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Every time she looked at her boss, Sandra got extremely hot. Her face would flush, her heart would race, and she’d tingle from head to toe. If she tried to talk to him she would start out stammering until she got control of herself and calmed down… and even then she’d have to repeatedly take long, deep breaths to keep her voice steady. It wasn’t that Sandra was a shy woman – not by any stretch – but because Mr. Lele (or Andy, as he preferred his employees call him) was a tall, well-built, strikingly masculine man with a perpetual tan no matter what the season. And his eyes – cold, steel blue eyes that smoldered with a blue fire that not only ignited Shweta’s own fire, but did the same to almost all the other women in the office as well. Sandra could get wet just looking at him… and quite often did.

Andy was the object of many a fantasy for Sandra. Some of those fantasies were romantic and sensual, while others were wildly erotic, and others even – dare she admit her desires? – kinky. She was so aroused by every line of his face, his sly smile, his every solid muscle and even the deep sound of his voice, that she had made a pact with herself years ago that if by some miracle he ever wanted to take her to bed, she’d say yes without hesitation and let him do anything he wanted to her. It was easy to make that promise to herself. After all, it would never happen. As pretty as she was, Andy would probably never even notice her.

However, he did begin to notice her. At first it didn’t seem to be much, but as time went on his glances her way became more than glances. Instead of looking her in the eyes when they talked – or rather, when he talked and she swooned – his eyes had begun to roam. First, they noticed her lips, his gaze lingering on them as she spoke. Then his eyes started moving lower, boldly taking in her ample bosom and sparkling their approval. She even caught him on several occasions admiring her legs from across the room, or sometimes ogling – yes, ogling… even smiling as he did so – her bottom as she bent to open a drawer or to get water from the fountain.

And, of course, all this attention from Andy, even just from his appreciative eyes, made it that much more difficult for Sandra to talk to him. She had no idea what his thoughts about her might be, but it was clear from his roaming eyes that he wanted to do more than just look.

Sandra spent the better part of every day – when Andy was around – with her thighs clenched tightly together, trying unsuccessfully to stop the flow of blood and hormones to her overheated sex. Over the course of several weeks she had chewed her bottom lip raw, and there appeared to be no end to the torture in sight. On some days it got so bad that she’d rush home after work, throw her clothes off in a frenzy, and lie back on her bed or sofa, legs spread wide, and pretend that her Super-Dong vibrator was the handsome, hard as rock Andy.

A few weeks after Andy had begun to openly stare at Sandra and caress her entire body with his eyes, he became like a shark seeking prey. Somewhere deep inside him he knew Sandra wanted him, yearned for him, needed him sexually. The time had come to act on that knowledge.

While Sandra was bent over getting water from the office fountain one Friday afternoon, she felt a brush against her bottom. It was light and brief, and it startled her more than anything. Still, she was instantly aroused and flustered, because she could smell Andy’s cologne surrounding her, engulfing her in it’s scent.

When she stood up quickly and whirled to face him – her intent to chastise him for touching her without her knowledge or consent – her eyes came even with his strong chin, and the smiling mouth above it. It was only as she looked into those perfect teeth that she realized that the sensation she’d felt on her bottom was still there. His hand was still resting lightly on her warming cheek. As she stood there stammering, not knowing what to say or how to even begin saying it, he slowly removed his hand from her buttock, sliding it slowly and gently around and down toward her hip, slightly up her hip toward her waist and then slightly forward before allowing it to leave her body. The entire path his hand had traveled remained warm and tingly for several seconds after it was gone.

Before she could say anything, Andy looked into her eyes and seemed to search them. His smile grew wider and he chuckled lightly. He put his finger up to his lips and said “Shhhhhhhh… “, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Shweta’s mouth opened in protest, but nothing came out. Andy looked at that open mouth and smiled even wider. He then looked back into Sandra’s eyes and said simply, “Nice. ” He walked away, his cologne still wafting around Sandra and entering her nostrils on its way to her brain. Even though she was a bit miffed he’d taken the liberty of fondling her bottom, however briefly, she found herself clenching her thighs tightly together again, and the sensation between her legs was something between pain and an intense itch. She bit her lip and went back to her desk to sit. She needed to collapse. It took several minutes for her Kayseri Escort hazy mind to clear and for the stubborn itch between her thighs to slowly, agonizingly vanish.

That was just the first incident. As time went on, Andy made it a point of staring at Shweta whenever he got the chance, and boldly let her know he was doing so. Sometimes he’d even nod his approval of how she looked. Eventually, the nods gave way to comments. “Your legs are looking hotter than ever today, Sandra,” he’d whisper in her ear as he bent next to her to get a cup of coffee. Sometimes the whisper would be accompanied by strong fingers sliding along her bottom or thigh, searching quickly under her dress or skirt, moving gracefully along the nylon of her pantyhose or cotton of her panties.

She would flush, sometimes stammer, even occasionally mentally prepare a verbal chastisement, but never did her face show even a hint of disapproval. Her body thrilled to his touch too much to ever discourage it. And every time he brushed against her or wantonly stroked or fondled her, her fantasies of being with him increased exponentially… and it ended up being another Super-Dong night.

It went on this way for weeks… maybe even months… Sandra had lost track of time. Every day became an intense desire to have him near her, touching her. Whereas her initial reaction was to be irritated at his taking liberties with his hands, she now took pleasure in the arrogance of those hands, touching her whenever they pleased, however they pleased. She would gasp now when he came up behind her and squeezed her bottom or slipped his hand under her arm to grab her breast, taking his time fondling it… as if he had every right to do so, and for as long as he pleased.

While his hands fondled and explored even her most intimate areas, Andy would whisper things into her ears. He would tell her how firm her buttocks were, how full and sweet her breasts, being sure to add how much more pleasure they could get from his lips… or tongue… or – he would whisper very, very quietly – his penis. Instead of being shocked, or outraged, Sandra was aroused, and extremely so, even as she was disgusted with herself for being so.

As his boldness grew, Andy began to openly slip his hand under Sandra’s skirts or dresses, his fingers probing directly for her crotch, which more often than not he found to be wet and hot. He thought nothing of coming up behind her and grabbing both her breasts in his hands, tweaking and pinching her nipples through her clothing. When she had her hands full, he would lift up her skirt and slip his hand into her panties or pantyhose without so much as a hello… until after he’d fondled her. He felt no need to hesitate or consider the consequences of touching her any way he pleased. Why should he? She never resisted, never objected. She let him touch her any way he liked. If anything, she would shut her eyes and moan while he did as he pleased. They both knew that Sandra was his for the taking… and Andy, knowing this to be true, had begun to create fantasies of his own about Sandra… fantasies of using her for his pleasure… tasting her… taking her in every possible way he could think of. Whenever he touched her, or when their eyes happened to meet, they both knew without a single doubt that Sandra would do anything to please him. And Andy had many, many ideas how she could do just that.

Finally, Andy’s comments as he helped himself to her yearning body became more openly sexual. He still whispered them into her ear, but he pulled no punches. He made any sexual statements he pleased, knowing full well that they would only serve to arouse Sandra. And he took great pleasure in slipping his hand into her panties and feeling her wetness when he made those statements. Sandra had become his office plaything. And playing with her became more frequent. He toyed with her… teased her… drove her mad with his words, his hands and his probing fingers.

Sandra ached for more. She wanted him to take her, throw her down and have his way with her… just rip her clothes off and do anything he liked. But it seemed he only wanted to tease her, as if it was enough for him to know he could have her anytime her wanted and actually taking her wasn’t necessary. That must be it, she thought. Andy was a tease and nothing more. That’s how he got his jollies. She wanted to tell him to fuck off, but she couldn’t. Whenever he came near, she let him do as he pleased.

It was on an otherwise unremarkable day in late August that Andy finally decided to take advantage of his power over Sandra. He had come up behind her when she was crouched down to sort through the lowest drawer of the filing cabinet. He put his hand on her head and used his fingers to lightly massage her scalp. When she turned to look up at him, those fingers grabbed her head a bit more tightly. He then moved around from behind her to a position alongside her, still holding her head.

Sandra merely looked up at him, figuring she was going to get another tease. Rubbing her head gently now, running his fingers through her hair, Andy Kayseri Escort Bayan leaned against the filing cabinet directly in front of her. Sandra noticed that his other hand was in his pants pocket, and it was pushing to the center of his pants where, still inside the pocket, it was making a very suggestive motion at his crotch. She felt dizzy. She closed her eyes to erase the sight and maybe gain some composure and equilibrium. She breathed deeply and reopened her eyes. The movement at his crotch was still there. And she found she couldn’t take her eyes off his stroking hand.

“You like what you see, Sandy?” Amit asked, leering down at her, his hand never stopping it’s steady motion. Sandra couldn’t speak. As she watched the rhythmic movement of his pants at his crotch, her mouth hung open and she felt wet all over, not just between her legs.

“I noticed once before,” he continued, knowing he wasn’t going to get a reply to his question, “that you have a beautiful mouth. I believe back then I just said ‘nice’ or something like that. Well, it’s true. Your mouth is very sexy, Shweta, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fantasized about what you could do with that mouth if I gave you the chance. ” He looked down at her, his grin getting more wicked and wanton by the second. From her crouching position, her knees beginning to get sore, Sandra could only stare up at him. Her mouth remained open.

“Yes,” he sighed, looking now up at the ceiling, “I’ve often wondered what it would be like to have that warm mouth of yours around my cock… sucking it slowly, licking it, licking my balls. Having my cock in your mouth would feel fantastic, I think. I know I’d come just from having it in your mouth. “

He took his eyes off the ceiling and aimed them back down at Sandra. With his fingers entwined in her hair,he pulled her head toward him, toward the bulge in his pants. He took his hand out of his pocket so he could use both his hands to guide that open mouth toward him. Sandra resisted, but only slightly, a token resistance.

The hand that had been in his pocket now returned to his crotch, but this time outside his pants. It went for his zipper, which it grasped between forefinger and thumb, and slowly tugged at it. Sandra couldn’t believe her eyes! He was unzipping his pants right there in front of her! And what was worse, she couldn’t pull herself away! Her eyes tore themselves away from the sight and darted around the office. She saw no one. Andy knew what her fear was and assured her, “We’re alone, Sandy… I’ve made sure of that. “

Sandra continued to watch his hand, her ears having barely heard his statement, but her subconscious having registered it. She was now seeing his hand moving in slow motion, barely hearing the faint hiss as the zipper’s teeth parted and revealed the briefs underneath. Andy nearly laughed out loud as he watched Sandra’s eyes get wide. Those bulging eyes stared point blank at his crimson briefs as they peeked from the gaping maw of his opened zipper.

“Just say the word, Sandy, and I’ll pull my cock out for you. I’ll pull it all the way out and put it in your lovely mouth. I’ll let you suck it. I’ll keep it in your mouth as long as you like. And I’ll let you taste my come. Would you like that, Sandy? Would you like to suck my cock for me?”

He put his hand under her chin and raised her head so she could look him in the eyes. She was breathing heavy now, panting, and her eyes seemed glassy. She was only seconds away from having his penis down her throat… and both of them knew it.

“Answer me, Sandy, do you want to suck my cock?”

For the first time, she found words. One word, actually. Looking up into his lustful eyes, she said, “Yes. “

Andy put his hand back inside his pants, between the teeth of the opened zipper, and pulled his briefs down and to one side. He grabbed the shaft of his mostly erect cock and pulled it out of his pants, pointing it directly at Sandra. She gasped in awe at its beauty.

Andy had a right to be proud of his throbbing member. It had to be eleven inches, minimum, and thick around. The helmeted head glistened wetly at its tiny slit, and it looked so inviting to Sandra. She wanted to grab it, lick every inch of it, take it completely into her mouth and suck it dry. She wanted to feel it pounding roughly into her face as her mouth gave it a warm place to deliver its precious juices. She could almost taste his cock just by looking at it.

Sandra found herself getting rubbery… wobbly… and her legs gave out, causing her to fall weakly to her knees before Amit, which he seemed to like very much. She dropped the files she’d been holding and they scattered about the floor around Amit’s feet and her knees.

Andy grabbed her head firmly with his free hand and moved forward the last few inches to Sandra’s open mouth. Still holding his erect cock out toward her, he brushed the tip of it against her lower lip and said in a whisper that reeked of unapologetic sex, “Suck my cock, Sandy. You know you want it. Be a good girl and suck the boss’s cock. That’s right…open Escort Kayseri up… open wide. “

Sandra’s mouth had to open wider than she’d ever opened it before to accomodate him. Her eyes wanted to shut in ecstasy, but they also wanted to watch that magnificently huge cock as it entered her face, invaded her mouth. Watching won out, so it was with open eyes that Sandra took Andy’s throbbing cock into her mouth…and began to lick and suck it.

Sandra was dripping with lust as her tongue licked along Andy’s thick masterpiece of a cock. She held it firmly in one hand, afraid it would somehow get away from her. Even if, as she suspected, this was just some horny dream, she hoped that by gripping that pulsating shaft hard enough her dream could never end. Andy chuckled as he removed his own hand from the rigid shaft.

Sandra appeared to have things well in hand.

Her tongue bathed every rigid inch of it, long slow licks along the shaft, all around the head, even pushing her tongue tip into its tiny slit. She feasted on it. Her tongue seemed to crave the taste of every firm inch… and Andy was only too happy to let her savor it.

She took the bulbous head into her mouth and nearly swooned as she sucked on it, her tongue still teasing and tasting the tip of it. When she finally took it out of her mouth she sighed and looked at it, admiring its beauty, her hot breath bathing it in warmth. She licked it like a lollipop, from the base all the way up to its tip, and slowly back again.

When he saw how much Sandra wanted to lick it, Andy unhooked the button above his zipper and opened his pants completely, pulling them down to his thighs. Before he took down his briefs, however, he again lifted Sandra’s head to look into her eyes. She was reluctant to look anywhere but at his magnificent rod, so he had to push upward firmly on her chin. When her eyes met his, he stroked her cheek with his thumb and asked, “Would you like to lick my balls, too, Sandy? Would you like that?”

She was barely able to breathe. Having seen his unbelievable cock, she could just imagine fondling his sack, kissing it… Her reply was mostly a sigh, but she nodded and that helped Amit decipher the words that spoke her intense desire.

“Yes… oh, yes… I would” she forced out from between lips that very much wanted to busy themselves again on the delicious meal that Amit’s question had interrupted.

Andy smiled, having already known her answer, and slid down his briefs to mid-thigh also. He leaned against the file cabinet again, separated his legs as far as he could, and pushed his hips forward a bit. Sandra could now clearly see both the cock she’d been enjoying and the large sack beneath it.

Her eyes glazed as she leaned forward to kiss his slitted helmet once more. One hand reached out and gently squeezed his scrotum. It was warm and yielding, the tiny hairs already working their way into the memory of the flesh of Sandra’s hand. She sucked him again, lost in the joy of having his primed member deep in her mouth.

“I thought you wanted to lick my balls, Sandy. That’s why I let you see them. You do want to lick them, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes, yes… I do,” she said. She looked up into his eyes, afraid he was going to take his beautiful cock away from her. His eyes showed her that he just might do that very thing if she didn’t lick his balls. She could see he wasn’t a man to make wait for things.

“Well then,” he said, sliding his hand down to take hers away from his sack, “there they are. Lick them. “

More afraid than ever that he’d make her stop sucking him, she lifted his penis up and away from his testicles. She leaned as far forward as she could and put her head under his upraised shaft, still holding onto it for fear of losing it. With her head down there at an awkward angle, she stuck her tongue out as far as she could. She licked the hairy sack slowly and thoroughly, pleasantly discovering that it was as tasty as the pulsating meat she’d been savoring. Shweta found herself licking and fondling his testicles with as much enthusiasm as she had been his cock. She kissed them and gently sucked them, taking first one, then the other into her mouth and relishing it. The tiny hairs felt odd on her tongue, but she enjoyed the sensation. Unconsciously, as she licked all around his testicles, her hand stroked his mighty muscle. Her other hand slipped between his legs and began to fondle his ass cheeks and the cleavage between them.

Soon, Sandra was licking his testicles not only from the front, but pushing her head far between his legs to lick even behind his sack. Her hands explored his ass and tickled his testicles playfully and stroked his shaft. To accommodate her, Aandy had to let his pants and shorts drop all the way to his ankles. Sandra never even noticed. Squeezing his rigid member and licking him from balls to head, Sandra was in her own little world. Her tongue didn’t miss a single spot. She hungrily sucked the sides of his shaft, kissed it with open mouth… literally worshipping it. And as her lips and tongue paid homage to its magnificence, her fingers squeezed and kneaded the head, her other hand busy with ass cheeks and testicles. Sandra’s mouth had never enjoyed anything so much in her life. And the growing wetness in her panties attested to that fact. She felt as if she might have an orgasm just from sucking this man’s cock.

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