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Country Boy, City Girl Chapter 16On Thursday I followed what had become the new norm. After school Keith and I went over to his house and got his stuff, then drove over to my house to get mine. Then around the block to pick up Linda and Holly at Holly’s house.Shortly after we were at JD’s house, and everybody was doing the usual creating a new party shuffle, while trying to pump me for information.Yes, it’s going to be starting in a city. Yes, only 1 character each. Yes, level 5 through 7. Multi-class so long as the totals do not add up to anything over 8. OK, but you have to leave the horse outside the gate, no horses in the town. Yes, all religions are allowed here. No Tiny, your cleric that worships The Force is not allowed, pick another character or another religion. Sure Linda, your Ranger Kilea might be a great choice. Don’t worry about Holly, I’ve already approved of her character.Finally everybody had decided what characters they were playing, all my books and notes were behind the foot high wood screen JD had made and off we went.One thing I started doing was rolling the dice every few minutes. A kind of a mind-game on my part, but that way they wouldn’t know what rolls were important and what rolls were not.OK, they notice the pretty half-elf girl begging on the side of the road. The cleric asks her if she needs help, wants to use a cure disease. OK, everybody make a roll and tell me what you got. OK, cleric notices that the leprosy is cosmetic and not real. Everybody make a roll again.The last part was for nothing, I had already scripted this part. But by having them roll and not even know what for half the time, I wanted them to guess what was random and what was scripted.The girl smiles at Keith’s cleric and thanks him for caring about her, and says “Thanks, ya know, I was like just trying to score some food, ya know? Like, somebody stole my money and I’m just trying ta bag enough for dinner and a room.”And that is how Kaos, the Valley Elf was introduced into the party. And as scripted, she said she was a mage, and was simply down on her luck. Of course they invite her to join them.Walk onto the main street, random encounter. Roll, chart, roll, chart, they hear a commotion in an alley. Check it out, 3 thugs trying to mug a merchant. Join in, on who’s side? No, I don’t know you want to help the merchant, maybe you want a share of the loot also? Ahh, good thinking, subdue the muggers.Thugs knocked out, city guard arrives, reward given, thankful merchant gives more reward, experience.Get to the inn, Kaos can share a room with Kilea, bar fight. OK, fun had by all, Tiny is mad his Paladin got soaked in cheap beer but still blesses the guy after he was knocked out. Off to bed. Out in the street next morning. You see a girl try to pick-pocket a merchant. She is about 7 years old. You are going to bump into her, make a roll. OK, her aim is off and she gets scared and runs away.More rolls, Kilea, you overhear two guys talking about a big gold strike up North. No, a dwarf came in with a large pouch of gold 2 days before and bought a large wagon and supplies, said he and his brothers had hit it big. Up high in the mountains, must be piles of gold up there.OK, get supplies and head out of town. A dog walks up and pees on Keith’s leg. Kaos whispers to him that she usually charges extra for that.Have you ever seen a cleric blush?Heading north. Yes, Kilea sees many wagon tracks heading along the road. Ambushed by bandits, several wounded in the battle, some decent loot. Decide to heal and call it a night and recover spells. Next morning they see a giant bear off in the distance, decide to just avoid it. The track is now much less traveled and they see the tracks of a wagon that has a 2 horse team in the dust.At noon the next day they are ambushed by more highwaymen. They are outnumbered 3 to 1, after a few rolls on the special chart Kaos announced she has pulled out her wand and screaming “Bite me you bitches!” let’s go with a large fireball. Half of the raiders perish, the rest flee into the woods.Everybody congratulates Kaos (which Holly has been pronouncing as “Kay-ohs”) and loot shared, minor wounds healed. Just before sunset they run into a curious sight. In the front are 2 dwarves on ponies, followed by a wagon. Roll Kilea, yes it is the same wagon you have been following, you notice the front right wheel is off to the side a bit, bad alignment.Behind the wagon is a dragon that is chained to it. It is a young adult, yes the wagon seems to be heavily laden down. Taking a count, you see that in total there are 7 dwarves.No, they are not THOSE dwarves.You approach and they’re friendly. They say they are also adventurers and are on their way to town to sell the dragon and buy gems with the gold they took for easier transport home. No, they do not need any more guards, but they are welcome to join their encampment for the night.A good time is had by all that night, even as they realize they have been suckered. There is no gold rush, there is only 7 dwarves who found a big treasure and subdued a dragon.Heading back, second day comes the real encounter. A war band of 30 orcs on their way home from a raid runs across them and charges. I nod to Holly as she pretends to make several rolls then when they are 60 feet away she pulls out her wand and yells “Like, burn in hell you grody orcs!” and blasts them with another fireball. OK, 10 are dead the rest falter a moment then charge on. 30 feet away Kaos lets go again screaming “Die bitches!”And a stream of butterflies pours out of the wand obscuring everybody’s view. The room breaks out in chaos!They start to get hit by arrows fired by the orcs on the other side of the butterflies. Takes 2 rounds for them to disperse and to engage in melee combat. Some bad hits taken but they take down the remaining orcs, 2 of the party are u*********s. Lots of loot, they had 2 hand carts full of spoils from their earlier raiding.Everybody limps into town the next day, quite a bit better off, with a lot more experience. Paladin insists they turn over the spoils the orcs had been bringing back, keeping it would be a sin. Party has a long bickering debate, then reluctantly to agree.Now this I had not planned for, who tries to turn over loot fairly gained? Thinking fast I play along as they take the carts to the city watch and try to turn it in. They are aware of the raid, and are impressed that they are turning it in to be returned to the rightful owners. Captain inventories it, then turns over all the coins back to the party, says it is a reward for taking out the orcs and a finders fee for returning everything else. Oh, and tells them to come back in a few days, he would like to hire them to go after the rest of the orc band.Check loot remaining from the actual kills, nothing evil. A few items very good. Tiny takes a magical mace, Kilea picks a magical dagger, everybody gets something nice.Once at the inn we call it a night. I am then given several pats on the back, with people saying it was brilliant, in between being called a son of a bitch. My first dungeon did not even have a dungeon in it. And one person asked Holly why she had 2 wands.“Well, like, I had one of them first ya know, and it was like this totally tubular fireball wand. I like, fried some read bad jodies my first time and kept it cause it’s awesome! Then, like, I found this second wand. And like, I had some bodacious trolls heading at me so I used it, and I fireballed them too! So now I just keep, ya know, like both of them ready. But one of them is like so broken, it don’t always make fireballs. But I can never seem to remember which is broken, so I just grab one and let fly.”Everybody was cracking up at the idea that Holly and I made a “Valley Elf”. And she let them look at the character sheet finally, and saw the incredibly high intelligence, and almost basement-dwelling wisdom.JD came over and asked why I was rolling so much, then I showed him the books I had bought. “Dude, this is like totally radical! Can I borrow these?”Since I was only going to be running one game a month, I told him he could borrow them this week, but next week I would want them back. Yes, he could borrow them for games.Before breaking up I giresun escort asked if we could bring Mandy for the next game. Everybody thought it would be a great idea, JD even volunteering that she could roll for the monsters if she wanted.So at just before 9 we were all in Scout, waiting for her to warm up. No need to ask what we should do with the two in the back, they were already exploring each other’s tonsils. So I pulled into a little park near Keith’s house and soon Linda and I were doing the same thing in the front.We had just under an hour so nobody got real carried away. But some lovely breasts got rubbed, as did some engorged cocks. My pretty little pixie was snuggled deep in my lap, and I could see that Keith was getting to rub some nice legs through Holly’s leggings when my alarm went off and it was time to go.Driving to Keith’s house we all decided that going rollerskating sounded great for Saturday. No, I had not been to the one in Northridge yet, that will be great. We all shared some kisses as I dropped Keith off, then Holy and I both walked Linda to her apartment and she let us in. Rosie was doing some paperwork at the desk and Mandy was watching some sitcom, and I called her over. Yes, she was welcome to attend game nights, so long as her mother approved.We all got big hugs, and Rosie said it was fine with her, but she had to make sure she did not fall behind in any of her school work since it was a school night. Holly and I got hugs and I got a nice kiss from Linda as I drove home. After walking Holly to her house I went home.Friday we had a half-day at school, so having some time to kill I headed on over to The Galleria. Looking through a stationery shop, I saw this cute little Navajo patterned backpack and thought it was the perfect size for Linda’s gifts. Then I went over to the notebooks and saw a Trapper with the same pattern and got that also.Seeing it was almost time for Linda to get out of school I headed on over and was waiting in the same place as before. This time Linda was chatting with her friends, who I had taken to calling the “3 Musketeers” whenever they were together. She was actually so busy chatting with her friends she did not realize she had stopped at the corner right next to me until in a stage whisper I said “Want some candy little girl?”A pissed off look appeared on all 3 of their faces, before Linda saw who I was and once again I had a five foot tall pixie hurtling into my arms. “Pete, what are you doing here!”I told her I had gotten out of school early, and unless she or her mother had a problem we could go ahead and take off early. She looked at me and bit her lip, then said “Well, Kimmie and Julie and me have not been out together in ages, do ya think?”Now I may be called stupid sometimes, but I am not a fool. “Tell ya what. Why don’t we make it a foursome tonight. We can all go get changed, then we can go to Skate!, how does that sound?”The kiss for that was totally tubular, and they all thought that sounded great. So piling into Scout I took each one in turn to their houses. I waited in the car at both Kimmie and Julie’s house all 3 had to go inside, put away books, and spend about a half-hour changing clothes, doing makeup, and putting on enough jewelry to make Mr. T jealous. Then we went to Linda’s and the same thing repeated itself. I saw the mopey look on Mandy’s face, and raising my eyebrow at Linda she saw my glance at Mandy, and nodded.So now I was the chauffeur of three 14 year old girls, and a 13 year old girl. Rosie gave Linda $20 to cover her and Mandy, and after stopping at Del Taco we were pulling into the parking lot at the rink just as the line started to move.Yea, Skate! was still not my favorite rink to go to. In fact, while I now liked a lot of the New Wave stuff, Punk was not my style at all. But the girls liked it, and having a happy girlfriend was more important than having happy eardrums.The first half was mostly Linda and I holding hands and skating, as the other 3 were alternating between goofing off, and flirting back with some of the guys that were always around pretty girls. Mandy was skating next to us when the first couples skate was announced, and for some reason I dropped Linda’s hand and skated around and took Mandy’s in mine. Linda gave me a huge grin as she skated off of the rink, and Mandy looked a bit startled and nervous as I pulled her back with me.We held hands and skated. “Why are you skating with me Pete?”“Well, I skate with my girlfriend all the time. I wanted to skate with a different pretty girl this time. Besides, Linda told me she had to potty, and I saw no reason for both of us to sit this out.”So we had a nice 3 song set, chatting and lightly flirting with her a bit. Mandy is a bit more rounded then her older sister, and has these killer dimples. She was also not as good of a skater, something I suspected would be improving in the coming months, since it was likely many of the outings we took her on would be rollerskating. At the end of the couples set I kissed her on the cheek and skated off, and Linda rejoined me.“Pete, that was awesome! I think you just made her night, although I hope I don’t have to tell her that you’re mine, and she needs to keep her hands off of you.”“Naw, she’s a good k**. And I don’t think you have to worry too much about her. She’s more than a bit too young for me.”Linda pulled me down, and whispered “I was about her age now when I started”, nibbled my ear, then gave me a kiss. For some reason we had fallen into doing things a bit backwards this time. Linda and I held hands all during the open skate, which seemed to annoy some of those around. But also seemed to get her jealous looks from what seemed to be some of her classmates.When the second couple skate was announced we were right behind Kimmy and Julie. I looked at Linda and smiled as I nodded at her. She nodded back. We parted and each skated up to the outside of her two friends, who looked to be about to leave the rink. “Kimmy, I think this is my turn” I said as I took her hand in mine, and Linda took Julie’s hand.Kimmy looked surprised, but gave this cute smile and nodded. So hand in hand we fell back behind the other two. This is the first time I really talked with Kimmy, and was surprised like I always was how smart some of these Valley Girls were when you took them away from the clothes and way of talking.She was near the top of her class, and was planning on going into Orthopedic Medicine when she went to college. “Hmmm, so someday I will be calling you Doctor Kimmy?” I asked.She then got this haughty look in her face, and said “I will have you know, that will be Doctor Kimberly Nguyen! Doctor Kimmy indeed!” Then she burst out into almost perfect airhead giggles.Well, if anybody is entitled to giggle like an airhead, it’s a 14 year old Vietnamese Valley Girl. But she was cute, and we both had a great time. As the final song ended I bent down and kissed her on the cheek, and thanked her also. She actually squeezed my hand before letting go, thanking me and left to rejoin Julie.Well, now there was no doubt who my next partner would be in the minds of anybody. The first was a surprise only to Mandy,. But I was her sister’s boyfriend, so that was not too unexpected. But I could tell Kimmie and Julie had been caught off-guard, as they were not Linda’s sisters. But you can only carry a good surprise so far.We took a break to relieve ourselves and watch the skaters, and I saw something that caught my eye. Nudging my sweetie, when she looked up at me I nodded off to the side. It seems one of the other guys was interested in Kimmy, a boy about her age was standing almost in front of her, and they were chatting back and forth. And Kimmy did not seem to mind, even though she was almost pushed back against the wall and he was deep into her “personal space”. And her right knee was bent and only the toes of her right skate were on the floor, gave me she was at least a bit interested in him as well. So we just smiled at each other and headed back towards the floor.We knew that another couples skate was coming up soon, and we saw that Kimmie was skating next to the guy she had been chatting with already. Well, unless both of them escort giresun blew it they had partners for the next couples skate. And we saw that Mandy and Julie were skating next to each other, so this time everybody would have a partner.Sure enough the next song was announced as a couples, but Mandy was in front of me and Julie was in front of Linda. So dropping her hand I quickly skated behind her then forward to take Julie’s hand in mine. “Ma’am, I believe this is my dance” I said as I took her hand in mine. She giggled and we were then heading off to the other side of the rink, Linda and her sister hand in hand being left behind.While a bit more of a natural airhead than Kimmie or Linda were, Julie was no idiot either. She also told me something that was news to me.“You know that first night we met you here? Well, like, Lind saw you as soon as you came in. Boy you stuck out dude! She like said all you needed was a horse to go with the rest of the fake ‘Urban Cowboy’ getup. And when you first started skating, she mentioned you had a nice ass.” I blushed at this.“But then she saw you really start skating, and it was like something lit up behind her eyes. Now I know Lind, she was like a bit of a slut back then, don’t tell her I ever said that! But it’s true. Like, every other week it was a different guy, and she never had a problem getting them to take her skating or anything. I think the way you skated made her hot.“When she fell into you, dude, that was no accident. She’s too good a skater to just run into somebody on accident, I don’t think I’ve seen her fall down in like forever. But I think ya surprised her when ya took her hand and started the couples skate with her. And we had an idea what the night was going to end like for you.“And yea, she told me the next day. I knew she had been doing things with guys for a while now, but just playing, ya know? Not like all the way, but letting them feel boobies and the like to string them along, ya know? But she told me the cowboy look was not a fad with you, you were the real thing! And you like really treated her like a lady, and even like asked if you could touch her boobs, you did not reach out and maul them like most guys.“Even then she hoped she would see you again, I could tell! Then she moped about quite a bit and when we went out Kimmie and I realized she was not flirting with all the guys like she used to. Oh, she used to love flashing them her panties, or bumping against them with her boobies. And she stopped doing that. We never could figure out why.“And she like started to turn down guys! The next week one of her sometimes dates came up and asked her if she would like to go to the movies with him, she turned him down! Kimmy and I were both surprised, like, here was Lind turning down a guy. As I said, she had a bit of a reputation. She was the “Handjob Queen”, and like we all knew that she would yank your crank for a burger and movie. Heck, many of us have done that, but with boyfriends, not just any guy who looked and smelled nice and came up to ask.”I was amazed, both at how she was talking, and that she was just going almost nonstop. But I was also fascinated, I could not stop listening as she was telling me these things. And indeed of all Linda’s friends, Julie was by far the most “Valley Girl” out of all of them.“She was shameless. Like, I once caught her behind the bushes at The Castle tugging on a guy at school, and knew it was true. But we have been friends since second grade, and if nobody was hurt who cares?“Then we ran into you and that other girl at the movies, and by her reaction, I knew what it was. She had turned down every guy who even tried to ask her out. One of them so forcefully that she kneed him in the balls! And almost every weekend she was like bugging us to come back here, I think now because she was hoping to run into you again. She was hung up on you already dude.”By now we were into the third song, so knew it was likely to end soon. I looked around for a moment, and saw Linda and Mandy still hand in hand on the other side of the rink. And we were coming up behind Kimmy and the guy she had been chatting with, hand in hand in front of us.“And now, she is like almost somebody different. She’s with you every weekend, and like instead of hearing stories of how nice it feels to have a guy shoot in her hand, she tells us of how well you kissed, and how she loves feeling you kiss her neck. It’s gone from hearing a girl read a porn book to hearing her read a romance novel!”Then Julie smiled at me, and I smiled back.“And I love it! It’s like my friend from grade school is back, not a girl driven by hormones. So you keep treating her right, please. Oh, and thank you again for asking us to come along. I’m sure it’s cramping any plans the two of you may have had for tonight, but I’m sure Kimmy appreciates it, I know I surely do.The final song ended, and I intended to turn and give Julie a kiss on the cheek like I had the other girls. I was caught off-guard when instead she gave me a soft kiss on the lips, then pulled back and whispered “Thank you.”I let go of her hand, which was quickly replaced by Linda. “So, I spend some time with my sister, and then I catch you snogging away with one of my best friends!” she stage whispered in a mock indignant tone. But the effect she was trying for was ruined by her grin and giggles.“Naw, I only snog you. That was just a small kiss between friends. After we drop everybody off, I think we need to talk for a bit.”In went that lip between her teeth again. It is amazing how much I can tell from that little gesture. It may mean thoughtful Linda, it may mean scared Linda, it might mean happy Linda, it might mean nervous Linda. And by now I could tell which one it was. This was the latter Linda, nervous.“No, nothing bad baby. I’ll tell you about it later.”Well, the last couples skate was all ours. And has become the routine, she turned around and skated backwards so she could face me. And I pulled her in closer, looking into her eyes and smiling, a great way to end a great time skating. Not only was I ending it skating with the prettiest girl there, I had also enjoyed skating with 3 other pretty girls.Soon we were all heading out, and I was taking the girls home. I got a hug and a kiss on the cheek from each of them as I dropped them off at their homes, then I took Linda and Mandy home.We let Mandy out, then told her we were going to be staying out front for a while longer. “Yea, you still got 2 hours left. You’ll be going off somewhere making out before I’m in the door I’m sure.”I gave her a hug and said “Nope, we’re just gonna hang out here and talk. Oh, there may be some making out, but right here.”Once she was inside the Nervous Linda bite was back. So I spent a couple of minutes kissing it away, then she climbed into my lap and said “Let me guess, Julie told you something.”“Yea, and don’t be mad at her. Other than one or two little things, it was nothing I didn’t already know. And it was nothing really bad, but it did make me think. And you know, she’s right about one thing she told me. And it made me realize you’re a little liar.”Her eyes got big and round, and as her mouth started to open I bent forward and kissed her deeply. Finally I pulled back, and smiling at her I said “Now I know that you are far too good a skater to have ‘accidentally’ bumped into me that first night. I’m not mad at all baby girl, I just want to know why is all.”She whispered something I could not hear, then asked her to repeat it.“It’s because you have a nice ass” she repeated.“What?”“Pete, it’s true. We girls like to look at guy’s asses. And you have a really nice one, along with the rest of you. Yes, you are just a tad shorter than most guys. But you also have wider shoulders, almost like a football player. But none of that bulk, just honest muscle. Ya got that by honest working, not working out. And yea, when I first saw you I thought you were playing cowboy dress-up, and had wandered into the wrong place.“But watching you skate, wow. You know I love watching you tearing around the rink, almost like a dancer. In fact, all three of us took to skating behind you so we could see you do that, and your ass move as giresun escort bayan you did. It was just unlike anything we had ever seen. So I told them “Watch this”, and ran into you.“Oh, I had no idea what would happen after that. Maybe you would get mad and we could giggle at that. Or you would try to make a pass at me or feel me up. And yes, I knew you felt my boobies while we were tangled up.”“That was an accident!” I protested.“Shush, I know it was, but that’s not the point. Instead you got up, reached down to help me up, then still holding my hand you asked for me to take the couples skate with you as payback. And that was it! You held my hand, and we talked as we skated. Nothing else.“Pete, I was excited by the end of that first skate we shared. I already realized by then how mistaken I was. You were not some fake cowboy, you were the real deal! Like, you rode horses, went to rodeos, I didn’t know this then but your last girlfriend was an Indian! And you were kind, polite, and treated me like a friend, I felt so bad! I’d tried to embarrass you, but now I felt embarrassed.“But the more we skated, the more I realized I really liked you. You mentioned that you had just moved here, and were going to be a Junior at VNH. So yea, I knew you were 16, and would probably not want to see a k** like me after that.“Then the more we skated, the more I realized I was getting turned on. I mean, by the time of our last skate I was wet! The first time I had gone to the bathroom I had gone to put in a pad. The last time right before we left and I knew you were taking us home, I went in to take it back off. It was soaked.“And seeing your car, still with the Idaho plates, I realized it really was true. It was not a phony accent, or dress-up, that was the real you. And then when you helped Kimmy then Julie out of the car, you held out your hand, helped them out, and never tried to cop a feelie or anything! What kind of guy does that?“So yea, I wanted to get you alone after that. You were an older guy, and that felt a little dangerous. Older guys want more, they’re not satisfied with some girl just jerking them off.” Linda looked up into my eyes and whispered “And I badly wanted to jerk you off that night. Your chest was so wide, I knew I would have fantasies for weeks afterwards about that.“Then we kissed, it was like, totally awesome! But you did not even try to cop a feel. Here I was, wriggling in your lap, and you did not even try to cop a feel other than your hand on my thigh just above my knee! Then we climbed into the back, and I thought ‘Surely now’, still nothing! It was incredible kissing, I was positive I was starting to leak through my panties, and nothing but the best kissing I’d ever had.In a soft whisper, she continues “I have to admit, you gave me 2 orgasms that first night. The first one was when you finally held by boobie. It was a small one, but all I could do was squirm as I felt your hand on me. You were so gentle, it was amazing. And every time you reached to touch me elsewhere, you were so slow. You would touch, then it was like you pulled back to see if I objected. The first time you kissed my nipples, I had already decided that if you wanted to go further, I wouldn’t stop you.“But you never did. I was willing too pull my panties off, even thinking I might even give you my cherry that night I was so turned on, but you just rolled me on top of you and caressed my bottom. You didn’t even try to slide your hands in to feel my bottom! Then I realized how good it felt rubbing my pussy against you, and I had to get off. So before I knew it I was humping you and came.“And you still just held me! Kissed me, ran your fingers through my hair, held me against you, whispered sweet things to me. Do you have any idea how that made me feel?”I shook my head, and she continued. “I had never let a boy actually see my boobs before. Sure, some guys had felt them up, and one or two had kissed and sucked on them. But it felt nothing like with you. Most seem to realize I had almost nothing up here” she said, cupping one of her breasts. “Then they lose interest. But when the blanket fell off and I saw you looking, it was so different. It was like you loved how they looked, the pointy little girl breasts I had, they seemed like the most amazing thing you had seen by looking into your eyes.“Even when I made the remark about being a virgin, I was kinda hoping you might try to change that. After all, all guys seem to like the idea of copping a cherry. But you did not even try! And when I got your pants off and took you in my hand, it was like electricity. Like I told ya the other night, I love feeling a guy’s cock in my hand, but yours was the best ever. It was like my hand was made for your cock.“And most boys never tell me they are going to cum, they just grunt and do it. You warned me, even though that was what I wanted. And you came so hard! It, it was like, it was everywhere! Then instead of just trying to clean up, you pulled me down and kissed me some more! Every other guy seems to be happy they got what they wanted and are ready to take me home. But Pete, you kept kissing me.“Even after you got that shirt and cleaned us up, you pulled me down and kept kissing me. I realized then and there that I could never date young guys again. With them, they were just using me to feel good. With you, it was like you felt good, but still wanted to be with me. Small boobs and all. Heck, I even told you that I would like to see you again.“Like I told ya before, I stopped seeing other guys after that. I kept hoping you would call me and we could go out again, but nothing. Finally I started to drag Kimmie and Julie to the rink every weekend, hoping you would come back. I think they were even getting tired of going skating, but I didn’t care.Giving me a great big hug, she continued “Then I let them talk me into going to the movies with them, and there you were! And with another girl! I was like torn in two, I was seeing you again, finally! But you were with somebody else, and I almost wanted to run out and cry. But I noticed you were not holding her hand, so I took a chance and sat next to you. And when you told me she was not your girlfriend and let me hold your hand, I knew I still had a chance!“And I felt so stupid when you told me I had forgotten to give you my number! I also didn’t think how it would look if you had come by trying to find me, and not know which apartment was mine. But even then, I realized I had fallen in love with you, and we had really only gone out one time.”By now my hand had been resting on her thigh for a while, and I started kissing her. Her chest was pressed tight against mine, and I was lightly caressing her inner thigh. When Linda shifted a bit and let her thighs open a little more, I slipped my hand further up, and found her panties were warm, smooth, tight, and wet.“Linda, were you this wet the first night we met?”“Yesss. Just remembering that night has gotten me soaked” she whispered, then clamped her lips onto mine again.As she often does, Linda moaned into my mouth as my hands slipped up, then down into them. She was very wet as I slid my fingers inside and started to give her that special massage she loves so much. And it did not take long before she was moaning into my mouth as she came on my fingers.Continuing to kiss her as I brought her down the other side, she rested her head on my shoulder and her face in my neck. “I hope you’re not mad at me because I deceived you Pete.”“Naw,” I said. “As I said, I should’ve known better that first night. I should have realized that first time you turned around and started to skate backwards that you were a damned good skater. I guess I was just so fascinated with the cute pixie skating with me and the cute little boobs I was seeing through her blouse that my little head took over from my bigger head.”Linda gave me her patented little giggle at that, and reached down between us and grabbed my cock. Just as my alarm went off. We both sighed and spent another few minutes kissing. Then I rolled down the windows the rest of the way and walked her into her apartment. I was hugging her as I whispered into her ear “I love you Linda. And as much as I enjoy hearing about that tonight, the past is the past. No matter what you did or who you were with in the past, you are mine now.”She shivered a little at that and gave me a big kiss before slipping inside and closing the door, giving me a big smile as she did.

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