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This story was originally published as Revenge is Sweet and placed in the Loving Wives category. It was a “bait and switch” for all the hypocrites who comment how a cuckold is secretly gay. (and I’m sure haven’t written a single word).

The story has been updated and republished with minor changes.


Work sucks!

Everyone knows it, but we just grind on because we have to pay the bills. So when the server went out at work, it effectively shut down the office. Technology is great until it doesn’t work.

Stanley was going home at about midday on a Friday, you can’t beat that!

He bought flowers from a vendor at the freeway exit, knowing his wife would appreciate them. Just as he was pulling into their street, their wedding song came on the radio. Auspicious, to say the least. Bryan Adams was singing “Everything I do, I do it for you” as he pulled into the driveway. Memories of him and Tabitha dancing at their wedding to this song brought a smile to his face.

He walked in and set his keys, phone, wallet and flowers down next to the table lamp, besides the couch… then he heard it! Moaning from the back of the house. Lightning shot up his spine, suddenly his body was hyper aware. Nope, no doubting it, someone was having sex. His skin goosebumped.

He made his way silently down to the bedroom. Opening the door, Tabitha had her legs in the air as some man was pumping her body with his dick. The world turned red, his peripheral vision narrowed to what was in front of him.

Something you should know about Stanley; he was plain and ordinary. He’s the kinda guy you could very easily forget. He was average height, with brown eyes. His light brown hair would lighten during the summer, hinting at blond, but always stay light brown. He wasn’t a gym rat, his exercise was Yoga. Nobody would think he had a rock hard body. His biggest accomplishment had been to avoid a total dad bod, and that wasn’t saying much. Even his manhood was average in size.

Despite his lack of alpha male qualities, Stanley found himself doing something he never thought he would do.

He entered the room, did a small hop and landed his left fist right at the soft spot in the guy’s lower back: a kidney punch. A ripple of flesh moved out from the center of impact.

“Puughh” air shot out of the man involuntarily.

Stan grabbed him and yanked him off his wife. The man was a heap on the floor trying to recover from the unexpected assault. Tabitha screamed “what are you doing?” Stanley barely heard her. The man rose slowly, he was slightly larger than Stanley, he threw a punch that surely would knock out Stan.

Another thing you should know about Stanley, his father was a Marine Corp sergeant. During his childhood Stanley, along with his brothers and sisters, had been taught Judo, Tae Kwon Do, and Aikijutsu. Stanley, as well as his brothers and sisters, had tested for a black belt, and passed.

The man’s punch missed by a mile as Stanley moved down and under the punch, then spinning with his hips, bringing his right elbow into the man’s opposite rib cage, doubling him over. The man tried to reach and grab him, despite the pain in his kidney and now ribs. Bad move. Stanley swept his right and left hands up, as if he was dancing. His right hand caught the man’s wrist of his outstretched arm. Stanley’s left hand grabbed the base of the man’s arm just shy of the armpit. Turning his body, making a move any dance instructor or sensei would be proud of; he spun the man’s body into the wall head first. A loud THUD resounded against the wall.


His wife screaming, Stanley barely noticed as he grabbed the man’s clothing and threw it out the front door. He came back and did a ‘fireman’s carry’ on the comatose man and threw him out onto his front yard. The body, nude, lay there with a now flaccid penis. Stanley was walking towards the front door as his wife was coming out, tying the belt on her robe. She was yelling at him, he paid it no mind. He pointed a stern finger, demanding she go back into the house. She retreated as he approached, murder in his eyes. She was just inside the door when he locked it and said,

“Bedroom; NOW!” when she showed some hesitation.

When they got to the doorway, he shoved her into the room, and closed the door. She had a wild look in her eyes, “How dare you..pushing me” she started.

He grabbed her and kissed her deeply, then he picked her up. He threw her on the bed, and grabbed some of his ties and began tying her up. She started to resist, but he leaned in ‘how dare I?” He tied her up, ass up, and he was going to make her pay. He went to the drawer, getting one of his rolled up socks and her long stockings. He shoved the rolled socks into her mouth, triggering her screams. He used her stocking to tie the socks in her mouth, significantly muffling her voice. He spoke into her ears, “How dare I?” with a menace.

He lifted her robe, exposing her bottom. She started kicking her legs and thrashing about as much as she Ankara Travesti could. He planted his legs over her thighs, pinning them to the bed. He grabbed her hair, pulling on it painfully, and leaned in again,

“How. Dare. I?” his voice, raw with emotion. “I’m going to do to you all the sex you have denied me in the past!”

She whimpered, knowing ultimately she was in the wrong. He got off her, and returned with more of his business ties. He tied her legs, spread open. She tried to prevent it, kicking them out, but it was a futile gesture. He walked into the restroom, grabbed the KY, and returned. She could hear him undressing, then came the sharp sting of his belt lashing across her supple ass. She cried out.

“How Dare I?” he growled.

His belt came down on her ass again, followed by a series of whacks. Her bottom and thighs were red with welts. Stanley eyed her ass, red as she cried into her pillow. Between the sight of her red ass and sobs, his member was as stiff as it could be. He started slathering it with KY. He climbed up over her, then started inserting his manhood into her other hole. She started struggling again, which kind of excited him even more. He had tried to get her to do anal in the past, but she had rebuked him calling him a pervert.

Yet she had no problem fucking some guy?

He pushed into her, finding it much tighter than her pussy. She tried to clench, and it did make it harder to enter her, but it wasn’t enough. He started fucking her ass, and not in a loving way. He was still seething at the sight when he walked in on them. He started slapping his hips into her chastised ass. His pace picked up, as she cried. He reached for her hair and pulled it painfully, the punishment added to her humiliation. He rode her, like he might ride a horse into town.

Outside, the stranger woke up to neighbors eyeing him strangely. He grabbed his clothes and threw on his pants before walking awkwardly to his car and leaving.

Between fucking her anally and pulling her hair, he could feel himself getting ready to cum. He also noticed she wasn’t fighting it anymore, in fact her sobs were now moans. Moans escaping her throat, betraying her lust at being taken. He kept thrusting into her broken sphincter until he came inside her brown box. His body was sweaty with the effort, and his rod was pumping his liquid into her. She lay there breathing hard herself, but with a raspy breath. He laid on her and reached under her to grab her breasts. She lifted slightly to let him have them. After fondling her ladies for several moments. He untied the stocking and pulled the rolled sock out of her mouth. He fully expected her to start screaming or yelling again.

“I’m sorry!” she sobbed. “I don’t know what I was thinking, I’m sorry! Okay?”


Tabitha, Tabby more commonly, was sitting up in the bed, her knees pulled up to her chests and she had her arms wrapped around them.

“That wasn’t necessary, you didn’t have to do that!” she said.

“No?” he replied, with incredulity.

He described to her how he had bought her flowers. How their wedding song just happened to come on the radio as he drove. He described his expectation to surprise his wife of 13 years in a romantic gesture. Then he described the shock when he walked into the scene of her willingly committing adultery.

She was silent.

“Tell me,” he asked “what is the appropriate response? Should I have introduced myself politely, and asked why he was fucking my wife? Should I have kindly handed him his clothes as I escorted him to the front door?” He mocked her.

Silence. A few tear drops rolled down her check.

“Did you really have to use a belt on me?” she managed.

“Considering what you were doing when I walked in,” he mocked. “I didn’t think; I reacted” Putting the onus on her. “I guess I could also ask you ‘did you really have to do that to me’ as well.” he threw back to her.

They were both silent for a long while. The high emotions were dissipating. Reason and rationality were returning, even if slowly.

They eventually had to eat, both showered, but separately. Before going to pick up the kids from school, they agreed they would have to talk about everything, but now was not the time. That evening it was icy in the house. Even though they talked to their children as normal, the kids could tell something was different.

“Mommy, are you mad at daddy?” asked the youngest.

“Mommy isn’t mad at daddy, but we need to talk about parent stuff.” she sidestepped.

The children were put to bed at their usual time. Normally, they would catch an episode or two of their favorite show on Netflix, not tonight. He had some beer, while she drank some wine. They eventually went to bed, but they faced away from each other. Neither was in a mood to talk, not yet anyway.

In the morning, they woke up to Stanley asleep on his back, and Tabby curled up in a fetal position nestled up to him. Unconsciously, both wanted to make amends Ankara Ucuz Escort and get back to normal. As they got going Saturday morning, making breakfast and rousing their kids, they got a phone call. It was Tabitha’s sister. Apparently they were having an impromptu pool party, and invited them over. Tabitha took advantage and asked if she could drop off the kids, explaining Stanley and her wanted to use it for a free afternoon. The kids cheered when they heard about the pool party. The home was returning to normal, step by step.

Once they were home again, they sat on the couch, still silent. She took her shoes off and pulled up her legs to her chest, but she didn’t know how to broach the subject, and he didn’t either. At last Stanley asked,

“Do you want a divorce?” he probed. “Is that why..” he stopped and didn’t finish, choking up.

“No! I don’t want a divorce”, she jumped at the opportunity to get the conversation going. “Maybe if I explain..” but he shook his head.

“I don’t want to hear your explanation. I can’t imagine any reason why you would do that, so I doubt any explanation will make sense to me.”

“Okay,” she offered. “Stanley, I’ve never seen that side of you.” she added after a pause.

“Huh?” He didn’t know what she was talking about. “Because I beat him up?”

“Well, that too,” she said.

Something clicked in his mind. “The fact that I whacked you with a belt or the way I fucked you?” He sought clarification.

“Both, I guess.” she meekly replied, with a small smile.

“Well, considering the situation..” he faltered, not wanting to reopen a wound.

They were facing each other as he paused. Both scooted towards each a little.

“I don’t want a divorce either,” he put forth, but I don’t know how to get back to where we were before… you know to something normal. Or even a new normal whatever than might be” tears starting to well up in him. She scooted to him and held him.

“I. Am. So. Sorry!” she started crying. “I never meant to hurt you. I don’t know how, but I will make it up to you. I promise!” both were sobbing at that point. They held each other for a good while. Their emotions started to abate, they looked up and she leaned forward and kissed him.

“I’m sorry”, she said as he kissed her back.

She kissed him deeper. He wrapped his hands around her, kissing her back. “I’m sorry too.”

They began kissing more passionately. He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around him.

“I’m sorry,” she repeated.

He was walking her to the bedroom. Their tears on their face drying up. She kept kissing him,

“I’m sorry,” as she continued kissing him.

Once in the room, he placed her on the bed. They were trying to take each other’s clothes off, but then decided it would be easier if they removed their own clothes. They fell together naked, the kissing continuing, groping each other.

“You hurt me,” he said quietly.

“I know, I’m sorry baby!” she kissed him more.

He started to part her legs, he wanted to make love to her. She opened her legs, when she looked at him, “Do you want to fuck me in the ass again?” she offered.

Stan paused, realizing she was serious. “Uh, sure,” he mustered.

She shifted their position. He got the KY and started to try to enter her, but it seemed her pucker hole was not cooperating. He put some lube on his thumb and started rubbing her dark rim. When he felt she was ready, he started inserting it.

“No,” she said, “I can’t. I thought I would be able to..” she ended. “Maybe tie me up again?” her grin both innocent and promiscuous. His member stiffened even more. He got some of his work ties and replicated her being tied up to the headboard. This time, he didn’t tie her legs. She lifted her rear end in the air, her dark button seemingly wanting another invasion. He applied KY to both his rod, and her starfish.

“Okay, let’s try again.” he said to himself. He pushed it in forward, but it still seemed unyielding.

“Spank me.” she offered. He complied, giving her several whacks on her tushy.

“Mmm,” he could hear her approval. But still nothing.

He got up and fetched his belt. He gave her one good whack with the belt.

“Oh shit!” she cried out. “Oh…why does that feel good?”

He pushed his tool and it seemed to do the trick. He grabbed her hips and started thrusting.

“Ow Ow Ow,” she complained. “I can’t, I thought I could..but I don’t think it’s working.”

He had an idea. He gave her raised rear end several whacks with the belt.

“Oh fuck baby! Ow!”

However, her anus was more pliable. He started fucking her orifice, rough but not as rough as the day he caught her in bed with another man, his rage spent.

Several minutes passed of anal sex when she asked him to fuck her pussy.

“Fuck me hard though.”

He slipped out of her bum, and ran to the bathroom to wash his love maker. When he returned, her maidenhead was nice and wet, entering her was far easier. As he started enjoying Ankara Yabancı Escort sex with his wife, she asked for the belt. He gave her two hard whacks, her luscious ass still up in the air.

“More, and harder,” she said. So he obliged. “Fuck me harder too. And don’t stop with the belt.” he was surprised to hear.

He grabbed her hair with his left hand, and used his right hand to whack her with his belt. Some of the welts he was leaving were on her thighs and lower back.

“Oh gawd yes! Like that…keep going,” as her pussy gushed at him.

He still had a bit to go, so he kept it up. He pulled her hair harder, and felt her push her head away to increase the pain. More whacks came her way, he was finding this beyond erotic. It wasn’t long after that he came. She had had several orgasms by that time.

He collapsed on her, breathing hard. He shifted beside her, her arms still tied. She looked at him with her eyes appraising him.

“Did that earn me some forgiveness?” she asked demurely.

“Yes,” he replied, kissing her “but you still have more to earn.” kissing her again.

“Mmm, lucky me!” she said sincerely. “I think this rough sex is just what we needed.” she thought to herself.


As they drove towards Tabbys’ sister’s house, Stan took a detour. “Text your sister, tell her we are running behind,” he smiled. He pulled into a strip mall and parked in front of Touch of Romance, a lingerie store.

“What are we doing here?” she asked.

“Picking up some ‘supplies’,” he smiled wickedly.

They walked in, a young girl approached them asking if she could help them.

“I need something to tie up my wife!” he smiled. Tabitha blushed.

The young girl took them to the corner that had some bondage equipment. She showed them two types of rope; a rough hemp rope and smoother nylon rope. “You pick,” said Stanley.

Tabitha’s mouth was slightly open. She felt them both, and said “We’ll take one of each.”

“Anything else?” said the little lady, smiling at the couple that clearly was exploring kink.

“Something he can swat me with,” Tabitha took the lead this time. A few steps away was a series of whips, and paddles. Stanley smiled behind her, his revenge fuck had opened up a kinky avenue to explore.

“The whips are made with latex, this paddle is wood, this one is leather and this one is latex as well,” the young girl said. “I like leather, but the wood also feels really good,” she added without any hesitation.

“We want to try anal,” Tabby added. The girl smiled even wider. “Follow me.” as she walked around a kiosk. “This is a beginners kit, it comes with a booklet and several sizes of butt plugs and a bottle of lubricant. It’s a great place to start.”

“In that case, we’ll take the leather and wood paddle along with the starter kit.” Tabitha smiled.

As they walked to the register, Tabitha looked at the various types of lingerie. She was enjoying this detour. The girl rang them up, and kept giving them a knowing look. She had a goth look to her. Unbeknownst to either of them, Stan and Tabby found her oddly attractive.

They were both smiling and holding hands when they arrived at her sister’s house. They walked in and hugs went around. The kids were nice and exhausted. They will have some deep sleep tonight thought Stan. Tabitha’s sister pulled her aside.

“So, looks like you two had a ‘good talk’,” she chided Tabby.

“What?” she said, perplexed.

“Mom and Dad need to talk about parent stuff” she hinted.

“Oh. Yeah,” she cottoned on “I guess so!” she smiled.

“You are ‘Glow-ing’!” her sister said with a smile.

“I’ll tell you someday,” Tabby smiled demurely, but her pussy felt a tinge.

When they got home, it wasn’t long before their kids were nodding off. They tucked them in for the night and had scarcely kissed them on their foreheads when they could hear tiny snores. Downstairs, Tabitha opened a bottle of wine and poured both of them a healthy amount. They retreated to the bedroom. They couldn’t get loud with the kids home, so it was vanilla mom/dad sex.


Several days later, Tabitha was eating lunch with her office friend. A certain man walked up, “Excuse me,” he interrupted. “Could I speak with you for a second?” his tone, rigid.

Both of them looked up, Tabitha without any sign of emotion on her face, said “Please excuse me for a second.” to her friend. She stood up and they walked out of the eatery to an open space, far from prying ears.

“What the fuck was that about?” he demanded.

“My husband came home and discovered us. I didn’t know he was getting home early. And I certainly did not expect him to react the way he did.” She stated very level headed.

“You owe me a fuck, bitch! My neck still hurts and I’m getting physical therapy!” He barely hid his anger.

“I don’t owe you anything,” as she crossed her arms. “Our one attempt didn’t work out, I’m sorry about your neck, but my husband and I have reconciled. Don’t ever bother me again.” she said without a tremor in her voice. She was inwardly surprised at her confidence in facing this man.

“Okay, fine! But I know where you live, so don’t be surprised if I find myself in your neighborhood by ‘accident’ and your husband and I have a rematch. We’ll see how far he gets without a sucker punch.” he spoke through gritted teeth.

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