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A Voyage of DiscoveryWelcome – This story is fiction. Pleases enjoy.—-My wife Kim has many skills.She’s an accomplished organiser for an events firm, a wonder in the kitchen and she has that flirty manner that so many men, including myself, find so irresistible. What I have only just discovered though is that my wife isn’t as honest as I’d assumed, and her lying ways have changed my life forever.You may well be asking how it came to be that I knew nothing about my wife’s behaviour, but there is this thing called wilful blindness, the sad state of mind where you know something may well be going on, but you make excuses for it.”He’s working late again,” “He’s really tired from work,” “She’s out with friends again,” They’re all excuses that we hear, but in our desire to be positive, we ignore the hideous truth that lingers below the surface.I never really heard any of those because unlike many couples we worked within two blocks of each other in the city and we always went to, and returned home from work together every day.In reality, we were barely ever apart, as young lovers mostly are.How did I discover her secret life? As with many of the world’s great discoveries, it happened purely by chance.During a storm Kim had been toiling away in the office, as she said “Doing some research for work,” when the power cut out.The house fell into darkness and I stumbled about with my phone, illuminating the path into the study.”Fucking thing,” she laughed.”Well,” I said, “Not much to do now but run a bath and enjoy ourselves.””Ooh, that sounds like fun,” she cooed, “a candlelit fuck.”I felt my cock rise to the occasion just upon hearing those words.”I’ll go run it,” she said, running her hands across my groin as she took the phone from my hands and headed towards the bathroom.I stumbled about, found the candles and lit a pile of them in the middle of the dining table illuminating the room with a warm, sexy glow.I could hear her whistling and singing to herself as she prepared the bath for our bathing and knocking session.It was just as I heard her call out ‘It’s ready,” that the power flickered back on.In the bathroom she had no idea, but the dining room was bathed in harsh light. For a few moments the power flickered and surged and being someone who had had a computer fried by such events in the past, as soon as it was stabilised I flicked the computer back on to see if it was working.It sprang to life and all was well and I found myself going into automatic mode, opening up the browser to check my Facebook.As Kim had been on the computer when the power went out a message asking if I would like to go back to where I was appeared on the screen.Now, if I’d pressed no, I’d be none the wiser. I’d be living in blissful ignorance.But out of sheer interest I pressed ‘yes.’Four tabs opened up. Three were innocent enough. They were work related, but the fourth was an email account that I knew nothing about. The account was called kimslicker and my mind flipped and dipped as I stared at a list of emails from addresses I did not recognise. One name though did strike a chord. Angelique.Bloody Angelique, or Ange as Kim called her.A petite brunette with a killer body just made for hard core fucking, Ange was my fantasy fuck, the one I thought of when Kim slipped my mind.Without any moral ambiguity at all I clicked on the already opened email and read the very short message.”This Sunday at the Hogan’s their having one of their rugby shows again and want our ‘special package’. I suppose we can avail them of our services again.”I was about to scroll down and read more when once more the power died and I was left fumbling in the dark as the glow from the powerful lightning momentarily filled the room.I stumbled back into the lounge, grabbed one of the candles and cautiously made my way back towards the bathroom. I was all ready to barge in and demand answers, but I’m a man of deep secrets and sleuthing, so instead I took a few breaths, calmed my soul and opened the door.The bathroom was well lit with at least twelve candles surrounding the bath.”Is it still off,” she asked, her gorgeous slender body was sitting back in the bath, her long blonde hair neatly tied atop her head, out of the water.”The power?” I asked, “Yeah, it keeps flashing on and off like it does.”I think that my nonchalant manner was quite convincing, I disrobed, stretched out my cock and hopped into the bath opposite my unbelievingly hot, blonde wife.I was intrigued to know what was happening and rather than just ask outright I asked the question in a roundabout fashion.”I was thinking that we should go for a bushwalk this Sunday, maybe out to the Walls again and maybe do the waterfall walk seeing as how it’s been raining.”Without any hesitation she shook her head in the negative and said, “Not this Sunday, you know it’s our monthly girls lunch and movie afternoon.”She was right, of course, I had forgotten about those, even if she had been going to them for years.”Bugger,” I said, “Where are you eating this week?” “Not sure, Ange is sorting it all out as usual,” she said, “But I think that the movie is that new tear-jerker everyone’s been talking about.””You can have that all to yourself,” I said. “Unless there’s heaps of nudity and crazy sex scenes, of course.””There may be some of that,” she said, as she slipped a hand across the bath towards me, “very soon.”—Over the next few days business was pretty much as usual at home and at work. As we’ve been doing since before we were married we went to work together, and came home together. There was nothing at all that indicated any kind of infallibility on the part of Kim. We fucked just as often, and as hard core, as we’d always done. Kim was no prude in the sack, that’s for sure. Dirty talk, toys, oil, facial, cum swallowing and even a bit of anal were all part of our regular sex action. Maybe all that was a bit of a warning and in retrospect I know now that she had to have learnt that somehow, or from someone.The Sunday came around and the day began as most Sunday’s do, a slow fuck followed by breakfast in bed.”What time are you heading off today?” I asked.”Ange is picking me up at twelve and then we’re going to lunch at some new Korean BBQ place she found out about.””Nice,” I said, “Korean BBQ is fantastic, I should come along.”Kim just glanced up from her scrambled eggs and smiled.”Tim, you know that’s forbidden, no one’s husbands come along to these afternoons.””Who else goes?” I know that she had told me in the past, but at that time I never paid much attention.”Clare, Ella, Amy, Jo and Toni,” she said, “And Ange of course.””Have I ever met these other women?”Kim considered that for a moment before answering.”Yep, Clare and Ella were at the Christmas party at work, Amy and Jo are old school chums and I think that you may have seen Toni at that cafe on Lonsdale Street.””I have no idea,” I honestly replied. “Men,” she exasperated.As always the day progressed as normal. There were no furtive texts, no hushed phone calls, nothing. She even wore nothing but a pair of jeans and a spectactularly unsexy top. No slinky, sexy gear, no spare bag full of lingerie, nothing but her small handbag and what she was wearing.Her hair was simply tied back and she wore the barest amount of makeup. Less, in fact, that she would wear to work.Now the next thing that I did does have some ethical questions that I will leave unanswered, but I’m a forgetful kind of man and purchased one of those tracking key ring things that uses GPS to find them.I bought it for myself, but as I sat there staring at her bag I whipped it off my keyring and slipped into the garage and poked it under the seat of her little events management work van. I hated myself for doing it.For a split second I considered getting it out again, but as soon as I did so she came barrelling down the hallway, gave me a kiss, and she was off.My GPS device was safely tucked away inside Kim’s work car and I felt like a real cunt of a man.Of course, I didn’t have to open my phone and begin tracking her either, but clearly, I did.I have to say that my heart was screaming as it beat much faster than recommended.For 15 minutes I watched the dot on the map make its way from my house towards a destination that I knew all too well.Ange’s house. It paused there for about twenty minutes before it continued to the outskirts of town to an estate known for its large homes and wealthy owners. Not, as she said, to a Korean BBQ joint in town.I had to know exactly what was going on so without a moment’s hesitation I bundled myself into the car, added the location to the maps and headed off on a very valuable journey of discovery.——The house was indeed large. Two stories of ostentatious horror architecture complete with palm lined driveway and circular driveway with a fountain. The ugliest home I’d ever seen.But there were cars everywhere, including Kim’s telltale white van that was parked right near the front door . Two burly looking men slammed the boot shut just as I turned into the driveway.As I pulled in a car load of four guys parked next to me and by the looks of them, they were clearly some of the rugby guys I’d seen in the email.I tucked my phone away in the console and quickly headed over to the van. Trying to look as casual as possible I walked past the van hoping to see Kim sitting in the front. Clearly she’d hopped out and was now somewhere inside. I tried the door and it was locked so I turned and walked back to the group of four men that were jostling as men quite often do.I gave them all the usual nods and winks and they thought nothing of walking with me as we headed towards the residence.”Twelve girls this month,” one of them, a built Tongan guy, said.”Twelve!” another replied, “Fuck yeah man. I love these get together weekends. “”Let’s alanya escort hope that that blonde slut is here again,” a tall blonde guy said, “And her brunette friend.”I could only assume that he was talking about Kim and Ange.“Fuck yeah. They’re sluts alright. How many teams are coming?“Just three man,” The big Tongan said. “Good blokes too.”We were met at the door by an older guy I’d thankfully never met before and escorted to a room where we were all told to disrobe and go take a shower. In the background I could hear the music blaring and the voices of a crowd that was clearly enjoying themselves.The bathroom was like a sports change room with timber benches in the centre of the room lined with spare towels.We all patiently lined up as we took turns in the two shower cubicles, quickly washing our nether regions as we tried hard not to look at or touch each other, something that became pointless as the day progressed.The lads were clearly mates that had known each other for years and soon enough some other players from another team rocked up and they were all chipper and cheerful.I however decided that considering I was about to bust my wife for being somewhat unfaithful, if there was a problem and the whole day was ruined, I didn’t want the Western Roos rugby side coming down on me.I decided to become a potential sponsor of the competition, if asked, as a cover for quite clearly not being a Union player.If I saw Kim or Ange as soon as we walked in, I had decided, I was simply going to wave, smile and wander out. At this point, before I crossed the threshold into a world that I never knew existed beyond the fantasies of men and women, I almost turned back. I’ve never been an overly cautious man, nor an anxious one, but that deep nauseating feeling within me, a mix of anger, excitement and the fear of the unknown, almost had me retreating.The feeling in my groin though, mainly at the possibilty of seeing Ange naked, proved greater than the fear,I swung the door open and stepped into a sunny courtyard complete with swimming pool, a spa and a sea of naked and semi-naked men and women all brazenly enjoying the decadence that was on offer.Thankfully around the courtyard was a verandah that had numerous thick Corinthian style pillars that gave me the perfect spying location.I gazed quickly from one woman to the next in search of Kim and Ange but neither of them were to be seen. I eyeballed the bar and headed straight for it. As I did I passed a middle aged woman with long dark curly hair, sucking some guys cock as another guy fingered her pussy.Of all the women at the party, only one of them triggered any sort of recognition. It was a cute young girl with long brown hair and extraordinary blue eyes. She was fine and petite and I struggled to work out just where I’d seen her before.Even the girls behind the bar were topless, and just like everyone else there, they were not anyone I knew. In fact of all the men at the party I knew none of them, either.I was taken by the hot young girl behind the bar and wondered if she was one of the 12, when I saw, just out of the corner of my eye, a coaster at the end of the bar from the events management company that Kim worked for. I had at least now one connection with my wife and her hot friend, a fairly loose one, but that was better than nothing.With the bar girls and the eight outside, that made ten, so I had begun to assume that Kim and Ange were somewhere else in the building, maybe upstairs somewhere, being fucked by a bunch of guys with massive cocks.I angled over towards a doorway that led inside, but just as I was about to enter a strong hand grabbed me by the elbow.”Sorry brother,” he said, “No men are allowed inside until the sun goes down.””There’s no one in there?””Only the owners and the girls until the sun goes down, and then it’s invitation only.””Are you sure?” I asked.He looked me up and down and stared deep down into my eyes.”Just the owners and the girls, no one else, invitation only, do you understand?” I’m sure I gulped nervously as I nodded my affirmation.”Yep, yep,” I patted him on his big Maori arm. “No worries mate.”So this was it. All the people in the place, except for maybe two, or four if the bar girls aren’t included, were outside here in the large backyard and under cover patio. For my own sense of security I walked around the yard once more, this time taking even more notice of the women available.I again counted eight women and still none of them were either Kim or Ange. The guys that I walked in with were chatting to two girls, one a brunette and the other a blonde. Not the pair that I was expecting.The middle aged brunette with curly hair was now being double-teamed by two guys as the others cheered her on. “Yeah Sharon,” called out one bloke, “Suck that cock.”Sharon was clearly a seasoned pro and soon enough the guy being blown shot a load over her face as she desperately tried to get some in her mouth.A cheer went up as he exploded and by the way that the guy fucking her pussy was holding her hips and shaking, he too was jettisoning his load into her twat.He slid his cock out and wiped it ceremoniously across her arse before Sharon fell back, a big cummy smear across her smiling face, onto the lounge.She spread her legs and we watched as she pushed a dribble of cum out of her snatch.I wasn’t at all surprised to find that I had half a mongrel after watching that display, but standing naked amongst a group of similarly attired men, did cause me some concern. As this was all new to me and I found myself trying to cover myself up, but Sharon had other ideas.She eyed the crowd of men surrounding her and after a few seconds made a beeline for me. I almost turned away, but I was fascinated with what was about to happen so I nervously stood my ground. “Who do we have here?” She seductively chimed.”Umm,” she’d taken my cock in her hand and was stroking it as she waited for a response.”Frank,” I said, to which she gave me a look of someone who was wondering why someone in his early 30s would be called Frank. “Family name,” I said trying to save myself. “First son, all that stuff.””Have we met before?””No,” I said with a lift to my voice as she ran her free hand up my chest.”I give you Frank, about two minutes before you’ll be cumming down my dirty throat,” she cooed. “And if you do, you’ll be leaving.”I looked around me and the guys were all nodding in agreement with her, as far as they’re concerned, I’m a lost cause.What they don’t know about me is my legendary self-control. I may be fairly average in the size department, not small, mind you, but no John Holmes, but I can withstand blowjobs and pussies for hours on end. I’ve always been that way. I don’t know how I do it, but I have control over my cock like a Buddhist monk has control over his mind. “Agreed,” I said, “Two minutes and I’m safe.””I give you about 30 seconds,” piped up the bloke who came in her pussy.I just shook my head as she dropped to her knees, pulled her hair away from her face, checked the clock before beginning what was one of the best, if not the best blowjob I’ve ever had the pleasure of receiving. Her technique was out of this world. There was no teeth just the pure tactile pleasure of her tongue swirling around my knob, and some bloody fine hand action added in there.A weaker man would have filled her mouth with cum, no problem at all. But with images of Margaret Thatcher and issues at work filling my mind, when the two minutes came around I was still firm and ages away from any possibility of ejaculation.”Damn,” Sharon slapped my cock playfully as she stood up. “Maybe you’ll last longer than these guys when it comes to fucking me,” she added with a wink.”Now then?” I asked.She looked me up and down and with a final slide of her hand down my cock, she turned away saying, “Maybe later on, if you last that long.”I held my cock in my hand and waved it at her.”It’s all yours.””I think not,” she replied and headed towards the big Maori doorman.I watched as she calmly walked towards the door but veered off towards the bar and gave the bar girls a few instructions. She was certainly in control.”Is she?” I asked one of the blokes who answered with a nod. “The owner?””That’s her husband over there,” he nodded towards a tall guy with a goatee and short hair. “They’re big sponsors of the club, I’m surprised you don’t know that?”I realised then that I should have known just who she was, my ignorance had the potential of spoiling my afternoon of discovery.”I’d never met her before,” I answered, “not with her clothes off anyway.”They all had a chuckle and I decided that rather than being seen as another player, my decision to adopt the role of a potential sponsor of the club had been the correct one.After I explained my contemplations on donating $15,000 as a sponsor their mood shifted considerably.“I think that’s why I was challenged, you know, business competition.”I grabbed another beer from the bar and did the rounds once more. The cute girl was now being fucked by some footy dude and she was a noisy fuck alright.She was bent face down over a table and was being reamed hard from behind, her hair held like a horse’s rein. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she squeeled repeatedly as he plowed his average sized cock into her. Around behind me another woman was being double teamed and when I turned toward her to watch I decided to test just what the limits were, so I offered her my cock.A cock which she duly sucked into her horny mouth. Technique wise she was lacking, but I suppose having a cock in either rear hole does somewhat diminish your concentration.It seemed that these women were all here purely for both us men, and judging by the yells of delight, for their own perverted pleasure.With my cock reset to maximum I swung around to see that escort alanya cutey was busy with a cock in both ends so I went looking for another sweet snatch, mouth or arse to avail myself of.Over near the bar a slightly chubby but sexy looking lady was squatting down in front of a dark rugby player as he slapped her face with his semi-hard cock. A sheen of cum radiated from her smiling face. Another guy who was wanking his cock nearby stepped up and she dutifully opened her mouth as he wanked a load into it. I noticed that as he shook his cock into her gaping gob she didn’t swallow and managed to keep the opaque liquid mass intact. Then a third bloke joined the queue and he replicated his compatriots actions, jettisoning a load down into her cake hole.With great theatre she swirled the tangy rough mess around in her mouth, blew a bubble with it and then slid it down her throat to great cheers and affirmations from the assembled mass.I considered this to be a waste of time and pussy so I continued on my rounds.Two other women were kissing as two guys rubbed the ladies genitals whereas the remaining three were just chatting and rubbing the occasional cock as they did so. I took a casual look around and it had seemed that the numbers of men had dwindled over the past hour or so. No doubt they had honest wives and partners to go home to.As I stood there sipping my beer and watching a busty full-bodied blonde bouncing on a cock, as she sucked two guys off, I was interrupted by the owner. A guy who introduced himself as Marcus.He was a very friendly man, more so when he found out that I was there as a potential sponsor of the club. I’d even invented a full back-story as I’d walked around. I moved my business south to follow a few big leads and when I was up north I sponsored a club and now, I was looking for a new one.It was when he asked me how I knew about the party that I temporarily come unstuck. I diverted attention for about a minute as one of the guys came over the blondes face, but in that time I sorted it out.All I had to do was mention Kim’s business, and I was in.“I’ve been working with McCaul’s Events to get a few things happening and you know how it goes, they mentioned one thing after another and one of the girls said this was a good place to make a few interesting contacts,” I paused for effect. “For some reason.”“Ahh,” he chuckled to himself. “I reckon I know exactly who she is.” “I was about to say ‘Kim!’ when he was quickly distracted by his wife who came out wearing a pair of suspenders and fish-net stockings. “Hot as hell!” he disclaimed.Sharon came strutting towards us and nearly every man there that wasn’t fucking someone suddenly puffed their chests up as if they were roosters with only one hen in the house.“So,” Sharon clapped her hands and did a quick head count of all the men. “Twelve girls means that some of you guys won’t be getting one of these.” She held up a handful of orange wristbands with McCaul Events emblazoned on them.The guys were now quite comically and deliberately acting like tools as Sharon doled out the bands. A few of the girls came to watch, including the cute one I’d seen earlier who was looking hornier and hotter than ever before.When Sharon saw me standing there, my cock still unspent, she just smiled, walked up to me, handed me a band and said, “You’re coming with me.”A cheer went up and Sharon then pointed to two other guys and said, “And you, and you.”“I’m honoured,” I said out loud. It was only two words but suddenly the cute girl looked at me with a quizzical look to her eyes. I just winked at her and followed the other two horny men towards the Maori at the door who this time, let us straight in.As I entered I’d almost forgotten about my original quest, to find out just what my slutty wife and her friend were up to. Once inside though I discovered that apart from two blokes serving drinks at the bar, Kim and Ange were nowhere to be seen. The room we entered was simply a room made out for one purpose and one purpose only.Fucking.The bar was like any small pub bar with beer on tap, shelves of whiskey and loads of spirits and mixers. Around the room there were lounges, one king sized bed with some bondage gear attached, some swing type things hanging from the ceiling and in the middle what looked like some hybrid massage/birthing table. It was a timber leather and foam backed table with stirrups for a lady’s legs. I was keen to try it.All of this though was starting to leave me feeling a bit unsettled. Now that I was effectively locked in a bar with all these naked horny folk, I was unable to escape. Kim and Ange simply were not here. Maybe they’d never been here to begin with, and I’d certainly gone beyond expecting them to appear out of nowhere. Moral problem number two was that if they weren’t here, which they weren’t, it was me that was the wrong-doer, not Kim.I tried to justify it as best I could but I kept thinking of alternatives to what I could have done to find out what was going on. From simply waiting outside to see if she leaves, through to the simplest of them all. Just asking her, rather than what was now a ridiculous and somewhat dangerous game of fucking and subterfuge.Now the Maori guy was standing at the door making sure, I thought, that no one escaped, but when he too began to undress I realised that maybe he was about to collect his bonus.Myself and a few other debutantes just stood around staring as the music came on and the lights dimmed down to a seductive red glow. Sharon sauntered over with a tray of whiskey shots that we all downed in one gulp, much to her delight. Although I had plenty to stare at I couldn’t help but notice that the hot girl was eyeing me off and I was determined to fuck her tonight, no matter what.I spied a toilet over behind the bar and being forever the optimist I made my way towards it in the hope that it may offer an escape route of some sort.My heart leapt with excitement when I noticed a door opposite the toilets, but when I opened it there was nothing but a storage room full of cleaning products. In the unisex bathroom there was nothing other than a small window above the sink. I rested my hands on the benchtop and looked at myself steadily in the mirror. I was not proud of what had come of the afternoon and without my phone to contact Kim, I was now worried about what she herself was thinking about where the hell I was.I hung my head down and closed my eyes, thinking whether I should just go out, declare my position and hope that reason and the common good would prevail, or go out and see it through.A hand placed on my shoulder sealed my fate.“Are you okay?” asked the hot girl I longed for.“Fuck,” I said, startled. “Sorry, yeah just had a bit to drink.”Again she tilted her head with that look of someone who was trying to solve a puzzle. “I’m, umm Frank,” I muttered, after suddenly remembering my false identity. “And you are?”She looked into the mirror and with a hand sliding down to my cock replied, “I don’t like to give men here my real name, because, you know, they can get a bit attached.”I couldn’t help but feel my cock harden as she gently stroked it and whispered sensually, “But you can call me Kim, for now.”“Oh, fuck,” I blurted out when she used my wife’s name as an alias. “What’s wrong with Kim?” She asked with that inquiring look in her eyes again.“It’s umm,” I was thinking fast on my feet, “My sister is Kim.” “Really?” she cooed, “Is that so bad?”“I’d prefer something else,” I pleaded, “How about Mel?”She backed off and looked me up and down with sudden disdain.“Fuck that,” she said harshly, “Do I look like that dirty slut Mel do I?”I had no idea what she was talking about, and cornered as I was, I was just a little bit worried that she might go all psycho on me.“I uhm, don’t know her, or any Mel’s for that matter.”That wicked smile crept back and I slowly realised that I was being played with.“I bet that Mel, whoever she was, never did this for you.”Suddenly she flicked from potential murderess to cock-loving whore. I preferred the latter but was always aware and looking out for the former.“Oh good God almighty,” I cried as she slid my cock into her mouth. In the mirror opposite all I could see was me standing there with a look of pure bliss writ large upon my face. Mel was a magical cocksucker and I was enjoying every delectable move that she performed. She was sloppy, she was tight, she flicked my knob and swallowed it down to the hilt. Her perfectly pert tits bounced beautifully as I rapidly forgot my original intention of coming into the bathroom, which was to escape. She cupped and licked my balls and would often look at me to check my progress, and I have to admit, she had me close.She seemed to know it too.With a theatrical pop out of her mouth she stood up and said. “We better go see what the boss is up to.”When we entered the room I wasn’t at all surprised to find action all around me. On the bed lay Sharon as two guys took turns fucking her mouth and a woman with short strawberry blonde hair, who was being fucked from behind, licked Sharon out.On one lounge one woman was being fucked in the pussy and arse and next to her was another woman riding a cock as she sucked a bloke off.I’d never seen such wild cavalcade of fucking in my life. I saw some bloke cum all over a woman’s back as another lady rubbed his cum through her fingers before licking it off like cake mix.Mel took my hand and with a big smile said, “Come and fuck me over here.”We headed towards the bed and as soon as she crawled onto it on all fours I was right behind her ready to slide my cock right inside her exquisite quim.But fucking Mel wasn’t her plan because as soon as I climbed onto the bed she flipped over, gave Sharon a nudge and told her to look at who was here, me.“About alanya escort bayan fucking time,” Sharon said in her sultry voice, “Get over her and fuck me, now.”I certainly wasn’t going to refuse the invitation to slide my cock into our horny host for the night. The woman licking her out gave my cock a quick suck and moved slightly out of the way as I planted myself between Sharon’s spread legs. Her pussy was glistening with moisture and as I slid my rock-hard cock into her deliciously tight cunt she let out a cute little moan followed by a stream of expletives.“Yeah fuck my cunt, fuck that hole with your big cock,” she cried, before her mouth was filled with cock. Mel was approached by two guys with massive hard-ons and she quickly disappeared with them over to the bar behind me. I was slightly disappointed that I wasn’t getting to fuck her at this moment, but I knew that I’d get an opportunity to fuck her at some stage of the night.Besides, Sharon was turning out to be an intensely great fuck. Her friend Leanne was the Strawberry blonde and it was her husband Steve who was fucking Sharon’s face with a vigour.“Yeah baby, suck that cock you little slut,” he said to Sharon, who opened her eyes and smiled through them. “You going to cum in it?” she teased him, “Fill it up for your slut-wife to drink?”“Ha ha, no,” he exclaimed to Sharon, with a shake to his voice. “Not before I stretch your cunt out with this bloke here as well.” He nodded towards me and I stopped pounding her sopping cunt as I took in what he said.“You up for that?” Leanne asked in her sweet high voice, “Ever double fucked a pussy before?”I had to admit the idea didn’t thrill me, but as Leanne cupped my balls and rubbed Sharon’s cunt, she made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.“If you survive that, then you can fuck my arse,” she stated.“Good Lord,” I said. “Hell yeah.”I glanced over at Mel who was riding a guy in the reverse cowboy position, allowing her an excellent view of the three of us getting into position.The arrangement was simple. I lay on the bed, Sharon mounted me with a simple elegance, and Steve got in behind her, his cock as rigid as mine was.“She fucking loves this, mate,” he warned me. “She goes right off.”As if to silence me, and herself, Sharon surprised me by latching onto my lips and thrusting her tongue down my throat. As se did so I felt Steve’s cock rest up against mine which elicited a guttural moan from the middle-aged hornbag above me.Looking up I could see Leanne goading Steve on as he slid his cock in against mine, filling Sharon’s hot cunt with two massive cocks at one time.“Oh Jaysus,” she moaned, “Sweet fucking Jaysus.”Then I saw another guy come up right next to my face and begin fucking her mouth only inches away. Then she kissed me straight after pulling out from the cock. I already had one cock rubbing against my own, and I was determined to not have to suck the one above me, no matter what Leanne demanded. The day was saved when Mel appeared next to us all and took on the cock-sucking duties from Sharon, who went back to kissing me as Steve and I fucked her together.The amount of fluid pouring from her cunt indicated that at some time during her cock-sucking phase she’d cum, and she’d cum in a very wet fashion.“This is too much,” Steve groaned as he continued to plough into her stretched pussy. “Cum baby,” Leanne urged her husband, “Cum in her slutty cunt.”I was used to the feeling of Steve next to mine, but the idea of his cum coating my cock was going to be just too much of an ask. Try as I did though to maneuver my dick out of the way, I was wedged in and when Steve threw his head back in delight, I knew I was locked in.“Ah fucking hell,” he screamed, as he shot his load into her wet snatch, adding to the wet bath my cock was enjoying. I could feel his load fill her cervix and when he eventually pulled out, she felt loose and damn wet.When the guy that Mel was sucking intimated that he too would fancy some double vag action I stood my ground and tipped the drunk with pleasure Sharon off my sweaty torso. Mel winked at me and came around to where I was laying. My cock was still hard and coated with Sharon’s juices and Steve’s jizz, and Mel was happy to suck my cock clean.As I lay back and enjoyed the sensation of this young beauty sucking and licking my cock I gazed around the wanton action going on around the room. Once more Sharon was filled with cocks as two blokes filled her pussy and another was holding her head and fucking her mouth. Long tendrils of spit hung down from her extended mouth as the guy shoving his cock in groaned in delight.Leanne was being fucked in the arse and cunt and had a glazed expression on her cum covered face. At the bar one woman was straddling two bar stools as another woman ate her out. On the lounge there were more women being fucked and surrounding them all were several men all clearly post-ejaculation.I watched as Sharon milked the cocks of the two men and marvelled at her capacity for jizz as I witnessed her playing with the overflow out of her well fucked pussy.Mel was really enjoying sucking my dick but I really wanted to fuck her, and fuck her hard. If I was going to cum somewhere, it was either on or in this pert young minx.“Come on,” I said to her, “Climb on.”From behind my cock she looked up at me and just gave me that wicked smile again. That one where she knew that she was in control, and that something was definitely up.“Not just yet, Tim.” she said.At first I didn’t actually realise that she’d called me not by my ‘nom de plume’ of Frank, but my real name, Tim.As soon as she saw the look of horror on my face, she laughed out loud and sat up in front of my rapidly shrinking cock. Sharon, attracted by Mel’s laugh, rolled over towards us and lay her hand on my cock.Then Mel did something so simple that her identity immediately became shockingly apparent to me.She took her long brunette hair and tied it up into a loose bun on her head. The change was immediate.I wasn’t looking at someone called Mel, I was looking at Erin the receptionist at McCaul’s Events where Kim worked. Not only was that a complete disaster in itself, but Erin/Mel was also Ange’s younger sister. My heart nearly stopped as I put everything together in my head.Kim and Ange had nothing to do with this whole event, other than organising the booze and other behind the scenes details as the email I saw atteste, they were both innocent and indeed it was I that was the miscreant in this affair.I was speechless as I lay there with a middle-aged slut stroking my soft-cock as if it was a sick kitten about to be put down, and a young beauty I so desperately still wanted to fuck kneeling before me.“So, Tim,” Sharon said, “Why are you here exactly, and why shouldn’t I get our McCaul Events scary bouncer here to rough you up a bit?”I tried to explain as best I could about the tracking device, my sad suspicions about my wife and how once I was in, I couldn’t get out.“Kim and Ange? Here?” Erin asked, with a tone of intense disbelief, “They’re both far too square, and in Kim’s case, too loyal, for this type of event.”That hurt more than anything.“She gets all the booze at a special price off the suppliers and it’s all off the books. She drops the van off at our place, goes to the movies or whatever, then Ange gives her a lift home,” Erin continued. “For them it’s just another cash job, they have no idea what we do.”“You do know that if you’d said that you wanted to leave, you could have,” Sharon said. “People always come and go, you just had to ask.”“I think that he was keen on staying here,” Erin lay back, spread her legs and flicked her clit, “because he wanted a nice piece of this.”I couldn’t help it but my cock grew as soon as she opened her perfect pussy lips, and Sharon responded by giving it a firm squeeze.“Hmmm,” Sharon moaned, “yes I think you’re right, he’s pretty much the last man standing.”They both dived on my cock and shared the sucking duties as I rose back to 95 per cent lusty hardness and 5 per cent guilt.Erin turned around on all fours and presented me with her perfect pussy, and with no reluctance at all, I finally slid inside her. In the daze I was in I dismissed the sight of Sharon taking a series of photos on her phone. Being her house, I figured they were her rules. Besides, I was in deep enough in my self-dug hole, may as well keep digging.When leanne began rubbing my ball bag I was ready to cum, and cum I did all inside the delicious tight young cunt of Erin.I lay back, finally satiated, and watched as the men all began to disappear, leaving me alone with Sharon, Leanne, Erin, Steve, Mark and my dark thoughts.“Your wife, Kim,” Sharon said, with a questioning tone, “What is she into?”I looked at her, aghast.“She likes a bit of anal,” Erin butted in, and when I stared at her she added, “What? Ange told me.”“Well then. You seem like a practical man, a bit insecure and stupid, but sensible.”I said nothing.“So we’re going to give you a choice. You either tell her all about this and your involvement…,” I shook my head quickly in the negative as she held up her phone displaying a picture of me fucking Erin.“Or we’ll give you three months to get her here as one of these girls, ready to be fucked by anyone.”“In the back of my mind I kind of knew that Kim would, maybe, possibly, hopefully, get involved, but it would take some time.“Six months?” I begged.“She is really hot,” Erin said to Sharon, “I’d do her at the drop of a hat.”“Five,” Sharon said, “And you’ll be coming here every month as well.”I slumped back into the bed and pondered just what trough of shit I’d slid into. “Don’t worry,” Erin sidled up next to me and once more grabbed my cock. “I work with Kim, remember, I can help as well you know. A few of the blokes there would love to tap her.”I couldn’t move.“Then there’s the promise of $15,000 in sponsorship for the club,” Mark piped up with.Every time one of them spoke, that trough was just getting deeper and deeper and deeper.THE END.Remember check our profile for a pic of Sharon..

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