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Author’s Note: This is the third chapter, so you may want to read the first and second before reading this story. Thank you to my readers, I hope I didn’t make you wait too long! As always, please vote, comment, and/or send feedback. Thank you for reading!

Gabe woke to Raine trying to slip out of bed unnoticed. His arm reached out to circle her waist just as her feet were touching the floor. Gently, he pulled her back into his embrace.

What was he doing? Raine wondered. Here she was in a panic because they had unprotected sex again, and he was acting like they were some old married couple. She had to get up and shower, so why couldn’t he just let her go?

She struggled a little against his grasp, but while he was gentle he was also very strong. Raine gave up. It actually wasn’t that bad to be lying next to him in bed. If it weren’t for the fact that she wasn’t on birth control, it might actually be great. Gabe nuzzled the back of her neck.

“Good morning Beautiful,” he whispered into her ear.

She wanted to resist, but she couldn’t. She rolled over and kissed him. It was soft and sweet, and just the way she had wanted to wake up every day for the rest of her life. She wanted to be hopeful that it would work out, but she had to be realistic too. Rae stretched and turned to look at Gabe.

“So what do you normally do on Sundays?” he asked.

“Well, usually I do my grocery shopping. Then I go down to the beach for a couple of hours, and after that I come back here to read or paint.”

“So when do we go shopping Honey?”

“First off, you haven’t earned the right to call me Honey,” she said, even though she liked it, “and second, I would normally leave for the market in about an hour. I still need to shower.”

One moment Raine was in bed, and the next she was in Gabe’s arms as he carried her to the shower. She squealed and clutched at his shoulder. She didn’t want to fall, but she shouldn’t be worried because Gabe would never drop her.

She didn’t want to get too comfortable with Gabe, but she had to admit that she had fantasized about sex with Gabe and showering with Gabe when they were in Guam. Raine had craved moments like this, but now she was afraid to want more. Did she really know Gabe that well? Not really. Did she love him? She still wasn’t sure. Try as she might though, she couldn’t turn him away yet.

Together they stood naked in front of her shower. Gabe looked just as scrumptious as ever. They way he was looking at her made her feel like a goddess. He was eating her up with his eyes; it was obvious.

She really was gorgeous, Gabe thought. There were four pale triangles of skin on her body that he found intriguing. She must wear a skimpy bikini. The thought of his gypsy in a bikini turned him on hardcore. He couldn’t stand it any longer. Gabe led her into the shower with him under the hot water and pulled her close.

When they kissed it was hot and wet. Tongues were thrusting and mouths were hungry. Gabe spanked her luscious ass and she whimpered into his mouth. It was so sexy. Knowing that he could have his way with her whenever he wanted aroused him. almanbahis Gabe would never force her, but he liked the fact that he could. There were times he liked to sit back and enjoy being ridden, but usually he liked to be in control. He loved having a wildcat underneath him bucking while he fucked her.

Raine didn’t want to admit it, but she was so fucking horny. She wanted his cock, again. It made her feel like a horny teen to want it so badly, but she couldn’t help what she felt. She slid a hand down his body to his dick. He was already rock hard.

If she was touching him like this, Gabe wasn’t going to wait any longer. He lifted her up and pinned her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around him and he shoved his hard cock into her wet pussy. She screamed out in pleasure and it echoed off the shower walls. Last night had been sweet, but now Gabe was feeling primitive. All he knew was that he wanted to brand Raine as his. He wanted to fuck her until she never thought of fucking someone else.

Rained raked her nails down his back. God, his cock felt so fucking good. She had no idea how she’d gone without sex for so long. Gabe was making her remember that she loved it. She wrapped her legs even tighter around his waist. Trying to contain her moans was useless.

Gabe hoped he wasn’t hurting her, but he couldn’t hold back. He pounded his cock into her over, and over, and over again. He was fucking her so hard he could feel himself bumping her cervix with every thrust. She was clawing and biting at him like a wild thing and he loved it. If the tiles on the wall weren’t cracked by the time they were done, it’d be a miracle.

Raine could feel her orgasm coming. If last night had been a tidal wave, today would be a tsunami. She tried to hold on, but there was no way to prepare for it. She was getting so close, she’d be cumming soon. Her teeth sank into his shoulder just as her orgasm hit. She came screaming with her body arching into his arms. Spasms were shaking her even as she heard Gabe roar. She could feel his cum coating the inside of her pussy while she was still quivering against him.

She would have collapsed if Gabe hadn’t caught her when he took a step back. Her legs felt useless. Together, they rinsed off. Gabe was a little wobbly himself, but he managed to carry her back to bed. So much for getting to the store in an hour, Raine thought. They both fell back asleep wrapped up in each other’s arms.


That afternoon they went to the beach together. While they were out doing her weekly shopping earlier Gabe had bought a pair of swim trunks. In hindsight, he really should have spent a little more time packing. He’d been too excited to be free to pursue Rae. He had rushed out of Guam less than a day after he was done with the service. His apartment was still untouched. He would still have to pack everything.

At the beach they swam a little, and Gabe watched her while she tanned. The way he was smiling at her made her dizzy. He did look like a man in love. He had never looked that way at Morgan. Speaking of, she had no idea how she was going to break the news to Morgan. Her friend would be furious almanbahis yeni giriş with her, though she didn’t have a reason; Raine had done her best to be a good friend. It wasn’t her fault that her best friend’s vacation fuck-buddy had fallen for her, was it?

Oh well, she’d deal with that when she had to, IF she had to. She still wasn’t sure if Gabe would stick around, no matter what he said. Raine was sure she could find an excuse to get out of ladies’ night this Tuesday. She would just have to get an imaginary stomach flu that was all.

After a couple hours at the beach, they headed back to her apartment. Instead of painting or reading, she was going to watch one of her new movies with Gabe. Together they had gone to the video store and chosen a few new flicks to see. They even got some old school jiffy pop.

They spent the evening together on the couch watching movies. At one point they even had popcorn wars. Gabe had to admit, he was happier than he had been in a long time. It was amazing how much the simple things mattered. As dainty as she was, Raine had a strong grip on his heart. There was no way in Hell he was going to let her slip through his fingers again.

It was about midnight when Rae finally made him leave. Gabe tried as he had the night before to talk her into letting him stay the night, but it didn’t work.

“I don’t want to leave Baby. I’d be thinking of you all night.”

“I have to work tomorrow Gabe. I have to get up early, and I need my sleep. What I don’t need is a distraction. You can call me tomorrow after I get out of work at five.”

“Alright. I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you Rae,” Gabe responded.

Raine wasn’t quite sure what to say. She was still trying to decide if she felt the same. Feelings were rarely in black and white. She decided to say nothing; she simply ushered him out the door. When he was gone, she felt lonely. It took her a while to fall asleep that night.

The next morning she went through her normal routine of getting ready for the office. She was the best paid secretary at Wyndham Advertising. Her boss, Brandon Wright, was CEO of the company. It had all started with a lowly temp job, but she had worked hard to get where she was now. It helped that she’d been an art major in college with a minor in business.

Her office attire for the day was a blue dress with a slate colored suit jacket. The dress had a slight v-neck but still managed to look professional. The hem hit right at her knees, and her navy blue peep-toe shoes helped accent her toned calves. Her hair was twisted up into a curly bun and she wore light makeup. She was still beautiful, it was just more subtle. She didn’t want to send the wrong message at work.

At the office, she had about an hour to prepare before the boss came in. She liked to get there early so that she had a chance to organize everything for Mr. Wright. They got along great, and he actually asked for her advice on a lot of their ads. They’d been working together for nearly two years now; Raine hoped they’d be working together longer still.

Sure enough, an hour later he strolled through the door. He almanbahis giriş looked as professional as he always did; he wore a cobalt blue suit with a pale grey shirt underneath. The contrast made it work.

“Good morning Rae, how are you?” he asked in his British accent. She had to admit, when they had first started working together, that accent had made her melt into putty. Now she was used to hearing that voice give days out of seven. It may seem unprofessional to allow him to call her Rae, but they spent too much time together to be so formal. Of course she referred to him as Mr. Wright in front of the other staff, but when it was just the two of them, they saw no need to be so formal. In a way, they were more like friends than CEO and secretary.

“I’m good. How are you Brandon?”

“Good Sweets, but I’m not sure I believe you’re as good as you claim missy. What’s with those circles under your pretty eyes?”

Raine smiled at him. He really was a sweetheart, but she didn’t feel like discussing Gabe with him. They were close, but not that close.

“I’m fine B, just a little sleepy. Are you ready to get to work?”

“I sure am Love. To my office?”

“To your office. It’s time to get to work.”

All morning they worked on their new advertisements for a jewelry company. Raine helped him adjust the graphics for the magazine ads and made some suggestions. They were a great team. Rae’s stomach had just begun growling when the lunch hour hit.

“Do you want to go to lunch together Rae?”

“Sure, our favorite Thai place?”

“Who’s favorite Thai place?” Gabe said.

What was Gabe doing here? Raine did a double take to make sure she wasn’t imagining it. It wasn’t her imagination; it was Gabe. Who the Hell did he think he was? Did he really think he could stroll into her office uninvited and unannounced? He didn’t look happy either.

“Gabriel, what are you doing here?” Raine asked him.

“I came to surprise you and take you to lunch, but it looks like you already have plans. Who is he, Rae?”

Gabe almost seemed angry. He looked dangerous, and he was looking at Brandon.

“HE is my boss. Brandon Wright, CEO of the company.”

Raine began inching her way in between Gabe and Brandon. The situation was starting to get sticky. She would not be happy if anything happened to her boss. She had to give him credit; Brandon looked like he could hold his own.

“Raine, who is HE?” Brandon asked.

“His name is Gabriel Kalos. He’s an overprotective friend that came to visit for a short while from Guam. He’ll be leaving soon.”

Gabe was pissed. Who did this British pansy think he was to be hitting on his woman? And what was Rae doing being so friendly with her boss? He didn’t like the looks of it, one bit. He wanted to smack the guy around, but he had to wait to have a good reason. He didn’t want Raine mad at him, yet he had the feeling that it was inevitable.

Gabe was starting to look more and more agitated. She’d never seen him this way. Raine could tell that he was spoiling for a fight.

“He doesn’t seem very friendly Darling,” her boss responded.

The pet name seemed to break the last straw for Gabe. Nobody was going to get in the way of him and his woman. He began striding across the room. Raine started to panic. This wasn’t going to end well.

“Gabe, no!!” she shouted.

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