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African Prince 2Chapter 2″I’m going out tomorrow evening Mikey, so you’re goingto have to make dinner for yourself.” Mikey’s Mom saidas she scooped a big spoonful of mashed potatoes ontohis plate. As always the dinner table was set for two.The size of the house seemed so excessive to Mikey’sMom, especially since Natasha, Mikey’s older sister,went away to college. Regardless, she did a good jobmaintaining it, made easier as much of the space wasnever used.”You got a hot date Mom?” Mikey joked. He was surprisedwhen her answer revealed this to be true. She had notseen anyone since her husband’s death. Although theconcept of his mother with another man was foreign tohim he tried to encourage her as best he could, “Goodfor you. Who is he?”He was a man she had met through a friend at work.”He’s rumored to be quite handsome.” Mikey’s Momsmirked.This struck Mikey in a funny way. He had never thoughtof his Mom as a sexual being before. Well until a fewhours ago that is, but he pushed that out of his mind.Now for the first time she was talking about men anddating. Even though it made him a little uncomfortable,it struck Mikey as a good thing. He didn’t necessarilywant a new father figure in his life, but he knew itwould be good for her.As his Mom got up and began carrying dishes over to thesink, Mikey let his eyes fall to her ass. She was trulya shapely woman. Mikey’s eyes ran down her legs thenback up across her ass and back to her neatly tiedhair. She was slim, in good shape, she ate right, andshe worked out from time to time. Mikey did not feelguilty about this. He was not looking at her sexuallyso much as he was sizing her up as a woman for thefirst time. He was impressed, but he forced his eyesaway.***Mikey sat through another boring day of school andanother monotonous bus ride home but he managed to getoff at his stop this time. It was Friday and he hadthought up a plan for this evening’s entertainment. HisMom was going out, and he had a night of fun planned.The woods behind their house ran along the back yardsof every house on the gaziemir escort street.He wasn’t sure why he had never thought of it before,but if he cut through the woods to behind Julie’shouse, he just might be able to catch a glimpse of herthrough the window. The woods were pretty deep and darkand he knew that he and his Mom never bothered to pullthe shades on the windows on the back of their house,maybe the Osbourne family was as trusting as his own.He felt his penis bulging at the prospect.When he got home he waited patiently for nightfall tocome.”Okay honey, he is going to be here any minute.”Mikey’s Mom was dressed just as she had been in hisfantasy. For a second it made him feel uncomfortable,but that was ridiculous – she always wore this outfitwhen she wanted to look especially nice. And she did.She looked beautiful. The dress had a loose qualityabout it, but it also showed her curves exquisitely.The fabric was light in weight but rich in color. Andher headband – that headband Mikey had seen so clearlyin his brief fantasy – held her hair back in a fashionhalf way between chaotic and neat. The necklace shewore was both extravagant and simple; It had adecorative and tribal quality to it, and it accentuatedthe smooth dark skin of her tall neck.If she wore makeup it was applied lightly and with thegreatest of skill. Her lips were moist and seductiveand it was almost impossible to tell that she wore athin layer of lip colored lipstick. Mikey couldn’t helpbut admire his Mom’s beauty once again.”There’s some leftovers in the fridge you can heat up,”she explained. “Or you can cook some of this chickenand there’s rice and peas and green beans… and let’ssee,” she continued, while looking through therefrigerator. “You could make soup, there’s a…””Don’t worry Mom, I’ll figure something out,” Mikeyinterrupted. “I’m a big boy now,” he saidsarcastically. “There’s headlights in the driveway. Goon, have a good time.” He almost couldn’t wait for herto get out the door. He was getting aroused withexcitement over his plan.”Okay,” escort gaziemir his Mom said with a hint of anxiety in hervoice. After all, this was her first date since herhusband died, and on top of that it was a blind date.”I won’t be too late.” And she smiled nervously andspread her arms to give him a hug. Mikey couldn’t helpbut take note of how his Mom’s large breasts pushedinto him, just below his shoulders. At 5′ 7″ Mikey wasfast approaching her height, but she still had a coupleof inches on him. She gave him a quick peck on thecheek and disappeared out the front door.A residual excitement tingled through Mikey. Herbreasts were both soft and firm and even though he andhis Mom hugged quite often he had never really paidattention how they felt before. The smell of his Mom’sperfume was barely noticeable; She was a master ofsubtlety, but even as she was already out the door thesmell stayed with him and excited him even more.He touched the moist spot on his cheek where his Momhad kissed him, then brought those fingertips to hislips and licked them. “What am I doing?” he said outloud. “I’m just horny, I didn’t jerk off this morning.”That guilty feeling he had felt the day beforereturned, despite his attempt to explain himself.But all these thoughts went out of his mind as soon ashe remembered his plan. He ran upstairs. He put on hisblack jeans, black sweatshirt, and his black winter”burglar” hat. He laced up his boots, and just foreffect he slid the sheath for his 4″ blade onto hisbelt. He took the knife out and looked at in the lightof his desk lamp. He kept good care of the knife as ithad been his fathers. He polished it and sharpened itregularly. He saw his own face mirrored in the blade.There was a path leading out behind his house that ranparallel to the street. He could take it most of theway, but he would have to cut through some dense swampywoods to get within visual range. Halfway there herealized he should have brought his binoculars, but hewas too excited to turn back. He had brought a smallflashlight gaziemir escort bayan but the moon was almost full and he didn’twant anyone to see a light behind their house, so hewas not using it. He found his eyes adjusted quite wellto the dimly lit forest.Mikey came out to the edge of Julie’s back lawn.Immediately, he saw Julie. He couldn’t believe hisluck. Even if he saw her only fully clothed, it wasalready worth the trip. His dick was almost hard allthe way down here, but upon seeing her it became fullyerect. She was on the first floor and in the corner ofthe house closest to him. There would be no need forbinoculars. He could see her perky, developing titsforming two tents in her white tee-shirt.He could see her face clearly, and for a second almostthought she was looking at him. However he knew fromexperience that when you are inside at night with alight on, a window might as well be a wall from yourpoint of view. He reassured himself and admired herbeautiful face.Mikey’s penis was snagged uncomfortably in hisunderwear. He unzipped his pants to rearrange it andthen decided he might as well leave it out. Theexcitement was overpowering, tingles ran through hisbody, and butterflies tickled his stomach. He beganstroking himself ravenously.She turned and bent over and seemed to be pickingclothes up off the floor. Frustratingly, she beganwalking in and out of view, apparently tidying up theroom. What luck it was that her room was on the firstfloor. Timed with each glimpse of her, Mikey strokedfaster.Then as she momentarily disappeared out of view heimagined her slim rounded ass, her lips, and the headof his penis swirling between them. He imagined her onthe bed, bent over, her own hand reaching behind her,parting her pussy lips with her fingers, inviting hisentry. He imaged her standing, him right behind her,penis pressed against her, him kissing her neck, andlifting her skirt, and sliding her panties…He was about ready to blow she came into view and stoodfacing the window and shook her head lightly tossingher hair. Being this close to Julie, his dick in hishand, her looking right toward him, was the most eroticthing his virgin body had ever felt before.His body jerked violently as he shot jet after jet hotwhite cum into the air, all the while looking into hisfantasy’s eyes.

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