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Sami walked the campus alone, the day after arriving, to get the lay of the land, to find her classroom buildings, student center, etc. She grabbed a bite at the student center and seeing an ad in the Campus Newspaper for wait-staff, Sami went in search of a job.

The Grille was a campus hangout just across the street from the campus, but it was also an oft-frequented spot by the locals of New Orleans. Sami liked the décor and the ‘feel’ of the place and strived to impress during her interview.

It worked; she was hired and though she didn’t know it then, The Grille would be a place of steady employment for the next four years.

Walking back to her room, when she opened the door, her senses was assaulted by an abundance of ‘pinkness’. Stopping to stare at the other bed, her roomie’s bed, it was covered with a pink blanket, pink pillow shams, posters on the wall above the bed that had varying shades of ‘pinkness’.

“Hi, you must be Samantha,” she heard a chipper, bubbly voice exclaimed from behind her back.

Turning, Sami saw for the very first time, Bonnie Sue Madison, of the Gulfport Madisons don’t you know.

“Er, yeah, but please, I’d prefer that you call me Sami, if you don’t mind.”

“But Samantha is such a pretty name,” Bonnie Sue said as she followed Sami into their room, “I’m sure you’d prefer Samantha, wouldn’t you?” obviously oblivious to what Sami had just said to her.

“No, I get called Samantha enough at home; Sami would actually be preferable, Bonnie.”

“Oh, call me Bonnie Sue, Samantha; everyone does,” came the bubbly, chipper response.

Hello? Earth to Bonnie; did you not hear what I just said, Sami thought.

Choosing to drop the ‘name game’ thingy, Sami decided to unpack the last two boxes of her crap; all the while, Bonnie Sue kept a steady stream of chatter going from her side of the room while she did the same with her remaining boxes of stuff.

Her voice soon became a low hum of ‘white noise’ to Sami, sort of like an insistent gnat that keeps buzzing your head, you know? Closing her eyes as she hung a few things in her closet, Sami thought of killing Bonnie; right here, right now, but the mess, how would she cleanup the mess?

Banging her head against the door of her closet Sami begged for someone, anyone to please kill her; now, please kill me now…


“Oooof” Sami’s voice exclaimed as she slammed the ball across the net, with a fury.

“Great shot, Sami,” Coach called from the sidelines, and then signaling with his arms, he called the girls to the sideline where he was standing.

“Okay, we still have some work to do, ladies, but I think we have what could be the nucleus of a very good team; I’m encouraged by the effort you gals have put into your individual game, and into the two practices.”

“We have a team meeting next week on Tuesday, don’t forget; now, give me two laps around the court and hit the showers,” he said in dismissal of the team.

Toni’s locker was next to Sami’s and from the first day of the team gathering together, Sami and Toni sort of gravitated towards each other. When, at the first practice, it became very apparent that Toni was a great set-up player, their bond as teammates became stronger. Toni had a very nice touch with her setups, laying the ball in ‘just the right spot’ for the kill-shot; and Sami’s kill-shot was one of the best that Coach had ever seen.

“Hey Slick,” Toni called to Sami, “you need a towel?” Toni was standing at the shower room entrance, holding a couple of towels in her hands.

“Yeah, T, hang on a minute and I’ll be right there,” Sami replied, pulling off her jersey and tee shirt, then her shorts and panties; walking into the showers together, they grabbed the next two that opened up.

The water pressure was great, Sami thought, as her skin stung from the assault of the showerhead’s stream, the fog of steam very heavy in the shower room. Sami soaped up and without seeming too obvious, she more or less ogled her teammates as they walked around in varying stages of dress, or undress.

They’d been in school a few weeks by now, getting settled into class-mode, study-mode, and with the team, practice-mode. Their first ‘real’ game was still a few weeks off and, as a team, they were ready to begin scoring points for real, now.

As Sami rinsed the soap from her body and hair, she’d decided that a couple, okay, maybe more than a couple, of her teammates were definitely ‘fuck-worthy’.

“Hey Sami, want to grab a bite with us,” T asked as she was stepping into her jeans at their lockers, “a couple of us are heading out for some food.”

“Yeah, T, I’d like that,” Sami replied honestly, glad on the inside that she had been asked to join.

Sami bursa escort had been very busy since arriving at school with all the school stuff; she had also made contacts with a couple of Public Relations firms that handled advertising and crap in New Orleans, her portfolio being well-received. She had a couple of small photo-shoots for a local, large high-end department store already, and it looked promising as a source of extra income for her, Sami thought.

Her social life? Well, there really wasn’t a lot of that, but then Sami wasn’t really at college to enhance her social life unlike a lot of college students. No, Sami’s goal, at college, was to distance herself from the hard-scrabble life that had been hers in Jackson, Mississippi. Oh, she’d go back to visit, of course she’d go back to visit; she loved her parents, she really did, but her mantra was still, “their life would not be her life.”

The girls walked to a casual restaurant a few blocks from campus, laughing and joking, as teammates will, with each other. The talk among them was light, irreverent, with more than the occasional F-bomb being dropped into the conversation as they ate and teased each other. Sami felt as if she belonged with this bunch, and that, as much as anything, made her feel that her decision to go to college was, indeed, the right decision.

Toni had become a good friend in the short weeks since school had started. She was a tall girl, maybe a half-inch taller than Sami’s 5’10” height; she carried a few pounds more than Sami did but was far from ‘soft’; no, T was not quite muscular, but rather, more like ‘toned’, in shape. She was cute, Sami thought; not a raving beauty, but attractive. She and Sami both had a sardonic sense of humor, always quick to laugh, and always quick to drop a humorous line into a conversation.

Like Sami, she was focused on her course load and on her game.

“How’s it going with Miss Bubbles?” As Bonnie Sue came to be called between themselves; Sami had used T as a sounding board to complain about Bonnie Sue’s ability to push Sami’s buttons, though in fairness to Bonnie Sue, she wasn’t aware that she was doing so.

“Girl’s on another fucking planet, T, she really is; she hasn’t a fucking clue,” Sami said in response.

“Typical southern ‘girly-girl’,” T offered up; “And what is it with these double names?” T observed, “Hell, I’m from the South and I’d kill anyone that called me Toni Marie.”

“Toni Marie? Is that your middle name? Marie?” Sami asked, laughing a bit when she did so.

“You fucking tell anyone that and I’ll kill you,” Toni said quickly, joking, of course, at least Sami assumed that she was joking.

“Yep, Antoinette Marie; I can’t imagine what my parents were smoking when they came up with that,” Toni said, shaking her head and laughing along with Sami.

“How ’bout Samantha June?” Sami confessed, looking to T from the corner of her eyes.

“A pact; we are hereby bound by a pact to never, ever, call each other by our given names,” Toni said solemnly.

“Works for me, Antoinette Marie,” Sami said smugly.

“Fuck you, Samantha June,” Toni replied, both of them laughing as they walked back to their dorm.

Halloween had come and gone, and Thanksgiving was a couple of weeks off, and Sami plugged away; class assignments, shifts at The Grille, a couple of weekend photography shoots, it was definitely enough to keep Sami busy.

The team had started their season and was definitely a force to be reckoned with, in their conference. They hadn’t had any overnight trips, yet, but December’s schedule had them on the road for over half of their games. T and Sami had already requested to be paired up as roommates for the road trips.

Simply said, they ‘got’ each other and had become good friends. But strangely, neither of them talked of beaus, boyfriends or the like; stranger yet was the fact that neither of them thought to question it.

“Whew, that was a hell of a run,” T said as she walked around in small circles, cooling down from their run. She and Sami ran, together, a couple of times a week; Sami found the time to run every day.

“Yeah, that’s for sure,” Sami agreed as she walked in her own small circles, catching her breath.

T’s cell rang and she took the call, turning her back to talk with a bit of privacy. Sami, using a lamppost for support, leaned against it, stretching out her legs while T took her call.

“Yeah, baby, I miss you too; I’ll see you in a couple of weeks,” Sami heard Toni say as she walked towards Sami, closing her phone, looking at it sort of wistfully.

“Boyfriend?” Sami asked; not curious but just for something to say.

Silent for a couple of seconds, T just said, “Yeah, sort of…” looking like she wanted bursa escort bayan to say something else, but thought better of it.

They were about halfway back to their dorm when T stopped and pulling Sami with her, they sat down on a nearby bench.

“Look, Sami, I’ve been needing to tell you something but…anyway, with you and I going to be sharing a room on our road trips, I figured that I’d better tell you something; but, you’ve got to promise that it stays between us, okay?”

“Okay….” Sami agreed with more than a bit of curiosity, now.

“Okay; that wasn’t my boyfriend, it was my girlfriend,” T said looking at Sami straight in the face, and not seeing surprise or shock on Sami’s face, she continued.

“Sami, I’m gay, and you need to know that before we start sharing rooms and all; I mean, it’s not like I’m going to attack or rape you…” T went on but was interrupted by Sami’s voice.

“Why? Not good enough for you, you fucking dyke?” Sami said with a very clear teasing tone to her voice, then laughing after she said it.

“No, not at all….oh, you’re yanking my fucking chain, aren’t you?” T said to Sami.

“Ya think, T? Ya think I’m yanking your chain? Well, I guess you’ll never know, will you?” Sami said, wrapping an arm around T and pulling her against her in a ‘buddy hug’.

“Yeah, you’d run away screaming if I was to make a move on you, Sami-girl, you can’t fool me,” Toni teased back.

“Guess you’ll never know ‘less you try it, huh?” Sami said mischievously, winking at T afterwards.

Toni stopped walking and just looked at Sami, studying her as if trying to decide something.

“So, want to hang out this weekend? My roomie’s gone to Baton Rouge to shack up with her boyfriend.” Toni asked Sami.

Sami looked at Toni for a bit, and slowly, she nodded her head and said, “Yeah, that could be fun.”

“Could be,” T agreed, the both of them looking at each other a bit differently, now.

“Want me to redecorate my room real quickly, in Pink Overtones?” T teased, “You know, to make you feel like ‘home’.

“Sure; want me to notify your parents where I drop your body?” Sami answered.

They laughed, a bit nervously, but they laughed.



Sami jogged to her room, taking the stairs two at a time, her insides a bit aflutter; She was already undressing T in her mind. Sami had been having a desire for T for a while and now, now she just might be able satisfy that desire, she thought.

Walking into her room, Bonnie was getting ready for a date with her beau, Roy, who was driving down from LSU at Baton Rouge. She was standing in front of her closet, in panties and bra trying to decide on what to wear.

Sami took a quick, appreciative glance at Bonnie’s body when she wasn’t looking, and thought, Damn! Girl’s fine.

They hadn’t really been around each other that much, even though they were roommates; with Sami’s work schedule and team practice and all, well, they were on different schedules, is all.

Sami packed a small backpack with toiletries and her sleepwear, exchanging pleasantries and small talk with Bonnie. It had really gotten better, Sami had to admit, the ‘bubbly’ demeanor having toned down, a lot, if Sami was going to be honest.

Wishing Bonnie a good time, Sami walked up the two flights to T’s room and knocked.

“Don’t want any, I gave at the office,” T’s voice called from inside the room.

Sami laughed and walked in to T’s room.

“So, Sami-girl, I was thinking we’d grab a quick bite, shower up and settle in to watch some TV and if you’re a good girl,” T said with a hint of mischief, “I’ll share a doobie with you, if you’re into that, that is.”

“T, I’m a country girl; what the hell do you think?” Sami said, smiling with a hint of mischief, herself.

They ate at a place nearby, close to the campus; they hit the showers together, each not hiding the fact that they were admiring the other’s body. The conversation and interaction was seemingly normal, but for both, there was a hint of expectation and a lot of sexual tension.

For Sami, she hadn’t had sex, except with herself, since Bev had brought her to school. For Toni, it had been the same, though neither knew that of the other, then.

Sami changed into her sleep shorts and ‘wife beater’s’ shirt that she liked to sleep in, while T slipped a sleep shirt on. Propping some pillows from her roommate’s bed onto hers, they made a ‘nest’ for them to watch TV from, a soft, comfortable nest.

“Anything in particular you’d like to watch, Sami?” T asked as she fetched them each a coke from the small dorm refrigerator.

“Nope; find something you’d like to watch and I’ll watch along with bursa sınırsız escort you.”

T chose an ‘L’ Word marathon on Showtime and neither made smart-assed remarks about her choice. The pretense was totally gone now, between them, never clearer than when Toni returned to their nest with their drinks and putting Sami’s arm over her shoulder, T nestled into the crook of Sami’s arm.

As if she had done this a hundred times before, Sami pulled T tight against her body, slowly stoking her fingers along T’s arm as they watched the show.

They made it through the first episode, both taking turns for a pee break between showings. T fished out her doobie and fired it up, both of them sitting cross-legged, facing each other as they passed the joint between them.

“Pretty good stuff,” Sami observed, “much better than what we get back home.”

“Yeah, it’s not bad,” T agreed, “Oooh, look, Jennifer Beal’s fixing to get some,” both of them turning their attention back to the show. Putting out the doobie, T repositioned herself with Sami’s arm around her and snuggled against Sami again.

They watched, intently, the love scene on the set being very hot; both could feel the heat of the other’s body as Jennifer Beal kissed her way down the belly of her paramour on the show.

“That’s hot,” T said, her voice betraying her stoned state, and then she laid her arm across Sami’s thigh, letting it lazily lay there.

“Yeah, it is,” replied Sami, “gets me even hornier than I already am,” she added, on purpose, putting it ‘out there’ to see the reaction she’d get from T.

T’s reaction was to tilt her head upward while she pulled Sami’s downward until they kissed. There was no hesitation from either of them; their mouths opened to accept the tongue of the other, their hands quickly finding the breasts of the other while they kissed, releasing a pent-up passion.

Sliding her body down a bit, Sami wedged her thigh between T’s legs, rubbing it against T’s wet panties. Lifting T’s sleep shirt, Sami attacked her teammate’s breasts with a hunger that brought soft moans of contentment from T’s lips.

As she greedily sucked T’s tits, Sami pulled T’s panties off as T raised her hips to help, her hands rubbing Sami’s head as she held it to her breasts. Sami was between T’s legs in a nano-second, her tongue slipping into Toni’s pussy as Toni wrapped her legs around Sami, almost holding her in place.

T was quick, that first time, but took her time for the next two or three; neither knew, since they weren’t counting. Sami loved how T tasted and ate her with abandon, seemingly in a trance.

And when T couldn’t wait any longer, she put Sami sitting with her back against the wall, and kneeling on the floor between Sami’s spread legs, she raised Sami’s pussy to her mouth with her hands under Sami’s ass.

“Oh yeah, T-baby, just like that,” Sami encouraged as T sucked on Sami’s clit, “just like that baby, oh shit, damn baby, damn,” and with her hips thrusting upward to meet T’s mouth, Sami climaxed a mighty orgasm, complete with skyrockets and stars.

It would be another two hours of trading licks, culminating with a 69 session that left them both calling ‘uncle’, both of their mouths red and swollen from sucking pussy.

“You have no fucking idea how badly I needed that,” T said as she and Sami cuddled, exchanging short, sweet kisses and touches to each other.

“Wanna bet?” Sami replied between bites of T’s nipples.

“Sami; you know I have a girlfriend and all that, but, I’d really like to have some more of this with you, you know?” T said, “I mean, I really love you dearly, as a friend, but I’m not looking for a ‘girlfriend’ or to be a couple. You okay with that?”

“Wouldn’t want it any other way, sweetie; my sentiments exactly,” Sami replied; she wasn’t looking to be a couple, either, being ‘fuck buddies’ was just fine with Sami.

They were silent for a while, enjoying the after-sex glow when T spoke; “I have to be honest with you, though; I’ve been thinking about how it would be to fuck you, thinking about it a long time.”

“Hope the reality lived up to the fantasy,” Sami jokingly said to Toni.

“More than that, girl; you’ve done this before,” Toni said a bit smugly.

“And you haven’t? Please!”

“Once or twice, maybe,” T teasingly replied.

“Well, maybe you’d like to get in some more practice,” Sami said softly, feeling arousal building inside of her again.

“Practice, practice, practice,” T said teasingly as she moved between Sami’s legs, kissing her belly as she did so, “You sound like my piano teacher.”

“And did you practice?” Sami said, the heat in her crotch disrupting her thought processes, her eyes closing from enjoyment of T’s lips on her skin.

“One day, every week, for the four years of high school,” T answered, punctuating her words with a quick lick over Sami’s swollen love-bud, “and after we got dressed, she even taught me a little piano,” she said, her head disappearing between Sami’s legs.

Practice makes perfect, thought Sami, just before the skyrockets went off again.

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