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I wish to thank my editor drbob80. I asked him to undertake a very tedious project in editing this thing. I even asked him to help me figure out where to break it into chapters. He also pointed out a rather glaring series of errors related to the dialogue. He did his usual great job and I want him and everyone else to know how much I appreciate it.

I undertook writing this in a different way than I have written my previous multi-part stories. I wanted the story completed before I submitted it, and it was. I will submit a new chapter about every other day until I have submitted all seven chapters. I knew how I wanted this to end when I started it and essentially had to fill in the blanks. It took a while.

This is a story about adult siblings who are very successful in their professional lives, but in their personal lives…not so much. Their semi-dysfunctional personal lives bring them together and then the same dysfunction helps shape their happiness beyond their relationship. Their story develops before getting to any real sex. I have included the seemingly mundane details of their lives to give depth and context to the story and I hope I have conveyed their normalcy. But, along the way is something to interest everyone; incest, lesbian sex, anal sex, group sex and plain old heterosexual sex. There are some twists and turns that I hope you don’t see coming. Please be patient and keep reading; I’m hoping that that you find the wait to be worth it. Thanks for reading…



I was sitting at the end of the bar in my favorite place, Hayter’s. Hayter’s & Co. is a bar that caters to expatriate Chicago Bears fans in Denver. I lived in northern Indiana until my parents moved halfway across the country because of my Dad’s job. My dad is one of those guys who deeply believe in loyalty to the sports teams with which you grew up. Consequently, I am a Cubs, Bears, Blackhawks and Bulls fan in Colorado.

Anyway, I was sitting there; crying in my beer, not literally, but you know what I mean. No, it was not an Old Style, it was a Killian’s. I had my eye on the Bears game on the big screen, but mostly I was staring into my beer.

I was feeling more than a little depressed because my wife, the love of my life, and I thought I was hers, moved out yesterday. She came home from work on Friday night and told me she had fallen in love and was leaving me.

“Aidan, I wasn’t looking for this, it just kinda happened.” Jeannie tried to explain, while holding hands with her new lover.

“But, I don’t understand…” I struggled with what was happening and what to say. I stood there looking at her. “We’ve been happy, or at least I thought we were. Where did this come from? We haven’t stopped making love, or laughing together, or anything else. I really don’t understand…” I kept repeating that I didn’t understand…because I didn’t.

When I mentioned that we had continued to make love; her new lover, her lifelong best friend Karli, bristled in anger. Karli glared at me and her eyes flickered to Jeannie. I think I had said something that Jeannie didn’t want Karli to know.

“Aidan…” Jeannie started and I cut her off.

“I didn’t even know you liked girls.” I said, whining a little.

Jeannie said, “I don’t.”

“Hunh?” I muttered, more than confused.

“I love Karli,” Jeannie said quietly. “I don’t think about other girls.”

“Whatever,” I said, suddenly very pissed off and quickly deciding what I wanted to happen. “If you’re going, just go. I’m gonna leave here right now and be back around ten tomorrow night. Take anything and everything you want. This is a one-time offer. I don’t care what you take, including my clothes, but what you leave is mine, don’t expect to keep coming back to get whatever you think you’ve forgotten. I’ll keep my car, you keep your car. We both know what is in the bank. You take half on Monday and we’ll sell the investments and the house and split those, too. Just be gone by ten tomorrow night.”

Jeannie was crying and Karli was glaring at me.

I glared back at Karli. “What?!?” I snarled. “Do you have something to say? You were her maid of honor, you stole her from me, and you have the audacity to be fuckin’ pissed because I’m hurt and pissed? Fuck you, you miserable fucking cunt!”

Karli went from looking pissed to looking nervous. That pissed me off even more.

“Jesus Christ! I’m not going to hurt either one of you.” I exploded. “So you don’t need to be scared. Just make sure that I never see you again, you fucking cunt!” I spun on my heel and stormed out the door.

Jeannie broke away from Karli and ran after me. “Aidan! Please stop!”

I stopped at my truck; hand on the door handle. I took a deep breath before turning to face her. “What?!?!?” My vocabulary seemed to have taken a hit in the preceding half hour.

Jeannie had still been walking toward me and abruptly stopped. “Aidan, I’m sorry, I really am. I still love you, but this thing with Karli is just so, so, so, Akçay Escort I dunno, special.”

It took all of my self-control to respond calmly, although I allowed a hard edge to creep into my voice. The hard edge, it seemed, was enough to make her take a step back. “Jeannine Lucille Weatherford Cunningham, what we had was special, you know that. I love you with all my heart and I hope the special thing you have with Karli is for real. I really do. But, if after the endorphins from the first blush of lust and love have departed, you realize that you love me and want me back, remember this: Fuck You Jeannie and your special thing! Because, no matter how much I still love you, I will never able to trust you nor will I allow you to stomp on my heart again. I assume I won’t need to see you ever again. This divorce will be legally amicable, but personally, it will be anything but amicable. Goodbye.” I turned back and got into the truck. Jeannie stood there speechlessly allowing tears to stream down her cheeks.

I checked into a motel and actually did not go home until this morning, giving her more than enough time to clear out. All of her shit was gone and about half of the furniture. She left me the bed, my home office was intact, I had the TV and my recliner, and the guest room was completely empty. The kitchen table and chairs her grandmother had given us were gone, but most of the silverware and cooking utensils were still here. In the master bedroom, the dressers were gone and all of my clothes were folded neatly on the bed. I laughed bitterly, that was surely Jeannie, if it had been up to Karli, I’m sure they would have been shredded.

I called a realtor and scheduled a meeting for tomorrow. Even though Jeannie left the keys and the garage door opener on the breakfast bar, I planned to call a locksmith and a garage door company in the morning to change the frequency on the garage door opener.

That’s when I decided I was going to go to the bar and watch the Sunday night football game.


The bartender, Elle, kept coming over to check on me and make sure I was OK and trying to cheer me up, but tonight I wasn’t in the mood. Elle is a doll, and is hit on by every guy and some of the girls that come in the place, married, not married, whatever. She is a tall, lissome, willowy blonde with small breasts, maybe a large “A” or small “B”, an absolutely perfect, firm, tight ass and long, long legs. She knows how to dress to show off her legs and ass, starting with tiny jean shorts. The shorts had the shortest zipper I had ever seen; it couldn’t have been an inch long. They were fitted around the waist so that when she was wearing a midriff top, as she was today, the waistband was tight on her hipbones, but where her softly feminine abs sunk back, you could see the skin dipping into the shadows. I’m sure those shadows had inspired many a fantasy. Her legs always make me think of the term, coltish. I guess that’s how I would describe her, coltish.

I have always tried to be especially nice to her because I can see how it irritates her to fight off the slime that is always trying to slither into her jeans. She and I are buds. She flirts, but only because she knows I’m harmless.

“Come on, Aidan, it cannot be that bad, can it?” Elle teased. “You’ve been staring into that beer all afternoon. You know the Bears are up, right?”

I looked up at her and she was smiling at me. I sighed, “Elle, you’re too sweet to me and I’m not gonna burden you with my problems. But, yeah, it is that bad.” My head started to sag back down to my beer.

Her expression changed to a sympathetic smile, from her usual sunny one. “Seriously, Aidan, I’m here if you need me.” She reached over and patted me on the hand. Her hand stayed there a fraction longer than she normally would have left it. I looked up, but she was already moving on down the bar by the time I did.

“She really likes you, you know?” I heard from my right.

I turned around and my sister Katie was sitting there. “Where did you come from?”

She giggled, “The same place you did, you dope.”

I just looked at her. “You know exactly what I mean.”

She smiled at me before leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. “Jeannie called me.”

I just stared at her.

Elle walked back and said with a smile, “Isn’t this going to be a problem for Jeannie? Pretty girls coming up and kissing you?”

I stared at her, too. She just giggled.

Katie said, “Well, first of all, Jeannie would not care, because she moved out. Secondly, it wouldn’t matter anyway, I’m his sister Katie.” Katie stuck out her hand.

Elle took it and said, “Nice to meet you, Katie, I’m Elle.” She turned to look at me. “That bitch left you?” She turned and looked at Katie. “What guy could be more appealing than our boy right here?”

Katie laughed. “Not another guy, a chick!”

“Bullshit!” Elle said, vehemently. Katie just smirked.

“All right!” I said sharply and they both turned to look at me. Akçay Escort Bayan “That’s enough of talking about me as though I weren’t here.”

Elle smiled and turned to walk away. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

“Thanks, Elle.” I said, smiling at her.

“Just trying to help, Little Brother.” Katie said, closing her hand on mine.

I stared at her for a minute before asking, “Are you serious that Jeannie called you?”

“Yeah…” She said softly.

“Why? What did she want?” I muttered, still staring into my beer.

Katie laughed; a sarcastic tone to the sound, “She’s worried about you.”

It was my turn to laugh, “Really? She’s worried about me? Please!”

Katie put her hand on mine, and said, “Aidan, look at me.”

I lifted and turned my head to look at her. “I know you’re really pissed at Jeannie. You should be and you have every right to be.” She said softly. She picked up my hand and kissed my fingers before entwining her fingers with mine. “But, you should know that she still loves you. She really is worried about you and asked me to make sure that you’re OK.”

I looked at her, stunned. “You’re still friends with her?” I tried to pull my hand away and she held tight.

“I didn’t say that.” She said. “I said she asked me to make sure you’re OK. For me, it’s about you, not what she wants. I’m here for you Baby Brother.”

I slumped down, staring into my beer again. “Katie, I, uhhh, Katie, I just don’t understand. I thought we were happy, I was happy. I just don’t get it. Did she tell you anything?”

“She tried,” Katie said softly, “but I didn’t give her a chance. I told her what I thought of her and her friend, lover, whatever that bitch is to her. I told her that she didn’t deserve you anyway.” Katie leaned in and kissed me on the cheek again, her soft, warm lips lingering there.

I recognized that her lips were soft and warm. I also realized that they felt very nice on my skin and that she hadn’t immediately withdrawn. My sweet older sister was comforting me as she always had, holding tight to my hand, kissing me and compelling me to feel her love. She closed her other hand over mine and it felt as though she was willing me to feel better. After she had kissed me on the cheek she scooted closer and snuggled up to me, laying her head on my shoulder. The subtle aroma of the perfume that she had worn since we were kids wafted over me and made me relax. It felt like home and that I was in grade school again.

Her right breast pressed up against my arm and the warmth from it radiated into my arm and throughout my body, settling in my groin. My dick twitched and I was startled by my reaction to her scent and touch. I leaned away, embarrassed.

“What’s the matter, Aidie?” She whispered, nudging me and calling me a name she hadn’t used since we were kids. “Don’t like Sissie touching you?”

I laughed out loud. We hadn’t called each other by those names in at least twenty years. She smiled and snuggled in even closer.

“I knew you had it in you.” She whispered and again kissed me on the cheek, her breast pressing even more firmly into my arm.

I looked at her and her eyes were shining mischievously. I kissed her on her nose and she giggled.

“Ok,” I said, surrendering, “you win. I’ll be nice… Sissie.”

“Good!” She said smugly. “Now, I don’t want you to think about that bitch anymore! Is that clear?”

“Yes ma’am!” I said briskly.

Elle walked back over. “You look much better, Aidan. You sister obviously knows how to take care of you and make you smile and be happy.” She reached out and put her hand over our clasped ones, looking first at Katie and then at me. “Maybe, she can teach me how to do that, sometime.” She said softly, before turning back to her other customers.

Katie nudged me. “I told you that she likes you.”

I smiled at her. “I don’t think that I’m the only one she likes.”

Katie sat up and blinked in surprise. “Wh-wh-what do you mean?”

I had to laugh, Katie was so shocked that I would suggest that Elle would have interest in her that she reverted to the stammer that she had as a small child. “What’s the matter Sissie? Did that excite you?”

It was my turn to be startled. Katie blushed and buried her face in my sleeve. She seemed to be genuinely embarrassed.

“Katie?” I said gently. “What was that?”

“N-n-nothing.” She mumbled into my arm.

“Come on Katie, what’s up?” I asked.

Katie stayed with her face buried in my arm, not saying anything. After a long few minutes she raised her head and looked at me, tears streaming down her cheeks. “N-n-not h-here, OK?”

“Sure Katie, whatever you want.” I said quietly.

“Hey Elle?” I called.

“Yes, Big Guy?” Elle smiled as she walked up.

“We’re gonna leave, Katie needs to talk.” I said. “Could I check out?”

“Sure thing, Aidan.” Elle smiled.

I paid her off and she smiled. “You guys take care of each other.”

She handed me my change and there Escort Akçay was a note. ‘Aidan, please give me a call when you’re ready. I’d love to see you outside of this place. Give your sister a hug for me.’ She had written her cell phone number on the note.

I looked up and she was smiling at me. I smiled back, nodded and tucked the note in my wallet.

Katie and I walked out of the bar and I stopped her. “Where are we going? We could go to my house, but I don’t have any furniture other than a recliner and a desk chair.”

Katie smiled and looked back at me. “That’s all she left you? A recliner?”

“Well, she did leave me the bed.” I chuckled. “But the recliner is the only comfortable chair. Unless you want to act like we did as kids and lay around on the bed.”

She laughed, “No, I don’t think so. Let’s go to my apartment.”

I smiled, “OK, do you want me to follow you?”

“Yeah, it doesn’t make any sense to leave a vehicle down here.” She answered, walking to her car.

I followed her the short distance to her townhouse. We walked in and she immediately went up and into the bathroom. While she was gone, I turned on the game, but muted it. I was happy to see that the Bears were still up.

When she came out, she had changed into sweatpants and a short-sleeved sweatshirt. “I thought I’d get comfortable. Do you want a beer?”

“Could I just get some water?” I irritated Katie by answering a question with a question.

“Do you think you could answer a question directly? You’ve been doing that since we were kids.” Katie tossed… well; actually she threw a bottle of water at my head.

I caught the bottle and answered in a way that I knew would piss her off. “Doing what? What do you mean?” I’d been agitating her since we were kids, as well.

She realized that I was fucking with her. “You asshole! Well, at least I know you’re getting back to normal. You’re ‘Asshole Aidan’ again.”

“Gee thanks, Sis,” I grinned, “I love you, too.”

She just glared at me. “Asshole!”

I just grinned the ‘little boy caught at doing something wrong’ grin that I’d used on her since we were kids. She never could resist it. “Sowwy, Katie.”

She came and sat in my lap and hugged me. “You really are an asshole, you know that?”

I was happy with her in my lap, holding me. This was the opposite of when she would hold me on her lap when she was twelve and I was four. But, we switched after I spurted up when I was fourteen. She came home from her senior year at college and I was suddenly six inches taller than her. I tried to climb in her lap and nearly killed her. Ever since then, she’d been sitting in my lap when either of us needed comforting.

Her lips were at my neck and she gave me a little kiss. “I know you’re hurting Aidan, I just want to help.” She murmured.

“I know you do,” I mumbled, my pain coming back in an instant. “I appreciate it.”

“Did you suspect anything?” Katie asked softly. “Was there anything wrong between you guys?”

Tears started rolling down my cheeks, unbidden. I shook my head, unable to speak for a moment. She cradled my head in her arms and let me cry. We sat there quietly until I had regained some composure.

“I suppose that I should have suspected something when she spent almost every Friday night at Karli’s apartment. Karli’s gay, but I never recognized that the love she had for Jeannie was anything more than friendship.” My head was down as I recalled the last year or so. “Now, in retrospect, Karli has always had her hands on Jeannie.”

Katie reacted physically to that statement by stiffening. I smiled.

“No, there was never anything obviously inappropriate.” I said softly. “But, she was always holding Jeannie’s hand, or had her arm around Jeannie’s waist or shoulders. Even if they were sitting at the kitchen table, Karli would pull her chair around to sit right next to Jeannie. She would have her hand on Jeannie’s arm, or lying on Jeannie’s leg. It didn’t seem to mean anything at the time, but all of that physical contact had to have had an effect on Jeannie.”

“I don’t want to pry, but how was your sex life?” Katie whispered in my ear, her breath warm and her lips brushing my ear. I flushed in embarrassment as my dick twitched at the light contact of her warm, soft lips with my ear. I squirmed a little, shifting her butt to my thigh, away from my crotch.

“That’s the thing. It was terrific…” I trailed off, thinking about Jeannie’s behavior over the last several months.

“But…?” Katie prompted after a few quiet moments.

“I just realized that Jeannie would be all over me, every time Karli had been there.” I spoke, reasoning out loud what had obviously been brewing in the back of my mind. “You know, I think the physical contact with Karli was having an effect on Jeannie. She was horny as hell every time Karli had been there. She would attack me as soon as the door closed. I never put it together, though. I didn’t realize it before now, but Karli spent very little time at our house over the last six to eight months. The time they spent together was away from our house. Even though we still had sex, it wasn’t as frequent or as passionate as it had been, but not by much. If I were to put a number on it, before then we had sex about five to six times a week.”

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