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Suzanne was just wandering along the beach, out for an early morning stroll. She liked taking her walks in the evening when the sun was starting to set and a cool breeze came off the water.

She was on one of the trails that ran along between the dunes covered with salt-grass and the sands of the beach proper. As she walked she fancied that she could hear voices drifting on the breeze.

Moving along, Suzanne realised that there were people further back in the dunes, and she swung slightly off trail to see if she could spot them. Maybe they were friends of hers.

Spotting movement off to the side she turned and looked in that direction. Then she went very still. By chance, she could see between a couple of scrubby plants down into a little space between a couple of dunes, but remained unseen herself due to the shrubs. It would take a very keen eye to spot her.

A young woman was lying on a beach towel, topless and, even as Suzanne watched, the man with her bent down and started drawing off the bottom half of her swimming costume.

The woman slapped at the encroaching hands, trying to hold onto her costume, giggling while she did so. It was obvious that her protests weren’t serious and a little jerk had her costume sliding down and off.

She lay there, one hand modestly covering her mound, watching the man. He’d straightened up and was deliberately lowering his bathers. Stepping out of his bathers, the man turned slightly, and Suzanne had to stifle a gasp.

She was eighteen. She knew about the birds and the bees and what a man did with a woman. In theory, that was. She’d actually touched a cock or two, but had resisted attempts for boys eager to return the favour.

There was a difference, she could plainly see, between a boy developing and waving his weapon and a grown man who intended to use it.

As Suzanne watched, she saw the man moving the woman’s legs further apart and move to kneel between them. He leaned over her, and Suzanne could see his cock pressing against the woman. Then he was lying on the woman, his bottom lifted in the air a little, seeming poised.

He must, Suzanne realised, have just driven straight down into the woman, as his bottom flattened quickly while the woman gave a squeal. Suzanne couldn’t really see what happened next. The man was bouncing up and down but his body hid the interesting bits.

The woman, Suzanne noted, was just lying there, letting the man bounce on her. This surprised Suzanne slightly. She’d have thought the woman would respond as she’d seemed agreeable to what was taking place.

The activity continued for a short while. It seemed rather dull to Suzanne. She’d always thought it would be a lot more energetic than that. Stories about sex appear to have been exaggerated.

Slowly, the act taking place before Suzanne started to change. The woman was now pushing up to meet the man, her bottom actually lifting off the ground as she heaved herself up. And the man was moving faster. His gentle movements at the start must have been preparation, ensuring the woman was ready to handle him.

Suddenly the man pulled loose. There were loud objections from the woman and he was indicating she should roll over. Next thing Suzanne saw was the woman rolling onto her stomach, resting her head on her arms while her knees were bent under her, lifting her bottom high.

This time, when the man drove home into the woman, Suzanne could see his shaft sinking into her as the woman pushed back to meet it. The man’s hands came around to take hold of the woman’s breasts, and he was pumping like a maniac.

Watching the stranger ravish his woman, Suzanne couldn’t help but feel excited. Heat was pooled inside her, saying “me, too” while she could feel herself getting damp. Damp, hell, thought Suzanne. I’m so wet I’m going to have to change my panties when I get home.

Suzanne could hear the woman making little excited casino siteleri cries and the man seemed to going at her even faster. Then he gave a groan and seemed to hold the woman to him while he shuddered and the woman was jamming a hand in her mouth and seemed to be shaking all over.

Suzanne knew just what had happened then. She felt as though she might climax herself, it had been so exciting. She was, she realised, rubbing herself through her clothes, encouraging her own excitement.

The wanton pair had separated and were lying down, seeing content to just lie there next to each other, still naked. Deciding discretion wouldn’t go amiss, Suzanne turned to leave.

Turning, Suzanne found herself bumping into someone. A man had been standing behind her, regarding her. He looked amused. She flicked a glance through the bushes where the nude couple were lying at ease. She reddened when the man took a step forward and glanced over to see what she was looking at.

“Well, they look happy and content,” the man murmured. “Been here long?”

“No, no,” gasped Suzanne. “I’ve only just arrived. I wasn’t watching them or anything.”

“You just happened to glance between the bushes and spot them for a second. Their nudity probably quite shocked you.”

“Yes,” muttered Suzanne. “I hadn’t expected to see any nudists on the beach.”

“Shocking, isn’t it. The sort of thing you spot and immediately look away from. After ten minutes of watching.”

Suzanne felt her face burning. She was prepared to swear that even her hair was bushing.

“It’s not like that,” she protested. “I wasn’t really watching them. I was just sort of curious,” she finished, her voicing dying away.

The man was laughing at her, she just knew it.

“I know. You’re at that age where you want to start to experiment. You saw them and you were probably wondering what it would be like if you were that woman.”

Suzanne just wanted to turn and run. She didn’t know what to say. The whole situation was killingly embarrassing.

“It wasn’t deliberate,” she muttered. “I was just walking along and then there they were. Anyone could have come along. I mean, even you came along as well.”

“True. They were rather careless in their choice of spots. If you come over here you’ll see a much better spot. A lot more private.”

“Ah, I’ll take your word for that,” said Suzanne. “I should be going.”

“Why the rush? Are you afraid that I might be taking you somewhere quiet to seduce you?” came the laughing query. “You can’t be afraid of rape because if you scream there are a couple of people just over there who’d come to your rescue.”

“No,” said Suzanne, with some exasperation, “I do not think you’re going to rape me. Neither do I think you’re going to waste your time trying to seduce me. You don’t even know me.”

“Then you have no reason not to walk and talk with me for a little while,” he returned.

Placing a couple of fingers under her elbow the man turned Suzanne in the direction he wanted her to go. Slightly surprised, Suzanne found herself walking along with him.

“You may call me Don. What is your name?”

“Ah, I’m Suzanne.”

“As for not knowing you, Suzanne, It’s easy to both observe and to guess a few things about you. You’re eighteen, possibly nineteen, but no older. You’re quite lovely to look at, easily embarrassed, blonde and a virgin.”

Noting the blush that returned to Suzanne’s face, Don chuckled.

“It would seem that I’m hitting the targets. Let me continue. When you saw our adventurous friends you thought ‘someday that will be me’ and got quite excited at the idea. I have no intention of trying to seduce you right now, and that’s leaving you feeling just a little disappointed. You were looking forward to fighting me off and showing me that you can stand up for yourself.”

Suzanne was getting a little irritated. It was annoying canlı casino having Don say these things about her, especially when he seemed to be getting it right.

Rounding a dune, Suzanne found herself facing a little hollow that she’d never come across before. It was obvious from the things scattered around that this was where Don had been camping during the day.

Before she could say anything, Don resumed talking.

“Do you want to know why I say I’m not going to try to seduce you? It’s because I’m an adherent of Master Yoda. You may know his quote, ‘Do or do not. There is no try.’

In other words, your someday is today and I am going to be your teacher. Do you want to take your clothes off or would you like me to do it?”

“Are you crazy? What makes you think I’m going to let you undress me and seduce me?” said Suzanne, her voice squeaking a little.

“Because you’re excited and you’re curious and I have the advantage of being a stranger. I won’t go around telling your friends what we did. Did that girl back there get undressed for him or did he undress her?”

“Um, he undressed her. Why?”

“We’ll be consistent. Lift up your arms.”

Don took hold of the waist of Suzanne’s t-shirt and pulled it upwards. When it snagged on her arms he gave it a couple of tugs.

“Come on, lift those arms,” he directed and Suzanne found herself doing so. Turning her around, he unhooked her bra, turning her back to face him before lowering it.

Dropping the bra to one side, Don gently ran his fingertips across Suzanne’s breasts, pausing to roll each nipple under a thumb.

Suzanne looked at the two large hands resting on her breasts. Her naked breasts. She swallowed. She hadn’t let a stranger take off her top, had she? And now his hands were moving down.

Feeling as though she was in a dream and would surely wake at any moment, Suzanne watched as Don undid the clasps of her shorts and eased them down, encouraging her to step out of them. Down to panties, Suzanne wanted to beg him to stop. She opened her mouth but no words came. Her panties were gently drawn down, and she stepped out of them without her words of protest being uttered.

Hands were now running freely over her naked body, touching her where she’d never been touched before. Groping by boyfriends didn’t really count. She always managed to keep her panties on. Now. . .

The excitement Suzanne had felt watching the man and the woman earlier was again burning inside her. She hadn’t really been all that wet earlier she decided. Not like now.

Watching Don, seeing him calmly undressing, knowing he was going to be naked shortly. She’d see everything and then he was going to. . . Her thoughts stopped at that point, unable to conceive what was actually going to happen.

Don looked at her, smiling, dressed only in his underpants. Suzanne could see the bulge in the front of them and it looked impressive. What, she wondered was he waiting for.

There was an expectant look on Don’s face as he smiled at Suzanne, waiting. Then it dawned on her. He expected her to take off his underpants. She nearly panicked at the idea. She’d never taken off a man’s pants in her life.

Holding firmly to her nerve, Suzanne reached out and tentatively tugged on Don’s undies. They wouldn’t come down, she realised, because his erection was stopping them sliding down. She’d have to pull it free from where it was caught on the waist of his undies.

Taking a deep breath, Suzanne reached inside Don’s undies and took hold of his cock, moving it to one side. She then managed to slide down his underpants, Don obligingly lifting his feet to let her slip them right off. Standing again, Suzanne could see amusement on Don’s face.

She blushed, realising why. She still held his cock in her hand. She hastily snatched it away, hearing Don laugh out loud. Then Don was sinking down onto the grass, drawing kaçak casino her with him.

Don started slowly, playing with breasts and teasing nipples while one hand would wander down to rub across her mound, before returning to her breasts. Slowly but surely, his attentions drifted from her breasts to her mound, rubbing and kneading.

Suzanne felt hands touching her all over, enticing her, teasing her, exciting her. Her hand drifted back to Don’s cock, holding it, running her hands along it, feeling it’s heat and firmness.

The hands that had started so gently on her body were getting firmer. Demanding responses from her rather than coaxing. Don was watching her, gauging her response, trying to determine what she wanted. He was slightly startled at her reactions.

Don’s hands on her body were getting rougher, Suzanne noticed. They’d gone from gentle to demanding, but were now actually mauling her, treating her roughly. And she was loving it. It was exciting. Don was demonstrating his mastery over her and she relished it.

She did not want him to initiate her gently. She wanted him to take her, fiercely and forcefully. She gasped as Don pushed her legs further apart. She watched fearfully and expectantly as he poised above her, his cock just touching her.

“Do you want me to take you?” Don growled. “Now?”

Suzanne almost cringed at his tone of voice but nodded. She had no choice, she decided. He had to be obeyed. Then he was driving into her. She squealed as she felt her hymen tear apart, but she could feel Don driving deeply into her, stretching and filling her.

Don found Suzanne reacting instinctively and enthusiastically. Taking her roughly seemed to just increase her ardour and she was pressing firmly up against him while he was still driving in with his initial entry. Virgin she may have been, but definitely not a timid one.

There was no need to build a rhythm with their coming together. That first determined thrust and the eager response said it all. Suzanne was ready for him and expected him to deliver, hard and strong.

It’s nice when your desires agree with what is expected of you. When Don had first seen Suzanne he’d had an unholy urge to just push her to the ground and take her, giving no consideration to her feelings. Now that he had her where he wanted her that was precisely what she wanted and expected him to do.

Don took Suzanne. No gentle lovemaking this. No careful initiation of a virgin. This was a determined sexual assault upon a willing partner who was giving as good as she got.

Don drove hard into Suzanne, feeling her rising to meet his every thrust. He pounded his cock into her, driving her before her, lust ruling them. Suzanne’s legs had risen to wrap around him and Don thanked god that she appeared to have short fingernails. Scratches were going to be the order of the day, he just knew it.

Suzanne wasn’t wasting any breath of squeals or screams. She was gasping, directing all her efforts into meeting Don’s driving need, matching it with a frantic need of her own. The warmth and excitement she’d felt when he’d first started undressing her were gone, replaced by a raging fire of wanting.

Suzanne bucked hard under Don, feeling the fire mounting still higher. She was going up in flames, she knew. She couldn’t sustain this level of energy. When Don gave a groan and changed his rhythm to short sharp strokes she knew what was happening. She felt the flood of his seed splashing into her, tossing gas on her fire and the world exploded around her.

Suzanne was lying down, enjoying the feel of Don lying next to her. You really should get dressed a little voice niggled at her, but she ignored it quite happily.

“I suppose I should have asked earlier,” she said idly. “Are you married?

“No, definitely not,” replied Don.

“I suppose you have a regular girlfriend?”

“Um, not really. The church tends to frown on priests having girlfriends.”

Suzanne blinked.

“I heard that there was a new curate. If you’re him, I’m one of your choir girls.”

“Pleased to meet you, Suzanne. I think I’m going to enjoy my time at this parish.”

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