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Chapter 7: Akiyo

“Mother?” Meiko called from the hall. “Oh!” She gasped when seeing me still in bed with Mistress Su.

Well, we were only kind-of in bed. Mistress sat with her head slumped forward while I sat on my knees behind massaging her neck and back.

“Good morning, Meiko. What time did you go to bed?”

“I, I don’t know. It was very late.”

“I’m sure it was. Isn’t it always when they are here?”

“Yes, but that’s not why I am here. I came for him. The others are already outside. It’s Wednesday, Mother.”

Mistress Su nodded. “You’re right! It is. We don’t want him to miss out on this, now do we?” She stood. “Nameru. Go to your cage. Put on your suit and then report to Meiko.”

“And be quick!” Meiko snapped. “You’re already late!”

I had no idea what they were referring to. I bowed twice and hurried away.

“I don’t want his cock used,” I heard Mistress Su say when I was in the hallway.

Paying her remark no attention, I scurried to the basement and dressed. I was back on the main floor in no time.

“I hope you had your fun with Mother, lick-slave. Don’t count on that happening again.”

She was in a sour mood. What did I do that was so wrong? All I did was obey what I was told to do. Mistress glared at me and when seeing my plug she ripped it from my mouth. “You won’t be needing this.” She looked at my cock. “Pull that thing out. You know it doesn’t stay hidden. What’s wrong with you?”

“I’m sorry, Mistress. I was in a hurry. I wasn’t thinking.”

“Not thinking seems to be a growing problem with you! Details, Nameru, details!” She was on the verge of another explosion. I said nothing.

Mistress revealed a steel belt complete with a cock pouch. “Spread your legs. Mother wants you to wear this.” After pushing my cock inside the small pouch, she pulled the waistband around me and the under-strap between my legs. Everything got yanked tight. “Let’s go!” She said after locking everything in place. She was out the door in a flash.

Purposefully, I followed. We hurried to the front gate. It opened when we approached. Outside, the walkways were bustling with people. Ignoring the crowd, Mistress pulled me to the right. We passed two concrete booths. Groupings of women gathered just outside. I found their presence odd and wondered what they were waiting for. The third concrete outbuilding was empty and no one stood near it. Mistress stopped.

“You’re in this one.” It looked like the same place where that little girl and her friend had their fun. Mistress attached a cable around my leg. She was irritated about something.

“I’ll be back.”


“Shut up, Nameru. Maybe next week. Do you forget who you are? You obey! Nothing more!”

She stormed out. A few seconds later a middle-aged woman entered and locked the door. Seeing my cock under lock and key, she sulked. I was sure she wanted to screw me.

“Sit and eat, boy” she snapped.

I sat, she lifted her dress. I moved between her legs. She lowered the hem of her garment. In darkness, I pressed my face to her pussy.

“Ohhh,” I heard her yell not too long after. She came in just minutes and kept me there only long enough to bring her to five quick orgasms. The lady left happy and satisfied.

“He is good,” I heard her tell the next woman. “But they have him locked.”

I didn’t even move when the next one walked it. She was an older gray-haired lady and pretty much figured she wanted the same thing from me – just an emotionless quickie. That seemed to be what Mistress Meiko wanted me to do in here all day.

The old lady spoke softly, “Please help me out of these, slave. I want your mouth between my legs.” Her words were kind and respectful.

“Yes, ma’am.” I pulled her slacks to her ankles and allowed her to put a hand on my head while she stepped free of her pants.

The older woman looked at me with more than a cursory glance. “American? English? Where did they get you?”

“America. Why do you ask?”

“Simply curious. Many come from there. I have no idea why.”

Wanting to know more I asked about Yokubo. “And the girls. Do they come from there too?”

“No, no. Always Asian. The rich men only want their own kind to play with and they never spend time in these booths. Only the male slaves come in here.”

“But why do they want Asian girl slaves? Why humiliate their own? Isn’t that sort of behavior frowned upon?”

“No. No. You misunderstand. None are Japanese. Oriental yes, but never Japanese. Most are from Korea and Taiwan. Some from further south – Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines – some Chinese.” She smiled. “Now come and please me, my American slave.”

I could see this woman was not the typical girl who just wanted to come in for a quickie. There was something different about her – something kind. She interacted with me as if I was a real person.

“What would you like? Tell me. I would like to make you happy.”

” How nice! Why are all the gentlemen slaves not available?” She asked rhetorically. İstanbul Escort Bayan “I would like you to start slowly. My husband always rushed but that was years ago. Take your time. Make it last.”

“Should I sit under you or do you want to lean against the wall?”

“The wall is filthy. You sit.”

“I will begin by worshiping you the way my owner has me worship her. Tell me when you want more,” I suggested.

Inserting my tongue inside her dry vagina I held my position. I could tell she didn’t know what to expect when I suggested this, but after seeing me looking up while keeping my tongue deep inside, I sensed her relax and then smile. I saw she enjoyed our moment of closeness.

“How nice,” she commented. Her hand went to my cheek and stroked it. “The feel of your tongue so far inside is especially nice. It feels good in there. I think I like it there,” she said with a chuckle.

I wiggled it and grinned with my eyes.

“Uuuu, I liked that. Move it around like that. But remember, I want this to be nice and slow.”

Some minutes later I tasted her gift and perceived the beginnings of her arousal. Keeping with the tongue-swirls, which she evidently liked, I took my time. Some minutes later, her hips began rocking, I smiled and let her enjoy the soft warmth of my tongue and lips.

In due time, it was she rather than me, who took her to that place of bliss. She came quietly but came all the same. I could see she enjoyed her climax and would want more.

“Oh my, that was nice,” she said still breathing erratically. “It’s been so long. Thank you.”

“I’m happy to please. You are a nice woman. It makes serving you all the more special.”

The woman grinned. “If only you knew. I am not without my faults. I am cheating on my husband.”

“No worries from me. I will tell no one. We all have our reasons for doing what we do.”

“Ha!” She chuckled. “You have sex all day. Me, I never get any. I know this is wrong but I had to see what you slaves did in here.”

“All we do is what we are told. Slavery isn’t all that special.”

She laughed even louder. “Who are you kidding. You have the life most men treasure. Sex in the morning. Sex in the afternoon. Sex in the evening.”

I smiled and shrugged. “It’s not all it seems. Not so bad for me but not good for the girls.”

My comment caught her by surprise. “Not good for the girls? I hope it is not because of anything Minister Kaito does!”

“I will get myself into trouble if I say more but I will not deny your observation – if you know what I mean.”

“Oh my! I don’t know what to say.”

“You need to say no more. Instead, why not tell me to nestle between your pretty legs? Isn’t that why you are here?”

She smiled softly. “You are a sweet one. I am tempted to take you home with me. I don’t live that far away. Only a short walk. Maybe I will steal you away another time,” she said while smiling brightly. “Yes, come and make me feel loved and valued, young man.”

She made light of the pain she felt but her words revealed the hurt and loneliness of a marriage that was no more. I’m sure she had her issues with her husband but also understood there were always two sides to every story. My initial assessment, however, gave me the impression she was a fine woman and one who the right man could enjoy. There was an undeniable genuineness about the way she interacted.

She and I spent an hour or more together. We took our time. Never once were we disturbed. I assumed the protocol everyone followed was that when the door was locked and the ‘occupied’ indicator engaged, the occupant’s privacy was respected regardless of how long they spent with the attending slave.

In the course of our time together I brought her to three delightful climaxes. Each ended with her thanking me. She was indeed a sweetheart. We spent as much time talking as we did with me between her legs. I think she wanted personal interaction as much as she wanted sexual release. I learned her husband had been cheating on her for more than a decade and never demanded sex while at home. They were a struggling couple who now spent little time together.

“I will return next week and look for you. Will this be your stall?”

“I don’t know. This is my first time.”

“I will try this one. My friends tell me that you boys stay in the same place so the girls can come back to the ones they like most. Maybe you should treat the ones outside poorly so you don’t earn yourself a crowd!” She giggled, bent low and kissed me softly. “I will be back next week. I promise.”

I watched her dress and we said our goodbyes. Outside I heard her talking to whoever was about to enter next. A young girl appeared. She was young. Very young.

“How old?” I asked.


“May I see? My Mistress requires me to ask.”

She rolled her eyes and produced the necessary identification. Meiko told me where on the document to look. Sure enough, she was nineteen.

“Why are you locked?”

“I İstanbul Escort don’t know. Mistress put this on me before bringing me out here.”

“How big?”

“Twenty, maybe twenty-two centimeters,” I answered casually.

Her mouth opened in surprise. “Twenty! So big!”

Her comment caused me to grin. “Yes, ma’am.”

“How thick? Skinny or fat?”

“About this big,” I said showing her with my hands making a circle. “About as big as your wrist.”

“What a shame. I wanted to be fucked.”

I drew her attention to my cock. “You will have to go to another booth. Mine is out of order.”

She frowned and crossed her arms in a feigned pout. I shrugged. She smiled.

“I waited this long for nothing!”

“I’m sorry. I have rules to follow.”

“You will lick instead.”

“I am happy to lick you.”

“Lay. I will fuck your face.”

The girl’s approach was diametrically opposite that of the woman who just left. This girl used me. It felt like she took her disappointment at not having access to my cock out on my face. I did little except to open and provide her with a platform on which to grind her pussy and get off.

She stayed only long enough to cum a few times. We didn’t exchange another word after our brief interaction.

The day had grown late and had been a busy one. Women came and women went. Everyone except one and put me between their legs. The exception had me rim her ass. I had no sense of time but, whenever someone came or went I was able to see the shadows outside grow ever longer. I was in the middle of bringing a thirty-something lady to her fourth climax when we were suddenly interrupted.

“I’m sorry, but his presence is requested. You need to come with me.” It was Mistress Meiko. She released the shackle binding my leg to the cable anchored to the wall and pulled me to my feet.

“I’m so sorry. Please come by earlier next time. I promise to make it worth your while.”

“I said, come!” Meiko interrupted. “This is not the time for chit-chat.”

Meiko led me into the house and down to the basement. Just outside the door she released the chastity belt and gave me a glass of water to drink.

“Drink it all. Your pills are dissolved in there.”

Inside, I fully expected to have my ass speared with something but instead, Meiko took me to her father.

“I’m sorry for not having him here, Daddy.”

Kaito brushed his daughter’s apology aside. “Outside enjoying yourself?” He asked.

“I was outside, yes.”

“Get him good and hard Meiko. Do what you must. I need him now.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Don’t expect this again,” she told me. Meiko stooped. Within seconds, the warmth of her mouth swelled my cock making it good and hard.

As if on cue, she presented me to her dad. One of the older men brought a slave forward. Kaito held the girl by the arm. “What do you think?”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“You like?”

“She’s beautiful,” I answered.

“Daichi, bring me another.”

When he did he repeated his question. “And her? What do you think?”

“I think the same. They are all beautiful. Every one of the girls is beautiful.”

“Pick one. Anyone.”


“Do you question your Master?” He roared.

“Pick one!”

I pointed to the one he still held. “Her.”

“Good. Good choice. When we are ready, I want to see you put your big dick into her little ass. All the way. You only get one try. If you miss or don’t go all the way in, I will cut your dick off and get another slave to what you couldn’t. Understand?”

My anger burned. They were at it again. What was it with these assholes?” “Yes, I understand. But, may I ask a question?”

“Yes, but be quick!”

“Lube? Where is the lube.”

Everyone laughed. “No lube, slave boy. You go in without lube.”

“Can she wet me? With her mouth? Will that work?”

Kaito considered the question with a tilt of his head. “Yes. They may wet you. Then you do your thing.” He pulled back on the head of the girl he held. “Little one. You will be first. Suck and then be fucked,” he said laughing at his stupid rhyme that didn’t rhyme.

Tossing the slave toward me, she crouched and took my cock. Tears streamed down her face. I was certain she was terrified about what was to come. She had seen what happened to Yokubo last night and knew how awful it went with her. Here she was sucking the very thing she could barely fit between her teeth. To think that was going to be forced into her tight hole must have horrified her. I know I would be freaking out if I were in her position.

“Enough!” Kaito screamed. “Turn around. Bend over, bitch!”

I looked at Mistress but she didn’t even bother to look at me. Her attention remained on the girl and her father. I had no alternative. If I rebelled, I’d be permanently deformed. If I obeyed, the girl would endure but a few minutes of pain. My choice had been made. I slammed my cock up her ass. Her scream was blood-curdling! I couldn’t imagine what she Escort İstanbul felt during those moments. It must have been ghastly. The men applauded. One fat old man stood and filled the girl’s mouth with his cock to stifle her cry. Kaito commanded me to hold her hips tight against mine until the wails subsided.

“Out slave. Pick another. Be quick!”

Slowly, I lifted my finger and pointed to the other girl he had asked me about. Like the first, she openly wept. “Please suck. It will help just a little,” I said.

“How sweet to hear your compassion, slave. That’s enough! Take her. Make her scream like the first!”

I did. She did. And then it was over. I did the third girl, the fourth, and then the fifth one. Poor Yokubo was last. I purposely didn’t choose her any sooner than I had to. I didn’t know if I was doing her a favor or prolonging the mental agony accompanied by making her wait. All six slaves responded identically. What I was made to do was nothing short of madness! It made no sense whatsoever! When I was told to withdraw from Yokubo, Kaito lined all six girls side by side and bent them forward.

“Don’t those asses look tempting?” He asked me.

I didn’t answer.

“No matter. Maybe you prefer boys instead. I don’t care. Here’s what you’re going to do,” he said while getting his face close to mine. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. “We want to see how fast you can do them all. Remember, what happens if you don’t, boy,” he warned.

Yokubo was first. I looked at the line of perfect asses. All were bent and grabbing their ankles. All were still crying from the pain of what I had just done. I knew I would never forget that image.

Kaito walked to the end of the line and smacked the small ass of the last girl. “Ready? Set? Go!”

Blocking everything from my mind, I did what I had no choice but to do. One by one I took them. One by one they shrieked. With each lancing, the men roared. When I finished doing the last one, they stood cheering. Their applause, although loud, didn’t register in my brain. What I heard were the six crying slaves. What I saw were six adorable girls still bent and holding their ankles. Off to one side stood Meiko, standing as stoic and unphased as ever. It was like she felt nothing even though the room was charged with emotion.

“We are done with him. Take him away, my good girl,” Kaito said.

I watched him kiss his daughter on the cheek. Meiko bowed politely. We left without talking. My last sight was that of the girls still bent at the waist.

Meiko took me to my cage. “In you go. Strip, eat and get clean.”

She left. I couldn’t have been more pleased to have her gone and be left alone. After dropping my used catsuit in the dirty clothes bin, the water from overhead drenched my body. I used the time to wash all the evidence of the day away. I didn’t eat. All I wanted was to push the memory of the evening aside and forget that it ever happened.

Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. I realized that what Kaito and the guys did was commonplace. Time and again, this pattern had been repeated and it was probably repeated every time they showed up.

I couldn’t deny that some aspects of my slavery here were wonderful. There were times like my day spent at Mistress Fuyumi’s that energized me as a slave. I had a zest for life and couldn’t wait to serve everyone to the best of my ability. However, my slavery also meant enduring the bad and those happened to be some of the most depressing of circumstances. The pattern had continued far too frequently. It caused me to question my very livelihood as a slave – at least in this household.

I had fallen for Meiko. She had so many positive attributes but she had some gigantic flaws. Her complicity in what her father did was unforgivable in my eyes. Nothing about the way she had handled any of the three evenings in the playroom gave me even an inkling of hope that she had any intention of changing. I even noticed a hardness about her this morning when finding me with her mother. Figuring it was nothing more than a jealous daughter, I didn’t give it much thought. Then there was the issue with her anger. Even that I could tolerate. It was her callous attitude when seeing others being abused that I struggled to make sense. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t even know if I still wanted to explore the possibility of a relationship with her.

The morning bell rang. I readied for the day and went to the breakfast table. The girls sat across from us. They were so different. I could have cut their silence with a knife it was so thick. Yokubo sat across from me but never looked up. She never smiled and I sensed a profound sadness surrounding her. Even though I only knew of a little that went on last night, I knew she had probably endured hours of defilement.

I let her be. I didn’t slide my foot against her leg. Instead, I gave her the space she needed to grieve. I was sure they were all feeling the same way. We ate in silence. The other male-slaves said nothing. Even though they hadn’t been in the playroom to witness what I had, I wondered if they too had enough sense to know they these women were all damaged goods; that they needed to let their tired bodies heal – both physically and emotionally.

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