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Chapter 04 – Base of Operations

Nikki’s bachelorette party took the rest of the weekend to recovery from. I lounged around for the next two days, doing nothing productive. I was tired and depressed because Brooke had not been home since we went out on Friday night. Her distance from me was becoming excruciating. I pushed through my haze and went back to work on Monday morning, excited for the distraction.

The day was a waste. I got nothing done and moved like a complete zombie. As I headed home on Monday night, I hoped that I would break through the current funk that I was operating in. I reached Brooke’s place and found her car in the driveway. I quickly made my way into the house, desperate to see her, only to find that Brooke was not alone. She was sitting at the table in the nook with Penny. They were giggling and chatting over coffee when I entered.

I stared at them as I entered the house and wondered what there conversation was about. I greeted them both cordially before excusing myself to decompress for a moment. I made my way to my room and dropped my briefcase. I changed my cloths, hoping to relax, but the anxiety was overwhelming. After taking a few moments to compose myself, I made my way back downstairs and joined the two of them at the table.

“What is going on,” I asked plainly as I seated myself next to Penny.

“Brooke has found us a house,” Penny exclaimed, almost overjoyed.

Her excitement was clearly written on her face and her tone of voice indicated that she was more than pleased with Brooke’s work.

“That’s great, is the price right,” I asked, trying to be rational and realistic.

“It is quite a good deal,” Penny replied. “Brooke even got the seller to allow us to move in early in good faith.”

Penny’s last remark took me somewhat by surprise. I didn’t know a lot about real estate but I knew enough to understand that this was not a common occurrence.

“That’s great,” I responded, trying to remain positive, but still feeling a little skeptical. “When can we move in?”

“Vivian and I will be moving our stuff this week,” Penny disclosed. “I have taken Thursday to move my furniture, while Vivian has taken Friday to move hers. You can move your stuff in on Saturday.”

I was stunned by the very short time frame that Penny had laid out. I thought about all the stuff I had at Brooke’s and the great many things I still had in storage. I was very interested in seeing our new residence but the new living situation was going to be a very different dynamic. I was going to miss Brooke, which was more than clear. Penny was very organized and quite direct in her planning. I liked her approach but this was a lot of information to take in at this point.

“Ok then, I need to go plan the rest of my week,” I stated before excusing myself from the table.

I made my way back to my room and closed the door. I missed Brooke already. Penny had a pretty specific plan in her mind and it wasn’t bad though it was a different idea of how to operate in this game. I trusted her, but I felt myself starting to get genuinely selfish in some of my thoughts. I almost wished that Vivian was not moving in with us and that Brooke was. I needed to shake that off and get my head on straight. This was Penny’s game and Penny’s plan. Trust her and move on.

I planned my weekend with the complete intent on moving over the weekend. I mapped out a time table for Saturday and the best way to proceed with transferring my shit to my new home. I got angry with myself as I sat there planning and letting my mind run away with thoughts of leaving the game and taking Brooke with me. I needed a reality check. I returned to the table in the nook where both Penny and Brooke tried to make things very easy on me.

“This place is great,” Brooke advised me as I sat down. “It’s only about two miles away from here.”

“Your move should be very easy,” Penny said. “You will have no problems with it all.”

“That is great,” I responded, with knots in my stomach. “I think I need to go get some rest for by big weekend move then.”

I could not take sitting at that table and hearing Brooke tell me that this was a good thing. I knew that she hated this idea as much as I did, though she was being an amazing team player about this. I retired to my room again, this time for the balance of the evening. I winced at the thought of not living with Brooke and my mind continued to get the better of me as selfish scenarios danced on my brainwaves. It had not been all that long since I had moved in here, but Brooke had changed the way I viewed this game. She was more than another player to me now, more than a desire of the flesh. She had become the desire of my heart.

I worked my way through the balance of the week, very much in a haze. I felt like work had become my distraction to my real existence. My time in the office was my only sanity check, where I did not have to think about the game or my yearning to be with Brooke. The thought of being bağcılar escort without Brooke really wounded me, so I tried to put it out of my mind. Also, currently I did not have an assignment from the game, which would have also been a welcomed diversion. This sucked.

I left work on Friday, heading home and finalizing all the planning for my big moving day on Saturday. Brooke had given me the address of the new place she had found for Penny, Vivian and I because she was going away for the weekend with her sister Leslie. They were going to visit their niece Mindy at college. I felt this was Brooke’s clever way of not having to have my leaving front and center in her mind.

I was very interested to see what the new house she had found us was like, but I was also not at all anxious to leave. Brooke was the only thing I could see when I closed my eyes. This was the spot between the preverbal rock and hard place. Brooke was the thing I desired but I was committed to the game and could not bring myself to hurt the other people involved for the sake of me being selfish. This game and these women where part of who I was at this point, which made them a major factor in every decision I was making these days.

I packed my normal, everyday gear in a travel bag and headed to the new address the next morning. I arrived and found Penny and Vivian unpacking their boxes, like young women arriving at the dorm on the first day of college. I let Penny lead me on a tour of our new residence and scoped out the entire property.

I could not deny that it was a nice place. It was a three bedroom, tri-level home which was built into a hill on a dead-end road. The first level was a finished basement that boasted plenty of usable square footage. It was carpeted, clean and appeared as if it had recently received a fresh coat of paint. Penny escorted me to the main level which was comprised of the kitchen, dining room, living room and ½ bath, not to mention the French doors to the very large back deck. The third floor contained all three bedrooms and both full baths. It was a very nice place for the three of us to live, with light colored paint on the walls and plenty of natural light. It felt very homey and inviting.

Penny had commandeered the master bedroom with the master bathroom for herself. As the leader of the game and since this was her idea, I thought that was a fitting selection. Penny was not trying to force herself on us as a leader; she was just evolving naturally into a Type-A Alpha-Female. The role seemed to suit her well. I never questioned my loyalty to her or my caring for her, but my trust and confidence in her was growing daily to exponential levels.

Penny’s room was located directly at the top of the stairs. Vivian had selected the third and smallest bedroom for herself, probably because it was painted pink. It was at the far end of the small hallway, past the linen closet and closer to the room that was left for me. I, obviously, was relegated to the middle bedroom. The room was square was a decent size with a fair closet.

The first thought that occurred to me was to make the room as unappealing as possible and keep people out of it. I quickly thought better of that idea, it was just plain stupid. I dropped my travel bag in my new room and began analyzing how to setup the furniture that would be arriving shortly. I had hired a moving company to deliver my things from my storage unit to the new house. I did not have too much, a bed, desk, armoire and filing cabinet. I spent the next few moments debating on where things were going to fit best.

I was so deep in thought about how to arrange my room that I did not hear Penny and Vivian sneak up on me. They giggled from the doorway as I mapped things out in my mind. I turned to look at them and they were completely adorable, both of them. Maybe this wasn’t going to be as bad as I originally thought.

I spent the day running back and forth between Brooke’s and our new place, gathering my cloths and the rest of my shit. The movers were great as they delivered my furniture and boxes of other miscellaneous items from storage with no issues. I set up my room and tried to stay out of the way as Penny and Vivian set up their rooms and the rest of the house.

The day seemed to evaporate and it was well past 6pm when Penny tapped on the door to my room. I was running wires around my desk, setting up my workstation and pc. I heard her enter the room but didn’t look away from what I was doing.

“I took the liberty of ordering a pizza,” Penny announced. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” I admitted. “Thanks.”

“You look busy,” she said. “I will call you when it gets here.”

I heard her turn to leave my room, but I halted her. Her tone of voice seemed to be indicating that something was very much on her mind.

“Pen, is there something you want to say,” I asked.

“It can wait,” she responded.

“Penny, it’s the first bahçelievler escort day we are living together,” I reminded her sternly. “If we start these games now, we will never get out from under them. Talk to me.”

“Ok, you are right,” she agreed with a heavy sigh. “I want to make sure you are good with this living situation and that I didn’t make a mistake.”

Her second guessing of herself caught me way off guard. I did not expect this at all and was unsure how to reply. I crawled out from under my desk and looked up at her curiously.

“Pen, are you ok with it,” I inquired.

She smiled as brightly as I can ever remember her smiling.

“Yes,” she stated gleefully. “I am more ok with it than anything I can remember. That is why I am unsure of it. I feel like I am being selfish. I hope you don’t think I was trying to hurt you or Brooke by making this change. I have to admit, I really like this idea and I am hoping you do too.”

I stood up and walked over to her. I threw my arms around her and kissed her forehead as she stood there limply.

“Penelope, I love you,” I revealed, surprising even myself in that moment. “I really do. This will be as good or bad as we make it, so let’s make it great. Brooke is still a big part of this game and a big part of me. Don’t be afraid of that, though. Just know that it is part of how it is and we will all be fine. Brooke is handling this incredibly well, she keeps everything balanced.”

Penny threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

“You love me or you are in love with me,” she asked.

“I love you,” I repeated.

“And you are in love with Brooke,” she surmised as she continued to squeeze me.

“I don’t know,” I disclosed. “I have heavy, strong feelings for her, but let’s see how the game develops. I have cared for you for too long to jump the gun on anything. You don’t have to compete with Brooke for me. I am here for both of you, as much as either of you will have me.”

“Do you remember the first time we were together,” Penny asked me, her voice muffled in my shirt to hide her tears.

“Of course, the corporate awards party,” I acknowledged. “You were amazing that night.”

“I almost broke the rules that night and begged you to stay with me,” she confessed. “The first time I saw you in the office, I wanted you. But after I had you, I wanted you to want me.”

We laughed together as I held her. Time seemed to stand still as neither one of us spoke. I didn’t remember hearing the doorbell right, but that didn’t stop Vivian from announcing that someone had visited us.

“Pizza’s here,” Vivian yelled up the stairs to us.

I took Penny by the hand and led her downstairs. Vivian was waiting for us at the table in the dining room. I recognized the oak table from Vivian’s condo. She had set out a glass of wine for both her and Penny and a beer for me. This was nice touch. Penny and I joined her at the table and we all sat down.

“I propose a toast,” Vivian said as she raised her glass. “To the game and the players.”

We toasted before opening the box and tearing into the pizza before us. We joked and laughed as we told stories while we ate. Penny told of her first date with Pete and what a disaster it had been. Vivian told of when she was a child and Emma was a teenager, how she followed her sister and mimicked everything she did and how that behavior sent Emma into rages of teenage angst. I mentioned my youth back east, my love of baseball and various family mishaps. It was one of the nicest dinners I had ever had and our new place started to feel like a home.

When we were done, the pizza was gone and so was the entire bottle of wine. There were 3 beers left in the six pack I started with, so I was a little surprise when Vivian opened one and began drinking it. Penny followed her lead and opened one for herself as well. I laughed at them playfully.

“I think it’s time to discuss the house rules,” Penny stated.

“Go ahead,” I urged her.

“First, no sex in the house outside of the game,” she declared. “Also, everyone must sleep in there own bed, alone at least 3 nights per week.”

“No surprises in either of those rules,” I admitted.

“Not really,” Vivian agreed. “Anything else?”

“Actually, there are two more rules,” Penny announced, somewhat to my surprise. “These aren’t really rules, more like informational items that you can do with what you like. First, this house is going to be owned by the firm, not by any one of us. So, a little gratitude goes a long what to the ladies that take care of all of us.”

“Absolutely,” I concurred.

“And second,” Vivian pushed Penny to continue.

“Second,” Penny mused, “the rules don’t go into effect until sunrise tomorrow. So tonight is a free night to do as you please.”

A very wide and devilish smile stretched across Penny’s face now. Vivian needed no further prompting, as she rose from her seat and bahçeşehir escort made her way to mine. She straddled me in the chair I was sitting in and began kissing me passionately. I wasted no time in reacting, squeezing her body in my arms as we kissed.

Our lips were locked tight and our tongues wrestled feverishly. I did not notice Penny get up from her seat, but I felt her warm breath on my neck as she kissed it lightly and whispered in my ear.

“Let’s go up to my room and break in my bed,” she suggested.

Vivian pulled away from me and stared past me, at Penny, blankly.

“Hey,” Vivian yelled. “I was here first!”

I heard Penny giggle behind me.

“Silly girl,” she mockingly chastised Vivian. “The offer was for both of you.”

I saw Vivian’s eyes widen and then a wonderfully evil grin develop across her mouth.

“I’m not very good at sharing,” Vivian said sinfully.

“That’s alright,” Penny countered quickly. “I will teach you to take turns, just like I taught Nikki. I know he remembers that.”

She was correct; I did remember my encounter with her and Nikki. It was amazing to say the least and I think her bringing it up challenged Vivian. I thought of that encounter fondly and often. I was eager to experience that again and I waited anxiously for Vivian’s response.

“I know I am better at sharing than Nikki,” Vivian stated as she stood up off of me.

She walked over to Penny and kissed her full on the mouth. Penny returned the kiss forcefully as I watched. My cock was rock hard in my jeans as I sat there staring at them. Penny turned away from Vivian and headed across the living room and then up the stairs. Vivian followed playfully. I took one last sip of my beer and made my way up to Penny’s room.

When I reached the top of the stairs, the door to Penny’s bedroom was wide open and what I sight I beheld. Penny’s shorts, panties and t-shirt were on floor and Vivian was bent over facing the bed. As I entered the room, I took in the full picture. Penny was lying on her back on the bed, her gorgeous body inviting with her legs bent at the knee and open. Vivian was standing at the edge of the bed and was bending over, licking Penny’s beautiful bald pussy wildly. Penny alternated between giggles and gasps as Vivian invaded her with her tongue. My cock pulsated, throbbed and leaked while I watched this continue for several minutes. That was, until they remembered that I was there.

“Oh,” Penny exclaimed when she noticed me watching.

Vivian stopped what she was doing and stood up. She stared at me hungrily and pulled her t-shirt over her head. Her lovely breasts sprang free and caused my cock to twitch again. Vivian bent over and removed her sweat pants and panties, leaving her standing before me completely nude. She was stunning and I wanted her.

“You are completely over dressed for the occasion,” Penny said playfully as she climbed off of her bed.

Penny and Vivian both moved in close to me. Penny ripped my t-shirt over my head and tossed it aside while Vivian unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. In one swift motion Vivian squatted in front of me, removed my jeans, boxers and socks and was stroking my dick in her hand. Penny threw her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately while Vivian began ingesting my shaft. I was in heaven.

Penny pulled away from me and looked down at Vivian. She smiled crookedly and then sat herself on the bed.

“So, Vivian, let’s she how good you are at sharing,” Penny challenged her.

Vivian stopped sucking my cock and looked at Penny, without standing up.

“What did you have in mind,” Vivian asked boldly.

“Share and share alike,” Penny said. “You share with me and I will share with you.”

Vivian looked at her sideways, somewhat confused. She stood up and turned to face Penny, who was now wearing a smirk that would have made the dirtiest politician jealous.

“What exactly do you have in mind,” Vivian pressed, unsure of where this was headed.

I stared at Penny’s tight, naked body as she talked, keeping my dick as stiff as a board.

“It’s simple really,” Penny chuckled. “You get one and I get one, but we share them.”

“One what,” Vivian inquired innocently, still confounded as to what Penny could be referring to.

Penny stepped towards her and whispered in Vivian’s ear. Vivian’s eyes grew wide as Penny spoke to her. Finally, Penny finished and Vivian turned to her.

“You sick little slut,” Vivian declared. “That’s fucking hot!”

“I am glad you think so,” Penny giggled in response. “Do you want to go first?”

“Hell yes,” Vivian exclaimed.

Vivian wasted no time hopping up onto the bed and lying back. Penny spread Vivian’s legs open at the knee, showing me her very welcoming pussy.

“Come and get it,” Penny instructed me.

I wasted no time in moving to the edge of the bed and placing the swollen head of my cock at Vivian’s opening. I inserted myself into her with a stiff thrust. Vivian winced slightly though there was no tension as I penetrated her since her box was already filled with her juices. I place each of her legs over my shoulders and used her thighs to pull her to me. I pressed into her again and again rapidly as Penny licked her nipples and sucked her big tits in my full view. I was not going to last long at all.

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