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Jade had never been to a college party before, and if she was being honest with herself, she wasn’t getting a great impression of them from the one she was attending with Kenzie, Abby, and Luke.

Jade estimated there were about 40 people crammed into a dirty apartment that wasn’t large enough for that number to be comfortable. The smell of booze and weed didn’t bother her too much, but the fact that she kept stepping in sticky, dried liquids definitely did. She was finding that the only difference from a high school party was that the liquor was lower-quality — she supposed that everyone had to save money when buying their own, rather than raiding their parents’ stash.

Still, Jade was determined to have a fun summer before she joined the ranks of the undergrads, so she nursed a rum and coke and struggled to make herself heard as she chatted with strangers over the blare of music and the yelling of conversations. To her frustration, she noticed that Abby and Luke, who had given her a ride to the party, were already very drunk and grinding to the music.

If you can’t beat em, join ’em. “Hey Kenzie,” Jade practically yelled to her right, “do you wanna do a shot with me?” She heard no response, so she looked to her right — Kenzie had slipped away, and Jade hadn’t even noticed.

“I’ll do a shot with you,” said a feminine voice next to her. Jade turned, and saw a young woman, maybe a bit older than her, with brown skin and black hair cropped into a pixie cut. She was wearing a flannel shirt and shorts, and was looking at Jade with a cute grin.

Jade cocked her head and smiled. “Hell yes, girl!” She grabbed a bottle of vodka from a nearby table along with a couple of plastic shot glasses. “Do you have a chaser?”

The girl held up a cup filled with some kind of soda. “I do!”

Jade set her own drink down, then filled the two shot glasses and handed one to the girl. “What do we drink to?”

The girl shrugged. “Summer? Being young and hot in the city?”

Jade blushed. “I’ll drink to that!” They tapped their shot glasses together and drank rapidly, then chased from their cups.

“I love your shirt!” said Jade, loudly, as the music had gotten even louder. “What’s your name?

“Erica! Thanks, I love your dress!”

“Thank you so much, Erika! I’m Jade, I came here with Abby!” Jade glanced down at her own dress to make sure she hadn’t spilled it. It was a blue and white patterned number that she’d paired with her cutest pair of shoes, wanting to make a good first impression.

And…if Jade was being honest with herself, she was looking for company. She hadn’t done anything with Rose since Saturday, or even hardly seen her, and had been horny on and off all week. It still felt super weird that the best sex she’d ever had was with her aunt, but Jade wanted more. At this point, she was sure that they weren’t hurting anybody, and she wanted more, but Aunt Rose was out of town until Monday. Rose had said, though, that she encouraged Jade to date or sleep with anyone she wanted — it wasn’t an exclusive affair or anything.

“Nice to meet you, Jade!” said Erica. “I only kind of know Abby, through mutual friends at school.”

“You go to the university?” asked Jade.

“I do, I’m a psych major, how ’bout you?”

Jade shook her head. “I’m kind of on a…gap year, but I’m hoping to start this year, second semester. I’m totally considering psych as a major, actually!”

Erica smiled. “Oh, I love it, it’s so interesting!”

Jade took a sip of her drink. “Oh, tell me about it! Here, it’s quieter over there.” She and Erica walked toward the hallway where the residents of the place — whoever they were — had their bedrooms. Jade leaned against a wall as Erica told her about the school and her classes.

Jade was mostly listening, but she was also concentrating on Erica’s lips and body movements. She was definitely cute, and Jade had the feeling that she might swing her way. So far, the evening had been a little disappointing on that front. Hardly any guys had tried talking to her with anything that felt like romantic intent — well, one had, but he was already completely sloshed and Jade had no interest. Jade knew she was a little on the chubby side, but she had been sure this dress would reel them in.

But maybe it was for the best, because the more Erica talked, the more Jade was drawn to her. The psych major was a very animated speaker and was clearly very confident in herself, which Jade found very attractive in a woman.

“So, what are you doing with your summer?” asked Erica.

“Oh, you know, waitressing, saving up for school,” said Jade. “Trying not to get too drunk before I get to college!” She had only had the one shot and the one drink so far, because she figured one of her friend group had to be the responsible one. “I’m living at my aunt’s house in the bougie part of town, which is pretty nice, I get outside a lot.”

“Looks like it!” said Erica. “Hey, do you want another drink?”

“Sure, another rum and coke, thank you so much!” escort said Jade. That might just be a friendly gesture, or the girl might be about to come onto her. Jade wasn’t sure where she would even go if Erica wanted to somewhere private — how did people hook up so easily?

Jade’s thoughts were interrupted as Luke suddenly stormed past her through the hallway, bumping her drink and almost spilling it. “Sorry,” he muttered as he kept marching down, then toward the front door. From the opposite end of the hallway, Jade could vaguely hear someone crying.

“Fuck,” said Jade. She wobbled on her heels for a moment, not sure to stay or go, and decided on the second option, and walked down the hall to the bathroom.

Inside, she found both her friend Abby and a sandy-haired, muscular guy she didn’t recognize. Abby was on the toilet, holding her forehead and weeping, while the guy was examining her head.

“Jesus, Abby, are you okay?” asked Jade. “Is she okay?”

The guy looked at her. “I mean, she’s a mess, but I’ve seen worse.”

Jade held a hand to her mouth. “God, Abby, did Luke…hit you?”

Abby shook her head. “He’s such an asshole!”

“Hold still,” said the muscular guy. “He didn’t hit her, not that I saw, anyway. I was in here washing my hands when her and some big guy burst in yelling at each other. She actually tried to slap him but she missed and crashed into the sink. Bonked her head on it.”

Abby was nodding and crying. “It fucking sucks! Goddamn! I’m so…m-m-mad at him!”

“It’s gonna be okay, Abs,” said Jade. “You said she’s gonna be okay? What are you, an EMT?”

The guy shook his head. “I joined the National Guard to pay for school, I’ve seen bumps like this all the time, mostly from drunk guardsmen. Could you get me some ice in a bag? She’s gonna wanna keep it on her.”

Jade nodded. She didn’t feel like she needed her drink, so she poured it down the sink. “Be right back!” She bolted down the hallway to the kitchen. It took some prodding, but she managed to move enough people to get to the drawers, where there were some Ziploc bags. She pulled out a small one, then went to the bucket someone was using to store dozens of beer bottles and scooped out some ice.

On her way, she glanced over at the living area and groaned. Goddammit. Erica was standing up against the wall, and Kenzie was in front of her, and their lips were locked. Fucking Kenzie had worked whatever lesbian magic she had again.

Jade shook her head and walked back to the bathroom. The muscular guy was helping wipe a little bit of blood from Abby’s wound away from her forehead. “Here you go,” she said as she handed him the bag.

“Thanks. Abby, can you keep this on your forehead for a little bit? It’s gonna swell up something nasty if you don’t.

Abby nodded and said, “Um…yeah…” through snot and tears. She lazily held the ice bag to her head. “I need to text him, I feel bad for almost slapping him…”

“Just relax for ten minutes before you do anything, and take some medicine right away in the morning, though you were probably gonna need that even before you bumped your head,” said the guy. He stood up and held a hand out to Jade. “Thanks for your help.”

Jade shook his hand. He had a strong grip. “God, no, I’m the one who should be thanking you, she’s my friend! I’m Jade, by the way.”

“My friends call me T,” said the guy. “Did you drive her here?”

“She drove me.”

“Oof. Yeah, I’d see about finding an alternate ride, she shouldn’t be driving anywhere. I don’t think she has a concussion, but she’s gonna have a hell of a night.”

Jade nodded. “I’ll see if our…other friend can take her. Seriously, thank you.”

T shrugged. “No big deal. So, what brings you to this party?”

“Well, Abby did. I mean, I said she drove us, but she knows the people who live here…I think. Or she heard about it somehow. I’m not sure.”

“Sure, sure. Yeah, I’m kind of an involuntary guest. I just got a new job in the city and I’m staying with the guys at this place — Ethan said I could crash on the couch — until my lease starts in July. Hey, that reminds me…”

“Of what?” asked Jade.

“We probably don’t want to keep occupying this bathroom,” said T. “Let me go ask Ethan if we can put her in a bedroom for a little bit so she can have a little bit of quiet and we can make sure she’s okay.”

“Oh, okay, I’ll stay here.”

T nodded and walked out of the bathroom.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Abby?” asked Jade.

Abby shook her head. “I want to break up with him. No, I want him to break up with me. No, shit, I love him! No, maybe I’m just horny?”

“Maybe you’re just drunk…” said Jade.

T returned. “Yeah, we’re good to take that one next door. Could you help me get her up?” He and Jade helped Abby to her feet and led her down the hall to the first bedroom. It was relatively clean, and there was a camp chair with a little footrest next to the bed. “Let’s sit her down in that chair.”

“God, thanks, you guuuyssss…” escort bayan said Abby, still loosely holding the bag of ice.

“Obviously, we can’t just leave her by herself,” said T. “But I wouldn’t expect you to leave her alone with just me.”

“You can get back to the party if you want to,” said Jade.

T shook his head. “To be honest with you, I’d rather be asleep right now. I’m pretty much incapable of sleeping in. Force of habit.”

At the word “sleeping,” Jade cocked her head, really looking at him for the first time. T was definitely handsome, maybe not the first guy you notice when you walk into a room, but definitely a strong presence. He had an athletic body, well-groomed sandy hair, and eyes that somehow looked both sad and magnetic. He was wearing a t-shirt and form-fitting jeans, and definitely had a nice butt. But most of all, he just struck her as a good guy, or at least a guy who tried to do the right thing.

Maybe tonight won’t be a loss after all. “You know,” said Jade, “maybe the best thing to do would be to bring her to her parents’ house, so you don’t have to help me babysit her. Plus, that way she can be in her own bed and her mom can take care of her.”

T looked at her with interest. “Not a bad idea, but you’d miss out on the party, wouldn’t you?”

Jade shrugged. “One of my best friends is a mess with a bump on her head, and the other one abandoned me to go get to second base with a stranger. I’m not all that invested, either.”

“All right,” said T, “but I thought you said she drove?”

“Ughhh…” said Abby. “Luke has the keys!”

“Fuck,” said Jade. “I guess I could get an Uber or something and deal with the huge surge prices. Unless, T, I hate to ask this, but do you have a car?”

T put his hands in his pockets. “Yeah, I do. I mean, as I said, don’t really give a fuck about this party. But to be honest, if I were you, I wouldn’t trust my drunk friend to some strange guy I just met.”

Jade nodded. “You seem like a good guy, but I was thinking the same thing. I can ride with you to Abby’s house.”

“All right, fuck it,” said T, “guess this is my civic duty for the weekend.”

He led Jade down to the street where he’d parked his car. It was a middle-quality sedan but very clean. He helped Jade get Abby in the backseat, checked her head one more time, and asked Jade to give him directions. It was about a twenty-minute drive through the darkened streets, and Abby spent most of it crying and promising them that she wouldn’t get that drunk again.

On the way, Jade made a quick call to Abby’s mom, who sounded weary but not particularly surprised. Jade also sent a very short text telling Kenzie what happened and where they were going. She knew she shouldn’t feel bitter about her friend making out with Erica, but she couldn’t help it completely.

They pulled up to Abby’s house and T and Jade helped the girl from the car and up to the front door, which opened as they arrived

“Jesus, Abby,” said her mom. “Did Luke do this to you?”

“She crashed into a sink,” said Jade.

Abby’s mom rolled her eyes. “Of course she did. Thank you, Jade, and thank you, um…”

“I go by T,” said T. “I guess I’m a new friend.”

“Well, thank you both, I’ll take her from here,” said Abby’s mom as she closed the door.

T looked at Jade quizzically. “You’re not going to stay here? Do you want me to call you a ride?”

Jade bit her lower lip for an instant, then shook her head. “Well, I was wondering…since we’re already out here…if you wouldn’t mind giving me a ride home?”

“I mean, sure…” said T. “You trust me to do that?”

“You strike me as more trustworthy than most guys,” said Jade.

“Huh,” said T, “well, I try to be. All right, where’s your house?”

T drove them another ten minutes into the ritzy neighborhood where Rose lived. He whistled softly as he began to notice the houses. “Wow, you live here, huh?”

“I do,” said Jade. “I mean, it’s my aunt’s house, but she let me and my mom move in for a while.”

“So this is how the other half lives,” said T. “I mean, I’d love to live in a house like these someday. The ones I grew up in were pretty small. I guess it’s an incentive for me to work hard, you know?”

“Uh-huh.” Jade hoped he didn’t notice she kept staring at him.

T pulled up to the house, which was completely dark. “Okay, looks like this is your place. Damn, Jade, you’re one lucky girl.”

Jade laughed. “My luck definitely turned around this summer. So, um…I feel bad that you’re not going to be able to sleep when you get back to the party…”

T looked her in the eyes, the streetlight illuminating his face. “Yeah, it’s too bad about that…it sure would be nice if some kind stranger would give me somewhere to crash, so I can get some peace and quiet.”

Jade smiled and cocked her head. “It sure would be. You know, it’s a big house. I think there’s some extra space.”

T nodded, a bare smile on his own lips. “I sure would appreciate it.” He leaned toward her, bayan escort put his hand on hers, and kissed her.

Jade returned the kiss eagerly. His lips weren’t as soft as she was used to, but his mouth felt hungry, and she felt so sexy to be wanted. After a few moments, she pulled her face back and said, “Um…do you think you could pull up the street a bit?”

“Okay, sure. Don’t want your mom to see a strange car and get ideas?”

“Yeah…” said Jade. “I mean, she’s not a bitch about things like that, but…I just don’t want to deal with the questions. That’s not pathetic, is it? That I live with my mom?”

“No worries, I get it.” T started the car again and drove them a few houses down. “Think your mom will be awake?”

Jade shook her head. “I’ll go in and check, maybe you should stay right behind me.” The two of them walked up to the house and Jade made sure the security system wouldn’t freak out at her. She turned her key in the lock and slowly opened the front door.

There was no sign of Marla in the entryway, the living room, or the kitchen. Jade glanced around and listened, silently. She heard the sounds of the TV coming from Marla’s hallway, though the light wasn’t on in the bedroom. She held a finger to her lips. “Follow me close.”

The two of them crept up the stairs, T making even less noise than Jade did. She led him into her bedroom and softly closed the door behind them before turning on a lamp.

“Nice setup you got here,” whispered T.

“Oh, thanks!” replied Jade. “We can be, you know…a little louder up here. My aunt said the house is really well insulated.”

T grinned. “I like that. And I like you, too.”

Jade giggled. “Oh yeah?”

“You were the hottest girl at that disaster of a party. I’m surprised no one else said anything about it.”

“Me? I dunno, I think some guys think I’m too fat.”

“Only morons. You look perfect to me.”

Jade leaned forward and kissed him, and felt his strong arms wrap around her. He kissed her on the neck as his hands ran down to her waist, then her ass and hips.

“I’d like to see more, though,” said T. He gazed into her eyes, seemingly looking to make sure she was okay, and he reached down to the bottom of her dress. He pulled up on it, and she raised up her arms so she could pull it over and off of her.

Jade stood there in her bra and panties as T began to remove his own shirt. Underneath, he was thin but fairly muscular, with impressive abs and a strong chest. “You’re not too bad yourself,” said Jade, moving in close to him again. She fiddled with his belt buckle and began to loosen it, and he dropped his pants. Underneath his gray boxers, she could see that he was long and hard.

T kissed her again on the neck and shoulders, and she pulled her head back in arousal. Then he stopped for a moment and looked at her. “Before we do anything else,” he said, “what are you looking for?”

Jade’s eyebrows went up at the question. She wasn’t expecting to have to answer that question. “Um…” she said, “honestly, I, um…usually I just go with the flow.”

He frowned. “What does that mean?”

“Well, um…I guess I…I like, um, the other person to…be in charge. You can take the lead, I’ll let you know if it’s, you know, too much…”

“Hmm…okay, I can work with that,” said T.

“And um, there’s not much that scares me. Like, don’t choke me or anything, but other than that…”

T smiled at her. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He suddenly gripped her by the shoulders with strong hands and turned her around. He came up behind her, and Jade felt his cock pressing against her ample ass. He kissed her on the back of the neck several times as his hands explored. He undid her bra hook and pulled it off of her, letting it fall to the floor. She stayed still, breathing heavily, as his hands went downward and he pulled her panties down over her waist and legs, and then she was naked in front of him.

“Beautiful,” he said behind her, and then kissed her again on the neck. Jade leaned back into him, letting him cover her with kisses, then shuddering as his hand brushed her thigh. “Do you have a condom?” he asked her.

“Yes!” Jade stammered, and she went to her dresser, rummaging in the drawers. She found one, and turned around to see that he had taken off his underwear. His cock was pointed up at her, long and rigid, and she let out a gasp at the sight of it.

He smirked. “Would you mind doing me a favor and putting that on me?”

“Uh-huh!” Jade bent down to the floor and began undoing the packaging on the condom. She looked forward at his cock. What the hell? she thought, and she leaned forward and kissed his cock right on the head.

He grunted. “Mmm…you’re a tease…”

Jade smiled up at him. “I’m better than that!” She kissed it again, then slowly put her mouth around it, then bobbed her head back and forth. She wasn’t the most experienced at blowjobs, having only given a few before, and could only fit him halfway into her mouth, but she figured she could make up for it with enthusiasm. After a couple of minutes, Jade felt something salty in her mouth and worried that he had already cum, though he didn’t seem like he was moving much — then she realized it was only precum.

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