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Amy pushed her wheelchair up to the driver’s door and used the remote to unlock it. She opened the door and moved her wheelchair up to the car seat and locked the wheels. She undid the belt that passed over her left shoulder, between her breasts and fastened to the right side back support just under her right arm and the belt around the calves of her legs. She used her right hand and took hold of her very atrophied, soft, flaccid calf and moved her leg up to the floorboard. Using her left hand she did the same thing with her left leg. She always had hold of something on her chair so she did not fall out. She then put one hand on the car seat and the other on the seat of her chair and lifted her butt part way into the car. As she got most of herself on to the car seat she moved her left hand to the right wheel of her chair and the right grabbed hold of the arm rest and she lifted and moved the rest of the way on to the seat.

She had great upper body strength and moved her 5’2″, 100 pound body easily. She pulled her seat belt across her lap and good sized breasts and buckled it so she would not fall out of the car. Amy had polio as a baby and was totally paralyzed from just below her rib cage down. She reached out and grabbed the wheelchair and removed the wheels one at a time and placed them behind the passenger seat. The then lifted the seat and back into the car and put it on the passenger seat. This was done effortlessly by her and she closed the door and started the car. She looked around and using the hand control that controlled the gas and brake, backed out of the parking place at the grocery story.

Amy is a lawyer and has a beautiful home on the edge of town. It is off a dead end secluded road and up a long driveway. She had the house built and it is totally accessible for someone in a wheelchair. It is not large but very comfortable with two bedrooms, each with roll in showers, a living room, an office and nice kitchen with lowered counters, sink and the usual kitchen appliances. She had a nice patio and small pool to exercise in. Amy had never stood or walked in her life and never had braces.

She made two trips and had the groceries into the kitchen, got the cold things into the ice box and headed to her bedroom to change. She removed the Velcro strap that was around her calves and the wheelchair front wheel supports to keep them from falling off the foot rests. She then transferred to her bed as it was easier to dress and undress there. Amy loved being paralyzed and showing off her legs. She wore a short skirt most of the time and shoes that did not come off of her feet easily as she moved her legs around. She had a short sleeved blouse on and removed the skirt and blouse. The skirt was split all the way up the front and had Velcro at the waist and a couple of other places to keep it closed. The blouse buttoned up the front. She undid them and lifted herself up with the trapeze bar over her bed and pulled the stuff out from under her.

Amy also wore a back brace to slow the scoliosis that was developing in her back and to help her to sit up in her wheelchair. It enclosed her chest and abdomen and came up to her 32-DD breasts, cupping them, and ended at her hips resting on the hip bones. She pulled the Velcro closures open and again lifted herself up and pulled the brace from under her. She was glad to get out of it and ran her hands over her body easing the red marks it left. She did not wear it every day nor did she wear a bra or panties. No panties made it much easier to scoot forward onto the john seat from her wheelchair. If she was going to be tied up in court or meetings she usually inserted a Foley catheter into her bladder in the morning and wore slacks and a leg bag.

Amy was a disability lawyer helping people get Social Security or workmen’s comp. She had two other people that worked for her, both amputees. One gal had no legs and the other an above elbow amputation with hook prosthetic. All three of them knew each of them was a devotee. None of them were married and all were 26 years old. Lorie the leg amputee preferred women only as lovers but Jackie and Amy were bi-sexual but none of them were lovers with each other.

Amy was trying to decide if she wanted to get in the shower now or later. She ran one hand down to her pussy and felt the hair that was still there. She did not shave the whole area just her labia and around the outside and top so it did not show when she had a bikini swim suit on. She used an attachment on a beard trimmer to keep what hair was left short. Amy had very large, long, full cunt lips and her clitoris hood was very long also and most of the time her clit stuck out the end of it if she was the least bit aroused. Her breasts had no sag and were tear drop shaped. The nipples on the end were upturned and surrounded by large, puffy areolas that protruded up and out covering the whole ends of her breasts. The nipples were very large and became even larger and hard when she was aroused like she was now. She was bartın escort thinking about tomorrow afternoon and evening when Keith would be there.

They had met on a disabled dating site about a month ago, his profile saying he was a devotee looking for a paraplegic. For some reason the rest of the things he had to say also peaked her interest so she answered his ad. She heard back from him right away that evening and he invited her to use the chat feature so they could talk more. She contacted him and they talked for over an hour. He lived on the other side of town and it turned out he was a lawyer also, an in house corporate one. After talking about it they did not see a conflict so kept in touch.

They finally started talking on Skype and then the phone but they had never met in person so Saturday afternoon would be the first time and Amy had invited him to her place. Keith was not crippled and she had put him off about her stuff until there were with each other in person. Amy finally got up from the bed and into her wheelchair. She used the chest belt and headed back to the kitchen staying naked. She put the rest of the stuff away and fixed a bite to eat. After she was done she went out to the pool and transferred to the lift and got into the water. She swam for over 20 minutes then got back on the lift and out of the pool. She rinsed off and got back into her wheelchair.

After she dried off she went into her office and checked her mail. She had not brought any work home this weekend. She went back to her bedroom and took a shower then got into bed. Keith called and they talked for a while, all the time Amy was either rubbing her breast or her clit. She almost came one time but stopped in time. They both said how much they were looking forward to seeing each other and then said good night. She turned off the light then pulled her legs back to her chest. They were extended fully with her feet above her head and her knees rubbing her nipples. With no muscles she could get them into almost any position. They stayed in place better that way rather than bending her knees as she used her plastic penis to get off with. Being very wet it slipped in quickly and she felt the tip pushing on her cervix. Being a para there was no movement in her lower body and only her head and arms moved around as she came.

She left the dildo in place and put her legs back down. She wondered what to wear and if she would let him see her body in the nude and would they have sex. She had not told him she had a pool and if things were going good would use that to break the ice with them having a skinny dip. She had her tubes tied several years ago so was not worried about birth control. Depending on where they did it she might or might not have him use a rubber. She had only had sex with crippled lovers and he would be her first “normal”. She soon drifted off to sleep enjoying the full feeling the large plastic penis gave her.

Amy awakened in the morning and got up and had some tea and toast in the kitchen. She set about changing the bed and putting extra towels in the bath and by the bed. At lunch time she got some of the food ready and then headed back to her bedroom. She got on her bed and spread her legs. She had her head near the foot of the bed, with a pillow propping her head and back up, and had a large mirror propped on the head pillows so she could see her pussy. She dry shaved and trimmed everything good. She felt everywhere with her hand and thought it felt great. She pulled her legs to her and dry shaved them all the way up also. She got in the shower and washed everything even douching. It was much easier to shave on the bed than trying to hold her legs open on the bench in the shower and shave at the same time.

Her hair was short so just a quick brushing was all it needed. A light lipstick was all the makeup she used. She got back on the bed and worked short shorts up her legs and fastened. They were made from a thin material and she thought there might be a camel toe showing. The blouse was sleeveless and short. She only buttoned the two buttons just below her breasts. She got back in her chair and looked in the mirror. Yes if her legs were spread open a little the camel toe did show. She had a good tan and the white blouse and shorts showed it off good. Her legs were still shiny from the shave and lotion. Amy decided on no shoes. She had just gotten back to the kitchen when she heard the car in the drive and the door bell just after.

She opened the door and moved her chair back so Keith could get in. He had a bottle of wine in one hand and did a double take and said how fantastic she looked. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. She grabbed him and pulled him down to her lips and gave him a quick one. He had shorts and a polo shirt on with loafer shoes. She led him to the kitchen and asked if the wine needed to be in the ice box and he put it in. Amy next showed him around the house and they went out on to the patio with some iced bartın escort bayan tea.

Keith sat in a chair and remarked about the pool. Amy just said she enjoyed being able to exercise in it. As they were talking she pulled her wheelchair up facing him just short of his knees and locked the scissor brakes. She knew her upper legs were just slightly spread and his were also. She could see the outline of his balls through the material of his shorts. They were quiet for a while both looking the other over. Keith finally said he thought her legs were the sexiest thing he had ever seen and could he please look at them closer. Amy said of course you can and you can even touch them if you like.

He picked one of them up at the calf and put her foot up on his knee. As he lifted it he saw the toes and foot drop pointed straight down to the ground and grinned at her. With her foot on his knee he looked at it very close and ran his hand up and down her calf and he had no trouble getting his thumb and index finger around it. Then, up her thigh on the inside, stopping just short of the leg of her shorts. He had looked up into her eyes as his hand got close and Amy grinned back at him. He remarked how smooth and soft it was and he loved how it was so flaccid in his hand. He moved her foot from his knee to between his legs and it just so happened that when her leg was straight her foot was in contact with his crotch.

Amy knew this was by chance but she did not mind at all and could feel him start to get harder. He knew she had felt him and he backed away some saying sorry. Amy said no problem right away, and that she did not mind. Each of them was looking into the eyes of the other and he slowly relaxed letting himself move back against her foot. He took hold of her toes gently and pushed them into him a little harder. After a few seconds he lifted the leg up and gently placed it back on the footrest and then lifted the other one up to the same position. This foot also did the same thing with the toes and foot pointed straight down to the floor and when he used his hands to straighten the leg out, it lacked a good two inches of reaching his hard-on.

Keith looked disappointed and confused and Amy laughed saying that leg is shorter than the other one. He said got it, but was still disappointed. Amy unlocked her chair and moved it forward until her foot made contact with him. He started using both hands to move up and down her leg, again, all the way to just below the cuff of her shorts. By now she could feel just how hard he was and that the cock head was above her toes; just how long was he anyway? He also had to reach down and adjust its position one time. He finally gently picked her leg up and put it back on the footrest and now he noticed the difference in height they were. As he straightened up he said thanks and Amy replied you’re welcome and I enjoyed it as much as you did.

Keith said I am surprised you can feel all of that. Amy then told him she had polio as a baby and did not have a spinal injury. Polio only affects the muscles and not the nerve pathways. He said he understood and asked at what level. Amy pulled one side of her blouse open and put her finger at the bottom of her rib cage. And you can feel everywhere else? Amy said yes she had good feeling there and they laughed. She told him she used a urinary catheter sometimes but only for convenience. Amy said to Keith that she was very glad to be a paraplegic and enjoyed it very much. If she were to change anything, she would be more crippled. Keith was quiet for a bit then said that’s good to know. She looked him in the eye and said she did have one other problem she wanted him to be aware of. If they ever had sex all she could do was lie there, she could not thrust with her hips or make any kind of movement in her lower body. She did have slight muscle strength in her vagina.

Keith said he understood and he did not consider it a problem. He asked if she had orgasms and she said oh yes but they are different from normal ones. She asked if he was disappointed she could not move her feet earlier to push into his cock. He said absolutely not, like her, he loved that she was paralyzed and hoped she understood his desires. She said for sure I do and I have the same ones, I am a devotee also. Amy told him she loved amputees and that the women in her office both were. He said he was a bit surprised but really glad she was and understood his feelings.

He had been looking her up and down as they were talking and she had been doing the same with him. Amy knew her nipples were about to bust her buttons and there must be a wet spot in the middle of her camel toe. She had seen how big and hard he had gotten and thought there was a wet spot on his shorts also. Even though they were in the shade it was still hot. Looking at him with a very serious look she said she had a question; pausing for effect she asked if he had an aversion to skinny dipping. He looked surprised at first then escort bartın started laughing saying I will show you mine if you snow me yours.

Deal Amy said and asked him to help her out of her clothing. He leaned forward and unbuttoned the two straining buttons and Amy shrugged the blouse off. Keith said my God and reached out and cupped her large breasts for a few seconds. He then realized what he had done and quickly jerked them away saying sorry. Amy laughed and said it was ok, she wanted him to. She undid the Velcro on her shorts then put her hands on the wheels of her chair and lifted herself up. Keith, with a little trouble as tight as they were, pulled the shorts down and she sat back down. He pulled them down her legs and when they were off Amy pulled her knees open letting him see her cunt. After a few seconds she said your turn.

He dropped down on his heels and she removed his polo shirt and then he stood. As she put her hands on the shorts waist button he put his over hers and stopped her. He said sorry but you have caused me to be quite aroused and I hope I don’t embarrass or offend you. She said no she had already noticed and thanks for the huge complement. They both laughed as he let her continue. She pulled his shorts down, all he had on, and his long, hard cock sprang lose. Her eyes got quite wide as she saw how really big it was. It had to be eight or more inches long, very thick and the head was still covered with foreskin. All she could say was wow. It was leaking precum and she ran her finger through it and then into her mouth. Looking up at him she said yum.

Keith reached down and picked her up from the chair and carried her down the steps into the pool. He had no trouble with her light weight and as they got into the water she said how good it felt to be in his arms then she kissed him full on the lips for several seconds. They swam for fifteen minutes or so. Keith remarked how good a swimmer she was and Amy said the pool is one place I can be almost normal. Then he carried her back to a lounge chair. He sat by her and dried her off then she dried him. Amy then took his hand and placed it on her big breast and as he started to massage it she pulled his head down to the other one and Keith opened his mouth and took the nipple into it sucking hard. She let him know several times how good it felt and how sensitive her breasts were.

Her hand found his hard cock and she started masturbating it pulling the foreskin back and forth letting it rub on the big head. After several minutes she pulled his cock to guide him over to sit in front of her on the lounge. She fell forward with her head landing in his lap and Amy took his cock into her mouth. She noticed right away that his balls and the shaft were shaved and that the rest of his pubic hair was probably trimmed.

It took a while for her to get much of it in and she slowly worked the head down her throat. She did not gag and could hold her breath quite long. She had pulled the foreskin back as she took it in and as she got a good part of it in her mouth and throat she started using her throat muscles on it. She had his balls in one hand and as she felt them start to pull up she moved her hand and used two fingers to push hard between his balls and anus on to his prostate and he erupted into her throat.

Keith yelled out in surprise and tried to pull away but Amy grabbed hold of his balls and held him in place as she drained him. Just after he stopped Cumming he fell back on the lounge. After Keith’s breathing returned to normal he sat back up shaking his head. He said never in my life have I experienced something like that. Giving him a grin Amy said well my cunt may not be able to give you a super fuck but my mouth sure can. Keith acted like he was going to eat her but she stopped him and said lets have dinner and we can go to bed later and I will let you have your way with me. Sounds like a plan to me he said.

Keith asked if she wanted to get dressed and Amy asked him if he wanted her to and he said no. Good, cause I don’t want to either if you will join me that way for dinner. Lead the way he said. He watched with great interest as she transferred from the lounge to her wheelchair. Amy pulled the chair even with the lounge, put one hand on the wheel, the other on the lounge and lifted her butt over. She then took hold of her legs at the knee and lifted them to the foot rests. The belt between her breasts was last. When she was done she pointed to his growing cock and said you like watching me don’t you. Keith just grinned. She reached out and grasp his cock pulling him to her and he leaned down and they kissed. Amy felt him grow in her hand and she hoped he would last a long time when he fucked her later which was why she sucked him off so good now.

They headed into the kitchen and got dinner ready. As planned, Amy did not have a lot for him to do except just sit and watch her. She enjoyed having him watch her every move and was sure he could see just how crippled she was. Several times as she wheeled past him she stopped and kissed him. He was not bashful and cupped her full breast hefting the weight of it. Amy could feel her already very distended nipples stretching even more. She wondered if she should ask if he would like to make them lactate.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32



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