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As a 22-year-old virgin, denying your boyfriend penetrative sex can be somewhat frustrating for both him and you. Although, sometimes when I am sexually excited I do want him to take me and just simply and swiftly enter me. I want to feel his penis up and in me. I want him to give me an orgasm through penetration and penetration alone. You get to the point of no return and he’s on top of you-he’s poised, ready to take your virginity; but you change your mind. Are you sure he’s the right one? Do you feel awful when you say you can’t go through with it? Hell, yes! Do you just want to cry when you see his face? Yep. Pretty much.

I remain a virgin- 6 months into the relationship- by choice. I will save my virginity for someone, whether it be for Alex or not, who I feel will appreciate it and be honoured by it- not to mention that this person would be gentle with it too! To me, someone’s virginity is an awesome responsibility. If I were to be someone’s first, I would be utterly flattered that they had chosen to entrust me with their last physical mark of innocence.

Although Alex and I don’t have penetrative sex, we still partake in acts such as oral sex and masturbation. To make matters worse he lives in NYC and I, in England. Yet all hope is not lost, reader! I live in a separate apartment, in Manhattan when not at university (in England)- I’m English by the way; and yes, we do have orthodontists in Britain now. Yet he permanently lives in NYC. So I’ll only ever see him in NYC for about 4 solid months. Unfortunately the cliché of ‘being in different stages in our lives’ is relevant and applicable in our relationship. He’s 29 and I, 21. Let’s put it this way, he earns a salary and I spend my day in a classroom.

Like most women whose boyfriends are older than themselves, you respect and adore your boyfriend even more than you would someone who is perhaps only 2 years older. He’s the type of person with whom you can sing along to really cheesy and camp songs- thank you very much Marvin Gaye- and talk about absolutely anything with. Or just lounge around on the grass in Central Park with and because of his generosity, just slob out and gorge yourself on ice cream at his apartment. His wit won it for me though- even if I did despise him when I first met him! His one flaw is that he’s far too easy to beat at Scrabble and Chess- but more than makes up for it afterwards; if you’ve seen ‘The Thomas Crown Affair’, you’ll get my point.

He knows exactly what turns me on and what doesn’t- I didn’t even have to tell him, ladies! I know- you thought they were impossible to train, didn’t you? Just the thought of him lazily dragging his hands over my inner thighs completely turns me on. The anticipation of him using an index finger and running it along the edge of my panties near my vagina gets me excited. So excited that even I, a conservative Brit, didn’t resist his touch on a stiflingly hot New York summer’s day, whilst laying on the grass at Battery Park. I was lying on my side, reading ‘The Virgin and the Gipsy’ by D. H. Lawrence (in some places, a very suggestive book!), he was reading over my shoulder (which I absolutely hate!). His body, moulded in the exact same shape as mine. His groin, somewhat obscenely, pushing up against me. His hands were cold from clutching a cold drink. He trailed his fingers up from the back of my knee to the end of my skirt on my excruciatingly hot right thigh- you’ll know what I mean if you’ve ever been in NYC in the summer. My involuntary response was goose pimples all over my body. I immediately smiled but pretended not to notice and bit my lip to hide it. He ran his hand up my thigh again, clearly getting frustrated by my lack of noticeable response. Getting more impatient he whispered into my ear, ‘I want to lick your entire body right here, right now and in front of everyone. I want to taste you and play with you.’

Despite his lack of usual eloquence, by this time I was more than sexually excited. I could feel my white panties getting wetter and wetter by the second. Hoping that he wouldn’t notice the smell of sex being given off, I put my book down and turned on to my other side to face him.

‘Why on earth would you want to do that?’ I bluntly said to him.

The look on his face was utterly adorable! (Toying with men is a hobby, by the way!) I sat up, untied and ran my fingers through my hair. On my knees I accidentally kneeled over far enough so that he would catch a glimpse up my skirt. It took me ages to gather all my belongings and put them into my handbag- oh the coincidence. I stood above and over him, slightly over the top of his head and said,

‘What do you want to do now? Go to lunch? Your apartment? Mine?’

I presume he was distracted by something he saw since he couldn’t decide on what he wanted to do until he hailed a taxi and I gave his address to the driver. It was amazing- the taxi driver managed to not actually get us lost! The driver was paid and after a quick nod to the doorman we waited anadolu yakası escort for the elevator to get to the ground floor. It was deserted when we got in. I sat down in the corner, leant back and crossed my legs- despite its corny implications, it’s amazing how many people find Sharon Stone’s leg crossing manoeuvre effective especially with that much sexual tension in the air. Alex walked over towards me and stood next to my legs. He was about to part my thighs when the lift doors opened.

We arrived at Alex’s front door. I stood with my body innocently touching his whilst waiting for him to open the bloody door! It’s rather hard to not look sexually excited when you’re craving sex. He looked a little flustered whilst trying to push the key into the lock. I pretended to have an itch on the top of my thigh and as I scratched my skin with one of my fingers, my other fingers had lifted my skirt up a bit higher. I saw him glance down at my hand but without moving his head.

He finally got the door open. As he walked in behind me, I stopped dead and bent over to pick up an envelope that someone had pushed under the door. Alex didn’t stop in time and bumped into me. The first thing I felt was what I could only presume to be his erection or a bloody large 80s style mobile phone. I ignored him and handed him the envelope. As his hand came forward for the envelope, I stroked his fingers from underneath the paper. He looked up at me as if expecting something. I merely glanced up at him.

He walked off into his office and left me to wander around or sit down. I made myself a drink with as much ice as I could possibly fit into the glass. I heard him make some phone calls and after a few minutes he came out and said he had to go out for a few minutes to collect something.

The second he went out the front door I undressed myself and brushed my hair. He’s got one of those settees that have a sort of bed-sized attachment on the end of it. Basically a cushion that’s big enough for you to lay outstretched on. I arranged myself in a position that would leave something to the imagination but then decided that it might look as if I had OD-ed in his apartment. Whilst I was rearranging myself into various positions I heard the key in the door. Panic set in.

He walked in carrying a rectangular red box (would have preferred a light blue one with the quintessential whitish silver ribbon on it- hey! This is a material world and I am a material girl) and pretended that I wasn’t naked and willing. Humpfh! I pretended to flick through a newspaper and then realised it was the WSJ- not exactly erotic. He walked over, sat down next to me and opened the box. I carried on looking at the newspaper. Alex took the paper away from me and I was about to protest when he took an ice cube out of my glass and put it against my collarbone. I flinched from the fact that it was bloody well freezing.

‘You shouldn’t play naughty games like that with me, Sandra’ he smirked. ‘You-‘ I attempted to justify myself but found myself unable to communicate with him.

He trailed the ice cube further down my body and in between my breasts towards my navel, deliberately missing out the breasts themselves. I arched my back in anticipation and grabbed his wrist in an attempt to push his hand back up to my breasts but he merely threw the ice cube away and started to unbutton his shirt and take off his trousers. I couldn’t help but think, ‘You know what? I am ecstatic that you are a member of a gym.’ We both turned on our sides to face one another and he lazily trailed his fingers from my upper arm down to my hip. He leant in to kiss me but by that time I just wanted him. As his lips touched mine I put my hand over one of his and pushed in down my body to my flustered vagina. He obliged and I whimpered as I felt his fingertips hit my clitoris. He massaged it with his index and third fingers. I grabbed on to his shoulders with both hands and pulled myself into him. My erect nipples were poking into his chest. He kissed my cheek and carried on planting kisses down my neck.

I pushed myself down on to his hand in an attempt to encourage him. He complied with my request and ran his fingers up and down my slippery slit. As he masturbated me I dug my fingernails into his back and let out soft, almost inaudible moans. He started to rub my clit harder and faster. My cheeks became flushed and hot. Alex gave me one last kiss and moved down my body to my breasts whilst still masturbating me. He clamped his hot mouth over my right nipple and whilst sucking on it, he flicked it back and forth with his tongue. I started to grind my hips on to his palm when Sod’s Law set in and the phone rang. I sat up to go and get it but this had the immediate effect of pushing my clitoris further against his hand and I let out a little cry.

‘Leave it. It won’t be anything important,’ he whispered.

I pushed him back on to the settee so that he was sitting ataşehir escort normally. I straddled him but ended up basically sitting on his thighs- why can’t you guys get rid of your erections when we need to straddle you without you penetrating us?!!! He ran his hands up and down my back as I threw my head back and began to masturbate against his body- grinding my hips into him. The phone was still ringing. I stopped and looked at him.

‘Either answer it or cut the line.’

He stood up with me still on him- my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms linked around his neck. He supported me by grabbing on to my arse- how romantic. We made it to the phone and he picked the receiver up. As he spoke on the phone he used his left hand to rub and dip into my vagina. I love it when he masturbates me from what is, effectively, behind me. I gasped and pulled myself further up his body so that my bare mound rubbed up against his cock. It was so erect that when I gyrated against it, it pushed his cock closer to being parallel to his body. As I slid up and down his body, making my nipples dig into his flesh, his speech became abrupt and probably obvious to the other person that something was definitely going on.

Despite being told to not play little games with him I unwrapped myself from his body and kissed his Adam’s apple. I kissed my way down his body and playfully squeezed his butt. I kneeled on to the wooden floor and licked the underside of his erection making it glisteningly wet. He swallowed hard and gave a short answer to the other person the phone. I blew air on to his cock and it twitched. Whilst kissing its head I pulled him closer to my mouth. I looked up at him and gave him a devilish look. He closed his eyes as I began to take his cock into my mouth. With every motion I took more and more of him into my mouth and sucked hard. I then used my right hand to massage the base of his cock into my mouth. With my mouth clamped around his erection I wrapped my tongue around his shaft and his breathing rate increased. My fingernails lightly worked at his balls as I dragged my teeth up and down his length. He made his excuses to the person on the phone and hung up. I felt his balls tighten and heard Alex take a sharp breath. My mouth was instantly coated in his cum. I carried on sucking until it stopped streaming from his cock. He’s the only sexual partner I’ve ever had whose semen I actually like the taste of- just thought I would fill you in on that.


That night, after we had come back from one of his friend’s apartment we watched a bit of television (there’s nothing like Jay Leno to turn someone off) and I went to take a shower in his bathroom. His shower is a two person one which is completely made from glass. I was mid-way through initially getting my hair wet when I heard him talking on the phone again. I presumed it was his cell/mobile because the phone console in the bathroom didn’t light up to indicate that it was connected to an outside line. I had finished rinsing the shampoo out of my hair when I heard the bathroom door click open. Despite the bathroom being extremely steamy I saw him coming towards me (not quite the ‘Psycho’ shower scene though).

‘I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch then. About 12.30?’ I heard him say. ‘Yeah, of course she’ll want to meet you, she’ll definitely be coming, well she should be soon anyway.’

I heard him close the flap on his phone but turned away from him to get the conditioner bottle (mine not his!). Just as I was about to open the bottle I felt a draught come into the shower- well, what do you expect to feel when you’re bent over, and ummm… exposed?! I spun around and stared at him.

‘Did I say you could come in?’ I playfully asked with my hands on my hips. ‘I’ll go then.’

He actually did turn to leave but I must have let out an annoyed noise because he turned round again and smiled at me. Without saying a word he pushed me up against the shower’s cold tiled wall, pinned me against it and just looked at me.

‘We never did finish that tryst earlier,’ he eventually said.

He kissed my forehead and unhooked the shower head from the wall- you know where this is going don’t you?! He changed the temperature setting so that the water drastically dropped in temperature. He carried on kissing and licking the area of skin around my collarbone. That’s when I felt it. The fine spray of cold water from the showerhead hitting my swollen clit. I sighed and rested my head back against the wall, my eyes having rolled to the back of my head by now. As he stimulated my sex he used his left hand to massage my breasts. My body was completely relaxed as he traced the curves of my breasts and licked the water from them. Every now and again he would softly bite down on a nipple, which naturally encouraged an exasperated yelp from me.

Having enough of this limited contact with him I leaned in towards his body and stood either avcılar escort side of one of his legs and he just held me. I moved my hips so that my vagina just slid up and down his thigh. I closed my eyes to just enjoy the moment. He hooked the showerhead back on to the wall and placed both of his hands on my bottom and pulled me towards him. The feeling of the friction caused between his thigh and my aching clit was utterly divine. The sensation travelled straight to my head and I grinded myself down on to him even harder. He too started to slam his body into mine. He added his hand to the fusion of body parts down there. I changed the angle I was grinding into him at and instead, my slit was sliding up and down him. I could feel my slit opening and closing under the pressure from our activities- creating suction and in turn, immense sexual pleasure. He gripped my clit in between his fingers and I rode his hand. My body had a mind of its own at this point. I could feel the apprehension build up in my body; it climbed up my inner thighs as I felt them tense up. My orgasm hit me as I fell into Alex’s body and dug my nails into him. I immediately went quiet as I continued to ride against him until the intense pleasure subsided. It wasn’t until I stood on my own two feet and had the ability to look at his face did I see a look of horror mixed with a delight. Apparently I had ejaculated on to his hand. Never before or since have I ever ejaculated. Furthermore, who asked him to have it down there?!


I stayed the night that night and in the morning, was woken up with something in between my legs (Hmmm!). Yet the feel of it wasn’t that of a tongue or hand but the sensation of it was inconsistent. Whatever was rubbing against my vagina was made up of little pieces, spheres perhaps? I could feel a threaded line of these spheres- all cool to the touch- traverse my clit. Each one, individually pushing themselves further and further into me. The bed sheets then moved and I was told to close my eyes. As the sheets were lifted from my body a cool current of conditioned air swept over my body, erecting my nipples. Instantaneously my skin contracted and became firmer and tauter. Alex walked his fingers in an immature manner up my body and he took one wrist and took in up and over my head. He then tied it to one of the railings that helped to make up the headboard by using a strip of material. He repeated the action with my other wrist. This state of vulnerability and helplessness completely turned me on and I began to speculate on the things he might do to me seeing as he could basically have his way with me.

He taunted me by blowing air on to the area covered by my panties. He put his index finger between the skinny waistband of my knickers and my hip bone and let it snap back on to my skin. By reflex, my hips were lifted off of the bed and I tried to break free of the constraints. After lightly skimming his fingers all over the front of my body, almost tantrically, he finally hooked his fingers into my underwear and I raised my hips off the bed to allow him to pull them down my legs and off! He then completely stopped touching me and needless to say, I was slightly annoyed at this. I could feel him shifting up alongside my body towards my head. I felt him lean in to me and he asked me to raise my head. He then put his hands around my neck- for a minute I thought he got annoyed at my reluctance to comply with his wishes and was going to strangle me by the way. He had clasped a necklace around my neck- a necklace with the same cold qualities to it that I had felt earlier. I breathed in and could have sworn that I could have smelled my taste – weird, I know- but was quickly distracted by a deliciously warm tongue lapping at my inner thighs.

I sighed and squirmed all over the bed. I could feel Alex’s tongue making tiny little circles about three inches from my actual vagina. I could feel him breathing and arched my back in sheer anticipation. There was nothing I wanted more than for him to act out oral sex on me. I could even hear my vagina making soft yet wet noises as I squirmed about on the mattress. The prospect of oral sex alone could make me that wet. Yet he found it entertaining to watch me pine for him- he lavishly licked my thighs with long and wet licks and flicks of the tongue. He eventually hovered above my vagina and pressed his tongue flat against my slit and drew it upwards. I grabbed an iron railing and breathed sharply in. He made me so excited that my nipples became even more erect and dangerously hard.

Alex’s tongue very sensually explored the flesh covered by my lips. I tried to push myself down on to his mouth but when he realised what I was doing, he withdrew. Clearly frust-bloody-rated I pleaded with him to carry on. After what seemed an eternity he gently pushed my thighs apart and ever so slowly licked the length of my vagina and paused to lightly suck on my clit. Being so exposed to him actually made me feel somewhat embarrassed. I tried to put my thighs a little closer together but he didn’t expect it and held them down. In frustration at him I used my hips and violently pushed my vagina on to his mouth in a vain attempt to get my point across to him. He allowed a to close my thighs a little bit and carried on pleasuring me.

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