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All my life I’ve been a bit strange and a bit of an outcast because I see things that aren’t there. I think that the things I see are ghosts or spirits, I first came to that conclusion when I was very young and described seeing an elderly woman standing in my bedroom and watching me as I tried to sleep when I described her to my mom she told me that the woman I had described was my grandma who had died years before I was born. I see these spirits pretty often and when I do they always look like people, not see through, not like a shadow or even like a mist but just like a normal person. There are two main reasons I know that they aren’t a normal person and they are that the actual people walking around don’t acknowledge them and even walk right through them, the other reason is because the moment that I notice them I get this sensation like a blast of Arctic wind mixed with static electricity that sweeps through my body.

The fact that I can see these spirits has affected my life quite severely as some of the spirits that I see realise that I can see them and once they make that realisation they don’t like to leave me alone. Fortunately most spirits seem to be trapped in certain places but unfortunately both the house I grew up in and the high school I went to were places were spirits were trapped with the spirit in the house and three at the school all aware that I could see them. The spirits at my high school were especially unrelenting with one in particular, a huge six foot tall obese man, who liked to follow me around all day at school shouting explicit and disgusting sexual things at me or just calling me a whole bunch or disgusting and derogatory terms.

The spirit of the disgusting huge man was the worst while the others at my school just wanted to talk all the time which as you can imagine was not easy for a teenage girl to handle during classes and made it next to impossible to speak to people and make friends. The spirit that lived in my childhood home was a completely different story and was actually a rather beautiful teenage girl, she was about high school age and I think she actually knew things about me before I knew them, things like my sexuality. I didn’t realise I was a lesbian until my last year of high school but the spirit of the girl in my house seemed to know and liked to tease me by calling me gay and saying all these sexual things and that I wanted to do them to her, she would also appear in my bed in all manner of suggestive poses but would leave when I ignored her and got into bed.

I started to learn everything that I could about spirits, the occult and all kinds of religions both modern and ancient so I could figure out why I see and hear the things that only I seem to. I never did learn why I see and hear spirits but I did learn ways to get them to leave me alone and also that it isn’t just places that are haunted but that objects and people can also become haunted. The knowledge that I gained on how to protect myself from spirits started to come in useful when I moved into an apartment all on my own, it came in useful a week after I moved in when one of my neighbours approached me and demanded that I take this children’s toy off of her. I thought that she was crazy or maybe an addict but when she asked me to hear her out I did just that and what she told me made me think that she wasn’t crazy but did need my help.

The woman explained to me that the toy would move on it’s own and make noises without anyone being near it and even made noises that it shouldn’t be able to make. She told me that the day I moved in the toy started making a new noise, a noise that sounded like a voice saying the words new girl. I was naturally freaked out by her story but it just got even more crazy when she told me that since she heard the toy making that noise that sounded like speaking she had actually started having dreams about a girl, a girl she didn’t recognise until she saw me that day and decide that she was going to try and get me to take the toy off her hands.

I did take the toy off of the woman but what I didn’t know at the time was that the toy and the child’s spirit attached to it would spark a fascination with collecting haunted objects. It has been two years now since I took possession of that haunted children’s toy and thanks to a well paying job I have moved out of that apartment and into a nice little house where I have a room dedicated to the storage of haunted objects. I have collected a variety of different haunted objects from toys and dolls to jewellery and ornamental boxes, even a wardrobe, I was worried at first about the spirits attached to the objects and how they would now start haunting and bothering me so I covered every wall, window and even the door with protective symbols, sigils, spells and prayers from a variety of religions and spiritual beliefs.

I enjoy collecting the haunted objects and I enjoy my job too which you would think would make me happy but the thing is I am still lonely. Spirits still bother me and the place where I work is an old building where there are multiple spirits that like to follow me around shouting at me and speaking about and to me which still makes it very hard for me to make friends or find a girlfriend. I pass my time at home studying religions and spiritual teachings for ways to protect myself from spirits and how to get them to leave me alone or stop speaking and shouting at me like they do but unfortunately I haven’t found anything yet.

My obsession with haunted objects has lead me all over the place from rich upscale neighbourhood’s to houses that look so run down you would think they should be abandoned but my favourite places to find haunted objects are car boot sales and yard sales. I had decided to go to a car boot sale this weekend to look for haunted objects but I didn’t have much luck until I was getting ready to leave and was drawn to this one stall but more specifically a small fabric doll. The doll looks like it has been hand stitched with long black hair and blue buttons for eyes which make it weirdly resemble myself but that isn’t what draws me to the doll what does draw me to it is the weird and unrecognisable energy coming off of it.

I end up buying the doll and taking it home with me but for the whole journey home I feel that same strange energy coming off of the doll and I still can’t figure out who is attached to the doll or why they haven’t shown themselves to me. The fact that the spirit attached to the doll hasn’t shown itself or made its presence know is weird to me because usually spirits are eager to talk to me which makes me thing that maybe it is the spirit of a shy person who once owned or even stitched the Çanakkale Escort doll. The idea that it is the spirit of a shy person doesn’t explain the weird energy coming off of it, an energy the likes of which I’ve never felt before from any spirit, which makes me fascinated with it and has me wanting to figure out what kind of spirit is attached to the doll and why their energy feels so strange.

The energy from the spirit attached to the doll fascinates me so much that when I get home instead of taking it straight to the room where I keep all of the other haunted objects I actually set it down on my kitchen table as I cook and eat dinner. I don’t really understand my actions as I bring the doll with me to the sofa as I watch a little bit of TV before heading up to bed where I also take the doll with me and set it on a chest of draws at the side of the room which is something I have never done before or would ever imagine doing. Today is a day for a number of firsts because instead of climbing into bed in my usual bedtime attire of an oversized t shirt and a pair of panties I actually climb into bed completely naked.

I have a bit of trouble actually getting to sleep as I feel restless and keep tossing and turning unable to get comfortable until I finally do fall into what at first seems to be a deep sleep. My sleep doesn’t last long and I seemingly awake suddenly to the feeling of hands on both of my arms and legs pinning me down on the bed, I try to scream but I can’t seem to open my mouth so instead I attempt to struggle and thrash around throwing my attacker off of me or just making it too much hassle for them to deal with but again I can’t move. My inability to move or even scream has me more scared than anything in my life and that fear is dialled up even more so when suddenly a dark figure appears in the corner of my vision, I can’t see the figure properly but from what I can see the figure is definitely feminine and definitely not a living human.

I’m certain that bringing that hand stitched and haunted doll into my bedroom and not taking it straight into the safe room with the other haunted objects is what is causing this night terror or sleep paralysis or whatever this is. I curse myself for bringing the doll into my room and also curse the spirit attached to the doll because it is obvious the spirit is what is causing this episode of sleep paralysis as I’ve never experienced it before. I try to close my eyes as the black shadow figure approaches me because for the first time since I was a child I am actually scared of a spirit but again I find myself unable to move and I have to keep my eyes open as the shadow figure approaches me.

I don’t know what this spirit is doing or what it has in mind as it stands at the side of my bed looming above me and looking down at me but then the shadow figure starts to shimmer. The spirit starts to change within the shimmer and I have to watch as it starts to morph from a full black shadow figure into what appears to be a girl, the girl spirit looks a lot like the doll with long wavy black hair and piercing icy blue eyes. This new form of the spirit can only be described as beautiful with her icy blue eyes and pale skin contrasting with her pitch black hair, she has soft facial features that give her a kind of innocent appearance but that innocence is ruined by the fact that she is naked showing off a large pair of boobs that has me feeling both jealous and slightly aroused.

The spirit seems to know that I am feeling a little bit aroused because she smiles down at me with an almost teasing and sexual smile that has my heart racing in a completely new way. That erotically teasing smile and the new sense of arousal I feel seem to change everything about this encounter as the hands that had been pinning down my arms and legs now release some of their pressure and start to rub and massage the same limbs that they had been restraining only moments ago. The sensation of these invisible hands massaging my bare flesh is actually a rather pleasurable feeling even if I am still unable to move, then the spirit increases its attention with another pair of hands joining the pair already massaging my legs so now I have hands massaging both my lower legs and my thighs in a way that I’m sure would have me moaning softly if I could actually make a sound.

The spirit doesn’t stop with just massaging my arms and legs and I feel more hands touching me with a pair of hands suddenly touching my stomach massaging and lightly trailing over me. Hands suddenly start touching my boobs too with one on each of my breasts massaging and manipulating my chest in a way that would definitely have me moaning in pleasure if I could. The hands on my thighs start to make their way higher and higher as the hands on my tits increases their efforts until they are teasing around the outside of my vagina in the most erotic encounter I’ve ever experienced and making me wish that they would cover that last little distance and actually touch my pussy.

My wish is granted a moment later but not by the hands that are already on my thighs but by a new hand that traces my pussy lips making me realise that I am dripping wet as the new hand spreads my juices around my pussy. The fingers of the new hand have made a few circles around my pussy and I’m desperate for them to pay attention to my clit or even penetrate me but they don’t what does happen is a new sensation on both of my nipples which can only be described as a wet tongue circling and flicking over each of my nipples at the same time. The spirit doesn’t need to take the hands away from my boobs as the tongues start playing with my nipples so I have hands massaging my tits at the same time as I have a tongue teasing each of my nipples, that isn’t all though because along with the hands all over the rest of my body a new hand materialises and starts to gently caress my cheek and face.

The feeling of hands on my arms, legs, stomach, face, boobs and pussy along with the tongues on nipples is such an overwhelming and pleasurable feeling that I feel like I am right on the edge of a mind blowing orgasm and need only a small amount of attention on my clit or to just have something penetrate me to push me over the edge. I get what I hope for a second later as the hand circling my pussy suddenly withdraws and I feel something that resembles the dildo in my bedside cabinet push inside my pussy triggering an orgasm so strong that I actually move for the first time since this all started but that movement isn’t any controlled movement but is instead my whole body shaking and vibrating with my orgasm.

My orgasm is so intense that not only does my whole Çanakkale Escort Bayan body shake but I start to see stars behind my eyes and feel weak like I am about to pass out but the feeling passes and I come back to my senses with the feeling of lips kissing my own. The stars in my eyes slowly fade away and I see that the spirit of the girl is no longer looming above me while staring down at me but has actually leaned over the bed and is the one kissing me. The kiss is passionate and I feel myself able to move my lips which I willingly part allowing the tongue that had been tracing my lips access into my mouth where it meets my tongue which I can now move and we begin a kind of seductive dance as our tongues swirl around in my mouth.

I can feel the hands continue to massage my different body parts along with the tongues teasing my nipples and the thick penis like appendage buried in my pussy as the spirits and my own tongue dance in our kiss but while I can feel all these sensations I feel another impossible sensation. The impossible sensation I feel is a floating kind of feeling like I am levitating up into the air off of my bed and while I’m thinking about how impossible that is I start to feel new hands on my body. I feel hands running gently up and down my back and hands massaging the back of my thighs but best of all is the feeling of a hand on each of my ass cheeks that roughly squeeze, massage and spread my ass.

The combination of all the feelings all over my body is overwhelming but in the best way possible and I’m sure that if I was able to make a sound then I would be moaning so loud that everyone for a mile around me would hear it. The moment that I think about how pleasurable this all is the penis like appendage buried in my pussy seems to grow in both length and girth until I can feel it pressing against my cervix and spreading me in a way that is slightly painful but also massively pleasurable. I desperately want to moan out my pleasure but can’t as the huge appendage in my pussy starts to move slowly out of me to the point where I feel empty and then moves back inside me a bit quicker until I feel it pushing against my cervix again.

The large appendage starts to speed up until it is fucking me in a way that I’m sure would have my boobs bouncing if they weren’t being manhandled by a pair of hands with tongues also teasing my nipples. I don’t think about why I don’t seem to need to breath as the spirit continues to kiss me passionately with our tongues dancing together as hands seem to touch every inch of my body. I can feel myself climbing towards another orgasm as the thick appendage fucks me deeply stretching my pussy to an almost painful degree and hitting my cervix with each thrust which causes a mix between a little bit of pain and an extreme amount of pleasure.

I can feel myself right on the edge of my second orgasm as the thick appendage hits my cervix with every thrust and I’m sure that any second now it will push me over into my orgasm but that isn’t what triggers my orgasm. The thing that does push me over the edge into a second world shattering orgasm is the sudden presence of a tongue that circles around and then flicks over my clit sending me over the edge into an orgasm that I’m sure would have me screaming out my pleasure if I could actually make a sound. I think that as my entire body shakes and trembles from the intense orgasm I pass out for a moment because everything goes dark even though I am unable to close my eyes and I lose all feeling in my body.

I finally come back to my senses what feels like minutes later and as I do I feel a few things, the thick appendage is still thrusting in and out of me stretching me and hitting my cervix but now instead of just a tongue licking my clit it now feels like a full mouth licking and sucking the button of nerves. I can also feel some new things happening beneath me with two sets of fingers spreading my ass while a pair of hands still groping my ass cheeks but at the same time it feels like a tongue licking around and across my tight virgin asshole. The tongues on my nipples have changed in the same way that the tongue on my clit has and have both become full mouths that now instead of just licking my nipples are also sucking on my nipples as the hands continue to massage and manipulate my tits.

I can feel myself climbing my way back to another orgasm almost as soon as I come back to my senses with all the different sensations I’m feeling making that climb an easy task. The mouths on my nipples along with the tongue teasing my virgin asshole, the mouth and tongue assaulting my clit and the thick appendage slamming into my pussy and hitting my cervix has me right on the edge of another orgasm mere moments after recovering from the last one. The thing that tips me over the edge into my third orgasm is the feeling of a mouth on my neck softly kissing me before sucking on the skin of my neck giving me a slightly painful love bite.

This orgasm isn’t as powerful as the previous two but it does come with the unexpected and previously thought impossible surprise of me squirting. I have seen videos of women squirting but I have never squirted before not even with the help of a vibrator or dildo and never thought that I would be able to so I can’t believe it that a spirit haunting a doll has been able to make me squirt. I can actually feel myself squirting with my juices forcing themselves out from around the thick appendage that has buried itself as far inside me as it can giving me an amazing full feeling as waves of pleasure sweep through my body.

My orgasm doesn’t last long and again when I come down from it the spirit changes things up and the tongue licking and teasing my asshole is replaced by what feels like a slick and lubricated finger. The wet finger applies pressure to my tight virgin hole and I know what is coming next, I’m scared about this because I’ve never even thought about putting anything in my ass and never really wanted to either. I’m glad that I’m unable to move because I’m sure that I would be tensing up right now as the wet finger circles my ass applying slightly more pressure with each rotation, I know that if I was able to tense up then what is coming next would hurt so I hope that I can’t because then it won’t hurt.

I feel so scared as the soaked finger stops circling my ass and starts to apply pressure until slowly but surely it pushes inside me. I think that all of the other things being done to me at the same time distracts me enough that I only feel a slight bit of pain as the finger pushes inside me. The pain isn’t too strong but it is enough to send a new kind of electric shock Escort Çanakkale through my body bringing my body to a new height of sensitivity, I had been getting used to and almost numb to the hands, lips and tongues all over my body but that little shock of pain has made it so I can feel everything again but even more intense than before. The way I feel right now has me once again on the verge of another orgasm and as the finger in my ass slowly starts to sink deeper inside me I experience another shaking orgasm that leaves me feeling like I’m about to black out.

There are two sensations that bring me back from the edge of blacking out, one of those feelings is the mouth on my neck kissing and softly biting around my neck and across my collarbone, the other feeling is the penis like appendage in my pussy and the finger like appendage in my ass starting to fuck me. The feelings I’m experiencing are so overwhelming with my body being mauled, massaged, kissed, licked, bitten and fucked that I don’t think I would be able to moan even if I could, I feel like the only sound I would be able to make around the tongue and lips of the girls spirit is a choked groaning like sound.

I am still experiencing the aftershocks of my last orgasm but with everything happening to me I’m already starting the climb towards another orgasm. I don’t know how I have already experienced four orgasms and can still be conscious and building towards a fifth. I’m sure that if this was real and not a result of some weird dream then I probably would have lost consciousness fully and be unresponsive to what was happening to me or begging for mercy and not to have another orgasm. This is a dream though and I can feel myself wanting more, another four orgasms, another ten, I don’t want this to end, I feel like a being made out of pure sexual desire and lust like I could stay right here like this having orgasm after orgasm until the world ends or I do.

The climb towards my fifth orgasm doesn’t last long with hands caressing, massaging and mauling seemingly ever inch of my body, the lips and tongues teasing my nipples and clit while also teasing and bruising my neck with kisses and love bites, there is also the lips and tongue of the spirit girl who’s tongue dances with my own as we share a passionate kiss that seems to last eternity. The thick penis like appendage stretching my pussy and hitting my cervix with every thrust combines with the finger like appendage in my ass so that at least one is buried deep inside me when the other isn’t and then after a few thrusts both plunging inside me at the same time. I can hear wet slurping type noises as the appendages assault both of my holes, I can feel the penis like appendage rubbing against my g spot with every thrust and the finger like appendage scraping at the wall between my pussy and ass like it wants to slowly wear the skin down until it is inside my pussy too.

My fifth orgasm is the strongest so far and while my while body shakes and convulses I can feel myself squirting again, my juices forcing themselves around the penis like appendage and firing out of my pussy like I’m trying to paint the bedroom walls with my girl cum. My body is still shaking and I’ve barely come down from my orgasm when another one barrels into me sending wave after wave of almost agonising pleasure through my body, my orgasms at this point are equal parts pain and pleasure with my pussy feeling sore and stretched and my body being stimulated to the point where every touch, every little movement feels like bolts of lightning hitting me.

I think that I experience another four or five orgasms in the same way with one rolling pretty much straight into the next but it gets hard to keep track and could be much more as my body feels like one big orgasm machine and I feel dizzy and on the edge of blacking out. I think that if I was able to make a sound then I would be begging and pleading for no more orgasms but I can’t and I’m sure that even if I could I wouldn’t be able to say anything and would just be making low groaning sounds unable to vocalise my need for this to end or even just to have a break.

The dream ends abruptly as one moment I’m experiencing yet another orgasm coming straight off the back of another again not coming all the way down from the previous orgasm, the next moment I’m slowly waking up with sunlight peeking through my curtains. I’m usually horny in the mornings to the point where I have my alarm set for earlier than I need just so I can get myself off before getting out of bed or in the shower but today I don’t feel like that at all, I actually feel sexually satisfied like I’ve already had a great orgasm. I don’t understand why I feel satisfied with the dream I had during the night I should be feeling more horny and turned on than I usually would, I’ve had dreams less intense and arousing than that one that have left me hurrying to grab my dildo or slipping my hand under my t shirt and panties but today I don’t feel that way.

I don’t feel much as I come awake almost like my body is numb but then I stretch on the bed and multiple sensations make themselves known, sensations I have never experienced before. The first sensation that I notice is a pain in my pussy, a kind of soreness and a feeling like I am gaping open as if I’ve had something big inside me, the second sensation is a similar feeling to the one in my pussy but including more pain and is in my ass. The feelings in my ass and pussy open the floodgates and suddenly I’m feeling different sensations all across my body, my arms and legs feel relaxed and like my muscles are made of jelly, my neck stings in little spots, my ass and tits feel like they have been mauled and my nipples are tingling in a way I’ve never felt before.

“No, surely that wasn’t all real.” I say softly to myself with the feelings in my body making me start to doubt that what I experienced last night was actually a dream.

The idea that a spirit was not only able to touch me but do so much to me and make me orgasm a countless number of times terrifies me because what else would it be able to do to me if it wanted to. I sit up on the bed feeling amazing and sexually satisfied beyond my wildest dreams but also feeling uneasy and honestly scared of the spirit and the doll it is attached to, I feel even more scared when I look over at the chest of drawers where I set the doll before going to bed and see that it is no longer there. I start to panic when I see that the doll is no longer where I left it making me jump up out of bed where I hear a soft dull thud at the end of the bed, I walk around to the end of the bed and there on the floor is the doll looking like it had fallen off of the bed as I jumped up.

“What the actual fuck.” I gasp in shock and fear as I look down on the hand stitched doll with the idea that last night had been reality and not a dream seeming more and more like a fact.

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