilting with every heartbeat. finally, they came apart, the limp tool still blue covered and streaked with her hymen blood, the once limp tip now a rubber bag full of his seed. She stood, dressed silently kissed him again and thanking him she slipped away to her room, a woman at last. Very reluctantly he dressed unrolling the rubber as he did, he was loath to dispose of it, a trophy perhaps, but he knew the score, knew it might lead to their discovery. He checked himself in the mirror and smiled to himself, just as he heard his father switching off the TV, newly awake timed perfectly the older man clattering about making himself a pot of tea, shouting up “there was tea made,” and returning the world to its axis and to normality…

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