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Jerrod put the car in park and stared up at the big red letters on the sign… MASSAGE. He’d driven past this place countless times but he hadn’t tried it yet. He grinned and felt the small, excited flutter of anticipation through his chest. He strode through the parking lot, flipping his keys back and forth across his palm. The storefront was unassuming, which he took as a good sign.

Bells above his head announced him as he stepped in through the dark-tinted glass door. The entry area was predictably small, a window above a counter next to a solid door that led inside. He could see the woman through the window playing on her cell phone. She looked up at him and smiled dispassionately, “Hi there. Have you been here before?” Another sign this was the sort of place he was after.

Three twenty dollar bills were already in his hand and he was quick to place the cash on the counter. It was all the answer the woman needed. “Perfect, Sweetie,” She said then stepped out of sight. Moments later, the door opened, “Right this way.” Jerrod stepped into the dimly lit hallway, nodding his thanks as the woman indicated the open door for him, “Take your clothes off and lie down. She’ll be right with you.”

He took in the sight of the small room. It contained a long table draped in a white sheet, a chair for his things and a nightstand of sorts that held several shelves with bottles of lotion, oil and towels.

He removed his clothes and piled them neatly on top of the chair. Before he lay down, he took three more twenties out of his pocket and set them very visibly on the edge of the nightstand. It had taken him a few visits to various massage places to figure this strategy out. You couldn’t just outright ask how much a woman charged for a happy ending… at least he couldn’t. Usually she had some kind of code, like a gesture or a phrase she would use like “extra?” Or “everything?” Because they were trying to be subtle most of the time, they would whisper and he wasn’t always able to hear them, so he had to ask them to repeat it. The interaction always just felt so awkward to him.

Once, a woman had stopped mid-massage to tell him the price for more. She’d wanted it upfront, which he felt was totally reasonable, but he’d needed to point to his pants for her to get his wallet out and it had just been so distracting. By leaving the money out in the open, he found he could communicate his desire clearly and avoid the discussion altogether.

He laid down on his back and closed his eyes. Like most of the places he’d visited, this one had relaxing music playing. Often times, it was new age sounds or flutes or harps. This particular place had instrumental piano. As he lay there, he realized that he recognized the song, “Tell Me Have you Ever Really Really Loved A Woman?” A smile crossed his lips as he lay still and listened. A good song. Jerrod inhaled deeply and allowed himself to enjoy everything about the moment. He was naked in a public place. He loved the feel of being nude outside his home. Not only that, he was naked and a woman was about to have her hands on his body. The anticipation sent pulses through his torso. His erection was quickly growing, and his smile along with the feel of it.

He wasn’t waiting long before the door opened and a woman quietly stepped inside. He didn’t bother to open his eyes as she situated her things. He soon felt her presence beside him. Softly, she whispered, “Hi Baby.” Her voice was melodious and sensual… but it was also a voice he recognized, a voice he’d heard saying that same phrase many times.

At the same time as his eyes shot open wide, he felt a soft hand clamp down over his mouth, instantly silencing whatever reaction he might have had. The hand, and the face of the beautiful woman looking down into his eyes, belonged to his mother. She held her gaze and her hand over his mouth, but her other hand was placed gently onto his bare chest. She slowly began to caress him, her warm palm moving about his torso. His nose blew a burst of air onto her skin as he felt the pleasure of the sensation melt away any tension that never even had the chance to develop. His eyes closed a moment then opened to look at her again. She raised a single eyebrow, the small gesture enough to communicate her question and her expectations. He gave the smallest nod of his head, enough to assure her he would say nothing. Slowly, she pulled her hand away and began to caress his chest with both hands. She explored his torso for several long seconds, moving a little lower with each pass. Soon, her right hand was sliding up and down the length of his bare thigh as her left hand stroked his stomach beneath his naval. She applied pressure, which sent his cock throbbing and twitching even harder. With a single finger of her right hand, she traced the underside of his cock, slowly and deliberately trailing a path from his balls up the length of his shaft, stopping at the sensitive spot just beneath his cock head. He inhaled sharply, overcome by the sensation. Eyes wide, he looked at her. She was Çanakkale Escort grinning at him now and winked. Again, he relaxed a little more onto the table.

He had the chance to really look at his mother now. Her dark hair was loose, framing her face. She wore a silky robe that covered her backside but left her bare legs revealed. As he took in the sight of her, he couldn’t help but give voice to his thoughts. Softly, he whispered, “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

She tilted her head slightly then answered, “Thank you, Baby.” She spread both of her hands apart then. Simultaneously, she reached down his long legs and up his exposed torso. Her touch was the sweetest thing he’d ever felt. A distant part of his mind was still aware of the piano music, and that part was kind enough to remind him of the ironically fitting lyrics, “When you find yourself lying helpless in her arms, you know you really love a woman.”

Her hands were caring and affectionate. She brought him pleasure with every inch of his body she caressed. She didn’t return to his cock, not yet, but she kept sliding her hands closer and closer, teasing him in the most incredible way. She stroked the inside of his strong thighs, the back of her thumbs barely brushing his balls.

As he lay there blissfully, he found his own hand moving toward her. His touch was hesitant and slow, reflecting his insecurity. Everything about this was new territory for him. Eventually he managed to place his palm on his mother’s bare thigh. Her skin felt so deliciously smooth.

She pulled away from him then and met his eyes. For a brief instant, he feared he’d crossed line. She immediately reassured him by pulling the silky sash that held her robe to her body. Jerrod’s cock reached hard for her as he took in the sight. She wore a bright pink thong and a matching bra. Tossing the robe on top of his pile of clothes, she giggled slightly seeing her son’s reaction, how desperately he wanted her. She gripped the base of his hard cock and stroked up its length once then back down, then she let go and resumed massaging other parts of his body.

His own hand was stroking up and down now, moving along the back of her thigh, from her knee up to her perfectly round butt. His fingers traced the thong then slid back down her leg. She contentedly let him play. With each stroke, he grew just a bit more bold. His fingertips slid beneath the thin fabric then between her cheeks, then he was caressing the puckering rim of her anus each time he reached up from her perfect, sexy legs.

The time she spent away from his cock was growing shorter and shorter. It wasn’t long before she abandoned the pretense of the massage entirely. She had her left palm placed flat against his abdomen while her right hand began to earnestly stroke him. She pumped faster and faster, feeling the moment when he tensed. His fingers clawed into her bare thigh. She squeezed hard onto his cock and he began to gush. She held her hand still as he spewed like a geyser. She felt each pulse, her eyebrows flicking up, impressed by his volume. She watched him. Her son was trembling now. Her left hand began to move around his torso. Now, her touch was soothing to him, where it had been electrifying mere moments before. She pressed into his bare chest, silently urging him to relax. She felt his body slacken again as he melted into the massage table.

Her right hand didn’t let go of his cock until she began to feel it softening. She stepped to the nightstand and retrieved a towel from a small steam machine. He flinched when it first touched his skin, surprised by the heat but not hurt by it. His face wore a rather silly grin as his mother wiped him clean. She was decidedly thorough, and she took the time to clean her messy hand as well. She discarded the towel and stepped to the head of the massage table.

The top of his head was now pressed into her bare abdomen. He looked up at her, awe-struck while she began to caress his face. There was so much tender affection in the way she held him. She leaned forward, her arms stretching across the length of his torso. Instinctively, he reached up caressing her back, reveling in the sensation of her skin against his own. He held her to him fiercely and lovingly. His hands slid down so he could squeeze both cheeks of her butt then up her back again. His fingers found their way to her bra. He quickly undid the clasp and felt the soft shift as her breasts now rested on his chest.

Again, she giggled in amusement as she leaned back, letting the bra fall onto his stomach. She hovered over him and began to slide her body back and forth, letting her breasts massage his chest as they gently swayed. The joy he felt in this moment was tangible. As she began to stand, his head reached for those perfect dangling breasts. He managed to barely kiss one nipple as she pulled away. She looked down at him, taking his face between her loving palms so she could kiss him on his forehead.

Standing now, she tapped him on both of his Çanakkale Escort Bayan shoulders at once and whispered, “Time’s up, Sweetie.” For a brief moment, he just lay there, stunned as if her words had no meaning to him. She picked up the pile of clothes and brought it to the table, removing her bra and robe. Jerrod didn’t want to go anywhere, but he couldn’t even remotely say he was unsatisfied. It took an act of will, but he forced himself to sit up and began to put on his clothes.

He watched his mother dress herself, keeping her back to him while she fastened her bra and draped the robe over her shoulders. She stood close to the door, deliberately keeping space between them. There was so much he wanted to do in that moment, wrap his arms around her, whisper… something into her ear, something to acknowledge this unexpected intimacy they’d shared. He wanted to express his love and affection, but she was making absolutely sure he was being professional. She held onto the door handle, patiently waiting for him to lower his shirt over his abdomen and slide on his shoes.

“All ready?” She asked. There was a cheeriness to her voice that he recognized as not being real. She was putting on an act.

He played along, forcing nonchalance into his voice, “All set.” She opened the door and motioned him out into the hallway. When he stepped out, she hugged him, but there was no affection to the embrace, “Come back and see me again, Baby.”

For a brief instant, he was too stunned to react, but he managed a nod, “I… I will.” She waved pleasantly as he stepped through the door then closed it behind him. Jerrod felt somehow bombarded as he stepped away from the dim lights and soft piano music into the street lamps and noise of traffic outside. His keys flipped in his open palm, jangling loudly as he said to himself, “Well THAT is not how I saw my day going.”


Before Jerrod made it home, he felt his cell phone telephone buzz with a text message.

“From Mom: Getting MaMa Carolina’s for dinner. Love you. See you at home.”

He debated how to respond, composing a few different messages then immediately deleting them. He settled on simply, “Sounds good. See you then.”

He went inside and headed straight for the kitchen table. There was nothing he needed to do and there was certainly nothing else he could think about. He sat down and waited, mentally replaying the amazing and unbelievable experience he’d just had. He’d be lying if he said there weren’t moments he wondered if the entire thing might have been his imagination… a fantasy somehow more real and vivid and wonderful than anything his mind had ever conjured before.

He wasn’t waiting long before he heard his mom’s car in the driveway. He watched her open the door and walk inside, a large work bag in one hand and a bag of takeout in the other, “Hi Baby.” He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply when he heard those words again. It was as though he could feel her touch again.

With an obviously fake pleasantness and forced enthusiasm, he said, “Hi Mom. HOW was YOUR day?”

Amber laughed as she put the food on the table, sat down across from him and began opening containers. “My day was very interesting. How about yours?” He forced a smile, but didn’t respond. His eyes were drawn to the cartoonish Italian woman drawn on the takeout containers next to the restaurant’s slogan, “Made With MaMa’s Special Touch!” With mostly amusement and some genuine irritation, he flicked his finger against the empty bag. Still, this was his favorite restaurant. He waited for her to go first, then served himself the pasta and breadsticks.

She took a big bite, closing her eyes and savoring the taste before she spoke again, “I’m guessing you have some questions.”

He looked at her playfully as he bit into the bread. So good. “I thought you worked as an office manager.”

“I still do actually. In the mornings.” She explained in between eager bites. “A while back, the company had to make some budget cuts. Budget cuts didn’t affect corporate, but you know that how that goes,” she waved her empty fork in the air dismissively. “There were a few people they were gonna lay off, including Rosalie, who is one of the best workers we’ve ever had, and just the sweetest lady. I talked to HR and ran some numbers. If me and another manager took fewer hours and divied some responsibilities, we could afford to keep everyone. Corporate agreed it was a good solution, so I started looking for a second job. Massage place was hiring… and that’s about it.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me about the pay cut? I could’ve…”

She cut him off, “Oh. It wasn’t anything for you to worry about, Sweetie. We actually would have been just fine, even with the cut. Tell the truth, I mostly thought I’d be bored without having something to do for most of the day… and this was… something I hadn’t done before, so it seemed worth a try.”

He nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the things his mother told him, “Do you… enjoy Escort Çanakkale it?”

She considered a moment, “You know, I really do. For one thing, I’m pretty good at it,” she winked at her son, making him blush and nod in agreement. “I like how physical it is, both being on my feet and just getting to use my hands. I like the girls I work with…”

“And the guys who come to see you?”

“Alot of the guy I take care of… probably most of them, don’t get to feel touch and affection on a regular basis. I think that’s something that is so important. When they’re with me, men feel comfortable and secure, they get to relax and receive a caring touch without having to earn it, or worry if they’re attractive enough or good enough. They get to just be in the moment. They really need that, and I see what it does for them. When they leave, they carry themselves differently. I feel like what I do… Is healing, maybe just for a little while, but truly I feel like I get to heal something in their souls, replace something they’ve been needing.”

“I… I understand exactly what you mean and… you’re right. That is how it feels.”

She picked up a piece of garlic bread and showed him a sly, almost conspiratorial grin, “OK, your turn for a question. That’s quite the system you’ve got. Leaving the money in the open and showing off your erection before I even walk in the door.” She chomped down on her bread, contentedly watching his face go through different shades of embarrassment. “You go to those places quite a lot?”

She waited patiently until he composed himself enough to answer her. They always had been able to talk about anything. “For a while I was. When I first got my promotion, it was really nice to have extra money suddenly. I’d always been curious about it. Seems like massage places are on every other corner when you drive around this area. For the money part, I just always felt so awkward negotiating. It wouldn’t bother me if they’d come right out and say ‘Here’s what we offer. Here’s how much it costs.'”

“You’ve tried a lot of them?”

He shrugged noncommittally, “A little different experience everywhere you go.”

She tilted her head with curiosity, “How so?”

“Had one girl walk on my back. She was really little, like 4’8″ maybe. That was… odd but kinda fun. Was not a big fan of the hot rocks on my back. Can’t imagine how people find that relaxing.”

She laughed, “And how about the women?”

He met her eyes again, as if needing to reassure himself it was all right to answer her truthfully. He wasn’t about to hide anything from her now. “There are definitely some who want to get it over as soon as possible. It isn’t hard to tell, and that’s a lot less enjoyable. This one woman, her fingers were like steel. She’s rubbing my back like she’s hammering metal. I was scared she was going to crush my balls into dust.”

“I’m so glad she didn’t.”

“RIGHT!? There was one woman who was like a robot when she stroked my cock. It wasn’t like a human touching me, it was the rhythm of a machine up and down. I actually came very quickly with her, but it was… strange. I just kept wondering how a person could actually move that way.”

He was searching his memories now as though going through a photo album, looking for a particular picture worth showing, “One lady kept me face down the entire time. That was… interesting. She had me raise my hips up on my knees and she was stroking me by reaching up through my legs. She had a towel beneath me and made sure she was aiming me down when so I wouldn’t make a big mess. It was a little like I was a cow being milked.” His mother responded with a low moo-ing sound. He forced his eyes closed as though to avoid the visual she’d just given him.

“I think… for the most part, I think I like older women better. They seem like they actually enjoy it… or at least they act that way.”

“I can see that.”

“Except this one lady. She called me Baby, but it didn’t sound flirty. It wasn’t… cute. It was like she really was treating me like a child. She’s rubbing my cock and says, ‘There you go, Baby.’ I come and she says, ‘Oh. Wow. That’s a good good Baby.'” Jerrod shuddered at the memory, “Did NOT like that at all.”

His mother was laughing so hard she had to cover her mouth to keep from spitting out pasta. She forced herself to swallow, “Oh, honey. I’m so sorry.”

He ljoined in her laughter, “It’s fine. I’m just… not going back to her.” There was a long pause between them as the laughter settled. Jerrod looked at his mother with a sudden intense earnestness. “Honestly though, Mom.” She met his gaze and waited for him, “No one’s ever made me feel the way you made me feel today.” She didn’t respond, but reached out to hold his hand on the table. The silence between them was comfortable for a time.

Eventually, she asked, “Does your massage always come with a… Happy Ending.”

He shook his head, “Not always. I do like I did today. I never bother to cover myself. Most of the time that seems to be enough. Occasionally, a woman will cover me up herself. If I start out out on my back and turn over, I might pull the towel off of my cock, assuming I’m really hard, but if she covers me again, that’s it. I have no interest in forcing some poor woman to touch me if she clearly doesn’t want to.”

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