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A Walk In The Park – IIIA Walk In The Park – IIIThe drive home seemed endless, but didn’t take more than 20 minutes. Iwas terrified that we’d be stopped and I’d be discovered – crouched nude onthe floor on the passenger side. Later, when I mentioned my fear to Sarashe nodded and said, “You’re right, that was an inexcusable risk. It won’t happen again.”Jim called shortly after we got home and we talked for a long time. I wassitting at Sara’s feet, talking on the cell phone while she ran her fingersthrought my hair. I told Jim about my hair, but said I had anothersurprise for him when he got home. Then I changed the subject and told him I’dmet a photographer named Sara who wanted to renovate and lease theapartment over the garage. He shifted into accountant mode and questioned me aboutwhat had taken place.He was pleased when I told him she’d pay $1,000 a month on a 1 year lease.Even more pleased when I told him she’d renovate the place and all we hadto do was pay for materials and a plumber. He said he wanted to seeestimates and I told him she’d have them the next day. He told me to call ourlawyer and get a lease drawn up, plus an agreement about the renovation.Then he asked me about her. I grinned at Sara and winked. “Well,” I began,”She’s a cute little redhead with big green eyes and freckles. Very goodphotographer – she’s shown me some of her work.” I muted the phone andwhispered, “He loves redheads.”I listened for a moment. “Yes, I told her she could have one stall in thegarage and use of the pool. She agreed to clean it a couple of times aweek.” (He hates to clean the pool) “She swam with me today. Well, Jim, you’ll just have to see for yourself. I think she looked cute.” I rolled myeyes and Sara giggled. We chatted for a while longer and then he told mehe’d be home late the following afternoon. I told him I’d have theestimate and would arrange for Sara to be there so he could meet her.After I hung up, Sara collared me and put leather cuffs on my wrists andankles. I spent an hour that night on the floor of my bedroom. On mybelly, hands cuffed behind me, ankles cuffed together. A butt plug in my assand a penis gag in my mouth. Sara watched television and gave me anoccasional stroke with the quirt. She assured me that the red marks woulddisappear by the next afternoon. Finally, she released me and took me to bed.The sex was fantastic!The next morning I was up at 6:00 a.m. Sara woke up while I was in theshower and joined me. I shampooed her hair, washed her from head to foot,and then dried her with gentle pats using my newest bath towels. I blowdried her hair for her and brushed it for 15 minutes. Then, while she wasdressing, I hurried downstairs to pour her a cup of coffee (automaticcoffeemaker, set up every night because Jim is up VERY early and likes his coffee).When I brought the coffee into the bedroom, Sara was still nude. She saton the edge of the bed and I dropped to my knees and presented her with thecup. She sighed appreciatively as she sipped. I leaned forward andkissed her knees. Then I dropped mersin escort down onto my back and lifted her feet ontomy belly.She leaned over and smiled at me. “You’re the perfect slave!”Sara allowed me to masturbate while she watched. Then we were both rushingto get dressed. I had to go to my mom’s house and pick up Sarah beforemom decided I’d abandoned her. Sara had to get busy and make somemeasurements and then start hitting Home Depot and the like to price materials. Itwas a busy day for both of us.My mom was glad to see me and I could tell that Sarah had given her aworkout. Of course mom picked up on the fact that I wasn’t wearing a bra andmade a couple of snide remarks. She assumed that Jim was behind it and ofcourse I did nothing to change her assumption. We chatted as we got Sarahready to travel and I found myself wondering what would happen if I cameright out and said, “Oh, by the way mom, it wasn’t Jim who got me to gobraless. It was this woman I met the other day. She’s introduced me to lesbiansex and bondage. Mom, I’m her slave and I love it.” Of course momnoticed the little smile and asked what I was smiling about. I shook my head, “Nothing mom, just thinking about this woman I saw in the park.”Then Sarah and I were out and on the road home. She’s always glad to go tograndma’s but she’s like me – glad to leave again. We went home and Itook her with me from room to room as I cleaned house. I changed into shortsand one of Jim’s old undershirts before I started. After a few minutes Istopped and cut the shirt off just below my breasts. I felt very sexy init. The deep armholes did little to conceal my breasts. Sara was turningme into a real exhibitionist and I was loving it. I knew Jim would too. Hecalled while I was cleaning the kitchen and told me he wouldn’t be homeuntil at least 7 p.m. I told him I expected that Sara would be back by thenand we could go over her estimate.Sarah went down for her nap shortly after Jim’s call and I stripped myclothes off and washed the kitchen floor on my hands and knees. Then, stillnude, I cleaned all of the bathrooms. When I heard Sarah wake from her napI threw my clothes back on and took her for a walk. While we were walkingI decided to have steaks for supper – done on the grill. Sarah would besleepy by the time Jim got home. I knew he’d spend some time with her andthat would allow me to grill the steaks and get everything ready. I calledthe Wine Basket, a local liquor store that delivers, and had them deliver twobottles of Woodbridge Blush Chardonnay – I know, it doesn’t go with steakbut we like the wine.Sara pulled in at 5:30, hot and sweaty from a day of frantic activity. Wetook Sarah out on the deck and Sara bounced her on her knee while I wentin and got her a cold bottle of Rolling Rock. And one for myself. Saratook a long drink and then I asked her how her day had gone. She grinned andtold me that it had been hot and tiring, but worth it. She’d met somehelpful people and had a pretty good idea of what it would cost to do over theapartment. escort mersin She told me that the materials would cost roughly $12,000 andthe plumber would be about $2,500. She was a little surprised when I said,”Let’s double both numbers to be safe.” Then we shook on it and I toldher that Jim would be pleased.She nodded. “Got any plans for tonight?”It was my turn to grin. “I’m going to fuck his brains out!”Sara tipped her glass in salute and said, “Good for you. You know that Inever intended to come between you and Jim.””Yes, I know that. In fact, he has you to thank for waking my libido again.” And I tipped my glass in salute.Sara said she’d bring a sleeping bag up to the apartment and spend thenight there. I told her she could have the guest room but she said, “Maybetomorrow night, not tonight. You need privacy.” I had to agree with her onthat. We finished our beer and I went into the house while Sara headed forher van to go shopping for a sleeping bag.I took another shower and put on a white terrycloth robe, a short one thatjust covers my butt. I left my hair wet, grabbed Sarah out of her crib,and went down to check on the potatoes I’d put in the oven earlier. As Ipassed the full-length mirror at the end of the upstairs hall I noticed hownicely the white robe contrasted with my tan. I knew Jim would like it.I heard a car door as I was closing the oven door. A minute later Jimopened the front door and set his bag and briefcase down in the hall. Istepped into the hall from the kitchen with Sarah balanced on my hip and saw hiseyes widen as he realized what I was wearing. He hugged us, making facesat Sarah and laughing at her response. I set Sarah down and gave him a bighug. Then I put my chin on his shoulder and whispered, “I want you to fuckmy brains out later.”He stepped back and gave me a long, searching look. Then he smiled andsaid, “Count on it! What’s for dinner?” I swatted him and suggested that hetake his daughter and amuse her for a while or there might be no dinner.He scooped Sarah up in one arm and ran his other hand up under my robe. Hechuckled as his hand moved over my bare bottom. “Oh my, no panties, justlike the big girls!” I slapped at his arm and danced away, escaping intothe kitchen while he and Sarah headed for the livingroom to play.I went out onto the deck and fired up the gas grill. Then I went inside tostart a salad while the grill heated up. I opened one of the bottles ofwine and poured two glasses, bringing one into the livingroom for Jim.Then it was back to `drudring’ in the kitchen. I pulled the steaks out andseasoned them. The grill was hot when I went back, so I used a wire brushon the cooking surface and then put the steaks on. For the next few minutesI divided my time between the grill, the salad, and checking the oven tosee if the baked potatoes were ready.Everything came together at the right time, no small accomplishmentconsidering my limited ablity in the kitchen (I hate to cook) and I called Jim asI ferried things out to the patio table. Jim came in with Sara and mersin escort bayan broughtcarriage out for me and put her in it. Then we sat down to eat. Sara,with perfect timing, pulled into the driveway just as Jim was raising hisglass in a toast to the coming evening. Sara was toting a large bag as shestarted up the outside stairs to the apartment. I was inclined to let her go,but Jim suggested that I invite her over for a drink at least.I called to her and she waved and continued on up the stairs. I glancedat Jim and shrugged. He suggested I go and talk to her. I hesitated, butI could tell that he wanted to meet her so I got up and ran down the stairsand across the grass. The door was open when I got to the top of thestairs and Sara was sweeping with an old broom she’d found. She glanced upwith a surprised look. “What are you doing here? Go and have fun with yourhusband.””He wants to meet you. He’s shifting into `accountant’ mode and Ithought I’d better humor him. Please come and meet him and have a glass of wine.”She cocked her head to one side and studied me for a moment. “Do youreally want me to come?”I grinned. “No, but come anyway.”She grinned back at me. “I can’t resist when you sweet-talk me like that.”We walked back to the house and I introduced them. Jim shook her hand andI could tell that he liked her. I glanced back and forth as they chatted.It was hard to tell how Sara felt. We sat down and Sara accepted aglass of wine. She glanced at my plate as she took her first sip and I realizedthat she probably hadn’t eaten anything. I insisted that she share mysteak and she gave in after some half-hearted protests.I got her a plate and gave her half of my dinner. Let me tell you, it wasan interesting meal with my husband and my lesbian lover sitting on eitherside of me! What really got me going was the way they hit it off. Sarahad taken some accounting courses in college and they soon lost me as theygot into investment strategies and market trends and the like. I wasdaydreaming when I felt a touch on my left knee. Jim didn’t miss a word as hecaressed my knee and then slid his hand up my bare thigh. Neither did Sarawhen she ran her toes up my right calf. I glanced back and forth, they wereboth seemingly intent on their conversation, but both of them were feelingme up! I did the only thing I could think of and got up to get anotherbottle of wine. As I opened the door I glanced back. They were deep inconversation and didn’t seem to notice that I was gone! Talk about a strangeevening!After dinner, while Jim put Sarah to bed, Sara helped me clear the tableand put the dishes in the dishwasher. Then she left and I went upstairs tosee my husband. When he finished with Sarah he found me waiting in thehall. Nude. I dropped to my knees as he approached and unzipped his pants.He was ready. I took his cock into my mouth and moaned with pleasure as Iran my tongue over it. I’ve always loved sucking a nice hard cock. Jimran his hands through my hair and sighed as I sucked him. “Oh shit, Hannah.You are soooo good. Suck it babe! Please suck it! Take it all in.” AndI did. He’s about 7″ when he’s hard and I’ve learned how to take thewhole thing in my mouth without gagging. Then he started moving his hips,literally fucking me in the mouth. God, I loved it!

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