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This has been knocking around on the back burner for some time, but lots of commenters have been clamoring for it. So let’s return to Erica and see how she’s faring…


Turning the card over and over in her hands, Erica debated with herself.

I shouldn’t.

But I want to.

It’s a bad idea.

So was taking his card in the first place.

He’ll think I like him.

C’mon, I do like him.

That’s the damn problem!

“He did say to call anytime…” she tried to convince herself. “But I doubt he meant two in the morning,” she countered, flopping back on the pillows.

She had gone to bed hours ago, but after reading for more than an hour and laying in the darkness for another few, she knew that sleep would be eluding her tonight. And it was times like this that her thoughts drifted to her father…

Deciding, she flipped open her cell and dialed the number on the card. It rang five times and Erica almost hung up before someone picked up.


“Hi, Chris? It’s Erica,” she said, surprised at her own nervousness. She knew she was crossing a line here, and didn’t really know what would come of it. “From New York,” she added, when the line was silent for a moment.

Chris laughed. “I know which Erica you are, I was just a little surprised to hear from you. Not that I even know any other Ericas, really.”

“I didn’t wake you did I? I know it’s late bu-“

“It’s two in the afternoon here in Shanghai,” Chris said, and Erica felt a little better. “But that means it’s two in the morning in… Are you alright? What’s wrong?”

“I’m fine, I just…” she exhaled in frustration and finished in a rush, “I couldn’t sleep and I wanted to talk to someone.”


“You offered.”

“That I did.” There was a smile in his voice.

“Is this a bad time?”

“No, not really… You’re distracting me from some very tedious work, actually.”

“Glad I could help,” she said, relaxing back onto the bed. “So how’s China? I thought you weren’t going back for a while.”

Erica and Chris had had three more dates since that night two months ago when everything changed for them. Erica had done everything she could to maintain the appropriate professional distance, but she couldn’t stop herself from enjoying the time she spent with him.

“That was the plan, but all of a sudden there was an emergency and they needed me here to oversee a bunch of stuff and… Here I am. Got here the day before yesterday.”

“Big emergency?”

“Not really… An injection molder broke, which led to some assembly problems, and the backlog screwed up the whole order process… It was a mess, but nothing I needed to come over here for. Eighteen hours of travel for like a three hour problem.”

“Sorry to hear it.”

“Ah, it’s alright. Since I’m here I’m sticking around for a week or two and following up on some things. Kai’s pleased to see me, she’s got me back in training.”

“Really? It’s not like you slacked off when you were home.”

“Can you tell her that please? She’s become full on sadistic. I couldn’t even get out of bed the day after she finished with me.

“Oh really?” Erica said, her voice teasing. “Are you sure she’s still just your trainer?”

“What’s the matter, jealous?” Chris sassed back. “I literally couldn’t get out of bed. My thighs, my gut, everything was so sore I could hardly move. Getting from prone to standing… The guys here laughed their asses off when I shambled into the office.”

Erica laughed. “I bet. So have any other adventures?”

“Uh… Well the other night Sheng and Jet took me out to this club. It was something else. Remember how I told you there weren’t that many women around?”


“Well someone needed to tell this place that. Girls everywhere, and a lot of western girls too. Everyone was really friendly. And none of them spoke English, but they still all wanted to talk to me.”

“None of them spoke English?”

“No, all the western girls were from like Hungary or Romania. Gorgeous, dressed to kill. Really nice too, kept trying to talk to me…”

“Uh, Chris…”

“Yeah, I know. They took me to a brothel, I figured it out,” he said, laughing. “I’m sitting there, surrounded by three gorgeous women who I totally can’t communicate with, but they’re laughing at everything I’m saying… That was the tip off, I think.”

“So, did you… partake?”

“No, sorry to disappoint you,” he grumped. “Not that I wasn’t tempted but… I don’t think I could sleep with some strange woman who I can’t even talk to.”

“Oh I’ve just ruined you for other whores is all,” Erica said, grinning.

“I, uh, I guess you have,” Chris agreed after a moment. Erica frowned in the darkness: Chris didn’t like being reminded that she was a whore. “But besides my brothel adventures and evenings at the gym, so far this is a lot like my last trip here. How about you? What’s new?”

“Nothing really, just gearing up for spring break,” eve gelen escort she said absently.

“How’s, uh, work?” It took Erica a moment before she realized what he was asking.

“It’s fine… Missing my favorite client though,” she said, hoping to change the topic.

“I should be back in New York in a couple weeks. You’ll see me soon enough,” he said quietly, but Erica could sense that the mood had changed a little. “It’s uh, it’s nice to hear from you. Didn’t think you’d call.”

“I… I hadn’t planned on it, honestly,” she said, a little sheepishly, “but you know how it is when you go to bed and just lay there? Your mind wanders. Sometimes it’s a little shitty if you aren’t in the best mood.”

“I know how that works. Your mind gets to wandering to stuff you don’t want it to.”

“Right. I didn’t mean to bother you bu-“

“It’s not a bother, please,” Chris said. “Like I said, it’s great to hear your voice. It’s… it’s making me miss you, though.”

Erica couldn’t help but smile.

“Miss you too Christopher.” Chris chuckled: he had confessed to her recently that he loved to hear her say his full name.

“So just lying in bed?” His voice was lighter, playful. “And what do you wear to bed?”

“Are you asking what I’m wearing? How original! Want to try heavy breathing next?” Chris laughed aloud. “Hate to disappoint you, but nothing exciting. Just a tee shirt.”

“And…?” Chris asked, and Erica could almost picture his grin.

“And… Nothing. Just an old shirt,” she said, squeezing her thighs together a little. “It’s not sexy at all, trust me.”

“I disagree. You lying in bed, in nothing but a thin old tee shirt… Ask me, that’s plenty sexy,” Chris chuckled.

Erica smiled. “I didn’t call to play, Chris,” she said seriously. But she couldn’t deny spreading warmth in her pussy.

“I know hon, I’m just teasing,” Chris said, gently. “So what’s your plans for the weekend?”

So they talked. About nothing mostly: plans for the week, funny stuff that had happened to them, the news. Chris seemed to need it more than Erica did, cooped up in China away from friends and family. But Erica enjoyed the distraction, relaxing back into her pillows as they talked about nothing. She and Chris had always been able to talk to each other.

“That’s what I told them!” Erica said, laughing.

“You shouldn’t be such a grammar Nazi,” Chris said.

“A what? Look, if I’m grading your paper and you use a sentence fragment… Most of them are seniors! They should know better.”

“I’m glad I never had you as a TA… What am I saying? I would have loved to have had a TA as hot as you. I bet no one ever skips your class. None of the guys anyway,” Chris said, laughing. “Hm? Hey listen hon, I gotta get going. You feeling better?”
“Yeah,” Erica said, rolling over. “Yeah I do. Thanks Chris.”

“It was my pleasure, really. I’ll give Adelle a call when I’m back in town, alright? Couple of weeks, tops.”

“I look forward to it. ‘Night Chris,” Erica said.

“It’s afternoon here. But good night Erica. Sleep tight.”

“Okay,” Erica said as she hit the END button on her phone and noted the connection time. She’d been on the phone for more than a half hour. Shaking her head, she put her phone aside and settled down in bed, hoping to finally get some sleep. She lay there for a moment before rolling to her bedside table and grabbing her vibrator.

“It’ll tire me out,” she murmured to herself as she slipped the curved latex toy to her pussy.


“When do you leave for China again?” Erica asked as he returned to bed, handing her a cold bottle of water. She immediately pressed it to her damp throat, having not moved from her spot on the sweat soaked sheets.

“Day after tomorrow. Is it Sunday yet?” Chris asked, glancing at the clock as he crawled back into bed. “Tomorrow, that is.”

“Couldn’t pay me enough to get on a plane for twelve hours. Ugh.”

“I bet you I could.”

“Want some company on the long flight? Join the mile high club?” Erica said playfully, her hand tickling along his side. “Maybe you’d like me to be your personal assistant in China. I take very good dick-tation,” she husked, rolling over to look into his eyes.

“More like ass-istant,” Chris said with a smile, his hand gripping one firm cheek. “Hon, I’d bring you along in a second. Think Adelle would let you take a, uh, working holiday?”

“Oh she wouldn’t mind at all. As long as you paid in advance, of course.” Now it was Erica’s turn to laugh, but she couldn’t help the sudden thrill she felt in her chest. He wants to go away with me to China! Erica stopped, chiding herself: She had found that she felt these… inappropriate feelings more and more often with Chris. He had long been her favorite client, but lately she had really stopped thinking of him that way. And Erica knew that was foolish.

It was at this point that she noticed that Chris’ hand hadn’t gaziosmanpaşa escort yet left her butt, gently gripping and caressing her firm ass. Erica had to smile: Chris absolutely loved her butt. As his hand explored her bountiful bottom, Erica couldn’t help but hiss as two fingers slid between, teasing her tight hole. The stimulation made her squeeze down, barring him from entry. So when his fingers slid to her pussy, Erica shifted her legs to allow him in. She was still flooded with his cum, and his fingers were easily able to slip deep inside her. After a few thrusts, one slick finger returned to her ass, now slipping inside rather easily.

“Mm, naughty boy,” Erica said softly, relaxing against his chest. Reaching back, she pulled one heavy cheek aside, allowing him easier access. Glancing down, she could see Chris’ cock was slowly rising to the occasion, and was looking forward to a nice leisurely lovemaking after the frantic fuck they just had. She scooted up to his lips, kissing him as his fingers continued to tease her holes. “Oh god it’s almost two in the morning. Aren’t you tired?” she asked, just noticing the bedside clock herself.

“Aren’t you?” he countered, pulling a thigh over him and pulling her against his growing member. “Remember, I’ve been on three continents in the past week. Time zones have long ceased to mean anything to me.”

“So you’ve evolved, then, beyond this mortal coil.”

“Sleep is for the weak!” Chris intoned, smiling. “Chris not want sleep! Chris want love!” Erica couldn’t help but laugh before Chris pulled her close again, kissing her. “Seriously, my body thinks it’s two in the afternoon last Wednesday. Sorry for keeping you up-“

“Hon, as long as I can keep you up,” she murmured, placing him at her entrance and pressing down slowly, “you can keep me up. Mnh,” she grunted, Chris’ cock filling her up.

“Fuck baby,” Chris groaned as her hips began to slowly grind against him. “God… maybe I can find room in the budget for you.”

Erica couldn’t help but laugh before a quiet groan replaced it.


“Morning,” Erica grumped as she walked in the front door. She was returning from a job that had had her up most of the night. Harold was an okay client all things considered, but he wasn’t a very considerate lover. Or a particularly skilled one. She was sore, tired, and unsatisfied.

“Hey babe. You alright?” Cleo asked, just about to step outside herself.

“Yeah I’ll be okay. A nice lazy Sunday and I’ll be right as rain. Big breakfast, take a bath, maybe smoke a little pot,” Erica said as she went straight to the kitchen, grabbing the eggs from the fridge. “You do anything last night?”

Cleo shrugged. “Nada. Got stuck watching a Hoarders marathon while I mouse potatoed. You know.”

“That show freaks me out, I can’t believe you watched a marathon.”

“Hey isn’t Chris over there?”

“Huh?” Erica asked as she came back into the living room. Looking at the TV, she saw the caption blaring MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE IN SHANGHAI while the two idiots on the screen blathered on and on.

“Isn’t that where Chris is? You said he was in Shanghai right?”

“Yeah.” It came out as a peep. “Yeah, he’s in Shanghai.”

“I hope he’s okay,” Cleo said, frowning. “7 on the Richter scale? Yikes.” She glanced at Erica and saw her biting her lip. “Hey, don’t worry, I’m sure he’s fine.”

“Hm? Oh yeah, I know,” Erica said, distracted.

“Want me to… Want me to call his office? They’ll know if-“

“Don’t be silly, it’s okay,” Erica said, shaking her head and returning to the kitchen. “You don’t get going you’ll be late.”

“Shit. Okay, I’ll see you later. I’m marinating chicken for dinner!” Cleo said as she ran out the door. Erica waited until she heard the door shut before she returned to the living room, watching the news for a few minutes.

“He’s fine. He’s fine,” she whispered to herself, trying not to think about it.

God, I just saw him last week. With all of his travel she would have expected to see him less, but he still booked her every two or three weeks. That special date was now four months ago. Chris had never mentioned that night she burst into tears in his living room, but they both knew that things had changed between them since then.

“He’s fine. He’s fine. I’m sure he’s…” she murmured as she paced nervously for a moment. She stopped, willing herself not to dwell on where he could be at that moment. When she opened her eyes, the television was filled with images of devastation from Shanghai, entire buildings collapsed into the street.

Erica wasn’t sure when she decided to do it, but all of a sudden her phone was in her hand and it was ringing.


“Chris?” Erica asked, relief flooding her body. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine, who’s… Erica?” he asked, surprise clear in his voice.

“Yeah, hi,” she said, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “I just saw on the news about this gölbaşı escort earthquake and I… I was worried about you,” she admitted, sitting on the couch heavily. “Are you okay?”

“Hey, don’t worry, I’m fine,” Chris said. “I’m okay. I was driving from a satellite office to the main factory when it happened. We were outside on an open road, so, y’know, we got shook up plenty but everyone’s okay.”

“Good. Good! Is everything alright? The factory and everything?”

“We’re checking on it now, but everything seems more or less alright. Kai just called me, it looks like the old town got the brunt of it… But I think we’re okay. It’s not like Haiti or anything.”

“Oh that’s terrible,” Erica said, smiling despite herself. “I mean that’s great, I’m… I’m glad you’re okay, Chris. I just had to check.”

“I… Thanks, I appreciate it,” Chris said. “This is so weird, I was just thinking about you the other night.”


“Uh, yeah. Nothing special, just, y’know, thinking of home,” Chris explained, a little flustered. Erica smiled a bit: Chris was usually so together, it was nice to think that she could rattle him a little. “How about you? Are you alright?”

“No earthquakes in Manhattan, so I should be okay.”

Chris laughed. “Right. That’s good, because they really aren’t that fun. Listen I can’t talk right now, but I’ll probably see you in a week or two, okay? I’ll be back in town by then.”

“Great. I’ll um, I’ll see you then. Bye. Stay safe.”

“I will, don’t worry. Bye sweetheart.”

The line clicked off and Erica let her hand drop to the couch. She sat for a moment trying to figure out where her head was. Now she wasn’t a robot, and she had always liked him well enough. But something had definitely happened. The idea of him hurt, or worse, had scared her half to death. She cared for him.

For a client.



Erica was supposed to be studying, but instead she found herself dicking around on Facebook. As often happened. She had been working on this paper for the past few days, and she had given herself a few hours break. Her iphone started buzzing it’s way across the coffee table, so she leaned over her laptop to grab it


“Hey Erica, you’ve got a date for this Friday.”

“Oh, okay.” Erica was annoyed. She knew that to procrastinate now, she needed the free time this weekend. That being said, work was still work.

“Mr. Allen.”

“Oh! Oh, okay.” Erica said, smiling despite herself. It had only been a few days since talking to him. He had said next week!

“Alright. I’ll see you later. We’ll talk then,” Cleo said, clearly a little pleased with herself.

“Thanks babe,” Erica said as she hung up. Cleo and Erica worked it so they said as little as possible over the phone when it came to work.

Erica sat for a full minute staring at her facebook page. Then she closed it and opened up her paper, getting up from the couch and moving over to the table where she had laid out her various books and reference materials.

“No more procrastinating for me.”


Erica arrived at the restaurant almost ten minutes early. It was in DUMBO, almost across the street from Chris’ place. She had seen the place several times, but they had always gone to more expensive places in the city. She went to the bar and ordered a drink, and noticed the bartender eyeing her. She accepted her drink and took a nearby table.

“Maybe I overdid it,” Erica said quietly to herself, looking at her outfit. She was wearing a loose, silky blouse, which made her braless breasts look deliciously tempting. Her jeans were almost uncomfortably tight, and she knew her big ass looked amazing. Cleo had said that Chris had said to dress casual, but maybe she had turned up the sexiness too high.

“Oh well.” She knew Chris wouldn’t mind.

She sat for a moment sipping her drink, tapping her feet in nervousness. As much as she tried, she couldn’t help wanting to see him. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to relax.

It’s just another date. Just like Gerald. Or Tony. Or… that asshole from last month that watched TV the whole night. Right. Just like that. She noticed that Chris had entered the restaurant and was coming her way. She smiled as she rose to greet him.

“Hey,” Chris said as he approached.

“Hey,” she said, stepping close and hugging him tightly. She could feel her breasts press against his hard chest as her hands stroked his back. He stilled for just a moment before his arms wrapped around her, squeezing her back. “Welcome home.”

“Thanks,” he said, kissing her lightly on the neck as he let her go. “Uh, I was wondering… Would you mind if we just ate here?”
“Sure, why not?”

“I just… I thought, you know, usually we go to fancier places,” he stammered, a little embarrassed. “It’s uh, I just landed last night, and I’ve been in meetings all day long, and I just… I was hoping to take it easy. I’m sorry you got all dressed up…” He took in her outfit. “No, no I’m not. But is that okay? If you wa-“

“That’s fine, Chris. I’m easy to please.”

Chris laughed. “Sure,” He signaled the hostess who came right over.

“Hey Chris,” the young blonde said, smiling brightly. She was adorable, and Erica couldn’t fight a sudden wave of jealousy that swept through her. What the hell is wrong with me?

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