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“Hello, Antony. How are you?” Jerilyn smiled across the table at Rain whose foot had gone from Jerilyn’s calve to massaging it’s way between her legs.

“I’m great! Work is going so well. All our hard work and sacrifice is finally paying off.” His enthusiasm, as usual, carried through the phone.

“That’s wonderful!” Jerilyn grabbed Rain’s foot and pulled it against her pussy. Rain squeaked in surprise and jerked her foot back. Jeri stifled a laugh.

“What was that?”

“Sorry, I’m having lunch at a friends. I surprised her.”

“You’re with a friend? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.”

“You’re fine. We’re cleaning up. Now she has to do it all by herself while I talk to you.”

Rain stuck her tongue out at Jerilyn but cleaned the dishes.

“Even so, I won’t keep you long. I wanted to update you on work. It went really good and I thought I’d be able to come home tonight and spend tomorrow with you, but I hit a snag.” He sounded like a day with her was the best thing in the world. “So, I’m sorry, but I can’t make it home until next Saturday at the soonest.”

“I’m sorry honey. Do you want me to come down there for a while tomorrow or during the week?”

“I would love that.” Antony sounded so sad Jerilyn wasn’t surprised when he said, “But you better not, I have so much to do by our anniversary. When I’m around you, I can’t concentrate on anything else. I need to get this project done.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

“I am. Have fun with your friend and I’ll call you later this week.”

“Okay. I love you.”

“I love you too. I wish I could be around more to show you how much I love you, but you’ll see soon. Bye, bye.”

Jerilyn hung up the phone and stared at it for a second.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nothing new.” Jerilyn sighed and started for the door. “I have to go home for a while. I have some thinking to do.”

“I love you naked and it isn’t a problem for me,” said Rain, “but shouldn’t you put on some clothes before you walk outside?”

“Oh my god!” Jerilyn felt her face burn as she looked down at her nude body. Her blush went so deep it spread down to her breasts. “It’s like those nightmares when you’re naked at school. In the light of day I knew forgetting to get dressed was impossible. Now here I am walking outside naked. I’ll never take getting dressed for granted again.”

Rain laughed so hard tears poured out her eyes. “I can’t breathe!” She doubled over holding her stomach. “I shouldn’t have said anything. I can only imagine what would have happened if you got caught.” Rain went into another laughing fit. “Oh god, was your door locked?” Rain’s face turned red as she kept laughing.

“It’s not that funny.” Jerilyn walked back to the table and threw her panties at Rain. “Gag yourself with those.” She pulled her pants on then picked up her blouse. Judging by the stain on it, she had been very turned on. Oh well, nothing to do about it now.

By the time Jerilyn finished dressing, Rain had stopped laughing. “I’m sorry babe, but the look on your face was priceless.” She tossed the panties back on the table and stopped Jerilyn before she opened the door. “I knew the timing was bad. How was your conversation with Antony?”

“Like all the others.” Jerilyn sighed, that wasn’t entirely true and Jeri didn’t want to lie to Rain. “Actually, there was something a little odd about this one.”

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“No, I need to do some thinking first.”

Rain cleared her throat and glanced away. “You’re not mad because I laughed, are you?” She smoothed her hair and looked at Jerilyn from beneath her eyelashes.

“No, no, of course not.” Jerilyn hugged Rain then kissed her. She meant the kiss to be brief but when Rain’s soft lips crushed against hers she had to linger and let their tongues dance. “I’m sure I’ll be laughing soon too. I just have something on my mind right now. I’ll call you later.”

Rain moved behind the door so she didn’t give anyone in the hall a show.

Jerilyn walked in her apartment and took her blouse off. She leaned against the door, feeling the cold wood against her bare back. Every time she got comfortable with Rain, Antony called and confused her. He sounded so proud and excited about his business. She relived the conversation, smiling at how happy he seemed with the direction his work took. He seemed so proud of the sacrifices they made. What did he mean by their sacrifice? She made all the sacrifices, not him. He got to go to work and have meaning to his life. All she got to do was hang around an empty apartment.

The apartment, their home, looked like a show room. No one looking in for the first time would believe anyone lived here. Jeri realized no one did live here. Her husband lived at work and she lived . . . she didn’t live. She existed like a robot doing unneeded chores day in and day out.

The wall held generic pictures and they had generic furniture. Hell, even the kitchen appliances where generic. Rain’s apartment wasn’t bursa escort bayan generic. Everything about her place showed her personality. The burnt orange couch pillows and the family photos on the walls screamed Rain’s personality.

Jerilyn stared at the walls and furniture and wondered about her personality. When she was with Rain, she was more adventurous, more free spirited. Did she absorb the atmosphere or was that her true personality when she wasn’t stuck in this apartment? Only she wasn’t stuck in this apartment. She never had been. At first she stayed and waited for Antony because that’s what a good wife did. As he spent more time at work, her waiting became a habit. With a sickening realization she knew she was as empty of personality as this immaculate apartment.

“To hell with that!” She threw her blouse into the room. It landed on the arm of the couch and slid to the floor. It could bloody well stay there. She took her pants off, turned her back to the room and tossed them over her shoulder. They hit a lamp, knocking it askew, and hung half off the end table. They could stay there until they walked off by themselves and she’d sooner cut her hand off than straighten the lamp.

The pictures had to go. They weren’t right or sentimental, they were things taking up space on the walls. The walls could stay empty until she found something she liked or something that held meaning for her. It had to be hand made and one of a kind. There was no shortage of places to go to find things she liked. Farmers markets and boutiques were all over the city.

Once she had the walls cleared, she looked around for her next change but the place was already a blank canvas. Jerilyn slumped on the couch. There wasn’t even anything to clean. Well, there was one thing she needed to clean. She had to reek of sex.

Once in the shower she ran her fingers across her hairless mound. The smooth skin felt odd; the newness felt erotic.

When she finished showering, she dried off and searched her closet for something to wear. She found a very sexy formal evening gown, the perfect thing. She hadn’t worn it since the last time Antony took her out.

As she pulled the fabric over her body, the dress reminded her of the good times. They went places where she learned and laughed and discovered herself. Or so she thought. Thinking about it now, she never had a chance to find out who she was. When she lived with her parents, they restricted her life. Then she married Antony to escape them, but in hindsight she went from one set of restrictions to another. First she was a good little churchgoer, then a good little housewife. Her sister talked about experimenting at collage, but Jerilyn never went so she didn’t have the chance.

Jeri wanted to blame Antony but it wasn’t his fault. If anything he was trapped too, only worse. All he did was work so he had even less time to explore himself. That wasn’t quite fair, he started working hard to give them a good life but he got deeper and deeper into responsibilities until his business took over his life. She shared some responsibility, but she never asked him to be a workaholic. She could have gotten a job.

It was time for Jerilyn to stop thinking so much and act. Now that she was clean and dressed sexy, what did she want to do? Simple, she wanted to play. She wanted to express her own personality and since Rain played such a big part, she should come up here.

Jerilyn called a restaurant and ordered a meal. On her way to the restaurant she stopped at a store and bought several candles. Tonight they’d make love by candlelight. Jerilyn got a wicked little grin when she remembered Rain saying Jerilyn would want to go down on her. Rain was right, she wanted to try it. Tonight would be a night of seduction and passion.

* * * *

Once Jerilyn had the candles lit, the table set and a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge, she called Rain.

“Rain’s massage, how can I help you?”

“I have this ache only you can make go away.” Jerilyn spoke in a husky voice and tried to hold back a giggle.

There was a short pause before Rain spoke. “Jeri?” She sounded uncertain and Jeri wondered belatedly how many of those calls she got.

“Yes.” Jerilyn couldn’t hold back her laugh any longer. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

“Ooo, you’ll pay for that!”


“When you least expect it.”

“Then I guess it won’t be tonight.”


“Because I’ve got some specific expectations for tonight. Want to come up for dinner?”

“Just dinner?”

“I plan on eating several things tonight.”

“Give me ten minutes to get ready.” Rain must have been in a playful mood because she didn’t show up in ten minutes. She didn’t show up in fifteen minutes either. At first Jeri was excited and a little nervous, not sure how the night would go. Then she got annoyed. What was taking Rain so long? She was reduced to staring at the peephole and tapping her foot. After about twenty-five minutes Rain stepped up to her door. She nilüfer escort raised her hand to knock but Jerilyn yanked it open.

“Where the hell have you been?”

Rain yelped and stepped back. Instead of scowling at the way Jeri made her jump she smiled benignly. “Told you I’d make you pay.”

Jeri blinked, nonplused. “You shouldn’t have, you let dinner get cold.”

“It’ll be okay. Wow, you look good!” Rain looked down at her own outfit, a t-shirt and jeans. “Should I go change?” Her bare feet and flip flops contrasted sharply against Jerilyn’s three inch red pumps.

“No. If I have my way, you won’t be dressed very long.”

“Then why did you dress up?”

“I want to be irresistible to you. I want to make you want me.”

“You shouldn’t have gone through all that effort.” Rain grinned at Jerilyn. “I can’t possibly want you more than I already do.” Rain walked in and looked at the place. She saw the jeans on the lamp then looked at Jerilyn and raised an eyebrow.

“I’m sick of cleaning house. It can stay there until I do laundry.”

“I like all the candles. It’s a little dark, but very romantic.”

“It’s the only thing I could think of to make the place look more inviting.” Jerilyn switched on the light to show Rain what her home really looked like.

“It’s . . . not what I imagined.” Rain went to the lamp and straightened it from where it leaned against the wall. “Does this pass for ransacking in your home?”

“I threw a fit when I got home.” Jeri blushed but pushed on. “I’ve spent too much time cleaning and not enough personalizing the place. You have a home, I have a hotel room.”

“So you personalized it by throwing clothes around?”

“That, and I took all the pictures down.”

“What kind of pictures? I assume they weren’t family pictures?”

“Bland prints like you find in any hotel room.”

“You really have been in a prison.” Rain stroked Jerilyn’s cheek. “No wonder you were so intense when you “hired” me. Then when you start showing who you are I punish you for it. I’m not sorry, though. I get calls like that way too often. People think it’s funny, but I have to be professional, otherwise I can get a bad reputation and lose business.”

“Now I feel bad.” Jerilyn turned the lights out and led Rain to the small dinning area. “How about I have Antony record a message for you. When a guy answers, people won’t be as likely to be dicks.”

“That would be great if you don’t think he’ll mind.”

“I can’t imagine why he would. Write down what you want him to say and I’ll have him record it for you.” Jerilyn held out a chair for Rain like a gentleman, then took her own seat closer to the kitchen.

“This looks good, how did you manage to make it all? I didn’t think you had enough time.”

“I didn’t make it. I wanted to make sure I had enough energy for what I’ve got planned tonight.”

“Which is?” Rain grinned across the table. “As if I didn’t know.”

“A night of passion and exploration! I decided you’re right.”

“Of course I am. What am I right about?”

“Wanting to go down on you.”

Rain almost choked on her wine. “You know I was kidding, right? You don’t have to do it.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. I want to make you feel the way you made me feel.”

“Your situation is a little different. I was brought up to think of sex in completely different ways than you were.”

“I know. Believe it or not, that’s one of the thing’s I had to think about when I left your place today.”

“How do you feel about it?” Rain idly chewed her food, more interested in the conversation.

“Nervous, but mostly excited.”

“Really.” Rain sounded dubious.

“Yes.” Jeri explained about never getting to experiment and discover herself. It was another problem she tied back to getting married too young.

“So I’m an experiment to you?” Rain sounded offended but her expression showed amusement.

“It’s only fair, you’re experimenting on me. Unless you’ve fingered other women under your kitchen table.”

“No.” Rain actually blushed! Jeri didn’t think that was possible. “I’ve never done that before.”

“Fine then. We’re even.” Jerilyn pointed her fork at Rain. “Don’t pretend like I didn’t notice your face go red. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one.”

“It never happened.” Rain turned her nose up. “It was a trick of the candle light.”

“I’m sure. Finish your meal.” Jerilyn slipped her shoe off and ran her foot up Rain’s shin.

“Keep that up and we won’t finish dinner.” Rain moved her leg allowing Jerilyn to slid her foot further up.

“Eat faster.” Jerilyn shoved food into her mouth but didn’t take her foot off Rain’s leg. They finished their meal quickly.

“Do you want me to help clean up?” Rain asked when they finished eating.

“No. I’m leaving everything right where it is.”

“Fine by me, but you’re a clean, organized person. Don’t you think this mess will drive you nuts?”

Jeri frowned at the table. türbanlı escort Rain had a point. “It will eventually, but if I leave it here tonight it will give me something to do tomorrow while you’re at work.”

“Great! So, what’s the next step in your plan to seduce me?”

“You’re not going to play even a little hard to get, are you?”

“Nope. I didn’t wear a shirt with buttons so you can’t rip my clothes off.”

“I could always tie you down and cut them off you.”

Both women went completely still as they considered the possibility. Jerilyn felt her nipples harden and looked down at Rain’s chest to see if she had a similar reaction. Either she didn’t, or her bra was too thick for them to show through.

“My eyes are up here.” Rain grinned. “Yes, it hit me the same way. Is that where we’re going tonight?”

“Um, no.” Jerilyn walked over to the stereo to hide her blush. “Maybe I should go to the hardware store tomorrow to get some rope.”

“You’re blushing, aren’t you?” Rain sounded amused.

“No. You asked me what my next step in your seduction is.” Jerilyn turned on the songs she had queued. Most were for slow dancing but she included some faster ones in case she needed something to strip to. Jerilyn turned around and held her hand out to Rain. “Come dance with me.”

Rain smiled and walked over to the small area Jerilyn cleared for dancing. “Who leads?”

“I do, naturally. I’m the organized one, you’re the free spirit who needs to be guided.”

“Is that a fact?” Rain settled into Jerilyn’s arms and put her arms on Jerilyn’s shoulders. Jerilyn settled her hands on Rain’s hips.

“It is for tonight.” They swayed in time to the music looking into each others eyes. When their gazes got uncomfortably intense Jerilyn pulled Rain closer until they rested their chins on each others shoulders. They stayed that way until the song ended. When the next song started, Rain pulled back a little to look into Jerilyn’s eyes again. There was something different in the way Rain looked at her now. A few heartbeats later Rain tilted her head, opened her mouth, and closed her eyes. She closed the distance between them and kissed Jerilyn, using her whole mouth. The kiss was filled with passion but not in an erotic way. It pulled at Jeri’s heartstrings as if Rain wanted to communicate something beyond the lust they shared.

When Rain broke the kiss, she looked into Jerilyn’s eyes. Jerilyn’s eyes must have been as wide as Rain’s. She pulled Rain back to her, unable to look into those eyes anymore. They were too vulnerable, too full of wonder, filled with something Jeri didn’t dare name. Her pounding heart said she felt the same way.

The second song ended and they moved away from each other. They needed a little distance from the emotions Rain’s kiss brought on. Jerilyn took the remote and selected a faster song.

There was enough room for them both to move uninhibited. Rain really got into the song. She clearly preferred a much more energetic dance style. Her attention seemed focused on the music and her body’s movements. Jerilyn watched Rain move, loving the way her body moved in simulated sex. When the song ended another slow song started. A faint sheen of sweat made Rains skin glow in the candlelight. They held each other for the slow song but Rain picked up the remote and started another fast song.

This time Rain danced with more restraint. Jeri took that as her cue to let go. She felt Rain’s eyes on her as she did some of her best moves. As she danced, she pulled the hem of her dress up to give her legs more freedom. Every few beats she pulled it up a little further then let it drop as she raised her hand over her head. Then she reached back down and pulled the dress up a little further. When the end of the song neared, she reached down and gathered the fabric up from the hem. She turned her side to Rain and pulled her dress up to her waist. Rain couldn’t see her pussy from that angle, but the dress pulled high enough to show Jerilyn didn’t have panties on. From the corner of her eye, Jerilyn saw Rain stop dancing and stare. Jeri smiled, there was no mistaking her look. She couldn’t believe how good it felt to have someone stare at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

Jerilyn turned her back to Rain. The dress draped down showing half her ass cheek. Antony said the way the dress showed less than a modest bathing suit but made her seem even more naked, was incredibly sexy. As she gyrated, the dress showed a little more but never quite got to the vital bits. She grabbed the hem of her dress with her free hand and pulled it up as the song ended. Jerilyn dropped her dress and turned to face Rain as another slow song started. She timed it to show Rain as much as possible without showing private parts. It was the perfect tease.

“No more dancing.” Rain’s hands balled into fists and her shoulders thrummed with tension. She crossed the two paces that separated them and pulled Jerilyn against her body. The kiss she gave Jerilyn seared in its intensity. “I want you now.”

“Slow done.” Jeri smiled, but the last thing she wanted to do was slow down. “I’ve got two more steps for my seduction.”

“I’m seduced. I’m so seduced I can’t take it anymore. Do you know how sexy you are?”

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