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During the twentieth century, mankind’s technological progress developed faster than any other time in history. By the year 2000, robots and robotic machinery had begun showing up where the average person would notice them. It was an easy time for humanity and there was little cause for concern.

By 2150, everything changed. Population control was the primary concern world-wide. For the first time in history, the amount of people on the planet exceeded the food production that it could support, even artificially. Drastic measures were taken and many new laws that changes the entirety of society were made.

First, the burning of fossil fuels was outlawed, bringing a halt to any remaining combustible engine vehicles. Personal vehicles of any kind were outlawed and replaced with electric cars that were common property. When emissions failed to meet set goals, governments of the world collaborated and set in motion a plan to ban the construction of personal houses in favor of giant apartment complexes. This later proved counter productive as the increased emissions from the foundries and concrete plans voided the entire plan. They moved on regardless in hopes that when the construction boom was over, the end would justify the means.

The reduce the burden on electric plants, the power companies took control of every building’s thermostats, regulating when cold and hot air would be on and off. Additionally, all citizens attended a post-school training program where, at the conclusion of all testing, they would be told their future occupations and sent to obtain the required certificates. Most people were assigned jobs in the building they resided to perform tasks related to the upkeep of those buildings.

Climate control measures appeared to be working, but in 2161, a secret meeting was held between the top 30 countries of the world. The aim of the meeting was to destabilize the staggering population growth and reduce the Earth’s population dramatically. Together, they instituted a one-child birth policy in each of their countries along with propaganda material on how to sell it. They also formulated embargo rules for countries who did not comply.

With this rule, the treatment of sex around the world changed over the course of a couple decades. Prostitution became legal world-wide and was heavily regulated. Prostitutes had to undergo reversible surgeries to prevent pregnancy. Pornography was banned world-wide and the internet had developed to a point where worms could locate and delete and form of pornography found. Men were encouraged to seek out prostitutes to fulfill their needs and women were to be at home taking care of children; a regression of social progress by 200 years. Incest between consenting adults was widely ignored as policy makers quietly considered it a way for the women of the home to seek sexual fulfillment privately.

To combat negative public opinion on incestuous sex, the government contracted a robotics company to develop an artificial lover robot. They were heavily funded and the students with the highest aptitude were sent to work on that project.

When population control measures weren’t making a positive impact, the took the only other measure they could with an immediate revolution by the people. The list of crimes that warranted death penalties grew exponentially. Generally speaking, any crime that was intentional in nature and resulted in the wounding or death of another was almost an automatic death sentence. Sexual assaults, rapes and other such crimes were also death sentences. These penalties were often carried out within days of sentencing with the public justification of tax, resource, land and manpower savings.

World leaders assumed that routine political power shifts would keep the public arguing who was to blame for the perceived problems of the world. It worked initially, but the public grew wise to what was happening and militias began to form. Curfews were set in every city in the world as world leaders grappled for adequate control of their populations.

By 2198, militias began enforcing their own draconian laws. Male senior citizens were seen as a resource drain and were often murdered out in the open. The government initially remained quiet on the issue as they saw the problem working itself out. When intelligence showed that the militias were merging and forming armies, they began to take notice.

Laura and Luke’s story begins in 2163, at the end of the three-child limit. Laura and Greg were one of the last couples to receive a license for a third child. Laura was a tall, bubbly red head who never let the woes of the world diminish her spirit. She kept her hair long and dressed modestly. After having three children, two sons and a daughter, she remained thin and fit. Her hips widened and her butt thickened. Her breasts sagged slightly but hung well on her chest. Her husband, as many men did, lost interest in sex and refused to patronize sex tekirdağ escort workers. She still enjoyed it, but there was no legal outlet for her to express that interest beyond her husband and her sons had never remotely crossed her mind as potential partners.

Luke was the final child born between the couple and in 2184, he was selected to work at the robotics factory to the delight of his parents. They both strongly supported the government’s efforts to restore the balance of humanity and nature. Luke had always been inclined to tinker and build. His selection was not a shock to anyone who knew him. He was a tall, lanky man but attractive and appealing to everyone he met. He was shy and lacked socially. Those in power regarded those qualities to be ideal as it was proven that people who exhibited those traits would work tirelessly toward any given goal, though they were also cited as burning out sooner than most. The return on their investment was deem worth the cost.

This story takes place in 2187, three years into his job at the factory and at the dawn of a new era in robotics.

– 1 –

Fantasy Faked

Luke tapped on his keyboard, bored with the programming of the newest robot model. He was assigned the task of micro-hydraulic management. He had to shift from pure computer programming to a mixture of software and machinery control program languages. It wasn’t his favorite thing, but he set out to be the best based on the company’s latest promotion.

“We bring the best of humanity into the best of robotics!” the flier on the wall read.

It was the theme of a promotion where the employee who performed best during the development of their newest robotic entity would win one for themselves.

Luke was in charge of bodily adjustments and awakenings. The two processes were far removed from each other, but he took it all with a grain of salt. He finished it all earlier than the company had expected and they were able to start trials much sooner than previously thought likely.

Luke watched from the upper level of the test area as they put their new prototype through its initial stages. His boss walked in and asked him to come to the conference room on the upper floor. He was caught off guard, but nodded in agreement quickly. He sat patiently waiting for whatever was coming his way. He partly expected to be fired due to his sometimes awkward work practices. He wasn’t privy to the knowledge that his behavior was all but expected.

Several people walked through the door after several minutes of him being by himself. He stood up and attempted to adjust his wardrobe based on the suits everyone who was walking in was wearing.

“Please, sit!” an older man said to him.

They all sat around the table and the same man began speaking.

“Luke, we’ve enjoyed your progress with the company. Your work with awakenings has been revolutionary and we’ve chosen you to be the first recipient of our new product! You’ve won the contest!”

Luke was dumbfounded. He didn’t know how to respond. He stared blankly at the man who spoke to him.

“What do you think?” the man asked, expecting Luke’s response.

Luke stuttered and managed to offer a genuine ‘thank you’ before sitting back in his chair. The door to the conference room opened and their product walked in. It was as he knew it would be; a plain skinned female robot covered with only the most essential covering.

At first, she female model was never covered, but they added nipples and defined her vaginal area a decade before which caused a stir when the new models walked off the assembly line without clothing. Since then, the definition of the female anatomy had gotten dangerously similar to real human women. The newest model was a near precise production of the reality of a woman’s body. The only thing it needed was to be awakened and they would take on the role of any female.

“I can take it home?” he asked.

“Of course you can! You won! You should know a lot about them since you programmed the very beginning of their being.”

He was quite aware of the intricacies of the robot he helped program. He marveled at the technology that stood before him but also knew the task before him. He shook hands with everyone in the room and guided his new toy with him.

“Follow me,” he said to it.

“Following,” it responded in the standard out-of-the-box voice program.

It walked noisily behind him until he got to his desk. He sat in his chair and looked at his new companion menacingly.

“Are you just going to look at me?” he asked it.

“I’m ready to be personalized at your convenience, sir,” it responded.

He was well aware what that meant. He knew it was a process that took days and should not be started while he was at work. After an hour and several reminders from the robot that it was ready to be personalized, he approached his boss with the situation.

“Obviously escort tekirdağ you know I won this, but I need to take it home. It keeps reminding me that it’s ready to be personalized and I can’t work with the constant reminders, ya know?”

His supervisor was sympathetic to his plight as he had won a similar contest years before.

“Go ahead. Take tomorrow off as well. I got you covered. I know it will take a while to get your situation settled,” he said with a snicker.

Luke thanked him profusely and ordered the robot to follow him to his car. Luke had to change settings in his car to adjust for the weight of the robot. After a few button presses, the right side of the car lifted several inches. Modern cars had a feature that compensated for the weight of humanoid robots that would ride in the passenger seat. The robot got into the car and reminded Luke several times during the journey home that it was standing by to be personalized.

Once he was home, he had the robot stand in the middle of the room while he settled down, fixed and ate dinner and completed his other nightly tasks. He was reminded often about his pending task. When he was finally ready for the inevitable, he sat leisurely on his couch and summoned the robot.

“Come here,” he said to the robot.

It performed military like maneuvers until it was standing erect in front of him.

“Put your hand out,” he said.

The machine put its hand out as if it were a child waiting for its hand to be smacked. He took the machine’s hand in his and pressed his fingers on the knuckles of the robot in a specific pattern. When the last touch was made, the robot changed its demeanor.

“Ready,” it said.

Luke hesitated and said, “Initialize.”

The machine stood erect and its eyes changed colors several times. When it was done processing the command it spoke:

“Initialization will take approximately 48 hours. You must complete initialization or else I cannot become. Over the course of 48 hours, I will ask you hundreds of questions that require a choice to be made. Every question that is answered cannot be repeated. Once the questions are completed, I will become. I have two built in times for you to sleep and several breaks between. You should answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Anything less will possibly result in an undesired product.

“UPDATE: Please have a picture nearby the resembles the likeness you intend for me to resemble at the end of my awakening. This is a requirement. Awakening cannot happen without it.”

Luke knew all too well what was going to happen. He helped program the awakening sequence. He was unsure about it taking 48 hours, but he knew it was a long time. He walked away to gather what he intended to use for the next couple hours after he changed and resumed his position in front of the robot.

“Follow me,” he told it.

“I cannot perform any other tasks until you are ready to proceed. When you are ready to proceed, repeat the word ‘initialize’ and I can perform additional tasks.”

Luke sighed at his own programming.

“Initialize,” he repeated.

“Initializing. Following,” it said and turned toward Luke.

He walked to his bedroom where he spent most of his time and sat on the bed. He placed drinks on the side table, chips on the bed and his laptop and tablet next to him.

“Stand there,” he said, pointing directly in front of him.

He waited for the robot’s eyes to change to blue; letting him know the process was about to begin. Once there, the robot established general parameters such as country, state, city, date and time. Once completed, its eyes took on a darker hue.

“Initialization will continue for several more hours tonight and will resume one hour after you have woken from your sleep,” it stated. “The first thing you must do is connect your tablet to my data port.”

Its head moved to look down at Luke at the same time it raised its arm and turned it so the hand was palm up. A small window on its wrist opened revealing a micro-data connection. Luke plugged his tablet in and it came alive. It immediately downloaded the required application from the company and opened it.

“The first step is determining my role. On the screen are a list of roles my model can assume. Clicking on each role will show you the tasks I am already programmed to do under that role. You can also customize a new role and select up to ten tasks. Additional task slots are available to be purchased through the application with a major credit card.”

“Of course,” he mumbled.

The screen came alive and he selected the custom option. The next screen provided the ability for him to name the role along with a sliding list of tasks he could select from. He thought for a few moments and entered ‘Wife.’ He used his finger to scroll through the available options.

“Cooking, cleaning, laundry,” he said as he selected them.

He tekirdağ escort bayan continued scrolling.

“Shopping,” he added.

The first list ended and the next one appeared. It was labeled ‘Uncommon and Irregular.’ He muttered through the options, not selecting a single one. The final list was labeled ‘Specialty.’ As soon as he passed the header of that list, the robot came alive.

“Specialty tasks have additional costs associated and may require additional hardware,” it stated plainly.

Luke was intrigued as he scrolled through the list.

“Bartender, Cashier, Gardener,” he read.

He initially intended to scroll past the rest but one caught his eye. He tapped on it to learn more.

“Modern technology has given birth to solutions for age-old problems. In this task, your new companion will attend to your needs; all of them. It’s been equipped to accommodate many aspects that surround intimate relationships. Subscribing to this option will add an additional three hours to the initialization process and doesn’t required extra hardware. The subscription is annual and will renew automatically. Your method of payment must indicate the initial subscription price plus two years.”

Luke’s eyes grew large at the initial price. His eyes darted side to side as he considered the option. He tapped the button labeled ‘Intimate Partner.’ A warning filled the screen.

“Before your purchase can be completed, you must agree to the following terms and conditions: Due to the weight of the unit, the company is not liable for damages to personal property that may arise from the use of this task. Proper care must be used to eliminate damage to the unit. Warranty may be voided if it is determined that utilization of this task resulted in damage to the unit. Company is not responsible for personal injury or death related to misuse of the unit in the execution of this task. Use of this task is not inherently dangerous when used properly.”

Luke laughed and wondered which of his colleagues had to write that. He agreed to the terms and hesitated only a few seconds before purchasing the option.

“Thank you,” the robot said. “I will now download these tasks as well as any operating system software that is required. Based on the currently speeds of the international network, this task will finish well into your evening sleep. I will plug myself in and remain silent while you sleep. When the update is completed, I will shutdown to complete my charge cycle. When you wake, I will power up and load all required software.”

Luke watched the unit scan for the nearest Robot Port to plug into. It stood facing the wall after it plugged itself in and closed its eyes, eliminating all light sources. Luke was impressed to see the programming he spent months on come to life in the object that was standing in his own room. He finished his nightly routine and got into bed. Images of who’s likeness he would use to further personalize the robot filled his head. He imagined watching the robot change right in front of him. He fell asleep with a single image in his head.


The following morning, he woke to find the robot turned around with its eyes open. Its eyes were flashing green indicating it was loading software. He took that time to get breakfast and return to his bedroom. He opened the shades and slid the curtains to the sides. He sat down on the bed and ate while he waited.

Nearly thirty minutes passed before the robot came alive.

“The first task is to develop my form. You will need a high resolution picture of the form you wish for me to take. A 32K resolution minimum is required. A digital copy is preferred and highly encouraged,” the robot stated.

Luke looked suspiciously at the robot as it held its arm out and opened the data port. He was hesitant to go through with his initial decision.

“Can your form be changed once selected?” he asked the robot.

“I must be returned to the factory for reset if you wish to change my form after the first selection. Some cosmetic adjustments can be made locally, but a complete change requires professional assistance,” it replied.

Luke hesitated only a moment longer and swiped through his tablet, selecting the image that was in his mind the moment he woke. He held his finger on the image until the disposition menu appeared. He selected the option to transmit the picture through the data cable.

“Received,” the robot said. “There are a series of questions that you must answer before the alteration.”

Several questions later, bodily features that were classified as “temporary” were addressed including hair color and length, skin tan coloring, nail length and color, and hair style.

“Pubic hair color may be different than the selected hair color. Please choose what color pubic hair I will have,” it said as lifelessly as possible.

Luke selected the same color as the hair.

“Please select the length of my pubic hair. If you select ‘none,’ you will not be able change from that state. Any other length option can be changed later.”

Luke had only ever been with a prostitute and only a single time. She was shaved and he enjoyed the feeling of it being that way but wanted to be able to change it later if needed. He picked the landing strip option.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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