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Anne (Full)”It’s…something else, confessing this to you.” Anne’s face flushed a little red as she looked down into her coffee cup. “I mean, I like you plenty tutoring me in physics and maths and what not, but…” she looks back at me just over the rim of her round glasses.I smile back without saying anything. She’s sitting across from me in my living room, legs crossed underneath her in the comfy chair she likes. She’s wearing black jeans with wide pantlegs today, she’s in good shape, they still reveal a hint of muscle tone as well as a delightfully shaped slim behind. Her angelic blond hair, round glasses and slightly old-fashioned pants give her a distinctly innocent teeny look, even though she must going on 18 or 19.”Hey it’s quite OK, I’m open minded, I know more than a few people with some interesting and, lets be honest, fun kinks.””Fun?” She looks at me a little confused, my guess was she was still mostly hung up on feeling weird or guilty about it.”Most of the time, there’s really no harm done, there’s no sense being ashamed really, so you might as well enjoy it.”She went from slightly flushed to full on blushing. “It is…tempting. Sometimes. You know. Even though I can’t really…””Put your finger on why you’re,” I pause for a bit “turned on…by some of this stuff?”, looking at her inquisitively, almost like a psychologist interviewing a patient.She giggles nervously. “Yeah!” She shifts a bit in her chair, rocking back and forth slightly.”Relax” I reassure her “It’s not that weird, I mean, this sort of stuff didn’t enter into my sex life either when I was your age, and I promise you it made me feel as weird as you are feeling right now.””Still though.” She pauses. “I can’t for the life of me figure out why I’d want to be…you know. Be treated like I’ve been…well…naughty. Nobody ever beat me. Not my father, not any teacher.” She looks at me briefly at the mention of this with a slight hint of panic, knowing full well we got friendly because I was tutoring her. “I generally was a more than good k**.””Treated like you’ve been naughty.” I repeat, and laugh. “Maybe this isn’t something that should be over analyzed? Maybe you should just give it a go. I’ve know people that benefited out of some sexual liberation. Found stuff they enjoyed, found stuff they didn’t enjoy.””How would that work? How do I even bring this up? I just kinda casually mention hey, by the way, could you kinda spank me when we’re making love? Just pretend I did something rotten or something.””Well. Is that really it? You just want to be slapped a few times? Or is there slightly more to it. I doubt there’ll be much submissive gratification out of basically ordering someone to do something, whereas you’re the one that wants be subjected to this stuff.”She looks at me, genuinely impressed with my spot-on analysis “I. Yeah. You’re completely right, I think that’s the attractive part, but well, it does take something to admit to it.””It does. But the way you’d bring this up is, as you guess, no not springing it on someone like that. What my guess is you’re looking for, is for the unknown element that comes with submission, as well as punishment. You’d basically need the polar opposite of that for it to really work for the two of you; someone who likes to subject.”She blushes again and exhales, brushing some hair out of her face with an involuntary movement. “I’ve never actually done any of this stuff. Can’t really see it happening.””Don’t worry Anne, you’ve got plenty of time. You don’t go full throttle from the get go anyway. There’s role playing for one.”She looks at me, intrigued, momentarily edirne escort forgetting her uneasiness “Do tell.””Can you think of a scenario, a premise really, that would be a good place to start with acting out submission, punishment? Something you even fantasize about. You’d take it from there, see what happens.””I can.” She sits there in quiet contemplation for a while, sipping her coffee, she looks at me.”It’s OK if you don’t want to tell me. You can completely trust me, but you really owe me nothing.””Maybe” She pauses “Maybe that’s actually a really good reason to just try this.”I say nothing for a bit, trying to decided where she was actually trying to go with this.”If you want me to stop, you can tell me. A thing I did fantasize of a little, is a naughty brat trying to pull the whole too sick for school routine.””That’s a perfect example.” I tell her nothing more, waiting for what she meant with her rather cryptic remark.She hesitates for another moment or two, and then slides out of the chair. She takes off her glasses to slide her sweater over her head, putting it neatly back on the chair. Underneath she had on a plain white t-shirt. She looks me in the eyes carefully, as she undoes the button on her jeans, runs down the fly and hooks her thumbs in the waistband, taking them off as well. She’s got white cotton panties on underneath, adding to her angelic innocent persona.She stands before me in her t-shirt and panties, a good bedtime look for sure. “I’ll uh…see you…in a bit?” she asks questioningly as she turns around and walks towards my bedroom. I hear the rustle of sheets as she gets in my bed. I contemplate briefly if I should go along with this, but decide to get up and walk towards the bedroom.I look at her, she’s turned away from me facing the wall, obviously not sleeping, given her visibly fast breathing. But it also meant she couldn’t really see what I was doing anyway. I stop by the bathroom and take some potentially useful things out of the cupboard, taking them back to the bedroom and stowing them in the nightstand where she can’t see them.I slam the drawer shut.”Shouldn’t you be getting ready for school?” I ask her sternly.She turns around and looks at me nervously, probing me for cues whether I’m judging her. “I’m not going.” She finally replies.”And why is that?” I look at her with raised eyebrows.”I’m sick.” She says “I can’t go to school.””Like hell you are. Always excuses with you.””It’s not an excuse, I really feel bad.” She dramatically puts her hand on her forehead. I brush it aside and put my own hand there, touching her for the first time. I can feel her flinch a little bit, but relax equally quickly.”You’re not running a fever. You’re not coughing. No nothing.””I am!” she’s actually managing to sound defiant, it seemed like she was really getting into the groove of things.”Tell you what” I tell her, “if you really are, I’m sorry and you can stay in bed, if you’re not, there’ll be hell to pay little lady.”I throw the sheets off of her and sit down on the edge of the bed. “Well?” I tell her, “Come on. I haven’t got all morning.” I point at my lap.It dawns what I’m expecting of her and she deliberately slowly gets on all fours and crawls across my lap, hesitating a moment before she lays down and buries her flushed face in the pillow. I slightly lift her t-shirt to make some room, exposing her white cotton panties. I run my thumbs under the elastic and she shifts a bit on top of my lap. I can feel her heart pounding. I pull her panties down and she immediately tenses up like I’m about to slap her. “Relax” I tell her, and escort edirne gently pet her lower back for a second, before I open the nightstand drawer and take out a small bottle of jelly and a digital thermometer.I unscrew the cap and put it next to her on the bed. With my other hand’s thumb and index finger I spread her cheeks, revealing her ass and giving me a great view of her neatly shaven lips. So neat I was beginning to wonder if this wasn’t a spur of the moment thing. I could feel she knew what was about to come as she dug her face a bit deeper in the pillow.I dip my index finger into the jelly and trace a small circle around her perfect little hole, she flinches hard this time as I touch her there and she inhales sharply. I can feel her tightening up underneath my fingertip. After a bit she relaxes and I massage my fingertip inwards a bit, spreading the jelly around as I work my way deeper, enjoying her warm smoothness. The thermometer beeps sharply and I set the tip against her opening, pushing it down slowly. Her breathing becomes a bit deeper as begin nearing the wider end. I leave it there, still keeping her cheeks spread firmly, enjoying the close-up sight of the clinical white plastic thermometer centered in her pink tight narrow posterior. “It’s so uncomfortable” she complains, and she manages to push it out a little bit. “Oh quit complaining”, I tell her, as I push it back in quite firmly this time, causing her to inhale sharply. I can’t help myself but break character a little bit as I stroke her long blonde hair “this won’t take too long, that and I get the impression you’re quite liking this…you little deviant…” Without much warning I reach down with my middle finger, following down in between her lips and sliding it down into her warm and wet opening. She squeals with surprise and I can feel her already tight passage clamping down momentarily onto my finger. I leave it there for a bit longer, slowly rubbing up and down a bit as I savor the warm and slippery feeling. Unfortunately it isn’t long before the thermometer sends out it’s beeps, and I slowly extract it, pretending to study her temperature. “Well who would have thought, you’re fine…and still going to school, after we find a way to get you to stop pulling these stunts. Anything to add?””I’m sorry?” She mumbles. “You were sorry the last two times too. You say sorry a lot don’t you? And still I’m thinking you don’t really feel sorry enough yet.”She says nothing, and just lays silently in my lap. I sigh, and reach for her wrist. “Come on, get up.” I say, as I direct her off my lap and onto her feat. “Stand in the corner as I think about what to do with you.” She does what I tell her and already faces the wall, she really must have given this some thought beforehand. “And lose the panties” I add, “You won’t be needing those.” She reaches down towards her white cotton undies that are still somewhere halfway above her knees, slowly she lowers them and steps out of them, now standing there wearing nothing but her white t-shirt. Even though I hadn’t really told her to do so she raises her arms and puts her hands on the back of her head. I decide to just let it slip, since she’s apparently enjoying herself enough to do so. “You. Stay there and don’t move.” I tell her, as I make my way back to the living room, pulling the bamboo rod out of a potted plant. I look back to meet her eye, as she dared taking a quick glance to sneak a peak at what I was doing. “What did I just say? You’re really a hard learner are you?” I say, as I walk back to her. “Ok, here’s what we’re going to do. I can’t edirne escort bayan tell when you’ve actually learned your lesson, so you’re gonna tell me.” I grab hold of her hands on the back of her head, and gently tap the bamboo rod on her behind.”I learned my lesson!” she yelps.”I was afraid of this, see, I’m not convinced, I’ll let this one slide, but next time I’m not convinced, I’m just going to continue putting welts on your behind until I’m convinced beyond all doubt, clear?” She says nothing, I retract a little ways and whip the rod forward, creating a small cracking sound as it connects with her tight buttocks. She lets out a small cry, more out of surprise than actual pain. “And?” I ask her. “And what?” she replies. I follow up with a slightly harder stroke, making a sharper sound, she inhales sharply and I can feel her instinctively trying to move her hands down. “And? Did you learn your lesson?” The mechanics of this little game I’ve set up for her are beginning to dawn on her. “N…no, more please.” I love the addition of the please, it’s great role play on her side. The first stroke is barely visible and the second one is barely leaving a mark, so I decide she can take a little more of a firm stroke, I extend my arm behind me and bring it down forcefully, bring it down firmly across both of her cheeks. She lets out a cry and she trembles for a second.She stays silent for a few seconds before she almost hesitantly says “…More”. I quickly bring the cane down on her again, she was unprepared and lets out a stifled oh! sound. “More…what?”, I ask her. “More…p..please”. I push down on her neck a bit, forcing her to stick her rear out a little, with a long swing that produces a dramatic swooshing noise, I bring the cane back down on her, hitting her right on top of the reddening welt from the previous blow. She cries out for real this time, hanging her head down afterwards, lip trembling for a second. She sniffs and surprisingly enough manages to utter “More. Please.” Again. I gently tap her on the rear a few times as if to get my aim down, causing her to flinch with every tap, I let her have one more forceful stroke, bringing it down fast and with a sharp snap as it connects. She cries and trembles for a few seconds. “I…I’ve had enough…I won’t do it again.” I hold my hand in her neck, making her believe I’m considering whether she’s telling the truth or not, and whether to keep spanking her. But for a first time she was more than great and I think adding more could ruin it for her. “Ok then, I believe you.” I reassure her. “You can get dressed and go to school.” I say in a gentle voice, giving her a wink. She turns around a gives me a hug, still trembling on her legs a little bit and breathing fast. “That was quite painful, but, quite good too.” She confides. “That was really exciting.” She breaks the hug and lays down on the edge of the bed, keeping the pressure off her glowing cheeks. Still breathing fast, and with her panties still laying in the corner where she left them, she absently runs her index fingers over her own still exposed lips. She suddenly looks at me apologetically like this is somehow the point where’s she getting carried away. “I ehm…I…” I smile at her, understanding, and with a little daring I get on my knees before her. She looks at me for a few moments, deciding what she wants, but finally slowly spreads her legs a little. I guide her knees over my shoulders to take the weight off of the welts on her behind a bit, and she rests her head back on the sheets. I caress her legs as my tongue finds her clit. She’s still as wet as she was and she tastes amazingly sweet as I feel her panting and jerking beneath me. It takes little to set her off in her current condition and she spasms and cups her own breasts as she lets out a deep moan and relief washes over her.

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