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A Week in Vegas- Day 1- Part 1We flew in from LA late on a Friday morning after a week of business meetings. It was early May and we had just gone thru a busy, long and cold winter back East where we live. I’m Charles, 45 and my wife is Gretchen, 40. We’ve been married for 15 yrs. and run a business together. We also “play together” or separately, but always with the others knowledge. We were really looking forward to a long and relaxing week in Vegas with time for both ourselves alone as well as any new adventures we might have with new and old friends there. The long week before ended early this morning as we sealed an important new contract for our company. So we really needed the time off. While I took a short nap on the hop from LA Gretchen being Gretchen spent the time chatting with a couple seated across the aisle from us. Where ever she is my wife has the amazing ability to find and home-in on the one person or couple or group of people around her that fit her description of “people I’m proud to call my friends”. “Good people” she calls them; this either as our Life1 or Life2 (see below) friends.Hopping into a cab I noticed a certain look in her eye. The kind of look that a confident sexy woman has when she has just spotted someone who has piqued her interest and whom she is certain she wants and will meet again…in a more relaxed intimate setting. Seeing my knowing expression she shot me one of her radiant smiles and just said “this will be fun”. I let it go at that, knowing soon enough I’ll know exactly what scheme she’s cooking up now.Gretchen is a 6’, statuesque, strawberry blonde, gifted with 44C breasts, a 30 in waist and 39 in hips. In polite company she says that she is “a corn fed well-endowed Iowa blonde”. In more private company this becomes “a cock loving big titted Iowa slut”. Either way she’s a handful! A real Valkyrie being of German-Swedish stock. Me? I’m 6’3 and dark haired, of Italian ancestry. So when she wears those 4” heels she likes, she’s taller than me. We’re both in good shape, work out as much as possible, drink moderately, and smoke cigars and pot on the weekends and vacation. We have no k**s so we spoil our nieces and nephews like no tomorrow. We run a successful business and are very well off. This allows us to indulge ourselves.As I said before, we like to play. Together or separately. We have a few ground rules that we do not break. We don’t play with close friends, close business partners or (most) people we might run into in our everyday lives. Essentially we have two lives; our everyday/business lives (life1) and our play lives (life2). We do play with old friends from Life2 and occasionally people we meet thru work as long as they don’t cross over in the first group. That’s why we like to play in Vegas. It’s on the other side of the country; we’ll not run into anyone we know from Life1 and if we do,” hey we’re just in town for a mini vacation”. We own a 1 bedroom suite within one of the larger hotels which allows us privacy and use of all hotel amenities. It has a large living area with hot tub, mini kitchen and large bedroom with a large bathtub in the room. It’s on the 45th floor so the views of the Strip are amazing! We also keep a Mustang convertible and a Harley in the hotel garage. When we need more room we use a hotel limo. We don’t gamble seriously, we love the restaurants and clubs and the headline entertainment. We also love the chance to meet and entertain all types of people in a relaxed and intimate setting. We got to the hotel, went up to our suite, took showers and got into bed. For a nap. We needed to recharge, and take it slow. Plenty of time left for fun and games. The plan was to have an early dinner, see a show or two, late night drinks and then spend time together in the suite. I got up first, took another shower, got dressed in my usual Vegas outfit of dark slacks, white Egyptian cotton shirt and silk/cashmere jacket with black cap-toe lace-ups. I left a note for Gretchen to meet me in the restaurant bar and went down for a glass of wine and to return some emails while waiting for her.Now Gretchen usually dresses in business attire during the day and jeans and comfortable tops on the weekends. Her country girl look she says. As need be she will wear something more elegant, but it’s in Vegas that she likes to pull out all the stops. When she walked into the bar an hour and a half later all heads turned in her direction. She looked magnificent. Her strawberry-blonde hair (which she keeps quite long) was pulled up on top of her head with a few locks framing her face. She has lite skin with a few faint freckles and uses very little makeup, but now she had her face expertly made up with hints of green around the eyes and bright cherry red lips. She wore a long emerald green silk gown with shoulder straps and a low neckline that showcased her ample bosom while still leaving plenty to the imagination .The gown was cut high on each side so that when she sat down a good bit of thigh was seen and from the right angel her emerald green and black lace garters, holding up pearl gray silk stockings. On her feet were a pair of patented red leather 4” t-straps that looked like they belonged to very sultry Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. She looked straight out of a 40’s movie, which bty is her favorite style of fashion. She had finished this outfit with a pearl hair pin, a strand of pearls and pearl earrings I had given her for our 10th anniversary.If it seems that I know a lot about fashion it’s because that’s the nature of our company. We own a textile weaving business started by my grandfather. The clothes she had on were all one of a kind items, down to her intimate apparel and shoes, made to order and molded upon her body. As I said she looked magnificent.As Martin, the manager pulled out her chair and she settled in, he discreetly inhaled a whiff of her perfume, slightly chuckled and shot me a knowing look, while sotto-voce telling her that “as usual, she was the hottest piece of ass in the place”. Not something a hotel employee would tell a guest, unless he wanted to be punched out, fired and his hotel sued. But Martin was a Life2 friend. As were a few others at the hotel… We had been coming here for over 10 yrs. First as regular guests then 6 yrs. ago we bought the condo/suite. So we’ve known some of the employees for years, some very intimately. Like Martin and his wife Isabell, whom we’ve spent many a night or weekend with at their home. We had some wine in the bar. Then we moved on to the restaurant. We’re regulars here. It’s a seafood restaurant that’s owned by a highly rated chef from NYC. You’ve probably seen him on TV. We love the food and the wine list, something we’re both passionate about .We were sat at our usual table, an intimate booth near the back but with a great position for people watching. Also the long tablecloths and subdued lighting allow for some intimate under the table play. Thomas, our usual waiter was off that night, so Carlo, the maître d’, offered to take care of us himself but we said that anyone would be fine as we were certain of being treated as well as we have always been. Carlo said he had just the right person. He was soon back with Alexandra, or Sasha, as she introduced herself. Sasha was from her slight accent obviously Russian, and extremely beautiful. While not as tall and voluptuous as Gretchen, she managed to nicely fill out her demure uniform of shirt, slacks, and vest. Speaking with her throughout the meal we learned that she had recently relocated to Vegas from NYC where she had worked at the flagship restaurant; that she hails from St. Petersburg; studied ballet in her youth and was attending UNLV to get her degree in Law. We liked Sasha. We liked her a lot. Dinner started off with some raw seafood, sort of sushi but with Mediterranean touches. We moved on to a light pasta with seafood dish that we shared and then Gretchen had Dover sole while I had some great tuna. Sasha was instrumental in helping us make our choices as the menu had recently changed and she wanted to steer us to the “superstars” on the menu. Her manner, while strictly professional but friendly had a certain dominant “take control of the situation” edge to it. As for example when I ordered our wine, I could tell that she did not fully approve of my choice, and in fact returned with a different bottle, saying that she believed this would work better with our food choices. Before I had time to even symbolically protest Escort bayan she had opened the wine and poured out a taste. To Gretchen, not me, saying with a smile that she thinks women have a more subtle tongue. I thought Gretchen was going to choke on the little wine in her glass as she swallowed and heard this but she hit the road running and answered back that from experience she would have to agree. Discreetly, under the table she also gave me one of our intimate signals that she liked Sasha. She liked her a lot.We took our time in enjoying the meal. We eat here often and spend good money so we know we were not going to be rushed. In fact we were on our second bottle before the main course, a really great Burgundy red that Sasha again picked out per Gretchen’s request. We are both not big on dessert and usually finish our wine with some cheese to end the meal. As we were waiting for our entrées my phone made me aware of an important email I needed to return. I excused myself and stepped out to the bar area where I answered my email and ran into the Executive Chef, who is a good but not intimate friend of the both of us. We made small talk for a few moments and set a date to go fishing together for striped bass next time he comes back East. By the time I had returned to the table the entrees had been served and were waiting under those silver domes they put on your plate to keep the food warm.I told Gretchen about the email- we run the company together- and about speaking with Frank, the Chef. I noticed that she was interested but that something else held her interest as well. She leaned over and whispered into my ear that I should look over to my right- she sat on my left- at a nearby table. When I had left it was empty and now was occupied by four gentlemen. They were younger than us, in their early thirties, handsome and elegantly dressed in dark suits, crisp shirts and expensive ties. Each had a Rolex on his wrist and no other jewelry. From their casual demeanor and smiles I assumed that they were friends rather than colleagues or business partners. This later proved true, they had all grown up together and have been friends since c***dhood. Their names turned out be Sam, Troy, Adam and Elijah. We also found out later that they were in Vegas for a long weekend to celebrate Troy’s upcoming wedding. They were all “the best man” and Sam was the first among equals as he had known Troy the longest. But these are things we found out later in the evening and that night. Right now it was just us and four good looking young men at a nearby table.From the look in her eyes and the wicked little smile she was giving me I knew all our plans for the remainder of the evening just went by the way side. When Gretchen spots an opportunity like this she will play every trick in the book to get to her goal. And I knew just what that goal was. That night she was going to take these four studs to bed, not one, not two, not three but all four. Now, I’m no fool. I wasn’t going to complain that it was supposed to be just the two of us. There is always time for the two of us. This time it was going to be about her. And I was fine with that. My role? Well I’d see how she wanted to play it. Sometimes in these situations, when she wants to be at the center of attention she likes for me to also join in. But sometimes she likes me just to watch, maybe take photos or video if all agree to be filmed. We don’t do it if someone says no and we respect no facial shots if they want that. I’ll also make sure that the music is always on and that everyone has a drink.Let me say that in no way is our “play life” divided into dominant and submissive roles. We play on an equal footing. We will both be dominant or submissive for the other and with others. Or we will let things take their flow and just have fun with no top/bottom attitude. We will also stand guard for each other, meaning if one of us wants to play with someone alone, the other will go do something else for those 3-4 hours or the whole night, but this is something we do only with people we have known a while and played with before. One rule is never broken and that is that we are either together or we always know where and with whom the other is. So, we started on our entrees. I’ve never seen Gretchen eat so slowly. She wanted the guys to catch up so we would not be finished before them. As the meal progressed I kept casually glancing at her and noticing that more and more she let her gaze drift over to the other table. I also managed to glance their way and was certain that they were aware of her and had in fact begun to look her way more often. This was confirmed when as we finished our entrees and the plates were cleared, Gretchen asked if I might slide out of the booth and allow her to get up from the table to use the ladies room. Now she could have easily exited from the other side but I immediately understood that she wanted to rise out of her seat on the side closer to the guy’s table. This would allow her to show a bit of leg as she did and also allow her to pass by their table much closer. I rose, gave her my hand to help her up, she slid out, showed a good bit of leg and excused herself. She later told me that all four guys looked her way as she rose from the table. As I resumed my seat I noticed their eyes following her swaying rear the whole length of the restaurant till she disappeared around a privacy curtain near the restrooms.She took her sweet time as she returned a good 15 minutes later. While she was gone the guys stole a few glances my way, trying I think to judge my relationship to her. We both wear watches and Gretchen wears a ring on her ring finger but it’s not a wedding band, it’s a family heirloom. I don’t wear any rings. So just by looking you can’t tell if we are married, to each other or at all. We later found out to great amusement that one of the guys suggested she might be a very high priced escort out with a client. The cheese course came and as we were having it with the remaining wine I noticed Martin, the manager, bringing a bottle of champagne to the guys table. Immediately I knew what had happened. With a discreet look in my wife’s direction, my suspicions were confirmed. Her gaze was fixated on the table of four handsome studs, her wine glass was in her hand and raised in a tots. We both watched as Martin whispered something in the ear of one of the men, Troy, we later learned, and nodded in our direction. She had sent the champagne. That’s why she took so long in returning to the table. She stopped to talk to Martin and arranged for the champagne. The men all turned to face us in unison, and as Martin poured out the champagne raised their glass in a toast to Gretchen. That was the ice breaker. And as we continued to sip on our wine and them their champagne a conversation was started between us. We learned their names, that they were all from Chicago, been friends from c***dhood, went to different collages but all returned to their hometown and now are in Vegas to celebrate the wedding of one of their own. They all had great jobs, Troy was a lawyer, Adam was in advertising, Elijah in finance and Sam was a successful night club owner. We also introduced ourselves and told them a little about what we do.Soon the wine and champagne were finished. Right on cue Martin came over to our table and informed me, loud enough for the guys to hear that our usual lounge table was ready for us to enjoy after dinner drinks with our new friends. He promptly ushered all six of us out into the lounge area and sat us at the furthest table, in a corner and not very visible, lit by low candles and surrounded by two love seats and a club chair. That’s why we love to come here. We never have after dinner drinks. But our dear friend Martin had anticipated the flow of the evening and made sure the segue between table and bed took an intimate and cozy path. Cozy because once I took over the only single seat open, the club chair, the four guys and Gretchen were left to squeeze 5 bodies onto two tiny love seats. The guys were all very cavalier but you could tell they would have done anything to be sitting next to her alone. Gretchen broke the impasse by stating that since Sam had the biggest build she would sit next to him first on one love seat then alternate with the other guys on the other. This seemed fair to the guys and we settled in. I should mention that while Troy and Adam were both about 6’ and Bayan escort Elijah about 5’10, Sam towered over all of us. He was, we learned 6’7. All muscle. Played college ball, but not at pro level and utilized his degree and experience bartending in his father’s bar to open a string of nightclubs in Chicago and Milwaukee.We ordered and as our drinks arrived the sexual tension round the table began to grow exponentially. Somewhat like the bulges in the guy’s pants which, being we were all seated so close were becoming very obvious. While the guys were being perfect gentlemen as Gretchen did her musical chair routine to make sure she sat with each of them a hand or two might have inadvertently brushed up against a bulge or a protrusion or a curve of breast or ass. Apologies were extended but soon those faded away and the touching became more frequent although still discreet. The one person she kept clear of was Troy. As she told me later she wanted to let him decide if this was something he wanted to peruse. The guys were still trying to figure me out. Would I mind and how much would I allow. It was obvious that I would allow some degree of touchy feely but to what extent.The small talk was getting strained and it was just a matter of time till we went upstairs, either alone or with the guys. Knowing Gretchen, it was going to be the latter. Again, as she does so often, my beautiful wife seized the moment. During a lull in conversation, caused by the fact that Gretchen had leaned over and started kissing Sam, a full on the mouth tongue down his throat hand on his inner thigh, way up on his inner thigh kiss, with the rest of the guys looking on, their mouths open and their pants becoming quite tight in the crotch department, and me looking on, slightly smiling and fully knowing that she just got their attention and cleared up any misgivings with one kiss, she stood up. Slightly clearing her throat, she looked each one of the them in the eye and said “Guys, it’s still early and if you have other plans don’t let me stop you but if you’d like to continue this upstairs your all more than welcome. Give me about 20 minutes and then come up with Charles if you like.” With that she turned and left the lounge heading for the elevators.I waited till their eyes could no longer see to follow her and they turned back to look at me. They all had smiles on their faces. First I asked if they wanted to come up to the suite and I received four distinct nods. Then I asked what their plans were for the weekend. I wanted to know if these guys despite their polished appearance were just a bunch of party boys. To my surprise their plans did not match up to what I had thought a bachelors weekend to be. They said they arrived this afternoon and till they met us they had no real plans for tonight. They were going to hang out in the casino a bit then go to bed as they had tee time at 7 am tomorrow. After golf and an early dinner they were going to see a championship fight, then golf again on Sunday, with a free afternoon to relax. They were leaving on Monday morning. Seems that while Troy was the first of their group to tie the knot, both Adam and Elijah were not far behind him. Only Sam was still ASSessing all his options. I kind of figured that about Sam.Then I gave them some ground rules. Anything goes as long as Gretchen initiates it or accepts and plays along. Any time she says stop, they stop, whatever it may be. We have our own personal set of code words so I’ll always know how she’s feeling. They are welcome to stay as long as she wants to play. I told them I’ll be sitting this one out, it would all be about Gretchen and their told them that we almost always insist on protection but that the four of them seemed to us to be men of their word and if they say that they are clean we will take them on their word and they needn’t use protection. This is something she also signaled me. Gretchen is a great judge of character. I also asked if they minded me taking pictures and video for our personal use. They kind of looked at each other than Sam spoke. He seemed to be the group spokesman. He said that meeting us and the flow of the evening was something they had not planned on. He said that while Troy, Adam and Elijah were in commitment relationships and he was still playing the field, they all relied that this was a once in a life time chance. Since we were honest with them they would be honest with us. As long as the photos and video were for our personal use they had no problem with it. He also said that, yes, they were all clean. He ended with the line” what happens in Vegas…”. With that we left for the elevators.When we entered the suite, the lights were low, Miles was playing on the stereo system and there were three bottles of Gretchen’s favorite champagne on ice. The guys followed my lead and we took of our jackets, ties and shoes. While I opened the champagne and poured it out they made themselves comfortable on the two large couches in the living area. I passed the glasses around and as I sat down, Gretchen made her appearance. We have a CCTV system in the suite so she could see us on a discreet monitor while still in the bedroom.Once again that evening, my wife took all our breath away. She had removed her dress and shoes and was now wearing a dark red silk lounge robe tied with a gold sash, tight but not overly so. Her hair was still up on her head but she had let out a few more locks on each side. The pearls were still there and she had touched up her makeup. As she walked towards us you could see she still had on the stockings, and from experience I knew that the garters were there but that the rest of her intimates were gone. On her feet were a pair of gold colored leather mules. Her “slut in the bedroom shoes” she calls them. I also knew that she had taken a quick sponge bath, to feel clean and out of respect for her future lovers. While earlier she had on only a whiff of perfume, now you could smell it from across the room. Again. I knew that she had put some on all the hot spots on her body and that mixed with her natural pheromones, she looked like the lady she was by nature but smelled like a lioness in heat.As she approached us, she flashed us her most seductive smile, and taking hold of an offered glass, took a sip, and then said that she would like to dance. She then leaned over, putting her glass on the coffee table, and we were all rewarded with a magnificent view of her breasts, barely held in check by the folds of her robe. Now the guys also knew that she was not wearing a bra. She reached out a hand and took Troy by his leading him away from the couches to a more spacious area where they immediately melted into each other’s embrace, swaying gently to the music but barely moving their feet. As the rest of us watched, their hands began to gently work on each other, caressing and exploring, while their mouths met with a fierce passion that was in stark contrast to their other movements.Gretchen’s hands were all over Troy’s chest, his back and down his ass, pulling him closer to her. She had shifted her wait on one foot and was now wrapping a long stocking clad leg around one of his. This allowed her robe to spread out below her waist and he took the offered sacrifice masterfully. Lowering the hand that had moments before been cupping her breast he began a slow caress of the thigh. First on the outside of her leg, sliding his hand around to cup and massage her ass. It was obvious to all, by this time that she was also not wearing panties. His hand slowly worked towards her inter tight and the up to her pussy. Gretchen shaves but leaves a small triangle as a frame around her lips. Her cunt is soft almost velvety in feel, with long thick lips that tend to swell and puff up as she gets more aroused. His other hand was at the small of her back, massaging her ass and keeping her balanced and pressed up into him. The hand at her crotch was by now moving at a faster speed, but still relatively slow, rubbing up and down her lips and occasionally stopping at the top where his thumb and finger slowly played with her button in small circles. Their tongues were still enmeshed, they were gently biting the others lips as they kissed. Occasionally she would run her tongue over his face and down to his throat where she would give him a small bite and then back to his mouth. His fingers had now penetrated her, first one, slowly moving in and out. Each time a bit deeper Escort in to her. Then two, the pointer and the middle one. His thumb continued to play with her clit, in circles, sometimes slowly and then faster. Keeping rhythm with his fingers. He now had three fingers in her and began to work them harder and deeper.Gretchen’s head was now back and her mouth open. She began making those sounds I know well, when the fire in her belly gets so hot it just has to coming shooting out, like an erupting volcano. As Troy pumped her cunt with his fingers she started to lightly shake and shudder and then to moan louder and louder till it all became one long a****listic growl of pleasure that just kept coming out of her mouth. She gave one last shudder and leaned in to support herself even more against him. All the time her hands were playing with his ass and she was gently caressing his cock thru his pants as best as she could, with little space between them. They again kissed and then Gretchen turned to the rest of us, who were sitting mesmerized by the wonderfully erotic scene we witnessed. Blowing us a kiss, she told us to give them a bit of privacy first and then come into the bedroom. She took Troy by the hand and on somewhat unsteady legs walked him to the bedroom and shut the door.The 4 of us? We looked at each other and grinned. Then we did what all red blooded American men do in a situation like this. We talked football. And had a cold beer each. 20 minutes later we entered the bedroom. Candles and more Miles.It was a sight to behold. On the giant bed in our bedroom, a Vegas sized king size, my wife was straddling Troy. While he lay almost perfectly still, his legs just slightly apart, Gretchen was astride him, impaled upon his shaft and slowly moving her hips in a gentle rotation. Her head has bent forward, her hair hung like a cascading waterfall of reddish gold brushing upon his chest. Every so often she would lean down to kiss him or run her tongue down his chest, to his nipples which she would gently bite or nibble. Her hands were spread out before her, holding on to his which were spread straight out on the bed behind him. She was making quiet sounds, a mix of moans and gentle purrs mixed in with throaty growls when his cock reached a certain spot on her or deep in her cunt. The juxtaposition of their skin colors made for a lovely contrast that only added to the erotic scene. I don’t think I’ve mentioned the fact that all four guys were black, did I? Well they were. And different shades too. From Elijah’s café au lait brown, thru Adam’s milk chocolate to two different types of dark skin tone on Troy and Sam. Troy’s very black but subdued, almost matte black to Sam being even darker then Troy, with a shiny overtones, like oiled skin. When the rest of us had entered we began to slowly peel off our clothes, being as quiet as we could, as not to break their rhythm. It was then that I knew Gretchen would be in for an experience like never before. For as they stripped from their shorts, the guys cocks sprang to attention. The smallest was Elijah and his was a good 8 inches, like mine but somewhat slimmer. Adam came next with 9 and much thicker than me. Troy, I would later see was about the same as Adams, maybe a half inch longer. But Sam. Well let me tell you about Sam. Remember, this guy is 6’7, all muscle, and God was he hung .Huge and still not fully hard. In proportion to his body it did not look out of place but on a smaller guy you would have said it was a horse cock. We later found out it was 11.5” and 6” round.Gretchen was still ridding Troy, but as she became aware of us she turned her head to face us, smiled and said “welcome to the party, boys” in her best Mea West impersonation. She then proceeded to turn around into a reverse cowgirl while still riding Troy’s cock. Remember, she’s 6’ and was an athlete in high school so sometimes her flexibility in movement surprises people. That’s when she saw it. Sam’s Club as she now calls it, and has a laugh every time we go shopping. Her eyes widened slightly but her face suddenly turned into the biggest Cheshire cat grin I’ve ever seen. Motioning to Elijah and Adam to kneel on the bed on either side of her she began to jerk them off with slow steady movements. Then she faced Sam and just opened her mouth as wide as it could go. He got the hint. Half kneeling on the bed and half still on the flow he leaned in close to her mouth and while holding on to one of her shoulders began with his other hand to slowly feed her that massive cock. Beneath her Troy was still pumping and it seemed that he was ready to go .With a loud grunt his hips began to buck harder and faster, driving his cock deep within her. This wasn’t helping her out in managing to get more than a few inches of Sam into her willing mouth, but she compensated by running her tongue up and down his shaft and especially working on his massive head, fully engorged and a beautiful dark purple color. She was still pumping the other two with her hands, letting go just long enough to grasp Sam’s dick and give him a few pumps while she worked her tongue on him.Troy slid out from under her a few minutes later with a smile and sweat pouring down his chest. Gretchen turned to Elijah and just gave him a look that said “well, what are you waiting for, a seat just opened up”. He was quick to take Troy’s place. Adam meanwhile switched from getting jerked off to sucking on her left breast. His tongue kept flicking over her nipples and he would give her gentle bites on the very tip or roll the whole nipple in his mouth. His hands were kneading her other breast. This left her more able to fully focus on Sam’s massive member. Using both hands to guide and control his cock she began to get more of it down her throat. She was still running her tongue along his shaft but her main focus now was to see how much she could get into her mouth. Gretchen can fully take my 8” into her mouth but this was 3” inches longer and 2” more round. But she’s a trooper. They began to get into a rhythm now, Sam placing his hands upon her head and using them to guide her closer and his cock deeper in to her mouth. He was fully hard now and Gretchen let him take full control. Her hands fell limp by her sides, she stopped moving on Elijah’s dick and just let Sam face fuck her. He was going at a good pace, not too fast and slightly rough, holding her head just behind her ears and pulling it forward every time he slammed his prick in her mouth. Slowly he picked up the tempo, and Elijah, beneath her began to gently rock her forward, pushing at the small of her back. Adam had stepped back and was along with Troy gently pulling on his cock and watching. Me? I finally remembered to take pictures.Sam’s tempo slowly increased and with every thrust he managed to get more of his cock into her mouth. By this time Gretchen was like a limp doll, sitting on Elijah cock and allowing Sam to first gently and then with increasing vigor face fuck her. While he was not rough with her, and Gretchen likes rough sometimes, he was not holding back any longer. With a fierce howl he grabbed a hand full of her hair showed his bat of a cock into her mouth and started to spew the biggest load she had ever had, as she told me later. She pulled back her head a bit and he began to pull out, thinking he was choking her, but she grabbed at his ass cheeks to hold him in place. Later she told us she just needed to make more room in her mouth for all his cum, which she proceeded to fully swallow. In the end she was able to get at least 10” into her mouth, which is still her standing record. Below her Elijah had sprang back to life and was soon also making a deposit. This left only Adam with balls full of cum. Gretchen smiled at him and as Elijah slid out from under her, she turned on all fours and wiggled her ass in Adams direction. He was balls deep into her in flash and pumping for all he was worth, holding her by the hips and really slamming deep into her. He also soon came. Gretchen rolled over on her back, a grin on her face and a quart of cum seeping out between her puffy pussy lips, We all then took a small break, she stepped out to the bathroom to refresh and we went out on the balcony, towels wrapped around us, fresh drinks in hand and a couple of joints lit up. Gretchen soon joined us again wrapped in her robe. She walked straight up to Sam, turned and snuggled her back into his chest. She reached up to take the joint from his lips, and after taking a hit or two drank some champagne from his glass. As we stood there talking about nothing important it became clear that Sam was her chosen one that evening and that the rest of the guys would have to be satisfied with whatever favors she bestows on them……..To be continued

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