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At the risk of boring you, I have to get something off my chest from the start: My sister and I had always had a painfully normal relationship. I chose those specific words because I know how these tales typically begin. An awkwardly sexual catalytic event, unrequited lust, misplaced affections – all make for juicy stories, but I’m sorry to report that it was never like that between Miriam and I.

There were times where we hated each other, and times where we loved each other to death, but there was nothing that resembled a pathos that could give way to us being any more intimate than any other siblings, especially something as taboo as us fucking each other.

In fact, if you had even joked about the two of us having sex, we’d recoil in disgust. I speak from experience. Miriam and I are twins, so we’ve had friends make the “go fuck yourselves” jokes and ask about our curiosity regarding the gender opposite versions of ourselves. Of course, nobody would mention it more than once. Miriam and I both were known for repaying the crass questions with a fist.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always thought my sister was attractive. Thankfully, we both got the best mix of my Italian father and Scandinavian mother’s genes. We’re both tall and slim with blue eyes (thanks to mom), olive complexions and thick, dark hair (thanks to dad).

Miriam must have inherited her figure genes from the Italian side, though. She had voluptuous curves while mom was always more athletic. Once Miriam had hit puberty and started filling out, her breasts and hips got lots of attention (along with a ton of comments that ended up with beatdowns).

Along with her genes, she’s the female version of me, so I know she’s hot, right? (rimshot) Kidding, kidding… Anyway, my point is that I get it. My sister is gorgeous. Although I would normally slap my friends who would talk about wanting to get into her pants, I understood. Even with my enlightened position on my sister’s beauty, make no mistake – it never once morphed into anything that resembled attraction.

I apologize if I’ve beaten this point into the ground, but I need you to understand the dynamic between Miriam and I. The context is what makes our encounter so strange. We never once lusted after each other. Well, I never lusted after HER. I’m only assuming it was the same for Miriam. Most of the time, tolerating each other was the best we did. With that in mind, how did we end up having one of the hottest sexual encounters I’ve ever had to date? The best explanation I can offer is “accidents happen.”

The accident happened the weekend after graduation. Miriam and I had just had our 18th birthday, and we had graduated high school in the same week. Of course, our parents and relatives had taken us out for a celebratory dinner, but Miriam and I hadn’t had a party for ourselves yet.

Luckily, a ton of our friends were already planning a bash at the Pits. “The Pits” is what the locals called the Smithfield Quarry. It was used to mine limestone until about 30 years ago, when the crew dug too deep and struck the natural aquifer. Smithfield abandoned the site and relocated after the quarry flooded, so hundreds of acres were fenced off and forgotten.

What was left behind was a spring-fed swimming hole with cliffs ranging in height from 30 to 100 feet. The Pits were still private property of the Smithfield Corporation, and were fenced off with barbed wire and chain link, but that didn’t stop hikers, off-roading rednecks, and mischievous teens from finding ways in.

The Pits were an adventure and treasure for the locals. For anyone willing to ignore the law and brave the terrain, a beautiful, secluded fun spot awaited. You could play your music loud, drink if you were underage, enjoy the crystal clear water, and not worry about being disturbed.

Not even the cops made an effort to bust people out there. The same terrain that the locals viewed as a fun challenge was considered too much hassle for the local police to push their cruisers through, especially to bust a couple of people for trespassing and the occasional weed.

Our friends had already decided to gather at The Pits the weekend after graduation for an adult-free party, and Miriam and I figured we could use the occasion to also celebrate our birthdays informally.

“SHAWN! MOVE IT!” Miriam shouted from downstairs. Our friends would be picking us up any minute, and I was still getting dressed.

“GIMMIE A SECOND!” I barked back. I stood in front of my mirror naked from the waist down as I tried to pick some board shorts. Picking the lesser of 2 evils was taking time. Should I wear my board shorts, which had a defective velcro fly that my cock would peek out of if I wasn’t careful? Or borrow a pair of my dad’s shorts, which had no defects, but were too large and… well, simply hideous?

I sighed in frustration. I should have remembered that the velcro on my shorts had lost its stitching, and bought a new pair before our outing, but graduation had sivas escort done a great job of clouding my focus.

I opted to go with my shorts. If I was careful, I could hide the pesky hole, and I’d rather have shorts that looked good on me. Girls were going to be present, after all.

I made it downstairs just as Skeeter was arriving. “‘Sup bitches!” Skeeter shouted from the drivers seat of his Jeep. He opened his arms wide and added, “You muthafuckas ready to party?” Skeeter’s brother, Rudy, waved and smiled from the passenger’s seat.

Miriam circled around and kissed Skeeter on the cheek. “Hey Skeet,” she said as she clambered up the rear tire into his back seat. “Is this thing… bigger?” she groaned as she strained to pull herself up.

Skeeter’s Jeep was topless for the sunny weather, and had been noticeably jacked up since we last saw him. “Yup. Ma sprang for a lift kit for a grad gift. Like it?” Skeeter asked. “I figured The Pits were the spot to break this bitch in!”

“Looks like you’re over-compensating for something,” I replied in a sarcastic tone as I plopped down next to Miriam. Rudy and Miriam laughed while Skeeter shot me a “fuck you” glare in his rear view mirror.

“What’s that?” Skeeter asked. “You said you wanna drive yourself?” He laughed. “That’s fine and all, but let’s see you get that Nissan off road and see how ya do, son!” The whole car chuckled as Skeeter put his redneck ride in gear and we rolled away.

If you haven’t ridden in the back seat of an old Jeep Wrangler CJ, it’s not very roomy. There’s a single bench seat with just enough room for two butts, if they belong to regular-sized people. Miriam and I fit side-by-side, but just barely. Our outer thighs would rub whenever one of us shifted in the seat or if Skeeter took a corner too sharply.

I tried to apply some sunscreen while we were in transit, to save time, which proved to be a dumb idea. Miriam took a couple of elbows to her ribs, and I greased up her side from sliding around in the seat.

To make matters worse, my shorts had put me right in the middle of a big wardrobe malfunction after all the wriggling around in the close-quarters. Unbeknownst to me, my cock had slipped out of the hole created by my faulty velcro.

After I had finished putting on sunblock, I went to hand it to Miriam. When she looked down to take it from my hand, she gasped and backhanded me in the chest with a slap.

“OW! What the fu-” I exclaimed in surprise, cut off by silent, frantic hand waving by Miriam. I looked at her confused, trying to figure out what I had done to merit a slap, when she pointed at my lap.

There sat my dick, for the world and my sister to see. To top it off, the warm sun and wind had put me at a half chub.

I jumped and pushed both of my palms into my lap, covering my periscoped penis, looking shocked and embarrassed at my sister who mouthed back, “WHAT THE FUCK?” silently.

I tucked my member back to its rightful confines, then spread open the hole in my shorts, showing her where the threading had come loose. I shrugged at her, trying to emote “I’m sorry” and “what the fuck am I supposed to do?”

We both looked at Skeeter and Rudy to see if they had noticed, and luckily they hadn’t. Miriam huffed and shook her head at me, giving me an incredulous look. After one final eye roll, she decided to start applying sunblock, too.

At that time, Rudy spun around in his seat. “Should be a good time, y’all,” he said with a thick southern drawl. “Ol Cleve got his fake ID, so he already gone and stocked up plenty beer.”

Miriam took off her shirt to put sunscreen on her upper body, revealing a bikini top that dad would have surely objected to. She was well endowed for 18, and her top looked like it was already straining against her breasts. Miriam must have wanted to show off the same way I had.

Rudy did his best to keep his eyes up as he kept talking, knowing that either of us would probably punch him if he ogled Miriam.

“Yeah, uh…” Rudy stumbled out as he tried to continue. “Chuck’s gonna be there too with that loud ass sound system in his truck. So we’ll have some booze and some tunes…”

Rudy’s voice slowly trailed as his effort to keep his eyes forward began to fail. Miriam was smearing sunscreen on her chest, rubbing her hands beneath her bikini straps for maximum coverage.

His eyes rested on her glistening cleavage when he stopped talking. His interrupted chatter caught my attention. When I noticed him staring, I smacked his head and said, “HEY. Eyes forward, asshole.”

My reaction made Miriam notice, who also slapped Rudy, who had already spun back around in his seat.

“Ow! Sorry, damn, y’all – relax!” Rudy pleaded as Miriam’s smack landed on the back of his head, jostling his baseball cap.

“AY YO, KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF WHILE I’M DRIVING!” Skeeter demanded, darting his eyes to ours in his mirror.

“Tell your brother to quit staring at my tits!” sivas escort Miriam countered.

“Look, y’all, you’re gonna be slappin lotsa folks today if anyone who looks at her tits gets hit.” Skeeter laughed. Rudy laughed in agreement.

“For real, man,” Rudy chuckled. He sighed and added, “Besides, y’all, look at this!” outstretching his arms toward the gorgeous weather. “Relax and let’s party today! Put slap fest on hold.”

We blasted music, and enjoyed the warm sun and wind blowing through our hair for the rest of the ride. It was a beautiful day, and we were looking forward to celebrating our recent milestones.

“There it is,” Skeeter said, noting the giant fallen oak tree that marked the hidden entrance to the labyrinth of secret trails that would take us to The Pits.

The tree had been blown over in a hurricane six years back. It was far enough away from the road that the county didn’t bother clearing it. The tree was so dense that nobody realized the top half had fallen on the fencing and crushed a section big enough where a car could squeeze through.

Dense growth camouflaged most of the tree now, to where you’d miss it if you didn’t know where to look. All you could see is the tops of tree roots peeking over the bushes, pointed skyward from having the tree turned 90 degrees.

Skeeter followed the tire tracks around some bushes and slowly guided his Jeep through the opening. Light branches from surrounding brush smacked our faces, and we fended off insects as we pushed through the thickest part. We made it through easily with Skeeter’s augmented Jeep, but that was the easiest part of the journey.

We had to zig and zag through endless hairpin turns that took us through deep mud pits and walls of thickets. Miriam screamed a few times as we drove through spider webs. Crawling over large rocks, stumps, downed trees, dips in the road nearly bucked Miriam and I out of the back seat several times.

We couldn’t drive faster than 10 miles per hour at any given place, so it felt like the drive took hours after we entered at the oak tree. Going any faster would have caused us to roll, or could have damaged the Jeep.

Just as we were beginning to question whether the effort was worth it, we arrived. We climbed over a rise that revealed the blue waters of The Pits below. I could hear a bass line from a trap beat bumping from a cluster of about 6 trucks, where our friends had parked in a clearing near one of the cliffs. Several clusters of vehicles gathered on other cliffs that surrounded the basin. The smell of weed was already wafting through the breeze. It was going to be a fun day.

We got a cheer from our friends, as we were the last ones to arrive, and they had started without us. We pulled to a stop next to Cleve’s truck. He was sitting in his truck bed with the Baxter brothers (Clyde and Huey). They were finishing their cigarettes, and talking with Rudy’s girlfriend, Tammy.

Tammy was sitting on the opened tailgate, where a cooler with cold beers awaited. She managed to eagle claw two cans in each hand, and walked over to us, offering us each a beverage with a smile.

“Took y’all long enough.” Tammy said, locking eyes with Rudy as she handed out the beer. Rudy greeted her with a kiss, and then she added, “Bad enough you made me ride with these assholes, then you make me wait on top of it?” We laughed as we jumped out of the Jeep, ready to finally start enjoying ourselves.

Cleve, Clyde, and Huey waved as they hopped out of the truck bed to greet us. Cleve grabbed the cooler and set it on the ground, and said, “That cooler’s still full, but that’s all that’s left.” He pulled his fake ID out of his pocket, waved it proudly and added, “Imma run back to the Zippy Mart and stock back up.”

Cleve held out his hand, beckoning us to give him money. Since we had arrived late, the rest of the crowd had already chipped in for the booze that had already been consumed, so it was our turn.

After we each put cash in Cleve’s hand, he held up an impressive fist full of money with a smile and said, “That’ll do!” He climbed into his truck, fired up the diesel with a smoke-belching “VROOM!”, and slowly bounced out of sight as he made his way back over the automotive obstacle course we had just cleared.

Just as my friends and I were settling into the good, old-fashioned, summer fun that our bucolic Southern atmosphere could offer, the revelry came to a screeching halt.

We had only drank a few beers and made a few jumps before we saw a crowd running on the cliff across from us. “What’s up with that?” Miriam asked, pointing at the ruckus. We also heard cars starting and peeling off in the distance.

“What the fuck is going on over there?” I asked in an uneasy tone.

“COPS! FUCKIN COPS!” a random girl screamed as she jumped in a nearby 4×4 that was speeding away.

We scanned the tree line, and sure enough, a police-issue Ford Explorer bounced into view, lights flashing and sivas escort bayan letting out “whoop whoop” bursts from its sirens.

“FUCK. GET IN!” Skeeter yelled as he scrambled to his Jeep. We hurriedly gathered the clothes that we could and tossed them into the floorboard – we could get dressed later, for now, we had to move, QUICKLY.

Since Cleve was still out on the beer run, Clyde, Huey, and Tammy were stranded. We waved them onto the Jeep for an escape – we could deal with the close quarters temporarily until we had gotten clear of the police.

Tammy jumped into Rudy’s lap in the passenger seat. Huey and Clyde ran to the back seat where Miriam and I were already seated. We looked at each other uneasily as the awkward decision of who sits on whose lap had to be made.

Miriam climbed on top of me, opting that it would be less awkward than sitting in the lap of some guy she barely knew, and Huey took her place in the seat, leaving Clyde on top of him.

As soon as Skeeter was sure everyone was in, he floored it, kicking up a dust cloud that choked everyone in the jeep. He sped over the nearest hill and through some brush in a panic to leave as quickly as possible.

We bounced around like rag dolls as Skeeter sped through the rough, uncharted bushes, hanging on tightly to the roll cage, trying hard to keep from being bucked out of our seats. Anyone who was seated in someone’s lap came crashing down onto the poor person seated below them.

Miriam’s ass slapped down onto my man bits repeatedly, painfully pummeling them into the seat. I tried to power through it, because I didn’t want to make her feel bad. It wasn’t her fault, after all. Still, pained groans and yelps would find their way out of my mouth when she’d land just right.

“There’s (UGH) the trail, man!” Rudy said as Tammy slammed into him. Rudy waived a pointed finger at a pair of tire tracks that we could hardly see as branches flew past our view.

When Skeeter spotted the dirt road, he veered through a final thicket to put us back on the trail. Once we were back on the familiar road, Skeeter let off the accelerator.

“Heh! I know where we are! That little ‘shortcut’ cut about 10 minutes off our drive!” Skeeter chuckled. He slowed back down to a comfortable speed for the terrain. “There’s no way they could catch us now. We good.”

“They’ve got Explorers, man! They can still gain on us!” Clyde protested as he struggled to keep his grip on the roll cage.

“Nah, son, those had factory stock suspension and street tires,” Skeeter replied, “and they’d have to go even slower than us if they wanted to make it back to a paved road. Would probably get stuck in a rut first anyway.”

Skeeter still checked his rear view mirror to be sure and muttered, “probably took them all damn morning to make it back there.”

My eyes met Skeeter’s in the mirror, and he could tell by my face that I was uncomfortable, prompting him to collectively ask, “Everyone alright?”

Everyone groaned in affirmation, and then I added, “I’ll be better once we get someplace we can drop these guys off.” Then I threw my arms up and pointed at Miriam sitting in my lap and added, “this is a little awkward.”

Huey looked over at me and scoffed. “At least she’s not a dude. Who’s your brother.”

Clyde elbowed him and replied, “It ain’t like it’s fun for me, asshole.”

Skeeter looked around at the terrain and reported, “Well… looks like we got at least another 20 minutes before we make it back to pavement… probably another 10 before I can drop you off at the Zippy Mart. Someone text Cleve and make sure he don’t go back to The Pits.”

As we continued on the long, rough ride, Miriam would look over her shoulder and shoot me distressed looks. I ignored it at first, figuring her expressions were because she was enduring the bumps like the rest of us.

She didn’t stop, and her expression looked more desperate and confused.

“Everything ok?” I asked, trying to figure out what could be wrong aside from the obvious.

Miriam clammed up and looked around at everyone suspiciously. “Uh, no… um… some ride, huh?” She replied, deflecting attention.

She was obviously trying to tell me something without having to say it so everyone could hear it. We looked around at everyone in the Jeep, to see if they were paying attention to us.

Everyone in the front seat was looking at the road. Clyde was busy texting Cleve to make sure he didn’t return to The Pits where the cops were waiting, and Huey had his head turned facing outward, as Cleve’s back was pressed against him.

Once I was sure nobody was looking or listening, I mouthed, “WHAT???” at Miriam, shrugging at her in confusion.

Miriam didn’t speak, but she gave me a stern, wide-eyed glare and quickly snapped her head downward toward my lap, where she was firmly planted.

I was still confused. I couldn’t see anything and couldn’t tell what she was getting at. Did she have to pee? Did she hurt herself? Was there something in the seat that she needed me to get?

Just as I was getting to the point of giving up and just asking her what she needed out loud, I felt it. I don’t know how I could have missed it – it must have been from all the excitement.

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