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Mistis’ Adventures Part 196Zane and Falina were soon as ecstatically happy as the other four were. Zane didn’t have to worry about going to work, because it was MUCH too cold to get anything done. He had anticipated spending the day with his beloved wife, and, MAYBE having the Sullivan’s drop by. Mimi was scheduled for two of her final exams, this week, and was planning to take it easy until the Fall semesters began, with her as a teacher. She had already had some offers. She had sent resume’s out to several schools, mostly in this area, but a few that were easy driving distance from home. She had offered to pay her folks for letting her stay at home, but they had laughed at her offer, and insisted that they enjoyed her company as much as they always did. She had NEVER been a burden, in any way. She cooked, cleaned house, bought groceries, and so many other things, that they were afraid that they would be a burden on HER. Chow loved having his big sister at home. He had missed her even more than their parents had, for the time she had been away. She had confided in her Mother, how she had paid for everything, and made so much money, and the only negative comment her Mom had made was, “You probably enjoyed it as much as they did, and YOU got it for free. So why charge some nice, young guy, for lettin’ HIM use it for a little while? Givin’ ’em some pussy is okay. We ALL did it at some time, or the other, but most of us didn’t charge for it. Dinner and dancin’ was pay enough. I guess I’m gettin’ old or somethin’, cause WE never even THOUGHT about takin’ money for givin’ a boy some pussy.Chow, now that she was home, went directly to her room, when he came home from school. She would always wait until he came in, to go take a shower. They both loved the feel of their nearly hairless bodies, to each other. She had shaved herself a couple of times, but he had acted disappointed, when she did, and stopped. SHE wanted her little brother to be happy. There was surprisingly LITTLE horseplay between them when they were in the shower. They each washed the other off, rinsed, and, at least twice a week, Chow sat Mimi down in a chair in the shower, and gave her a shampoo. He loved the feel of her long, soft hair in his hands, and, just as much, drying it setting it, and brushing it out. HE had picked out a shampoo to use on her, and it made it feel like silk. He would put the conditioner in, massage it into her scalp, and treat it like the best thing he had ever found. He was in love with his sister, as she was in love with him.They often slept together at night, laughing and talking in their own dialect. Both spoke Cantonese. Both loved to hear the semi-musical words of their native language. They searched each other’s memories of anything about their parents, but all Mimi could remember, was being left on the doorstep of a crowded orphanage. Their lives had been hard, until the Sullivan’s had come in, and swept them both off of their feet. They had NEVER had enough to eat, and had been tied into chairs for their days. It had chafed, and made blisters on their bottoms, from the rough wood, and the unsanitary conditions. Mama, as they were told to call her, gave them too much food, by mistake, their first few days, and they had gotten sick. She found out that their old diet had depleted their bodies, and too much, or something too rich, was hurting them. They had been taken to a Korean doctor, who had seen it, before, and knew how to treat them. He had started out with a watery broth, and had only given them enough to quiet the rumbles in their stomachs, and began giving them richer, and larger portions, of food. Soon they were eating normally for a 6 year old girl, and a 3 year old boy.Sores healed, and they cried less, and seemed to genuinely love the Sullivan’s. Ed’s feeling his “new” daughter climb into his lap, and kiss him, was all he needed. He had searched for, and found, a tutor, to teach the c***dren to speak English. They had proved, over the years, to be MUCH more intelligent than usual. They did lessons and did better in school than most c***dren, their age. Both had to be reminded, at times, that the other k**s didn’t talk like they did. They listened to them, and were speaking the same way. NOW they sounded like c***dren, instead of teachers. This caused them to make more friends, and life became even better. With the permissive climate of their parent’s home, they became more open, and by the time she was 10, Mimi was as comfortable going naked, as she was fully dressed. Them sleeping together was their “normal. They would inspect each other in the greatest detail, so there were NO secrets. Even so, they VERY seldom engaged in sex. Chow was also VERY protective of his big sister. He had fought three bullies that were teasing her, and telling her that they were going bursa escort to shave her head. He took a fierce beating, but they had left her alone in the future. Chow had been 6 at the time. The two boys and the girl stayed away form both of them, after that.Now that she was home, again, both of the parents, Mimi, and Chow came to visit, often. Falina and Zane loved seeing all four other of their friends, and neighbors,also. They were the most charming people that they had known in a while. They had become acquainted with Vince, first, and then Chloe. Now they were getting to know Carl, socially, even though Zane worked with his “sometimes” partner. Both had met Julia at the picnic, for the first time, and had become quite taken with HER, too. Her charm, and infectious humor, were like a breath of cold, fresh, mountain air. Zane had shyly, when finally pressed by Falina, admitted that she was also a beautiful lady. AND, YES!!! HE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE LOVE WITH HER!!! Falina had laughed at his discomfort. “It’s okay if you want to make love with a beautiful woman. I won’t get jealous to hear you say so, but if you try to LEAVE me for another woman, you won’t NEED a woman. YOU’LL BE A WOMAN!!!” Then she had reminded him of her Mama, Alicia’s, and Rosa’s visit, and HIS need to conserve HIS strength. She also reminded him that he needed to look among his compadre’s, for a possible match for Alicia. She so needed another man in her life.Even though it was still early, Carl and Vince both agreed that there were better ways to spend a cold day at home, than JUST talking. Taking the hint, ALL of the women disrobed, allowing better looks at their forms. Julia had a nice little baby bump, and Falina had a slightly bigger one, but Chloe was still as flat as a pancake. All three of them were freshly shaved, and offered to let any of the men inspect them for smoothness. Soon they were all naked, and had paired off. Zane insisted that, since Falina, but not him, had enjoyed Chloe’s company, that HE should be allowed to enjoy her, like all the others had. Chloe had simply stepped over in front of him, asking him, “Watcha waitin’ fer? I ain’t giving no ENgraved invitations. Show me what ya’ kin do fer me!” She had thrown her arms around him, kissing him hard, and finishing with a loud “POP.” “Ya gotta kiss em so they STAY kissed.” she announced. “NOW LET’S GIT TO THE MAIN EVENT!!!’ She had taken HIM to the floor. “Come on,Honey. I had my fun, now it’s time for us to re lax and en joy. I want to know why Falina goes around with that big smile on ‘er face.”Carl had looked at Falina. “Did I ever tell you that I think YOU are ravishing? If I haven’t, I apologize for my not saying so. I thought you were one of the most beautiful women I had seen, when you came to lunch that day, and you get even MORE beautiful, every time I see you.” Falina dimpled, and cupped his face in her hands. “Gracious, Mi Patron. I love being told that. EVERY woman, some secretly, wish to be told that they are beautiful. It is music to our ears. And you are Muy Macho. A very strong man. And handsome, too. Let us make some beautiful music together.” Vince had been admiring Julia, ever since the first time he saw her, on the night he had gone out with Chloe, the first time. She had kissed him, and hugged him, a few times, but had never been intimate with him. She went over and wound her arms around his neck, and kissed him. “Shall we make our first time, something to remember? What do you like to do with a woman, first.” He smiled and looked down at her still, oh, so sexy form. “Just what we’re doing now. There’s nothing like kissing and holding a beautiful woman. The rest will come naturally.”He took her by the hand and led her to the stairs. “Shall we?” he asked. It was her turn to smile. “If we don’t, we’ll BOTH feel sorry.” They went up holding each other, stopping to kiss at every few steps. Finally they made it to a bedroom. Vince pulled down the covers on the bed, and fluffed a pillow for her. He held her hand, as it was getting harder and harder for her to get up, or lay down. He pulled several pillows from the closet, and tossed them to the side of the bed. “Just in case,” he smiled. “We never know ahead of time. Better to have them, and not need them…” She finished for him. ” Than to need them and NOT have them.” Both laughed. He lay down beside her, admiring and marveling at the texture of her skin. It felt like she was covered in silk. Her breast were just beginning to make milk, and were slightly fuller for that reason. It made her nipples stand out even more, too. He leaned over and took her in his arms, holding her firmly, but not squeezing her, and kissed her on her eyelids, and then her cheeks. He raised up to look onto the dark, seemingly bottomless, pools of her eyes. They seemed escort bursa to absorb him. He leaned in again, kissing her nose, and finally her lips. Her lips nibbled at his as they met, but soon surrendered to his probing tongue. They parted and accepted his offering, each of them starting to breathe faster and faster. They ground their lips together, without mercy, seeming to try to swallow each other. Their hearts were racing as they held each other for dear life. Her leg went over his ribs, and he felt something, wet and warm, touching him.One hand freed from holding her, and he reached down, and felt the delicious curve of her hip. His hand wandered further, and soon was touching the wellspring of her wetness. He felt her wriggle under his touch, and pulled his hand back. It was too soon. MUCH too soon. His hand returned to her hip, squeezing it, instead. He felt her tummy push into his. She pulled back and looked into HIS eyes. She gave a small smile, but it was replaced by a look of a woman wanting to be loved. “I have a feeling, that I’m going to ENJOY this. I just hope YOU will enjoy spending time with an old, pregnant woman.” He assured her, “There’s NOTHING old about YOU. As for the “pregnant” part. I have always found that a woman, while expecting a c***d, is even more responsive. They seem to have nothing further to be worried about, and make better lovers than a woman that is NOT pregnant, and can GET that way.” Julia smiled at him, appreciating his sentiment. SHE was going to have to watch herself from now on, though. He had the most disarming way of making her relax, and laugh, at the same time. NOW she knew why Chloe had fallen so FAST! HE was a PRIZE!!!He took her, as she lay on her back, and started the next phase of his downward journey. He took his lime, to fully appreciate her wonderful, full, and succulent breasts. They were exceedingly soft, yet firm and unyielding. They stood like twin peaks of desire, capped with two small, but VERY hard, nipples. He sucked them, in turn, into his mouth, giving her a foretaste of nursing a baby. They gave no hint of decreasing firmness, but slid easily around his tongue as he licked, then sucked on them. They were BOTH enjoying his massage of her girls. Their breathing got faster, and faster. SHE was wriggling her hips, as she became more and more excited.He moved to kiss the small hillock of her tummy. He couldn’t help but to whisper, “:HI, LITTLE FRIEND!” Soon YOU will be in your Mommy’s arms, and getting her kisses. YOU will love her, even MORE than WE do. SHE will be your best friend, and your truest love. You don’t know, yet, how lucky you will be, to have her, and your DADDY, to share life with. They will make you happy to be part of their family. Rest and grow up strong. Uncle Vince wants to meet his new, little friend. He raised up, and seeing the expression on Julia’s face, made him respect, and want, her, even more. We’re ALL lucky to have the three of you. Beauty, brains, and HOT PUSSY. All in one, wonderful bundle!!! The sudden turn made Julia laugh, and relax, even more. She pulled his face up to give him the hottest kiss he had yet had from her.As they broke the kiss, he went to where he had been, prior. He kissed the smaller Mons, loving its softness, and seeking the tiny slit that separated the twin globes. With her size and the fullness, SHE would wear a bikini, like few other, lesser endowed women, could. Naked, she was indescribable. In a bikini, leaving some to the imagination of the beholder, she would be nearly irresistable. She would make men have the wildest, wet dreams, imaginable.His tongue flowed down the tiny split, and eased inward, the further down he went. He couldn’t see her taking both hands full of the sheets, and holding them in her clinched fists, pulling them loose. He would have laughed to see the expression that was on her face, too. It was the look of a woman that s being tortured, but in the BEST way. She was gritting her teeth to keep from screaming, from the sensations that coursed through he entire being. Her body jumped as he went past the end of the teardrop shaped opening to her soul, and quivered, as she lost control, as he licked the tiny area between her anus and her vagina. She couldn’t remember, if she were to try, when ANYBODY had done that to her.She was laying there, totally absorbed in the feelings that went through her. She had barely returned to Earth, and another shock went through her. His tongue was INSIDE of her, and it felt delicious. She jumped and jerked, even more than she had before. this time she couldn’t stop herself. “UUUNNNNHHHH, UUUUUNNNHHHHH, UUUUNNNNNHHH, OH, MY GODDD!!!!” She barely had time to regain control of her body, AND her wits, and it struck, again. She screamed, releasing the hold on the sheets, and grabbed the back bursa escort bayan of his head, pulling him tighter to her. He had sneaked past the “guardians”, and had taken her clitoris hostage. His lips held it, making it helpless, while his tongue stroked and gave it the beating of its life. Her head went to a near impossible angle, and she pulled him even closer. The muscles in her legs were stretched tight as guitar strings. “OH MY GOD!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME? DO IT MORE!!! MY GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD!!! DON’T STOP!!! WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T STOP!!!! I LOVE WHAT YOU’RE DOING TO ME!!! GIVE ME ALL OF IT!!! MORE!!! PLEASE GIVE ME MORE!!!! I CAN’T STAND IT!!!”He reached down past the edge of the bed, and grabbed one, then another, of the pillows. while she was still elevated he put both of them under her hips. At first, she couldn’t understand why it seemed that she was standing on her head, but soon realized what had happened. Her body was STILL, shaking and shivering. She gasped, trying to get a full lung full of air. She felt like she had been wrung out, like an old dishrag. It seemed that there was no more strength in her limbs. She was, at this point, helpless to resist.She felt her legs being lifted, and he kissed her pussy, once, twice, and then a third time. It was nearly like a salve, after what he had already done to her. She felt his body going on top of hers, and it felt like she was floating, with a small pressure on her body. She also felt something tickling her down between her legs. WAS HE…? She felt herself opening, and he was sliding inside of her. On and on. Deeper and deeper, he went. She felt like she was being stuffed. It seemed like he went on, forever. Finally she felt his stomach touching hers, and he stopped going in. Instead, he was puling out of her. It, also, seemed to last, forever. In and out, in and out. She felt her legs going around him, and lifting herself up to meet him. Little, or nothing, else mattered. Just the amazing sweetness of him taking her, and giving her impossible feelings.It seemed to last for an eternity, but it couldn’t have. She was to weak to withstand such treatment. She felt her arms reaching up to pull him down to her. She needed to kiss, and express her gratitude. Her lips sought, and found, his. Her tongue went wild as it went into his mouth. His tongue answered her, slipping past hers to explore her mouth as much as she was, his. Their bodies were as one. The “twin-backed b**st” was alive and well. A tiny part of her felt tears running over her cheeks. Never mind. SHE was enjoying herself. She felt more alive, right then, than she had in a while. Another tiny gremlin ran through her mind. Could she get pregnant, again, when she was already pregnant? It was something to find out about. Right now, she didn’t care. This was her favorite pose. HER, on her back, naked, her legs open wide, with a handsome man’s hard dick inside of her, making her feel like a new woman, and filling her with his seed. THIS should be a MOVIE!!! She would have laughed, at this point, if she had known that Vince had several of the tiny cameras s**ttered around the room, taking it all in, from a dozen or more different angles. He and Chloe would edit them together, to show in the best possible light, everything that had happened in this room.He lowered himself, reaching under her arms, and holding her shoulders, his weight partially suspended on his knees, and pushing into her, swiftly, but gently. She was enjoying the added fillip of the hair on his stomach and chest, rubbing the smooth skin of HER tummy and breasts. THANK GOD, FOR HAIRY MEN!!! she thought. They make us girls feel so good!!! She had NEVER understood, why some girls demanded their lovers to “manscape” themselves. Body hair was what made a man masculine. Modern “women” were NEVER satisfied, it seemed. Just like the “toxic masculinity.” Men were men, and women were women. They should meet in love, and adoration. NOT try to overwhelm the other, but to share love, and understanding. To go together like salt and pepper, each having its own tasks, but complimenting each other. Without the love, and the understanding, the world would be a terrible place. They would be just another a****l.She felt his body going stiff, and knew that she was almost ready, her own self. His strokes shortened and grew faster. She felt the heat rising in her own body and knew that SHE was ready to let loose, as well. She willed her body to open, and receive the most precious gift a man could give her. He made one final lunge, and it was pouring into her. She hardly noticed, past the roar of her own climax. She felt the delicious heat going into her, and mixing with her own fluids. It became a symphony of sensations for them both. He roared his cumming, and she screamed her climaxing orgasm. They floated back to Earth, and kissed. The sweetest kiss, they could imagine. A kiss of total satisfaction.They lay in each other’s arms for a long while. Moving only to kiss and caress each other. THIS was how FRIENDS, treated each other.

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