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Hello Everyone & Happy New Year, sorry it took me forever to post. I promise you that there is more on the way (Jake & Toby, Dave & Leroy and Fire & Lib are coming soon :o)) Thank you to my proof reader and editor. And thank you fans for being so patient with me.

As always I appreciate public and private feedback.


Chapter 4

Steve had been in and out of the country for the entire month of May for business. It was easier for Adam to stay at the house for Teddy than for Teddy go to his grandparents because of baseball. Every time Steve would return he would thank Adam with a night out.

Adam and Teddy weren’t expecting Steve to come back for a few more days, so when the game ended late, they just ran through a fast food joint on their way home. They were tired. Teddy didn’t even shower at the school. When they walked in the house it was well after nine. Steve could hear Teddy complaining that he had a test in the morning.

“Can you get me out of it, Adam, please?”

“No, but I will help you study for it. What’s the subject?”


“Couldn’t you have said something like math or science?” Adam chuckled.

“Well it should be something up your alley; it is on World War Two.” Teddy laughed and ran when he said it, right into Steve. “Oh shit, sorry, Steve.”

“Teddy, wait until I get you into practice tomorrow. Go get the stink off you and I will help with your history.” Adam turned to Steve and wrapped his arms around and kissed him. “I thought you were coming home on Saturday.”

“Tomorrow’s meeting was cancelled so I came home for the weekend early. But if you would like me to leave.” Steve tried to push away from Adam, but Adam just held on even tighter.

Adam backed Steve up to the wall and kissed him. “I have missed you. When do you have to fly back?”

“That is the question I have been asking myself. Do I want sleep before the meeting, I could always sleep on the plane.”

“I take it a Monday morning meeting?”


“So an early Sunday afternoon flight?”

“Yeah.” Steve pulled Adam towards him and kissed him. “I am sorry that I am leaving you with responsibility that you didn’t sign up for.”

“Steve, Teddy isn’t a baby that needs twenty-four-seven care and so what? Not like I don’t stay here most night anyways. Right now, we just come home and crash, because we are up from five until the time we come home, which tonight is really on the late side. Maybe I will get him out of the test.”

They both heard Teddy say, “yes!”

“Oh no, you don’t. Teddy knew about this test last week. He should have been studying for it all throughout the week.”

“Oh come on, Steve. Please let Adam get me out of this one.”

“You are not going to use my relationship with your coach to get you out of things. You are going to take that test tomorrow. Get your things we can help you study for a bit at the table.” Steve took a good look at Adam and laughed. “Go and take a shower, I will help Teddy. At least you two were smart enough to take your cleats off.”

“Well of course it is a little hard to drive in them.” Adam rolled his eyes and laughed as he headed down the hall to Steve’s room.

They stayed up until eleven helping Teddy with his history. Teddy was answering all the questions right, so Adam and Steve were not concerned that Teddy was going to fail.

When Steve was able to pull Adam down the hall and into the bedroom he pulled Adam to the bed, kissed and snuggled up with him. Steve knew they couldn’t do anything because Adam needed to be back up in just a few hours to head back to school with Teddy in tow. “Just practice, or is there a game tomorrow?”

“Game, we leave school at two.”

“It’s not even a home game. That sucks. When do you think you will be home?”

“That’s the kicker. We are two hours away; game starts at five; should be over by seven. Then loading up the team and getting them back to the school, hopefully ten.”

“When is the team going to eat?”

“We will probably go through a fast food joint on our return trip.”

“Adam, how often have you and Teddy eaten out this past month?” Steve was getting concerned that his man was a heart attack waiting to happen.

“Too much, we don’t come home at a reasonable time. You know that, Steve.”

“Do I have to hire someone to cook for the two of you while I am gone?”

“Do you want me to go home?”

“I am sorry, Adam, I just want you in good health. I want to…” Steve paused, “…to be with you for a long time.”

Adam smiled, “I want to be with you for a long time too. But right now, I need sleep, and I need to hold my man if he would like to lay with me.”

“I would love that.”


Steve woke up before Adam did that morning; he had slept a lot on the plane and was thinking about what he was going to do this Saturday to thank Adam for taking care of Teddy. He looked in on Teddy before heading to the kitchen to make them something for antalya escort breakfast before school. He was sure they hadn’t eaten at the house all week. When he opened the fridge, it confirmed his concern, so he started to make breakfast. He decided on a healthy egg white omelet with green pepper, onion, mushroom, spinach, tofu, and a little cheese.

As Steve was preparing the omelets he could hear the alarms going off but not being shut off. He knew that both Adam and Teddy were tired, but they needed to get up. So when he finished the omelets he put them in the oven on warm, then went down the hall and woke Teddy first because he knew he would be waking him another time and then went to wake Adam.

When he walked into the bedroom to wake Adam, Adam was sitting on the edge of the bed barely awake. “Hon, I have breakfast in the oven for you and coffee is made.”

Adam didn’t respond. He just kind of grunted when he stood and headed for the door. Steve couldn’t resist putting his arms around Adam as he passed and rubbing his morning hard-on, which stopped Adam in his tracks. “Mmmm, good morning.”

Steve laughed. “I tell you, I have breakfast and coffee made for you, and I get a grunt, but if I touch your cock, I get a good morning. Interesting.” Steve squeezed Adams cock and kissed him, then walked out of the room to reawaken Teddy.

When Steve made it back to the kitchen he found Adam at the table with a half-eaten omelet and an empty cup of coffee. He saw Adam reaching for the pot of coffee from the table and told Adam that he would get it.

Teddy came out to the kitchen and sat down, “We aren’t going through…” He stopped midsentence when Steve sat his omelet in front of him. He could see the spinach in the egg. He looked at Adam and Adam just slightly shook his head and proceeded to eat his omelet.

Steve noticed, “What, just a few weeks of living with Adam and you don’t like spinach in your eggs?”

“It’s not that, Steve. I just like bacon, egg and cheese muffins, like four of them on the way to school; they taste great.”

“And they clog your arteries.” Steve turned to Adam, “And what do you eat?”

“Why are you yelling at me. I am not complaining and I am eating the lovely breakfast my boyfriend took the time to wake up early and make for me.” Adam hoped to weasel out of this discussion.

Teddy being oblivious to Steve’s rising concerned anger went on. “He generally has two along with hash browns. I don’t know how he has them. They are filled with grease.” Adam just shook his head and went to get up, but Steve put his hand on his shoulder. Teddy started cutting his omelet with his fork, “That is why I like just the bacon, egg and cheese muffins they taste so….” Teddy took a bite of his omelet. “Oh gross!”

Steve threw his hands up in the air and walked out of the kitchen. Adam quickly followed. He knew he needed to defuse the situation. “Babe.”

“Adam, just go and finish your breakfast before it gets cold.”

“Babe, I will do better with Teddy. We will eat more at home. I can get up and cook before school and work on being better in the evenings about dinner, okay? I can’t control what he does at lunch though, because I will not step foot in the lunch room.”

“What have you been doing for lunch?”

“What I always do for lunch: I drink coffee.”

Steve looked at Adam, “That is why you are always starving when you come home. You only eat when I send something.”

“Pretty much, yeah. Hon, I am tired of school food. I have eaten it for years now.”

“Then that decides it, I am hiring a cook.”

“Steve, please don’t. I will work on getting up earlier, getting home earlier, and planning to get meals cooked. Please don’t hire a cook or I will move home.”

Steve looked at Adam with concern. He could see that of all things Adam did not want him to hire someone to cook for them. “Babe, why? Why are you so against me hiring someone to cook for the two of you when I am out of town?”

“Because it is something I can do. I can get up and cook. I can prepare. I am not incapable of doing that.”

“But I can afford to do that, and then it won’t be so taxing on you. I shouldn’t have put you in this situation, Adam. You weren’t ready to take on the responsibility of a teenager, and I shouldn’t have made you.”

“And you think I don’t deal with them every day at school?”

“I didn’t mean it that way, Adam. I just didn’t mean to be out of town so much, and our relationship being so new. That’s all.”

Adam walked up to Steve and put his hands on Steve’s hips and pulled Steve towards him. “No, Steve. You are right. I may not be ready for the responsibility of raising a teenager. But Hon, just don’t worry so much, and I promise you that I will be a better adult.” Adam smiled when he said that and Steve laughed. “That is what I wanted, Babe. Tell me what you need from me and I will do it. Again, I am sorry that I didn’t feed the boy correctly.”

Steve antalya escort bayan laughed, “I know that you don’t truly have the time to actually make breakfast and dinner for Teddy and yourself. If you can just try a few times a week of making food at home that would be better than going out and clogging your arteries every day.”

“Deal,” Adam smiled and kissed Steve then walked over to the closet and proceeded to grab some clothes to get dressed.


The day was long for Adam, the game went into extra innings because of a tie, and they ended up losing. The kids were hungry and the bus driver was crabby. They stopped at a fast food place on the way back to the school, and by the time they pulled back into the school it was after ten-thirty at night.

Adam talked with the assistant coach for a few minutes while they watched most of the team drive away in their cars or be picked up by parents. Marc, the assistance coach, asked if Adam wanted him to stick around for the last few, but Adam told him to just go home.

Teddy and Jeff were leaned up against Adam’s car waiting for the last kid to be picked up. Adam had run into his office to get some paperwork off his desk so he could look over some stats for the weekend. When he came out, Kaleb walked over to Adam. “Coach you can go, my dad is on his way.”

“I will wait.” Adam looked at his watch it was after eleven-thirty. He was hoping the kid’s father would get there soon. He was tired, and he still had to drive thirty minutes home. He could tell that Teddy and Jeff were tired as well, but he also knew they were planning to stay up most of the night playing some game. He had heard them planning on drinking lots of caffeine and playing through the wee hours of the morning.

When Adam saw the truck pull into the parking lot he was happy when Kaleb jumped up, “Thanks Coach.” Kaleb got into the truck and his father rolled down his window and thanked Adam for waiting with his son before driving away.

Adam climbed into his car followed by Teddy and Jeff. Jeff laid across the back seat and Teddy laid the front seat down as far as it could go. “Oh thanks. You two can sleep while I drive home.”

“That’s exactly what we were going to do, Coach. We have to be online in a few hours, playing the game,” Jeff responded. Adam just shook his head and pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.

When he pulled in, most of the lights were on in the house, the boys were out cold. Adam decided just to leave the kids and walk into the house. Steve was waiting for them in the living room. “Hey, Handsome.”

“Where’re the boys?”

Adam laughed, “I left them in the car. I didn’t think anyone would kidnap them.” Adam dropped on the couch next to Steve and actually laid his head on his shoulder. “I will go out and wake them in a few. They plan on staying up all night anyways. I don’t know how they do it. I am tired.”

“Because you are old,” Teddy said as Jeff and he walked through the door.

“Yeah, and I am starting to feel all thirty-one of my years; believe me.”

Steve just smiled, stood, and pulled Adam up. “Let’s go to bed and leave these two gamers to their fun.” When Steve had Adam in the bedroom he pushed him to the bathroom. “Let’s get you in the shower, because I have plans for you tomorrow.”

“Plans?” Adam said as he was pulling off his jersey, as Steve was pulling down his pants to reveal his jock strap.

“I was always going to ask: why do you wear a cup?”

Adam laughed, “Because if I am out on the field, and someone bats or throws a ball, I don’t want to get hit in the groin either.”

“Oh, never thought about the coaches having to protect their junk.” Steve laughed as he pulled the jock strap down, and saw that Adam was aroused. “At least I know I can get you hard as tired as you are,” Steve laughed. “But let’s get you in the shower, then to bed, so I can start my day with you tomorrow.”

Saturday morning, Steve woke before Adam, which he knew he would because of how tired Adam was when they were lying in bed cuddling after Adams’ shower last night. Steve eased himself out of the bed and went to the kitchen to make Adam breakfast in bed. He didn’t want to force him to eat spinach and tofu again, so he made him pancakes with eggs and bacon, hoping the smells wouldn’t wake Teddy and Jeff.

He put them on a tray along with a carafe of coffee with two cups and all the condiments needed. He had the plate piled with food, so he knew there would be enough for them to share. He was hoping some of the syrup would just happen to get poured on Adam. Then Steve would be more than happy to help clean it up.

When he arrived back in the room, Adam was still sleeping. Steve sat the tray on the side table next to the bed and locked the door before he woke Adam. Adam was almost completely uncovered. He was also naked. Steve loved looking at Adam body. He still couldn’t believe that Adam was just as interested in him as he escort antalya was in Adam, after seeing how much smaller and feminine Ben was.

Steve tugged at the sheet that just covered Adam’s ass and then he was completely naked. Steve smiled. He liked Adam’s tight waist. He loved looking at Adam’s firm round ass. He was so happy that Adam didn’t have a flat ass and that his thighs and calves bulged with muscle. Steve watched Adam running a few times–more than a few–but he would never tell Adam that. He wished he could see him lifting weights, but apparently he did that at school during his free hour, according to Teddy. But Steve was happy that he got to see him naked, all six-foot-two of him, with his six pack abs and everything else about him.

Steve kissed his way up Adam’s body, starting at his feet. He knew Adam was waking up because Adam was moaning. When he reached Adam’s neck he whispered in Adam’s ear, “easy there. Would you like the breakfast that I prepared for you?”

Adam turned his head to the side, “Wouldn’t be the first time I had cold food.”

Steve just smiled, “I love you Adam, but I have a day planned and this fun in the bedroom is part of it, but we do have to be quiet. Remember we have two teenagers out in the living room.”

Adam flipped over and grabbed Steve, “I can be quiet. Can you? I would love to be inside you, Steve.”

“Oh, shit.” Steve wanted it just as bad, Adam pulled Steve under him and kissed him. He removed Steve’s t-shirt and shorts. “God, Adam.” Steve didn’t get to finish that statement because he was trying not to make too much noise because Adam had poured syrup on his cock and proceeded to suck it clean. He had also lubed up Steve’s ass and fingered him at the same time to open him up. Steve reached over to turn on the radio for at least a little buffering music, at least he hoped.

When Adam had Steve ready, he kissed back up his body, pulling his legs up as he positioned himself and kissed Steve. “I love you, Steve,” Adam said as he pushed into Steve and covered his mouth with his.


That evening Steve took Adam out to dinner to thank him for being there for Teddy, even though it should have been Adam taking Steve out for them almost getting caught that morning by Teddy and Jeff. Adam thought it would be a great idea to sneak out to the pool after they made love where they continued to make out. Steve was glad that he grabbed their robes as he was pulled from the bedroom by Adam, because when Teddy was calling for Steve that morning, he was able to grab his robe and get out of the pool to meet him closer to the house so Teddy couldn’t see that Adam was naked in the pool.

At the end of dinner they were just sitting, drinking wine, and enjoying one another’s company, when Steve decided to ask something he had been wanting to ask for a while. “Tell me about your family?” Adam looked across the dining table at Steve. “Why don’t you ever talk about your parents? And you only have the one sister, right?”

Adam sat the wine glass that he was drinking from down and swallowed. “Honestly, there is nothing to say about my parents. I haven’t spoken with them for years. Once I came out to them, they disowned me.”

“Adam, I am sorry.” Steve was, he really hadn’t known why Adam never talked about them. “Your sister too?”

Adam chuckled, “Yeah, I think she graduated the same year as you. She doesn’t talk with me either, not that she gives a shit about me being gay. We were never that close, so when my parents disowned me, it gave her an excuse to pull away completely.” Adam looked at Steve. Steve even looked like he wished he hadn’t opened this line of questioning with Adam. “Steve it is okay. It has been a long time; it doesn’t bother me anymore.”

“How old were you?”

“Twenty-one, senior year of college. I am just glad that I had finished all the requirements for a general education degree, of course specializing as a Phys-Ed teacher. During the off season I did my student teaching, just in case the pros didn’t happen. I didn’t think that Ben would beg me not to go. I was thinking more about a possible injury or not being good enough.”

“Ten years?”


“Haven’t you been following this conversation at all Adam?” Steve asked.

Adam laughed, “Yes, Steve it has been ten years since I have last spoke to my parents or anyone from my family. Do I know how anyone is? No. Do I know if anyone is dead? No. Does it bother me now? No. Did it used to? Yes. But Steve, I am not going to open old wounds. If my family really wanted to find me, they have the money to find me. It isn’t that I am far from where I grew up; hell, from where WE grew up. I teach at the same fucking private school we all graduated from. I am sure all the alumni were told when I was hired in, who I was the son of.” Adam was trying to keep his voice low, and Steve could tell that he had hit a nerve that ran very deep.

Steve reached across the table and held Adams hand in his. He could feel it shaking. He looked Adam in the eyes, “Adam, I am sorry for asking.”

Adam took a few deep breaths to calm himself and closed his eyes for a second. When he opened them and refocused on Steve, Steve could tell that he was calm. “No, it has been ten years. It shouldn’t bother me, but somewhere in me, it does.”

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