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Gwen opened her eyes for a second before clamping them shut and (with a moments resistance), arching her back as a yawn burst out that she only just managed to cover with her palm. As she lay back, deep into the pillows and the soft mattress, she gently pushed a strand of hair behind her ear that had fallen across her face tickling her nose. Then after light flickered briefly across her eyes, she opened them wide and took in her surroundings. She was surprised to find a nurse standing at the foot of her bed. She gazed down at her through tortoise shell cat-eye glasses. Gwen struggled to push herself up from the bed only succeeding in rising slightly onto the pillows (she felt so odd), noticing as she did so the shiny silver name tag on the nurse’s tunic. Evidently, this was nurse Tina. Though Gwen knew she was in a hospital, and why she was in a hospital she had no memory of having seen this particular nurse before.

“Yes?” Asked Gwen, unsure what to say to the silent nurse, who was seemingly still too preoccupied contemplating her to have noticed Gwen’s waking.

“Hello?” Gwen said a little frustratedly. Her words snapped Tina out of her reverie.

“My oh my.” We’re Tina’s first words. Words which Gwen detected had a tinge of merriment and ridicule. Tina looked back to read something off the clipboard she held by her side.

“A BD1A. Well we haven’t had one of those for a while.”

“What, what’s a BD…?” Gwen asked groggily.

“A BD1A?”


“It’s what you are Miss…” She looked down at the clipboard and flicked the page over. “…Winters.”

“But what does it mean, is it important?”

“Well”, the nurse stood back and gazed at her, giving off a slight superior air like a newly installed headmistress addressing her first staff meeting. “Firstly, BD stands for…”

Just then another nurse, this one younger with curly carroty-ginger hair tied up in a bun and slightly protruding eyes, interrupted her. Eagerly she eyed Gwen’s face and torso and bit down on her bottom lip as she took her all in. “I’ve not seen a BD before, never mind a 1A!”

Tina smirked and nodded. “I’ve seen plenty in my time but it’s been a few years I’ll admit since we last had one. Bit 90’s and 2000’s.”

“She looks ridiculous doesn’t she!” the ginger nurse said gleefully, stifling a laugh. “Those boobs!” she said under her breath, Tina nodded in sage agreement.

Gwen shook her head. She hadn’t heard, let alone understood a lot of what had been said, but she knew she had had enough of people talking about her and not to her. Treating her as If she were some object.

“Enough.” She said firmly, as she felt a twinge in her side. The two nurses looked at her in mild surprise.

“Assertive.” Clipped Tina.

“For now, anyways.” Smirked the ginger nurse.

“Ok”, Gwen pushed the pillows up behind her and finally managed to sit up. As she did so she felt an unnatural heaviness, but still weary, had her eyes closed as she spoke. She meant to get to the bottom of this.

“Now please tell me what all this means. You’ve been talking at me and staring at me and telling me nothing.”

“Well, well, well, aren’t we the big girl now?” Tina’s sarcasm made the other nurse bury her face against Tina’s shoulder to stifle a laugh.

Gwen flashed open her eyes and felt herself get hot but before she could reply, the ginger nurse came over to her and perched on the bed. Gwen instinctively shrank from her.

“You’ve had a big operation Miss…”

“Gwen Winters” Said Tina, evidently amused.

“Miss Winters, and you’ve had a number of procedures, and some still to come, that combined make you a BD1A.”

“What do you mean a number of procedures? I only came for one procedure. And please tell me what this anacronym is all about, BD…”

Tina took a step forward. “It means you’re a barbie doll Miss Winters. BD stands for Barbie Doll and 1A is the most extreme version of the ‘Barbie Doll’ that we provide at this clinic. Hence, BD1A. Does that make sense or was it too difficult for you to follow?”

In shock Gwen opened her mouth without speaking, she blinked, and hesitated before trying to say something but still she produced no sound that could be recognised as English.

“But I only came in for a nose job?” Gwen finally replied, her voice hazy with confusion, overwhelmed and unable to process what she’d just been told.

“Yes, but the surgeon had received special instructions from a Mr… Matthias, and a Mr. Finn requesting that you undergo a B.D. programme.”

“Tom Finn, that’s my boyfriend, I’ve never heard of a Matth…”

“Evidently Tom thought you could do with an upgrade!” the ginger nurse enthusiastically interjected, moving closer to her. Gwen shrank further away from her. She detected the smell sour-sweet smell of onions lingering on the ginger nurse’s breath; Gwen read that this unpleasant nurse was called Amanda, her name tag pinned beneath güvenilir bahis the symbolic fob watch of her profession.

“Tom wouldn’t do that. Tom knew I wanted a nose job. That was all, a simple one-off procedure. It’s got to be a mistake.”

“No mistake.” Tina spoke the words with an air of finality.

“What did you do to me?” Panic rose in Gwen’s body as for the first time she felt an unfamiliar heaviness on her chest. Gwen looked down and her eyes widened.

“The Doctor will be down to see you later. Try to relax Miss Winters everything is going to be fine.”

Last she remembered her chest had been a pleasing 32D, but now as she looked down, she was stunned. She could feel the pressure of the bandages now and the tightness of the material of her gown stretching round her chest. But where she had expected to see her boobs now she saw two enormous shapes, perfectly spherical and obscuring her view of the rest of her body. It was like she had had two gigantic over-pumped basketballs stuffed under her gown. Gwen looked up at the nurses, now comprehending their constant leering gazes, she attempted to control her voice from quivering but failed.

“No, no it isn’t going to be fine! Look at these!!” She tried to grip her enormous chest but before she could even attempt to cup them, she felt an immediate stab of pain.

Both nurses couldn’t stop themselves laughing. Tina recovered herself first. “Now there, Miss Winters the swelling will go down, they won’t be this big, they’ll be a bit smaller than they are now, so relax.” She turned to Amanda who was still laughing. “Pull yourself together nurse. I know you haven’t seen a barbie doll before, but we have a job to do. Have you got the injections prepared?”

“Yes, nurse.” Said Amanda, looking down like a scolded child, before rushing off.

“Now relax Miss Winters. This won’t hurt a bit.”

“What are you going to do to me?”

Tina began to approach her “Well we must do something about those lips mustn’t we Miss Winters? After all you’re a BD1A.”

Gwen’s body went stiff with panic and before she could reply Amanda had returned, something was put over her mouth, and as she mumbled protests sleep rippled over her body and took her away from the nurse’s cruelty and mockery.


She fumbled with the keys, and as soon as she was in the hall dropped her bag where she stood, unbuckled her coat and reached down to slide off her heels. Then in stockinged feet, she walked into the kitchen, her discarded clothes and items, taking with them the stresses of work and a rush-hour London commute. Half an hour later Gwen was drinking a cup of herbal tea and in the midst of a text chat with Tom who was, depending on the Waterloo train being on time, only twenty-five minutes away. Tom was asking what she wanted for her birthday, she knew what she really wanted but wasn’t sure if she could actually ask Tom for such a thing.

Gwen and Tom had been dating for eighteen months. Despite her initial misgivings (it’s full of liars, perverts, and cheats), she was coerced by her girlfriends to try online dating. She had one disastrous date with a Fireman who on meeting at the agreed upon wine bar down by the Thames, spent most of the date preoccupied with the bar’s lapses in fire safety and the accessibility of it fire exits. On her second date she met Tom. Twenty-nine, and an investment banker in the Docklands, he swept her off her feet at an intimate Moroccan place where she tried goat meat for the first time and was relieved to find Tom was blasé at best when it came to the appropriate fire signage.

Gwen heard Tom’s familiar rat-a-tat on the glass panel of the front door and, placing her mug down beside her laptop, went down the hall and let him in. She never seemed to be able to remember exactly how he looked when she wasn’t with him. Despite all the photographs on her phone and on social media, when she saw him standing in the doorway, looking coy, with that boyish lock of brown hair falling down his forehead, it was as if she saw a stranger for a split second. She hesitated, then moved towards him and they wrapped each other in each other’s arms and kissed for a long minute. No words had passed between them. They had, for many months now, barely spoken to one another on meeting, kissing, and touch (she ran her hand down his back and to his arse, as he did likewise), seemed to say enough. They broke apart after his cheeky squeeze, and she took a few steps back as he climbed out of his coat and then slid off his jacket.

“I love you”, she said, simply.

He paused, one sleeve on, the shiny pink horizontal striped lining visible, looked into her blue eyes and said, just above a whisper, “I love you too.”

She broke into a smile and then turned, not in the direction of the kitchen but towards the staircase. Gwen placed her foot on the bottom step. He looked at her and knew that it would not be long before the rest of his clothes would türkçe bahis join his coat and jacket in being discarded.

He lay with his head on her chest as she thoughtlessly played with his hair, curling the thick brown strands round one finger, then another. She could still feel the thumping beat of his heart through his body after the tender fucking they had shared. Her whole body felt light and faint and no thoughts had yet come to intrude upon the slow unwinding bliss of her orgasm. She felt that if she could just keep her eyes closed, and focused on somewhere deep inside herself, she could keep the little spiral of her pleasure turning, just a little bit longer, like a small roundabout being turned by a passing breeze. Tom stirred, and became restless in her arms. He turned to look up at her and she felt her gaze. “You kill me every time, do you know that?” She smiled before she opened her eyes. He looked deeply into hers and she saw his lifeless cock start to look a little less lifeless. She thought she’d have his cock in her mouth again before the evening was out and the thought gave the roundabout inside her one last little push. They lay like this for some minutes before they both felt human again and with it a little self-conscious. Tom pulled the blanket up to cover his cock, and asked, “So, baby have you given some thought as to what you’d like for your birthday?” Gwen, free for one last long moment before her orgasm faded completely, seized upon this moment and free of her inhibitions, let the truth out.

“Yes. I want a nose job.”

Tom had been caught out, he stared at her unblinkingly then laughed. “For real?” he asked.

“Yes. I’ve wanted one for years but either I hadn’t the nerves or the funds to go through with it.”

“But what’s wrong with your nose?”

“Ever since that vicious bitch Michelle Richardson pushed me off that slide I’ve had a bump on it, just below the bridge.”

“How old were you?”

“Six or seven, what does it matter? It’s what I want.”

“Ok, if you’re sure… I mean…”

“Is it too expensive?”

“No, no, money doesn’t come into it.”

“I did really worry about asking, but since you’ve been very free with buying me things, like that bracelet…”

“I don’t care about money I care about you being happy.”

“So, it’s ok?”

“No problem, I know a place where they’ll fix you up, it’s a good place.”

“You do?”

“Sure, plastic surgery is pretty common place, I’ve known plenty of girls and some guys in the office that have had stuff done over the years.”

“Plastic surgery, I hate that term.”

“Why? It is what it is. Do you want to get anything else done while we’re at it?”

“Do I need anything else done?”

“I’m only teasing! You’re perfect. Don’t worry about it, I’ll get it all sorted out ok? Might even have it done in time for your birthday.”

“Oh god, I’m crying Tom, I’m sorry, it’s just…”

“I know baby, no more crying. Everything’s fine.” Tom drew her into his arms and the blanket slipped down revealing his cock, rock hard and throbbing, he quickly covered himself before she noticed. Her patted her shoulder, she buried her fingers in his hair, and his mind raced as he felt his cock wet.

Two weeks later Gwen was packing her overnight bag and Tom was downstairs waiting to drive her to the Monroe Clinic, an exclusive and discreet place where plenty of the famous and powerful of London went to get attended to. He joked that she might find herself in a ward with a pop star on one side and a politician on the other. Gwen had already been there for her consultation with a pleasant if forgettable surgeon called Doctor Lawrence, he was fatherly towards her, assured her it would be a straightforward and simple affair, and outside of taking a few weeks off work, that she’d be fine. Gwen packed her toiletries neatly into the Versace bag Tom had bought her specifically for the trip, and her thoughts returned to the fact that she had never thought this day would come. For one thing she had never thought she’d be the kind of girl to go under the knife for cosmetic reasons. She was a college lecturer, an educated and professional woman, she was meant to be above such things. Plastic surgery was for shallow, vain, celebrities who get filled with botox, silicone, and god knows what else, just to keep in the gaze of the public eye.

The thought that she, in some small way, was like them she found both thrilling and repulsive. On an impulse she walked over to the dresser and studied her face. She was thirty-two, and her skin was pale and clear, her lips were thin but she smiled frequently to hide the fact, her blue eyes were one of her favourite things about herself. They were a brilliant swimming pool blue, and the whites of her eyes were visible all around the iris. Her hair was a rich chocolate brown, that fell to her shoulders and obscured her small ears, and she had a faint line of freckles at her hairline. güvenilir bahis siteleri She liked her face, it wasn’t a strikingly beautiful face, but it was a good natured and open face. People wanted to like her, she looked like someone who you could trust in minutes of meeting. But there in the middle of it was the source of her ire, the burning hole in her ego, the centre of her vanity.

The hard, little bump on her otherwise pleasant nose. She felt an urge to bring her fist into the very centre of that mirror and turn it to shards. This was it she wouldn’t look into a mirror again if she could help it till it was all over. She took a deep breath and went back to the bed to pack the last few things she needed. Two minutes later and she was done, she zipped up her bag and carried it downstairs. Tom was busy watching some trashy reality show on TV in the living room, a parade of beautiful and some clearly ‘enhanced’ girls, were waiting to be picked by some musclebound meathead in sunglasses, Tom seemed engrossed as the camera ran along the women’s bodies, lingering on the unnatural assets of one girl in particular who looked very likely to burst out of her bikini at any moment.

“Ready?” Gwen asked, half amused by Tom’s engrossment in the programme. “What? Yeah, yes.” He stammered as he shot up and switched the TV off.

“Let’s go then.” She noticed, or thought she noticed that his cock was hard. But decided to not say anything. Tom slipped her coat on for her and then grabbed his keys. She felt a strange hollow feeling, but also an exhilaration building inside her. When she was next in this house, she would have the perfect nose she’d always wanted. She’d be free of that anxiety that had tortured her over the years. She’d feel a new woman. Little did she know that Tom was thinking the exact same thing.


Gwen awoke but for the moment pretended to still be asleep. She focused her memory on the drive through London and into the Kent countryside to the Monroe Clinic looking for clues. Tom had been unusually quiet on that drive, he had kept the radio on, but low, and only tuned to discussion programmes. She had accepted it as his way of leaving her to her thoughts. She remembered him squeezing her leg, and giving her hand a quick kiss at a traffic light. Tom could be so gentle sometimes, the quietness she assumed was his way of helping to keep her relaxed. Maybe… no, not maybe, he had used that time to plot against her, to undermine and shatter her trust, to make her into something she had never wanted to be. A barbie doll.

“Ah, Miss. Winters you’re awake. How are you hmmm? Not feeling too peaky? Would you like a drop of water? May I call you Gwen? A lovely Welsh name I must say, quite uncommon.”

Gwen opened her eyes and took in this man who spoke a mile a minute with a slight German accent. He was aged around sixty, tall and wiry, with a wild stack of grey hair, thick muttonchop sideburns, and wore a pair of gold half-rimmed spectacles perched halfway up a bulbous nose of character. if Gwen hadn’t noticed Doctor Oliver Krauss’s name tag and his white coat, she would have taken him for a mad scientist, or a 1970s Open University Lecturer. His appearance, combined with bristling energy and bursts of speech, made him appear eccentric but in a nonthreatening, slightly ‘barmy uncle’ kind of way. Self-consciously she drew the blanket over her gown so as to partly obscure the explicit shape of her enormous breasts.

“Whurs Ductraw…Lawrence.” She was shocked at the difficulty she had shaping her words. Her eyes grew wide as she brought her left hand to her mouth and felt the tender swell of her lips. They were huge. It didn’t take more than a second to work out that she’d had lip fillers, that’s what those nurses had been doing before she’d passed out.

“Ah, it does take some getting used to, but you’ll be fine soon as can be, do not worry. Your lips will feel normal very, very soon I promise. Lawrence? Well he’s our nose man but, well, when we got the instructions to do a BD, and a 1A BD at that… Well I couldn’t resist. It was my forte when it was the fashion some time ago.” He smiled broadly and shrugged.

“So how are you Gwen, or should I call you Miss…”

“Gwen’s fine.” She half slurred. “Whurs Tom? Why did he do this to me?”

“Ah, Tom and Mr. Matthias did a great thing. When all this is done and you’re healed you’ll look beautiful.”

“But look at these.” Angrily she pulled down her blanket, revealing the outline of her chest.

“You don’t like them? Too small perhaps?”

“Tuh big!” She bellowed through her sore lips.

“You will get used to them. As a BD1A it is essential that we make them too big. In fact, I even managed to get a larger saline implant in there than I had anticipated. You have a wonderful 2,000cc in there my dear. I specialise in the very fake looking breast. A key feature of a BD1A, so the implant is a rounded one, placed over the muscle, slightly high on the chest and spaced apart. It gives a very startlingly beautiful unnatural appearance. It really makes them stick out. Your breasts will never ever be mistaken for real I can guarantee it. That should make you happy Miss. Gwen.”

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